Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

- are all part of the same playbook heading towards a single pivot event that will make what we have seen so far like a walk in the park.

Canada accepted this all with hardly a mutter and no extra resistance by the population at large. No western government expressed outrage at this obvious shift to totalitarianism in one of its prime 'democracy's'. So they now know we all will likely follow suit.

Therefore, further seeds have been set for an emergency context that requires an inevitable move to government controlled digital currency.

Trudeau Government Moves to Make Expanded Surveillance Powers over Financial Transactions 'Permanent

... just some ruminations for others to feedback on.
Some really excellent points, Michael. I have thought along the same lines for most of it as well. On the Foreign policy angle, I find it difficult to penetrate because there is so much Black Box going on and much of it is scripted while back channel communications are opaque to us plebs.

One thing I will add from the Canadian perspective is that the Emergency measures act - specifically the freezing of bank accounts was not taken lightly here by anyone I know. It was a very shocking pivot point. Did we all expect the cops to beat up the peaceful trucker protest? 100% yes. And would the leaders be treated like terrorists - yes. Everyone involved knew there was a high probability of that.

But jumping the gun on arbitrary account seizures for people donating to a protest filled with bouncy castles and truckers - was not predicted by anyone. Hundreds of millions of dollars were withdrawn from our chartered banks and international, institutional investors panicked and pressured our fake senate to vote the bill down.

One theory is that the hubris of Freeland and Trudeau led them to overreach without being authorized to do so. And now it's caused a huge problem - because of exactly what the C's said about exposure due to the Freedom Convoy. Canada's relationship with huge international investors who don't live here, is very key t understanding our economy. We are a colony of extracting resources and were specifically set up for that reason. Threatening any investment from abroad (hence threatening elites) was in my opinion, a miscalculation. People here that didn't support the convoy and generally don't support working people period were shocked at the overreach. It may have caused more problems for the Reset than simply being a trial balloon for the dark masters. My guess would be that Trudeau flying to Europe this weekend under the guise of "Ukrainian Peace Negotiations" is more about coming to heel on his buffoonery throwing back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz for three weeks straight.

Although I think you're right that the plan still goes forward as you describe - it's now harder because the central reason (in our Canadian cultural case anyway) that the general population showed little resistance was that their comfort and lifestyle wasn't threatened. Now everyone sees it can be very easily. Sad that the Charter of Rights means less to most than their bank accounts, but at least there is an awakening to government omni-power.
Looks to me like the vulture that Peterson has invited 2X is not fooling people.

Feeding the Neocon Deep State mythology spread by this vulture to his audience badly reflects on Peterson's ability to get the facts and understand what is happening. He could not have missed Freeland's lying in 2017 about her grandfather's Nazi past. That should have been a jump off point to research deeper what is the history of Ukraine/Soviet Union in this region.

Well, if JP has a FB or Twitter account, possibly some of you could write some comments and let him know the score?
In case it may be useful for anyone in Spain: RT and Sputnik (and others) are inaccessible from the chrome browser. However I use Vivaldi browser and I have no problem to access these sites from Vivaldi. Look at the screenshot right now.
Also, this browser has a built-in automatic translator with many languages and quite decent, similar to google, but that has nothing to do (the engine is from Lingvanex). It seems that Vivaldi is of Icelandic origin (its ancestor was Opera).


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Well, if JP has a FB or Twitter account, possibly some of you could write some comments and let him know the score?
Plenty of people pointed this out to him and he still invited the guy to talk about Ukraine for a second time.
He's pretty hopeless when it comes to politics and I wonder what needs to happen for this veil to be lifted from his eyes.
I still love and admire JP, though.
Again they reference Caesar, revealing that, in their delusional and twisted way, they recognize Putin to be the Caesar of our time!

Of course, for the Grahams and McCains of ancient Rome, like that fruitcake Cato, Caesar was an evil dictator whose name and deeds had to be slandered for all eternity, and his followers erased from the pages of time, but that too failed because we know what and who he really was.

Ave Caesar! Ave Putin!

Interestingly, in 2017 Putin compared John McCain to Cato.

"I like Senator McCain to a certain extent. And I'm not joking. I like him because of his patriotism, and I can relate to his consistency in fighting for the interests of his own country," Putin said.

Putin likened McCain to the ancient Roman senator Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder, who always finished his speeches using the same words: "Carthage must be destroyed."

"People with such convictions like the Senator you mentioned, they still live in the Old World. And they’re reluctant to look into the future, they are unwilling to recognize how fast the world is changing," Putin said.

"They do not see the real threat, and they cannot leave behind the past which is always dragging them back."
Well, during morning prayers today I had the sudden hunch that Putin might be in danger from someone in his closest circle. It wouldn't be surprising that some high levels in Russia who are more corruptible than Putin might be tempted by the West given the all out 'either or' propaganda war going on. Even if it's not about assassination, such things could very bad for the Russian leadership. I hope I'm wrong and that Putin stands strong!

Yes, since I was a child I never forget when I saw on Discovery channel mountains of documentaries where they showed all the attacks on Fidel Castro as if it was a great achievement. Russian intelligence was the one who helped Fidel in his security, right? There is even a list sinica about it #1: Fidel Castro. Castro wins this one by a mile. In fact, Fidel warned Chavez enough to stop being so naive and we already know how it ended. That is a card that will always be ready to play, it has already been thrown on the table and shown, generating the desired effect on the twisted minds out there. It remains to wait for the play. Let's wait and see, Putin may have a vast amount of knowledge of the ground he is treading on, but let's hope that his empathy and always acting within the moral framework does not leave an important flank uncovered.

For copyright reasons, I do not post the links.

Vladimir Putin on escaping assassination attempts
Filmmaker Oliver Stone says Americans do not have a full picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He aims to change that with a new project, "The Putin Interviews." The four-part documentary shot over the course of two years includes several conversations with the Russian president. In one discussion, Putin talks to Stone about multiple assassination attempts against him.

Russian intelligence services have prevented over 10 assassination attempts on Vladimir Putin during his presidency and further prime ministership. The earliest dates back to 2000; there were two attempts in 2007; one in 2008; another in 2012; there were others in later years too. Most attempts were planned in Russia; one in Istanbul and another in Teheran - both by al’Qaeda.

The White House also distanced itself from Graham’s statements, with Press Secretary Jen Psaki saying on Friday “that is not the position of the United States government and certainly not a statement you'd hear come from the mouth of anybody working in this administration.”

Saying that they do not agree with that option is also usually propaganda to make themselves look like the "good guys". That there are people who have some sanity, ok, but those people are not the ones in charge. Pretty well we should already know from what they have done throughout history. Their words are worthless, no word coming out of those rooms or that house has any value whatsoever. Not to mention who says so Jen Psaki, who looks like a young Killary Clinton trainee.

This happened in 2016:

Putin was out of the country at the time, so it was probably done to 'send a message' rather than an actual assassination attempt.

Interesting, the people selected as the president's chauffeur are supposed to have training, something doesn't add up. But it shows that Putin should be careful in whose hands he leaves his security in those cases where he will not be the one who can react on his own.
You can imagine the Western media if nationalization occurs - Putin goes full commie! There's nothing that the parasites hate more than nationalization, ie., any nation state preventing the financial elite from feeding off of their local industries and resources.
Perhaps many here do not know, but Putin, Medvedev, Lavrov, Mishustin, Siluanov and even the chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiulina - all these guys (and many others in the government) were members of the CPSU
(Communist Party of the Soviet Union) until its complete ban on November 6, 1991 by Yeltsin (he is also a former communist).

We also say that there are no former security officers (ex-KGB) and communists. In general, America (the EU, Britain and their henchmen) can already start to worry about their assets in Russia.

PS Twitter was blocked in Russia today, well, I'm not very upset about this.
Also today there was news that Shell continues to buy Russian oil, no matter what.
Nestle, Danone, Coca-Cola, Leroy Merlin, Metro and Burger King remain and continue to do business in Russia. Money, nothing personal.
McDonald's is leaving Russia. What a pity (nope)

DNR Sparta battalion commander Zhoga killed while evacuating people from Volnovakha

The commander of the Sparta Independent Reconnaissance Battalion, Guards Colonel Vladimir Zhoga, codename Vokha, died heroically in Volnovakha today.

He was fatally wounded while ensuring the exit of civilians from this settlement.

Sparta scouts were covering the evacuation of civilians, mainly women and children. The Nazis opened fire on them...

The head of the DNR signed a decree awarding Vladimir Artemovich Zhoga the title of Hero of the Donetsk People's Republic - posthumously.

He died a brave death, not having lived long enough to see victory. But his deed brought it closer.


Zhoga was appointed commander of Sparta after the death of Arsen Pavlov (Motorola), who was killed in a terrorist attack in his own home.
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This interesting discussion from RT Crosstalk today.

The Great Separation

He discussed:
Using the US Dollar as a weapon against the G20 Countries
China taking note of sanctions against Russia, sanctions could also be a targeted against China
US mulling sanctions against India because of it's support of Russia
An interesting comment from Michael Hudson, an astute economist. He stated that the sanctions put in place toward Russia, are actually targeted against Europe, to break ties with Russia and keep Europe inside the sphere of influence of the US. The sanctions are to lock Europe into the US. The Us want to control the world oil trade because that is the key to there international power. It's forcing Europe especially Germany to pay huge amounts for Gas, huge amounts for LNG. This is going to end Germany as a major manufacturing power (reminds me of WW1). Germany's cost of production is going to increase,,,Mumble possible breakaway from ? the US. The ultimate question is will these sanctions drive Europe out the US Orbit?
He says the Us is shooting it's self in the foot. It's trying to bully Europe into US dependency. The leaders of the US are also pro US. They are on the US payroll virtually. He asks the question how long can you fool the voters of Europe.

Thank you for the notes.
Where I am in the World, it says that the above show is not available in my country. Fortunately you had given the name of the show. I entered details in a search field. Different search engines, different results. Bing let me watch it on YouTube. Google gave other locations that worked. And they did not work, there are still other search engines and browsers, just as some will stream on social media. So that is also a possibility.
In case it may be useful for anyone in Spain: RT and Sputnik (and others) are inaccessible from the chrome browser. However I use Vivaldi browser and I have no problem to access these sites from Vivaldi. Look at the screenshot right now.
Also, this browser has a built-in automatic translator with many languages and quite decent, similar to google, but that has nothing to do (the engine is from Lingvanex). It seems that Vivaldi is of Icelandic origin (its ancestor was Opera).

Regarding RT

IMAGE 2022-03-05 19:17:18.jpg

RT DE (Germany) and RT (english videos) are also available via Odysse !

In my Telegram I can still see RT's just recently newly channel "sweN TR"
Per Niall and Joe's observation's on this video below, sure does look like a CGI.

The typical propaganda to raise or lower morale. Fake or not and spend energy on it, there are real Russian and civilian casualties.

Fake: Ukrainian military hit a Russian airborne helicopter in the sky over the Kiev region. The moment of attack and fall was filmed by a drone.

Truth: In the video, you can see the unusual color of the helicopter: it has a smoked tail from the operation of the screen-exhaust device that directs the engine exhaust gases back. Apparently, the Mi-24 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine got on the video - we found photographs of two identical Ukrainian aircraft with the same traces of soot. The fact that this is definitely not the Mi-35 VKS of Russia can be seen from the retracted landing gear: the first one usually has it released. Also, the downed helicopter is painted in light green camouflage, which is more typical for AFU equipment than for combat vehicles of the Russian Aerospace Forces. In addition, the filming of the copter itself is questionable: drones are practically not used in current events in Ukraine, but they were actively used in 2014-2016 in the Donbass, from where the video can be taken.

The best tutorial on how to make a 3D helicopter and incorporate it into a real scene.
Maybe a divide between East and West is the best solution. And though it is seen as a punitive strategy now, it will cut down to size the disagreements where this will force each side to be more independent, self sufficient, and accountable - making both sides prosper.

So it would be like a war of division rather than a war of engagement - for a time.

I think the East is growing too fast for the West to keep pace, and this is leading to the West trying to steal, encroach, avial themselves of things they never earned except by invasion.

So, it would be proper for the better side to see the purpose of a deepened divide, but the more immature side to enact it. And that's what's happening.

'See, throw your tantrum and when you had time to think, come and be civil... If you are not so thoroughly corrupt.'
New stream from Gonzalo:
Tnx for sharing! I watched first 10mins and wow but then I saw it is 2h long so I don’t have the time now…
Anyway, does anyone know about this complication that he is talking about in the beginning?
He sad that someone made a compilation video of him that went viral all over Russia and Ukraine and because of it, nazis came to his home looking for him. Luckily noone was home at the time…
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