Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

A bizarre event involving two F-35s of the (US Air Force) that were dispatched to give airspace cover over Poland for NATO.
It seems though that the unit had a in flight emergency on the return from the mission.
I understand that the planes are falling apart. Malfunction.

Spanish - https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/103553-lockheed-avion-aerea-eeuu-f35

The new F-35 multifunctional fighter was designed to improve the combat capacity of the U.S. Army, but has ended up reducing it.

The F-35 unified attack fighter (JSF), developed by Lockheed Martin to evade enemy radars, launch ground attacks and achieve air superiority by destroying enemy aircraft, continues to present problems.

"Recent, seemingly good, news cannot change the fundamental flaw in aircraft design that lies in the antagonistic requirements of the new fighter," writes military analyst David Axe.

Due to the strict requirements for the new aircraft imposed largely by the Marine Corps, the F-35 loses out to old Russian and Chinese fighter planes that have greater speed, range and are more maneuverable. In a blitz, F-35s are "too heavy and too poorly armed," said Winslow Wheeler, the director of the Strauss Military Reform Project's state oversight program.

Meanwhile, future aircraft of potential adversaries that are developed exclusively for airborne combat could still be lethal to F-35s.

The F-35 is an allegory for everything that’s broken in our Department of Defense
The irrationality of the F-35 goes beyond the price tag — the plane is superfluous. It was devised as a flying Swiss Army knife that could meet the needs of the Air Force, Navy, Marines and Army. Instead, it proves the adage that a camel is a horse designed by committee. It is true that the F-35 can engage in dogfights, drop bombs and spy — just not well. Older aircraft remain better than F-35s at all these tasks. Dedicated bombers can fly farther with larger payloads. The A-10 Thunderbolt, an aircraft introduced in 1977, is better at ground support missions.


This is with Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung (original Through A Glass Darkly):

In this Canadian Patriot Podcast, Matt and Cynthia talk to Jeff J. Brown, author, co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission and the curator of the Global Online Library (BWTC-GOL). During this interview Jeff provides an overview of biowarfare in the 20th century from the dark days of WWI to the Pentagon's acquisition of Unit 731 Japanese biological warfare specialists in the wake of WWII. Examples of US/UK abuses of biological warfare in defiance of international laws is also discussed leading us into the heated topic of today's 13+ Pentagon-managed biolabs in Ukraine which have been a cause of major concern for Russian leadership for years. Jeff additionally takes us through China's similar concerns with US biolabs littered throughout Asia and much of Africa.

'Biden to Zelensky: Keep losing territories, you have support from me and the allies.'

Biden, Zelensky talked by phone — White House

6 MAR, 2022
The conversation lasted from 18:18 to 18:59 EST

WASHINGTON, March 6. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden phoned his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky late on Saturday, a White House spokesperson told reporters.

According to the official, the conversation lasted from 18:18 to 18:59 EST (02:18-02:50 Sunday, Moscow time).

In turn, Zelensky said in a Twitter post that "the agenda included the issues of security, financial support for Ukraine and the continuation of sanctions against Russia."

In a statement issued later in the day, the White House said US President Joe Biden pledged to boost his country’s military and economic support to Kiev and welcomed Visa and Mastercard’s decision to suspend services in Russia.

"President Biden highlighted the ongoing actions undertaken by the United States, its Allies and partners, and private industry to raise the costs on Russia for its aggression in Ukraine," the White House said. "In particular, he welcomed the decision this evening by Visa and Mastercard to suspend service in Russia."

"President Biden noted his administration is surging security, humanitarian, and economic assistance to Ukraine and is working closely with Congress to secure additional funding," the statement says.

"The leaders also discussed the recent talks between Russia and Ukraine," it says.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin in response to the appeal of the leaders of the republics of Donbass, decided to conduct a special military operation. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow’s plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. After that, the US, EU, and UK, as well as several other states, announced that they were imposing sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities.

'When lies don't work.'

Unprecedented pressure on Russia to grow until its operation brought to end, Blinken warns

5 MAR, 2022
Blinken said that the pressure on Russia was "unprecedented" and that sanctions were "producing very, very concrete results"

WASHINGTON, March 5. /TASS/. The West’s sanctions pressure on Russia will be increasing until its special military operation in Ukraine is brought to an end, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters during his meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba at the Polish-Ukrainian border on Saturday.

Blinken said that the pressure on Russia was "unprecedented" and that sanctions were "producing very, very concrete results."

"That pressure too will not only continue, it will grow until this war of choice is brought to an end," he warned.
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The original, Ukraine/Russian language document is pictured below in its' original language format with a translated version appearing beneath it:

Probable fake. Cleaning up even only Volnovakha and Mariupol will take more than one day, not to mention the fact that the main grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass (according to various estimates 60-130k) has not yet been encircled (although they will also not be able to retreat due to dominance in the sky Russian aviation). For Kharkov, the battles are also not even close to being finished, it’s still a couple of tens of thousands, and the battles directly in Kyiv have not even begun yet, while the encirclement is still going on, this is another 40k. So until one of these 3 pillars of the Ukrainian army falls, it’s too early to talk about the loss of 75%
The current director of the CIA is the former US ambassador to Russia.
This matters.

The CIA director quietly made trips to Berlin, Germany and Kyiv, Ukraine in January of 2022.
These meetings should not be glanced over as though they were routine.

US intelligence knew that the situation in Ukraine was tense, and so designed and deployed a massive ground force there in order to run propaganda operations, purposefully furthering the divide in classic "color revolution" style.


Above is a cable from 2008 (courtesy of Wikileaks) written by the former U.S. ambassador to Russia (now CIA director) William Burns, over Russia's position.

The CIA has been carefully instigating the conflict for years.

Edit* including link to information on CIAs Ukrainian operations:

With the help of Obama's Netflix connections, Penn unleashes a pro-Ukraine, Anti-Russian Documentary with breakneck speed.

Like Zelensky, Penn is a puppet sent to take a front stage role in the Ukrainian drama. The two have much in common. Once Penn heard the guns and cannons up close and personal, he hiked out of Dodge as fast as possible.

IMHO, Penn was there personally simply to make the sheep think that he was there risking his life to bring the "truth" out to the World. Not a chance. He just needed some shots of himself with the Ukraine backstage to produce a "information cover" (Kagan's term in the Peterson video) film showing how the evil Putin army invades and destroys the peaceful Ukrainian nation. He's just a Hollywood parasite sucking on the dead body of Ukraine in order to be handed an Oscar while dramatically saying his scripted line "Слава Україні! Herojom Slava!". Making money is the goal of these privileged parasites, who are not truely interested in people but only how much time they can get on TV.

Penn is a lifetime member of the Hollywood underworld that manipulates the viewers world wide. Something that J. Peterson consciously or not seems to have allowed himself to be sucked into as well.

Well, if JP has a FB or Twitter account, possibly some of you could write some comments and let him know the score?
JP is great when he is in his lane, but in this Ukraine conflict , from my perspective, he has damaged his reputation.

For someone as intelligent as him, he behaves as though someone else is leading him by the hand. Someone objective with a few neurons in the brain would look at the negative comments he has gotten from the first show and said to themselves, "Gee, what is this all about ? Let me check this out.". With very little effort he could research the issue with the Neo-Nazis, GOOGLE IMAGE literally spits it all out.

Then there is the matter of Chrystia Freeland lying about her Nazi grandfather in 2017. Heck, he lives in Canada so he would have had to have been sleeping in isolation not to have heard about it. A little checking on the historical background of this strange connections should have rang alarm bells in his head. Apparently not. Interestingly, a search on her last name and his name shows many recent tweets addressed to him that address this interesting fact about Freeland.

Now that I think about it, could the issue be the fact that he lives in Canada where the 2nd wave of "Operation Paperclip" Ukrainian immigrants have a considerable influence on the Canadian politics ? He has seen how Freeland can shut down people's bank accounts just because they dare to go against the gov. policy. With no effort one can find out that "Feeland+WEF = Globalist". I bet now someone's position on Ukraine in Canada is much more of a lighting rod then what someone thinks about gender and what pronouns should be used. Could this be the reason for interviewing a full fledged card carrying neocon like Kagan ??? Hhhuuummm, I'm starting to lean toward that hypothesis.

The other possibility (if he is not to blame) is his family. Again, little information is available. I looked at his daughter's Twitter account. The impression I get is of someone developing a brand name with a possibility to be put on the Young Global Leaders list in the future. She seems to have taken on Islam and violence as a current mini-crusade.

One last point. JP nearly departed this reality thanks to Big Pharma drugs and the excellent medical help he received in the West. Then as a last chance help was given to him in Putin's Russia. Yet he invites a guy twice to his show, who in the last interview states,
"We will squeeze Russia to death if he does not back off. But we won't squeeze it to death if he does back off." (22:24 min)
So what does JP do ? He nods. ........

I'll just say it, JP triggered me, to put in very nice words. The main reason being that I believe one should not spit on those who give you helping hand. What Kagan is doing is spitting on the Russian people and JP is part of that. The most tactful way to have avoided the damage would have been to end it with one interview and just move on to other topics. Pushing Kagan's poison on his audience was a shameful operation, because they are the target of the "Information Cover" that Kagan says US runs. JP has made himself , consciously or not, a part of the US Information Warfare against Russia. I'd wager a hefty sum that Peterson won't bring on a guest that will explore the other side, Russia's reasons for doing what they did.

"Practice what you preach."
This plane is a black hole for making money on the taxpayers back.

As of 2019, the Pentagon said the estimated price tag for sustaining F-35A, B, and C operations across the Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy was $1.196 trillion through 2070. This figure had been relayed to Congress in part to inform them that this figure had increased by $22 billion specifically due to growing costs associated with the Block 4 upgrades that Lieutenant General Hinote has now said are absolutely essential to ensuring the relevance of the Joint Strike Fighter in future high-end conflicts.

As of February, the average cost-per-flight-hour to operate any of the three F-35 variants is $36,000, according to Lockheed Martin. The company says its goal remains to get that figure down to $25,000, which would put it closer to the cost-per-flight-hour of operating an F-16C/D.

And even the relatively low $80 million-per-F-35 price tag is deceptive, because the F-35 has proven so expensive and challenging to maintain that every hour an F-35 is flown costs $36,000 on average, compared to $22,000 for an F-16. By an alternate metric, the F-35 is over three times more expensive per hour to fly.

Air Force F-35 pilot helmets must fit down to the millimeter or it throws off the high-tech displays that keeps them alive.

PM of Israel in Moscow to talk with Putin ???? The same Israel that was arming and training the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine ??
Yes, it's that Israel.
PM of Israel in Moscow to talk with Putin ???? The same Israel that was arming and training the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine ??
Yes, it's that Israel.

This is from debka.com, a site probably operated by Mossad

Bennett on secret mission to Moscow

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett flew secretly to Moscow on Saturday, March 5, and held three hours of conversation with President Vladimir Putin. The trip was coordinated with Washington. No readouts on the conversation were released. With the prime minister were close advisers and Russian-speaking Housing Minister Zeev Elkin as interpreter.
This is from debka.com, a site probably operated by Mossad

Bennett on secret mission to Moscow

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett flew secretly to Moscow on Saturday, March 5, and held three hours of conversation with President Vladimir Putin. The trip was coordinated with Washington. No readouts on the conversation were released. With the prime minister were close advisers and Russian-speaking Housing Minister Zeev Elkin as interpreter.
You don't need Debka to find this story. DuckDuck pops it out all over the place

If Greta wrote it, it must be true ;-D
LOL, isn't Greta like 19 years old already, how long are they going to keep that charade going on... she'll probably be there in 2040 with her schoolbag and braids, shouting in the middle of permanent snowstorm how the Global Warming is coming at any moment! :rotfl:

I watched yesterday this interview where Gerald Celente talks to US citizen residing in East Ukraine, Russell Bentley:
They talk at the beginning about the MSM narrative, how it's 180 degree from the truth, as shown many times already how in reality Russians are being patient and trying to avoid as much civilian casualties as possible. Also discuss the basic stuff of how the situation developed from 2014, with US involvement in the coup and arming Ukraine afterwards etc.

At 11:00 he says that few days ago Azov battalion Nazis had declined to take orders from Ukraine military leadership, and Ukrainian general had went to their headquarters at Southwest Mariupol, and ended up getting murdered by them. After that the Ukrainian army shot a missile to the Azov HQ.

Here's TASS news report confirming the incident:
The Ukrainian army’ conflict with the nationalist detachment Azov has resulted in a missile strike against the nationalists’ command center in the southwest of Mariupol, the deputy commander of the Donetsk People’s Republic’s militia, Eduard Basurin, told a news briefing on Friday.
"Contradictions between the Ukrainian army’s command and the nationalist groups have developed into a direct confrontation. After the commander of the operational tactical group East, Lieutenant General Sodol, suffered lethal wounds in a clash with Azov militants, who also refused to obey any orders from and coordinate operations with the Ukrainian army’s command the headquarters of the special purpose detachment Azov in the southwest of Mariupol was hit by the Ukrainian army’s missile Tochka-U," he said.
Basurin also said on the Rossiya-1 television channel that the Tochka-U missile, fired by the Ukrainian army, destroyed 10 vehicles and left 20 soldiers of the Azov detachment killed.
Earlier, Basurin said that according to DPR intelligence sources, General Sodol had suffered serious wounds due to uncoordinated actions by the regular army and Azov nationalists. The commander’s vehicle came under fire while passing a road block.
Bentley also explains how it's been wild west In Kiev after the army gave those 18 000 assault rifles to just anyone on the street asking. Shops are being robbed, criminals are settling scores with others, and National Assembly units are in the streets looking for "Russian saboteurs". He mentions how a family with three children was killed because someone thought they were Russian spies.

According to Bentley there were about 150 000 Ukranian troops on the Eastern Ukraine frontlines just before the Russian invasion started. There was massive build up of offensive from the Ukranian side during the preceding few month of war. This was preparation for launching military offence to Donbass, in order to seal the borderline and gain access to cities in the separatist held areas, which would prevent Russia for responding militarily, since Ukrainian army would have had all the people as human shields at the Eastern Ukraine (just as they are now using Ukranian people as human shields in the cities). Then afterwards the various Nazi groups would have done the dirty work of ethnic cleansing.

Because Putin started the operation this was evaded. Bentley says that some of those 150 000 Ukranian troops are still stuck and sitting at the city limits, and haven't engaged with the Russian army, just waiting to see what happens.
A Chinese analyst has created his own figurative explanation in the form of a parable to help people understand what is going on in Ukraine:

"So, 20 years ago, Ukraine divorced her husband (Russia). The children of this marriage went to her. Her ex was generous and left her a lot of money, property and then paid off all her debts to the tune of 200 billion! After separating from her husband, the woman immediately starts flirting with the village bully (USA) and a gang of thugs (West). Anyway, she began to listen only to their opinions and, together with them, began to provoke and threaten her ex-husband. The ex got angry and took one of the children, Crimea, by force.

The ex-wife became angry and dreamed of getting married to get closer to the NATO clan, to use their power to pressure her ex-husband. But the American, the village bully, had no intention of marrying her, planning only to humiliate her former husband, Russia, with her help.

She did not care about her other children, Luhansk and Donetsk, whom she treated cruelly. Sometimes she kicked and slapped them at the slightest opportunity. The children were crying, looking for their father and asking for help. Meanwhile, the main hooligan continued to feed the quarrels of the exes and gradually provided outdated goods (military equipment) to his girlfriend, Ukraine. The woman felt that she had someone to support her in the conflict and began to very brazenly provoke her ex-husband, mocking what was sacred to him, his children and the memory of his ancestors. His patience was tested. Taking relatives, he went to his ex's house to protect his two little ones. And then she and her band of thugs all chickened out, when the ex, putting aside his pity, started knocking on his door!"

source : Китайская притча про конфликт России и Украины (A Chinese parable about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine)
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