Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

IMO, the world military propaganda machine is too effective and it's nearly impossible to know what's really going on, so I'm not really following anything too deeply. Most of what the people get is commentary on military propaganda. It's like listening to sports commentators talking about a rigged game as if it's not rigged.

A good way to look at historical events, is to assume the outcome was the goal. So in this situation, the immediate outcome are the sanctions, so that was the goal of the world oligarchs. For some reason, maybe it's to weaken Russia or some kind of financial restructuring. I've been wondering if the banking system in Russia will somehow be strengthened by the isolation? or maybe this will be given as an "excuse" for Russia to strengthen financial ties with China.

The key is, The outcome was the goal. The media tries to paint the picture that the outcome was unintended, by chance, or forced upon us by evil or stupid people. That's the big lie.

So what about the outcome of the situation in Ukraine? When all is said and done, whatever was destroyed will be rebuilt or else there will be enhancement to the infrastructure, which usually mostly benefits the oligarchs. And of course, reconstruction costs will be paid for by the public, whether Western or Russian. When all is said and done, Ukraine will probably still be like all the other countries, a puppet for the puppet masters.
From a Ukraine war updates telegram channel (Intel Slava X):
🇺🇦❗❗Employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories presented documents on the destruction of especially dangerous pathogens of plague and anthrax on February 24

🇺🇦❗❗The facts of the emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of the traces of the military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, have been revealed

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

🇺🇦❗❗The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published an instruction of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the destruction of pathogens and acts of destruction in the Poltava and Kharkiv biological laboratories

🇺🇲🇷🇺⚡The Pentagon has serious concerns about disclosing the conduct of secret biological experiments on the territory of Ukraine.

🇷🇺❗The received documents confirm that in the Ukrainian biological laboratories, in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the development of biological weapons components was carried out.

In order to prevent disclosure of the facts of violation by the United States and Ukraine of Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Prohibition of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health sent an instruction to all biological laboratories to urgently eliminate stored stocks of dangerous pathogens.

In the near future, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation intends to present the results of the analysis of the received documents
RIA Novosti published the alleged documents.
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In the Tweet thread about C14 there is:
Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses' mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the left, the mainstream media and the State Department.

He claims: - Ukraine is being armed as pawns of the West because "we have fun killing" - "We have started a war" - "We have the most Javelins on the European continent" - The European family has already collapsed - Maidan would've been a "gay parade" if not for Nazi influence

C14 was started as the youth wing of the Svoboda party, founded by Oleh Tyahnybok, pictured here with Biden in April 2014. C14 signed an agreement with Kiev's city government to patrol its streets in early 2018. Months later it began a campaign of pogroms against Romani camps.
On the English Wiki, one finds about C14:
S14, also known as C14 or Sich[1] (Ukrainian: Січ, romanized: С14), is a neo-Nazi,[2][3][4] Ukrainian nationalist group founded in 2010.[5]
In the same Wiki there is a claim that:
Experts and the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium have reported that the number 14 in the group's name has been seen as a reference to the Fourteen Words slogan coined by David Lane,[31][nb 2] an American white supremacist.[1][5][17]
And in the notes there are:
  1. Lane coined the 14-word slogan, which reads: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."[5]
But if you translate the above sentence into Ukrainian, you have fewer words. The above interpretation by the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium is possible for use in Western politics.
When you look up C14 on the Ukrainian Wiki. One finds С14 is (Січ, Сі4, Січ-C14) Січ is translated as Sich, and it is different.
From a Wikipedia dictionary:
Borrowed from Ukrainian Січ (Sič), from Ukrainian сікти (sikty, “to chop”), alluding to the clearing of a forest for an encampment, or the building of a fort with trees that have been cut down.[1]
There is also an allusion to the past, there is this logo:
And if one looks up Zaporozhian Sich, one finds it was a grouping that had seats of administration in Southern Ukraine from 1556-1775.
See also:
Zaporozhian Cossacks
The Zaporozhian Sich grew rapidly in the 15th century from serfs fleeing the more controlled parts of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.[2] It became established as a well-respected political entity with a parliamentary system of government. During the course of the 16th, 17th and well into the 18th century, the Zaporozhian Cossacks were a strong political and military force that challenged the authority of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Tsardom of Russia, and the Crimean Khanate.
Prior to the formation of the Zaporizhian Sich, Cossacks had usually been organized by Ruthenian boyars, or princes of the nobility, especially various Lithuanian starostas. Merchants, peasants, and runaways from the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Muscovy, and Moldavia also joined the Cossacks.

The first recorded Zaporizhian Host prototype was formed by the starosta of Cherkasy and Kaniv, Dmytro Vyshnevetsky, who built a fortress on the island of Little Khortytsia on the banks of the Lower Dnieper in 1552.[33] The Zaporizhian Host adopted a lifestyle that combined the ancient Cossack order and habits with those of the Knights Hospitaller.
C14 was rebranded in 2020 and is now called Основа майбутнього, "The foundation of the future", if you wish to look them up.
This reminds me of the Tolkien trilogy, LOTRS, the fight for middle earth, the Orks. that are emerging into our world and reality and the evil Sauran. It was just a fantasy in the mind of Tolkien, but is now becoming truth as is the novel of George Orwell 1984

Hello Joan, I have watched LOTRS, some years ago, but now I don’t remember clearly.
And last night I had dream about the words “Return of the King”, first I didn’t know what that means, so I researched it and it showed up as J. R. R. Tolkien’s final volume.

I wonder what that means? Do you or anyone have some kind of possible interpretations?


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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation publishes documents confirming that in the Ukrainian biolaboratories (funded by the Pentagon), in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia, the development of biological weapons components was carried out:

The Russian Ministry of Defense received confirmation that during a special operation to protect Donbass, Ukraine urgently eliminated traces of a military biological program funded by the Pentagon. The official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, said that the Russian defense department has evidence of the destruction of pathogens of deadly diseases on February 24.
“We have received from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories documentation on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases. Now the documents are being analyzed by Russian specialists of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection,” Konashenkov said at a briefing.
OK, the latest from Gonzalo is a must-watch/listen to understand what the sanctions mean for the world economy. It probably will be brutal across the West. Time to make some good decisions in order to survive financially!

This shorter one is from a more mainstream channel, with some excellent info as well about the consequences of the sanctions.

New stream from Gonzalo:

I applaud him for his awesome mental integrity. He has zero senior moments and tells about complicated matters, a wide-ranging amount of topics concentrated in 2 hours. Great mind, great thinker, amazing heart! Excellent interview candidate for The Mind Matters Show! At the end he reads the comments and his chat participants tell him, that he has a "25,000 dollars in Bitcoin for Gonzalo Liras location in Kharkov". A prize on his head probably from the Nazi Zellery regime.
Tnx for sharing! I watched first 10mins and wow but then I saw it is 2h long so I don’t have the time now…
Anyway, does anyone know about this complication that he is talking about in the beginning?
He sad that someone made a compilation video of him that went viral all over Russia and Ukraine and because of it, nazis came to his home looking for him. Luckily noone was home at the time…
He is at a safe location and his kids are at a very safe place.
OK, the latest from Gonzalo is a must-watch/listen to understand what the sanctions mean for the world economy. It probably will be brutal across the West. Time to make some good decisions in order to survive financially!
I've gone through most of the video and Gonzalo makes some very interesting remarks backed by data and logical reasoning about the financial implications of the sanctions and the inevitable counter-sanctions that will follow, and what it entails for the future of the West.

He starts off by sharing some key data about the commodities and agricultural products controlled by Russia. Between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, they control:
  • 35% of potash, a fertiliser component
  • 15% of urea, a fertiliser
  • 25% of wheat
  • 25% of barley
  • 15% of corn
The three countries also represent:
  • 50% of Europe’s food
  • 40% of Europe’s gas
  • 50% of Europe’s oil
The sanctions do not hurt anyone in the higher echelons of the Russian leadership as they can redirect the gas and other commodities to China and South-East Asia while in return buying products and services from these countries that they usually get from Europe and the US, even if the quality may not be as good. But it's something they don't really need as these goods are not essential or existential to the country. However, Russia’s food and energy is existential for Europe. You will always need food, electricity, oil and gas for heating and gasoline. In fact, Hungary recently pulled all the its grain exports from the market.

It's remarkable how Russia was cut off almost completely from the West which is still getting existential goods it needs from Russia whereas Russia didn’t loose anything it existentially needed. If you antagonise the seller and the seller has other customers, who gets screwed? Russia has yet to pull the trigger on its response to the sanctions, but they will pull the trigger and have already started. Recently, Russians shut down a major natural gas pipeline to Europe accounting for 15% of the gas flowing to Europe, i.e. 6% of Europe’s total gas needs and this is just a warning sign.

Gonzalo also remarks that renewable energy is not predictable. Renewable energy is only viable when local Governments give huge incentives to producers, such as subsidies, tax breaks or regulatory breaks, something Europe has scaled back on substantially.

He argues that central banks will have to raise interest rates to offset the high inflation which will push real estate prices down across Europe. Europe will cash out hard assets in order to keep pace with commodity prices, something similar to what happened in Chile in 1970-73 when the Leninist regime crashed the economy which led to hyperinflation before the military took over. People had to sell assets for cash to buy food.

He then explains the difference between Europe, primarily a service-based economy and Russia with its manufacturing sector. It’s easier to fire people from a service economy but harder in manufacturing. Labour flexibility also means recession can hit a lot faster. If you have high inflation and people receive the same salary but have to pay more for food and gasoline, you will lose revenue and will have to fire people. The latter start selling their possessions to get cash in order live, chewing through all their savings. On the flip side, if you are a producer of commodities, you end up getting a big influx of money and the hard money and commodities that Russia holds will be backing the ruble.

Towards the end, he talks about the role of the US dollar as a reserve currency, arguing that if Russians come up with a currency clearing house where you don't need to rely on the dollar to trade goods, there will be less demand for it and therefore less need for US treasury bonds. So how will the US finance its treasury funding and the build back better program? They will have to print more dollars to pay for the goods internally, but when more dollars are printed in the US with no demand for it outside of the country, the value of the dollar inflates. That’s how hyperinflation starts.
Hello Joan, I have watched LOTRS, some years ago, but now I don’t remember clearly.
And last night I had dream about the words “Return of the King”, first I didn’t know what that means, so I researched it and it showed up as J. R. R. Tolkien’s final volume.

I wonder what that means? Do you or anyone have some kind of possible interpretations?
Hi KayKim - In LOTR, Return of the King refers to Aragorn being the last of a bloodline with the rite to rule as King of Gondor. Aragorn is also from the Dúnedain race "blessed with long life" (super abridged version ;).

Perhaps your dream is a callout to the latest session regarding Kantekkians, our potential origins, and/or the reuniting of certain bloodlines based on genetic disposition (either from COVID tampering or natural upgrades). Or maybe Putin comes from a long line of "Kings" among his soul group and he's returning balance? Hope this helps and thanks for sharing!
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