Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

But..but...but, Biden says it is good because we have the sun and the air to impulse tanks and planes
And the air to propel those planes from a certain point is Russian sky!... 🤣 poor fools sick from hell, will drag us down with them. Here they believe that they will benefit from the rise in oil prices, they will be happy to raise the economy at the expense of misery in Europe.


Well, they are already throwing in the other card about the inherent option to kill Zelenski. Even if they don't, well they are practically telling him to his face that life goes on, with or without him. What are they supposed to do, stick him in an MCdonalds and if Russia sets foot on the floor of any establishment of both clowns in Ukraine, nato will intervene? it's the height of absurdity.

Spanish - U.S. Secretary of State hints at what would happen if Vladimir Zelensky is assassinated.

The U.S. assured that there are "continuity of government" plans for Ukraine in case President Vladimir Zelensky is assassinated. This was stated on Sunday by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, answering a question on the matter during an interview for CBS News.

"The Ukrainians have plans in place, which I'm not going to talk about or go into detail about, to make sure that there is what we would call continuity of government in one form or another," Blinken said.

Also, according to U.S. media, Western officials have been discussing how countries would support a Zelensky-led government in exile, should it have to flee Kiev.

"One of the challenges we're going to face is where the Ukrainian government headquarters will be, and will it have to move to Lviv or somewhere west of the Dnieper River? Or will it have to move somewhere outside of Ukraine?" mentioned to NBC news, Jason Crow, a veteran of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who serves on the Intelligence and Armed Services committees.

The debate over how to support a potentially exiled Ukrainian government emerged this week during a little-noticed exchange at a U.S. congressional hearing on ways Washington's allies can help secure the Slavic country's national defense.

Some political figures, such as former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, have suggested supporting a possible Ukrainian insurgency against Russian forces in this eventuality.

For his part, Zelenski has refused to leave Kiev and has so far rejected talks that focus on anything other than boosting Ukraine in its fight against Russia.
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There’s also Russia’s own MIR system to consider:

Mir (Russian: Мир, IPA: [ˈmʲir]; lit. 'peace' or 'world') is a Russian payment system for electronic fund transfers established by the Central Bank of Russia under a law adopted on 1 May 2017.[1] The system is operated by the Russian National Card Payment System [ru], a wholly owned subsidiary of the Central Bank of Russia.[2]Mir does not itself issue cards, extend credit or set rates and fees for consumers; rather, Mir provides financial institutions with Mir-branded payment products that they then use to offer credit, debit, or other programs to their customers. The development and implementation of Mir was spurred by the imposition of international sanctions against Russia in 2014.[3]
From a Ukraine war updates telegram channel (Intel Slava X):

RIA Novosti published the alleged documents.

Here’s is Reminiscent of a Future’s take plus update on VSU Air Force:

Well, Well, Well...

Well, Well, Well...​

Now Russia's MoD officially confirms:

Translation: MOSCOW, March 6 - RIA Novosti.Moscow received documents from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov. "In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered"

As you may have guessed it already, this thing is being well documented, witnesses and their depositions secured and this will be presented very soon, together with acts of barbarism and war crimes by Kiev regime and its Western "advisers". That explains in part a hysteria in the West. This time, however, this is not going to be this:

It is going to be a real deal and many people better start thinking very hard what are they going to say in response, especially when some of them may well end up in the war crimes tribunal in Donetsk (or Moscow). And that event will be surely widely publicized.

In related news, it is Game Over for VSU Air Force, it ceased to exist. As Konashenkov stated:

Translation: “Practically all combat-ready aviation of the Kiev regime has been destroyed.At the same time, we know for certain about Ukrainian combat aircraft that had previously flown to Romania and other border countries.Please note that the use of the airfield network of these countries for basing Ukrainian military aviation with subsequent use against the Russian armed forces can be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict."

I guess Tony Blinken is self-medicating himself. But then again, knowing his background, posturing and BS are the only things he can do.

Tony is ready to throw under the bus NATO's Eastern European "allies", because he thinks that he is so smart that his "plans" are so difficult to decipher. Sure, somebody explain to him about the ranges of 3M14 Kalibr, Kinzhal and Iskanders. And show him photos of objects struck by those weapons, ffs. Does Poland want to make a call?
I've gone through most of the video and Gonzalo makes some very interesting remarks backed by data and logical reasoning about the financial implications of the sanctions and the inevitable counter-sanctions that will follow, and what it entails for the future of the West.

He starts off by sharing some key data about the commodities and agricultural products controlled by Russia. Between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, they control:
  • 35% of potash, a fertiliser component
  • 15% of urea, a fertiliser
  • 25% of wheat
  • 25% of barley
  • 15% of corn
The three countries also represent:
  • 50% of Europe’s food
  • 40% of Europe’s gas
  • 50% of Europe’s oil
The sanctions do not hurt anyone in the higher echelons of the Russian leadership as they can redirect the gas and other commodities to China and South-East Asia while in return buying products and services from these countries that they usually get from Europe and the US, even if the quality may not be as good. But it's something they don't really need as these goods are not essential or existential to the country. However, Russia’s food and energy is existential for Europe. You will always need food, electricity, oil and gas for heating and gasoline. In fact, Hungary recently pulled all the its grain exports from the market.

It's remarkable how Russia was cut off almost completely from the West which is still getting existential goods it needs from Russia whereas Russia didn’t loose anything it existentially needed. If you antagonise the seller and the seller has other customers, who gets screwed? Russia has yet to pull the trigger on its response to the sanctions, but they will pull the trigger and have already started. Recently, Russians shut down a major natural gas pipeline to Europe accounting for 15% of the gas flowing to Europe, i.e. 6% of Europe’s total gas needs and this is just a warning sign.

Gonzalo also remarks that renewable energy is not predictable. Renewable energy is only viable when local Governments give huge incentives to producers, such as subsidies, tax breaks or regulatory breaks, something Europe has scaled back on substantially.

He argues that central banks will have to raise interest rates to offset the high inflation which will push real estate prices down across Europe. Europe will cash out hard assets in order to keep pace with commodity prices, something similar to what happened in Chile in 1970-73 when the Leninist regime crashed the economy which led to hyperinflation before the military took over. People had to sell assets for cash to buy food.

He then explains the difference between Europe, primarily a service-based economy and Russia with its manufacturing sector. It’s easier to fire people from a service economy but harder in manufacturing. Labour flexibility also means recession can hit a lot faster. If you have high inflation and people receive the same salary but have to pay more for food and gasoline, you will lose revenue and will have to fire people. The latter start selling their possessions to get cash in order live, chewing through all their savings. On the flip side, if you are a producer of commodities, you end up getting a big influx of money and the hard money and commodities that Russia holds will be backing the ruble.

Towards the end, he talks about the role of the US dollar as a reserve currency, arguing that if Russians come up with a currency clearing house where you don't need to rely on the dollar to trade goods, there will be less demand for it and therefore less need for US treasury bonds. So how will the US finance its treasury funding and the build back better program? They will have to print more dollars to pay for the goods internally, but when more dollars are printed in the US with no demand for it outside of the country, the value of the dollar inflates. That’s how hyperinflation starts.

Great summary, thank you! I would only add that he gave some concrete investment advice, although we probably should take it with a big grain of salt since nobody can really predict such things, especially the time frames. He basically says that as the Dollar loses value and Russia stops exporting its crucial commodities, investors will flee all risky investments that have been so popular lately (including crypto!) and put their money into low-risk things, especially commodities. You can clearly see how commodities already skyrocket. Silver and Gold are of course also good options. He also predicts that the Russians will manage to stabalize the Ruble, and it might even go way up if Russia manages to sell its oil and gas in Rubles. So, according to him, if you have invested into riskier things, it might be a good time to shift it to commodity ETFs or stock of big commodity corporations or the like.

He also said fill up your gas tanks, like right now. Because prices will only go up from now on. He says that it will take some time for the real catastrophe, like hyper-inflation and off-the-charts gas prices, to unfold because so many people don't realize yet what's going on. But again, we should take all of that with a grain of salt. The future has a way of smacking us with totally unexpected things...
'NATO countries have green light "to die" for the US.'

US gives NATO countries ‘green light’ to provide fighter jets to Ukraine

6 Mar, 2022
The decision comes after US lawmakers held a virtual meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

US Secretary of State Tony Blinken told CBS News on Sunday that Washington has given a “green light” to NATO members to supply Ukraine with fighter jets, and that the US would work to replace any jets sent to Kiev. Blinken spoke after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged US lawmakers to intervene in the ongoing conflict with Russia.

Asked whether NATO members could begin sending planes to Ukraine, Blinken said “that gets a green light.” The US’ top diplomat then said that Washington was already working with Polish officials to “backfill” any aircraft they send to Ukraine - meaning the US would replace every Polish aircraft given to Kiev with an American one.

Supporting the delivery of jets to Ukraine occupies a middle ground for the US between active intervention in Ukraine and purely economic retaliation against Moscow. The government in Kiev has made no secret of its desire for the US to intervene militarily, with President Zelensky urging American lawmakers on Saturday to enforce a “no-fly zone” over Ukraine. Such a measure would see the US and any willing NATO allies commit to shooting down Russian aircraft, something Moscow has explicitly said it would perceive as an act of war.

The US and NATO have ruled out a no-fly zone, and repeatedly stated that they would not send troops to Ukraine.

However, delivering fighter jets to the Ukrainians has not proven simple thus far. The European Union pledged warplanes to Ukraine late last month, but faced two significant hurdles: first finding jets that Ukrainian pilots could fly, and then finding countries willing to deliver them from their airports.

The Ukrainian Air Force uses Soviet-designed MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-24, Su-25, and Su-27 jets in combat roles, and with the Su-25 used by Bulgaria and the MiG-29 used by Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia, the jets would need to be sourced from these countries.

Shortly after the EU’s announcement, Poland stated that it wouldn’t send jets to Ukraine nor allow its airports to be used for deliveries. Bulgaria and Slovakia then stated that they wouldn’t take part in any deal, effectively killing off the EU’s arms supply plans.

However, Blinken’s statement on Sunday suggests that the plan may have been revived, but by the US and Poland rather than the EU. Blinken did not give any indication how soon Polish planes could be on their way to Ukraine, but said that discussions between Washington and Warsaw were “active.”

07 March 2022
Am being sent this info atm. Looks like the alternative we are aware about. But have not known it by this name before: Nesara Gesara. The reason for the name is explained in the videos. something to do the jewish menura candlearbre.

Edit: Spelling


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Great summary, thank you! I would only add that he gave some concrete investment advice, although we probably should take it with a big grain of salt since nobody can really predict such things, especially the time frames. He basically says that as the Dollar loses value and Russia stops exporting its crucial commodities, investors will flee all risky investments that have been so popular lately (including crypto!) and put their money into low-risk things, especially commodities. You can clearly see how commodities already skyrocket. Silver and Gold are of course also good options. He also predicts that the Russians will manage to stabalize the Ruble, and it might even go way up if Russia manages to sell its oil and gas in Rubles. So, according to him, if you have invested into riskier things, it might be a good time to shift it to commodity ETFs or stock of big commodity corporations or the like.

He also said fill up your gas tanks, like right now. Because prices will only go up from now on. He says that it will take some time for the real catastrophe, like hyper-inflation and off-the-charts gas prices, to unfold because so many people don't realize yet what's going on. But again, we should take all of that with a grain of salt. The future has a way of smacking us with totally unexpected things...
Something else to consider is that Western sanctions, whenever and wherever they have been rolled out, are actively circumvented by Western governments themselves because they end up issuing so many exemptions to them that the only thing that substantially changes is that costs for the same commodities and services go up.

Think back to the 'Covid travel restrictions'. The only thing that really changed, in most cases, was that travellers needed more paperwork and paid higher costs for PCR tests, etc. The impression that governments wanted to give was that travel was shut down/dangerous. Here, the impression they want to give is that they're throttling Russia with sanctions.

Don't get me wrong; they're serious about intending to do that, but reality will steadily creep in and force them to undo - in practice - many (if not most) of their 'deterrence' measures against Russia.
Am being sent this info atm. Looks like the alternative we are aware about. But have not known it by this name before: Nesara Gesara. The reason for the name is explained in the videos. something to do the jewish menura candlearbre.

Edit: Spelling
NESARA is a psy-op, arguably the original QAnon, and it's been covered on this forum since its creation.

Berlin at its breaking point: Refugees from Ukraine are to be distributed to other federal states

In view of the rapidly growing number of refugees from Ukraine, cities and communities are demanding rapid clarification of the distribution and also help. Thousands of people arrive in Berlin every day. Now the refugees are to be brought to other federal states.

Berlin at its breaking point: Refugees from Ukraine are to be distributed to other federal states
Source: www.globallookpress.com © IMAGO/Jens Schicke / www.imago-images.de
Pictured is a train from Warsaw carrying refugees from Ukraine arriving at Berlin Central Station on March 6, 2022.

Berlin is the main port of call for refugees from Ukraine in Germany. According to the Berlin State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF), more than 11,000 people from Ukraine reached the capital on Saturday alone. Around 30,000 Ukrainians are said to have arrived in Berlin in the past four days. They mainly come to the city from Poland – on trains, buses or cars. Many stay with relatives, acquaintances or helpful Berliners.

According to a report in the Tagesspiegel , the Berlin Senate itself has accommodated more than 5,000 refugees from Ukraine in the past few days . But according to Mayor Franziska Giffey, the federal capital is reaching its limits. The SPD politician urgently asked for help from the federal government. Last Friday, Giffey said:

"The numbers will increase massively in the coming days. You just have to look at what's going on in the border area."
According to border guards, more than 922,000 refugees have arrived in neighboring Poland alone since the beginning of the war.

"We have an extremely dynamic event within a week: In the beginning there were 45 people who we accommodated, now over 10,000 come a day," said Giffey on Sunday on ZDF . On the one hand, arrival centers, refugee accommodation, hostels and youth hostels are used, on the other hand there is a great deal of private commitment. However, the SPD politician emphasized:

"We are increasingly reaching our limits. There must now be a nationwide organization and distribution of the refugees."
On Monday, Giffey reiterated her demands. She told the Tagesspiegel :

"We now need help from the federal government. It's a matter of hours – so that we can continue to help people properly."

There is no national coordination yet. Although there have been commitments since Sunday about the distribution of 900 refugees in Germany, that is not enough with 10,000 new arrivals in Berlin every day. "Berlin can't do it alone," emphasized Giffey. Berlin expects around 10,000 more refugees from Ukraine to arrive in the capital on Monday. Berlin cannot intercept all of this, the help of the federal government is necessary, Giffey continued.

According to Giffey, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees wanted to start distributing people by bus to other federal states on Monday. In addition, employees of the office should arrive to help register people from Ukraine.

Other municipalities have also called for rapid clarification of the distribution and also for help from the federal government. "The cities expect that the number of refugees from Ukraine coming to Germany will increase rapidly," Markus Lewe, president of the city council, told the Rheinische Post. The federal and state governments must quickly ensure an even distribution. Leve added:

"We need a very close exchange between the federal, state and local governments so that open questions can be clarified quickly. And we need information as early as possible on the extent to which we need to expand local capacities."
The German Association of Towns and Municipalities also called for "a distribution key for the refugees from Ukraine very quickly," as CEO Gerd Landsberg explained to the Rheinische Post .

On Sunday, the Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Affairs announced via Twitter that refugees from Ukraine had been taken to other federal states by bus from Berlin Central Station since Sunday. 13 federal states would be controlled, Bavaria and Hamburg are excluded. When asked by dpa , the Federal Ministry of the Interior explained that all federal states were involved in the distribution of war refugees - including Hamburg and Bavaria. Because trains were arriving at the same time, no additional buses were sent there at the weekend.

As the integration officer Katarina Niewiedzial announced via the short message service Twitter, there is also a bus to Paris at the main train station in Berlin, which departs several times a day. "This makes it possible to continue (free) to other EU countries: Paris and then on," says Niewiedzial.
Keep in mind there is a huge stack of derivatives trades contracts (bets made on top of bets) that presumably have some collateral somewhere

With gold as the ultimate reserve assets of the Bank of Russia, and with London a critical hub in the global gold market through the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) and its famous London Good Delivery lists of accredited gold and silver refiners, it therefore begged the question as to what would the LBMA do about the large number of Russian gold refineries on the LBMA Good Delivery Lists, refiners which are embedded with the Russian banks in the Russian gold market.
As Reuters wrote in May 2018 after Ekaterinburg was suspended:

“Suspension from the list makes it harder for buyers and sellers to trade bars in the mainstream precious metals market, traders said.
‘"Our company would not touch any bars that are not LBMA-accredited,’ one trader at a major precious metals house said. ‘Most probably they are going to be in a secondary market.’

Fast forward back to now, and Reuters, to its credit, did contact the 6 LBMA accredited Russian refiners in question. But alas, “Shyolkovsky declined to comment. The others did not respond to requests for comment.

For the LBMA’s sake, we hope that the LBMA has better luck in getting an answer from the 6 Russian refiners than Reuters had.

Beyond the fact that GLD, IAU, SLV and other precious metals backed ETFs hold a large amount of Russian bars, the reluctance of the LBMA to sanction any Russian refinery could conceivably be based on a fear of triggering a reaction from the Bank of Russia and Kremlin.

For if you ban Russian gold bars in the London market, this would surely accelerate the use of Russian gold as the ultimate currency for non-Western trade, and the deployment and use of this same Russian gold everywhere else in the global market, from Shanghai to Mumbai, from Dubai to Minsk, from Islamabad to Riyadh, from Astana to Sao Paulo and from Pyongyang to Johannesburg. Maybe that is the LBMA – HM Treasury – US Treasury’s worse case nightmare, and the real reason why the LBMA is stalling.
NESARA is a psy-op, arguably the original QAnon, and it's been covered on this forum since its creation.
Thanks Niall :-) Have no idea how I missed that. I know about the QAnon etc. Cross with myself now :-(
Here is another example of seemingly good researchers tripping up :
The comment: I do not believe the current Putin is the original. The original was a nasty piece of work. I think this one (clone?) has been programmed for the light by Positive white hats in conjunction with off planet benevolent entities and possibly AI. Looks nothing like the original.

Sadly the C'S are right atm with the lack of people being aware enough. there are so many holes in the pavement and this operation must have blitzed these holes into massive craters now!!


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