Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

About the Nazis...

After years of boogy-men like Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Antifa, BLM, ect. Maybe these Ukraine Nazis are another intelligence creation.

You could take all the radicals of various backgrounds - race, religion, ideology - and, as they are often imprisoned, they become corraled in prison and then indoctrinated by the govt. as a way to channel their passions, and give them an identity.

And what is part of the case about Ukraine? Abuse of power, violence, crime, aggression... A mindset with power and corruption who would concentrate radicals, empower them, and play them against the govts. dissenters.

That's not to say these people aren't bad, but the govt. takes the initiative to consolidate them, give them a cause, empower them, and channel them into a enforcement branch.

Radicals are everywhere, and scattered, but by their own propensities end up in jail, and this represents an opportunity to exploit their passions. They end up imprisoned where they can be indoctrinated into cults.

So, it isn't really that glorious, or mystical, but that's how they get hooked into a cult.

And the cult uses religious or mystic symbolism to mask their motives - never realizing their usage; and that is to be in a cult army under which they are directed, like all the other intelligence creations.

Their actions never seem to make sense, and self destructive, but that is aside from their real purpose: to commit violence or unrest in somewhat tactical fashion - to be boogy-men.
Hello Joan, I have watched LOTRS, some years ago, but now I don’t remember clearly.
And last night I had dream about the words “Return of the King”, first I didn’t know what that means, so I researched it and it showed up as J. R. R. Tolkien’s final volume.

I wonder what that means? Do you or anyone have some kind of possible interpretations?

Hi KayKim - In LOTR, Return of the King refers to Aragorn being the last of a bloodline with the rite to rule as King of Gondor. Aragorn is also from the Dúnedain race "blessed with long life" (super abridged version ;).

Perhaps your dream is a callout to the latest session regarding Kantekkians, our potential origins, and/or the reuniting of certain bloodlines based on genetic disposition (either from COVID tampering or natural upgrades). Or maybe Putin comes from a long line of "Kings" among his soul group and he's returning balance? Hope this helps and thanks for sharing!

The way I understand 'the Return of the King' is via archetypes. Archetypes could be understood as a set of potentials and possibilities that are named and collected into discrete characters, all of whom exist in the cosmic information field. We can channel them, they can possess us - I'm not really sure how it all works. But there is an interface between humans and archetypes. That interface is the psyche.

So, the return. I think the King operates on three levels. The C's have advised us to always looks for the triplicate meaning here on planet earth.

So the first level is the personal. Our strivings in the Work could be understood as the return of our own inner King. That would be the noble and golden aspect inside us, complete with a sense of our own inherent worth, with an important task to carry out in this world, as an integrated and functional consciousness unit. So that's the Inner-King.
Secondly, there's the King's return on the world stage, exemplified by figures like Putin. This is the World-King. These are true leaders who inspire all around them to live up to their true potential. They are not common on the world stage. The best and most recent example would be JFK. He had King energy. And of course, Caesar, too. These are ones who are 'crowned with gold', well-loved, in command of the territory, generous and bountiful at times, but also justified and capable in punishing the wicked in the realm. The king is the one who sits in judgement. And we could imagine that this is a divine right - that this is their Soul's mission profile.

Thirdly, above the personal and world-level kings, there is also the the Divine King, the Heavenly Father. He is the arbiter of the cosmic law, of which our earthly and personal laws, contracts, and conflicts are a very small reflection. And we can easily grasp how our ability to both See and Know the Divine King has been corrupted by postmodernism, materialism, and warped religion. This is intentional. Why? A psychic current can run from the Divine King, down to the Earthly King, and into each of us, as our own Inner King. All three need to be clean and operating in good order for the conduit to perform its function, which is essentially to usher in a world of Goodness, Beauty, and Truth on the planet. In order to prevent this, the conduit at all three levels has been under attack. But the Return of the King, in my view, is the current chapter of our story in this section of the cosmos. And we have our own personal responsibility to maintain our connection through growth in Knowledge and Being.

In my brief historical study of debt forgiveness, Kings also had the power to forgive all debts.
Debt tends to spiral out of control - it's a matter of the mathematics of compound interest. In a time of insurmountable debts, wise Kings of old would hold a Jubilee Year, wherein debts were forgiven. Yes... a Great Reset. No collateral was allowed to be taken by the financiers, by royal decree. All was forgiven. Every single person got to start over. And crucially, the effect of these Grand Jubilees was that the social structure was maintained - preventing riots and cycles of looting, bloody revolutions and all the horrors of war as a result of debt. The Jubilee is an incredible social moment to consider - the simultaneity of society-wide forgiveness of debt, trespass, and sin. And this is one crucial function of the King.

Today, we live in insurmountable debt, under the control of the financial parasites, and the Shadow-Kings who operate unseen. There's a vicious cycle of war and debt. War begets debt - which begets war. US petrodollar hegemony. A 'True King' is one who forgives, and inspires all the people to forgive one another. To paraphrase 'Forgive them their trespasses (debts), that they may forgive yours'. Clemency and forgiveness, as I recall, is the spirit of Caesar. I don't know for sure, but this may be one subconscious, or archetypal, reason why there was so much fear about Caesar becoming King.

So, about the Shadow-Kings, the WEF Great Reset looms, with the VISA 666 system, Mark of the Beast, and all that. I've been thinking that it the Great Reset is essentially planned to be a dark version of the Grand Jubilee Year. Rather than total debt forgiveness based on a good and just King, in the name of the preservation of the social order, and easing of tension and strife - what does it look like? The Shadow-Kings would attempt to impose a Jubilee, where, in order for one's debt to be forgiven, one must accept the Mark of the Beast. Afterwards, most of the world becomes a digital slave in a system of postmodern transhuman brutality and depravity. So the choice would be as follows: accept the Mark of the Beast, be freed of all debt, live as a slave, AKA 'you-will-own-nothing-and-be-happy'. Or refuse the Mark of the Beast, and starve.

So the debt forgiveness of the Kings of Old - and forgiveness itself - would be the bait lead to lure in the desperate populations who just want a break from the war, famine, pestilence and death. It's insidious, I tell you. The perversion of a genuine positive impulse.

But we have already see a Return of the King, with Putin's defiance of the Shadow-Kings. And so it is up to us to manifest the true Inner-King, within us. We can all make the choice to be instruments for this divine energy. That's how we can be of service at this time. And once the energy of the Divine-King starts flowing, who knows what will happen. All I can say is that shadows always scatter before the light. Although there will be untold suffering, the death of the world is the birth of something very new.
The Russian Ministry of Defense communicates:

"The SBU together with Azov militants are preparing a provocation with possible radioactive contamination of the area of the Kharkov region.

Nationalists mined a reactor at an experimental nuclear facility located at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology. Militants from the SBU and Azov Battalion plan to blow up the reactor and accuse the Russian Armed Forces of allegedly launching a missile attack on an experimental nuclear facility.

It is noteworthy that on March 6, foreign journalists arrived in Kharkov to record the consequences of the provocation with the subsequent accusation of Russia for having created an environmental disaster."
(translated from french)
Someone commented this :

"The institute’s scientific secretary Oleksandr VOLOBUIEV: “Although it is a nuclear installation, its thermal power is a mere 250 kW – like that of 250 irons. This project has evoked a negative public response, especially on the part of incompetent people who abused the word ‘nuclear.’ They spoke about an inner-city ‘nuclear facility’ or ‘reactor.’ In reality, work is under the strictest control of state nuclear and ecological inspection bodies. All the specialized organizations have come to positive conclusions, there was a public debate in the spring of 2012, and we fully observe the Ukrainian law.

“I myself live 250 meters away from this installation, and I am calm because it is a subcritical unit, i.e., it has no critical mass of the substance, which rules out a chain reaction, ‘acceleration,’ and explosion, as it happened in Chornobyl. There are sensors on our building’s facade, which show a radiation level of 13 micro roentgens per hour, while there is even a higher level of radiation on the cobblestone of Sumska Street! And, for example, when you are flying on a plane, you are exposed to a radiation of 1,000 micro roentgens.”
Inna Afinogenova telegram account

An amendment to the Russian Criminal Code was adopted tonight that provides for fines and imprisonment for disseminating false information about the Russian Armed Forces and inciting further sanctions against the country.

Public dissemination of deliberately false information in the form of reliable messages about the actions of the Armed Forces will be punishable by imprisonment for up to 3 years. If it is done with fabrication of evidence, for profit or for hate motives, the penalties will be 5 to 10 years. If such offenses result in serious consequences, a penalty of 10 to 15 years is contemplated. Here are more details, in case people from Russia are following me, it is important for them to know:

Spanish - https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/422475-proyecto-ley-ruso-informacion-falsa-ucrania

It is true that the amount of hoaxes we have seen on platforms like Facebook or Instagram in the first two or three days, camouflaged as advertising or news, has been colossal. Someday it would be interesting to find out who organized and financed it. Because it is not free, nor is it cheap.

In view of the seriousness of the law, an important number of media decided to withdraw from Russia or to stop covering the subject or to focus on internal issues.

This channel will make an effort to tell how everything is being experienced from here. The consequences of the sanctions, of the universal cancellation of the Russians, who are more than 140 million. Some news 100% confirmed.

Yesterday telegram blocked access to RT accounts from the EU. I guess this channel will soon also become invisible to many of those who follow it. Thanks for being here.
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Is anyone from France familiar with this documentary:
Donbass, un film documentaire de la journaliste Anne-Laure Bonnel. Dans une interview diffusée sur Cnews, elle créa la stupeur en affirmant que le
On Youtube, a Russian speaker uploaded it:
Anne-Laure Bonnel. DONBASS (2016). Документальный фильм, который не хотят видеть европейцы. Тяжёлый! With French subtitles when in Russian
Translation: Anne-Laure Bonnel. DONBASS (2016). A documentary that Europeans don't want to see. Heavy!

There is also a 30 minute talk where she talks about her experience. It is in French and without subs:: La vérité sur le Dombass
(translated from french)
41 minutes ago (Updated: 3 minutes ago)
The Russian MoD stated that foreign journalists arrived in Kharkov on Sunday in advance to record the consequences of the Ukrainian radicals' provocation, in order to accuse Russia of creating an ecological catastrophe.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), along with the Azov neo-nazi militants, are preparing a provocation with possible radioactive contamination of the area near the city of Kharkov, eastern Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

According to the ministry, the Ukrainian nationalists mined a reactor at an experimental nuclear facility at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology. The SBU and Azov battalion militants are planning to blow up the reactor and accuse the Russian military of a missile attack on the experimental nuclear facility.

"The SBU and the militants of the Azov battalion are planning to blow up the reactor and accuse the Russian Armed Forces of allegedly launching a missile attack on the experimental nuclear facility," the ministry said.

On Friday, Kiev attempted a provocation at the Zaporizhzhya NPP in the country's south, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, accusing Moscow of developing a source of radioactive contamination at the plant.

The Russian military emphasized that a group of Russian soldiers was patrolling the area close to the station when a Ukrainian sabotage unit started firing from the windows of several stories of an educational and training complex located outside the NPP. As a result of the shootout, the Ukrainian saboteurs were forced to retreat, setting the building on fire before that.
The fire was eventually put out, and the radiation level was determined to be normal.

Notably, during Russia's military operation in war-torn Syria, the Ministry of Defense for years warned of provocations by terrorist groups and the so-called White Helmets using chemical agents to blame the Syrian government for them.

1 hour ago (Updated: 1 hour ago)
Many nations have reacted with alarm as the Ukrainian regime seeks their citizens for an “international legion” of mercenaries in its fight against Russian servicemen.

Nearly 20,000 foreign mercenaries are looking to fight alongside the rapidly-diminishing ranks of Ukraine’s crippled military, according to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. On Sunday, the Ukrainian regime announced the opening of a website for mercenaries hoping to “help Ukraine,” the latest move in a growing campaign to turn to foreign fighters for what they frame as the ‘defense of the motherland.’

It’s unclear how many, if any, of the hired guns have entered the country, but on Friday Russia’s Foriegn Intelligence Service warned in a statement that “the US and UK intelligence services in recent weeks have de facto turned Polish territory into a 'logistical hub' used to supply weapons and smuggle fighters-- including Daesh* terrorists from Syria reportedly trained at the Al-Tanf military base.

Poland has emerged as one of the foremost logistical hubs for weapons being shipped by European nations to what remains of the Ukrainian regime’s military after a week and a half of punishing losses inflicted by the Russian armed forces. But the full implications of the flow of mercenaries into the conflict have not yet become clear. It’s a new phenomenon–one encouraged by Ukraine’s suspension of visa requirements for foreign fighters–and only time will tell what could come of certain countries’ apparent willingness to be used as a staging ground for hostilities with Russia.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken publicly prodded Polish authorities, telling CNN that the US “very much” supports Poland “providing MiGs, SUs, planes that Ukrainians can fly, to the Ukrainians.” But, so far at least, Poland appears to have refused to take the bait.

Just hours after Russian defense spokesman Igor Konashenkov explained that any decision by neighboring countries to offer Ukraine the use of their airfields (or otherwise facilitate a so-called ‘No-Fly Zone) “may be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict,” the Polish Foreign Ministry threw water on the possibility, condemning as “fake news” a tweet by Nexta, anti-Russian outlet allegedly funded by the US and founded by a Belarussian blogger who reportedly once fought alongside Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov batallion.

“Unfortunately,” they explained, Nexta is “spreading misinformation.”

“Poland won't send its fighter jets to #Ukraine” they say, nor will it allow neighbors to “use its airports.”
“We significantly help in many other areas,” they added.

Poland dismissing reports it may send fighter jets to Ukraine - Sputnik International, 1920, 06.03.2022

Poland dismissing reports it may send fighter jets to Ukraine © Photo : Twitter/ @PremierRP_en

But Poland isn’t the only country facilitating the influx of soldiers of fortune into the war-torn region. A number of foreign fighters jumped at the chance to help cobble together the so-called “International Legion” of mercenaries that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for, with recruits from the US, Canada, and Japan apparently jumping at the chance to fight for what some outlets have said is a $60,000/month check.

But not everybody has been pleased with the Ukrainian regime’s efforts to involve their citizens in a highly-politicized global conflict. Algeria ordered the Ukrainian embassy to remove from its Facebook page an advertisement exhorting "foreign nationals" to contact the embassy and "join the resistance to the Russian occupiers and protect world security.” A source with Algeria’s Foreign Ministry reportedly told Algerian news website TSA that the post "violated the provisions of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations between states.”
Ukrainian men carry their equipment towards the border as they return to Ukraine to fight the Russian forces, at the border checkpoint in Medyka, Poland, March 2, 2022 - Sputnik International, 1920, 03.03.2022
Situation in Ukraine 16,000 Foreign Mercenaries Are Going to Fight for Ukraine, Zelensky Claims
3 March, 09:12 GMT

Senegal was forced to take a similar stance after the Ukrainian embassy relayed the call for mercenaries, demanding the request be "immediately withdrawn” and insisting that “any procedure for enlisting people of Senegalese or foreign nationality" cease “without delay.”

And even the UK–one of the Ukrainian regime’s most vocal supporters on the international stage–had to walk back Foreign Secretary Liz Truss’ efforts to cajole British nationals into joining the fray. On Sunday, UK armed forces head Admiral Tony Radakin said it was “unlawful and unhelpful” for Britons to fight against Russia in Ukraine.

*Daesh (ISIL/ISIS/Islamic State) is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries.

Earlier, Russia started a special military operation in Ukraine to protect civilians in the Donbass People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, whose authorities appealed to Moscow for assistance following repeated shelling of their territories by Ukrainian forces.
A laptop with intelligence data has been found at one of the headquarters of the Right Sector* (Ukrainian nationalists). The computer allegedly has a licensed NATO registry number, Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) head Denis Pushilin said on Sunday


"The militants of the nationalists battalions have a special level of security clearance from the North Atlantic Alliance. This laptop contains a detailed map of the area with the location of our units," Pushilin said at a press conference.

In addition, he said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine planned to attack Crimea and Donbass in the spring of 2022.

"According to our intelligence and the testimony of prisoners, an offensive operation was supposed to begin on 8 March of this year. The facts indicate that the invasion was planned simultaneously both on the territory of the republics of Donbas and in Russia’s Crimea," Pushilin went on.

The head of the DPR showed a map of Crimea with the locations of troops marked on it.

On 24 February, Russia began a military operation to "denazify" Ukraine in response to calls for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics (DPR and LPR) in countering the aggression of Ukrainian troops.

Prior to that, on 21 February, Russia recognised the sovereignty of the LPR and the DPR.
*The Right Sector is an extremist group outlawed in Russia

BREAKING: Oil prices are now at their highest since 2008
4:52 PM · Mar 6, 2022·TweetDeck

BREAKING: US and Venezuelan officials have discussed a potential easing of oil sanctions
4:53 PM · Mar 6, 2022·TweetDeck
Here are points on the topic of Ukraine and the history of fascism or nazism from the perspective of Maria Zakharova posted on the FB of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

#The Opinion of M. V. Zakharovoye
When they tell us that Ukrainian nationalism and neo-Nazism are a myth, "propaganda invented by Russia", they are obviously counting on a person who is not familiar with the history of the issue. The roots of Nazism in Ukraine have gone into the depths of centuries, crippling many noble and free souls of the Little Russian / Ukrainian people.

All of this can be found in numerous historical studies. Therefore, a review of main trends only of the last hundred years.

At the end of the XIX and the beginning of the twentieth century, national party forces were formed in Ukraine, including associations of legal sense. On this ground the "train", established after February 1917, appeared the real theorists of Ukrainian nationalism: Nikolai Sciborsky and Yuri Lipa. They have prepared a conceptual basis for full-format Nazism and fascism of Ukrainian right-wing radicals.

Already in 1929, against the backdrop of the growing popularity of far-right movements in Europe, they all joined the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists in Austria. The success of Mussolini and Hitler only encouraged nationalists.

Anti-Semitism has become one of the business cards of the OUN. There is data that the Germans, especially after the coming to power of the National Socialists from the NSDAP, sponsored the OUN, sum of up to 5 million marks, which went into the t. h. and for training of the militants. Berlin was preparing for war in advance and knew who to bet on. One of the leaders of these morons is Stepan Bandera.

After the Reich attack on the Soviet Union, gangs of Bandera immediately organically merged into the forces of the Wehrmacht.

The punitive forces were formed: "Nakhtigal", "Roland", "Legion Suushko", the SS division "Galicia", the "Brandenburg" regiment, which included all those Nazis who wished death to the Russian (and at this time - any non-Ukrainian) population of the western USSR. Their actions, together with Wehrmacht, SS and Abver, led to the deaths of more than 5 million people.

Moreover, even after the Third Reich was defeated, after the Great Victory, the most outspoken Ukrainian Nazis continued to operate. In just ten years after the war, almost 50 thousand people in Ukraine were killed by a nationalist terrorist underground, until it was finally destroyed by Soviet law enforcement agencies.
When the USSR fell apart, all these sordid poisonous ideas blossomed again in the political landscape of Independence: the Freedom Party, the Trident Union, the Ukrainian National Assembly. The new "democratic" government did not fight them, they were supported in the West, which led to the neo-Nazi coup in 2014, when the nationalists finally got, what they had not had anywhere else in the world since 1945, weapons and political power support the leadership of the country. The brightest example is the battalion "Azov", which looks like a battalion of fascist collaborators that moved from the past. Fighters of "kindness" do not hide their connection with the past.

And now the Nazis of Ukraine are openly repeating all those rituals practiced by their "spiritual ancestors": throwing a hand in the "Roman salute", using swastiki, Runic and Celtic symbols, teaching children how to use weapons. The Internet is full of video recordings of Ukrainian neo-Nazis preparations and trainings.

The Nazis of Ukraine are not a myth, but a real, launched and artificially supported disease, affecting all new evil.

And now, what has it all led to. More precisely, what Western curators, who entirely support Ukrainian Nazism, led the Ukrainian people to.

The organization of Ukrainian nationalists - the successors of Banderevo - in the Parliament - the Verkhovna Rada of the previous convocation had quite legal representation. Svobodov members, who supported the OUN, and who helped the OUN get deputy mandates from the Nazis, sit in the Rada to this day.

It is scary that neo-Nazism has infiltrated the Armed Forces of Ukraine, merged with many units of Ukrainian Armed Forces . This is how the neo-Nazi organization "Ukrainian National Self-Defense" formed the backbone of the 131 separate intelligence battalion responsible for many acts of genocide in the Donbass.
At the beginning of February this year, political scientists and experts counted as many as 15 large mass neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine. Including the political party "National Corps", which included the Azov punishers.

Just to think, neo-Nazism has become so widespread in Ukraine that the ultra-right political associations are competing among themselves in elections!

They are generously supported in the West. So, the military wing of the National Corps, the Centuria Combat Division, has their agents at Ukrainian Armed Forces and some of the future Centuria officers are trained at the expense of American and European taxpayers in military courses.

Russophobic Nazism plays a special role in the Ukrainian political landscape. This is how the association "Carpathian Sech" openly declares "hatred for the Russian world". It is all the more absurd that there is no closer people and nationality to Ukrainian than Russians and Belarusians.

This, of course, is Ukrainian ultra-right innovators. At the same time, with its partners - extremely radical, on the brink of extremism - organizations in Europe, the "Carpathian Net" maintains friendly relations.
Another anti-Russian organization - "C14" also openly calls for the massacre of Russians and Russians.
Many of the Dobrobat fighters are supporters or members of "C14. The degree of aggression and desire for violence in these extremists highlights the fact that its members are one of the suspects in the murder of journalist and writer Oles Buzina. Regarding the fight between neo-Nazis and the security agencies, there are evidences on the Internet, including the confession of the members of "C14" themselves that money for their own... The radicals receive "measures" from the Security Service of Ukraine.

The large and elaborate network of Nazi structures in Ukraine allows many of them even to get their own kind of "specialization". Something like this happened during the rise of national socialism in Germany. So, for example, the radicals from "Tradition and Order" are responsible for attacks on monuments and buildings linked to Russia and the Soviet Union, and the group "Fraikor" is responsible for attacks on LGBT representatives and left-wing youth. In the West, as a rule, such deviation from the traditional European human rights institutions, for some reason, continues to be watched calmly.

Speaking of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, one must not mention the one that became well known far beyond the Independent "Right Sector".

The extremists of Dmitry Yarosh are some of the most radical followers of Bandera. They promised to drown Crimea and Donbass in blood, their militants are responsible for the deaths of peaceful Russian-speaking residents of Eastern Ukraine.

During this time, it became clear that the ideology of the Kiev regime and its supporting force were mingled on blood and hatred, and neo-Nazism itself turned out to be the heir of the worst that happened in the twentieth century, somehow it was preserved as in a reserve on the sovra To my Ukraine.
#Мнение М.В.Захаровой
Когда нам говорят, что украинский национализм и неонацизм – это миф, «придуманная Россией пропаганда», то рассчитывают, очевидно, на человека, не знакомого с историей вопроса. Корни нацизма на Украине ушли в вековые глубины, искалечив немало благородных и вольных душ малороссийского / украинского народа.

Всё это есть в многочисленных исторических исследованиях. Поэтому обзор основных тенденций только последних ста лет.

В конце XIX - начале ХХ века на Украине формируются национальные партийные силы, включая объединения правового толка. На эту почву благодатно легла «вольница», установившаяся после февраля 1917 года, появились настоящие теоретики украинского национализма: Николай Сциборский и Юрий Липа. Они и подготовили концептуальную основу для полноформатного нацизма и фашизма украинских праворадикалов.

Уже в 1929 году на фоне роста популярности крайне правых движений в Европе все они объединились в Организацию украинских националистов в Австрии. Успех Муссолини и Гитлера лишь воодушевил националистов.

Антисемитизм стал одной из визитных карточек ОУН. Есть данные, что немцы, особенно после прихода к власти национал-социалистов из НСДАП, спонсировали ОУН, называются суммы вплоть до 5 млн марок, которые шли в т.ч. и на подготовку боевиков. Берлин готовился к войне заранее и знал, на кого делать ставку. Одним из лидеров этих отморозков стал Степан Бандера.

После нападения Рейха на Советский Союз банды бандеровцев сразу органично влились в силы Вермахта.

Сформированы были карательные силы: «Нахтигаль», «Роланд», «Легион Сушко», дивизия СС «Галичина», полк «Бранденбург», в состав которых влились все те нацисты, что желали смерти русскому (а подчас – и любому неукраинскому) населению запада СССР. Их действия совместно с Вермахтом, СС и «Абвером» привели к гибели более 5 млн человек.

Более того, уже после того, как Третий Рейх был разгромлен, после Великой Победы, наиболее оголтелые из украинских нациков продолжали действовать. Всего за десять лет после войны почти 50 тысяч человек на Украине были убиты националистическим террористическим подпольем, пока его, наконец, не разбили советские органы правопорядка.

Когда СССР распался, все эти сорные ядовитые идеи вновь пышным цветом расцвели на политическом ландшафте Незалежной: партия «Свобода», объединение «Тризуб», Украинская национальная ассамблея. Новая «демократическая» власть с ними не боролась, на Западе их поддерживали, что и стало причиной неонацистского переворота в 2014 году, когда националисты получили, наконец, то, чего нигде в мире у них не было с 1945 года, – оружие и политическую поддержку руководства страны. Ярчайший пример – батальон «Азов», который выглядит как переместившийся из прошлого батальон фашистских коллаборационистов. Свою связь с прошлым бойцы «добробата» не скрывают.
И сейчас нацисты Украины в открытую повторяют все те ритуалы, которые практиковали их «духовные прародители»: вскидывают руку в «римском салюте», используют свастики, рунические и кельтские символы, учат детей обращению с оружием. В интернете полно видеозаписей подготовок и тренировок украинских неонацистов.

Нацисты Украины – это не миф, а реальная, запущенная и поддерживаемая искусственно болезнь, поражающее всё новое зло.

А теперь, к чему это всё привело. Точнее, к чему привели украинский народ западные кураторы, всецело поддерживающие украинский нацизм.

Организация украинских националистов – бандеревские наследники – в парламенте – Верховной Раде прошлого созыва имела вполне легальное представительство. Свободовцы, которые поддерживали ОУН, и которые помогли ОУН получить нацистам депутатские мандаты, заседают в Раде и по сей день.
Страшно, что неонацизм проник в вооруженные силы Украины, слился со многими подразделениями ВСУ. Так неонацистская организация «Украинская народная самооборона» сформировала костяк 131 отдельного разведбатальона, ответственного за многие акты геноцида на Донбассе.

На момент начала февраля этого года политологи и эксперты насчитывали целых 15 крупных массовых неонацистских организаций на Украине. В том числе - политическую партию «Национальный корпус», в которую вошли каратели «Азова».

Подумать только, неонацизм получил такое широкое распространение на Украине, что ультраправые политические объединения соревнуются между собой на выборах!

Их щедро поддерживают на Западе. Так, военизированное крыло «Нацкорпуса» – боевое отделение «Центурия» имеет своих агентов в ВСУ, а часть будущих офицеров – членов «Центурии» обучаются за счет американских и европейских налогоплательщиков на военных курсах.

Особую роль в украинском политландшафте играет нацизм русофобский. Так объединение «Карпатская Сечь» открыто декларирует «ненависть к русскому миру». Тем более это абсурдно, что нет ближе народа и национальности к украинской, чем русские и белорусы.

В этом, конечно, украинские ультраправые новаторы. При этом со своими партнерами – крайне радикальными, на гране с экстремизмом – организациями в Европе «Карпатская Сечь» поддерживает дружеские отношения.

Другая антирусская организация – «С14» также открыто призывает к расправе над русскими и россиянами.

Многие из бойцов добробатов – сторонники или члены «С14». Степень агрессивности и тяги к насилию у этих экстремистов подчеркивает тот факт, что ее члены – одни из подозреваемых в убийстве журналиста и писателя Олеся Бузины. Что касается сращивания неонацистов и силовые структуры – в интернете находятся свидетельства, в том числе признания самих членов «С14» о том, что деньги на свои… «мероприятия», радикалы получают от СБУ.

Большая и разветвленная сеть нацистских структур на Украине позволяет многим из них даже получить свою своеобразную «специализацию». Примерно что-то такое было во времена подъема национал-социализма в Германии. Так, например, радикалы из «Традиции и порядка» ответственны за атаки на памятники и здания, связанные с Россией и Советским Союзом, а, группировка «Фрайкор» - за нападения на представителей ЛГБТ и левой молодежи. На Западе, как правило, на такое отклонение от традиционных для Европы правочеловеческих установок почему-то продолжают смотреть спокойно.
Говоря о неонацистах на Украине, нельзя не упомянуть и ставший известным далеко за пределами Незалежной «Правый сектор».

Экстремисты Дмитрия Яроша – одни из наиболее радикальных последователей бандеровцев. Это они обещали утопить Крым и Донбасс в крови, их боевики ответственны за смерти мирных русскоязычных жителей Востока Украины.

За это время стало очевидно, что идеология киевского режима и его опорной силы замешена на крови и ненависти, а сам неонацизм оказался наследником всего худшего, что было в ХХ веке, каким-то чудовищным образом он сохранился как в заповеднике на современной Украин
This news is dated July 30, 2021:

Russia successfully disconnects from the global Internet in secret tests.

Russia has successfully disconnected from the Internet to test the security of its own Internet, RuNet. It has succeeded in doing so thanks to a series of recent tests.

Russia is on its way to achieving its complete and total disconnection from the Internet in order to create its own alternative, RuNet. A decision that will have international consequences and that we have already seen materialize from Spain in recent years. Now, Russia has taken a new step forward by achieving a complete disconnection.​

And now:

Russia has reportedly begun preparations for a disconnection of the Internet from the rest of the world on March 11.

What does this mean? That the country's domains and servers will have to be Russian -

I wonder what happened? Either the States have suddenly seen the light, or the Ukrainians have just begun to violate. The second is incorrect, since it is known about the torture and execution of both military and civilians by ukrovoyak throughout the entire time since the beginning of the conflict. So the States have "seen the light" after all. The question is - why now? They are preparing to merge Ukrainians and for this they will try to distance themselves from their crimes, like - "and we didn't even know, but it's like that in reality, that's what they are nasty criminals, and we are white and fluffy as always"?
The United States accused Ukraine of violating the Geneva Convention
06.03.2022 23:28

The United States accused Ukraine of violating the Geneva Conventionukraine is using terrible tactics in the hope of inciting anti-government sentiment inside Russia: posting photos and videos of captured and killed Russian soldiers on the Internet for public viewing.

This is reported by The Washington Post.

Such actions can be interpreted as a violation of the Geneva Conventions, which state that governments must protect prisoners of war from insults and public curiosity.

What to talk about, because even American journalists already recognize the stupidity of Ukraine's actions, no matter what state it is in now. To show burnt corpses and torn bodies, passing them off as Russian soldiers, is certainly the height of meanness and disrespect not only for humanity, but even for international law.

Is it worth comparing this approach with the picture of well-fed and satisfied Ukrainians who have been captured by Russia, who are even given phones to call their relatives?

Штаты обвинили Украину в нарушении Женевской конвенции
06.03.2022 23:28

Штаты обвинили Украину в нарушении Женевской конвенцииУкраина применяет ужасную тактику в надежде разжечь антиправительственные настроения внутри России: размещать фотографии и видео пленных и убитых российских солдат в Интернете для всеобщего обозрения.

Об этом пишет The Washington Post.

Подобные действия можно интерпретировать как нарушение Женевских конвенций, в которых говорится, что правительства должны защищать военнопленных от оскорблений и общественного любопытства.

О чем говорить, ведь даже американские журналисты уже признают глупость поступков Украины, в каком состоянии она бы сейчас ни была. Показывать обгоревшие трупы и разорванные тела, выдавая их за русских солдат, это безусловно верх низости и неуважения не только к человечности, но и даже к международному праву.

Стоит ли сравнивать такой подход с картинкой сытых и довольных украинцев, попавших в российский плен, которым даже дают телефоны для звонков родным?

Интересно, а что же случилось? Или Штаты вдруг прозрели, или украинцы только что начали нарушать. Второе неверно, так как известно о пытках и казнях как военных так и мирного населения укровояками на протяжении всего времени с начала конфликта. Значит Штаты все же "прозрели". Вопрос- почему сейчас? Готовятся слить украинцев и для этого попытаются дистанцироваться от их преступлений,типа-"а мы то и не знали, а оно вон как на самом деле, вот какие они гадкие прступники, а мы как всегда белые и пушистые"
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