Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

RT.com new mode of operation update:
The Firefox Addon RT-News won't show updates automatically anymore - as it used to -, because it is blocked now by RT's DDOS protection. In order to open the news feed just write RT.com in the browser address field. Then you'll see RT's DDOS protection page, as it is checking your connection. Then RT's main page will come up. Then on the top right the RT News Feed addon will be filled with new articles, so you can cherry-pick articles, as before.
There is a new video from Besogon TV with Nikita Mikhalkov, an extraordinary edition, where he traces the roots of the current situation. There is one frame, that says something.
There is a Google Drive link in your post that says the video: BESOGON ENG.mp4 - ~585MB was downloaded too many times, so Google won't allow to download it. This is a known restriction.

Here is how to circumvent it and download the video:
1. On the download page - linked - in the above post log in to your google email account (or just log in normally).
2. Refresh the original Gdrive page of the restricted video (link in above post) and try the top-right icons to send yourself a link, a share, a video shortcut onto your Gdrive. Important thing is you should get a shortcut / share / link to your Gdrive
3. Go to your google mail/drive account and in the Gdrive section find the shared link to this video.
4. Right click on the name of the video and select MAKE A COPY
5. A copy of this video is created
6. Right click on this video copy - which is a physically duplicated file on your GDrive "BESOGON ENG.mp4 - ~585MB" and simply select DOWNLOAD.
7. Your download starts, since you will be the first person downloading this new video. Restriction lifted.

Note: downloading is necessary in my case, since I cannot watch this all at once and want to bookmark it, to watch it in sections. Also by downloading the video I can transcribe or zoom in on specific frames to inspect any detail that gets my attention. I can do a pause or a swift precise rewind (or backward step frame-by-frame) - via my hotkeys - to read the subtitles I missed: so essentially watching such critically important videos becomes an activity of analyzing these documentaries in a "video-editing studio/office environment".
Last edited:

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro: "It's a crime what you're doing to the Russian people"

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has strongly condemned Western sanctions against Russia. He described the punitive measures, including in banking, as crimes against the Russian people. Maduro pleaded for diplomatic ways out of the crisis.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro: It's a crime what you're doing to the Russian people
Venezuela's President Nicolás Maduro (archive image)

Against the background of the Ukraine war, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on March 2 condemned the sanctions imposed on Russia as an economic war. The South American politician described the punitive measures, including the ban of seven Russian banks from the SWIFT network, as crimes against the Russian people. In a television appearance on Wednesday, he said:

"Look at what is being done to Russia. What is being done to the Russian people is a crime, an economic war."
Russia's ambassador to Venezuela: Moscow will strengthen cooperation with Latin America

Russia's ambassador to Venezuela: Moscow will strengthen cooperation with Latin America
Among other things, Maduro complained that the West had blocked the airspace for Russian planes and cut off almost all trade contacts. It's crazy what you do with one of the greatest powers of the 21st century.

The Venezuelan head of state expressed the opinion that wars nowadays are not waged militarily, but economically. This includes the misuse of the US dollar and the financial system by the US and Europe to harm other countries and blackmail the world.

Maduro added that his country was not familiar with this economic warfare mode of "North American imperialism" from hearsay. He called for diplomatic and political solutions in interstate conflicts. Because sanctions would only harm the civilian population and impair their quality of life.

"The economic wars must stop and end."
In this regard, Maduro stated that Caracas will maintain full trade relations with Moscow. The Russian people have the right to economic freedom without blockades.

manipulation and censorship

The Venezuelan leader also gave details of his phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin the previous day. Accordingly, they had spoken about the similarity of the coercive measures against Moscow and Caracas and about "linguistic manipulations in the media war".

"We too are confronted with the brutal media war with its lies and tendentious campaigns and are fighting against it."
Maduro pointed out that the anti-Russian campaign is becoming increasingly xenophobic because public opinion is being manipulated. In particular, the Venezuelan leader condemned the coverage in the Spanish media.

"It is truly disgusting and disgusting how the television and press in Spain are treating the Russia-Ukraine conflict by submitting and kneeling and cringing to the interests of the US empire."

NATO and the US have surrounded Russia and provoked an extremely dangerous conflict, Maduro explained. He advocated peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv and expressed hope that the talks in Belarus will restore peace in the region.

Campaign against RT and Sputnik

Maduro also severely criticized the media campaign against the Russian foreign media RT and Sputnik . The censorship exercised against the two broadcasters is due to fear of the truth in the US and the EU. They are afraid that their citizens could develop a critical opinion of what is happening.

NATO and the US have surrounded Russia and provoked an extremely dangerous conflict, Maduro explained. He advocated peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv and expressed hope that the talks in Belarus will restore peace in the region.

Campaign against RT and Sputnik

Maduro also severely criticized the media campaign against the Russian foreign media RT and Sputnik . The censorship exercised against the two broadcasters is due to fear of the truth in the US and the EU. They are afraid that their citizens could develop a critical opinion of what is happening.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone, they have been announcing it since February, this message is for the ignorant who believe in their words, those who know how they operate, it is the chronicle of an announced attack.

In everything they are discovered, they reflect it against Russia. They find evidence of nuclear weapons at the nuclear plant and the strategy of Zelenski and company is to accuse Moscow of resorting to "nuclear terror."

The role of victim: "No other country except Russia has ever fired on nuclear power plants". And the artists and singers have yet to come into the game, for sure.

Spanish - The U.S. Embassy in Moscow has urged its citizens to refrain from traveling to Russia in view of possible terrorist attacks that may occur both in the Russian capital and in St. Petersburg due to the escalation of tensions in Ukraine.
EEUU advirtió a sus ciudadanos sobre posibles ataques terroristas en Moscú y San Petersburgo

"According to media reports, there have been threats of attacks on shopping malls, train and metro stations and other places of public assembly in major urban areas, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in areas of heightened tension along the Russian border with Ukraine," the U.S. diplomatic mission said in a statement posted on its website Sunday night.

The embassy did not specify which sources it used to issue the advisory. It did, in turn, make some recommendations, which include monitoring local and international media for updates, avoiding crowds, staying in contact with friends and family and taking care in one's surroundings.

He also advised citizens to remain vigilant in places frequented by tourists, carry proper identification, including a U.S. passport with a valid Russian visa, and have evacuation plans that do not rely on U.S. government assistance.

Regarding the U.S. warning, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked whether U.S. diplomats shared information about the planned terrorist attacks with relevant Russian law enforcement. "If not, how to understand all this?" she questioned.

Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov noted that information from the U.S. embassy about the possible terrorist attacks is being investigated.

"We are investigating whether there were any signals from the Americans (about possible terrorist attacks) through the special services. At present I am not aware that such signals have taken place," Peskov told reporters at a daily briefing in Moscow on Monday.
Yes indeed, the hypocrisy is getting very easy to see if one has open eyes and an open mind.

Do you recall what was said in the US (perhaps in EU) regarding Arabs/Muslims when 911 happened ?
"Don't equate Arabs or Muslims with al Qaida or Osama bin Laden ???"

But a Russian symphony conductor or cats are to bare the responsibility of what President Putin has put in motion. Bah, trees also. No competition in the "European Tree of the Year" for ones growing in Russian !!!!

That's how upside down things are now. House of insane patients all wearing the cult's mask.


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro: "It's a crime what you're doing to the Russian people"
The Venezuelan head of state expressed the opinion that wars nowadays are not waged militarily, but economically. This includes the misuse of the US dollar and the financial system by the US and Europe to harm other countries and blackmail the world.

Maduro added that his country was not familiar with this economic warfare mode of "North American imperialism" from hearsay. He called for diplomatic and political solutions in interstate conflicts. Because sanctions would only harm the civilian population and impair their quality of life.

In this regard, Maduro stated that Caracas will maintain full trade relations with Moscow. The Russian people have the right to economic freedom without blockades.
Well it will be interesting how Caracas responds to US promise to lift "some sanctions" so that the US can buy oil from Venezuela !!!!!!
"Mr. Maduro, Are with Russia now ? "
And now:

Russia has reportedly begun preparations for a disconnection of the Internet from the rest of the world on March 11.

What does this mean? That the country's domains and servers will have to be Russian -
No, Russia is not going to disconnect itself from the global Internet - this has been reported several times in recent days by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development. Disconnecting from the world does not make any sense for the Russian economy, but only harm.

And in 2021 (several times even) exercises were carried out to disconnect Russia from the Internet. Probably, in 2021, the mechanisms of action were worked out if Russia was FORCED to be disconnected from the world Internet by Western countries.
PS Rumors appeared in various telegram news channels that (ex) President of Ukraine Yanukovych allegedly arrived in Belarus and will take part in negotiations with the current Kiev authorities.
I don't know how much you can believe these rumors, I just posted it here.
Some more clarity on US biolabs in Ukraine:

During the briefing, Igor Kirillov, head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces, said that there was a network of 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine that worked on the order of the Pentagon.

According to him, it was, among other things, the collection and export to the United States of strains of dangerous microorganisms and the study of potential agents of biological weapons.

"Analysis of acts of destruction shows the work with the causative agents of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lviv biological laboratory, the causative agents of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in laboratories in Kharkov and Poltava," Kirillov said.

In turn, the German Defense Ministry conducted a study of the pathogens of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, meningitis, hantaviruses on the territory of Ukraine, he added.

The Ministry of Defense noted that it was the activities of biolaboratories that led to an uncontrollable increase in the incidence of dangerous infections in Ukraine: tuberculosis, measles, rubella.

“According to our data, there is an emergency curtailment of biological programs. The analyzed documents confirm that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has set the task of completely destroying the bioagents in the laboratories from February 24.” As a result, more than 320 containers with dangerous microorganisms were destroyed in Lviv alone.
Operation on denazification of Ukraine: operational summary on March 7 (updated)
07.03.2022 19:10

Operation on denazification of Ukraine: operational summary on March 7 (updated)

19:12 The headquarters of territorial defense in the city of Izyum, located in the police building in Georgievsky Lane, 4, was destroyed by high-precision weapons of the Russian Aerospace Forces on March 7, 2022. Video.

19:00 "Their mothers and children need them. They are waiting at home," the Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman called on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their weapons. Video.

18:45 Russian troops defeated the 81st separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and took the city of Izyum near Kharkov. The offensive is developing rapidly. Locals are advised to stay in their homes.

18:43 The population hardly leaves the locality of Irpen (Kiev region) on the remains of the bridge blown up by the Ukronazists. Video.

18:36 In Kharkiv, a member of the so-called "special forces "Vostok" Maxim Volovik was killed when the Russian Aerospace Forces hit the location of the Ukronazists, military commander Yuri Kotenok reports.

18:14 London will not introduce a simplified visa regime for Ukrainians, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said.

18:08 In Sumy, the Ukrainian Nazis actually took foreign students hostage, not letting them out into the corridor towards Russia. There is no water, electricity, or food in the dormitories where they live now. Students apply, demanding: "Let us out!". Video.

17:55 Negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations have begun in Belarus.

17:55 Negotiations between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations have begun in Belarus.

17:47 The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation eliminated a militant deputy of the 8th convocation of the Verkhovna Rada from the Nazi party "Freedom". The death of Alexander Marchenko was announced by the leader of the Nazi organization Oleg Tyahnybok, the Southern Bridgehead reports.

17:00 A network of more than 30 biological laboratories has been formed in Ukraine as part of the Pentagon's military-biological programs, said Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Armed Forces. According to him, laboratories in Lviv worked with pathogens of plague and anthrax, in Kharkov and Poltava — diphtheria and dysentery.

16:55 The Mayor of Sumy, Alexander Lysenko, said that civilians who try to enter the Russian Federation through humanitarian corridors will be shot, said the head of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev.

16:33 Russian troops attacked the positions of the Ukronazists in the area of the locality of Izyum. The enemy's defense has been breached, assault units of the Russian Armed Forces are operating in the city, the left bank of the Seversky Donets is liberated. The enemy is trying to gain a foothold in the southern quarters of Raisins.

16:27 Nationalists in Odessa knocked out the door and captured the parents of the host of "Odessa public television" Alexander Voskoboynikov. He is currently preparing a video message, we are waiting for details.

16:11 The supply column of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation entered the Chernihiv region. Video.

15:41 In three hours, 172 attacks by Ukrainian troops and nationalists were recorded on the declared six humanitarian corridors, the Russian Humanitarian Staff reports.

15:38 882 tons of humanitarian cargo were delivered to Ukraine, 110 humanitarian actions were carried out, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported.

15:10 The Russian Defense Ministry said that the Ukrainian side has not fulfilled any conditions for the creation of humanitarian corridors. Nationalists, under threat of physical violence, do not let civilians and foreign citizens through humanitarian corridors. The Ukrainian leadership has completely lost control over the state of affairs in the country and is under the harsh influence of radicals, the defense ministry stressed.

14:53 At the moment, Ukraine has received almost 20 thousand anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, a source told CNN among senior American officials. According to him, the United States and other NATO members have already sent Ukraine 17,000 anti-tank missiles and 2,000 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

14:42 The third round of negotiations between the delegations of Ukraine and Russia will begin at 17:00 (Moscow time).

14:28 Ukrainian Nazis have taken away cars for the needs of territorial defense from those who want to go along the corridor to Belgorod from Kharkov today and offered people to walk.

14:18 "It's quiet in the city, there are a lot more people on the streets," said a resident of the liberated Kherson. According to him, many stores are starting their work anew. Video.

14:12 Zelensky said that on the flag of Ukraine "there will never be black spots and swastikas." Apparently, the Ukrainian president is completely unaware of what is happening on the territory of the country. News Front political columnist Yulia Vityazeva in her Telegram channel offered to "refresh Zelensky's memory" and published several photos of Ukrainian Nazis.

14:11 Estonia handed over to Ukraine another batch of weapons in the form of a 122-mm D-30 howitzer and anti-tank mines.

14:07 One of the users of the social network Tik Tok posted a video showing a Ukrainian sapper in a protective suit carrying an improvised explosive device (IED) to a playground. Then he leaves her behind one of the children's entertainment complexes, walks away and takes pictures. We can only hope that after the photo report to the authorities, the IED will be taken away from the playground, and not left there to increase the number of victims among the civilian population.

13:51 The Kiev regime continues to create fakes in unlimited quantities. The head of the Chernihiv regional administration triumphantly announced the downing of an allegedly "Russian" drone. However, it turned out that the photo shows the unmanned complex "Fury", which is in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

13:35 The Russian delegation has arrived in Belarus, negotiations with Ukraine are expected in the near future.

13:27 The soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine complained that they were given a combat task to contain Russian tanks, but were not given anti-tank weapons. A serviceman in an obscene form turned to Zelensky and burned the insignia of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Video (18+).

13:22 News Front readers report that in Kharkiv, nationalists do not observe the "silence regime" introduced by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: howitzer artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine works from urban development under the cover of residential quarters. It is also noted that there are a lot of military, national security, equipment and weapons in the city. Local publications write that the famous Alekseevsky "house with whales" was hit from Kharkov from the location of the Ukrainian troops, because the first entrance from the center burned out.

13:18 Ukrainian Nazis use children to beg for another military aid from the West. The punishers recorded a video message, in which the eight-year-old son of one of the militants with a machine gun in his hands calls on "Ukrainians from all over Europe" to join the fighting on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

13:06 Adviser to the OP of Ukraine Mikhail Podolyak accused the French, Germans, Americans and Hungarians that they "feel comfortable drinking coffee with croissants when fighting is going on in Ukraine."

12:33 The Russian delegation flew to Brest for the third round of negotiations with Ukraine.

12:06 Residents of Sumy and Chernihiv regions receive SMS messages with calls not to leave the city. The Kiev regime scares civilians by saying that Russian troops will allegedly "capture them and use them as a human shield." The authors of the Telegram channel "Rybar" noted that it is most profitable for Kiev to hold the population hostage, delay the storming of cities and later show in the media a picture of the killed civilians, since Ukrainian politicians very easily sacrifice the lives of citizens.

Operation on denazification of Ukraine: operational summary on March 7 (updated)

12:00 Kiev refused to open humanitarian corridors, which Russia proposed, said Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuk.

11:55 The Bandera director of one of the Ukrainian schools was pushing his students to death, the Southern Bridgehead reports. Fascists and their accomplices do not shy away from using schoolchildren to attack Russian servicemen. In the video, a detained schoolboy from the village of Tupichev, Chernihiv region, says that the director of the school is in charge of everything.

11:39 In total, 2,396 objects of the military infrastructure of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported. The ministry also reported that Ukrainian nationalists used more than 150 civilians, hiding behind them as a "human shield", and opened fire from behind the backs of citizens. As a result of the shooting by the Ukrainian Nazis, four civilians were killed and five wounded.

11:05 Nazis from the Azov battalion (banned in the Russian Federation) do not allow civilians to leave the city through humanitarian corridors.

Nazis from the Azov battalion do not allow civilians to leave the city through humanitarian corridors

11:00 Ukrainian Nazi called to "destroy the residents of Donbass." The statements of the AFU militants once again prove the correctness of the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to denazify Ukraine in order to save the inhabitants of the country.

10:59 While there is shooting around, looters in Kharkiv are robbing the empty apartments of local residents. Video (18+).

10:29 In Nikolaev and Kharkov, an air alert sounds.

10:25 APU blew up the bridge near the village of Nikolaevskoye near the Kulbakino airfield in order to slow down the advance of Russian troops to Mykolaiv, writes "Rybar". Photo.

10:23 Local residents report that on the territory of one of the hospitals in Odessa, the theroborona of the Ukrainian nationalists has placed its stronghold.

10:20 Russia and Ukraine will not announce the proposed conditions until they agree on "common positions on negotiations," said one of the representatives of the Ukrainian delegation.

10:13 The Minister of Defense of Ukraine Alexey Reznikov said that there is "significant progress" in the issue of supplying weapons and ammunition to the country. This statement indicates that Western countries continue to actively sponsor Ukrainian Nazis with various types of lethal weapons.

09:45 The map of military operations as of the evening of March 6, writes Readovka.

09:40 Representatives of the Sumy regional administration said that the evacuation was allegedly "not coordinated" and urged not to get on any buses. Thus, the Ukrainian authorities are once again trying to disrupt the exit of people through humanitarian corridors opened by the

09:36 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has published a video showing the crew of the Su-35 of the Russian Aerospace Forces striking the enemy during a military special operation in Ukraine.

09:27 The SBU and the militants of the Azov battalion are preparing a provocation with possible radioactive contamination of the area near Kharkov, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

09:18 The British military began arriving in Ukraine to participate in hostilities on the side of the Ukrainian Nazis. Video.

09:06 The underground of Odessa spoke out against the Ukrainian Nazis. Video.

08:30 From 09:00 (10:00 Moscow time) The Russian Armed Forces declare a regime of silence in Ukraine and open humanitarian corridors from Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Sumy. Kiev's attempts to accuse the Russian Federation of disrupting the humanitarian situation this time are meaningless, control will be carried out with the help of drones, the Gum Staff stressed.

08:15 Captured by the Russian army near Chernihiv T-64BV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

08:10 Residents of Kherson reported night explosions in the area of Chernobayevka. There is an airport located there, which has been the target of artillery strikes by the AFU several times in the last 8 days. Video.

08:05 The Network has footage of the work of the army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces during a special operation in Ukraine. Pilots perform assigned tasks 24 hours a day, more than 50 flights a day at a minimum altitude. Video.
A good summary of events for the day. According to the link, there are a lot of videos, photos, and a map of the location of forces in the article.


Хорошая сводка событий за день. По ссылке, в статье много видео, фото, карта расположения сил.
It is interesting the parallel problems or the parallel benefits, that arise worldwide taking advantage of the problems between Russia and Ukraine. I posted it here as a pattern underlying the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine but if it seems to you that it should go in a separate thread that focuses on it, fine.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro: "It's a crime what you're doing to the Russian people"

Since the beginning of the conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, border problems in Colombia have immediately worsened. Especially when there was talk of installing Russian military bases in Venezuela.

- Irregular groups install "car bombs" on the Venezuelan border
- At least three injured in car bomb explosion in southwest Colombia
- Car bomb attack leaves one dead on Colombia-Venezuela border

And so on, just google it.

Right now I am reading a piece of news that has also been making me noise for a long time. In these times it is an opportunity to clean up in other places and start playing with people's minds to know how they would react if this or that happened.

Has President Nayib Bukele died of an overdose?
Spanish - ¿Ha muerto el presidente Nayib Bukele a causa de una sobredosis?

A strong police presence has been deployed at the Diagnostic Hospital since yesterday. Or so assured several users on social networks, claiming that everything corresponded to a hospitalization of President Nayib Bukele.

The accounts, mostly identified as opponents of Nayib Bukele's government, even spread the rumor that the alleged reasons for hospitalizing the president were due to an "overdose". Later, rumors even began to circulate about the president's death.

But how true is the rumor? Nothing is known about the alleged security device. Nor are there any photographs or videos to prove it. On the other hand, the president himself has come out on his Twitter account to deny the rumor about his death.
No, Russia is not going to disconnect itself from the global Internet - this has been reported several times in recent days by the Russian Ministry of Digital Development. Disconnecting from the world does not make any sense for the Russian economy, but only harm.
By reading you i directly had in the mind the following : do they know something we don't ?
I mean, It's sure this will cause harm to Russia, but, what could cause more harm "in this domain" than such a cut of the country from internet ? What came directly to mind is the launch or the activation (activate some chunk of codes now installed on any windows systems for instance, dormant virus) of a digital pandemic, one for which they prepared these last years and for which they did 2 simulations if I well recall, the last one done less than 2 months before (or maybe still on-going, i do not follow this subject)
So, maybe Russia knows about the date, or "a date", and want to protect against this. Also, if it's really the case, it's also a signal for the PTB, like "we know about", which could lead to the abandon of triggering it. I don't know, just open speculations. :rolleyes:
Ex-UN official warned about a leak from the biological laboratories of Ukraine. “There is a threat to Russia and Europe”

Biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine could leak dangerous pathogens. URA.RU was warned about this by a former member of the UN commission on biological weapons, military expert Igor Nikulin.

“I think that secret experiments were carried out there, which is already a violation of the convention on biological and toxin weapons. They not only did not share the results, but also tried to destroy all traces, which suggests that, most likely, these experiments were illegal. They fled in a panic, destroyed the documentation, the pathogens themselves, the samples. Most likely, they could lose something or do it on purpose. There have already been obvious attempts to create a dirty nuclear bomb, launch bacteria, viruses,” said Igor Nikulin.

According to him, the leak could provoke huge casualties. “There is plague, and anthrax and cholera - these are diseases from the first group, the most dangerous. “At least 10 laboratories are located in million-plus cities. These are Kyiv, Lvov, Kharkov, Odessa, in the event of a leak, tens or even hundreds of thousands of people could die there, ”the expert noted.

He added that there is a threat not only for Ukraine, but also for other countries. “After optimizing anti-epidemic medicine, they don’t have it at all. After the Maidan, more than 200 thousand people died from various epidemic diseases. This is in pre-Soviet times. Therefore, Ukraine is a biological bomb for all the countries surrounding it - Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Transnistria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and the entire European Union. They have not yet understood this, having launched a huge number of refugees into their countries. This can lead to very dangerous consequences. In the west of Ukraine there is a case of pneumonic plague. If it is brought to Europe, it will be a global catastrophe, ”Nikulin emphasized.

The special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine began on February 24. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a network of more than 30 biological laboratories has been formed on the territory of Ukraine, the customer of which is the US Department of Defense. Some of them worked with plague and anthrax, diphtheria and dysentery.

So, maybe Russia knows about the date, or "a date", and want to protect against this. Also, if it's really the case, it's also a signal for the PTB, like "we know about", which could lead to the abandon of triggering it. I don't know, just open speculations.
Obviously, there are many things that we (ordinary people) do not know.
As for the Internet, in recent days the Russian media have written that Huawei helped Russia repel DDoS and other attacks (from Western countries) on Russian infrastructure.
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