Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

By reading you i directly had in the mind the following : do they know something we don't ?
I mean, It's sure this will cause harm to Russia, but, what could cause more harm "in this domain" than such a cut of the country from internet ? What came directly to mind is the launch or the activation (activate some chunk of codes now installed on any windows systems for instance, dormant virus) of a digital pandemic, one for which they prepared these last years and for which they did 2 simulations if I well recall, the last one done less than 2 months before (or maybe still on-going, i do not follow this subject)
So, maybe Russia knows about the date, or "a date", and want to protect against this. Also, if it's really the case, it's also a signal for the PTB, like "we know about", which could lead to the abandon of triggering it. I don't know, just open speculations. :rolleyes:
There really is substance to your surmises, I feel. I have had it in back of mind for months now. Breaking the flow of internet communications would be a technique to put a tournique on the pattern of sharing knowledge, leaving us in the dark, would be a kind of fail-safe. Trucker convoys, understanding of Russia's aims in Ukraine are stimulating some degree of revolt and possible disbelief of mainstream narratives. Not to ignore the Covid-19 information seeping out, of vaccines tumbling from pedestals.

This also always is a question when I see crypto currency promoted. We know there are human and solar sources of major EMP grid outages.
Where has all da money gone??

Deutsche Welle: The Ukrainian armed forces are in danger of running out of ammunition​

6 mar 2022 7:30 p.m

Deutsche Welle reported on Wednesday that the Ukrainian army is running out of ammunition. These would only suffice for a week of moderate-intensity combat operations. The West has provided large amounts of money for Ukraine's rearmament in recent years. Where has this money gone?

Deutsche Welle: The Ukrainian armed forces are in danger of running out of ammunition
Source: Gettyimages.ru © Europa Press News
Ukrainian army: NATO standards, but soon no more ammunition? (March 5, 2022)

by Maria Muller

On March 2, Deutsche Welle (DW) published a critical analysis of the current situation in Ukraine based on numerous interviews and sources ( DW author: Robert Mudge). Accordingly, one of the main problems of the Ukrainian army is the supply of weapons and ammunition.

According to the German state broadcaster DW , after a week of small to moderate fighting, the Ukrainian armed forces' ammunition should only last for about a week. The same article reports that US military aid has exceeded $2.5 billion since 2014. This includes a sum of one billion that the United States has transferred to Kyiv over the course of 2021 to date. DW goes on to write :

"The Ukrainians may have enough ammunition for their heavy weapons for another five days. They could then use captured Russian weapons. But they can't survive very long with them."
One has to wonder where the US dollars for gun purchases actually went. But euros are now also being donated or borrowed on a large scale.

"The European Union has released 450 million euros in direct military aid to Ukraine: for air defense systems, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and other military equipment. Another 50 million euros are earmarked for other items such as fuel and protective equipment," the report continues.
In total, Kyiv has received funds worth about three billion euros so far.

Did these huge sums really get where they were supposed to be used? Ukraine is notorious for its sprawling corruption landscape. This is also one of the obstacles to joining the EU. Official evidence of this are the statements made by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on September 22, 2020 during a visit to Kyiv:

he said on this occasion. It is questionable whether, under the current state circumstances, 200,000 euros in aid money because of the corona pandemic – and a loan amount of 1.2 billion euros would be granted. Today these worries are forgotten.

Logistical problems for NATO arms deliveries

The Austrian political scientist Gustav Gressel is a specialist in Eastern Europe and defense policy at the "European Council on Foreign Relations" in Berlin. He points to logistical problems in transporting NATO weapons to Ukraine. So far, military aid from the West has been delivered by land or air, depending on the type of weapon. But in the meantime, Russian fighter planes would control the airspace and block possible transport routes on the ground or in the air.

Greeks in Mariupol: Azov is holding us hostage

Greeks in Mariupol: "Azov is holding us hostage"
As is known, Russia has not yet used this option because it harbors the risk of further military escalation. Possibly an attack on such arms convoys would be understood as a direct act of war against Western countries. Then the "dynamics of the war" could change very quickly, says Marc Finaud. He is Head of the Arms Trade Division of the Geneva Foundation "Centre for Security Policy".

Ed Arnold, a British expert on European security policy, told DW that he was surprised. Because the armed forces of the Russian Federation have not yet cut off the two possible delivery routes for NATO weapons. They could relatively quickly block the military equipment coming from Poland from the south-west of Belarus. The entire supply of arms from the West is currently being piled up on the Polish border.
Merci Henri pour ta réponse que j'apprécie, ne comprenant pas l'anglais, je me demande si ce message était important et quel était son contenu...
Thank you Henri for your answer which I appreciate, not understanding English, I wonder if this message was important and what was its content...
Perlou, this press conference must have happened around Sep 18, 2020 as the same is found on this channel.
Ex-UN official warned about a leak from the biological laboratories of Ukraine. “There is a threat to Russia and Europe”

Biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine could leak dangerous pathogens. URA.RU was warned about this by a former member of the UN commission on biological weapons, military expert Igor Nikulin.

These labs could have been the source of ,

The Study​

On January 24, 2014, the European Commission and the World Organisation for Animal Health received reports from Lithuanian authorities of 2 cases of ASF in wild boars. One of the infected animals was found in Salcininkai and the other in Varena, 5 km and 40 km, respectively, from the Belarus border (7). Then, on February 14 and 17, 2014, reports of 2 cases of ASF in wild boars were received from northeastern Poland (Sokolka County, Podlaskie Province). One of the infected animals in Poland was found in the municipality of Szudzialowo; the other was found in Kruszyniany, a forest area (8). The 2 wild boars in Poland were found dead ≈900 m and ≈200 m, respectively, from Poland’s border with Belarus.

ABS News tweeted today that several thousand samples of serum of patients belonging to the Slavic ethnic group were exported from Ukraine to the United States
On Google such news cant be find, but on Yandex here is the source of the tweet:
If the link is restricted here is the text:
7 MAR, 16:17
Kiev let US take serum samples from thousands of patients — Russian military
On March 7, the Russian Defense Ministry made public its analysis of guidelines of the United States’ military-biological research on Ukrainian territory

MOSCOW, March 7. /TASS/. On the pretext of testing anti-COVID medications Ukraine has sent to the United States samples of serum taken from thousands of patients, in the first place, belonging to the "Slavic ethnos," the chief of Russia’s radiation, chemical and biological protection force, Igor Kirillov, told a news briefing on Monday.

"On the pretext of testing means of treatment and prevention of the novel coronavirus infection several thousand samples of serum taken from patients, in the first place, belonging to the Slavic ethnos, were brought from Ukraine to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research," he said.

He stressed that "the activity of biological laboratories, whose activity came to light in 2014, and the United States’ program for a so-called reform of the Ukrainian health service system has brought about an uncontrolled growth in very dangerous and economically significant infections."

The Russian Defense Ministry made public its analysis of guidelines of the United States’ military-biological research on Ukrainian territory.

According its findings, the United States was gathering and handing over to the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research highly pathogenic samples of such infectious diseases as plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia, brucellosis, Crimean-Congo fever virus, hantaviruses, tick-borne encephalitis virus and leptospirosis. Also, biomedical samples were taken from about 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers.

The bombed out bridge meme got the mocking bird media squawking like hens in a chicken house. And what better Psychopath then Poroshenko to lead the sheep via CNN.


This needs confirmation! As this info comes from a tweeter account with anti Russian sentiment.


Mini Snip:
While most of the world is concerned with keeping Russian fighter jets out of NATO airspace, Russian warships have already incurred on NATO territorial waters. So why can’t the US Navy can’t send an Aircraft Carrier into the Black Sea to protect Romania and NATO merchant ships or help Ukraine? According to a UN Treaty, they are too big and heavy.

by Alpaslan Ozerdem (The Conversation) As bad as the Ukraine war is so far, an international agreement signed in 1936 is preventing it from getting even worse.

The Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits gives Turkey control over the water route between the Black Sea – home to a major Russian naval force – and the Mediterranean Sea and beyond.

It sets limits on the passage of civilian vessels and military warships through the Dardanelles and the Bosporus straits, which with the Sea of Marmara between them form the seagoing link between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.


US hints at what would happen were Zelensky to be killed
Washington confirms “continuity of government” plans exist for Ukraine
Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on Sunday that the Ukrainian government has “plans in place” to ensure the “continuity of government” should President Volodymr Zelensky be killed. Zelensky insists he is still in Kiev, but western officials have already reportedly planned to set him up as a leader in exile.

“The Ukrainians have plans in place that I'm not going to talk about or get into any details on to make sure that there is what we would call continuity of government one way or another,” Blinken told CBS News when asked about the prospect on Sunday, adding “let me leave it at that.”

The US’ top diplomat then called Zelensky and his cabinet the “embodiment of these incredibly brave Ukrainian people.”

Blinken, President Joe Biden, and a broad array of NATO and Western leaders have offered Zelensky similar messages of support, as well as shipments of arms and humanitarian aid. However, decision makers in Washington and Europe have explicitly ruled out direct military intervention, and refused to implement a “no-fly zone.” The latter, which Zelensky has repeatedly requested, would see the US and NATO commit to shooting down Russian aircraft over Ukraine, a move that Moscow has said it would consider an act of war.

Although Zelensky’s military is receiving a steady stream of western weapons, Russia has been advancing through Ukraine in the 11 days since its forces first crossed the country’s borders. Some cities have been taken by Russian troops and others - including Kharkov, Mariupol, Volnovakha and Kiev - are currently encircled.

This encirclement has given rise to speculation that Zelensky might have already fled Kiev. While the president has appeared in nondescript surroundings during most of his recent video addresses, he released a video on Instagram on Friday purportedly shot in his Kiev office, saying that “nobody has fled anywhere.”

Despite Zelensky’s declared commitment to the fight, US officials have already brainstormed plans to extricate the Ukrainian leader. Days into the conflict, Zelensky was reportedly offered an evacuation from Kiev, which he said he refused. According to reports in multiple American news outlets over the weekend, Western officials have discussed supporting a possible Zelensky government in exile, as the Trump administration attempted to do with Venezeulan opposition leader Juan Guaido in 2019.

Plans mooted reportedly include Zelensky governing from the western Ukrainian city of Lvov, or from another European country. Some political figures in the US and Europe, most notably former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, have suggested supporting a possible Ukrainian insurgency against Russian forces in this evantuality.
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Deutsche Welle reported on Wednesday that the Ukrainian army is running out of ammunition. These would only suffice for a week of moderate-intensity combat operations. The West has provided large amounts of money for Ukraine's rearmament in recent years. Where has this money gone?

One has to wonder where the US dollars for gun purchases actually went. But euros are now also being donated or borrowed on a large scale.

In total, Kyiv has received funds worth about three billion euros so far.
Mayor Klitchko and Zelensky's pals should know where the money went. Some surely landed in US politicians pockets and their partners in crime.

As is known, Russia has not yet used this option because it harbors the risk of further military escalation. Possibly an attack on such arms convoys would be understood as a direct act of war against Western countries. Then the "dynamics of the war" could change very quickly, says Marc Finaud. He is Head of the Arms Trade Division of the Geneva Foundation "Centre for Security Policy".
If the vehicles are on Ukrainian soil I don't see why Russia would not bomb them. How much more escalation could there be if Russians do this ???? They sanctioned trees, cats and ordinary Russians. What's left is air over Russia that is sanction free.
More from another Russian media about Biolaboratories in Ukraine - Минобороны: США финансировали на Украине 30 биолабораторий, где изучались чума и другие опасные вирусы

Refugees from Ukraine can bring a completely new reality to Europe. And with it, dozens of new viruses, the study of which the Pentagon, as it now turns out, has been engaged in on the territory of Ukraine for several years. The coronavirus epidemic to Europeans, and to the whole world, may seem like just a child's runny nose.

It turned out that on February 24, the Pentagon set the task of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to completely destroy bioagents located in 20 Ukrainian biological laboratories. At the same time, numerous documents on their work fell into the hands of the Russian military. Russian experts continue to work with them. Some of their findings are shared with reporters.

- An analysis of the instruction to laboratory officials suggests that the elimination of virus collections in Ukraine was aimed at their irretrievable destruction. Everything necessary to continue the implementation of the military biological program has already been taken out of the territory of Ukraine. An analysis of the acts of destruction shows the work with the causative agents of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lviv biological laboratory, the causative agents of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in laboratories in Kharkov and Poltava, - listed the dangerous viruses that the Pentagon worked with on the territory of Ukraine, the head of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection Russian Armed Forces Igor Kirillov

According to the representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, only in Lviv, 232 containers with the causative agent of leptospirosis, 30 with tularemia, 10 with brucellosis, 5 with plague were destroyed. In total - more than 320 containers. The nomenclature and excess amount of biopathogens testify to the work carried out within the framework of military biological programs.

It turns out that the Ukrainians lived for many years in fact on a virus bomb. And it's illegal.

- Curators from the Pentagon understand that if their collections fall into the hands of Russian experts, then with a high degree of probability a violation by Ukraine and the United States of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons will be confirmed. Namely: carrying out work to enhance the pathogenic properties of microorganisms using synthetic biology methods, Kirillov said.

It should be noted that at the briefing of the Ministry of Defense, the media presented an analysis of some of the documents that were recently discovered in Ukraine. But they already confirm the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine, where a network of 30 biological laboratories was formed, which our specialists divide into "research and sanitary-epidemiological laboratories."

- The customer of the work being carried out is the US Defense Threat Reduction Office (Ditra). And a company affiliated with the military department, primarily Black and Veatch, takes part in the implementation of projects. Employees of biolaboratories are collecting and exporting strains of dangerous microorganisms to the United States, studying potential agents of biological weapons specific to this region, which have natural foci and are capable of being transmitted to humans, - said a representative of the Ministry of Defense.

According to the documents found, since 2021, the Pentagon has allocated $11.8 million to the Diagnosis, Surveillance and Prevention of Zoonotic Diseases in the Armed Forces of Ukraine project. And last year, the German Ministry of Defense studied the pathogens of the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, meningitis, hantaviruses on the territory of Ukraine. According to the documents, as you understand, for completely peaceful purposes: "as part of the implementation of the Ukrainian-German initiative to ensure biological security on the external borders of the European Union."

And after a series of studies, under the pretext of testing drugs for the treatment and prevention of coronavirus infection from Ukraine at the Research Institute. Walter Reed of the US Army, several thousand samples of the serum of patients, primarily belonging to the Slavic ethnic group, were taken out. The Americans are turned to create a virus that would destroy the population by ethnicity. There is an opinion that in this way they are going to solve their internal and external threats. It is said that a number of countries have already tested viruses that weaken the immune system and shorten the lives of citizens.

Kirillov noted that since 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense has recorded an increase in the number of cases of rubella, diphtheria, and tuberculosis in Ukraine. The incidence of measles there has increased more than 100 times. The World Health Organization has even declared Ukraine a high-risk country for a polio outbreak.

- We believe that in 2007 a strain of African swine fever with increased contagiousness was constructed in a Georgian biological laboratory subordinate to the Pentagon. Its spread caused significant economic damage to a number of states, including Ukraine and Poland, and excluded them from a number of pork exporters, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops of the Russian Armed Forces reported the results of one of the investigations.

PS Probably, some data is repeated in different media, it seems to me that this news is the most complete of all that I came across.
Now all the main Russian TV channels are discussing this news about biolaboratories (I usually don't watch them).
Well it will be interesting how Caracas responds to US promise to lift "some sanctions" so that the US can buy oil from Venezuela !!!!!!
"Mr. Maduro, Are you with Russia now ? "
Corrected the above sentence as my fingers were not following my thought :halo:

I hope you appreciate the sarcasm of this tweet because IT IS BRILLIANT !!!!!!

I watch another dose of news today
They are making news using swear words, e.g.: "Russian ship go to f*n hell : ukrainian military destroyed enemies ship."
This description is also behind TV presenters.
It is not the first one.
In Irpin, Kiev region, it is said that russians open fire on civilians from an ambush. They show smth like metallic fence with holes from bullets.
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