Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I ask myself, what isn't a code here?. From that point, it could be "you have a green light" to whoever has been there as an infiltrator for a long time and make it look like a natural. Zelenski did the same by "asking for help in the world" to anyone who wanted to help Ukraine against Russia and it was obvious that the code was for mercenaries and there are the consequences and it looks like a countermeasure.

Putin is not disqualified or mislabeled as a Tsar because Russia is not starving as in the time of the Bolsheviks. He is cutting off the heads of psychopaths as Caesar did in his time, this is why he is historically known as a bloodthirsty man. So to be killed by his people, I doubt it, but by a Russian, it makes more sense, someone from the inside. But not that far away, because through sanctions they are strangling the Russian people to focus their annoyance on Putin, like the Bolsheviks.

We'll see what happens and with what blow will finish the dragon (China) that so far is "only watching". These people are fighting at different levels.

Well, during morning prayers today I had the sudden hunch that Putin might be in danger from someone in his closest circle. It wouldn't be surprising that some high levels in Russia who are more corruptible than Putin might be tempted by the West given the all out 'either or' propaganda war going on. Even if it's not about assassination, such things could very bad for the Russian leadership. I hope I'm wrong and that Putin stands strong!
I need to drop this here, partly for comic relief and mostly because I cannot get over these dudes having an actual bear as their hype-man.

Great way to start the morning. Yep, the woke/transgender armies of the West to fight when they have 100 to 1 advantage don't have a chance with guys like that.

I watched this video and at first thought that the people speaking loudly were cursing Ukrainian refugees which according to Ukraine are only women and children. Well look closely. The people exiting in the fragment we see are men. Yes, it is dark but the all of them look to be men.
Question: Are they Ukrainian men ?

Perhaps the time has come (Putin is not that rash) to ignore Patents that belong to countries that attack them economically. That would speed up development in Russian in many sectors of the economy.

Glaziev is the real deal. In December 2014 I was at a conference in Rome, and Glaziev joined us on the phone. Reviewing a subsequent column I wrote at the time, between Rome and Beijing, I was stunned: it’s as if Glaziev was saying these things literally today.

Allow me to quote two paragraphs:
“At the symposium, held in a divinely frescoed former 15th century Dominican refectory now part of the Italian parliament’s library, Sergey Glaziev, on the phone from Moscow, gave a stark reading of Cold War 2.0. There’s no real “government” in Kiev; the U.S. ambassador is in charge. An anti-Russia doctrine has been hatched in Washington to foment war in Europe – and European politicians are its collaborators. Washington wants a war in Europe because it is losing the competition with China.”

“Glaziev addressed the sanctions dementia: Russia is trying simultaneously to reorganize the politics of the International Monetary Fund, fight capital flight and minimize the effect of banks closing credit lines for many businessmen. Yet the end result of sanctions, he says, is that Europe will be the ultimate losers economically; bureaucracy in Europe has lost economic focus as American geopoliticians have taken over.”

Gotta pay the “tax on independence”


I had no idea Poland was the launching pad, nor the numbers of mercenaries.
Nice find !!!!
Glaziev told them what the idiots either didn't know or chose to ignore. In 2014, whoever released the intercepted conversation of Nuland with Piette, that agency let us know who was the real "governor" in Kiev, the US Deep State with the rest of the bandits. It was not the Ukrainians.

As for Poland. Wow and I mean Wow (look at video above). Who is running their Foreign Policy ? They are setting themselves up just like the Ukrainians were just setup and Poland in 1939. Amazing how this historic behavior keeps repeating itself. But the explanation is quite simple, it is the same power structure that manipulated Europe into WW I and WW II, and the rest of the Democratic wars by the Empire of Lies. People whose names never make it into TV or the newspapers.
Well, during morning prayers today I had the sudden hunch that Putin might be in danger from someone in his closest circle. It wouldn't be surprising that some high levels in Russia who are more corruptible than Putin might be tempted by the West given the all out 'either or' propaganda war going on. Even if it's not about assassination, such things could very bad for the Russian leadership. I hope I'm wrong and that Putin stands strong!
I had a dream last weekend of the attempted assassination of Putin. The attempt occured whilst he was in his car being driven. The attempt failed.
Peterson is a hopeless mainstreamer and has got more blind spots than an 18-wheeler, but in terms of advice on getting your life in order and becoming a proper obyvatel, he's up there with the best of them. I just tend to ignore his takes on politics and psychopathy and give him a pass when he misses the reality of the terror of the situation.
The only thing anyone can do about it anyway, is to get one's life in order.

Yes, that‘s how I see it as well.
I‘m sorry, but Peterson should have interviewed a real historian and not such a clown. The first five minutes were enough for me. At best he has no clue what he is talking about, but more probably, he is a propaganda mouthpiece. Peterson unfortunately isn’t very informed either, judged by his recent social media posts.
Among all the experts in this area that are available he choses this guy !!!! After having his butt saved BY RUSSIANS he chooses this partical individual , one would imagine, as a neutral analysts of the situation !!! :headbash:

Kagan is directly related to Victoria Nuland who was one of the principle "mechanics" of what is happening in Ukraine today. Peterson is starting to look less like a critical thinker to me and more like a moron. To find out who Dr. Fredrick W. Kagan is takes less than 30 seconds.

Kagan's brother is the foreign policy analyst Robert Kagan, whose wife is Victoria Nuland, CEO of the Center for a New American Security.

Seeing him and his wife strut around Basra makes for a sick ironic joke on those looking at this picture and not having clue what they are looking at, war tourists/war makers.
Frederick and Kimberly Kagan touring Basra in 2008.

Personally, I was four times a member of Parliament, twice Vice-President of the Parliament, Deputy Prime Minister, and I have accumulated a rich international experience. But I confess that I spent two decades of political activity and assiduous reading in four languages (including English and French) until I realized why things in my country are going from worse to worse. When I realized that the West had actually applied to the ex-communist space the same treatment that the Third World has long suffered, everything became extremely clear. When principle of ”kicking away the ladder” (Friedrich List) or ”comparative advantages” of “freetradism” (“laissez-fairisme”) has been fully applied, then Moldova's chance of emerging from the crisis strictly following the imposed rules from the outside becomes illusory. By blindly following ”friedmanism” and the advices from the Chicago Boys, by assuming quasi-religious principles of the so-called ”Washington Consensus” Moldova became a classical poor country as so many other countries around the world which were guided to go in the same direction. For more argumentation on the transitioning experience of post-communist countries, reading the books of Joseph E. Stiglitz or Ha-Joon Chang would be sufficient. ”The shock doctrine” (Naomi Klein) didn’t avoid our country. It ruined our economy, provoked ”mass nomadism” (Paul E. Gottfried) of our people, determined a ”demographic winter”, and pushes our nation to an unprecedented disaster.
Your first bolded section is a huge bullseye. Nice job. It is a good summary of what is needed to see through the fog of mythology constantly being fed to the people through schooling and MSM. The Kagans above are good example of this, though there are several other layers to that onion.

Is This Russian Propaganda? Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix​

We’re risking a very fast, very radioactive World War 3 to defend the “democracy” of a nation whose government bans opposition parties, imprisons political opponents, shuts down opposition media, and takes all its orders from Washington due to a US-backed coup in 2014.

“Defending Ukrainian democracy” makes as much sense as “Defending Mongolian seaports”.

The powers responsible for destroying Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen are the same powers we’re trusting to carefully navigate extremely delicate nuclear brinkmanship escalations without ending the world.

“Relax, nobody’s gonna start a nuclear war” is a belief that is premised upon the assumption that the empire which laid waste those nations, while destroying our environment and making everyone crazy and miserable, is competent enough to walk that precarious and unpredictable tightrope.

I keep getting comments like “You’re saying we just can’t strike Russia AT ALL, just because they have nukes??”

Yes. Fucking duh. What are you an idiot? What the fuck is wrong with people? Did everyone forget what nuclear weapons are? Did schools stop teaching this or something?

You can’t fix a problem you don’t understand. And right now with Ukraine the entire western political/media class is pouring a tremendous amount of energy into keeping people from understanding the problem.

If they were telling us the truth about Russia they wouldn’t be censoring Russian media.

Kinda odd how defending freedom and democracy requires such copious amounts of censorship.

Don’t worry, I’m sure all those socialist and antiwar Americans that were platformed by RT America can just get jobs criticizing the murderousness and corruption of their government in the free press of the western mainstream media.

I wonder if we should be concerned that the entire western world is propagandizing and censoring like it’s on war footing?

Socialists and anti-imperialists should never accept platforms on Russian media to get heard. They should wait until a respectable western mainstream outlet agrees to platform them, and keep waiting, and waiting, and just keep on waiting until we all die in a nuclear holocaust.

People tend to overestimate the power of the US war machine and underestimate the power of the US propaganda machine.

Remember when US officials kept saying “We’re not trying to start a war, we’re trying to prevent one” while refusing to make reasonable low-cost concessions that would have prevented a war, then, when war started, launched operations which serve the long-term goals of US hegemony?

Russia gets control of Kyiv with this war, while the US gets international consensus for unprecedented economic warfare and support for NATO, plus giving Moscow another Afghanistan. NATO powers could have prevented this war but chose to egg it on instead. Looks like a classic sacrifice a pawn to get the queen move.

Choose one:

A) It’s a coincidence that we were bombarded by hysterical anti-Russia narratives for five years before this started.

B) Bogus Russia scandals were cooked up by US intelligence to start manufacturing consent for a confrontation with Russia to preserve US unipolar hegemony.

It would bring a lot of clarity for a lot of people if we replaced the term “no-fly zone” with “Directly Attack the Russian Military Zone”.

“Whataboutism” is a common misspelling of “Damning evidence that western powers are lying about their motives and values.”

Yes, Smart Internet Person, I love Vladimir Putin. Can’t possibly be that I’m criticizing the known wrongdoings of the mightiest power structure in the world, it’s that I fell in love with some random government official on the other side of the planet and want to suck his cock.

It’s not like the US or its allies have ever done anything wrong, so they couldn’t possibly have done anything to give rise to our current situation, therefore it must be that I’m just kookoo for Putin Puffs. We’re very good thinkers, you and I. Let’s go watch cartoons.

Of course I am aware that Vladimir Putin is no girl scout. That’s why I’ve been warning for years that the west’s refusal to pursue detente could lead us to nuclear war. There’d be nothing to worry about if the guy was a cuddly wuddly snugglepoo.

Having a shit fit about someone criticizing the most powerful empire of all time for actions which led to a fucking war is a great way to let everyone know you have an infantile worldview and a piss weak argument. If you say you hate this war but get upset when people talk about the known ways the US-centralized empire helped cause it, then your interest is not in peace, nor in freedom, nor in truth, but in loyalty to that empire.

Learn more and think harder about the role NATO powers have played in starting this war.

Learn more and think harder about what sanctions are and what they do to people.

Learn more and think harder about what nuclear war is and what might cause it.

Whenever I talk about the frightening escalation in censorship and propaganda we’re seeing in the west I get people telling me that Russia is censoring and propagandizing even worse. Like “We’re a bit better than Russia!” is a sane response to this assault on truth and freedom.

If you feel the need to restrict and manipulate people’s speech, even if what they’re saying is true, then your actions aren’t based on truth. They’re based on something else, like geostrategic conquest.

Everything the empire says it opposes Russia for is a lie. Everything the empire criticizes Russia for are things the empire itself does. Everything we’re told is on the line in this showdown — freedom, democracy, truth, justice — are things the empire has been actively stomping out.
People in the west are burning with hatred for Russia and Putin and are buying all this propaganda for the same reasons they lined up for the vaccine.
Again, something is preventing them from going on an allinclusive vacation in Egypt.
Someone is disturbing their peaceful boring existence.
I had a dream last weekend of the attempted assassination of Putin. The attempt occured whilst he was in his car being driven. The attempt failed.
This happened in 2016:

Putin was out of the country at the time, so it was probably done to 'send a message' rather than an actual assassination attempt.
Remember when the world took the U.S. off of the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) banking system when it carpet bombed the city of Baghdad under the pretense of retaliating for 9/11, even though no one in that country; leader or citizen, had anything to do with 9/11?
Because, they killed thousands of innocent people.
When the U.S.... invaded Afghanistan?
Did they at least bar flights from the U.S.?
Still no?
Because, hundreds of thousands died there. Young, misguided U.S. soldiers and to a much greater extent, many innocent Afghan civilians.
How about when the U.S. decimated the entire country of Libya so that their leader couldn't institute a gold-backed african currency, lifting the continent out of abject poverty and challenging the Petro-dollar as the global reserve currency?
They slaughtered thousands and destroyed the hopes, dreams, and stability of millions.

Still no?
The Secretary of State actually laughed about the genocide?
Imagine that.
Perspective is everything when it comes to world events.
We are in a situation where the Ukrainian MoD has been caught using false footage from 2014, in order to urge militant action by its own citizens (and a healthy amount of CIA trained provocateurs on the ground) and engage a high-stakes Russian program of demilitarization meant to de-escalate a growing threat in the region (this was on the books, publicly, from the Kremlin since 2017 at least).
The news has not only attempted to arm the public with violent misappropriation of events, but is actively using a network of puppet-leaders like Zelinsky to create further hostilities and danger for Ukrainian citizens who are not at all the target of what is transpiring.

The news lies.
But in this case, you are seeing the full extent of the mockingbird program as it attempts desperately to cling to the idea of reliability and posture itself against its crumbling global architecture.
Although the U.S. controls the global media apparatus. The hearts and minds of U.S. citizens, and those abroad, have largely long-since departed the fields of domestic propaganda.

Senator Lindsey Graham’s remarks were slammed as irresponsible and bloodthirsty warmongering​

US lawmakers react to call for Putin American lawmakers from across the political spectrum have criticized US Senator Lindsey Graham’s comments as dangerous and unhinged, after he claimed “the only way” to end Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was to kill President Vladimir Putin.​


On Thursday, Graham invoked the assassination of Roman dictator Julius Caesar and the botched plot to kill Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler as examples of what should be done, in his opinion. On Friday he doubled down on his threatening rhetoric, telling Fox News that Russians must “rise up and take [Putin] down.”
“This is an exceptionally bad idea,”
Texas Senator Ted Cruz wrote on Twitter. “Use massive economic sanctions; BOYCOTT Russian oil & gas; and provide military aid so the Ukrainians can defend themselves.”
But we should not be calling for the assassination of heads of state.
“Seriously, wtf?” Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) wrote on Twitter. “I really wish our members of Congress would cool it and regulate their remarks as the administration works to avoid WWlll.”
As the world pays attention to how the US and its leaders are responding, Lindsey’s remarks, and remarks made by some House members, aren’t helpful.
“While we are all praying for peace & for the people of Ukraine, this is irresponsible, dangerous & unhinged,” tweeted Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).
We need leaders with calm minds & steady wisdom. Not blood thirsty warmongering politicians trying to tweet tough by demanding assassinations. Americans don’t want war.
“When has Sen. Graham encouraging regime change ever ended badly?” Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) tweeted.
The White House also distanced itself from Graham’s statements, with Press Secretary Jen Psaki saying on Friday “that is not the position of the United States government and certainly not a statement you'd hear come from the mouth of anybody working in this administration.”
We are not advocating for killing the leader of a foreign country or regime change. That is not the policy of the United States.

The open call for the assassination of the Russian president provoked fury in Moscow, with Russia’s Embassy in the US strongly condemning such statements, as well as demanding that Washington hold the official accountable for his remarks.

“It is unbelievable that a senator from a country that preaches its moral values as a ‘guiding light’ for all of mankind could allow himself [a] call for terrorism as a means to achieve Washington’s goals on the international stage,” said Russia’s ambassador in the US, Anatoly Antonov.
Graham has been driven crazy by the ongoing tensions between Moscow and the West, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov implied, saying “not everyone can remain cool-headed these days, some [people] lose their senses.”
Jordan Peterson interviewing Dr. Fredrick W. Kagan from the US, military schools. "Expert in Russian military studies” PhD in Soviet and Russian military history from Yale. About the war in Ukraine.

Kagan’s position is” blame Putin”, Glory to Ukraine, we have to sort out and go after others like India who aren’t condemning Putin. And more. Basically, the west story in a nutshell. Nothing mentioned about the Minsk or NATO agreements.

For Peterson's part, I never heard him say yes, I agree, or buy in to the perspective, but he did give a good airing of Kagan's viewpoints to his millions of followers around the world.

I'm reminded that during his first tour, I believe it was in Holland, that he said “my son gave me some advice, he said, if I stick to the things I “know” I’ll be ok, so that’s good advice and I plan on doing that” (food for thought)
Well Friday night on the town with my friends from work got very interesting once we started to drink "Stolichnaya". Only this makes people open up.

Although I have a bit of a hangover, I think it is the right state of mind to be in to listen to this.

Right off the bat I hear Kagan do the usual shtick, Russians are wimps and slow. It's taken them so long because Ukrainian Army is a force to be reckoned with. OK. Looking at the calendar and everything is clear about what is happening there.

"People around the World have united in quite a remarkable manner"
Yes Jordan, just like the People around the World united to wear masks forever, especially young kids in school. They are united and supportive of police beating up peaceful protesters in Toronto. They are united in supporting Ukraine where neo-nazi groups have their own battalions DURING PEACE TIME, and are supported by US taxpayer money.
Yes, the World Is United. Amazing Unity.

"Unprecedented protests in Russia."
Sure, it must be in the millions all hoping that Navalny and Khodorkovsky will come and bring Democracy to Russia. I bet the people are probably making little shrines at home and praying to them. Is it possible that perhaps some of the protest are mislabeled and are really to support the government ? Neh, near impossible as the media in the west would know it and report it if that was true.

"Putin didn't prepare his people for this war."
To say this is to assume that the audience are ignorant. Oh yes, I forgot, the audience is ignorant BUT NOT ALL of them on JP channel.


Holy Smokes, it takes stamina to continue to listen to this.

"This is a war against Ukraine"
Which Ukraine are we talking about ? Is it the Ukraine that owns nearly everything in Ukraine and just left Ukraine with their families in Bentleys/BMW/Mercedes to European countries ??? Is it the Ukraine that is living now in expensive hotels and parting in Hungary, Moldova etc ? What Ukraine are you talking about. There is no united Ukraine. It's a house divided and in chaos since 1990's thanks to people like Kagan.

"The UN vote shows ....."
Since when has UN mattered in anything. People in that building are on vacation. I bet nearly all of them don't know what real work is. It's a convenient meeting place to talk to reps. from any country but fixing the world, no way.

"Biden administration very skillfully conducted, an information diplomatic campaign. That stripped away from Putin all of the efforts that he was making to give himself any kind of informational cover, to make it look like Ukraine had started this. ..."
All is clear, Tsar Putin started it for no good reason other than glory and to bring back to life the USSR Empire. That bombing of the Eastern Ukraine before Russia entered Ukraine was just defensive activity of the neo-nazi battalions there, reacting to encroachment by the "green men" and the rebels. Excellent stuff from the Dr.

In a way, if you read between the lines, he is exposing how the West operates. By saturating MSM with the narrative that "We are the Good Guys", Western interventions have the "Information Cover" to act more confidently without the fear that the sheep will figure out what is really going on. "Information Cover" simply means "Propaganda", a word if used today has a negative connotation.

"What could we have done to avoid the war?"
Listen how at 13:00 min Pederson asks a good question and Kagan has to pause, roll his eyes and quickly dream up something. The ONLY OPTION was to fight with Ukrainians but that is out of the question. Boots on the ground is only reserved for weak countries like Vietnam or Iraq. The woke politicians in Finland and Sweden better think long and hard.

On this question the two of them can be seen to be very uncomfortable (Kagan shifting in his chair) and lost. I sense unease, so as not to broach the subject of "Sitting down and negotiating". God forbid negotiating with Evil Tsar Putin.

"Putin only understands force"
Found at around 14 min. Worth listening to this segment to see how all over the place Kagan finds himself. Like a vampire he searches for ways to avoid mentioning diplomacy to solve the problem.
So why didn't NATO/US go in and help Ukraine before Russia flooded Ukraine ? The border to enter it is right there. Because there is no one at home who is willing to fight with the Ukrainians. They just finished 20 yrs in Afghanistan achieving NOTHING but paying trillions to do it.

"Why are sanction viewed by leadership as a credible deterrent?" or "Why use them at all since they hurt the little people the hardest ?"
(15:50 min) Now the Vampire is boiling as he sees the garlic right in front of him. In this segment he admits that sanction would not stop Putin (next logical question would be "So what exactly got him so excited that he would do this?"). So if they knew this, WHY DIDN'T NATO/US enter Ukraine and help with boots on the ground ? Answer is already clear from my comments above, IMHO.

"What are out preconditions so that we can move on ?"
(18:10 min)
"Our basic preconditions is Russians get the hell out".
"There are Russians war crimes being committing."
"There will be war crimes trials"
Expect this to be loud as hell, Nuremberg II. Nuremberg I was a show trial but that subject is a bit too complicated to explain in few sentences. This version of Nuremburg will be loud and colorful. The crescendo will be an Oscar winning movie by Sean Penn using computer animation from Spielberg.

I've seen videos where clearly Ukrainian army is inside someones apartment. Are Russians doing this fighting the Ukrainians ? Kagan would probably answer yes.

The best outcome that he sees is that the Ukrainian (Azov/Idar/Pravy Sektor + Regular) Army defeat the Russians. With Western arms aid this could happen. He then compares this possibility with the Russian-Japanese war 1904 where,
Without lifting a gun, Jacob H. Schiff crushed the Czarist army and plunged its finest battleships down to a watery grave ! Schiff, a direct descendant of the Maharam Schiff, was born in Frankfurt in 5607/1847. Although he studied at Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch’s religious school, it can hardly be said that he kept to his alma mater’s standards once he had left for the US at the age of eighteen. Instead, he devoted his energies to high fi nance and became managing director of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., one of the two most influential private international banking houses of the Western Hemisphere.
This is a very clever website. Why ? Just enter this address in your browser ---> The Strange Side of Jewish History | Yated Neeman's Jewish history
It's almost like only those that know are able to access what is there. I found the link about thanks to DuckDuck using Shiff as one of the keywords. He was a busy banker in his days, Soros of today.

"The ONLY thing West should be "working for" is that the Ukrainian military defeats Russia."
He has no other proposals, now that says it all.

"Right now we have wounded angry bear. Animals like that are very unpredictable (Sic)."
"We will squeeze Russia to death if he does not back off. We will not squeeze it to death if he does back off."
Perderson than asks (22:40 min) if there are any alternatives to the above.

"Putin is to blame. The Administration (Biden) is not to blame"
From this point on he is suggesting that NOT ENOUGH troops were in Eastern Europe and that more needed to be brought in. Lets start Cold War 3. 2 was invisible once 1 finished.

Pederson bought the idea that Russia acted irrationally and that the World is behind West/NATO/US. In a way he is right, which is clearly seen with how this works in the Con-19 Theatric. Con-19 and Russia entry in Ukraine are synchronized but not because Putin works with the Global Cabal. Global Cabal simply left him with only one option which was to enter Ukraine. They ramped up military activity in Ukraine and the Black Sea after 2014 coup d'état which finally allowed them to play the card at their discretion. The right time was when Con-19 con job started to unravel and the NS II pipe was finished. That's my reading of tea tea leaves.

Almost right

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