Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

'Support for dying: Europeans are buying time for Ukraine to regroup its forces and to start attack Russia after Russian troops completely withdrawn around the Kiev.'

By Janis Laizans - April 8, 2022

Slovak Prime Minister, European Commission President arrive in Ukraine

From what I have read, Russia has been methodically destroying ammunition supply depots, fuel supply points etc.. Just this past day Russia destroyed key rail transport connections. Ukraine army does not control air space, thus any attempt to bring in heavy equipment from EU will result it being attacked from either missiles or aircraft. Another problem for them is fuel. That army equipment is not fuel economical.

So to attack Russia is not going to work. The Ukrainian Army is not mobile and even if it does try to move in large groups they will get hit from the air. From what I have read, they are simply fighting in stationary mode. That is why they don't want the civilians to leave !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tochka-U incident is their work. Russia decommissioned them in 2019. Thus only the Ukrainian Army has them on the battle field.
From Andrei Martyanov's blog:

Every single Russian family have somebody who fought and who died fighting against fascism (often used as a substitute for national socialism). The United States has no such experience, neither do US Armed Forces.
"Operation Paperclip", US has direct connection with the Nazi War Machine IN ITS MILITARY.

Vatican/US/UK helped to transfer many Nazis to the US, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Paraguay .... The "mental virus" infected the host.
s it me, or does anybody else notices the facial expressions of that girl, in front of the curtain? She was supposed to be in distress, but instead, she is smiling. It does not appear to be a distressed smile. It appears to be a girl's smile, who knows that she will be seen by the whole world soon. IMO staged.
Probably is staged but that is the weakest smile I have seen in awhile. It's not important I know. Just don't see the smile.
Więcej zdjęć, bo nie wszystkie były widoczne.

Pictures looks like recycled pictures from Middle East - probably Iraq. Look at the hair coverings of women (Islam) and kids faces (more brownish). Small kid's neutral curiosity and big girl's disillusioned looking at some thing else is understandable as kids doesn't understand the complexity of the conflicts and can't prevent themselves from satisfying their curiosity in their own home.

Look at the second photo of the soldier sitting next to the two kids. There is an American flag patch on his shoulder.
@bjorn where is the war going from Russia's perspective? From my perspective it appears to be in a "perpetual" state with no clear end. Interestingly war crimes by the Ukrainian side are appearing more normalised by the day and nazism (at least the Ukrainian version) is entering the mainstream. Zelensky appears to be more strong?
Now the tasks of Russia are to take the territory of the Nikolaev, and then the Odessa region under its full control. And this will completely cut off Ukraine from the sea and make impossible 90% of its exports (from grain to steel).
Over the past few days, high-precision weapons in the south of Ukraine have been destroying military facilities and supply bases.
In addition, Mariupol is 99% liberated from the Nazis, and this will be officially announced in the next couple of days. Today, the seaport of Mariupol came under the partial control of the DPR troops.
In parallel with this, the grouping of Nazi troops in the Donbas will be surrounded and denazified.

As you correctly noted, the advance of the Z troops slowed down, because. this is not a war of total annihilation, but the systematic liberation of a vast country from the Nazis, who take children and women hostage.
A real war of annihilation would have ended already on February 24-25, 2022 through the use of tactical nuclear weapons or the destruction of several cities (Kyiv, Lvov and others). But this would lead to colossal casualties among the civilian population. There is no such scenario and never will be.
I have to admit that I somewhat misjudged the degree of resistance of the APU.
At the beginning of the special operation, I thought that there would be much more defecting to Russia than is actually happening. Some of the reasons for my incorrect estimates are pretty obvious. For example: I do not exist in the Ukrainian media space and therefore could not adequately assess the degree of brainwashing and the degree of falsity of Ukrainian propaganda.
Also, the form of organizing events against retreating and surrendering turned out to be unexpected for me. There is information that the regular units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were saturated with ideological Nazis at the rate of 1 Nazi per 10 servicemen and these Nazis were granted the broadest rights to prevent retreats and surrender, up to murder.
However, the article I have cited suggests that there are factors working in the other direction. To fight with the knowledge that you will be disassembled for spare parts in case of death and in case of injury, somehow you don't really want to. I must say that most likely these are not empty rumors. During the active events of 2014-2015, organized groups for the removal of organs worked on the Ukrainian side, there are already investigative materials about this.
Heh. I have repeatedly said how effective Ukrainian propaganda is.
So to attack Russia is not going to work. The Ukrainian Army is not mobile and even if it does try to move in large groups they will get hit from the air. From what I have read, they are simply fighting in stationary mode. That is why they don't want the civilians to leave !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what's it's that simple. That's how blinkered the majority of people are in the western world unable to think about the situation in Ukraine logically.
Mind numbing propaganda churned out daily now. One war crime after another, It's Russia! Putin's a maniac. The west has to suffer for its citizens to wake up. I get the feeling this suffering will be here alot faster than anybody thinks.
It is clear now the US directed western world want to prolong this war. Probably to bring in this reset. So they can squeeze us proles some more.
I still hear people saying NATO should make Ukraine a no fly zone. These folk live in a fantasy world, a different reality.
It's not hard to see the population in Ukraine are under armed guard. I pray for the best outcome from this situation. I hope one day a majority of individuals on this planet will see the truth. Will these monsters ever be truly exposed for what they are.
Why do they support the fascism?


Hartmann Lauterbacher, SS Obergruppenführer, grandfather
Karl Lauterbach, Minister of Health of Germany, grandson


Fritz von Scholz, SS Gruppenfuehrer, grandfather
Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor of Germany, grandson


Donald Tusk, Security Service of the Reichsfuehrer SS, grandfather
Donald Franciszek Tusk, Chairman of the European People's Party in the European Parliament, grandson


Gerhard Linder, SS Brigadeführer, grandfather
Christian Linder, German finance minister, grandson

Russia claims to know details of deadly missile strike in Ukraine conflict

The projectile that struck a train station was launched by Ukrainian forces from a town southwest of Kramatorsk, Moscow says

8 Apr, 2022 13:59

The Tochka U ballistic missile, which reportedly killed dozens of civilians in the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk on Friday, came from a town under the control of Ukrainian forces, the Russian Defense Ministry claims.

The missile came from the town of Dobropole, around 45km southwest of the city, Moscow stated.

The deadly strike hit the main train station in Kramatorsk when an estimated 4,000 people were waiting for evacuation trains there. The latest casualty count by the city administration said 39 people were killed in the incident and 87 were injured.

Kramatorsk is a city in the northern part of the Donetsk region, and is claimed by the Donetsk People’s Republic as part of its territory.
When hostilities broke out in eastern Ukraine in the wake of the 2014 Maidan coup, the city remained under Kiev’s control.

Kiev accused Russia of hitting the station, claiming civilians were targeted deliberately with the intent to kill. President Volodymyr Zelensky said it serves as the latest example that Russia is “evil that knows no boundaries.”

Initial claims from Ukrainian officials said an Iskander missile was used, but images of a Tochka U tail part taken at the scene later flooded social media. Kramatorsk Mayor Aleksandr Goncharenko said missile debris was found 40 meters from where most of the damage was done.

The Russian Defense Ministry denied any responsibility for the attack. It said that Ukrainian troops must have targeted the station to disrupt the evacuation and keep civilians in the city so that they could be used as human shields during an upcoming fight for it.

The ministry claimed that Kiev is the only party in the Ukraine conflict that uses outdated Soviet-made Tochka U missiles. It said that pro-Ukraine accounts on social media claim that Russia has them as well, but the images presented as evidence were taken in Belarus, which does have some Tochka U systems in its arsenal.

Belarusian troops test-fired these types of missiles during a joint exercise with Russia in mid-February. Minsk is a close ally of Russia and allowed it to use its territory to launch the offensive in Ukraine, but insisted it did not provide any of its forces for the operation.

Moscow attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

Ukraine chess sisters refuse to sign anti-Russian letter

Mariya and Anna Muzychuk are facing expulsion for declining to support a total ban on Russian and Belarusian players

8 Apr, 2022 09:41

Chess officials in Ukraine say they will punish former world champions Mariya and Anna Muzychuk after the siblings refused to sign a letter calling for the total exclusion of Russian and Belarusian players from international events.

The Lvov Chess Federation issued a statement this week listing a host of requests for world governing body FIDE, including the expulsion of the Russian and Belarusian federations from the organization and a complete ban on players from the two countries.

The letter also demanded that Russian FIDE president Arkady Dvorkovich step down because of his supposed association with “bloody dictator” Vladimir Putin.

As it stands, Russian and Belarusian chess stars are allowed to compete as individuals at FIDE events although on a strictly neutral basis.

The letter from the Lvov federation, which was shared on Facebook, contained a host of signatories but noted that 2015 world champion Mariya Muzychuk and 2017 world championship runner-up Anna Muzychuk – who is a former rapid and blitz world champion – did not support the calls.

As a result, the organization said it would “cease cooperation” with the Lvov-born sisters and initiate proceedings for their exclusion from the federation.

It’s not the first time that the Muzychuk sisters have made headlines for taking a principled stance.

In 2017, they announced they would not play in Saudi Arabia due to its treatment of women, meaning Anna Muzychuk passed up the chance to defend her speed chess titles.

“I am going to lose two world champion titles, one by one,” she wrote on Facebook at the time.

“Just because I decided not to go to Saudi Arabia. Not to play by someone’s rules, not to wear abaya, not to be accompanied getting outside and altogether not to feel myself a secondary creature.”

FIDE announced on February 28 that Russian and Belarusian players would continue to be allowed to compete at its events, but only as neutrals and without any national symbols. The two countries were later banned from all FIDE team competitions.

Separately, the organization has taken action against Russian grandmaster Sergey Karjakin after he issued public support for President Vladimir Putin and the military operation in Ukraine.

Former world title challenger Karjakin was hit with a six-month ban which the Russian chess authorities have formally announced they will appeal against.

Karjakin, 32, admitted that he and the Muzychuk sisters were on “opposite sides of the barricades” but added he respected their refusal to back a blanket ban on Russians, saying “sports principles are not just an empty phrase for them.”

Anna Muzychuk had criticized Karjakin in a Facebook post at the end of February, stating her opposition to Russia’s actions in Ukraine and calling on more Russian players to speak out against the conflict.

'Recession shock coming,' major US bank warns

Soaring inflation raises the risk of major economic downturn, Bank of America says

8 Apr, 2022 15:20

The macroeconomic picture is deteriorating rapidly and could push the US economy into recession as the Federal Reserve tightens monetary policy to tame surging inflation, Bank of America (BofA) warned on Friday.

"Inflation shock worsening, rates shock just beginning, recession shock coming," BofA's chief investment strategist, Michael Hartnett, wrote in a weekly note to clients, seen by Reuters. He added that in this context, cash, volatility, commodities and cryptocurrencies could outperform bonds and stocks.

Earlier this week, JPMorgan's chief executive, Jamie Dimon, said in his annual letter to shareholders that the combination of inflation, the conflict in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia may "dramatically increase risks ahead" for the US. He has warned of unpredictable consequences for the nation's economy.

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve laid out its plan to reduce its balance sheet, while also discussing the pace of upcoming interest rate hikes, as it confronts inflation running at a four-decade high. Investors expect the regulator to hike its key interest rate by 50 basis points at its next meeting in early May.
Więcej zdjęć, bo nie wszystkie były widoczne.

These are photos posted on the Telegram channel of the Polish political party Konfederacja.
Captioned: " Russian troops persecute Ukrainians and plunder their homes".
Note the weapons of these soldiers.
Not likely to be Russian. They don't have armbands.
Civilians rather from another region of the world.
In my opinion it is Palestine.

I didn't check.
Those pictures were there inserted as irony.
Oh, silly me.😞
@bjorn where is the war going from Russia's perspective? From my perspective it appears to be in a "perpetual" state with no clear end. Interestingly war crimes by the Ukrainian side are appearing more normalised by the day and nazism (at least the Ukrainian version) is entering the mainstream. Zelensky appears to be more strong?

It is not a capture of cities or of territories perse but an elimination of military targets. Focus on that.

The Russians are mobile while the Ukie army outside the cities are an easy target.

From what I've read, according to Russian spokesmen and Soutfront, although of course, I cannot possibly verify this myself.

15K dead (and/or wounded) in the North during the blitz towards Kyiv.
Another 15K in Donbas and Lugansk
Russian MoD itself had already indicated that 50K have been taken out 2/3 weeks ago. Although they did not specifically state whether these were dead or wounded. I think both apply.

+ 20K Mariupol
50K eliminated so far?

Ukie army is 280K strong on paper. Navy/Army/Airforce Airforce and navy are no longer relevant. 195K are ground troops.

So by these estimations, they lost around 25% of their ground forces.

Russia has 900,000 active military personnel across land, sea, and air of which 280,000 ground forces in active duty and 150,000 naval troops. 20K are marines. All of them are highly trained. + 2 million reservists.

The last reported number is 1351 casualties. But perhaps I missed something.

Don't pay attention to the so-called ''withdrawals'' of the Russian army either. It is impossible to occupy the whole of Ukraine with 190K troops. That's also not the goal. Instead, the Russians will keep their army mobile and strike where the Ukie army is weak and needs to be taken out.

For the Ukie army to then take back these areas is not tactical. The troops they are left with are then more and more scattered which is also a hurdle for the longer logistical supplies. Dumb move!

Also, urban warfare is a real hassle and takes time. Mariupol took a month and can now fall any day. But it was a real AZOV stronghold. Odessa is going to be though too.
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So by these estimations, they lost around 25% of their ground forces.

Although I don't the number of conscripts and volunteers but they will certainly be less effective.

Russia on the other hand has 16K volunteers. Many of them from the SAA (Syrian Arab Army) who thought alongside Russia against IS (Islamic state). If they are the Tiger Forces, (Syrian special forces) it will be a real boost.
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