Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I don’t understand your reasoning for why you think „something isn’t right“. Can you explain why you think so, in simple terms?
@bjorn answered my question.

To answer yours, I think it is a strategic error for Ukraine to commit these war crimes and publicize it. Why? Surely the result would be to motivate the Russians even more - it will be to prove the nazism accusation as true. It shows great indiscipline on their part as a "professional" army.

Personally I won't be surprised if these videos are from phones that have been hacked by Russian intelligence and then released to the public as evidence. I don't doubt the Ukrainian army are committing these crimes - I'm just suspicious why they are so keen to show it. What does it serve them? Are they these crazed for suffering and torture?
Comment under video:
"This advertisement of Ukrainian "techniques" no one will understand, just like the Poles. A Frenchman, an Italian, a Dane - what do they see? A woman with a sickle. A Pole sees 300 ways of murdering Poles by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, especially since she's standing in the middle of a field, dressed like a Ukrainian peasant girl on a Sunday in 1943."
To answer yours, I think it is a strategic error for Ukraine to commit these war crimes and publicize it. Why? Surely the result would be to motivate the Russians even more - it will be to prove the nazism accusation as true. It shows great indiscipline on their part as a "professional" army.

Well said,

Even more so, I think Ukraine, as it stands today, will cease to exist. A prediction I shared:

Which is also part of denazification. Sadly Ukraine has to suffer in order to learn. When this war is over, the majority of them want nothing to do with Kyiv anymore. Instead, they will follow the path of Lugansk and Donetsk and form their own republics only to later join Russia by Referendum. The Russian Empire will be restored, not by conquest, but naturally. That's my prediction at least.

I don't doubt the Ukrainian army are committing these crimes - I'm just suspicious why they are so keen to show it. What does it serve them? Are they these crazed for suffering and torture?

You said it.

The AZOV, Neo Nazi scum that is the Ukraine Deep State, are psychopaths and they are widely represented in the ranks of the military. So yes, they are crazed for suffering and torture. They enjoy it to the fullest.
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Saw this comment on social media. At least some people are waking up to the reality that the Russians are the good guys!

To all those in Western countries, such as myself, I never thought in a million years Russia would be fighting in in the side of right and good. But after weeks of watching nearly a hundred videos and reports from the front lines in Ukraine, the Russians and their allies are defending civilians from the brutality of the Ukraine armed forces against their own citizens! Watch the real videos of Patrick Lancaster who is reporting from the front lines. Literally every citizen he speaks to says the same thing. “Ukraine troops are killing us”. Watch the videos for yourself, don’t just listen to one side of the media. What the Ukraine troops are doing to citizens is brutal and criminal. No media in the west will report the truth, it sickens me.
Media: Russia has appointed a new commander of the special operation in Ukraine

A few rumors. In Russia, they don't write anything about this, but in the LPR, people say that they have replaced all the military authorities, and the shoulder straps were taken away from the former leadership along with the duties. Apparently something is not going according to plan.

Немного слухов. В России ничего об этом не пишут, но в ЛНР люди говорят, что сменили все военное начальство, причем у прежнего руководства вместе с должностями отобрали и погоны. Видимо что то идет не по плану.
It is beginning to appear that beneath the city of Mariupol, the AZOV stronghold now captured by the Russians, lies an 8-story underground complex, "in the style of Resident evil," where an American biolab company has been conducting human experiments.

Russian Security Council's Nikolai Patrushev:

"We are gathering evidence of US military-biological activity in Ukraine. The civilized world will see that America has become a 'worthy' successor of the Third Reich, where inhuman experiments were practiced."

Schermafbeelding 2022-04-10 om 22.36.43.png

People are kidnapped, and then they are experimented on to death to develop new biological weapons. All this while they are in a complex deep underground where no one would ever hear them.

This is Hell.

More to follow:
Apparently something is not going according to plan

The current objectives may have been accomplished but consider this.

The blitz on Kyiv at the beginning of the war and the paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines left many POW's in the hands of AZOV psychopaths. I even think that many in the Russian leadership underestimated how deranged these beasts are. Although their mission after heavy fighting was successful in taking the airfield 15KM near the capital the price of seeing many soldiers tortured to death is not worth it.

There were probably other, less risky ways to accomplish this.
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I'm sorry but the more I see dead Russian POWs the more I think something isn't right. Can you imagine if we saw American or NATO soldiers being tortured and killed like this in Iraq or Syria?

If I was a Russian soldier I'd be thinking I wouldn't want to be captured alive by the Ukrainian army. Like seriously, much rather shoot yourself and die rather than be captured and tortured endlessly.

I'm still left puzzled by how these soldiers are captured. How are the situations arising that lead to their capture? How are their comrades feeling about this?
What if the experienced effect by you and others in some or even many cases is intended? Perhaps we should also as spectators remember to heal our own emotions if they get seriously disturbed from being exposed to news or images, by taking time to read about something else, or meditate, like in Éiriú Eolas.

Below, I have collected a few excerpts from the last session regarding the special operation in Ukraine.
A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D STS! Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.
As the C's expressed with regard to Putin, I think we could also be grateful for the service of the people who participate with good intentions in the efforts of "attempting to remove the psychopathic elements there." Attempting, does however, not automatically translate into immediate success, or a painless effort, but personally I believe the effort all by itself will have an effect at some level.
(Joe) So, they said that unfortunately the resistance of power elite may lead to the deaths of many innocent people. Does that refer to the fact that the Ukrainian elites will essentially sacrifice the people of Kiev in particular? In a sense, they'll create conditions where people are killed because of the Russian military advance on that city?

A: Yes
The study of the incident at Bucha revealed much. There was also the video of the woman whose family found out their house got shelled by the Ukrainian side, an hour after they had received food packages from the Russian soldiers, and thus learned that this was not the thing to do.
Q: (Joe) They gave out 18,000 assault rifles to the people in Kiev and told them to go at it against advancing Russian troops.

(Andromeda) That is SO stupid.

(Joe) Imagine doing that to your population.

(Niall) That's just the small guns. They've moved their big guns into residential areas to use the population as human shields.

A: Psychopaths in action.
(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?

A: Downloading is taking place there.

Q: (L) Downloading of what?

(Joe) Information.

(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]

(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.

(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.

(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.

(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.

(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to possession by 4D STS.

(Andromeda) Wow.

(L) Okay, next question:

(Seeker) Will the war expand into surrounding countries?

A: Not yet...

Q: (Andromeda) Oh boy.

(Niall) Oh boy.
(Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?

A: 17%
(Ryu) Is it likely that it will degenerate into a nuclear war?

A: Not likely or necessary.

Q: (Joe) What are the chances of China invading Taiwan in the near future?

A: High.
(Felipe) Question about Russia: Will Anonymous hack Russian infrastructure and escalate things through those means?

A: Will try but little success.
(cinnamon) And the Ukrainian wheat probably isn't getting planted.

(L) Good point!

(Joe) For sure. Expect higher prices.

(L) Expect REALLY high prices.

(Niall) Ukraine is the 3rd biggest supplier of wheat on Earth.

(Joe) Between Ukraine and Russia, they produce 80% of the world's sunflower oil too.
[C's move to 'listen' on the board...]

A: How is it going to go down? Many variables, but Putin has higher level help.
Q: (Eboard10) Are food shortages going to be widespread across Europe soon, or more localised?

A: Widespread eventually.
Q: (Altair, Cosmos, Gawan) What do the C's mean that Putin has higher help? From whom?

A: Ancestors and himself in the future and a lot lot LOT of knowledge and awareness.
Q: (Tristan) In the previous session it was mentioned that more people needed to be awakened, so that more opportunities could be created for the good guys to help. Are enough people being awakened on the planet?

A: Not nearly enough. More suffering needed unfortunately.
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