Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Media: Russia has appointed a new commander of the special operation in Ukraine
09.04.2022 22:21

Sources report that Russia has changed the command of the group in Ukraine.

Now the military operations will be led by the commander of the Southern Military District, General Alexander Dvornikov, who has extensive experience in fighting in Syria.

The General is 61 years old. Combat experience: the Chechen campaign, the Syrian campaign. It was under his command that the regime of Bashar al-Assad was saved, at a time when everyone had already written off this Arab country

It appears that Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan's support for Russia has resulted in a gentle US regime change:

Pakistani PM loses no-confidence vote​

Imran Khan had previously claimed the opposition was acting on orders from abroad
Pakistani PM loses no-confidence vote

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan © Parker Song-Pool / Getty Images
Pakistan’s National Assembly has passed a vote of no-confidence against Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday, with 176 lawmakers out of 342 voting against him. The speaker of the parliament’s lower house Asad Qaisar, who is also a member of Khan’s party, announced his resignation after adjourning the house three times throughout Saturday.
Khan PTI’s party effectively lost its majority in the National Assembly in March when seven MPs from its coalition partner decided to join the opposition’s ranks. The rivals accused the cricket star-turned-politician of mismanaging Pakistan’s economy, battered by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as mishandling Islamabad’s foreign and internal policy.
Sunday’s motion means that Khan’s five-year term has ended early, much like that of all previous prime ministers of the country.
The opposition will now put forward their own candidate to replace Khan as PM. On March 21, Maryam Nawaz, the vice president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz party – the country’s leading opposition force – told journalists that the party had nominated Shehbaz Sharif as its candidate for the office, which was confirmed by Sharif himself on Thursday.
Pakistan won’t accept ‘imported government’ – Khan
Khan, in turn, had previously claimed that the opposition was doing a foreign power’s bidding, and that an “imported government” would be installed in Pakistan should he be ousted. In his Friday night address, the politician vowed that he would put up a struggle, calling on his supporters to take to the streets.
Khan previously pointed the finger at the US, which he said wanted him gone, for his attempts to carry out an independent foreign policy and his visit to Moscow in late February. The politician claimed to have a recording from the Pakistani ambassador in Washington proving the allegations.
On Monday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova suggested that Washington was trying to “punish an unruly Imran Khan,” describing efforts to remove him from power as “yet another attempt to unashamedly interfere with a sovereign nation’s internal affairs.
The US State Department has denied claims that it was behind the vote of no-confidence, with spokesperson Jalina Porter describing Khan’s allegations as “absolutely not true.
It appears that Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan's support for Russia has resulted in a gentle US regime change:
That's what Imran Khan is saying (which bolsters his cause), but I doubt that is the main reason. Russia in its attempt to bring balance, giving much wanted weapons to many countries including S-400 to Turkey and weapons to Pakistan etc. There are other economic incentives too in it. They also trying to bring Pakistan into Global East fold. This is nothing new and had been going on for few years. Why now?

Imran Khan is known as "selected Prime minister" and had good relation with its army until recently. Without Army's help no body can do any thing in Pakistan and that is why it is called "Army with a Nation". Army helped him in resolving many people issues during his first 2 years. There are many news about he is having issues with Army for his usual dominating approach. It seems to have contributed to fall out with Army. Once fall out with Army happens, its only a matter of time and means when PM is ousted. It happened so many times in the Pakistani history.
Imran Khan says He was in Russia when Russia started its special operation. Is that a proof that he influenced Russia to become enemy of US?
He says US asked his removal - It may not be in the format he is suggesting. Initially when no-confidence motion came, there is no talk of outside interference and he even boasted saying he has a shocking surprise for the opposition and organized rallies. Whether rallies helped his objective or not is not clear, but he did surprised every body by dissolving the parliament and president approved, though its constitutional validity is doubtful. But, Pakistani supreme court got involved and asked him to prove his majority. So he was forced to prove his majority which he failed today.

I think he is using "Bad US" for his situation because he can't blame his own Army right? Typical South Asian Politics.
Ukrainian militants Telegram channels are very proud of themselves filming their atrocities. Such footages are numerous. For ex., a graphic 18+, posted by a Ukrainian militant.

The message say: "Nova Posta. Future Delivery. The Ukrainians, unlike the Russian command, try to return Putin's soldiers to their families. It is not always possible to return them in their entirety, but nevertheless..."

Ukraine soldiers calling family of deceased to mock and swear at them. Knowing modern phones - the soldier in question must’ve been alive before they unlocked his device. That’s another POW war crime their repertoire.

The Ukrainian found a cell phone on a corpse and called mama. Then he laughs dirty and says "your son, your dearest is lying here in pieces" and the woman is shocked and keeps asking where her son llja is, has probably parallel over FaceTime the woman friend of llja turn. The mother asks if he can show it, she can‘t believe him, and he then says obscenely that there is nothing left to look at, that the "leftovers" are being eaten by stray dogs...

Ukrainian call mamma.jpg

(18+) Ukrainians are sharing this photo & mocking over the dead body of a Russian soldier. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that he was chained to a Czech hedgehog, anti-tank obstacle, likely tortured & afterwards, they set him on fire.

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Now even Ukrainians who refuse to mix sports with politics are banned.
Ukrainian sisters and chess grandmasters Maria & Anna Muzychuk will be suspended and excluded from competition by Lviv Chess Federation for refusing to sign an open letter calling for the International Chess Federation (FIDE) to ban Russian & Belarusian athletes.

Maria & Anna Muzychuk.jpg

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