Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Asking people to contact the Chilean embassy. Not sure what they'd be able to do.
I truly don't understand the man. To locate him would not be a big issue for the Ukrainians. He must have known this or he was fooling himself to think that he could avoid this from happening. I read that originally he was in Kiev and then moved to Kharkov when things got serious in Kiev war wise. The safe thing to have done was to move West, Lviv. Sad story because he seems like a nice guy. Very puzzling how he made the decisions that he made.
A few hours ago, some sources published an alleged photos of the cruiser Moscow after being hit by anti-ship missiles

The British financial publication (THE FINANCIAL TIMES) push's a modern day Tokyo Rose as a ruse with the current Russians gains against Ukraine at an all time high. Dated April 7 2022:

Will western Sea Blindness decide the fate of Ukraine?
After 20 years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq’s interior – and with no major naval engagements this century – it’s no surprise that western war reporters, the Pentagon, and politicians have focused inland. The question is, where is Russia’s focus?

By Pavel Polityuk (Reuters) Russia said its troops had cleared the urban area of Mariupol and only a small contingent of Ukrainian fighters remained inside a steelworks in the besieged southern port on Saturday, as missile strikes hit Ukraine’s capital Kyiv and other cities.

Moscow’s claim to have all but taken control of Mariupol, scene of the war’s heaviest fighting and worst humanitarian catastrophe, could not be independently verified. It would be the first major city to have fallen to Russian forces since the Feb. 24 invasion.

“The situation is very difficult” in Mariupol, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy told the Ukrainska Pravda news portal. “Our soldiers are blocked, the wounded are blocked. There is a humanitarian crisis … Nevertheless, the guys are defending themselves.”

Russia’s Defence Ministry said if Ukrainian forces in the Azovstal steelworks lay down their arms starting at 0300 GMT on Sunday, their lives would be spared, Tass news agency said. A senior Russian officer was quoted as saying the offer, made after weeks of fierce fighting, was prompted by “the catastrophic situation” in the steelworks as well as “purely humane principles.”

Also Read: Blockade Of Ukraine – Did Turkey Put NATO Shipping At Risk?

There was no immediate response from Kyiv.

As Moscow launched long-range missile attacks across the country following the sinking of its Black Sea flagship, Moscow said its warplanes had struck a tank repair factory in Kyiv on Saturday. An explosion was heard and smoke rose over the southeastern Darnytskyi district. The mayor said at least one person was killed and medics were fighting to save others.

Also Read: Russian Landing Ship ‘Orsk’ Destroyed at Port of Berdiansk, Ukraine Claims

The Ukrainian military said Russian warplanes that took off from Belarus had fired missiles at the Lviv region near the Polish border and four cruise missiles were shot down by Ukrainian air defenses.

The western city has been relatively unscathed so far and serves as a haven for refugees and international aid agencies.

In Mariupol, Reuters journalists reached the Ilyich steelworks, one of two metals plants where defenders had held out in underground tunnels and bunkers. Moscow claimed to have captured it on Friday.

The factory was reduced to a ruin of twisted steel and blasted concrete, with no sign of defenders present. Several bodies of civilians lay scattered on nearby streets.

Also Read: The Maritime Blockade Of Ukraine Is Working

The Russian defense ministry said its troops had “completely cleared” Mariupol’s urban area of Ukrainian forces and blockaded the “remnants” in the Azovstal steelworks, RIA news agency said. It said that as of Saturday, Ukrainian forces in the city had lost more than 4,000 personnel.

Later on Saturday, Zelenskiy accused Russia of “deliberately trying to destroy everyone” in Mariupol and said his government was in touch with the defenders. But he did not address Moscow’s claim that Ukrainian forces were no longer in urban districts.

The governor of Kharkiv province in the east said at least one person was killed and 18 injured in a missile strike. Smoke billowed from burning cars and the remains of what appeared to be an office building in the city.

In Mykolaiv, a city close to the southern front, Russia said it had struck a military vehicle repair factory.

The attacks followed Russia’s announcement on Friday it would intensify long-range strikes in retaliation for unspecified acts of “sabotage” and “terrorism,” hours after it confirmed the sinking of its Black Sea flagship, the Moskva.

Kyiv and Washington say the ship, whose sinking has become a symbol of Ukrainian defiance, was hit by Ukrainian missiles. Moscow says it sank after a fire and its crew of around 500 were evacuated.

Also Read: Russian Navy Flagship Moskva FAQ

Russia’s Defence Ministry published video of the head of the navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, meeting on a parade ground with about a hundred sailors it said were members of the crew.

A month and a half into President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Russia is trying to capture territory in the south and east after withdrawing from the north following an assault on Kyiv that was repelled at the capital’s outskirts.

Russian troops that pulled out of the north left behind towns littered with bodies of civilians, evidence of what U.S. President Joe Biden this week called genocide.

Russia denies targeting civilians and says the aim of its “special military operation” is to disarm its neighbor, defeat nationalists and protect separatists in the southeast.

Also Read: Russian Landing Ship Docks in Ukraine


If Mariupol falls it would be Russia’s biggest prize of the war so far. It is the main port of the Donbas, a region of two provinces in the southeast which Moscow demands be fully ceded to separatists.

Ukraine says it has so far held off Russian advances elsewhere in the Donbas regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, where at least one person was killed in shelling overnight.

Ukraine gained the upper hand in the early phase of a war, in part by successfully deploying mobile units armed with anti-tank missiles supplied by the West against Russian armored convoys confined to roads by muddy terrain.

But Putin appears determined to capture more Donbas territory to claim victory in a war that has left Russia subject to increasingly punitive Western sanctions and with few allies.

The European Union’s forthcoming round of sanctions on Russia will target banks, including Sberbank SBER.MM, as well as oil, the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag.

Also Read: Ukraine War – Where Is The US Navy? by John Konrad

The Ukrainian military command in the east of the country, where Kyiv says it expects a major assault, said in a Facebook post it had repelled 10 attacks on Saturday, destroying 15 tanks, 24 other armored vehicles and three artillery systems. Reuters could not independently verify the report.

Zelenskiy told Ukrainian reporters the world should prepare for the possibility Russia might use nuclear weapons. He did not give evidence for the assertion.

Last month, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia would resort to nuclear weapons only in the case of a “threat to the existence” of the country – and not as a result of the Ukraine conflict.

An advisor to Zelenskiy said the country needed a swifter supply of weapons from its European Union partners.

The Russian defense ministry said its anti-aircraft systems in the Odesa region shot down a Ukrainian transport plane delivering weapons supplied by Western governments. It did not provide any evidence. There was no immediate comment from Kyiv.

Zelenskiy said about 2,500-3,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed so far and up to 20,000 Russian troops.

Moscow has given no updates on its casualties since March 25, when it said 1,351 had died. Western estimates of Russian losses are many times higher.

Ukraine says civilian deaths are impossible to count, estimating at least 20,000 killed in Mariupol alone.

Overall, around a quarter of Ukrainians have been driven from their homes, including a tenth of the population that has fled abroad.

Also Read: The Maritime Blockade Of Ukraine Is Working

(Reporting by Pavel Polityuk in Kyiv, Hamuda Hassan and Marko Djurica in Lysychansk, Reuters journalists in Mariupol, and Reuters bureaux worldwide; Writing by Peter Graff, Conor Humphries and Matt Spetalnick; Editing by Frances Kerry, Angus MacSwan and Daniel Wallis, Reuters)

CNN's current YOUTUBE channel below with their front page rag.


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It is especially interesting since Germany still is supporting farmers financially so that they don't grow crops from what I read somewhere. I didn't find something in the search, but it might be what is also applied in Denmark. Farmers in Denmark have been restricted for some time in their use of fertiliser, which results in lower yields. Farmers have to keep a record of use of fertilisers and report it to the ministry of agriculture. The ideological part of the idea, which is the facade, is to limit nitrogen in the waterways, though it has been proven not to be a problem as such as the it is more about a balance between nitrogen and phosphor. In praxis it is yet another bureaucratic control measure which could have devastating effects.

I did a quick search and, not to get too off topic here, but perhaps this article can point to the info you were looking for.

Mandared cuts in fertilizer use could be costly for Canada, report warns; Fertilizer industry study, based on EU plan, points to yield losses for corn, canola, wheat

It's a Canadian article from Sept. 30, 2021. I remember, a while ago, there was a lot of news focusing on nitrogen and how it was reportedly leaching into Canadian waterways through runoff and groundwater. Looks like Canada is adopting the EU model targeting the emissions from making fertilizer and reducing such by 20%, which will cut the amount of fertilizer being made, cutting yields, with farmer's possibly losing $48.36 billion between 2023-2030, though I'm not sure if that number also includes the losses from the fertilizer companies themselves.

The 'November 2020 report' link below downloads a pdf titled "The Green Deal and the CAP: policy implications to adapt farming practices and to preserve the EU's natural resources".
“The EU model” refers to a target laid out in the “EU Green Deal,” proposing to reduce “nutrient losses” of nitrogen and phosphorus by at least 50 per cent by 2030.
According to a November 2020 report prepared for the European Parliament’s committee on agriculture and rural development, that target would “reduce the use of fertilizers by at least 20 per cent by 2030.”
I truly don't understand the man. To locate him would not be a big issue for the Ukrainians. He must have known this or he was fooling himself to think that he could avoid this from happening. I read that originally he was in Kiev and then moved to Kharkov when things got serious in Kiev war wise. The safe thing to have done was to move West, Lviv. Sad story because he seems like a nice guy. Very puzzling how he made the decisions that he made.
Yes, agreed though I'd say he should have got out of Ukraine all together and gone to Hungary as that would have been easier to get into than Russia I'd imagine. Ideologically he wouldn't fit into Poland but that would be miles safer. It could have been financial as well? That is, finances might not have allowed him to relocate abroad whilst the war was going on.

Anyways, all these are speculations. Let us hope he is okay.

Ukraine is such a messed up country it's unfathomable. The fact that populations the world over have been conditioned to not see that it's essentially a Nazi controlled country makes me sick to my stomach. People are supporting these stuff and don't even know what they are supporting.
I truly don't understand the man. To locate him would not be a big issue for the Ukrainians. He must have known this or he was fooling himself to think that he could avoid this from happening. I read that originally he was in Kiev and then moved to Kharkov when things got serious in Kiev war wise. The safe thing to have done was to move West, Lviv. Sad story because he seems like a nice guy. Very puzzling how he made the decisions that he made.
I suspect he realized he was a dead man after his first video he posted about the war where he explained the corrupt nature of Ukraine and Russia’s reason for the military engagement. He probably knew he could not escape since he would be identified at checkpoints so he went out on his feet speaking the truth. If this is the case then he truly was a true warrior willing to face the consequences of his actions.

Also it is possible that he is still alive somewhere and has been unable to communicate or possibly intentionally laying low. Either way his contribution to spreading truth is truly commendable.
Yes, agreed though I'd say he should have got out of Ukraine all together and gone to Hungary as that would have been easier to get into than Russia I'd imagine. Ideologically he wouldn't fit into Poland but that would be miles safer. It could have been financial as well? That is, finances might not have allowed him to relocate abroad whilst the war was going on.

Anyways, all these are speculations. Let us hope he is okay.

Ukraine is such a messed up country it's unfathomable. The fact that populations the world over have been conditioned to not see that it's essentially a Nazi controlled country makes me sick to my stomach. People are supporting these stuff and don't even know what they are supporting.
It’s fair to assume he’s been taken. Someone is responding to messages from his phone, deleting his posts, and setting up phony “I’m alive” accounts. The people whose direct messages “he’s” replying to say it sounds nothing like him. Needless to say it’s not a service problem. His phone is working, it’s just not him who’s working it.😢

It was really only a matter of time and he said as much many times.
Help me out here, this Gonzalo report was just posted. He says he is well hidden and on the run. Discusses his children and so forth. He says it is Saturday, and he has been offline since Thursday. So, is this new? And proof he is alive, at least was on Saturday, or is this an old video?

I read through the chat and here is one of the comments. (Which would suggest as of Saturday he was safe, hidden and alive)

"Glad your OK, it's flying around that you went missing since Thursday..."

Here is the video:

Yes, sorry to say that’s an older Gonzalo stream that’s been republished by a news outlet. Gonzalo’s Twitter has a pinned tweet that’s a list of people who’ve disappeared, and says that if you don’t hear from him in 12 hours add his name to the list. No one has heard from him for over 4 days.
TASS/Putin— “Barrage of western sanctions against Russia has failed.”

Obviously, the main negative factor for the economy recently has been additional sanctions pressure from Western countries. The goal was to quickly undermine financial and economic situation in our country, provoke panic on the markets, collapse of the banking system, and a large-scale shortage of goods in stores," he said at a meeting on social and economic issues on Monday.
"But we can already confidently say that this policy towards Russia has failed," Putin stressed and added, "The economic blitzkrieg strategy has failed".
"Moreover, sanctions also affected the initiators themselves. I mean the growth of inflation and unemployment, the deterioration of economic dynamics in the United States and European countries, the decline in the standard of living in Europe, the devaluation of their savings," Putin noted.

At the same time, the situation in the Russian economy is stabilizing, while the ruble exchange rate is returning to the levels of early February, Putin said. "Russia has withstood this unprecedented pressure. The situation is stabilizing, the ruble exchange rate has returned to the levels of the first half of February and is being defined by the objectively strong payment balance," he said.
The surplus of the current account of balance of payments in Russia exceeded $58 bln in Q1, "hitting a fresh all-time high," the president said, adding that foreign exchange cash is returning to the country’s banking system and the volumes of deposits of citizens are rising.
Inflation in Russia is stabilizing now, Putin pointed out. "I will separately note the inflation issue. It is stabilizing now," he said, adding that "consumer prices grew notably over the last 1.5 months - by 9.4%, while in annual terms as of April 8 inflation amounted to 17.5%."
Putin believes that Russia’s budget should saturate the economy with financial resources and maintain its liquidity amid declining lending. "As for the budget, I am aware of the discussions between the Bank of Russia and the government. However, faced with objective decline in lending, of course, the budget should actively support the economy, saturate it with financial resources, and maintain its liquidity," he said.

- TASS Agency

I truly don't understand the man. To locate him would not be a big issue for the Ukrainians. He must have known this or he was fooling himself to think that he could avoid this from happening. I read that originally he was in Kiev and then moved to Kharkov when things got serious in Kiev war wise. The safe thing to have done was to move West, Lviv. Sad story because he seems like a nice guy. Very puzzling how he made the decisions that he made.

Yes, agreed though I'd say he should have got out of Ukraine all together and gone to Hungary as that would have been easier to get into than Russia I'd imagine. Ideologically he wouldn't fit into Poland but that would be miles safer. It could have been financial as well? That is, finances might not have allowed him to relocate abroad whilst the war was going on.

Anyways, all these are speculations. Let us hope he is okay.

Ukraine is such a messed up country it's unfathomable. The fact that populations the world over have been conditioned to not see that it's essentially a Nazi controlled country makes me sick to my stomach. People are supporting these stuff and don't even know what they are supporting.

I don't quite understand what is so puzzling about that. As explained earlier, Gonzalo has a wife, and, if I remember correctly, at least one young child (or two?) In Kharkov. So, right there you have a very justified, sensible and decent reason for his decisions. I certainly wouldn't have acted otherwise either. Apart from that fact, he explained quite well the chain of events that led to his rather rushed escape out of Kiev into Kharkov.
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Regarding Gonzalo, he is virtually unknown in his ethnic origin country. I hope his background from an elite Chilean family can influence action and inquiries from the Chilean Foreign Ministry but don't hold your breath as this new commie government elected by millennials and run by millennials without a clue could not even control the largest traffic jam in the country's history.

Also, seems like the entire population has been brainwashed to take the Ukie side via the state television network, CNN Chile and the other corp-left media biggies not to mention the new President (Chile communist party background) also voiced support for Ukraine.
I don't know what to make of this.

Russian warship sunk in Ukraine war may have been carrying a piece of the 'true cross,' a treasured Christian relic

Russian warship sunk in Ukraine war may have been carrying a piece of the 'true cross,' a treasured Christian relic​

  • The Moskva, Russia's Black Sea fleet flagship, sank on Thursday after an explosion.
  • Russian state media reported in 2020 that the ship was due to take a holy relic onboard.
  • It's unclear whether the relic — a piece of the "true cross" — was onboard when the Moskva sank.
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The Russian warship that was confirmed as sunk on Thursday may have been carrying a holy relic when it went down.

The Moskva, a missile cruiser that was the flagship of Russia's Black Sea fleet, sank on Thursday following an explosion onboard, Russian state media reported.

A news report from 2020 has given rise to the question of whether the vessel sank with a Christian relic — a piece of the "true cross" — onboard.

The Russian Orthodox Church announced in February 2020 that the relic had been delivered to the then-commander of the Black Sea fleet, Vice Admiral Igor Osipov, and was at the fleet's headquarters, ready to deliver it to the ship "shortly," the state-run Tass news agency reported at the time.

The relic in question is a fragment of wood just millimeters large that, according to believers, is a piece of the cross on which Christ was crucified, Tass said. That fragment is embedded in a 19th-century metal cross which is itself kept in a reliquary, according to the outlet.

The Moskva had a chapel onboard where sailors could pray, Sergiy Khalyuta, archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church's Sevastopol District, told Tass. He said the fragment was to be transferred at the request of its owner, an anonymous collector.

Insider was unable to establish when the relic was finally transferred to the Moskva or if it was onboard at the time of the vessel's sinking. The Russian embassy in London did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The sinking of the Moskva, a prized flagship, is a major blow to Russian morale, Western officials said.

Moscow has ignored claims of responsibility from Ukraine, which says it struck the ship with a long-range missile from land.

The exact details of how the ship sunk are still unclear. Russian officials said on Thursday that a fire caused an explosion of the ammunition onboard, prompting an evacuation of the crew.

CNN cited a person familiar with the intelligence as saying that the US believes Ukraine's claims with "medium confidence."

The Moskva attracted headlines at the outbreak of the war for an exchange with Ukrainian border guards on Zmynyii, or Snake, Island as the ship asked them to evacuate.

The resulting conversation — in which the guards told the ship's crew to "go -flick- yourself" — went viral and became a rallying cry for Ukraine's war effort.
It’s fair to assume he’s been taken. Someone is responding to messages from his phone, deleting his posts, and setting up phony “I’m alive” accounts. The people whose direct messages “he’s” replying to say it sounds nothing like him. Needless to say it’s not a service problem. His phone is working, it’s just not him who’s working it.😢

As for the first sentence, yes, among a number of other possibilities, it is a fair assumption. As for the other parts, as explained below, there are a lot of scammers right now, so you need to seep through a lot of BS and make sure to check sources and only work from what we know for sure, at this point. Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised, if the worst scenario has happened to Gonzalo, that we might never find out at all what happened, and he becomes another of the many missing and permanently vanished people in Ukraine. I sure hope that is not the case, but I wouldn't put it past some of those monsters to let him disappear forever without anyone knowing what exactly happened, just to drive people crazy worrying about him. An awful thought indeed, having no closure. I sure hope though, if anything like that happened, that he was able to check out more or less quickly and without suffering. Maybe he was lucky enough to prepare for such a scenario and end it himself before they could do anything.

Having said that, let's hope for the best, since there are indeed quite a number of other possibilities for what is going on that are not that gloomy.

I read through the chat and here is one of the comments. (Which would suggest as of Saturday he was safe, hidden and alive)

"Glad your OK, it's flying around that you went missing since Thursday..."

There are A LOT of scammers out there right now that claim this or that about Gonzalo. Don't fall for it. Most if not all of it is fake. The only thing we know for sure at this point is that Gonzalo hasn't posted anything for a number of days now and failed to appear on a scheduled show of Galloway and probably someone else's show too. The other fact is that he was making sure to post regularly updates before he went silent and said that if he shouldn't post anything for about 12 hours, people should get worried, and assume that something bad might have happened, justifiably.

Yes, sorry to say that’s an older Gonzalo stream that’s been republished by a news outlet. Gonzalo’s Twitter has a pinned tweet that’s a list of people who’ve disappeared, and says that if you don’t hear from him in 12 hours add his name to the list. No one has heard from him for over 4 days.

Yes it is an old stream of his.
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