Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine


Long-range aircraft of the Russian Federation strike at the Azovstal plant || Results of the week
17.04.2022 23:10:54 Sergey Vasiliev Video / Russian
The operation to liberate Mariupol continues. The main part of the Ukrainian military is located at the Azovstal plant. To strike at them, long-range aircraft are involved.

Russian strategic bombers joined the operation to liberate Mariupol. They inflicted a series of strikes on Ukrainian positions at the Azovstal plant. FAB-500 aerial bombs were used, a source in the DPR law enforcement agencies said. It should be noted that the captured Ukrainian marines also appreciated the work of Russian aviation. Regular air strikes accelerated the mass surrender of the enemy at ilyich's Plant. Recall that Mariupol is the largest city of the DPR, controlled by the Ukrainian military. The operation to free him has been going on since the beginning of March. At the moment, the resistance of the Ukrainian military is already focal. Along with the Azovstal plant, they hold positions in the Primorsky district of the city.

Using two combat helicopters equipped with heavy offensive weapons, the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine invaded the airspace of our country. Moving at low altitude, they carried out at least 6 airstrikes on residential buildings in the village of Klimovo, Bryansk region. As a result of direct hits and explosions of shells, at least six residential buildings on Zarechnaya and Lenin streets were damaged. Seven people received injuries of varying severity, including one young child born in 2020. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the border point "Novye Yurkovichi" in the Bryansk region. The fire was from mortars. At that time, there were more than 30 Ukrainian civilians on the territory of the border crossing, who were on their way to Russia. With return fire, the enemy's firing point was suppressed. Two cars in which refugees arrived were damaged, there were no injuries. The checkpoint continues to operate as usual.

A missile strike was carried out on the Zhulyansky Machine-Building Plant "Vizar", the workshops for the production and repair of anti-aircraft missile systems were destroyed. In the area of the village of Horodnya, Chernihiv region, when returning to the air base, a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter was shot down by an S-400 anti-aircraft missile system, which attacked residents of the peaceful village of Klimovo in the Bryansk region on April 14. In the vicinity of the village of Lozova in the Kharkiv region, a Su-27 fighter and 8 Ukrainian drones were shot down in the air.

In the area of Yasenovoe, the launcher of tactical missiles "Tochka-U" and the point of temporary deployment of the Ukrainian nationalist formation, including up to 20 units of armored vehicles and up to 50 nationalists, were destroyed. In the areas of the settlements of Dergachi, Novoelyzavetovka, Povstanskoye, accumulations of Ukrainian military equipment and weapons were destroyed. In the settlements of Nikolaev and Parutino, warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons and fuel were destroyed.

In total, the 221st military facility of Ukraine was defeated, including: 12 control points, 176 strongholds and areas of concentration of enemy manpower, 12 artillery firing positions were suppressed.

The missile cruiser "Moskva" sank while towing to the port in a storm due to damage received during the detonation of ammunition. The ship's crew was evacuated. It is reported by the news agency TASSO with reference to the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The ship sank on April 14, 2022. "When towing the cruiser Moskva to the port of destination due to damage to the hull received during the fire from the detonation of ammunition. In the conditions of stormy sea waves, the ship sank, "tass sources told the military department. The missile cruiser "Moskva" was launched in 1979. Its main armament is the anti-ship complexes "P-1000 Vulcan". On board the cruiser are 8 twin launchers, which allows you to launch 16 missiles simultaneously. Air defense systems are represented by sea-based anti-aircraft missile systems S-300 "Fort" and anti-aircraft missile systems "Osa".

Vladimir Putin said that the Belarusian platform is "quite suitable for further contacts" within the framework of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. He noted that it became possible to start a direct dialogue with the Ukrainian side only thanks to the personal efforts of Alexander Lukashenko. During a personal meeting with the Belarusian leader, Putin discussed the formation of a single defense space and ensuring the security of the Union State. The Russian leader also said that he informed Lukashenka in detail about the development of a special military operation in the Donbass and the course of the negotiation process between Moscow and Kiev. Vladimir Putin also said that Ukraine has moved away from the agreements that were reached with Russia in Istanbul.

And in continuation of the topic. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Moscow sees no reason why Russia could not continue negotiations with Ukraine. "I see no reason why we cannot continue them. Although the Ukrainian side every time turns and happens, 180 degrees, rejecting what it itself has just proposed. But we are patient and persistent people," Lavrov said in an interview with the TV channel "Russia 24".

Webb makes he's way to the border with an effort for verifications of his research.

For CNN's mind melting audience.

See what foreign leader said after meeting with Putin
Russia's neighbor blocked its propaganda. Now its people are buying antennas
Ex-top investor in Russia explains what's really driving Putin


Several reasons:

1. Gonzalo's family (his wife and Children) live in Kharkov. He fled to Kharkov from Kiev when the war started. He found himself in the middle of Kiev when the war started.
2. If I understood correctly, he lived in Ukraine for quite some years before that
3. As soon as he managed to flee to Kharkov, it probably more and more started to dawn on him, that he survived by pure luck so far (or rather, "guardian angels"!) and that he must be super careful now to not get his family in danger or himself. So, he went "underground" in Kharkov. Especially in the beginning, he was gravely naive IMO, about the dangers. He learned, though, step by step, how really dangerous his situation is, OSIT.
4. As a Chilean/American (and a corresponding passport) with no ability to speak or understand either Ukrainian or Russian in the city of Kharkov, Gonzalo was confronted with the fact that he has most likely become one of the prime enemies of the Ukrainian state (and especially of the Nazis), most likely being on kill and capture lists of the Ukis. Leaving the city (Kharkov), would mean going through countless Ukrainian checkpoints, with the very real and likely possibility to get captured/killed/tortured by the Ukrainians. Therefore, he was/is trapped in the city.
He took a very big risk. A part of me was hoping he was not in Ukraine. The answer to whether he can be found by the neo Nazis is yes. He was on the radar of Western agencies assisting the Nazis and I'm sure they could find his location as he was using the internet and likely, mobile phone too. Another possibility is he may have got picked up going somewhere to celebrate Easter or something like that. I hope it's as simple as him having no internet.

If the neo Nazis get their hands on him within Ukraine it really will be very sad situation as these people have no souls and we all know what they are capable of.

Support for anti-Russia sanctions drops – poll

The soaring cost of living in the UK appears to have overshadowed concern for Ukraine

Apr. 17, 2022

The number of Britons advocating harsh economic sanctions against Russia in response to its military offensive in Ukraine has dropped over the past month, according to a new opinion poll.

Conducted by Redfield and Wilton Strategies, and commissioned by The Sunday Telegraph, the survey indicates that only 36% of the respondents, polled this week, are prepared to accept higher fuel prices in order to hurt Russia more – 14 percentage points down from 50% in March.

A third of the Britons surveyed replied in the negative when asked if they were willing to pay more for food to help Ukraine withstand the Russian offensive. Around the same, however, said it’s a sacrifice worth making.

54% of the respondents reported a worsening of their financial situation in the last year, up from 42% two months ago, and 62% said they expect the future to be even bleaker.

More than two-thirds of Britons said they have not received a pay raise despite the growing cost of living, and most of those who did receive a raise said it’s not enough to offset inflation.

Based on these latest findings, The Telegraph surmised that personal financial woes may now have overshadowed concern over Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine in the eyes of the general public in the UK.

Since February 24, oil prices have shot up to levels unseen since 2008. And while they have ebbed in recent weeks, black gold is still far more expensive than before the start of the conflict, with one barrel of Brent crude oil going for more than $111 on Thursday.

Gas tariffs have also followed the upward trend, with all of the above translating into higher energy bills and gas prices for both individuals and businesses across Western Europe and North America. The increased cost of transportation has had a knock-on effect, leading to higher prices for groceries and other goods.

Britain, which in early March announced it would phase out all Russian oil imports by the end of the year, is no exception in terms of skyrocketing fuel prices.

The fuel spokesman for British automotive services company RAC, Simon Williams, told the media that “March 2022 will go down in the history books as one of the worst months ever when it comes to pump prices.” He also said that “to describe the current situation facing drivers at the forecourt as ‘bleak’” would be “something of an understatement.

Figures released on Wednesday indicate that inflation in the UK hit the 7% year-on-year mark in March – the highest level since 1992.

Officials in Britain acknowledged early on after the start of Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine that sanctions on Moscow would result in economic blowback and hurt the UK, too. London went ahead with the punitive measures regardless, with Foreign Secretary Liz Truss arguing that the price would be much higher if Russia took over Ukraine.

Speaking on February 27, Truss emphasized that the “pain that we will face in the United Kingdom is nothing like the pain that people in Ukraine are currently facing.

The UK, along with the US, EU, Canada, Japan, Australia, and several other nations have imposed several rounds of sanctions on Russia, targeting, among other things, its central bank’s assets, a number of top commercial banks, and entire industries. Some countries have announced plans to phase out Russian energy imports, oil and coal in particular.

Ahhh. Only war can prevent the world from collapsing, huh?

Send weapons to Ukraine to prevent world famine, German minister suggests

Increasing the weapon supply is purportedly needed to avert global famine, the official argued

Apr. 17, 2022

Supplying Ukraine with “more effective” weaponry amid the ongoing conflict with Russia is essential to avoid the supposed looming “global famine,” German Agriculture Minister Cem Ozdemir has said. The official made the remarks in an interview published Sunday by the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper.

“Russia’s war against Ukraine is increasingly turning out to be an attack on the international community,” the minister claimed.
"That’s why it's so important that the West support Ukraine with more, more effective weapons – and Germany shouldn't be exempt from that."

Ozdemir also alleged that the Russian military has been deliberately targeting Ukrainian agriculture in the conflict that broke out in late February. He cited “alarming news” coming from the country yet did not elaborate on the source or exact nature of the allegations.

“We are receiving alarming news from Ukraine, where Russian troops are apparently also deliberately destroying agricultural infrastructure and supply chains,” Ozdemir stated.

The alleged attacks are a part of the “starvation strategy,” purportedly employed by Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, the official went on. This “strategy” is set to take a heavy toll on the countries already experiencing issues with food security, in particular a number of African nations, Ozdemir claimed. The situation needs to be addressed globally, and the UN World Food and Agriculture Committee should play the central role in this, the official believes.

“Here we have to agree on fundamental, structural questions of agricultural and food policy worldwide,” he said.

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has prompted fears of global grain shortages as wheat prices soared to multiple-year highs last month. Both Russia and Ukraine are major wheat suppliers, accounting for some 30% of global exports.
I sure hope Gonzalo is alright and pops up with a good story to tell.

From Sputniknews:

Plague and Typhus: What Have American Scientists Been Up to in Ukraine’s Biolabs?

Apr. 17, 2022

The Russian Ministry of Defence has revealed the names of more of the individuals involved in the operation of the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. Among them is a former Pentagon researcher tasked with studying the USSR’s nuclear arsenal. According to the Russian military, Pentagon plans included infecting the entire region with typhus and hepatitis.

Typhoid Rivers and Experiments on Human Beings

“Earlier, we presented a chart explaining the coordination of work at the biological laboratories and research institutes in Ukraine by the United States. One of its components was the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) – an institution which appears, at first glance, to be a privately-owned organization that has nothing to do with the Pentagon,” Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops, said in a briefing on Thursday.

In fact, the Russian military revealed, this institution has been directly involved in the creation of biological weaponry.

Formally, the STCU is an international intergovernmental organization created, in its own words, to “address the global security threat of the proliferation of WMD-applicable chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear knowledge and materials.” Its real purpose, the MoD says, includes the distribution of grants for the development of biological weapons agents.

The STCU has offices in Baku, Azerbaijan, Chisinau, Moldova, Tbilisi, Georgia, and Kharkov and Lvov in Ukraine, and is headquartered in Kiev.

Scientists’ work included the collection of water samples from Ukraine’s major rivers – the Dnieper, the Danube, the Dniester, as well as the North Crimean Canal, in a search for causative agents of cholera, typhoid fever, and hepatitis A and E.

Studying documents, the Russian military discovered that US and European researchers were actually seeking to spread these diseases by water, not just to Russia, but Belarus, Moldova and Poland, and to poison the entire marine ecosystems of the Black and Azov Seas.

Image: Screengrab of Russian MoD briefing showing the STCU’s financing scheme, which included $31 million for the period 2022-2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.04.2022

Image: Screengrab of Russian MoD briefing showing the STCU’s financing scheme, which included $31 million for the period 2022-2024. © Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

Furthermore, the STCU was shown to be involved in experiments on human beings. Recovered documents showed that during the period between 2019 and 2021, scientists searched for test subjects from wards at Clinical Psychiatric Hospital #3 in the city of Merefa in Kharkov region.

“People with mental disorders were selected for experiments on the basis of age, ethnic group, and immune status. Special forms documented round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of patients at all times. The information was not entered into the hospital’s database, staff of the medical institution signed a non-disclosure agreement,” Kirillov said.

This laboratory’s operations were interrupted only in January 2022, when equipment and specimens were taken by STCU staff to western Ukraine, according to the officer.

“In recent years, Washington has spent more than $350 million on the implementation of STCU projects. Clients and sponsors include the State Department and the Pentagon. Financing has also been provided through the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health and the Department of Energy,” Kirillov said.

Long Reach of the State Department and Pentagon

The Russian military operation in Ukraine made discovering the identities of individuals involved in the STCU’s experiments possible.

The post of executive director of the STCU is occupied by Curtis Michael Bjelajac, a US national born in California on 27 August 1968, who studied at the University of California, holds a master’s degree in international finance and has been working in Ukraine since 1994.

The chairman of the STCU’s board is one Eddie Arthur Maier. The center’s activities are supervised by Phillip Dolliff, a deputy assistant secretary for nonproliferation programmes at the US State Department’s bureau of international security and nonproliferation. His term expired on 31 March, but information about his career remains up on the State Department’s website.

Before joining the State Department, Dolliff was tasked with analyzing Soviet strategic nuclear forces for the Department of Defense. Before that, he was said to have worked on a number of other projects, including the US Strategic Defense Initiative, and programmes aimed ostensibly aimed to reduce the threats posed by North Korea and terrorist groups.

The Russian MoD has presented a recommendation from the State Department approving cooperation between the STCU and Pentagon contractor Black & Veatch. Black & Veatch vice president Matthew Webber expressed readiness to conduct work with the institution within the framework of US military-biological research in Ukraine.

According to Kirillov, the institute’s US curators were interested more than anything in dual-use research, such as Project 6166 - studying technologies for the ‘modeling, evaluation and prediction of the impact of conflicts and threats on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction’, as well as Project 9601 on the ‘transfer of Ukrainian technologies on the production of complex dual-use materials to the European Union’.

The goals of these projects included research on the plague virus, tularemia, the bird flu and African swine fever.

Threat is Real

“The US’s military biological bases are a real threat. If we do not close them, this will remain a permanent military capability of the United States” near Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, the former Russian chief sanitary inspector, said.

Onishchenko pointed out that such bases began to appear in former Soviet republics immediately after the collapse of the USSR. This includes very well-equipped facilities in Georgia and Kazakhstan which receive funding from the US defense budget. The doctor stressed that in many places, the Americans have acted absolutely out in the open and have not hidden the provision of funding to various institutions.

The US has also modernized several laboratories in Ukraine, under the pretext of ‘fighting infectious diseases’ and ‘preventing outbreaks and epidemics’, rather of their creation.

Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Pentagon was now seeking to cover up its secret programmes in Ukraine, including experiments with samples of the coronavirus, anthrax and other deadly diseases. “But we have every reason to believe that components of biological weapons were in fact created in the immediate vicinity of Russia on the territory of Ukraine,” he said.

The concern expressed by Russian authorities is centered around the fact that US legislation continues to retain norms which allow for biological weapons research to be carried out. “The ratification of the Geneva Protocol in 1925 by the United States was accompanied by a number of reservations, one of which allowed for the retaliatory use of chemical or toxic weapons,” Kirillov said in his briefing.

Moscow, for its part, has been working to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 for many years, but Washington has sought to block this process. Perhaps progress will become possible as the Russian military releases more information on US military-biological activities in Ukraine.

By Elena Popova
This piece on ZeroHedge showing that the Russians have been preparing to free the Global South from Cult monetary slavery for YEARS:
Trump allowed the election to be stolen. So that the Cult would move in Ukraine. So that Russia could then get involved directly. So that the West would hobble itself by imposing sanctions. So that the world could be realigned into eastern and western hemispheres economically.

From now on, if something seems unclear I will take a deep breath and tell myself that I'm not thinking big enough.


Escobar: Russian Geoeconomics Tzar Introduces The New Global Financial System​

The world's new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity

Sergey Glazyev is a man living right in the eye of our current geopolitical and geoeconomic hurricane. One of the most influential economists in the world, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a former adviser to the Kremlin from 2012 to 2019, for the past three years he has helmed Moscow’s uber strategic portfolio as Minister in Charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU).

Glazyev’s recent intellectual production has been nothing short of transformative, epitomized by his essay Sanctions and Sovereignty and an extensive discussion of the new, emerging geoeconomic paradigm in an interview to a Russian business magazine.

In another of his recent essays, Glazyev comments on how “I grew up in Zaporozhye, near which heavy fighting is now taking place in order to destroy the Ukrainian Nazis, who never existed in my small Motherland. I studied at a Ukrainian school and I know Ukrainian literature and language well, which from a scientific point of view is a dialect of Russian. I did not notice anything Russophobic in Ukrainian culture. In the 17 years of my life in Zaporozhye, I have never met a single Banderist.”

Glazyev was gracious to take some time from his packed schedule to provide detailed answers to a first series of questions in what we expect to become a running conversation, especially focused to the Global South. This is his first interview with a foreign publication since the start of Operation Z. Many thanks to Alexey Subottin for the Russian-English translation.

The Cradle: You are at the forefront of a game-changing geoeconomic development: the design of a new monetary/financial system via an association between the EAEU and China, bypassing the US dollar, with a draft soon to be concluded. Could you possibly advance some of the features of this system – which is certainly not a Bretton Woods III – but seems to be a clear alternative to the Washington consensus and very close to the necessities of the Global South?

Glazyev: In a bout of Russophobic hysteria, the ruling elite of the United States played its last “trump ace” in the hybrid war against Russia. Having “frozen” Russian foreign exchange reserves in custody accounts of western central banks, financial regulators of the US, EU, and the UK undermined the status of the dollar, euro, and pound as global reserve currencies. This step sharply accelerated the ongoing dismantling of the dollar-based economic world order.

Over a decade ago, my colleagues at the Astana Economic Forum and I proposed to transition to a new global economic system based on a new synthetic trading currency based on an index of currencies of participating countries. Later, we proposed to expand the underlying currency basket by adding around twenty exchange-traded commodities. A monetary unit based on such an expanded basket was mathematically modeled and demonstrated a high degree of resilience and stability.
At around the same time, we proposed to create a wide international coalition of resistance in the hybrid war for global dominance that the financial and power elite of the US unleashed on the countries that remained outside of its control. My book The Last World War: the USA to Move and Lose, published in 2016, scientifically explained the nature of this coming war and argued for its inevitability – a conclusion based on objective laws of long-term economic development. Based on the same objective laws, the book argued the inevitability of the defeat of the old dominant power.
Currently, the US is fighting to maintain its dominance, but just as Britain previously, which provoked two world wars but was unable to keep its empire and its central position in the world due to the obsolescence of its colonial economic system, it is destined to fail. The British colonial economic system based on slave labor was overtaken by structurally more efficient economic systems of the US and the USSR. Both the US and the USSR were more efficient at managing human capital in vertically integrated systems, which split the world into their zones of influence. A transition to a new world economic order started after the disintegration of the USSR. This transition is now reaching its conclusion with the imminent disintegration of the dollar-based global economic system, which provided the foundation of the United States’ global dominance.
The new convergent economic system that emerged in the PRC (People’s Republic of China) and India is the next inevitable stage of development, combining the benefits of both centralized strategic planning and market economy, and of both state control of the monetary and physical infrastructure and entrepreneurship. The new economic system united various strata of their societies around the goal of increasing common wellbeing in a way that is substantially stronger than the Anglo-Saxon and European alternatives. This is the main reason why Washington will not be able to win the global hybrid war that it started. This is also the main reason why the current dollar-centric global financial system will be superseded by a new one, based on a consensus of the countries who join the new world economic order.
In the first phase of the transition, these countries fall back on using their national currencies and clearing mechanisms, backed by bilateral currency swaps. At this point, price formation is still mostly driven by prices at various exchanges, denominated in dollars. This phase is almost over: after Russia’s reserves in dollars, euro, pound, and yen were “frozen,” it is unlikely that any sovereign country will continue accumulating reserves in these currencies. Their immediate replacement is national currencies and gold.
The second stage of the transition will involve new pricing mechanisms that do not reference the dollar. Price formation in national currencies involves substantial overheads, however, it will still be more attractive than pricing in ‘un-anchored’ and treacherous currencies like dollars, pounds, euro, and yen. The only remaining global currency candidate – the yuan – won’t be taking their place due to its inconvertibility and the restricted external access to the Chinese capital markets. The use of gold as the price reference is constrained by the inconvenience of its use for payments.
The third and the final stage on the new economic order transition will involve a creation of a new digital payment currency founded through an international agreement based on principles of transparency, fairness, goodwill, and efficiency. I expect that the model of such a monetary unit that we developed will play its role at this stage. A currency like this can be issued by a pool of currency reserves of BRICS countries, which all interested countries will be able to join. The weight of each currency in the basket could be proportional to the GDP of each country (based on purchasing power parity, for example), its share in international trade, as well as the population and territory size of participating countries.
In addition, the basket could contain an index of prices of main exchange-traded commodities: gold and other precious metals, key industrial metals, hydrocarbons, grains, sugar, as well as water and other natural resources. To provide backing and to make the currency more resilient, relevant international resource reserves can be created in due course. This new currency would be used exclusively for cross-border payments and issued to the participating countries based on a pre-defined formula. Participating countries would instead use their national currencies for credit creation, in order to finance national investments and industry, as well as for sovereign wealth reserves. Capital account cross-border flows would remain governed by national currency regulations.

The Cradle: Michael Hudson specifically asks that if this new system enables nations in the Global South to suspend dollarized debt and is based on the ability to pay (in foreign exchange), can these loans be tied to either raw materials or, for China, tangible equity ownership in the capital infrastructure financed by foreign non-dollar credit?
Glazyev: Transition to the new world economic order will likely be accompanied by systematic refusal to honor obligations in dollars, euro, pound, and yen. In this respect, it will be no different from the example set by the countries issuing these currencies who thought it appropriate to steal foreign exchange reserves of Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Russia to the tune of trillions of dollars. Since the US, Britain, EU, and Japan refused to honor their obligations and confiscated wealth of other nations which was held in their currencies, why should other countries be obliged to pay them back and to service their loans?
In any case, participation in the new economic system will not be constrained by the obligations in the old one. Countries of the Global South can be full participants of the new system regardless of their accumulated debts in dollars, euro, pound, and yen. Even if they were to default on their obligations in those currencies, this would have no bearing on their credit rating in the new financial system. Nationalization of extraction industry, likewise, would not cause a disruption. Further, should these countries reserve a portion of their natural resources for the backing of the new economic system, their respective weight in the currency basket of the new monetary unit would increase accordingly, providing that nation with larger currency reserves and credit capacity. In addition, bilateral swap lines with trading partner countries would provide them with adequate financing for co-investments and trade financing.
The Cradle: In one of your latest essays, The Economics of the Russian Victory, you call for “an accelerated formation of a new technological paradigm and the formation of institutions of a new world economic order.” Among the recommendations, you specifically propose the creation of “a payment and settlement system in the national currencies of the EAEU member states” and the development and implementation of “an independent system of international settlements in the EAEU, SCO and BRICS, which could eliminate critical dependence of the US-controlled SWIFT system.” Is it possible to foresee a concerted joint drive by the EAEU and China to “sell” the new system to SCO members, other BRICS members, ASEAN members and nations in West Asia, Africa and Latin America? And will that result in a bipolar geoeconomy – the West versus The Rest?
Glazyev: Indeed, this is the direction where we are headed. Disappointingly, monetary authorities of Russia are still a part of the Washington paradigm and play by the rules of the dollar-based system, even after Russian foreign exchange reserves were captured by the west. On the other hand, the recent sanctions prompted extensive soul searching among the rest of the non-dollar-block countries. western ‘agents of influence’ still control central banks of most countries, forcing them to apply suicidal policies prescribed by the IMF. However, such policies at this point are so obviously contrary to the national interests of these non-western countries that their authorities are growing justifiably concerned about financial security.
You correctly highlight potentially central roles of China and Russia in the genesis of the new world economic order. Unfortunately, current leadership of the CBR (Central Bank of Russia) remains trapped inside the intellectual cul-de-sac of the Washington paradigm and is unable to become a founding partner in the creation of a new global economic and financial framework. At the same time, the CBR already had to face the reality and create a national system for interbank messaging which is not dependent on SWIFT, and opened it up for foreign banks as well. Cross-currency swap lines have been already set up with key participating nations. Most transactions between member states of the EAEU are already denominated in national currencies and the share of their currencies in internal trade is growing at a rapid pace.
A similar transition is taking place in trade with China, Iran, and Turkey. India indicated that it is ready to switch to payments in national currencies as well. A lot of effort is put in developing clearing mechanisms for national currency payments. In parallel, there is an ongoing effort to develop a digital non-banking payment system, which would be linked to gold and other exchange-traded commodities – ‘stablecoins.’

Recent US and European sanctions imposed on the banking channels have caused a rapid increase in these efforts. The group of countries working on the new financial system only needs to announce the completion of the framework and readiness of the new trade currency and the process of formation of the new world financial order will accelerate further from there. The best way to bring it about would be to announce it at the SCO or BRICS regular meetings. We are working on that.
The Cradle: This has been an absolutely key issue in discussions by independent analysts across the west. Was the Russian Central Bank advising Russian gold producers to sell their gold in the London market to get a higher price than the Russian government or Central Bank would pay? Was there no anticipation whatsoever that the coming alternative to the US dollar will have to be based largely on gold? How would you characterize what happened? How much practical damage has this inflicted on the Russian economy short-term and mid-term?
Glazyev: The monetary policy of the CBR, implemented in line with the IMF recommendations, has been devastating for the Russian economy. Combined disasters of the “freezing” of circa $400 billion of foreign exchange reserves and over a trillion dollars siphoned from the economy by oligarchs into western offshore destinations, came with the backdrop of equally disastrous policies of the CBR, which included excessively high real rates combined with a managed float of the exchange rate. We estimate this caused under-investment of circa 20 trillion rubles and under-production of circa 50 trillion rubles in goods.
Following Washington’s recommendations, the CBR stopped buying gold over the last two years, effectively forcing domestic gold miners to export full volumes of production, which added up to 500 tons of gold. These days the mistake and the harm it caused are very much obvious. Presently, the CBR resumed gold purchases, and, hopefully, will continue with sound policies in the interest of the national economy instead of ‘targeting inflation’ for the benefit of international speculators, as had been the case during the last decade.
The Cradle: The Fed as well as the ECB were not consulted on the freeze of Russian foreign reserves. Word in New York and Frankfurt is that they would have opposed it were they to have been asked. Did you personally expect the freeze? And did the Russian leadership expect it?
Glazyev: My book “The Last World War” that I already mentioned, which was published as far back as 2015, argued that the likelihood of this happening eventually is very high. In this hybrid war, economic warfare and informational/cognitive warfare are key theaters of conflict. On both of these fronts, the US and NATO countries have overwhelming superiority and I did not have any doubt that they would take full advantage of this in due course.
I have been arguing for a long time for replacement of dollars, euro, pounds, and yen in our foreign exchange reserves with gold, which is produced in abundance in Russia. Unfortunately, western agents of influence which occupy key roles at central banks of most countries, as well as rating agencies and key publications, were successful in silencing my ideas. To give you an example, I have no doubt that high-ranking officials at the Fed and the ECB were involved in developing anti-Russian financial sanctions. These sanctions have been consistently escalating and are being implemented almost instantly, despite the well-known difficulties with bureaucratic decision making in the EU.
The Cradle: Elvira Nabiullina has been reconfirmed as the head of the Russian Central Bank. What would you do differently, compared to her previous actions? What is the main guiding principle involved in your different approaches?
Glazyev: The difference between our approaches is very simple. Her policies are an orthodox implementation of IMF recommendations and dogmas of the Washington paradigm, while my recommendations are based on the scientific method and empirical evidence accumulated over the last hundred years in leading countries.
The Cradle: The Russia-China strategic partnership seems to be increasingly ironclad – as Presidents Putin and Xi themselves constantly reaffirm. But there are rumbles against it not only in the west but also in some Russian policy circles. In this extremely delicate historical juncture, how reliable is China as an all-season ally to Russia?
Glazyev: The foundation of Russian-Chinese strategic partnership is common sense, common interests, and the experience of cooperation over hundreds of years. The US ruling elite started a global hybrid war aimed at defending its hegemonic position in the world, targeting China as the key economic competitor and Russia as the key counter-balancing force. Initially, the US geopolitical efforts were aiming to create a conflict between Russia and China. Agents of western influence were amplifying xenophobic ideas in our media and blocking any attempts to transition to payments in national currencies. On the Chinese side, agents of western influence were pushing the government to fall in line with the demands of the US interests.
However, sovereign interests of Russia and China logically led to their growing strategic partnership and cooperation, in order to address common threats emanating from Washington. The US tariff war with China and financial sanctions war with Russia validated these concerns and demonstrated the clear and present danger our two countries are facing. Common interests of survival and resistance are uniting China and Russia, and our two countries are largely symbiotic economically. They complement and increase competitive advantages of each other. These common interests will persist over the long run.
The Chinese government and the Chinese people remember very well the role of the Soviet Union in the liberation of their country from the Japanese occupation and in the post-war industrialization of China. Our two countries have a strong historical foundation for strategic partnership and we are destined to cooperate closely in our common interests. I hope that the strategic partnership of Russia and the PRC, which is enhanced by the coupling of the One Belt One Road with the Eurasian Economic Union, will become the foundation of President Vladimir Putin’s project of the Greater Eurasian Partnership and the nucleus of the new world economic order
Indeed! My first thought was that it was a NATO sabotage, or, since it was mentioned here, maybe a Mossad sabotage. If any of the two are correct the russians obviously have to cover it up to prevent escalation. It also could just have been an accident.
Several days have passed and not much information has come out, even ignoring the protocols that the Russians have, in general those related to fires on board ships are very rigorous so it is a little strange or at least unlikely how the situation ended if we stick to the version given by Russia.
The Neptune class missiles are designed to sink ships of up to 5,000 tons and this one had a weight of 12,500 tons, so it had a chance of surviving the attack, if it happened at all.
there are also no satellite photos, at least available under the claim that if there was a storm and the rain prevented the capture of photos.
Sin título.png
It is also worth mentioning that on April 15 Russia had attacked a plant where the components of these missiles would be manufactured... whatever happened, Russia has no choice but to remain silent from a strategic point of view.
Actually, it is way harder for an unvaccinated Canadian to leave the country and return, than it is for an unvaccinated Australian. Trudeau has turned the entire country into a prison, filled with political correctness and 50 shades of gender pronouns. Not to mention that Weather Changes/the looming Ice Age, might get to be too harsh up there. I'd consider moving if I were you :-) <- the smile is to not alarm you too much, but to get you to calmy think about it :-)

My brother was telling me the other day that they have this show playing in Cyprus too! :shock: I shouldn't have been surprised though. It's part of the "Love Zelensky", "Support Zelensky!", "Aid lovable and funny Zelensky to fight against the evil Russians" propaganda campaign.
The same is happening on the italian TV networks as well, they're playing this show for sheeple consumption. Sorry if it sounds cruel but unfortunately it's true. The amazing thing is to see the western world's coordinated copy and paste actions and propaganda machine acting as one body, one government, like a hive mind. It's fascinating to witness it but at the same time it's darn sickening and disconcerting to see.
From article: "Poland, where centuries of clashes with Russia have made many hostile to the Kremlin, is a staunch supporter of Ukraine in its military conflicts."

It's true that a thousand years of neighboring Russia has caused a huge phobia in Poles towards Russians and Russia, but this also applies to Ukrainians, who murdered 100,000 Poles living next door in villages in Volhynia in 1943.
One must separate the feelings of Poles from what is mass brainwashing by the MSM. The media in an extreme way tries to make Poles hostile towards Russians, while on the other hand they make us think that Ukrainians are our friends.
Such brainwashing of our consciousness has a very weak basis. No one asks what is really in the depths of a Pole's soul, and in case of a threat, the whole narrative may collapse. Common sense will always prevail, or at least it will put sand in the cogs of the media machine.

Mr. Gebert is a Jewish journalist for a Polish-language newspaper that promotes the Jewish point of view in Poland. In the aspect of Nazism prevalent in the Ukrainian army, he is correct.
The problem of Poland and post-Soviet countries (including Ukraine) is the over-representation of people of Jewish origin in the structures of power, police, education, military, courts, etc.
MSM and authorities do not represent Poles. They are not our interests. To take any side in this conflict is foolishness. But we are not the ones in power

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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
'Preparing public for sending US troops to Ukraine?'

Biden ally floats idea of US troops in Ukraine

17 Apr, 2022
Senator suggests Ukraine may ‘turn into Syria’ unless the US and NATO ‘stop Putin’

US Senator Chris Coons, a politician described by media outlets as President Joe Biden’s closest Senate ally, has raised the idea of deploying American troops to fight Russians in Ukraine, saying he fears the former Soviet republic will “become the Syria of Eastern Europe.”

“The American people cannot turn away from this tragedy in Ukraine,”
Coons said on Sunday in a CBS News interview. “I think the history of the 21st century turns on how fiercely we defend freedom in Ukraine and that Putin will only stop when we stop him.”

Asked by host Margaret Brennan about his recent comments calling for US leaders to discuss troop deployments to Ukraine, Coons said policy makers must consider the “level of brutality” exhibited by Russian forces. He credited Biden with pulling Western allies together to impose “crushing sanctions” on Russia, but suggested that more direct action may be needed as Russian President Vladimir Putin raises the stakes.

“If Vladimir Putin, who has shown us how brutal he can be, is allowed to just continue to massacre civilians, to commit war crimes throughout Ukraine without NATO, without the West coming more forcefully to his aid, I deeply worry that what's going to happen next is that we will see Ukraine turn into Syria,” Coons said. Presumably, he meant to say that the US and NATO need to come more forcefully to Ukraine’s aid, not Putin’s.

Coons worked as an intern in Biden’s Senate office in the 1990s and was elected to fill his former Senate seat in 2010. He was described by the New York Times as “Biden’s eyes and ears in the Senate,” while Politico called him “the Biden whisperer.” Media outlets called him a “shadow secretary of state” after the White House sent him on a diplomatic mission to Ethiopia last year.

Like Biden, Coons has previously spoken out against sending American forces to Ukraine. He seldom, if ever, contradicts Biden’s views, so his change of rhetoric raised concerns over what the commander-in-chief might be considering.

The senator’s latest comments come three days after he said the Biden administration and US lawmakers need to discuss parameters for troop deployments to Ukraine. Speaking at an event at the University of Michigan, he argued that if direct military involvement is ruled out, “we are inviting another level of escalation in brutality by Putin.”

We are coming right up against a Cuban missile crisis moment in terms of a direct confrontation between NATO, the United States, the West and Russia.

Coons added that “autocrats around the world” – from North Korea to Iran to China – are closely watching the US and NATO response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He also called the crisis a “1939 moment,” apparently alluding to Nazi Germany’s early conquests in Europe.

“At some point, we are going to have to confront the reality that Putin may be willing to escalate beyond our willingness to take risks,” Coons said. “And if we allow Ukraine to become the Syria of Eastern Europe, I think we will have failed both the Ukrainian people and this moment in history.”
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