Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

SUNDAY, APR 17, 2022
Update(1632ET): I

In what appears Moscow's "answer" to the US and NATO countries continuing to supply major weapons systems to Ukrainian forces, state agency TASS is claiming that Russian forces have brought down a Ukrainian military transport plane that was transporting Western arms. It would mark a massive battlefield development if confirmed, potentially escalating conflict more directly with the West, now that Russia is actively targeting Western arms shipments.
The alleged shoot down occurred outside Odessa via anti-air systems, says TASS, while citing Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov. Though remaining unconfirmed, China state media has also picked up the report, citing the defense ministry statement, which reads:
“Near Odesa Russian anti-aircraft defense forces have shot down a Ukrainian military transport plane, which was delivering a large shipment of arms supplied to Ukraine by Western counties,” Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said Saturday

However, there's nothing in the way of independent or outside sources confirming it, and Ukraine's military has not issued any statements, nor are they likely to admit that their military aircraft were transporting Western weapons shipments, even if accurate.

Days ago, the Kremlin repeated its threat to attack any inbound shipments of weaponry or supplies coming from Ukraine's Western backers. The military also said it would hit "decision-making centers" - and on Saturday long-range missiles reportedly struck weapons depots in Kiev.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon and US State Department have continued positively boasting that more weapons are en route, in a continuing escalation.



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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Another British Mercenary has been captured by the Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic in the city of Mariupol.
On April 16, Russian journalist Andrey Rudenko shared a video of the captured mercenary who was identified as Shaun Pinner. In the video Shaun Pinner, 48, says that he was fighting in the ranks of the 36th Marine Brigade’s 1st Battalion.
“I was fighting in Mariupol for five-six weeks and now I’m in Donetsk People’s Republic,” Peter says.
Shaun, who moved to Mariupol four years ago, was videoed fighting with Ukrainians forces at the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

In March, Shaun was wounded by shrapnel from a Russian tank round while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces and other mercenaries in Mariupol.

Shaun, originally from Bedfordshire, is a former service member of the British military. He reportedly served in the ranks of the Royal Anglian Regiment and fought in Bosnia in 1994. The British mercenary also fought in Syria alongside the US-backed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).
Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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The Russian Investigation Committee said that Shaun, who now says he just wants to return Home, will be questioned by Russian investigators.
“The investigation will definitely question another mercenary caught in Mariupol,” the committee said.
The first British mercenary to be captured by Russia and DPR forces was Aiden Aslin, 28. Just like Shaun, Aslin was fighting in the ranks the 36th Marine Brigade. He also fought with the YPG in Syria before moving to Ukraine. The past of Shaun and Aslin indelicate that they are not mercenaries, but British intelligence officers.
Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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It’s worth noting that the passports of two American mercenaries, or more likely intelligence officers, who were killed in action were found in Mariupol very recently.
Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Currently, the remaining Ukrainian forces and foreign mercenaries, estimated to be no more than 2,500, are besieged in the Azovstal steel plant by the Russian military and the armed forces of the DPR. Unconditional surrender appears to be their only way out of Mariupol alive.

Russian Federation Urgent Humanitarian Response Statement On 16 April 2022

SF note: We publish the translation of the Russian Federation’s statement as close as possible to the Russian original, seeking to keep the style of the initial text. The statement itself is, of course, of historical interest. However, its substance once again raises more questions than answers for the independent observer.
During April 16, 2022, there was a sharp increase in the intensity of radio communications between militants of nationalist formations and foreign mercenaries blocked in Mariupol at Azovstal Plant.

The content of the radio intercepts (367 were received in the past 24 hours alone) shows that the resisting militants are in a desperate situation, practically without food and water. They are persistently demanding permission from the official authorities in Kiev to lay down arms and surrender. At the same time, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities categorically forbid this and threaten with subsequent shootings under “wartime” conditions.

In accordance with persistent humanitarian initiatives by France, Germany and Turkey, as well as exclusively for humane purposes, the Russian Armed Forces have repeatedly offered the fighters to lay down their weapons and withdraw from Mariupol to territories under the control of the Kiev authorities.

For this purpose, since 21 March 2022, a humanitarian corridor was opened daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and since 5 April 2022, such corridors have also been opened daily, but around the clock.

The Russian side opened humanitarian corridors on a daily basis and ensured all requirements to observe the “silence regime” in the Mariupol direction.

The Ukrainian side had never confirmed any guarantees of the safety of these humanitarian routes, and on the contrary, deliberately obstructed the implementation of these initiatives.

Representatives of foreign embassies, specialized structures of the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations were duly informed about the planned humanitarian operations through all available information resources, including the media.

None of these organizations, with the exception of the International Committee of the Red Cross, has ever responded to our insistent appeals to open humanitarian corridors for the fighters to leave.

Thanks to the measures taken by the Russian Federation, without the participation of the Ukrainian side and international organizations, it was possible to evacuate from Mariupol over 168 thousand civilians (139,678 of them to the Russian Federation), including 237 representatives of foreign countries.

In addition, 1,464 Ukrainian servicemen laid down their arms and surrendered. No violence or psychological pressure is applied to them. Everyone is given the opportunity to contact relatives. Wounded prisoners of war are provided with timely and qualified medical assistance.

Taking into account the catastrophic situation at the Azovstal Plant and also guided by purely humane principles, the Russian Armed Forces suggest that the militants of the nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries stop any hostilities and lay down their arms from 06:00 (Moscow time) on 17 April 2022. All those who lay down their arms are guaranteed to remain alive.

For the practical realization of this humanitarian operation, the following algorithm of action is provided for:
From 05:00 (Moscow time) continuous communication is established between the Russian and Ukrainian sides for mutual exchange of information;
From 05:30 (Moscow time), fighters of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries, on the one hand, and the Russian Armed Forces, together with the military formations of the Donetsk People’s Republic, on the other hand, declare a “total silence regime” and guarantee its strict observance;
The actual start of the “silence regime” at 06:00 (Moscow time) is indicated by both sides raising flags: red on the Russian side and white on the Ukrainian side along the entire perimeter of Azovstal. In addition, the fact that the parties are ready to introduce a “silence regime” is confirmed through all channels of communication;
from 06:00 to 13:00 (Moscow time) – the withdrawal of all Ukrainian armed units and foreign mercenaries, without any weapons or ammunition.
Once again, we call on the official authorities in Kyiv to show discretion and issue the appropriate instructions to the militants to end the pointless resistance and withdraw from the hotbed of resistance. Realizing, however, that they will receive no such orders or commands from the authorities in Kyiv, we urge them to take this decision themselves and lay down their weapons.

We appeal to all members of the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries – with the cynical attitude of the Kyiv authorities, such an unenviable fate awaits all of you. With this in mind, do not test your fate like the Mariupol tragedy, but make the only right decision to stop the hostilities and lay down your arms now, no matter where your “handlers” force you to fight for the ideas of Nazism. In doing so, the Russian Federation guarantees each of you the preservation of your lives and the observance of all norms of the Geneva Convention for the treatment of prisoners of war, as has already happened to your comrades who previously surrendered in Mariupol.

This urgent statement is to be published immediately and communicated to the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations through all available information resources, including the media.

In addition, this urgent statement will be broadcast continuously throughout the night to Ukrainian formations at Azovstal on all radio channels at intervals of every 30 minutes.
Juan Sinmiedo fears that Gonzalo Lira is missing:

O Divine Cosmic Mind, that nothing should happen to him.

I just saw this on Twitter, it could be that the internet is down in Kharkov:

This is my take on the lack of internet.
Especially since the liberation operation in eastern Ukraine is getting ready.

I‘m afraid we have to prepare for the worst.
He was scheduled to appear on George Galloway‘s show, which just started. Galloway can’t reach him either:

I hope, if Gonzalo was captured, that he is/was lucky enough to leave this earth with as little pain and suffering (and as quickly) as possible.
Was entertained by Sam Gerrans vid about propaganda. He analyses some publications, sorting out the standard forms used, pointing out this sentencing by emotional narrative leads straight into totalitarianism. For a taste, start at 21:30.

He seems to be in Russia, just started out making content, because he felt upset by the denial of the media to take into account the effort Russia makes to minimize the amount of civilian casualties.
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Juan Sinmiedo fears that Gonzalo Lira is missing:

O Divine Cosmic Mind, that nothing should happen to him.
I’m really concerned about Gonzalo. I’ve been watching his streams for some time. I really enjoyed his spy novel Acrobat. I know he’s Chilean, but he grew up two blocks from my brother’s house in Van Nuys, CA. I almost feel like I know the guy. Listening to him talking he sounds exactly like my brother. His tone, his diction, his way of speaking, his whole Coach Red Pill style. It’s like they grew up together. It’s not just Sinmiedo who’s missing him either. Galloway made a very grim mention of him on his latest as well. I pray it’s just an internet outage, and that there’s simply no cell service, but the fact is that there’s a price on his head in Ukraine, and that’s worrying.
Data to back up the claim that there aren't secret underground Russian cities inhabited by millions of people? I'd say asserting their existence is the one that would need data to back it up.
Yes, it reminded me of Saddam Hussein having to prove that he didn't have weapons of mass destruction. When he said no and when the weapons inspectors, including Scott Ritter at the time (if I remember correctly) said that Iraq didn't have any, the US just replied that it was proof that the WMD were really well hidden. And in the end the US attacked Iraq to rid it of the non existing WMD. And the rest is history.

As for Russia having or not having underground cities, then who knows. It is hard to say anything with any certainty.
Does anyone know the reason Gonzalo chose not to leave Ukraine?

Several reasons:

1. Gonzalo's family (his wife and Children) live in Kharkov. He fled to Kharkov from Kiev when the war started. He found himself in the middle of Kiev when the war started.
2. If I understood correctly, he lived in Ukraine for quite some years before that
3. As soon as he managed to flee to Kharkov, it probably more and more started to dawn on him, that he survived by pure luck so far (or rather, "guardian angels"!) and that he must be super careful now to not get his family in danger or himself. So, he went "underground" in Kharkov. Especially in the beginning, he was gravely naive IMO, about the dangers. He learned, though, step by step, how really dangerous his situation is, OSIT.
4. As a Chilean/American (and a corresponding passport) with no ability to speak or understand either Ukrainian or Russian in the city of Kharkov, Gonzalo was confronted with the fact that he has most likely become one of the prime enemies of the Ukrainian state (and especially of the Nazis), most likely being on kill and capture lists of the Ukis. Leaving the city (Kharkov), would mean going through countless Ukrainian checkpoints, with the very real and likely possibility to get captured/killed/tortured by the Ukrainians. Therefore, he was/is trapped in the city.
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Tim Pool and his guest get into the possibility of super ancient motives behind the conflict in Ukraine including Nazi interests and Russian interests. They don’t seem to know much (portal, kantekians) but Tim does have a wide audience and I’m curious about ancient history being revived.

This isn’t super important but I though that this segment was worth sharing. They begin talking about Ukraine’s ancient history and such about 6 minutes in.
I‘m afraid we have to prepare for the worst.
He was scheduled to appear on George Galloway‘s show, which just started. Galloway can’t reach him either:

I hope, if Gonzalo was captured, that he is/was lucky enough to leave this earth with as little pain and suffering (and as quickly) as possible.

I followed Gonzalo (his great video/streams) and the situation he finds himself in quite closely ever since I came across him here (when he was still in Kiev), and Galloway and/or his team seems to have done so similarly.

Here are the minutes (as far as I could see) where Galloway mentions/discusses the Gonzalo's situation:

See next post, for the last minute.
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