Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Which is also part of denazification. Sadly Ukraine has to suffer in order to learn. When this war is over, the majority of them want nothing to do with Kyiv anymore. Instead, they will follow the path of Lugansk and Donetsk and form their own republics only to later join Russia by Referendum. The Russian Empire will be restored, not by conquest, but naturally. That's my prediction at least.

Ukraine, as it exists today, will cease to exist.

In the Kherson region, a referendum on the creation of the "Kherson People's Republic" is being prepared - Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova:

"According to the information of witnesses, ballots for the referendum are already being printed in the printing house of the city of Novaya Kakhovka," she said.

According to her, the referendum will be held in early May.
Moscow Warns US In Diplomatic Letter: Arming Ukraine To Result In "Unpredictable Consequences"


Russia sent a formal diplomatic note to the US this week calling on Washington and NATO to stop arming Ukraine. The note, which was obtained by The Washington Post, said the Western campaign to pour weapons into Ukraine was “adding fuel” to the conflict and could lead to “unpredictable consequences.”

The diplomatic note was sent Tuesday, when news broke of a new massive US military aid package for Ukraine. President Biden announced the new aid on Wednesday, which is worth $800 million and includes howitzers for the first time. The package also includes helicopters, armed Switchblade drones, coastal defense drones, armored vehicles, radar systems, and thousands of Stinger and Javelin missiles.

The Russian note was sent to the State Department by the Russian Embassy in Washington. It said the US and its NATO allies were ignoring “rigorous principles” on the transfer of weapons into the conflict zone and said the Western powers are oblivious to “the threat of high-precision weapons falling into the hands of radical nationalists, extremists and bandit forces in Ukraine.”

The Russians accused NATO of pressuring Ukraine to “abandon” peace talks with Moscow “in order to continue the bloodshed.” The US and most of its NATO allies have shown little interest in supporting the negotiations between the warring sides. The Western powers are signaling that they don’t want Kyiv to make any concessions to Moscow.

The Post reported last week that for some NATO members “it’s better for the Ukrainians to keep fighting, and dying, than to achieve a peace that comes too early or at too high a cost to Kyiv and the rest of Europe.”

The formal Russian protest of the US arming Ukraine could be a precursor to Russia launching airstrikes on weapons shipments in Ukraine. On Wednesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned that Moscow would view US or NATO vehicles transporting arms inside Ukraine as “legitimate military targets.”

t’s not clear if any US or NATO vehicles have actually brought weapons into Ukraine since Russia invaded. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby has said that Ukrainian troops bring the weapons into Ukraine after the US brings them to Eastern Europe. So far, there haven’t been reports of Russia targeting weapons shipments as they enter Ukraine, but Moscow has hit weapons depots. Earlier this week, Russia said it destroyed an S-300 missile defense system in Ukraine that was provided by a European country.

Russia’s protest highlights the danger of the US-led campaign to pour weapons into Ukraine and the risk of provoking Moscow. On top of arming the Ukrainians, the US is also providing them with intelligence for attacks on Russian forces. The huge amount of support raises questions about at what point Russia would consider the US a co-belligerent in the war.
Then definitely not. In the USSR, there were secret cities where foreigners were denied access (Dnepropetrovsk due to military-industrial, nuclear and space potential) and there are various old tunnels in many historical cities, but there are definitely no underground secret cities. And if they are also allegedly inhabited, then it certainly would not be possible to hide for 30 years

Do you have any data to back that up? It's quite the claim.


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Russian MoD Briefing For Evening Of 16 April 2022
The Russian Armed Forces continue a special military operation in Ukraine.
During the day, high-precision airborne missiles hit 15 enemy targets. Among them: in the areas of Barvenkovo, Rubizhne, Popasna, Novozvanovka, Krasnoarmeysk, Selidovo, Novobakhmutovka, six sites of concentration of Ukrainian military equipment and seven strongholds of the Ukrainian troops were destroyed.
As a result of the strikes, more than 320 Ukrainian servicemen were killed and wounded, 23 armoured vehicles and seven vehicles of various purposes were destroyed.
Operational and tactical aviation destroyed 67 areas of concentration of Ukrainian military personnel and equipment during the day.
Rocket forces hit 317 military facilities, including: 274 strongholds and areas of concentration of the enemy’s manpower, 24 command posts and two field fuel storage facilities of Ukrainian troops.
Russian air defence forces near Odessa shot down a Ukrainian military transport aircraft delivering a large consignment of weapons supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.
Two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down over Lozova and Veselaia.
A total of 134 aircraft, 460 unmanned aerial vehicles, 246 surface-to-air missile systems, 2,269 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 252 multiple rocket launchers, 987 pieces of field artillery and mortars, and 2,158 pieces of special military vehicles have been destroyed since the start of the special military operation.
The entire city area of Mariupol has been completely cleared of fighters of the Nazi formation Azov, foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian troops. The remnants of the Ukrainian group are now completely blockaded on the territory of the Azovstal iron and steel works. Their only chance to save their lives is to voluntarily lay down arms and surrender.
I remind you that at the time of its encirclement on 11 March, Mariupol was occupied by the 36th Independent Marines Brigade, the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade, the 503rd Independent Marines Battalion, a company of the 53rd Independent Mechanised Brigade, units of the 17th Antitank Brigade, the Nazi formations Azov, Aidar and Right Sector, police and State Border Service units as well as foreign mercenaries.
The total number of this group was around 8,100 people.
During the liberation of Mariupol, 1,464 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered. The number of those surrendering is increasing on a daily basis. This includes those who escaped from Azovstal’s territory.
According to their testimonies, the total number of Ukrainian servicemen, Nazis and foreign mercenaries who took refuge at Azovstal does not exceed 2,500.
Thus, as of 16 April, the Ukrainian grouping in Mariupol alone lost more than 4,000 people.
Therefore, Zelensky’s recent statements to the Western media that the irretrievable losses of the Ukrainian military during the operation allegedly amount to 2.5-3 thousand are a common lie for him.
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has reliable data on the true losses of the Ukrainian army, National Guard and arriving foreign mercenaries, which Zelensky is afraid to tell the people of Ukraine.
As of today, the irrecoverable losses are 23,367.
Separate data from Ukrainian documents on their losses, revealing the place of death and burial of the dead will be published shortly.


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NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 - April 14
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Maps showing the activity of NATO and Swedish reconnaissance aircraft near the borders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine from April 1 to April 14 were shared by OrionIntel.
NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 - April 14
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NATO Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Ukrainian Borders On April 1 - April 14
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
File image.
Another British Mercenary has been captured by the Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic in the city of Mariupol.
On April 16, Russian journalist Andrey Rudenko shared a video of the captured mercenary who was identified as Sean Peter. In the video Peter, 48, says that he was fighting in the ranks of the 36th Marine Brigade’s 1st Battalion.
“I was fighting in Mariupol for five-six weeks and now I’m in Donetsk People’s Republic,” Peter says.
Peter, who moved to Mariupol four years ago, was videoed fighting with Ukrainians forces at the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
In March, Peter was wounded by shrapnel from a Russian tank round while fighting alongside Ukrainian forces and other mercenaries in Mariupol.

Peter, originally from Bedfordshire, is a former service member of the British military. He reportedly served in the ranks of the Royal Anglian Regiment and fought in Bosnia in 1994. The British mercenary also fought in Syria alongside the US-backed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).
Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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The Russian Investigation Committee said that Peter, who now says he just wants to return Home, will be questioned by Russian investigators.
“The investigation will definitely question another mercenary caught in Mariupol,” the committee said.
The first British mercenary to be captured by Russia and DPR forces was Aiden Aslin, 28. Just like Peter, Aslin was fighting in the ranks the 36th Marine Brigade. He also fought with the YPG in Syria before moving to Ukraine. The past of Peter and Aslin indelicate that they are not mercenaries, but British intelligence intelligence officers.
Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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It’s worth noting that the passports of two American mercenaries, or more likely intelligence officers, who were killed in action were found in Mariupol very recently.
Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Second British Mercenary Captured In Mariupol (Video)
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Currently, the remaining Ukrainian forces and foreign mercenaries, estimated to be no more than 2,500, are besieged in the Azovstal steel plant by the Russian military and the armed forces of the DPR. Unconditional surrender appears to be their only way out of Mariupol alive.


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Russian Federation Urgent Humanitarian Response Statement On 16 April 2022
SF note: We publish the translation of the Russian Federation’s statement as close as possible to the Russian original, seeking to keep the style of the initial text. The statement itself is, of course, of historical interest. However, its substance once again raises more questions than answers for the independent observer.
During April 16, 2022, there was a sharp increase in the intensity of radio communications between militants of nationalist formations and foreign mercenaries blocked in Mariupol at Azovstal Plant.
The content of the radio intercepts (367 were received in the past 24 hours alone) shows that the resisting militants are in a desperate situation, practically without food and water. They are persistently demanding permission from the official authorities in Kiev to lay down arms and surrender. At the same time, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities categorically forbid this and threaten with subsequent shootings under “wartime” conditions.
In accordance with persistent humanitarian initiatives by France, Germany and Turkey, as well as exclusively for humane purposes, the Russian Armed Forces have repeatedly offered the fighters to lay down their weapons and withdraw from Mariupol to territories under the control of the Kiev authorities.
For this purpose, since 21 March 2022, a humanitarian corridor was opened daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and since 5 April 2022, such corridors have also been opened daily, but around the clock.
The Russian side opened humanitarian corridors on a daily basis and ensured all requirements to observe the “silence regime” in the Mariupol direction.
The Ukrainian side had never confirmed any guarantees of the safety of these humanitarian routes, and on the contrary, deliberately obstructed the implementation of these initiatives.
Representatives of foreign embassies, specialized structures of the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations were duly informed about the planned humanitarian operations through all available information resources, including the media.
None of these organizations, with the exception of the International Committee of the Red Cross, has ever responded to our insistent appeals to open humanitarian corridors for the fighters to leave.
Thanks to the measures taken by the Russian Federation, without the participation of the Ukrainian side and international organizations, it was possible to evacuate from Mariupol over 168 thousand civilians (139,678 of them to the Russian Federation), including 237 representatives of foreign countries.
In addition, 1,464 Ukrainian servicemen laid down their arms and surrendered. No violence or psychological pressure is applied to them. Everyone is given the opportunity to contact relatives. Wounded prisoners of war are provided with timely and qualified medical assistance.
Taking into account the catastrophic situation at the Azovstal Plant and also guided by purely humane principles, the Russian Armed Forces suggest that the militants of the nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries stop any hostilities and lay down their arms from 06:00 (Moscow time) on 17 April 2022. All those who lay down their arms are guaranteed to remain alive.
For the practical realization of this humanitarian operation, the following algorithm of action is provided for:
From 05:00 (Moscow time) continuous communication is established between the Russian and Ukrainian sides for mutual exchange of information;
From 05:30 (Moscow time), fighters of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries, on the one hand, and the Russian Armed Forces, together with the military formations of the Donetsk People’s Republic, on the other hand, declare a “total silence regime” and guarantee its strict observance;
The actual start of the “silence regime” at 06:00 (Moscow time) is indicated by both sides raising flags: red on the Russian side and white on the Ukrainian side along the entire perimeter of Azovstal. In addition, the fact that the parties are ready to introduce a “silence regime” is confirmed through all channels of communication;
from 06:00 to 13:00 (Moscow time) – the withdrawal of all Ukrainian armed units and foreign mercenaries, without any weapons or ammunition.
Once again, we call on the official authorities in Kyiv to show discretion and issue the appropriate instructions to the militants to end the pointless resistance and withdraw from the hotbed of resistance. Realizing, however, that they will receive no such orders or commands from the authorities in Kyiv, we urge them to take this decision themselves and lay down their weapons.
We appeal to all members of the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries – with the cynical attitude of the Kyiv authorities, such an unenviable fate awaits all of you. With this in mind, do not test your fate like the Mariupol tragedy, but make the only right decision to stop the hostilities and lay down your arms now, no matter where your “handlers” force you to fight for the ideas of Nazism. In doing so, the Russian Federation guarantees each of you the preservation of your lives and the observance of all norms of the Geneva Convention for the treatment of prisoners of war, as has already happened to your comrades who previously surrendered in Mariupol.
This urgent statement is to be published immediately and communicated to the United Nations, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations through all available information resources, including the media.
In addition, this urgent statement will be broadcast continuously throughout the night to Ukrainian formations at Azovstal on all radio channels at intervals of every 30 minutes.
I was watching an episode of Endeavour on (cable) tv this afternoon (Vision TV channel) when during a commercial break, the station played an ad promoting a show that they are playing on their station. I was stunned to see that it was Servant of the People. I couldn't believe it. There was Zelensky from 2015 on my tv. Looks like it plays on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 here in Alberta. In Ukrainian with English subs.

Since things aren't looking so good for him in Ukraine anymore, are they trying to set him up as the next President of Canada? Ukranada?


Apr 05, 2022

For those interested in learning more about the President of Ukraine, the TV Show that resulted in him being elected president, premieres tonight on our sister station Vision TV.​


“Servant of the People,” starring Volodymyr Zalenskyy, airs at 10 pm EDT, 7 pm PST, with new episodes airing Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10pm, with English subtitles.​

Life imitating art? More like The Truman Show that doesn't want to end.

Servant of the People: VisionTV Secures Canadian Rights to TV Series Starring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Mike Crisolago
Apr. 10, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues to inspire the world as a symbol of his country’s resistance against the ongoing Russian invasion. And, as a result, the former actor and comedian’s most famous television show is finding renewed popularity.

Servant of the People, the hit Ukrainian comedy that Zelenskyy created and starred in for three seasons beginning in 2015, has proven almost prophetic and, as a result, is finding new audiences. Last month, VisionTV (a ZoomerMedia property) announced that it had acquired the exclusive Canadian rights to the series, which is now airing with English subtitles on the station Tues., Wed., and Thurs. at 10 p.m ET.

ZoomerMedia founder and president Moses Znaimer announced the show’s arrival on the station, writing, “Because he was a comedian, they called Volodymyr Zelensky a Clown when he unexpectedly came to power in a landslide. Now we call him a Hero and no one is laughing. ZoomerMedia has his story! @VisionTV will bring Servant of the People to millions of households in Canada very soon.”

Servant of the People stars Zelenskyy, now 44, as high school history teacher Vasily Petrovych Goloborodko, whose rant against government corruption goes viral after it’s filmed by a student. As a result, he is elected president of Ukraine.

Zelenskyy himself then ran for president of his country in 2019, winning an overwhelming majority for his independent “Servant of the People” party.

The fact that the show so closely mirrored Zelenskyy’s improbable real-life rise to the top political office in Ukraine, along with Zelenskyy’s own celebrated leadership on the global stage during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has jumpstarted interest in the series again.

“In a poignant case of life imitating art, Zelensky (sic) has proven there was more to the loyal, authentic and deeply invested character he played on TV than his acting chops and smart comedic timing,” television critic Lorraine Ali wrote in the Los Angeles Times. “The unassuming Petrovych shares many of the qualities we’ve seen in Zelensky (sic) in recent weeks: Ukraine’s real-life leader is a resourceful and undaunted defender of his people, one who’s long since dispensed with the ‘perks’ of office — and in fact continues to risk his life — while broadcasting from besieged Kyiv.”

Meanwhile, entertainment critic Nick Schager added in The Daily Beast that the show, “affords a prescient peek at the hopes and dreams of Zelensky (sic) and Ukraine and, consequently, serves as a heart-wrenching reminder of the optimism that guided both during the last half of the prior decade.”

Zelenskyy, who harnessed the power of social media in his run for president, has used it masterfully to both communicate with his own people and combat disinformation during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He’s also held high-profile talks with many world leaders in recent weeks, including addressing Canada’s Parliament in March.

“Imagine that Canadian facilities have been bombed similarly as our buildings and memorial places are being bombed,” Zelenskyy said during his speech. “A number of families have died. Every night is a horrible night.”

In addition to creating and starring in Servant of the People, Zelenskyy also won his country’s version of Dancing with the Stars in 2006 and voiced Paddington Bear in the dubbed Ukrainian versions of the films Paddington and Paddington 2 in 2014 and 2017 respectively.
Living in Canada these days is the same or just one step behind Australia although most Canadians can't see it, I surely do.

Actually, it is way harder for an unvaccinated Canadian to leave the country and return, than it is for an unvaccinated Australian. Trudeau has turned the entire country into a prison, filled with political correctness and 50 shades of gender pronouns. Not to mention that Weather Changes/the looming Ice Age, might get to be too harsh up there. I'd consider moving if I were you :-) <- the smile is to not alarm you too much, but to get you to calmy think about it :-)

I was watching an episode of Endeavour on (cable) tv this afternoon (Vision TV channel) when during a commercial break, the station played an ad promoting a show that they are playing on their station. I was stunned to see that it was Servant of the People. I couldn't believe it. There was Zelensky from 2015 on my tv. Looks like it plays on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 here in Alberta. In Ukrainian with English subs.
My brother was telling me the other day that they have this show playing in Cyprus too! :shock: I shouldn't have been surprised though. It's part of the "Love Zelensky", "Support Zelensky!", "Aid lovable and funny Zelensky to fight against the evil Russians" propaganda campaign.
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