Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Many here have probably seen videos with Russian journalist A. Sladkov. He's the guy often seen in videos interviewing Ukrainian POWs. Well, he's got a new report laying out the evidence that the OSCE was funneling information to Ukrainian troops to correct their firing on DPR and Russian positions prior to their hasty flight from Ukraine at the beginning of March. The evidence: data on the flash drives of OSCE cameras, those same images showing up on the phones and laptops of killed Ukrainian officers, and an interview with a captured ex-OSCE staffer admitting to as much. Here's the report:

Well, he's got a new report laying out the evidence that the OSCE was funneling information to Ukrainian troops to correct their firing on DPR and Russian positions prior to their hasty flight from Ukraine at the beginning of March.
Yes, it is good video to watch and it appears as if they have pretty damning evidence. Though the West will not acknowledge it, the rest of the world will take note.
'Ukraine as endless conflict: Nothing will dissuade the Biden administration from funneling weapons to Ukraine that will be used in killing civilians for further propaganda against Russia.'

‘Nothing will dissuade’ the US from arming Ukraine – White House

15 Apr, 2022
The US will continue to pour weapons into Ukraine, despite Russia reportedly warning of “consequences,” Washington says

State Department spokesman Ned Price told CNN on Friday that “nothing will dissuade” the Biden administration from funneling weapons to Ukraine. Earlier, Russia reportedly sent a diplomatic cable to Washington warning of “unpredictable consequences” if these arms shipments continue.

“The Russians have said some things privately, they have said some things publicly; nothing will dissuade us from the strategy that we’ve embarked on,” Price told CNN’s Kate Bolduan. If the Kremlin is concerned that the Biden administration is “providing billions of dollars worth of security assistance to our Ukrainian partners … then we’re guilty as charged,” he added.

The US has sent more than $2.5 billion worth of arms and other military aid to Ukraine since Russia launched its offensive in February. Initially shipping thousands of anti-tank missiles and ammunition to the war-torn country, the Biden administration has more recently forwarded heavier weapons to the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The latest weapons package, approved by President Joe Biden on Wednesday, includes helicopters, heavy artillery, and autonomous kamikaze drones. According to a separate CNN report on Friday, the first flight of these weapons should reach Eastern Europe within the next day.

Russia reportedly sent a diplomatic cable to the US on Tuesday, accusing the US and its NATO allies of violating “rigorous principles” governing the transfer of weapons to conflict zones and of being oblivious to the “threat of high-precision weapons falling into the hands of radical nationalists, extremists and bandit forces in Ukraine.”

Kiev’s policy of arming civilians and paramilitary groups to repel Russian forces has already led to some unforeseen consequences, with reports of gang warfare, looting, and extrajudicial killings surfacing from Ukraine since the outbreak of conflict.

Moscow’s letter reportedly accuses NATO of pressuring Ukraine to abandon negotiations with Russia “in order to continue the bloodshed” and condemns Washington for encouraging nations with Soviet-era weapons to deliver them to Ukraine.

“We call on the United States and its allies to stop the irresponsible militarization of Ukraine, which implies unpredictable consequences for regional and international security,” said the note, according to the Washington Post.

Neither Washington nor Moscow have confirmed the authenticity of the diplomatic cable. Price stuck by this line on Friday, telling CNN that he was “not in a position to confirm any private diplomatic correspondence.”

However, he said that the Kremlin “shouldn’t be surprised” at the scale of the US’ arms supply to Ukraine, given the commitments Biden made to Zelensky’s government before fighting began.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

US thinks special operation in Ukraine may continue until late 2022 - CNN

16 APR, 2022
According to the channel, this means a significant review of US estimates, who earlier expected the Russian military operation to be over quickly

NEW YORK, April 16. /TASS/. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told his allies in the European Union that, in Washington’s opinion, the conflict in Ukraine may continue until late 2022, CNN said citing two European officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

According to the channel, this means a significant review of US estimates, who earlier expected the Russian military operation to be over quickly.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in Ukraine in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories, noting that the operation was aimed at the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine.
The Kiev regime is preparing another massacre on civilians, similar to the one in Kramatorsk, in order to accuse Russia of war crimes, Lieutenant General Mikhail Mizintsev said.

Ukraine preparing another rocket attack on civilians, Russia warns

15 Apr, 2022
Moscow gives details of Kiev’s plan to massacre civilians and blame Russia

The Ukrainian government is preparing a false-flag attack against a railway station filled with civilian refugees, in order to accuse Russia of war crimes, the Russian military announced on Friday. Moscow cited intelligence to name the target, method, and even point of origin of the impending attack, which it said was patterned after the recent carnage in Kramatorsk.

“The Kiev regime is preparing another monstrous provocation, similar to the one carried out in Kramatorsk, to accuse Russian servicemen of war crimes with a massacre of civilians,” Lieutenant General Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the National Defense Management Center, said on Friday afternoon.

According to Mizintsev, the 19th Missile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine intends “in the near future” to fire a Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile at “the accumulation of refugees at the railway station” at Lozovaya – a city in the Kharkov region and a major rail junction.

In order to make the strike look like it came from territory controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic or Russian forces, the rocket will come from Staromikhaylovka, a village west of Donetsk held by the Kiev forces, the general added.

Such actions demonstrate Ukraine’s “inhuman attitude towards the fate of civilians” and “complete disregard for all norms of morality and international humanitarian law,” said Mizintsev.

“We warn in advance the countries of the so-called ‘civilized West’ led by the US that the Russian Federation has a body of operational evidence about the upcoming terrible crimes of the Kiev regime,” the Russian general added, along with a reminder that Tochka-U tactical missiles are “used only by the Ukrainian armed forces.”

The same 19th missile brigade was accused by the Russian military on Friday of targeting the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station in Kherson. Two missiles were fired towards the dam on Friday morning, purportedly with the aim of causing the Dnieper river to flood.

Both missiles were intercepted by Russian air defenses, but fragments of one of them damaged several buildings in the village of Novaya Kakhovka, injuring a woman and a child, the Russian military said.

Ukraine had accused Russia of the April 8 attack on the railway station in Kramatorsk, which killed 50 civilians, including children. Russia responded by pointing out that the missile that caused the carnage was a Tochka-U with a serial number corresponding to Ukrainian stockpiles, and even pinpointed the likely launch location. Western media coverage of the attack significantly decreased after that.

Russia attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, signed in 2014, and Moscow'’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered Minsk Protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
Only a few weeks left before the "Great Reset": World War
April 16, 2022 Publisher, External Intervenors 1

The famous "Great Reset" proclaimed by Schwab and the Western leaders having failed with the "COVID" operation, it is necessary to find another vector to implement it, otherwise the Western economy will collapse. This vector will be the third world war and that is why the United States and Europe are constantly raising the stakes of the war in Ukraine and "poking the Russian bear more and more."

This is what the American economic forecaster Martin Armstrong said in essence (The West Needs WWIII - Martin Armstrong), quoted by the independent resource USAWatchdog (The West Needs WWIII – Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog).

The analyst points to an unprecedented crisis in the West, caused, he says, by the deliberate destruction of the global economy at the hands of the Joe Biden administration.

"Europe is not doing well. Since 2014, it has been sitting on negative interest rates, all its pension funds have been destroyed. Stimulating such an economy is impossible," Armstrong notes. You see people with pitchforks storming their parliaments. And to prevent that, they need a war.

There will be no turning back, the economist is sure. The system is collapsing from within, like the fall of Rome.

"NATO and the EU are deliberately trying to push the bear and are only increasing the pressure. With Russia, everything is repeated again and again. Unfortunately, we are heading for war," Armstrong repeats. And he advises "to stock up on food for two years", estimating that a big war in Europe will break out in a few weeks.

We share this prediction: it explains well the suicidal actions of Europe and the United States with their tireless support to Ukraine, their deliveries of arms and permanent equipment, their sharing of "intelligence" information allowing the Ukrainians to locate Russian troops with accuracy, their sending of military instructors and their anti-Russian "sanctions". To this must be added the propaganda operations designed to present Russia as a despicable aggressor with, for example, the staging of the "massacres" in Bucha and Kramatorsk. As the saying goes, "war will cancel everything", and since Russia is involved, it will be a world war.

Let's remember the situation at the end of 2021: Russia sees that Ukraine is amassing troops on the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, and the intelligence learns that Ukraine intends to invade these republics in early March 2022. Russia therefore decided to anticipate before Ukraine was ready and entered Ukraine on February 24.

The situation is repeated today: We see the growing involvement of the West in Ukraine, which continues to mass troops on the borders of Russia and Belarus, understanding that Russia will be forced to react to Western arms supplies to Ukraine.

In Moscow, deputies and senators are about to vote on laws requiring the destruction of weapons delivered to Ukraine "wherever they may be found". This could mean strikes on warehouses and convoys of weapons destined for Ukraine before they even arrive there. In other words, strikes outside Ukraine. So in NATO countries.

Another signal is a statement by the Americans claiming that Russia is considering the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. In Russia this is interpreted as a statement that the USA could, in order to "avoid" this, launch preventive strikes against Russia! And if Russia is convinced of this, what will it do? It will anticipate, just as it anticipated the Ukrainian attack on the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. In any case, it is obvious that if NATO (and therefore the United States) attacks Russia, it will be forced to use all possible means to defend itself.

It turns out that in the coming months or weeks the conflict in Ukraine could turn into a direct confrontation between Russian armed forces and NATO units. The real reason for this will not be the situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics, or in Ukraine for that matter, which the West does not care about at all, but the will of Europe and the United States to try to delay its economic collapse by all means. This attempt is doomed to failure: the Western economy, including the United States, will be completely destroyed by the Russian strikes. The "Great Reset" dreamed by the Davos lunatics will take place: The whole world will have been ravaged and sent back to the Stone Age!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Only a few weeks left before the "Great Reset": World War
April 16, 2022 Publisher, External Intervenors 1

The famous "Great Reset" proclaimed by Schwab and the Western leaders having failed with the "COVID" operation, it is necessary to find another vector to implement it, otherwise the Western economy will collapse. This vector will be the third world war and that is why the United States and Europe are constantly raising the stakes of the war in Ukraine and "poking the Russian bear more and more."

This is what the American economic forecaster Martin Armstrong said in essence (The West Needs WWIII - Martin Armstrong), quoted by the independent resource USAWatchdog (The West Needs WWIII – Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog).

The analyst points to an unprecedented crisis in the West, caused, he says, by the deliberate destruction of the global economy at the hands of the Joe Biden administration.

"Europe is not doing well. Since 2014, it has been sitting on negative interest rates, all its pension funds have been destroyed. Stimulating such an economy is impossible," Armstrong notes. You see people with pitchforks storming their parliaments. And to prevent that, they need a war.

There will be no turning back, the economist is sure. The system is collapsing from within, like the fall of Rome.

"NATO and the EU are deliberately trying to push the bear and are only increasing the pressure. With Russia, everything is repeated again and again. Unfortunately, we are heading for war," Armstrong repeats. And he advises "to stock up on food for two years", estimating that a big war in Europe will break out in a few weeks.

We share this prediction: it explains well the suicidal actions of Europe and the United States with their tireless support to Ukraine, their deliveries of arms and permanent equipment, their sharing of "intelligence" information allowing the Ukrainians to locate Russian troops with accuracy, their sending of military instructors and their anti-Russian "sanctions". To this must be added the propaganda operations designed to present Russia as a despicable aggressor with, for example, the staging of the "massacres" in Bucha and Kramatorsk. As the saying goes, "war will cancel everything", and since Russia is involved, it will be a world war.

Let's remember the situation at the end of 2021: Russia sees that Ukraine is amassing troops on the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, and the intelligence learns that Ukraine intends to invade these republics in early March 2022. Russia therefore decided to anticipate before Ukraine was ready and entered Ukraine on February 24.

The situation is repeated today: We see the growing involvement of the West in Ukraine, which continues to mass troops on the borders of Russia and Belarus, understanding that Russia will be forced to react to Western arms supplies to Ukraine.

In Moscow, deputies and senators are about to vote on laws requiring the destruction of weapons delivered to Ukraine "wherever they may be found". This could mean strikes on warehouses and convoys of weapons destined for Ukraine before they even arrive there. In other words, strikes outside Ukraine. So in NATO countries.

Another signal is a statement by the Americans claiming that Russia is considering the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine. In Russia this is interpreted as a statement that the USA could, in order to "avoid" this, launch preventive strikes against Russia! And if Russia is convinced of this, what will it do? It will anticipate, just as it anticipated the Ukrainian attack on the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics. In any case, it is obvious that if NATO (and therefore the United States) attacks Russia, it will be forced to use all possible means to defend itself.

It turns out that in the coming months or weeks the conflict in Ukraine could turn into a direct confrontation between Russian armed forces and NATO units. The real reason for this will not be the situation in the Donetsk and Lugansk Republics, or in Ukraine for that matter, which the West does not care about at all, but the will of Europe and the United States to try to delay its economic collapse by all means. This attempt is doomed to failure: the Western economy, including the United States, will be completely destroyed by the Russian strikes. The "Great Reset" dreamed by the Davos lunatics will take place: The whole world will have been ravaged and sent back to the Stone Age!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I am sure that both the West and Russia have simulated these scenarios ad nauseum. And I don't see how Russia would "take the bait" in this scenario, or how the West would be able to save its economy through all out war, which would just destroy humankind.
The 'Ukraine' conflict is escalating day by day with Ukraine bombing inside Russia's borders, then there's the Polish factor and NATO members chirping in! Sure smells like "April drop dead date" to me! All we need is another BIG false flag NATO style for Russia to lose it! And they should, at least some of us feel like it is about time. Sorry for the suffering of all the civilians caught in the crossfire but this has been long in the making. There still is the question of what will come next??? No Internet, no electricity, no food? As we can see this is a train wreck in the making. Which of our countries are going to be the wall where the train stops? Or how will "they" turn this around to their benefit? Very crazy times indeed! I still believe that Russia is the last SANE force in the quagmire - I hope to be wrong! Though I doubt it. Living in Canada these days is the same or just one step behind Australia although most Canadians can't see it, I surely do. In Quebec we have been put through the siv time after time. Feels like one spark will put us right up there with Shangai one day this year. Lucky for us we live in the country away from the worst but we can feel it coming! Through our pockets already! We are still wearing masks to the grocery store even though it was supposed to be over 2 months ago, it keeps getting prolongated???


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Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
Russian forces are in the Mariupol port area
The 51st day of the Russian military operation in Ukraine was opened with a new round of Russian missile strikes on military infrastructure of the Kyiv government.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, a strike with high-precision long-range air-launched weapons destroyed the production buildings of the armoured vehicles and tank plant in Kyiv and a workshop for repairing military equipment in Nikolaev.
During the night, strikes with air-launched missiles hit 16 targets. For example, the strikes hit the following targets:
  • 11 areas of concentration of Ukrainian military equipment and weapons in the settlements of Povstanskoye, Barvenkovo, Lysichansk, Sribnoe, Petrovsky and Opytnoye;
  • two depots of rocket and artillery weapons in the Nikolaev area there;
  • a central storage base for radar reconnaissance and communications equipment in the south-east of Poltava;
  • a storage base for anti-aircraft missiles and weapons south of Poltava;
  • the area of concentration of units of the 95th Separate Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village of Gusarovka.
The Russian side says that during the night its operational-tactical aviation also destroyed 67 areas of concentration of Ukrainian personnel and military equipment.

Russian air defense systems also shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft in the air 15 kilometers south of the village of Izyum.
At the same time, Russian missile forces and artillery hit 811 targets, including: 43 command posts of Kyiv’s forces, 8 convoys with fuel for military equipment, as well as 760 manpower concentration areas.
According to the Russians, since the start of the operation, their forces have destroyed 133 aircraft, 458 unmanned aerial vehicles, 246 anti-aircraft missile systems, 2246 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 252 multiple rocket launchers, 981 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 2146 units of special military vehicles.
Developments of the last 2 days demonstrate the apparent increase in the scale of Russian strikes on military targets in Ukraine. For example on April 15, air alert reports were spotted throughout the entire territory of Ukraine. At the same time, the results of these strikes remain mostly underreported because the Russian side provides a limited amount of information about its actions while the Kyiv government has banned Ukrainian citizens from releasing photos and videos of any Ukrainian losses under the threat of criminal punishment.
Strike on Kyiv’s forces:

Being unable to strike military targets in depth of the territory of Russia, Kyiv’s forces continue to shell Russian border areas as well as terrorize population on the territories of Ukraine from which pro-Kyiv units have retreated.
For example on April 15, the Russian Armed Forces repelled a missile attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station (Kherson Region). This facility regulates the flow of the Dnieper River, supplies power to the Kherson region and water to the agricultural regions of southern Ukraine and the northern regions of Crimea.
The Russian side reported that a strike with two Tochka-U missiles was supposed to destroy the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, which would lead to an uncontrolled discharge of the Dnieper water and cause the flooding of many settlements in the Kherson region in order to tie down the actions of the Russian Armed Forces. Both missiles were shot down by Russian air defenses.
Fragments of one of the Tochka missiles fell in Novaya Kakhovka village, Kherson region. The building of the kindergarten and residential buildings were damaged, a woman and a child were wounded. Civilians received first aid from Russian servicemen.
Meanwhile, the situation on the frontline remains relatively stable with the most intense clashes in Mariupol city.
DPR units in Mairupol:

In previous days, Russian-led forces made a series of important tactical successes and captured the port and the Illicha plant in the city’s industrial area. As of April 16, Russian and DPR units are working to storm the Azovstal plant, which remains the main and only stronghold of Kyiv’s forces there. The rest of the city is in the state of permanent security operation.
Yan Gagin, adviser to the head of the DPR government, told RIA Novosti that there is actually an underground city under the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.
“Azovstal is a huge building, a huge Soviet-built plant, its area can be compared with another city, with another Mariupol, with its own communications, with roads and dungeons. That is, the facility itself was built back in Soviet times, taking into account the possibilities, including bombing, and blockades, and even some structures are designed for a nuclear strike,” he said.
According to Gagin, thousands of Kyiv’s fighters with armoured vehicles, a full arsenal of weapons, a large number of ammunition are encircled there.
Russian-led forces in the Mariupol port area:
Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
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Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
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Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
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Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
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Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
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Fire From The Skies: Russia Increases Strikes In Ukraine
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Meanwhile, DPR artillery units with support from Russia continue a steady work to destroy fortifications of Kyiv’s forces in the countryside of Donetsk. The main areas of positional fighting there is Mariinka and Avdiivka.
Forces of the Lugansk People’s Republics are mainly involved in the ongoing positional fighting near the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration. The city of Popasnaya remains contested. Nonetheless, local sources report that LPR units made tactical gains there recently.
Reports regularly appear about the advance of Russian troops from the Izum area to the south, towards Slovyansk and Kramatorsk. Nonetheless, the real large advance towards Slovyansk has not started and is not expected until the city of Mariupol is fully liberated.
Summing up developments of the last week, it becomes clear that the long-awaited second phase of the Russian advance in the east of Ukraine has not been launched yet. The Russian side is mostly focused on concentrating its forces, evacuating civilians from the frontline areas in the region of Donbass and securing territories from which Kyiv’s forces have retreated. At the same time, posture of the Kyiv government and its NATO puppeteers demonstrate that the diplomatic settlement of the conflict is not possible. Therefore, the development of the Russian military operation further in the east of Ukraine and potentially even more is the only realistic scenario.


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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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The mop up operations in the city of Mariupol continue. On April 15, the joint Russian and DPR troops claimed another victory. The Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed that Russian and DPR troops took control over the Illich Iron and Steel Plant in the city of Mariupol. It was one of the main hotspots of resistance of the AFU in the city.
The Illich plant was mainly defended by the 36th AFU Marine Brigade. Days before, large groups of the Ukrainian marines surrendered to DPR forces.
Contrary to the statements of the Kiev authorities, most of the Ukrainian military are ready to surrender. While Kiev threatens Ukrainian servicemen that cruel Russian soldiers allegedly torture Ukrainian prisoners of war, forces of the DPR and Russia have demonstrated that nothing threatens Ukrainian servicemen in captivity, and they are provided with all the necessary assistance. Having seen the attitude of the Russian forces to the hundreds of surrendered prisoners, many Ukrainian soldiers in the besieged city do not want to continue senseless resistance.
However, they are stopped from laying down their arms by the threats from commanders and fighters of nationalist formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After the AFU soldiers began to surrender in large groups, reports were received that the commanders of the nationalist Azov formation, deployed their fighters in other AFU units in the besieged city in order to prevent them from surrender.
Military sources of the DPR release videos showing battles on the territory of the Illich plant as well as the surrender of the AFU servicemen.

More photos from the captured Illich plant confirm that Ukrainian soldiers put Russian signs on their military equipment, likely preparing for escape from the besieged facilities. At least one truck of the Ukrainian military with the letter Z is seen on the photos.
The footage confirms that some people were tortured at the Illich factory. It is unclear who were the victims: Ukrainian soldiers willing to surrender, Russian soldiers taken hostage, or civilians.
First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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While the Illich plant is under the control of Russian and DPR forces, they are yet to secure the nearby areas in the Kalmius district in Mariupol.
Meanwhile, local residents are taking to the streets, looking for their relatives among the bodies of civilians killed in the area.

According to Russian sources from the spot, the Russian military managed to evacuate about 200 civilians from the territory of the Illich plant. Ukrainian soldiers lured civilians, promising safety, but held them hostage.
Situation in other district of Mariupol remains tense. After DPR and Russian troops took control over the seaport, the mop up operation aimed to secure the area continues.
First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
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First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
Damaged armored boats “Donbass” and “Kremenchug” of the Ukrainian Navy in the port of Mariupol.
First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
Damaged armored artillery boats “Donbass” and “Kremenchug” of the Ukrainian Navy in the port of Mariupol.
First Footage From Illich Plant In Mariupol Under DPR Control (Photos, Video 18+)
Damaged armored artillery boats “Donbass” and “Kremenchug” of the Ukrainian Navy in the port of Mariupol.
On April 16, a group of about 200 Ukrainian militants on armored vehicles reportedly attempted to break through from the Primorsky district towards the Azovstal plant located in the Left-Bank district. The attempt was thwarted by the forces of the DPR and Russia, as a result, the Ukrainian column was almost completely destroyed.
In the Left-Bank district, artillery and airstrikes are being carried out on the workshops of the Azovstal, the last major node of organized Ukrainian resistance.
I don't know what to think about this comment. It sounds crazy, but who knows... Can it be true?

Mariupol is an example of underground cities. At the military academy in 1981, I first heard about it. That is known. About 24km2 is underground. That is why he is so important to NATO. There are about 80 such cities in the USSR. In Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Lutsk and Severodonetsk are bigger than Mariupol. Luck was submerged and locked. There are still 80 cities in Russia today with about 55 million people who do not participate in the census of the population. It is estimated that about 205 million people live in Russia. Nobody knows the exact number. Chelyabinsk 40, Edar 33...

(emphasis mine)

Germany involved in ‘military biological activities’ in Ukraine – Russia​

Berlin coordinated its work on biodefense with its US allies, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told RT

Interview with Director of the Foreign Ministry Information and Press Department Maria Zakharova

Question: It became known that during the special military operation in Ukraine Russian troops discovered new documents on military biological activities in Ukraine. Can you talk about this in more detail?

Maria Zakharova: As a result of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine (SMO), Russia’s Armed Forces found documents that shed some light on the bio-military programme implemented by the US Defence Department in Ukraine. The researchers in the programme were studying the most dangerous pathogens – potential biological agents for biological weapons that have natural focuses in both Ukraine and Russia. They were also researching ways that epidemics spread based on these agents. The scale of work makes it obvious that a considerable, and probably the most important, part of the information on the American military programme remains concealed from the international community.

Speaking at a US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hearing on March 9, 2022, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, said Washington was trying to prevent the transfer of some research materials from Ukrainian bio-laboratories to Russian forces. During press briefings on March 7, 10, 17, 24 and 31, Chief of the Russian Armed Forces’ Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces Igor Kirillov described the US bio-military activities in Ukraine, based on the information obtained during the SMO in Ukraine by the Armed Forces of Russia. He also set forth conclusions based on expert analysis. Researchers continue to study these materials.

Question: What is Russia doing to see that the United States provides clarification on its military biological cooperation with Ukraine?

Maria Zakharova: Russia has made public the facts that have come to light to date at the UN and other international organisations and called on the US authorities to provide detailed explanations, but, predictably, Washington does not appear to be ready to share with the public any meaningful information on its military biological programme in Ukraine.

Furthermore, clearly, the White House thinks that offence is the best defence and has launched yet another propaganda campaign centered on the false assertion that our country’s efforts to draw the attention of the international community to the activities of US military biologists in Ukraine are allegedly nothing more than a smoke screen, which, they say, Moscow will try to use to cover up the potential use of biological or chemical weapons during the special military operation that is conducted by the Russian Armed Forces.

This crude attempt by the US to divert public attention from this dangerously explosive issue of US-controlled biological laboratories in Ukraine and to drown it in this “apocalyptic sensation” was – at first glance unexpectedly – strongly supported by German political leadership. A number of leading German politicians and top officials, including Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz, have released statements that mimic the US narrative in the form of righteous threats and warnings directed at Russia. Berlin’s official proactive verbal stance remains in line with the strategy that it has pursued for a long time now in the context of the Ukraine crisis (which isn’t helpful in settling it now and which earlier led the Minsk process into a dead-end with its deliberate pro-Kiev slant), but nevertheless stands out in its blatant cynicism of the overall flow of anti-Russia rhetoric that has been coming from Germany in recent weeks. First of all, in view of the key circumstance that even before the Russian Armed Forces started this special military operation, Germany, alongside the United States, had been conducting vigorous military biological activities in Ukraine for many years and, possibly, continues to do so. We strongly believe that this is largely what motivates Germany to be more active, as compared to other EU countries, in its attempts to ascribe to our country criminal plans concerning the use of biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine and the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, which have not yet been liberated.

Are there any additional details about Germany’s military biological activities in Ukraine?

Maria Zakharova: For you to better understand the situation, I will cite the following facts. Since 2013, under the auspices of the German Federal Foreign Office, the German Government has been implementing the German Biosecurity Programme (GBP) which includes partnership projects with government agencies and research organisations in focus countries, which Ukraine became part of in 2014, the year of Maidan. German specialists from the Institute of Microbiology of the German Armed Forces (Munich), Friedrich Loeffler Institute (Greifswald-Riems Island), Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (Hamburg) and the Robert Koch Institute (Berlin), which specialise in research of deadly biological agents, are engaged in practical activities.

According to the German Federal Foreign Office, the third phase of the GBP will be implemented in 2020-2022. We can infer from the publicly available materials that the GBP’s stated technical goals include, among others, the gathering of epidemic intelligence in third countries, including with the use of big data technology, and developing the infrastructure of partner countries for handling dangerous biological agents.

The Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine in Kharkov has been the Institute of Microbiology of the German Armed Forces’ main Ukrainian counterparty since 2016, which we know from its own data. The two institutes cooperate under the Ukrainian-German project titled “Initiative on Biological Safety and Biological Defence in the Management of the Zoonotic Risks at the Outer Borders of the European Union.” The fact that its official goal is to “improve the biological defence and security situation” in Ukraine, “particularly in the east of the country” gives rise to the rhetorical question of which border the German military biologists consider an outer border for the purposes of their professional interests. Is it the Russian-Ukrainian border?

The Institute of Microbiology claims in its materials that the project is related to the “potential threat of biological terrorism” in Ukraine amid the unending hostilities in eastern regions of that country. It is crystal clear that this is a way to send a subtle message about the DPR and LPR’s possible “involvement” in hatching plans for the use of internationally prohibited biological weapons. In so doing, the German military have been deliberately intimidating their Ukrainian counterparts for a long time and have, in fact, been psychologically pitting them against the Donbass republics. Ukrainian biological safety experts invariably participate in the medical biodefence conferences that are regularly held by the Institute of Microbiology of the German Armed Forces.

Obviously, to ensure protection against a potential biological attack, it is first necessary to study the potential biological agents with which it can be made. In other words, it is necessary to conduct research in the field of biological or chemical weapons. The Armed Forces of Germany (AFG) have enough knowledge and practical skills in this area, as was demonstrated by the scandalous incident with the mysterious poisoning of blogger Alexey Navalny. Specialists from the AFG Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology – a military institution allied with the AFG Institute of Microbiology – supposedly very quickly detected in the body of the Russian citizen traces of some military toxin that NATO lists in the Novichok family. Such a high level of expertise – if, of course, all statements were factually accurate – suggests that the AFG is able to synthesise toxic substances independently, including the notorious Novichok and its markers.

Germany’s Friedrich Loeffler Institute that is in charge of the centre for the study of the most dangerous viruses and zoonotic infections on the Baltic Island of Riems, maintains active cooperation with the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary-Sanitary Expertise (Kiev), the State Scientific Control Institute of Bio-Technology and Strains of Microorganisms (Kiev) and also with the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine (Kharkov) that cooperates in parallel with the AFG Institute of Microbiology. In Ukraine, the Friedrich Loeffler Institute has focused on Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Soviet scientists discovered it for the first time on the territory of Russian Crimea in 1944. There is documented evidence that the institute commissioned its Ukrainian partners to collect samples of ectoparasite recipients of bats that were transferred to the afore-mentioned Reims Island under the existing agreements.

The Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine has concentrated its activities in Ukraine on extremely dangerous fevers – Denge, Chikungunya, West Nile and Usutu, to name a few.

This information on Germany’s bio-military activities in Ukraine is far from exhaustive. It cannot be ruled out that, as the special military operation progresses, additional documents will be discovered by the Russian Armed Forces. According to confirmed reports, Germany closely coordinated its work on biological security with its American allies that established a network of at least 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine. In addition to their other activities, they were involved in dangerous research.

We urge German officials to immediately stop spreading false allegations about our country’s intentions to use weapons banned by international law. We believe that such statements can only serve to push neo-Nazi battalions to commit horrible provocations, and moral responsibility for their tragic consequences will be shared by Berlin.
Just an anonymous source which made comment on one article about mysterious Azovstal plant.
Then definitely not. In the USSR, there were secret cities where foreigners were denied access (Dnepropetrovsk due to military-industrial, nuclear and space potential) and there are various old tunnels in many historical cities, but there are definitely no underground secret cities. And if they are also allegedly inhabited, then it certainly would not be possible to hide for 30 years
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Ukie troops have been reduced by 23,367. In every war, there are more wounded than dead, so this number could be much higher.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has reliable data on the true losses of the Ukrainian army, the National Guard and foreign mercenaries who arrived, which Zelensky is afraid to tell the people of Ukraine.

Today, irretrievable losses amount to 23,367 people.

Separate data from Ukrainian documents on our losses, revealing the place of death of the burial place of the dead, we will soon publish - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
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