Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Superb talk from Peter Hitchens on Germany's role in Europe in the context of geopolitics:

'The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means'

[Note: Only the first 30 mins is his actual talk. The remainder is a question-and-answer session, which goes into greater detail on some of the points Hitchens made in the talk]

It's not about Germany per se, but its recurring central role in European affairs over the last 150 years or so. Hitchens knows his history and has great insights into how the elites in each relevant country (mainly the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia) have traditionally seen the balance-of-power in Europe.

I didn't agree with it 100% of course, but found it to largely synch with, and enrich, our findings. Namely that an underlying structural (or natural) tendency towards integration of Europe around Germany is a recurring phenomenon which the Anglo-Americans have sought to control or 'manage'.
Hitchens pledges innocence for Britain and claims US is the one who does what the UK used to, that is making sure there is no great power forming on the continent. I don't think Britain is as devoid of influence, at least not of the underhand sorts.

While he claims the EU is essentially German, it is also clear the US has much influence, as it was a CIA concept and Nuland described clearly the US(Deepstate->EU relationship in 2014. Is Europe mainly being ruled from Washington through Kiev? Not officially, but the EU apparatus responds to the wishes and actionis of Kiev, NATO and Washington with policies that have consequences which overshadow most of what the EU member states could agree to do on their own just a few years back.

Below are times with links
00:00 Introduction of the speaker
4:04 To begin Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
6:45 The central part of the war (WWII) Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
9:12 By great good fortune (The intervention of Russia) Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
9:41 But do you think (The recovery of Germany) Mittleeuropa by Friederich Nauman and The Deluge by Adam Tooze are mentioned Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
10:51 What Germany discovered (The creation of nations that were not nations, fake kingdom of Poland, puppet state of Ukraine)
Limited Sovereignty a concept introduced by Richard von Kuhlmann Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
11:31 The remarkable events of 2014 Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
12:27 What took place in Kiev in 2014 was a naked putch Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
13:17 The European Union and NATO Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
15:41 Extraordinary intervention, compares with a what if intervention in Scotland Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
16:15 John Brennan, Director of the CIA in Kiev Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
16:43 Subsequent events compares Crimea with situation in Turkey's occupation of Cyprus which did not give any sanctions
18:29 George Friedman to the Russian newspaper Kommersant Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
19:02 This is a huge struggle, The Global Chessboard, 1997 book by Zbigniew Brzezinski Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
19:45 And why was the European Union doing this Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
20:21 Scums of the Earth by Arthur Koestler is mentioned Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means The book has a chapter on the struggle between Germany and France.
20:54 Germany was prepared, he talks about the formation of the EU and the understanding with France, The Elysée Treaty, behind it was the US to ensure no power dominates in Europe. The CIA was behind the EU. Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
23:07 And then there is another - he goes on to connect Ukraine to Middle East Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
25:08 We have a very complicated war related to the creation of a new power, the European Union is fundamentally German, and referring to Syria and Ukraine as the war zone Peter Hitchens - The EU is the Continuation of Germany By Other Means
ASB military: Russia — “We already have prisoners among the military personnel of NATO countries, we will show all this when we put them on trial. The whole world will see what really happened.”

Greece Halts Weapon Shipments to Ukraine Following Protest Wave

Greece’s Defense minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos has announced that the country will stop providing weapons to Ukraine.

Panagiotopoulos said that further shipments might undermine Greece’ own defensive capabilities. The minister also pointed out that Athens has already sent two cargo planes worth of military aide to Kiev.

The decision follows police clashing with anti-NATO demonstrators protesting the arms shipments.



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Ukraine's Attack On Territory Of Russia Intensify
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A few days ago, pinpoint strikes and sabotage attacks by the Ukrainian army on the Russian territory have significantly increased. Basically, the Ukrainian army carries out small sorties and uses explosives as well as rockets to harm Russian military, communication facilities and civilians.
«Russia will strike Ukrainian decision-making centers if attempts to sabotage Russian territory continue», Defense Ministry spokesman maj.-gen. Igor Konashenkov said. “We see attempts of sabotage and strikes by Ukrainian troops on facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation. If such cases continue, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will strike decision-making centers, including those in Kyiv, which the Russian army has so far refrained from doing,” he said.
Since the launch of the Russian military special operation, Ukrainian fighters have repeatedly staged diversions in Russia’s border regions.
On March 29, they struck the Belgorod region with Tochka-U rockets, causing explosions and fires in a warehouse deployed at a temporary military unit location and injuring eight people.
Three days later, on April 1, two Ukrainian helicopters invaded Russian territory and shelled an oil depot in Belgorod and then a printing press in the Severny industrial park.
Railroad tracks in the Belgorod region were damaged this week. In addition, villages and border crossing points in Belgorod and Kursk regions were repeatedly shelled.
On April 12, the governor of the Belgorod Region claimed that the Ukrainian army had undermined the railroad tracks. The damaged railroad track in the Shebekinsky district was used for the Belgorod-Nizhegol railbus. As noted by the RF Armed Forces, Ukrainian security forces do not set out to undermine Russia’s logistics chains, as they do not have enough resources to do so, the main task is to intimidate the population.
Ukraine's Attack On Territory Of Russia Intensify
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Ukraine's Attack On Territory Of Russia Intensify
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On April 13, Ukraine shelled a border checkpoint in the Kornevsky District of the Kursk region. The governor of Kursk Oblast said that retaliatory fire was able to repel the strike and there were no casualties.
On April 14, there was another incident on the border. Authorities in Kursk Oblast reported small arms fire at a checkpoint in the village of Gordeevka on the border with Sumy Oblast, Ukraine. The firing points were suppressed, and there were no casualties or destruction on the Russian side. The Ukrainian side reports shelling of the border crossing point in Chernihiv Oblast, already from the Russian side.
On the same day, the Ukrainian army and launched several attacks in the Russian Bryansk region. The Russian Investigation Committee confirmed the attack. It was revealed that two Ukrainian military helicopters carried out at least 6 airstrikes targeting civilians in the village of Klimovo. The state of emergency was introduced in the Klimovsk district of the Bryansk region, where as a result of the AFU attack eight people were injured and more than 100 residential buildings were damaged, according to the governor of the region.
Later, UAF shelling on other villages, including Zhuravlevka, Spodaryushino, were reported on the same day.
Ukraine's Attack On Territory Of Russia Intensify
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Ukraine's Attack On Territory Of Russia Intensify
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Ukraine's Attack On Territory Of Russia Intensify
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Ukraine’s strikes on Russian territory have been launched to sow panic among the civilian population and possibly to divert Russian forces. However, most attempts by the Ukrainian army are unsuccessful. And those that do succeed are mostly directed at civilians. Terrorist threat levels were introduced to warn the population. A yellow (medium of three) terrorist alert level was introduced in Belgorod, Kursk, and Bryansk oblasts, as well as in some areas of Voronezh Oblast and Krasnodar Krai, and the north of Crimea.
In response to the attacks on the Russian territory, Russian cruise missiles hit military facilities on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital.
I find the sinking of the flagship of the Black Sea fleet kind of troubling, to be honest.
Yes, it was an old ship from the 70s, but it is also reported to have cost a cool 750 million and had symbolic value as the flagship.
As reported, the Russian defense ministry can only choose between two stories to explain the event, both of which are bad for the Russian cause: either it was successfully hit by Ukrainian Neptune missiles, or the ammunition depot caught fire, and this just happening accidentally on a flagship seems very unlikely. Sabotage or gross incompetence then. All of these scenarios are bad.
Obviously, Russia was aware of this, and downplayed this yesterday, stating that the fire was put out and the cruiser towed to the harbor. But today, even Southernfront reported it as having been sunk. So what happened?
Whether it was a sabotage effort or a successful hit by the Ukrainian military, it seems to have succeeded in its goal: make the Russian military look either incompetent or more vulnerable than before.
Since it was the biggest ship in the region and supposedly refurbished when it was renamed as the Moscow, you would think they could protect it from missiles or internal sabotage, since Russia purportedly controls the battlefield and maintains a strong intelligence network. But the fact remains, it was sunk. There don't seem to be any signs that Russia is using any of its advanced or exotic tech to protect its equipment.
I hope this will not set a trend.

It seems to me that you are going too deep into "conspiracy theory" and do not take into account the most realistic scenario that lies on the surface in my opinion. Firstly, the surroundings of Odessa were mine, it was reported. Secondly, there was a storm and this together makes it possible to hit the ship with a floating mine, which could not be detected and neutralized in time.

And here is the answer to the attack on Russian territory.
Russian S-400 shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter attacking the Bryansk region
The Russian S-400 air defense system received its first official combat use.

A few hours ago, Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems were used to destroy the Ukrainian military helicopter Mi-8. The helicopter was shot down after striking the Bryansk region when it was returning to the airbase. At the same time, the wreckage of the helicopter was found on the territory of the Chernihiv region. To date, this is the first official use of S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems since their creation and adoption into service.

"In the Chernihiv region, the S-400 complex of the Russian Armed Forces shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter that attacked a settlement in the Bryansk region. The helicopter was returning to the base after strikes on residential buildings in the village of Klimovo," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. As a result of the Ukrainian attack, about a hundred residential buildings were damaged, as well as 8 local residents.

Taking into account the data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force was shot down around noon, as the attack on the settlement of Klimovo occurred around 12 o'clock. The fate of the second helicopter (according to the RF IC, two rotorcraft took part in the attack – ed.), which also took part in the attack on the settlement of Klimovo, remains unknown.

It is not known exactly where the Russian S-400 air defense systems were firing from.
Российский С-400 сбил украинский вертолёт Ми-8, атаковавший Брянскую область

Russia has inflicted a super-powerful and high-precision strike with "Calibers" on Kiev's military facilities
Russia has inflicted a large-scale strike with "Calibers" on the AFU facilities in Kiev.

Russian ships delivered a powerful strike on the facility in Kiev with Kalibr cruise tactical missiles. It is known that the strike was carried out on the production shop, where work was carried out related to the repair and restoration of anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-ship missiles and missile systems.

The strike, apparently, was connected not only with the intentions to destroy the military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also to inflict significant damage to the Ukrainian forces against the background of provocative actions directed against Russian citizens, namely, we are talking about the strikes of the Armed Forces of the Bryansk region on the eve of the day, as a result of which at least 8 civilians and almost a hundred residential buildings were damaged.

"Kalibr cruise missiles were used to strike an object in Kiev. As a result of a missile strike on the Zhuliansky machine-building plant "Vizar", workshops for the production and repair of air defense systems and anti-ship missiles were destroyed. The number and scale of missile strikes on targets in Kiev will increase in response to the Kiev forces committing sabotage on Russian territory," the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports.

Experts note that, despite the fact that the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy has lost its flagship in the form of the missile cruiser "Moscow", Russia is armed with a fairly large number of means for striking with precision weapons.

Россия нанесла сверхмощный и высокоточный удар «Калибрами» по военным объектам Киева

Мне кажется вы слишком углубляетесь в "конспирологию" и не учитываете наиболее реалистичный сценарий, лежащий по моему на поверхности. Во первых, окрестности Одессы были заминированы, об этом сообщалось. Во вторых был шторм и вот это вместе и дает возможность поражения корабля плавающей миной, которую не смогли вовремя обнаружить и обезвредить. А вот ответ на атаку российской территории.
Based on interviewed Cynthia Chung's research:

Cynthia and I took a deep dive into the origins of Nazism in Ukraine, as well as its 20th-century iterations (e.g., the OUN-B, OUN-M, UPA) and how they were preserved, exploited, and allowed to flourish thanks to a CIA eager to destroy the USSR at any cost. Sound familiar?

Cynthia Chung on Perspective with Jesse Zurawell - 14 Apr 2022 | TNT Radio

Cynthia Chung's historical look starts here...to now, very thorough...

Kievan Rus’ was a federation in Eastern-Northern Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century and was made up of a variety of peoples including East Slavic, Baltic and Finnic, and was ruled by the Rurik dynasty.

Here, in Russia, some say that we are at war with NATO. In a sense, it is. The fact that the AFU is under the operational command of NATO is no longer a secret, but this episode tells us that all European structures, no matter what they are called and no matter what goals they hide behind, are subordinated to one main task, and the whole "United Europe" with all its structures has actually become a political appendage of NATO.

The OSCE provided intelligence to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and national battalions
15.04.2022 17:00

Alexander Sladkov, the military commander of VGTRK reported that there are proven facts that confirm that the OSCE sent data from its cameras from the contact line directly to Kiev.

"There is information, which is confirmed by facts, that the staff of the OSCE mission supplied the ukrofascists with data directed against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and LDNR. Cameras were placed along the border, which monitored and recorded information. At 6 km from this camera, a laptop with materials identical to those issued by this camera was found at the positions of the Ukrainian military. The phone number of the commander of the Kharkov-1 platoon, one of the destroyed Nazis, was found in Maryinka. This phone had the same information. The detained OSCE employee confirmed that the technical information goes to Kiev, and then it goes down to the platoon commander, where it is promptly used to target objects: tanks and groups of Russian servicemen," the military commander said.

Earlier, criminal cases were initiated in Lugansk and Donetsk against OSCE staff.


У нас, в России некоторые говорят, что мы воюем с НАТО. В каком то смысле это так и есть. То что ВСУ находится под оперативным командованием натовцев, это уже не секрет, но вот этот эпизод нам говорит, что все европейские структуры, как бы они не назывались и какими бы целями не прикрывались, подчинены одной, главной задаче и вся "Единая Европа" со всеми своими структурами стала фактически политическим придатком НАТО.
Apparently, the Chinese Ambassador to Russia, Zhang Hanhui, published an article last week that is VERY blunt!

As far as I could see, it hasn’t been translated into English anywhere yet.

Here is a machine translation into english:

From the article:
You shouldn't mess with the Chinese people if you make them angry — it can end badly

As the Cs warned about China:

Session 30 August 2018
(L) When you've got Putin in Russia, what do you need a Chinese Putin for?

(Perceval) You've got a rootin-tootin' Putin! [laughter]

(Alada) Well, China is so big, but it's so relatively quiet...

A: Still waters run deep and strong. The USA and allies are in for a rude and painful awakening.
From the article:

As the Cs warned about China:

Session 30 August 2018

Yes, it feels like Russia's military operation in Ukraine is like a worldwide open declaration of opposition against the PTB'S global takeover and the coup de grace most probably will be given to the West by China herself, most probably it will happen rather soon.

I may wishfully thinking here but I have this impression that China is preparing for this clash with the West for a while now, probably since the times of the Opium wars onwards, little by little rebuilding herself from western plundering, racketeering, destruction, humiliation, death and suffering, getting stronger and stronger to the point when it will be able to stand against the West hegemon and give it the final coup de grace.

The time has come it seems and I get the feeling that the West won't see it coming by the longest due their own hubris and their underestimating of China, as a consequence the whole western house of cards will come crashing down.
It seems to me that you are going too deep into "conspiracy theory" and do not take into account the most realistic scenario that lies on the surface in my opinion. Firstly, the surroundings of Odessa were mine, it was reported. Secondly, there was a storm and this together makes it possible to hit the ship with a floating mine, which could not be detected and neutralized in time.

And here is the answer to the attack on Russian territory.

Российский С-400 сбил украинский вертолёт Ми-8, атаковавший Брянскую область

Россия нанесла сверхмощный и высокоточный удар «Калибрами» по военным объектам Киева

Мне кажется вы слишком углубляетесь в "конспирологию" и не учитываете наиболее реалистичный сценарий, лежащий по моему на поверхности. Во первых, окрестности Одессы были заминированы, об этом сообщалось. Во вторых был шторм и вот это вместе и дает возможность поражения корабля плавающей миной, которую не смогли вовремя обнаружить и обезвредить. А вот ответ на атаку российской территории.
How are these conspiracy theories? I am going by what Russian media are stating themselves.
How likely is it that floating mines just happen to hit the flagship? Granted, it was a very large ship, but surely they know how to handle it in a storm?
All I am pointing out is that even if the ship didn't participate directly, it is of symbolic value, which is why the event could be salvaged by Western media so much. So from any perspective, it *is* bad for Russian PR and all I am wondering is why they let it happen, given all their advanced tech and surveillance capabilities(750 million dollar and a big ship down the drain is no joke).
What Cosmos said strikes me as reasonable though. It was reported that they were able to evacuate the large crew in time(so most likely it was not hit by missiles), but apparently it wasn't possible to save the ship from sinking. So, given what I know from ships sinking in WW2, it does sound like the munitions depot on the ship exploded. It was not a supporting frigate, it was the largest ship in the Black sea and the flag ship, so it does strongly suggest sabotage.
Yes, it feels like Russia's military operation in Ukraine is like a worldwide open declaration of opposition against the PTB'S global takeover and the coup de grace most probably will be given to the West by China herself, most probably it will happen rather soon.

I may wishfully thinking here but I have this impression that China is preparing for this clash with the West for a while now, probably since the times of the Opium wars onwards, little by little rebuilding herself from western plundering, racketeering, destruction, humiliation, death and suffering, getting stronger and stronger to the point when it will be able to stand against the West hegemon and give it the final coup de grace.

The time has come it seems and I get the feeling that the West won't see it coming by the longest due their own hubris and their underestimating of China, as a consequence the whole western house of cards will come crashing down.
China has been modelled on Western values since the late Qing dynasty though, ever since Neo-Confucian scholars decided that the reason China lost the Opium wars was because of "backward Chinese traditions", which meant the wholesale destruction of actual Chinese culture long before the Long March or the Cultural Revolution. Sure, the Chinese have been on a revenge track since long, but it has cost it its own essence.
The outcome of this is the mixing of the worst from the West (Capitalism, Materialism, Communism "with Chinese characteristics", technocratic and bureaucratic nightmare, concrete hellscapes) with the worst from the East (strong emphasis on hierarchies, obedience, extreme denial of mistakes).
We might cheer at the American house of cards crashing down, but will we enjoy living under an alternative, perhaps even more brutal scenario?
I am wondering is why they let it happen, given all their advanced tech and surveillance capabilities(750 million dollar and a big ship down the drain is no joke).

And you know they let it happen? What source do you have for that? Just because Russia has advanced technology and good intelligence services does not make them immune to attacks or sabotage. Or any of us for that matter.
This image is creative, if you have not seen it already:

Regarding the ship Moscow being lost, is the name a coincidence? There has been sabotage before, but I also think that NATO would not mind making such a statement through their proxies, and then claim they know nothing. Add to this the possibility of a third actor, Israel, which recently bombed Damascus.

I don't believe the West will allow the conflict to end quickly. It is business, it is in accord with their agenda to depopulate, and "Greenify" and not let a good crisis go to waste. The example from WWII is that Germany went on for a long time.

There was from Inessa S
POWs confirm that they were taking up to three tablets of "military chemicals" per day. This made them feel cheerful and insensitive to pain. The US supply wild quantities of it and observe the way it affects military personnel long term - given they don't care what will happen to these people after." - says Alexander Boroday, ex-head of the DPR, State Duma deputy.

Captagon (amphetamine + theophylline) was previously observed by journalists in Syria. Allegedly, the substance is highly addictive but makes one physically insensitive to pain. Rebels who were gravely wounded displayed an unusual ability to keep fighting.
I saw think about what appears to be a preparation for a false flag in Irpin. For that reason, I though it would be of value to post it here so that if something happens, to be well armed and be able to point to it being known beforehand. From what I understand then some of it has been machine translated so as to have an English version ready. Posted in its entirety.

What will happen and what has happened in Irpin: we know what you hide.​

For the sake of what the city was closed for so-called "subbotnik" and what traces the Kyiv authorities cover?April 15, 2022

Irpin is closed from today until April 15. City authorities suddenly imposed curfew restrictions. Yesterday morning, the mayor called citizens for an indefinite neighbourhood cleanup (so-called Subbotnik),but in the evening he announced that only law enforcement officers, rescuers, public utilities and volunteers from a pre-agreed shortlist would be allowed to enter the city.

A three-day curfew was announced in Irpin: It starts tomorrow, from 6 a.m.on April 12 and ends at 9 a.m. on April 15. Entry into the city will be prohibited. Also, it is noted that travel to Bucha is allowed, bypassing Irpin - through Dmitrovka and Zabuchye.
Special Forces of the Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine also call their special operations "Subbotniks" (“neighbourhood cleanup”) for mopping up the territory. Bit of an interesting coincidence, but today GUR (Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine) announced that application “These” was launched to verificate suspicious persons and identify saboteurs. It is obvious that in the next three days Irpin will become testing area/shooting-ground for identifying politically unreliable persons and identifscenting-out “saboteurs”. The basements of Security Service of Ukraine will be filled in with these people, but some of them will be destroyed on the spot before. That's why the city will be closed. Bucha scenario will be repeated with the only difference that no one will lay out the corpses. Most of them have already been folded in a special place and it remains to bring fresh ones. But first things first.
What Irpin authorities should “clean up”?
Widespread destruction in Irpin strike the imagination by all means. The view of burned-out neighbourhood units, cluster home communities, destroyed waftages leaves no one indifferent. Kiev propaganda explains everything unequivocally - this is the revenge of the "Russians" for the desire of Ukrainians to be free. Russian Armed Forces were making shot at houses, only because they are barbarians who kill civilians.
However, photos and videos from the places where the fight was held, eyewitness testimonies destroy the arguments of the Kiev authorities.
On the quadcopter operator's Youtube channel (obviously, artillery spotting person) appeared videos of destroyed neighbourhood units one week ago.

Copter operator by accident filmed traces of war crimes of Ukraine during the flight.
Exactly these videos outline concept of what was happening in the city. They explain seemingly illogical artillery shelling and evidence of the involvement of Ukrainian Armed Forces. Let's analyze two video fragments.
“Friendly fire” on courtyards.
At the 15th second of the video, the cameraman enlarges the frame and we see two burned-out cars in the yard and traces of an explosion on the street, that seems like traces of a water balloon fallen from a height. The range of "spray" indicates the place where the "arrival" was from.

Traces of "splash" of fragments of mines are directed from the place of the shot. The shot was fired by a mortar of the Armed forces of Ukraine from the outskirts of Kiev in the direction of Irpin and Bucha.
Google map made it possible to determine the cardinal directions and it turned out that the shot was fired from south to north. In the north, in Bucha, Russian military units entrenched themselves early in March, from the south, from Irpin and the outskirts of Kiev, they were attacked by Ukrainian military forces. What purpose did they pursue by bombarding residential areas? Only two options are possible. The first is the mistakes of the fire spotter. The second is deliberate actions to destroy the non-combatants and use their corpses in further provocations. Preparation of new "sacred victims", which will be later presented to the world community. Such bomb traces that were launched from south are evidence of crimes against their own citizens. Mopping up the city from them is the primary task of the authorities. That's why city will be closed to a happenstance witnesses who may start asking uncomfortable questions.

This is how the mine fall site looks on Google maps.
Nest of a spy.
Distinctive feature of buildings' damage draws attention on aerial photography. Shots from the direction of Bucha most often hit houses' pediments. It becomes clear at 47 second of the video what kind of target was located there. The quadcopter operator flies over the roof of a high-rise building, where empty shots from grenade dispenser are left. There is no surprise that Armed Forces of Ukraine and nazi batallions use urban infrastructure and non-combatants as a shield. But here is a special case. A shot in the direction of a tank from a grenade dispenser is a way to expose position. According to the combat tactics, shooter must leave his position after a shot in order not to be killed. On the roof of the building in Irpin there are at least seven empty shots. It means that before the appearance of enemies, the shooter fired targets that can't return reprisal fire. Multiple damage on the building's south side, from where russian tanks couldn't fire, make it clear that shooter on the roof did it. This roof is another place where Irpin authorities should “make cleanup” behind closed doors.

Copter operator by accident filmed the place where the RPG (reactive anti-tank grenade) shelling of the courtyards of the city was conducted.

This "nest" on the roof of a high-rise building with a lot of empty RPG (reactive anti-tank grenade) cartridges explains the "illogical" traces of blows inside courtyards from the south
Where did the corpses come from, or how Irpin was destroyed. Eyewitness testimony.
This episode of the investigation is based on a letter from a woman evacuated from Irpin, which she sent to blogger Anatoly Shariy. The uniqueness of the testimony is that the author did not leave his home during the battles for Irpin. The woman could personally see and draw conclusions about whose MRLS “Grad” and mortars bombed residential areas.
The author of the letter reports points that allow to find the location on the map where her house was. A private two-stage mansion was located between Varshavskoye and Novo-Irpinskoye highways, one and a half kilometers from the low level bridge (across the small river Buchanka), the nearest large supermarket "Pchelka" to the house. These points give us the opportunity to assume that the house was located in the area of Lomonosov Street, between lines 10 and 9. Exact these places are the most war-torn in Irpin.

The area of residence of the author of the letter
We provide the full text of the letter below. Now let's dwell upon the key episodes that allow us to understand what was happening in Irpin from early March to early April.
In one of the episodes, the author of the letter tells how mortar shell that flew into the house was near to kill mother and her. The women stood on the second floor and looked at the yard. The explosion destroyed the second floor. They were saved by the overlap between floors and a fallen panoramic window. On the same day, 2 more houses on their street were bombed by mortars. In the description, it is surprising that the woman does not directly blame the Russian troops. Moreover, she even partly explains the failure of the military actions "they apparently aimed at the street, but covered the grid box."

The author of the letter told about the shelling of her house, which is the same as on Grigory Skovoroda Street (which we wrote about above).
"On March 21, Russia apparently decided to take a ferry across the river, which is located 1.5 km away from us..."
As the story continues it becomes clear that the mortar shells were launched from their military forces. The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to drive out the Russian units, that crossed the Buchanka River and tried to occupy this part of Irpin on March 21. However, they left occupied territories on March 23.

On March 21, Russian troops tried to force the Buchanka River and gain a foothold in Irpin.

In an attempt to stop the advance of our forces, the AFU fired at the neighborhoods of private buildings adjacent to the river. As a result, this led to apocalyptic destruction.
“On March 23, in the morning, our grid box began to be covered with MRLS “Grad”, I didn’t even believe it at first, because they hit the old points where the Russian Federation stood, and this is illogical. Mortar shells flew to our street for the second time, where there were fighting a day ago. It was the same place again and the house began to burn. Then fire spread the whole neighbourhood, which is now replicated everywhere in the news – nobody fight a fire and even try to do that."

Today, Kiev propaganda uses the footage of the destruction in Irpin as a reflection of the consequences of the arrival of the Russians. Eyewitnesses tell the truth - the AFU shelled the area when Russian tanks were no longer there.
In addition to mortars and MLRS, artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also bombed the streets of Irpin. Every night lone light cannon provided disturbing and provocative fire at the positions of Russian military units. After the shot, it changed position and, in some cases, hid in the underground parking of high-rise buildings. Established relations between the neighbors in the story strikes the imagination. They divided into "patriots" and "politically unreliable". "These" application that Chief Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is testing these days in Irpin, will obviously be very popular.

Provocative fire from the courtyards of residential buildings has become a common practice of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Irpin.
Where are the corpses?
And finally, the most interesting. Where were the corpses hidden in Irpin? According to the author of the letter, the corpses were not removed from the streets from the first days of the fighting. As a result, the remains of the dead were brought to the garages. The garage complex of Irpin is located near the low level bridge over the Buchanka. Behind the river, on the left, turn to Bucha, down Novoyablonevaya street and then there is Yablonevaya street. Exactly in this place, the largest number of corpses were found after Russian Armed Forces left.

Garage cooperative in Irpin, where the corpses of the dead were taken. Coordinates 50.54205, 30.26158.
Ritual sacrifice
Irpin inhabitants suspicions that they are sacred sacrifice began to appear at the very beginning of the events. After the electricity and gas were turned off in the city, the suspicions could only intensify. The dead do not need the benefits of civilization.

Suspicions of Irpin residents that they were being made a sacred sacrifice began to arise.
During the evacuation from the city, the author of the letter witnessed the behavior of the battalion "Aidar" member during the fight with a combatant "in gray uniform". We assume that it was one of the fighters of the Right Sector retreat-blocking detachment. The testimony of a woman about fight on the streets in the rear suggests that among the corpses in Bucha and Irpin there are fighters of the territorial defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the National Guard. The cause of death of such fugitives from the battlefield will be bullet wounds.

The territorial defense and national guardsmen of "Aidar" sought to leave the battlefield, but were afraid of being shot by barrage detachments.
Letter from a resident of Irpin to blogger Anatoly Shariy. Full text 1 2 3 4

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