Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I've to think about it and even this is on limited available information. But I reckon that Putin & team have anticipated this.

The fact that the Russians can hit all targets in Finland and Sweden in max 20 min with impunity with their hypersonic missiles gives them an advantage.

I hope that if it comes to that, the Finns and Swedes will come to the negotiating table after losing 75% or more of their navies and military airfields in the first hours of the war.
Having followed closely the Finnish NATO discussions for a couple of decades, I'd like to make a couple of points. One thing to consider is that Finland has practically been a NATO/DeepState vassal for at least ten years, maybe longer. The somewhat covert co-operation with the US apparatus has deepened every year since around 1994 when Finland signed up for the NATO Partnership for Peace program and bought for a big sum of money Hornet fighter jets from the US (some dirty tricks were used to 'close the deal'). Then in 2014 Finland signed the so called Memorandum of Understanding with NATO that basically gives significant leeway for NATO to conduct military activities in Finland.

Since I'm not that familiar with Swedish 'hidden history', I can't say for sure, but there has for long been rumours and some documents circulating that Sweden has closely, and covertly, co-operated with NATO/CIA since the time of Olof Palme's murder.

In any case, a NATO membership for Finlad would be a 'rubber stamp' at this point, since Finland is already so deep in the 'swamp' anyway. For instance, I'm pretty sure that the CIA has infiltrated some Finnish decision making apparatuses and the MSM already ca 20 years ago (one can notice how the blatant propaganda has increased in the media). And I'm quite confident that Russia has known this for ages. So, I don't agree that if this 'rubber stamp' NATO membership would become a reality, that Russia would attack Finland with missiles or something, I don't see that coming right away...maybe later when enough provocations has been made. Another thing is that there are no 'Nazis' in Finland in the sense that the CIA divide and conquer tactics could be used efficiently, at least for now. There is some hostile talks against 'Putinists' and 'Kremlin trolls', and that was intensified in 2014 but any militant build-up regarding this, or physical violence against 'Putinists' hasn't yet occurred.

I think that he talks about Finnish NATO membership is to a large extent wishful thinking and the usual 'teenage level' reactionary barking that our imbecil Western politicians are so 'good' at. The old narrative of Article 5 is used a lot in the Finnish press; being a NATO member we will be protected by other NATO member states. LOL! This has hardly ever happened, and I'm pretty sure that in the case of a real war against Russia many NATO member states would rather 'stay at home' than come to Finland and fight.

I could go on, but all in all, I'd say that the idea of a NATO membership has for the Finnish decision makers since the 90's been a cultish fix-ide, an ideology born out of some kind of ponereogenic processes with the help of US 'deep state'/CIA/ST influences (corrupting/blackmailing the Finnish players) – and at this point this idea is so pathologically ingrained in the minds of Finnish politicians that they just can't think otherwise (their brains are mush!)

I guess we'll need to wait and see how things will develop, but in any case I don't see any imminent threat of bombs dropping on Finnish soil.
Briefly, and most likely others have seen the very same things.

Entered a commercial Bank today to use their ATM, wherein the greeting screen message said "Support Ukraine". Indeed, all wars are Bankers' wars, apparently, and here writ large on their ATM screens.

P.s. came across a video titled "There's one way to stop Putin" narrated by Stephen Fry. Guess I should not have been at all surprised with Mr. Fry, unfortunately.
Briefly, and most likely others have seen the very same things.

Entered a commercial Bank today to use their ATM, wherein the greeting screen message said "Support Ukraine". Indeed, all wars are Bankers' wars, apparently, and here writ large on their ATM screens.

P.s. came across a video titled "There's one way to stop Putin" narrated by Stephen Fry. Guess I should not have been at all surprised with Mr. Fry, unfortunately.
In my unfortunate country, where people are frozen from watching TV in a mental catalepsy on all banking portals and ATMs there is a button ready, usually against the background of the Ukrainian flag, titled: "help for Ukraine".
A couple of strokes about how the Nazis are fighting

"Convicted of especially serious crimes": new battalions of Ukraine have been replenished with criminals
14.04.2022 11:41

The newly created Ukrainian nationalist battalions in Kharkiv will include criminal elements with a rich criminal past, said Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation.

As the Colonel-General noted, their ranks have already been recruited.

"The process of forming three new nationalist battalions in Kharkiv — Slobozhanshchina, Kharkiv Region-1 and Kharkiv region-2 is coming to an end," Mizintsev said.

In particular, it is reported that the composition of the national battalions will be replenished by criminals who have spent considerable time for serious and especially serious crimes in the dungeons of Alekseevskaya, as well as the 43rd colonies.

Among the main tasks of the newly minted members of the gangs, the Colonel-General emphasizes, is blocking civilians on the territory of Kharkiv and preventing possible cases of the surrender of Ukrainian militants.

Mizintsev considered the decision to fill Ukrainian nationalist battalions with dubious persons with heavy criminal experience inhumane and devoid of all morality.


Ukrofascists take drugs to be "more resilient"
04/14/2022 11:36

Americans are pumping APU fighters with drugs so that they are more resilient and insensitive to pain. This is told by the Ukronazists themselves, who surrendered.

According to them, they were regularly given three "wheels" a day, stuffed with pills that were sent from America. After such doping, the soldiers appeared cheerful and "fighting spirit".

In fact, it turns out that this is actually a test of illegal drugs on live meat, which is not a pity, and on which experiments can be carried out, because the constant intake of stimulants of this kind significantly affects the whole body and causes dependence on drugs.

And here a parallel arises with the Third Reich, where the use of drugs was proclaimed a state policy.



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BREAKING. Russian Black Sea Fleet's Flagship Moskva Experienced Explosion Of Ammunition. Damages Sustained. Crew Evacuated
The Russian official media outlet RIA Novosti quoted the Russian Defence Ministry as saying that the missile cruiser Moskva of the Russian Black Sea Fleet had detonated ammunition as a result of a fire.
The Guards missile cruiser of Project 1164 Moskva is the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet. It was built at the Nikolaev shipyard and commissioned in 1982. It was originally named Slava.
There were conflicting reports from the Ukrainian side. The head of the Odessa regional military administration, Maxim Marchenko, said that the cruiser was hit by two Neptun anti-ship missiles.
According to Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, a fire broke out on the ship. “There are 510 people on board. We can’t understand what happened. Either two sailors were smoking in a wrong place. Or they once again violated some safety measures”.
The TV channel Sky News, citing its sources, reported a fire on the missile cruiser Moscow. According to it, other Russian ships were coming to the rescue. According to the source, the ship was 25 nautical miles off Snake Island south of Odessa.
There are reports that after a fire and explosion of ammunition on the ship, the cruiser Moskva sank.
BREAKING. Russian Black Sea Fleet's Flagship Moskva Experienced Explosion Of Ammunition. Damages Sustained. Crew Evacuated
There is a strong possibility that the burning of the cruiser Moscow is the result of a strike against it by missiles deployed in Ukraine, sabotage or negligence. This is a suitable diversion from the events taking place in Mariupol.

According to preliminary information, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, was indeed attacked by the Neptun missile launcher from the coastline between Odessa and Nikolayev. The missiles struck the port side, causing the ship to roll heavily. The crew of about 500 were evacuated after the threat of detonation of the ammunition. The buoyancy of the cruiser was made difficult by the sea weather conditions. As a result of all the cumulative factors, according to preliminary information, the cruiser sank.


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War In Ukraine Day 48: Wheel Of War Heads Downhill
Many milestone events took place or came to light on Ukraine’s 48th day of war.
In Mariupol on 12 and 13 April 2022, an unprecedented number of soldiers and officers of the warring armies surrendered since World War II. The total number of AFU soldiers and officers who voluntarily surrendered to Russian captivity or were forced to do so under the threat of extermination exceeded 1,300, including 1,026 soldiers of the 36th AFU Marine Brigade.
However, the Ukrainian side claimed that a significant number of soldiers from the 36 Brigade broke through to the south rather than to the north and merged with the Azovstal garrison, reinforced it.

Available photo and video footages show dozens, but not hundreds, of AFU soldiers surrendering.
War In Ukraine Day 48: Wheel Of War Heads Downhill
The Mariupol seaport was fully occupied by units of the Russian Armed Forces and the DPR. All hostages, including all foreigners, have been released. The mediation services of Turkish President Mr. Erdogan were not needed.

Scattered AFU units defend in the residential areas of Primorsky District. Some have retreated to the Azovstal plant. The port itself has yet to be demined. The coastal facilities are largely intact.
War In Ukraine Day 48: Wheel Of War Heads Downhill
On 13 April, the mopping-up of separate buildings in residential areas adjacent to the Azovstal industrial zone continued. Fighters of the Azov Regiment are attempting to take refuge in the basements of residential buildings with the aim of later exiting the city in the guise of civilians.
There were reports of a critical shortage of ammunition and food for the AFU groups that continue to stay outside the Azovstal plant.

The area of the Azovstal plant itself is a heavily fortified stronghold with extensive multi-level underground communications. The degree of fortification of Azovstal is far superior to that of the Nazi fortress of Könisberg during World War II.

The second, remaining partially controlled by the AFU, fortified area near the Illich factory was exsanguinated as a result of mass surrenders and breakthrough attempts by AFU Marine battalions.
Information messages posted by Azov regiment fighters on social media have turned into a ranting call to save lives without any hope of military assistance or evacuation from Kiev.
It should be recalled that according to the most conservative estimates, there were at least 14,000 of the most combat-ready and qualified servicemen of the AFU and nationalist units on the territory of Mariupol before it was encircled. As of 13 April, the remaining forces were estimated at between 4,000 and 6,000 combat-ready Ukrainian servicemen.
More Ukrainian Armed Forces units and foreign mercenaries have arrived in the east of Ukraine, in Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv regions, to take part in the upcoming battle for these regions.
The Russian Defence Ministry took advantage of the momentum and struck at the concentration of AFU troops. The Russian Defence Ministry has reported that Russian artillery units struck six strongholds of the units of the 24th Ukrainian Independent Mechanized Brigade near the village of Popasna, Luhansk Region. As a result of the strikes, over 120 servicemen of the unit, eleven armoured vehicles and fourteen vehicles of various purposes were destroyed.
The Russian Air Force’s aircrafts hit 38 military facilities throughout Ukraine.

These included the Toshkivka ammunition depot in Luhansk Region, as well as eight areas where Ukrainian military equipment was amassed in the settlements of Glazunivka, Pyatigorsk and Pryszyb in Kharkiv Region. Russian air defence forces shot down two unmanned aerial vehicles in the air over the settlements of Ochakov and Mykolaiv.
The HQ and fuel storage facility of the 128th Independent Mountain Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces near the town of Hulay-Pole in Zaporizhzhya Region have also been destroyed.
The Russian Defence Ministry said in its evening briefing on 13 April 2022 that it had recorded attempts at sabotage and strikes by Ukrainian forces against facilities on Russian Federation territory.

Moscow says that if such incidents continue, the Russian Armed Forces will strike at decision-making centres, including those in Kyiv, which the Russian army has so far refrained from doing. This statement raises a number of questions. For example, has the military and political leadership of the Russian Federation not yet realised that it is in a full scale war, at least with the “pro-NATO” Kiev regime in Ukraine, and probably with NATO, albeit indirectly. Why did the Russian MoD previously refrain from striking at the “decision-making centres” when it attempted to blockade Kiev. What is the true role of Medinsky, Peskov and some other politicians in the current events. Why, until recently, there was no military unity of command in the military operation of the Russian Defence Ministry in Ukraine, as British intelligence, eyewitnesses and events on the front lines declare and demonstrate. These and many other questions are very uncomfortable for the Kremlin.
On the night of 13-14 April, the flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, the cruiser Moscow, was sunk or seriously damaged. A ship of this class in the Black Sea conditions could have been successfully attacked either by a complex of anti-ship systems, including both missiles and aircrafts, or by a submarine. In any case the NATO military was directly involved in the attack.
War In Ukraine Day 48: Wheel Of War Heads Downhill
There are reports from Kharkiv that three new nationalist battalions of the Ukrainian armed forces are being formed in the city under the names:
  • “Slabozhanshchina”;
  • “Harkivchyna -1”;
  • “Harkivchyna-2”.
The main contingent of the new units was recruited from the Alekseevska, Kachanivska and 43rd penal colonies in Kharkiv, where those convicted of grave and especially grave crimes were kept.
These new battalions are supposed to blockade Kharkiv from the southern side and by no means allow the local population to leave the city and the subsequent retreat of AFU combat units.
Fighting continues in the Kharkiv area. Russian troops have been striking at military infrastructure facilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the city.

In the Izyum direction, where units of the Russian Defence Ministry were advancing towards Sloviansk and Kramatorsk from the north, the fighting moved to the stage of direct firefighting contact, with the enemy seeing each other through the sight of a machine gun rather than the sighting bar of an artillery.
War In Ukraine Day 48: Wheel Of War Heads Downhill
A large number of military equipment and servicemen of the Russian Defence Ministry have been concentrated in Russia’s Belgorod Region. It appeared that these units were meant to take part in the upcoming battle for Ukraine’s east.
On 13 April, the US government approved another $800m military aid package for Ukraine, which includes a wide range of weapons and military equipment, including 11 multi-purpose Mi-17 helicopters, which were previously destined for the Afghan Armed Forces.
In addition, the package will include:
  • 18 155mm howitzers and 40,000 rounds of ammunition for them.
  • Mobile radar stations, including 10 mobile AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder anti-battery control systems and 2 AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel air target detection radars. The operators of these systems will be trained by US instructors.
  • 200 M113 armoured personnel carriers.
  • 100 Humvee off-road vehicles.
  • 500 Javelin anti-tank missiles and hundreds of other anti-tank missiles.
  • 300 Switchblade bomber ammunition of unnamed modification.
  • Uncrewed patrol boats for coastal defence.
  • M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel mines.
  • C-4 explosives and demolition equipment.
  • Radiation, chemical and biological defence equipment.
  • Medical equipment.
  • 30,000 sets of body armour and helmets.
  • Over 2,000 scopes and laser rangefinders.
The supply of weapons to Ukraine from other NATO countries, including tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery, is expected to intensify. The supply of missiles and the direct participation of NATO units in the conflict in Ukraine is on the agenda now. According to information from local sources on both sides of the conflict, up to 40 percent of the most combat-ready AFU units are already composed of NATO citizens.
The destruction of the Russian cruiser Moscow could be the trigger for a sharp escalation of the conflict, which is in the interests of a large part of the so-called “global elites”.
The difficult domestic political situation in the United States, Germany and France is fuelling the desire of the ruling elites to retain power by launching and under the excuse of World War III.


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AFU Acknowledged Losses, Preparing For Russian Offensive
Illustrative Image
Despite the general lull in information, very intense fighting is taking place in some parts of the front. Of course, it is too early to talk about a full-scale offensive. The fighting is rather positional, without much change on the front line, but very fierce in the hotspots.
The AFU General Staff published data on AFU losses on April 14. During the day, the AFU lost 731 servicemen, including killed, wounded, and prisoners of war. A total of 460 people were taken prisoner in all areas of combat operations. According to the internal report of the General Staff of the AFU, 5 tanks, 13 armored vehicles, 7 field artillery guns and mortars, 3 MLRS, 18 vehicles and special equipment, 1 aircraft, 3 helicopters, and 2 UAVs were lost on April 13. The Ukrainian side does not have the exact number of losses for each category in its internal reports. Communication with some units was lost, some equipment can be repared after the strike.
AFU Acknowledged Losses, Preparing For Russian Offensive
Click to see full-size image
In Barvenkovo, a town on the outskirts of the northern Donetsk Region, the military situation is dire. The town is located along the alleged Russian offensive from Izyum to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. Russian and DPR troops are firmly entrenched in this direction and continue to advance towards Slavyansk.
In the video, the head of the Barvenkovo community, Oleksandr Balo, said that the AFU is holding the lines in the south of the region, but called the situation grave and urged residents to evacuate.

The DPR Interior Ministry released a video showing the recent attempt of the breakthrough by the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the Illyich plant in Mariupol on April 11. The breakthrough turned into a rout. DPR and Russian fighters destroyed 40 armored vehicles and 70 Marines, and 42 captured.
The Russian and DPR militaries monitored the UAF preparations for the operation and stopped the breakthrough from the encircled Ilyich plant. The convoy of tanks, armored vehicles and trucks was almost destroyed. The prisoners declared that this attempt was “spontaneous and poorly prepared”. Their military commanders informed them about only an hour and a half before the operation. They were pushed to the breakthrough by the critical situation with a shortage of ammunition and food.

There are positional battles with intense artillery shelling in Kharkiv. There are dozens of explosions every day. Most of the blasts come from the suburbs. The head of local defense in Kharkiv reports civilian casualties but says there is no reason to evacuate.
Very intense fighting is taking place in the LPR. Artillery of the Russian Federation and the AFU strike each other. The LPR People’s Militia and volunteers from Chechnya are mopping up Rubezhnoye and are advancing to Popasnaya. Fighting is also taking place in the direction of Lysychansk and on the outskirts of Severodonetsk.
In the area of Avdiivka, Ukrainian resources report fierce fighting and attacks by the Russian Armed Forces. Active artillery work is underway.
In turn, the AFU is subjecting areas of Donetsk to massive shelling. Explosions are observed in Yasinovataya, Tekstilshchiki, Petrovsky district, Aleksandrovka, etc.
There are also reports of an attack by Russian forces near Bolshaya Novoselka.
Airstrikes are carried out near Gulyaypole and Ugledar.
On April 13, there was another incident on the border. Local authorities in the Russian Kursk region reported a small arms fire at a checkpoint in the village of Gordeevka on the border with the Ukrainian Sumy Oblast. The firing points were suppressed, and there were no casualties or destruction on the Russian side. Later in the evening, the Russian Defense Ministry stated that if such attacks on Russian territory continued, the Russian Armed Forces would launch strikes against decision-making centers, including Kyiv, which the Russian army has so far refrained from doing.
Russia continues to pull troops together, especially in eastern Ukraine, to launch offensives against the Ukrainian grouping. After the liberation of Donbas, the next target of the Russian Armed Forces could be Odesa and the territory near Transnistria.


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Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Damaged But Not Sunk
The Russian Defence Ministry has explained the current situation with the cruiser Moskva.
The ship was damaged as a result of fire and detonation of ammunition, but did not sink.
The fire on the Moskva cruiser has been contained.

As of the morning of April 14, there was no open burning. Ammunition explosions have been stopped.
The cruiser Moskva remains buoyant. The main missile armament is not damaged.
The crew has been evacuated to the Black Sea Fleet ships in the area.
Measures are being taken to tow the cruiser to the port.
Causes of the fire are being established.
The Kremlin announced that Putin had been informed of the situation with the Moskva cruiser.
The main thing from the statement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the work of American biological laboratories in Ukraine:

- from 2019 to 2021, American scientists from a laboratory in Merefa (Kharkiv region) tested potentially dangerous biological drugs on patients in the psychiatric hospital No. 3 in Kharkov;

– in January 2022, the work of the laboratory in Merefa was stopped, the equipment and drugs were taken to the west of Ukraine, while there is no information about the experiments in the database of the hospital. All staff of the medical institution signed a non-disclosure agreement;

- Ukrainian specialists, under the supervision of American scientists, took water samples in large rivers of Ukraine in order to establish the presence of especially dangerous pathogens of cholera, typhoid fever and hepatitis;

- the department believes that the results of research within the framework of this project could be used to create an unfavorable biological situation not only in Russia, but also in the Black and Azov Seas, in Belarus, Moldova and Poland;

- in January, Ukraine purchased more than 50 drones with 30-liter containers and equipment for spraying recipes through intermediary organizations. On March 9, in the Kherson region, scouts found three such devices;

- According to the Ministry of Defense, these drones can be used to spray biological formulations and toxic chemicals.
Oleg Tsarev on Bucha, posted yesterday (machine translation; bolding, mine):

On April 3, I published a post about Bucha titled: “The SBU is preparing a cynical provocation with corpses to accuse Russia of war crimes.”

Everything I predicted came true. On April 4, Vadym Denisenko, advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, reported that at least 400 people had died in the city of Bucha during the occupation by Russian troops. And on April 7, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk, reported that almost 90% of the dead residents had bullet wounds, not shrapnel wounds.

I want to expand that text. I wrote that according to information from our sources in Kyiv, the SBU was preparing a large-scale provocation in order to accuse Russian troops of massacres and torture of civilians. To this end, the corpses of those killed in SBU custody were being transported to the towns of Irpen and Bucha, where bloody battles took place. As you know, these cities had been abandoned by Russian troops as part of the redeployment.

The "event" itself was conceived by Mi-6. The command from British advisors was passed to the head of the Counterintelligence Department of the SBU Alexander Poklad. Poklad forwarded the order to Botsman. Botsman - Sergei Korotkikh, neo-Nazi, murderer and dollar millionaire; Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich repeatedly called Botsman his senior comrade and mentor, then [during] Maidan, in 2014-15 years he led intelligence in Azov, then Avakov specifically for him created the Department for the Protection of Strategic Objects, where he employed Botsman and one and a half thousand of his fighters.

By organizing a provocation in Bucha, Poklad fulfilled two tasks.

The first task was to dispose of bodies. Shortly before the start of the military campaign, I wrote that in every region and city of Ukraine, lists were compiled for the elimination of undesirable persons in the event of a military clash with Russia. In Kyiv, this list is especially extensive. Both counterintelligence officers and, mostly, neo-Nazis were involved in eliminating the unreliable. The bodies were taken to the forest near Irpen in order to be later passed off as victims of hostilities. When the order came from Poklad, Botsman collected the bodies and took them to Bucha, and arranged an allegedly old mass grave that was left behind by the Russian troops. In addition, Botsman gave an order to shoot the civilians of Bucha to create an image and leave the corpses along the road. Why these corpses with white ribbons on their sleeves, I wrote earlier.

In order to organize everything, Bucha was closed for three days. In general, you all know the rest.

Such a large-scale cynical provocation was done in order to organize an international tribunal in the West to investigate the "atrocities of the Russian military" and accuse Russia of war crimes, I wrote earlier on April 3.

Proving that everything that was organized in Bucha was a bloody provocation organized by neo-Nazis and the SBU counterintelligence department is very easy. To do this, it is only necessary to identify all the persons found in the mass grave. Probably, for this purpose it will be necessary to take DNA tests of the deceased. People who disappeared en masse in Kiev, people who took a pro-Russian position, just could have not all end up in one grave in Bucha.

However, in order to do this, we will most likely have to take control of Kiev. Besides, it is possible to do all this if the murderers do not burn the corpses in the crematorium.

🇰🇷☣️🇺🇸 South Koreans held a rally to protest the flagrant US violation of the "Biological Weapons Convention"

The US has moved samples of deadly bacteria such as Bacillus anthracis to the Republic of Korea for biological experiments. In recent years, the South Korean media has repeatedly exposed that the US military has been secretly performing "tricks" with highly virulent pathogens in the country, causing anger and concern among the people.


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Ukrainian Helicopters Attacked Civilians In the Russian Bryansk Region (Photos, Video)
One of the shell
On April 14, Ukrainian forces hit the border village of Klimovo in the Russia’s Bryansk region. As a result of the attack 7 people were injured, including a child.
The Russian Investigation Committee confirmed the attack. It was revealed that two Ukrainian military helicopters carried out at least 6 airstrikes targeting civilians in the village of Klimovo.
” On April 14, 2022, with the use of two combat helicopters equipped with heavy offensive weapons, the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine illegally invaded the airspace of the Russian Federation. Moving at low altitude, they carried out at least 6 airstrikes on residential buildings in the village of Klimovo in the Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region.
As a result of direct hits and shell explosions, at least six residential buildings along Zarechnaya Street and Lenin Street of the village were damaged, seven people were injured of varying severity, including one minor child born in 2020.” – the report reads.
According to local reports, three of the victims are in serious condition. All of them were hospitalized, including one child and one pregnant woman.

Ukrainian Helicopters Attacked Civilians In the Russian Bryansk Region (Photos, Video)
fragments from Ukrainian shells in Klimovo, Bryansk region.
The Russian territory is shelled by the AFU on a regular basis. LINK
Earlier, on April 10, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky ordered to attack the territory of Russian Federation. The video showing the commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion Tornado setting the task to his subordinates to attack the territory of the Russian Federation, was spread online.

More details about potential ethnic specific weapons

URA.RU is a news agency
Putin: The West delays payment for Russian oil and gas
Banks from "unfriendly countries" are delaying payment for Russian oil and gas, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting on energy. The head of state stressed that European countries recognize their dependence on Russian energy resources - their supply to the United States will cost them more.

"There are failures in the payment of export supplies of Russian energy resources. Banks from these most "unfriendly countries" delay the transfer of payments. Let me remind you that the task has already been set to transfer settlements for energy resources to national currencies, to gradually move away from the dollar and the euro, "RIA Novosti quoted Vladimir Putin as saying.

The President of the Russian Federation noted that the supply of energy from the United States to "unfriendly countries" will cost several times more than Russian oil and gas. Putin also noted that the West made miscalculations in the transition to "green energy" and is now trying to blame it on Russia.

Earlier, the European Union adopted the fifth package of anti-Russian sanctions. The restrictions include a ban on the purchase and import of coal, as well as a ban on Russian ships entering European ports. The decision to impose sanctions on Russian gas and oil has not yet been made, said the head of the foreign policy service of the European Union Josep Borrell. Also, Russia has introduced payment for gas for unfriendly countries only for rubles. This decision was supported by 76% of Russians, according to a poll by VTsIOM. The reason for the continuing restrictions by Western countries was the special operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that this decision was forced. A number of countries, such as Germany and France, refused to comply with the ultimatum.

On April 14, Ukrainian forces hit the border village of Klimovo in the Russia’s Bryansk region. As a result of the attack 7 people were injured, including a child.
The Russian Investigation Committee confirmed the attack. It was revealed that two Ukrainian military helicopters carried out at least 6 airstrikes targeting civilians in the village of Klimovo.

” On April 14, 2022, with the use of two combat helicopters equipped with heavy offensive weapons, the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine illegally invaded the airspace of the Russian Federation. Moving at low altitude, they carried out at least 6 airstrikes on residential buildings in the village of Klimovo in the Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region.
As a result of direct hits and shell explosions, at least six residential buildings along Zarechnaya Street and Lenin Street of the village were damaged, seven people were injured of varying severity, including one minor child born in 2020.” – the report reads.
According to local reports, three of the victims are in serious condition. All of them were hospitalized, including one child and one pregnant woman.

Ukrainian Helicopters Attacked Civilians In the Russian Bryansk Region (Photos, Video)
fragments from Ukrainian shells in Klimovo, Bryansk region.
The Russian territory is shelled by the AFU on a regular basis. LINK

Earlier, on April 10, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky ordered to attack the territory of Russian Federation. The video showing the commander of the Ukrainian nationalist battalion Tornado setting the task to his subordinates to attack the territory of the Russian Federation, was spread online. LINK


The Opposition:
Fifty days into the war, heavy fighting continues as Moscow push towards the Donbas region, and US and EU rush $1.3 billion in military aid to Ukraine
Fleeing: Death on a river shows brutality of Russian occupation

In pictures: What life is like for Ukrainians in Tijuana, Mexico

Emotional reality: Some Russians think images of these killed children are fake. Keilar shows they are not

Supply: Images of Russian trucks highlight its military's struggles

Conflicting claims: Russian navy evacuates badly damaged flagship in Black Sea. Ukraine claims it was hit by a missile

'They're coming and coming': Ukrainian soldiers on front line

Opinion: Revoking trade with Russia will deliver a powerful blow to its economy

The economic lotting of anyone associated with a pro Russian view and support.

Personal sanctions have hit the pocketbooks and portfolios of many Russian oligarchs, as the U.S., the EU and the U.K. go after their palatial homes, private jets and audacious yachts.

One person who has not yet been sanctioned by those powers (but was sanctioned by Canada last week) is Vladimir Potanin, a metals tycoon and one of Russia’s original oligarchs. His company, MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC (also known as “Nornickel”), the world’s biggest producer of refined nickel and palladium, is benefitting from soaring commodities prices amid the wartime supply crunch.

Now, amid the upheaval of war, Potanin is moving to expand his business empire. The French bank Société Générale announced yesterday it was selling Rosbank, a Russia-based banking group, back to Interros, Potanin’s investment conglomerate. Société Générale paid an estimated $4.3 billion to Interros between 2006 and 2014 to amass a near 100% stake in the Russian bank and its subsidiaries.

Transaction terms were not disclosed, but Société Générale said that Interros would pay off the Russian unit’s outstanding loans and that the French bank would write off $3.3 billion.

A spokesperson for Société Générale told Forbes over email: “With this agreement, concluded after several weeks of intensive work, the Group would exit in an effective and orderly manner from Russia, taking into account its employees and clients. Interros Capital is one of the largest private investment companies in Russia and is familiar with the bank, which would facilitate business continuity.”

Based on the available information so far, the deal was a “fantastic” one for Potanin, says Jerome Legras, head of research at Paris-based investment firm Axiom Alternative Investments, and former deputy head of structure capital finance at Société Générale.

“The business is going to be disrupted of course because of the economy crashing and everything, but he’s getting a bank for close to zero, so of course it’s a good deal for him," says Legras. “From the amount of the writedown they [Société Générale] say they took, and from the amount of capital in the company and what was said about the subordinated debt, it's pretty clear this was a nominal price.”

“In terms of pure equity, I think the price was pretty much zero,” adds Legras.

Rosbank serves more than 5 million individual clients and nearly 100,000 corporate and small business clients in Russia. Its shares have risen nearly 80% since opening for trading Monday morning; the company closed on Tuesday trading at a $2.4 billion valuation.

Société Générale’s shares also jumped on Monday, by 7%, as investors breathed a sigh of relief: the French bank had warned on March 3 about the possibility of Russia seizing Rosbank, after threatening rhetoric from the Kremlin in response to Western sanctions. On March 11, Potanin spoke out against the seizure of Russian assets owned by foreign firms. "We should not try to 'slam the door' but endeavor to preserve Russia's economic position in those markets which we spent so long cultivating," said Potanin on the messaging app Telegram. Any government seizure of assets, he warned, “would take us back 100 years to 1917. And the consequences - a global lack of confidence in Russia from investors - we would feel for many decades."

Whether Potanin’s missive had any effect on President Vladimir Putin is unknown (the Kremlin has not authorized seizure of foreign-owned assets), but what is clear is that his takeover of Rosbank is the latest in a series of wins for the 61-year-old metals tycoon, who has fared noticeably better than many of his fellow oligarchs during the Russia-Ukraine war. Potanin is now Russia’s wealthiest oligarch, with an estimated fortune of nearly $26 billion (as of April 12).

“We are seeing Potanin not only as the dealmaker but also as the consummate political insider in Russia,” says Stanislav Markus, a professor of international business at the University of South Carolina who has studied Russia’s oligarchy. “He has navigated the Byzantine world of Kremlin politics since the 1990s while some of the other ‘original’ oligarchs were marginalized (or, at times, ruined) in the transition of power from Yeltsin to Putin and, later, as Putin doled out juicy state contracts to his personal friends. The SocGen acquisition could not have proceeded without Potanin’s solid grasp of political realities in Russia.”

Chief among those realities: Nornickel’s global reach and market strength. While Canada became the first Western power to sanction Potanin last week, the mining colossus, in which Potanin holds an over one-third stake, has not been sanctioned. It is the world’s largest producer of palladium and refined nickel, a key ingredient in steel production. Europe, in particular, relies on Nornickel for Class 1 nickel, a purer form of the metal used in electric vehicles and stainless steel production. Potanin’s company provided around 27% of Europe’s nickel imports in 2021, according to natural resources consultancy Wood Mackenzie. The company has distribution hubs in Hamburg and Rotterdam, and a sales office in Zug, Switzerland. It also operates in the U.S. with a sales branch located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

A wartime commodities boom has padded Nornickel’s profits as nickel’s price has risen more than 100% this year. Nornickel stock is up nearly 20% from its year-low on February 24, the day Russia invaded Ukraine and the Moscow Stock Exchange announced it was suspending trading on all markets.

If the EU were to sanction Nornickel, “It would lead to demand disruption, because it’s very difficult to replace lost [nickel] units. Europe has the greatest exposure.” says Nikhil Shah, head of nickel research at U.K.-based business intelligence firm CRU Group. By comparison, the U.S. relies on Canada for most of its Class 1 nickel imports, but any U.S. sanctions against Nornickel would reverberate in Europe and drive up prices everywhere, says Shah.

Life in Norilsk, Russia

The city of Norilsk, Russia, in home to Norickel's mining operations (Photo by Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images) GETTY IMAGES

A short squeeze on nickel futures in early March caused the commodity’s price to more than double within a day, to above $100,000 per metric ton on the London Metal Exchange, generating fears of market instability. (Nickel currently trades around $32,000.) Last week, prices of palladium–a key ingredient in catalytic converters for cars–spiked after the London Platinum and Palladium Market said it would ban metals from two Russian government-owned refiners, heightening the importance of Nornickel as the world’s largest palladium producer.

Economic and market considerations have long been part of sanctioning authorities’ decision-making process. For example, the U.S. lifted sanctions in December 2018 on Oleg Deripaska’s metals producer Rusal and its parent company En+, less than a year after they were imposed, after those sanctions had caused aluminum prices to rise. Similar concerns may help explain why Potanin has not been sanctioned by major powers.

“As we found with Deripaska, we took this action and global aluminum prices went through the roof,” says Richard Nephew. “You might find that something makes a lot of sense and is totally justified, but will have significant economic consequences.”

Before the war, Potanin cultivated ties with Western financial and cultural institutions. In 2013, he signed The Giving Pledge, founded by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates to enlist billionaires to commit at least half of their wealth to charity. He served on the advisory board of the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations and was a trustee of the Guggenheim Museum’s foundation. He donated at least 5.5 million dollars to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. between 2011 and last year, according to data from the Anti-Corruption Data Collective. His charitable organization, the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, has also given to The University of Oxford. It bequeathed over 250 works of Russian art to the Pompidou Center in Paris in 2016.
Potanin has apparently been careful to keep close ties to Putin as well. He invested over $2 billion into building Rosa Khutor, a Sochi ski resort built for Russia’s 2014 Olympic Games. He and Putin are known to have skied and played ice hockey together on several occasions.

Potanin was among the original group of Russian oligarchs who built their fortunes in the chaotic 1990s as President Boris Yeltsin oversaw a wave of corrupt privatization deals. He and his long-time business partner Mikhail Prokhorov acquired stakes in Nornickel through Yeltsin’s infamous loan-for-shares scheme, in which a small handful of businessmen lent money to the Russian president’s 1996 reelection campaign in exchange for control of state-owned assets. (The partners split up in 2007, after Prokhorov was detained by French police over soliciting prostitutes. He wasn’t charged but agreed to sell his stake to fellow oligarch Oleg Deripaska's United Co. Rusal, which still holds its Nornickel shares.)

Potanin was not only a beneficiary of Yeltsin’s scheme, but was allegedly its key architect. “Loan for shares was Potanin’s brainchild,” says Markus, the University of South Carolina professor.


Out of curiosity, I took a look at the website belonging to the church I used to attend. It had a “Support Ukraine” button right on the welcome page. I’d say “whatever”, but it’s St Peter and St Paul Orthodox Church. A Russian Orthodox Church! I don’t recall the part of the Liturgy of Saint Basil where we donate to support the murder of the church brethren. I mean, the daughter of the priest I lived with (iconographer Father Roland “Luke” Dingman) became a nun and lives in a convent in Russia. Baffled and disappointed don’t quite describe the feeling.
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