Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine


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Testimonies of the Ukrainian National Guard fighters who surrendered near Rubizhne. They confirmed the criminal orders of their commanders.
During a special military operation in the town of Rubizhne, six soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine voluntarily surrendered to the advancing units of the people’s militia. Characteristically, the Ukrainian soldiers were shot in the back by their own fellow soldiers, were killing two and wounding one member of the National Guard.
A soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine: “Our commanders forced us, there was an order to shoot to kill at any moving person, regardless of whether he was a civilian or not. Then at some point they brought people there, there were women and men among them.
Correspondent: “A lot of people? How were they brought in?”
Soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine: “I don’t know, some vehicle, I didn’t look at it. There was a full shambles. The people who were brought were with white armbands, they were residents of Rubizhne. They were put in front of us and we were given the order to shoot them all. They wanted to shoot them for what had been done.. allegedly had been done in Bucha! We refused to carry out this terrible order because we didn’t want to shoot civilians… It was a very scary moment! For refusing from the execution of the order we were put in a pit in the same garage. We sat there for I don’t know how long… a day, two days. We had guards assigned to us.”
Correspondent: “Guards from whom?”
A member of the National Guard of Ukraine: “From among the same people who brought these people.”
Correspondent: “So not yours, not the National Guard, not the AFU?”
Soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine: “No, not the National Guard, not the AFU! These people had nationalist armbands, some volunteer battalions . At night, they were drunk, we disarmed them and ran to the side of Rubizhne where the Luhansk people’s militia units were and we surrendered. There were eight of us, and we were running under fire because they saw us running. They were shooting from various small arms. Two of us were killed, one was wounded. We took the wounded one with us…”
Correspondent: “They were shooting from the Ukrainian side?”
Soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine: “Yes, they were shooting from the Ukrainian side.”
Correspondent: “In the back?”
Soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine: “Yes, we were shot in the back. We were without military gear, without anything.”
Wounded soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine, who is given first medical aid: “We were running over, already surrendered and ran through our positions, three people ran, and I was finished off by our guys with a automatic weapons.”
A soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine: “Guys, it’s very scary! It’s scary what happens on here. People are buried in the yards here, houses are bombed, there is not much left of Rubizhne. Don’t come here, stay home!”
I‘m about half way through. Very good so far!

Gonzalo and Ritter are the two best western analysts of the situation out there IMO.
Probably the best Gonzalo show to this date. Scott Ritter says the Russian operation phase one was to tie down and redirect Ukrainian forces after disabling their air-force and general communications. Putin then explains exactly the same:
Putin reiterated that Russia’s actions in several regions of Ukraine were intended only to tie down enemy forces and carry out missile strikes with the purpose of destroying the Ukrainian military’s infrastructure, so as to “create conditions for more active operations on the territory of Donbass.”
Then Gonzalo asks Ritter if its possible to break the morale of Ukrainian military, so they surrender en masse?:

Russia claims mass surrender of Ukrainian marines

More than 1,000 service members of Ukraine’s 36th Marines Brigade have surrendered in the port city of Mariupol, the Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Wednesday during a daily briefing.
According to a Russian military report, the troops laid down their arms at the Illich Steel and Iron Works, a giant metal mill they were using as a stronghold against Moscow's forces.
  • What can we expect from the war in Ukraine in the next months?
  • Is NATO gonna get involved into the war?
  • Is Poland gonna get involved?
  • Would the USA directly attack Russia in Ukraine?
These are very good questions and the Gonzalo - Scott Ritter interview gives an excellent information summary, what is going to happen. Then Putin reinforces it. Then if you have time Andrei Martyanov reinforces multiple points made by above players, on his blog, which has an excellent comment section BTW. His short posts are worth to read around Monday, April 11, 2022 and back a couple days: April 10-9. These sources give an excellent picture, what we can expect in Ukraine in the near future.

Surprising points made to the point! Especially worth to read - they are not long - to see how deluded are the West's analysts and generals.
I don't know if this video has been posted before, but check out the way fascist propaganda is being poured into the heads of children and young people in Ukraine. It's no wonder that after 30 years a generation of banderovci and nazis has grown up who will kill their enemies depending on which "enemy" the authorities point to.This video is from a few months ago.
Children sing about Stepan Bandera and show how they will fight their enemies. This is an extremely dangerous and irresponsible upbringing, you know adult psychopaths.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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Russia warns Ukraine it might strike Kiev

The Russian military said it could target decision-makers in Kiev if Ukraine continues attempting attacks on Russian soil

Moscow has so far refrained from attacking Ukrainian decision-makers, but if Kiev continues attempts to carry out acts of sabotage or conventional attacks inside Russia, this will change, the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman warned on Wednesday.

“We have seen attempts at sabotage and attacks by the Ukrainian military against facilities in Russian territory. If such attempts continue, the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces will strike at the decision-making centers, including Kiev – something we have so far refrained from,” said Major-General Igor Konashenkov.

Can Russia fight Ukraine, Sweden and Finland all at once?

I'd rather ask whether Sweden and Finland could be so silly as to let themselves be drawn into NATO.
I don't think that these two countries would militarily pose more of a challenge to Russia than Ukraine.

The main trouble of another NATO expansion there would be that NATO missile systems could be deployed, posing a threat to major Russian cities.

Lappeenranta (FI) is only 170 km (106 mi) away from Saint Petersburg, probably only half a minute flight for medium range missiles. That is half the distance between Cuba and Miami.
Does anyone know the full transcript of what Putin said here?

He should have said it recently. I wonder what he said more

I‘m pretty sure I haven’t read Putin saying anything like this. And I‘ve read all that he said in the last weeks/months.

Having said that, there is a new speech (not yet fully transcribed/translated) in which he meight have said something like that:

My hunch though is: he didn’t say it.

Turn out, Putin really said it. See the next couple of posts with transcripts from the Kremlin...
Can Russia fight Ukraine, Sweden and Finland all at once?

I've to think about it and even this is on limited available information. But I reckon that Putin & team have anticipated this.

The fact that the Russians can hit all targets in Finland and Sweden in max 20 min with impunity with their hypersonic missiles gives them an advantage.

I hope that if it comes to that, the Finns and Swedes will come to the negotiating table after losing 75% or more of their navies and military airfields in the first hours of the war.

By active personnel, Russia still has the numbers. Although, Sweden has its own arms industry and is considered one of the finest. People don't know it, but the Swedish Air Force is one of the largest in Western Europe with 425 fighter planes ready to go.

Even if the Swedes lost their airfields. Their pilots are trained to land and operate from highways. That makes it a very unpredictable and mobile force. And expect NATO to inform them where Russian air defenses stand the weakest to penetrate them at crucial points.

Russia has another trump card that we have not seen in action, their EM weapons. Which can burn and disable military hardware within a radius of tens of kilometers or more? Publicly, not much is known about this. But if you are familiar with the incident with the navy ship USS Donald Cook then you know that the US fears these weapons.

One possible reason why the Russians have not deployed this weapon yet is that they fear if used the frequencies of these weapons will be picked up by the Americans and found out how it works. So they hold to this Trump card if the situation gets more intense. And perhaps they already used it in limited ways throughout the war.

Anyway, I think the Finns and Swedes will eventually lose the bulk of their air force and sea fleet, like Ukraine, in which they will face a ground war where they will eventually lose out.
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Apparently, the Chinese Ambassador to Russia, Zhang Hanhui, published an article last week that is VERY blunt!

As far as I could see, it hasn’t been translated into English anywhere yet.

Here is a machine translation into english:

8 April 2022 0: 00

Western hegemony and power politics are a source of instability in the world

In an author's column for Komsomolskaya Pravda, the Chinese Ambassador to Russia discusses how the North Atlantic Alliance has been undermining the world's security sphere for years

"NATO is the root cause and tumor of all these conflicts"

More than three decades have passed since the end of the cold war, the dark clouds of conflict and war have not yet lifted, and turmoil and instability continue to haunt humanity. What is happening to the world? What disturbs people's peace and quiet? The Spanish newspaper Rebelión recently wrote that " NATO's insatiable pursuit of its goals is the root of the problems and the very cancer that underlies all these conflicts."

Thirty years ago, NATO, led by the United States, won the Cold War. But the victory did not stop the Alliance's expansion drive — rather, it only accelerated its expansion. Over the past 30 years, it has treacherously expanded eastward five times, with the result that the number of member states has increased from 16 to 30, and the "sword's edge" from the Berlin Wall has reached all the way to the Russian border. The sphere of influence of the former Soviet Union was eliminated by all means, a large number of modern strategic offensive weapons were sent to the countries of Eastern Europe, and the great power was mercilessly cornered.

Clearly, NATO's goals go far beyond containing former rivals. In order to establish a unipolar world, where one hegemon reigns, the members of the Alliance put the interests of America and the entire West first, and fight dissent on a global scale, and extremely harshly and in a spirit of complete permissiveness.

Armed with the idea of their own exclusivity, they attack the East in three dimensions at once.

First, NATO has provoked a series of wars against sovereign States. Guided by the "clash of civilizations" theory, members of the Alliance fomented war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Under the banner of "humanitarian intervention", they invaded Kosovo and dismembered Yugoslavia, during which operation they also brazenly bombed the Chinese Embassy in the FRY in 1999. Then, under the so-called "pre-emptive strike doctrine," they invaded Iraq, bypassing the United Nations, using a test tube of laundry detergent as evidence of "weapons of mass destruction." Under the pretext of "democratic transformations", they sent troops to Libya and Syria. In the name of "fighting terrorism", the war in Afghanistan was waged for twenty years. For years, NATO has wreaked havoc around the world. According to incomplete data, the wars waged and participated in by this bloc, only after 2001, claimed the lives of 900 thousand people, including almost 400 thousand civilians. Tens of millions of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other countries have lost their homes and become refugees, their countries have been devastated, and their families have been destroyed.

Secondly, NATO members are constantly provoking "color revolutions" around the world, pursuing their own geopolitical interests. The "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, the "orange revolution" in Ukraine, the" tulip revolution "in Kyrgyzstan, the" cedar revolution "in Lebanon, the" Arab Spring "initiated by the" jasmine revolution "in Tunisia, as well as the failed "color revolution" in Belarus and the " unrest over amendments to the Law on extradition from Hong Kong" - NATO, led by the United States, is behind all this. What they did not do to create chaos and upheaval, just to fish in muddy waters!

Third, under the guise of "democracy and human rights," members of the Alliance blatantly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries to restrain their development. Against Russia, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and other "unyielding and disobedient" — NATO wielded a club of unilateral sanctions that are imposed in all areas, including politics, economics and science and technology. Similarly, to undermine China's development, they concocted the lie of the century about the" genocide "in Xinjiang, secretly supported the Dalai Lama's clique in its separatist activities, often sent the wrong signals to forces advocating "Taiwan independence", and repeatedly created trade tensions between China and the United States. The case even went as far as illegally detaining Huawei's chief financial officer, Ms. Meng Wanzhou, for almost 1,000 days in Vancouver. And in this war, the West does not disdain any means of disinformation and denigration, and uses the entire arsenal of methods to impose sanctions and exert pressure. However, in vain — all these unscrupulous plans are clearly visible.

The "defensive Alliance" has become an instrument of US hegemony

The first Secretary General of NATO, Lord Ismay, outlined its goals in the initial years after the founding of this bloc:

- Keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down" ("Keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down").

With the end of the cold war, all of these goals became meaningless, and there was no reason for NATO to continue to exist. But instead of disbanding, as the Warsaw Pact Organization — NATO-once did, this "cold War freak" turned into the "No. 1 assassin" running errands for Washington to establish a unipolar world.

Since then, the West has recklessly encroached on the sovereignty of other countries to the detriment of global security, opening one Pandora's box after another in its geopolitical interests, which creates bad precedents in the development of international relations, undermines generally accepted norms and seriously undermines peace and stability around the world.

However, NATO, regardless of the facts, not only promotes double standards, but also advocates the so-called "international order based on rules", which is a classic technique of manipulation and substitution of concepts.

The "rules" they talk about are set by Western countries and serve the interests of a world order dominated by the West itself. In fact, they replace the universal fundamental norms of international relations with some" rules " of their own making and crudely impose their will on others. This has nothing to do with conscious respect for security or democracy — this is some new "fist law". Selfish block politics and the solution of world issues by a "narrow circle of chosen ones" run counter to reality, promise insignificant prospects and will only lead to a complete historical impasse.

Our answer is the concept of shared, integrated, shared and sustainable security: this is the real torch of freedom, lighting the way for the whole world

Chinese civilization has always been committed to peace and harmony. As the ancient Chinese proverbs say: "morality and morality are necessary to preserve peace between kingdoms and mutual understanding between people", "peace is the highest value", "a noble person is in harmony with others while maintaining his own opinions".

For thousands of years, these ideas have become part of the flesh and blood of the Chinese people, and have become their genetic memory. The first great unification in the history of the Chinese state took place during the Qin Dynasty (almost 2200 years ago), which after that was at the peak of power, but did not go to war at all, but built the Great Wall and strengthened defensive structures.

Then, during the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD), whose military power was second to none, China opened the Silk Road, which ran from east to west and connected Europe and Asia, becoming a global artery of friendly communication.

Further, under the Song Dynasty (960-1279), China's GDP was 40% of the world's, but it never led an aggressive expansion, spreading only the idea of friendship, peace and cooperation.

During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Chinese military technology dominated the globe, and Admiral Zheng He, who led the largest fleet of the time, made seven voyages West in the early 15th century, reaching the east coast of Africa. Instead of war and murder, he carried silk, porcelain, tea, and advanced Chinese technology.

Finally, the People's Republic of China has always maintained an independent and peaceful foreign policy since its establishment in 1949. China, as the initiator of the five basic principles of peaceful coexistence, always stands together with most developing countries and advocates that all countries of the world — large or small, strong or weak — are equal.

We oppose imperialist hegemonism and the policy of force, and firmly defend the international system centered on the United Nations and the world order based on international law. By consistently promoting the policy of reform and openness, we remain committed to the principles of mutual benefit and win-win, and seek consultation and cooperation.

Since 2012, when China launched the high-quality Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative was launched, a huge amount of work has been done to create a multipolar world and promote the common values of all mankind, such as peace, development, equality, justice, democracy and freedom, and tremendous efforts have continued to build a Community of common destiny for humanity.

Against the backdrop of the resurgence of the cold war mentality in the United States and other Western countries, which in every possible way provoke block confrontation, undermine the international legal order, are fond of promoting barriers, revel in hegemony and mockery of weak countries, China strongly opposes this, against the cold war mentality and the "zero — sum game". China strongly supports the new concept of common, integrated, shared and sustainable security.

Shared security means that the security of one State should not be achieved at the expense of the security of another, that regional security cannot be achieved by expanding military blocs — and that security is indivisible.

Integrated security involves the integrated maintenance of security in traditional and non-traditional areas, and involves the development of coordinated security management steps based on a comprehensive analysis of the historical background of the problem and the real situation.

Joint security means promoting security in all parts of the world and strengthening strategic mutual trust between all countries of the world through dialogue and cooperation, and resolving disputes through peaceful means.

Sustainable security-implies that development and security are equally important for achieving long-term stability. Development is the most important guarantee of security. Therefore, it is necessary to work actively to improve the well-being of the population and reduce the gap between rich and poor — that is, to promote sustainable security through sustainable development.

The new concept of security proposed by China is in line with the desire for peace, development, cooperation and common gain, which are the main trends of the era of globalization. It reflects the need for all countries to establish cooperation in order to adequately respond to security challenges, demonstrates cooperation in the spirit of solidarity and friendship, which is diametrically opposed to the "NATO security concept", imbued with block politics and military confrontation — and is an effective recipe that can truly contribute to the maintenance of peace and development around the globe.

You shouldn't mess with the Chinese people if you make them angry — it can end badly

Recently, the collective West, led by the United States, often plays the "map of Xinjiang", "map of Hong Kong [Hong Kong — ed.]" and the "Taiwan map", maliciously spreading misinformation and fakes to put pressure and hold back China's development. They use the dirtiest and most cynical methods, which go far beyond all the limits of morality.

For example, Washington and its allies came up with a monstrous absurdity: the so — called "genocide", "forced labor" and "religious oppression" in Xinjiang, a unique area in the north-west of China.

All this is an attempt to undermine China's national unity and hinder its development. Over the past 60 years, Xinjiang's economy has grown 160-fold, the Uighur population has increased from 2.2 million to 12 million, and the average life expectancy has increased from 30 years to 74.7 years. On average, there is one mosque for every 530 Muslims in Xinjiang, and the total number of mosques in Xinjiang alone is ten times greater than in the entire United States. What kind of "genocide" and "religious oppression" can we talk about here?

Similarly, the collective West has tried to undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability by betting on provoking a "color revolution" through "rioting over extradition amendments"-a law that would make criminals who have committed crimes in mainland China no longer able to find refuge on the island city.

Then the West imposed illegal sanctions, sheltering those who supported the anti-Chinese riots in Hong Kong, and even instructed several members of the Ukrainian "Azov battalion" * (recognized as extremist and banned in Russia — ed.) to come to this island city to provide leadership and support for provocations.

I would like to remind you that Hong Kong's affairs are exclusively an internal matter of China. The Chinese Government has taken a number of decisive and important measures in a timely manner, including the adoption of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the improvement of its electoral system, adhering to the "one country, two systems" principle and implementing the "patriots rule Hong Kong"principle. This made it possible to reverse the situation in the metropolis, which has successfully moved from chaos to law and order, and to destroy the conspiracy of the United States and other Western countries.

Recently, Washington and its allies have once again started to fan the noise on the Taiwan issue. They continue to supply weapons to the island, strengthen US-Taiwanese military ties, condone the "Taiwan independence" forces, continue to escalate the situation and show force in the South China Sea, and artificially provoke a geopolitical confrontation.

Whereas in the Constitution, in the Law on Countering Activities aimed at splitting the country, in the Law on State Security and in the Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions of the PRC, it is clearly written: there is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an integral part of the sacred territory of China.

That is why China opposes any country's interference in China's internal affairs by any means and under any pretext. We call on the United States to respect the one-China principle and the relevant provisions of the China-US joint communiques and not to play with fire on the Taiwan issue.

As President Xi Jinping said, " The Chinese people do not create problems, but they are not afraid of them. No amount of difficulties and risks will make China bow ingratiatingly, much less kneel! The Chinese people cannot be intimidated or broken! We will never sit idly by while our national sovereignty, security and development interests are violated — and we will never allow anyone to encroach on the sacred territory of our Homeland and divide it. No country should expect us to give up our core interests or accept attempts by third parties to harm China's sovereignty, security, and development interests."
Simply reading Putin’s and Lukoshenko’s comprehensive answers to complicated questions on the fly only serves to demonstrate in stark relief the west’s inability to walk and chew gum without tripping and biting their tongues at the same time. I haven’t heard a US president give a state of the union speech, aided by a team of writers, that can match these men simply speaking directly to an audience. Idiots and liars are legless in the face of truth and purpose.
Bit of speculation, but if I was Putin and defending my people and I'd taken out my neighbours military installations and then my neighbours capitulated and agreed not to join forces with NATO, then I'd want to be sure that I also had the resources to defend my neighbours against NATO if NATO was silly enough to try anything. If Putin has planned along those lines then I'm guessing that we've only seen a small fraction of Russias military power so far.
Bit of speculation, but if I was Putin and defending my people and I'd taken out my neighbours military installations and then my neighbours capitulated and agreed not to join forces with NATO, then I'd want to be sure that I also had the resources to defend my neighbours against NATO if NATO was silly enough to try anything. If Putin has planned along those lines then I'm guessing that we've only seen a small fraction of Russias military power so far.

All NATO ships left the black sea during the build-up of the war. They know.
From the April 13 Sitrep (Operation Z)

According to the @wargonzo project from sources on the Donbas frontline, based on an analysis of radio intercepts of enemy communications, there are at least two high-ranking retired American officers in the air raid shelters at Azov-Stal.

According to our sources, they entered Mariupol together with PMC “Academi” and most likely are not active employees of the Pentagon. However, at the same time they are extremely important persons for Washington.

“These officers are aware of many covert US operations in third countries and are the bearer of information that is extremely sensitive to Washington,” a source familiar with the analysis of radio intercepts told the @wargonzo project.

It is also noted that in order to conceal this “sensitive information”, the American intelligence services are ready to order the Azov militants to eliminate these two officers. Whether they are alive at the moment is not yet known for sure.”

In logistical news, Poland has reportedly begun its shipment of (supposedly) 100 T-72 tanks and Bmp-1s to Ukraine. While Australia ships Bushmasters

In other interesting news which shows that Turkey’s “closing of the Bosphorous” straits was not what it seemed, and was in fact a more than subtle blow against NATO, Turkish defense minister has confirmed that Turkey is strictly prohibiting any NATO ships from passing the straits as well.

“Turkey will not let NATO warships into the Black Sea,” said Minister of Defense of this country Hulusi Akar. At the same time, he referred to the Montreux Convention and said that the passage would be closed to warships of countries that do not have access to the Black Sea, A Haber TV channel reports.

New revelations of how deeply embedded U.S. and NATO command structures (and troops) are in Ukraine. A French journalist here describes what he saw in his time in Ukraine: French Journalist Describes Time In Ukraine (video with translations)

In short, he says he was shocked to see American generals running the entire show on the ground, and he says the names of them will be revealed in his new exposé in the French Figaro newspaper this week.

This is further proof that this conflict is truly NATO vs. Russia, and NATO is losing badly.

As for NATO and the U.S., many people don’t seem to know that the U.S. is really not as trained or powerful as they’d like you to believe. I’ve previously highlighted how in the past month alone the U.S. has almost suffered more aircraft losses than Russia, and U.S. is not even in a war. Multiple F-22, F-35, F-18s, Awacs, and Ospreys all lost in the last month. Another good example is, the U.S. has held tank competitions in Europe for the past decade called the Strong Europe Tank Challenge
Strong Europe Tank Challenge - Wikipedia

You can check the results yourself. The highest that the U.S. team ever scored was 3rd place. Other years they were 6th and 7th place, damn-near last place – bottom of the barrel.

What most people don’t know, and wouldn’t know unless they followed the Ukraine events intimately since the 2014 days, is that when U.S. instructors first started pouring in, in the subsequent years, they were often viewed as laughing stocks by the Ukrainian veterans of the Donbass war. They felt they had nothing to learn from the “elite” U.S. instructors and in fact knew more about combat/warfare than they did.

The fact of the matter is, many Ukrainian troops are much more experienced and trained than even U.S. equivalent troops, AND the Ukrainian troops are better armed. [...]

So this goes back to the concept that Russia is truly fighting not only a NATO equivalent force here, but arguably a force stronger than most NATO countries. The only thing Ukraine is missing is the U.S. airforce, which is at the end of the day by far the most powerful and important weapon the U.S. has. In every other category U.S. stands no chance against Russia.

By Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today
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