Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

The US has decided to share intelligence data with Ukraine to attack Russia.

US intel can help Ukraine attack targets in Crimea – media

14 Apr, 2022
The reported policy shift comes along with a package of heavier American weapons for Kiev

As the US has ramped up its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis by supplying heavier weapons to Kiev, it has also decided to provide intelligence reports that can help Ukrainian forces attack targets in Crimea, media outlets reported on Wednesday. Russia considers the peninsula part of its territory.

“As the conflict evolves, we continue to adjust to ensure that operators have the flexibility to share detailed, timely intelligence with the Ukrainians,” a US intelligence official told the Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper said Washington is moving to “significantly expand” intelligence-sharing with Ukraine, but “will refrain from providing intelligence that would enable the Ukrainians to strike targets on Russian territory [sic]”. The report, which was confirmed by the New York Times, specifically mentioned Crimea as covered by the new policy.

Moscow disagrees with the US definition of Crimea as part of Ukraine. The region broke away from the country after the 2014 Maidan in Kiev and voted in a referendum to rejoin Russia. Moscow considers the peninsula's status a settled issue.

On Wednesday, the Russian defense ministry said that continued Ukrainian attempts to attack targets on Russian territory may prompt it to escalate hostilities. In particular, “decision-making centers” in Kiev could be attacked, the ministry warned. Several incidents involving Ukrainian attacks on Russian soil have been reported since Moscow launched its offensive in Ukraine.

The media outlets said the policy change came in response to Russia’s alleged preparation for a major offensive against a large contingent of Ukrainian troops in the Donbass area. This was tied to Washington’s decision to ramp up arms supplies to Ukraine, the reports continued. A new $800-million package from the Pentagon, revealed this week, includes artillery guns, armored vehicles and helicopters, among other weapons.

US officials also reportedly convened a meeting with executives from eight leading American defense manufacturers to discuss how their products could benefit Ukraine.

Russia said it would consider any arms shipments that reach Ukrainian territory legitimate military targets.

The Biden administration has previously stated that it didn’t want to drag itself into an open confrontation with Russia. Officials have ruled out deployment of American troops to Ukraine, supplying fighter jets or shooting down Russian aircraft operating in Ukraine, rejecting Kiev’s calls.

Russia attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered Minsk Protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
Dont know where to post this so I put it here. I found an interesting coincidence ( I might be wrong here). While looking for some slavic -greek ancient artifacts I found this statute of Augustus, grand nephew of Julius Caesar.
Dont know why but the statues face resembled me the face of Putin. But "coincidence" doesnt end here. In the description of Augustus it is written: Emerging victorious from a civil war that followed the assassination of Julius Caesar, Augustus launched a notable building campaign, saying later, "I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble."

Now, does everybody know or remember in what condition was Russia when Putin became president for the first time?

Not jumping to conclusions here but I thought it is a fun "coincidence".
Here is a link where I found the statue:
The current breakdown in Ukraine according to Southfront.
Video / Transcript:

Talk about slicing ones own throat as the EU conforms to the Deep State Authority.



The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports that when the cruiser Moskva was towed to the port of destination due to damage to the hull received during the fire from the detonation of ammunition, the ship lost stability.

The ship sank in a sea.

(Ukrainian media squeeze the maximum out of the symbolism of the flooding of Moscow)
War in Ukraine - Day 49 - The Russian army waits for the end of Rasputy before launching the battle of Donbass

+ There is little change on the frontline at the moment, due to the raspoutitsa, the melting of the frozen ground that turns unpaved roads into muddy terrain.

+ We received confirmation in the morning of the surrender of more than 1,000 soldiers who were holding one of the resistance points of Mariupol (Azovmash). We understand that the troops are exhausted, without food, drinking water and ammunition, but that the men were reluctant to surrender because they had been told that they would be treated very badly by the Russians. What changed people's minds was the failure of an attempt to leave on the morning of 12 April by a hundred men who had been encouraged to force their way out to meet the reinforcements arriving towards Mariupol. Half of those who attempted the breakthrough were killed, the others taken prisoner.

+ In addition to the melting of the frozen land, we must remember Vladimir Putin's statement yesterday, April 12, on the link between the apparent slowness of the operations and the desire to limit military losses.

+ Is the Russian Defense Ministry to be believed when he explains: In Kharkov, the formation of three new extremist battalions of prisoners (Slabozhanshchina, Kharkivchyna-1, Kharkivchyna-2), who were serving sentences for serious and particularly serious crimes, is being completed. These battalions [ukrops] will have to prevent the exit of the population from the city and destroy the units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in case of retreat or surrender"?

+ In any case, the general feeling one gets these days is that of a mentality increasingly turned towards blows, provocations that have more and more difficulty in masking the impotence to break the Russian stranglehold that is tightening. Let's think of the excursions in Russian territories, of the exhibition of a political opponent supposed to be used as a bargaining chip against the prisoners of Marioupol.

Read on Southfront.org: "Intense shelling targets the Severodonetsk-Lisitchansk agglomeration. Heavy artillery fire usually precedes attempts by Lugansk People's Republic infantry to break through the Ukrainian army's defense in the city."

On the other hand, Ukrainian troops are trying to disrupt the logistical chain that passes east of Kharkov to bring in equipment and supplies for the upcoming Donbass offensive. "Intense artillery fire continues on the outskirts of Kharkov. Russian forces are targeting Ukrainian Army concentration areas. On April 12, local sources report about two dozen explosions in the Saltovka region. The Russian Federation is methodically striking identified facilities in Kharkov.

The Ukrainian army is trying to counterattack northwest of Kharkov in the direction of Zolotev (...). The Ukrainian army is trying to counterattack in the area near Izum in the direction of Brazhkivka and Sukhaia Kamenka as well¨"

+ The Russian military continued its ballistic fire or bombardment of Ukrainian military targets: "Overnight, high-precision sea- and air-based missiles destroyed 2 large missile and artillery weapon depots of the Ukrainian armed forces near Sadovoye and Chudnov. 4 Ukrainian helicopters - 2 Mi-24s and 2 Mi-8s - were also destroyed at the Mirgorod military airfield.

The operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 46 military assets of Ukraine".

Translated from: Guerre d'Ukraine - Jour 49 - L'armée russe attend la fin de la Raspoutitsa pour lancer la bataille du Donbass - Le Courrier des Stratèges

I do not agree. August was not the same. Of course, he done many good things for Rome, but have not decided the empire questions and wanted to have an imperial dynasty. August was very concerned in it.

Putin does not want anything like it.

Maybe you don't know. but here in Russia is the best and cheapest Internet and mobile connection in the world. We could use it in metro, everywhere. And you can use it in the shops, to receive the documents, to pay taxes, to make any things.

I think, that here it will be not a monarchy, but maybe an artificial intelligence. Because Putin is a great person. but he is not so young.

I'm sure, that there is a plan to continue to build the new world, when we will have no Putin more.

Just now it is a period, when he plays the main role.

Of course, Russia don't need any territories of other countries. We have incredible areas, where we could live, and some of them you could receive without any payment, like a hectaar on the Far Ost. All of them could do it too.

Russians have never had any slaves. And we can say to a black person, that he is a negr/nigger, and that is not abusively, what's a problem? He is a nigger, it is nice, we have not too much the black people, it is wonderful. If you maybe don't know, our Pushkin have had a part of black blood.

So we just want a world, where all people could have their own lifestyle, in any country, own religious (we have in Russia the Christians, Muslims, Buddhists republics), own opinion about life, and wanted to go to Luna and Mars.

We will win in this war, we will build the new world!
You will do it too!
With love to all of you.

I do not agree. August was not the same. Of course, he done many good things for Rome, but have not decided the empire questions and wanted to have an imperial dynasty. August was very concerned in it.

Putin does not want anything like it.

Maybe you don't know. but here in Russia is the best and cheapest Internet and mobile connection in the world. We could use it in metro, everywhere. And you can use it in the shops, to receive the documents, to pay taxes, to make any things.

I think, that here it will be not a monarchy, but maybe an artificial intelligence. Because Putin is a great person. but he is not so young.

I'm sure, that there is a plan to continue to build the new world, when we will have no Putin more.

Just now it is a period, when he plays the main role.

Of course, Russia don't need any territories of other countries. We have incredible areas, where we could live, and some of them you could receive without any payment, like a hectaar on the Far Ost. All of them could do it too.

Russians have never had any slaves. And we can say to a black person, that he is a negr/-homie-, and that is not abusively, what's a problem? He is a -homie-, it is nice, we have not too much the black people, it is wonderful. If you maybe don't know, our Pushkin have had a part of black blood.

So we just want a world, where all people could have their own lifestyle, in any country, own religious (we have in Russia the Christians, Muslims, Buddhists republics), own opinion about life, and wanted to go to Luna and Mars.

We will win in this war, we will build the new world!
You will do it too!
With love to all of you.
The future is open and all of us are key players. I agree the times are different now. We can probably only guess now how the leaders of the past times would have acted if they lived in modern times with modern day conditioning and modern day values.
guess we'll need to wait and see how things will develop, but in any case I don't see any imminent threat of bombs dropping on Finnish soil.
I agree. Finland has been Western aligned country since 90's and it already signed Memorandum of Understanding in 2014, basically granting Nato the military access inside Finnish borders. Nato membership won't change the situation much at this point (same probably applies with Sweden). Other Nordic Countries are already Nato members.

However if Nato would start to actually move its forces here, or implement military bases, or there would be other clear sign of military action/pressure at Russia's borders, then Russia will obviously do something - with balanced response to the level of aggression. But they absolutely aren't going to start bombing their neighbours or any other countries pre-emptively without real threat materializing first (because they are not the United States).
A couple of strokes about how the Nazis are fighting

Operation on denazification of Ukraine: operational summary on April 15 (updated)
15.04.2022 10:00
According to our source, the command of the Ukrainian army has set the task for the units to bury the dead soldiers in common graves. In order to classify the burial places, an order was received to fill up lime in the graves. It is strictly forbidden to record the identities of the dead and to inform their loved ones. Since the number of deaths among the Ukrainian military is growing every day, it was decided not to pay money to their families.

09:24 In social networks of Ukraine actively post videos of explosions. The last large oil refinery in Ivano-Frankivsk was destroyed, a video appeared from Krivoy Rog, Kharkiv, Zhytomyr, Kiev, where several districts were left without electricity. Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry promised to strike at decision-making centers.

08:14 Explosions are thundering again in Kiev and Ivano-Frankivsk.

08:12 A local resident of Radomyshl, Zhytomyr region, told how representatives of the local territorial defense killed her 12-year-old son for entertainment.

03:00 Local residents on social networks write about tonight in the vicinity of Kiev: "Kiev region, 40-50 km from Vasilkov, about 7 explosions were heard. Such a shock wave has not been felt all the time. The walls shook. An explosion was seen over Vasilkov, apparently the air defense shot down something"

Say what you will, but it is good that Macron (or some forces behind him?) don’t seem to go fully along with the nonsense:

Having said that, I don’t think there is much of conscience involved in "Macrons stands" but more likely pure opportunism in a slimy way. It is probably also in large parts related to the upcoming election on April 24 in France. I would assume, if there is any seriousness behind that stands at all, that it is probably related to some forces in France recognizing the writing on the wall, namely, that the empire is collapsing, and wanting to position themselves more favorably in the future, so that after the empire is collapsed, they can "bow down" to the new "bosses" in the east. I don't think when it comes to down to Macron (or rather, some forces behind him) that there is much of good/decent will involved, but probably mostly opportunism, even maybe hoping that they can become a new superpower (in nefarious ways) after "big brother" in the US is no longer pushing them around. I would guess that similar things could be happening in other countries of the "collective west" such as germany: some forces see the writing on the wall and want to use this as an opportunity.


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UPDATE. Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Sunk
UPDATE at 22:45 on April 14 Moscow time:
The Russian Defence Ministry reports that when the Moskva cruiser was being towed to its destination port, the ship lost its stability due to hull damage sustained during a fire caused by the detonation of ammunition.
The ship sank in stormy sea conditions.
SF: The Russian MoD’s reference to weather conditions raises many questions. The weather in that part of the Black Sea was not stormy, neither at the time of the incident, nor at the time the cruiser was allegedly in tow.
UPDATE. Russian Ministry Of Defence: The Cruiser Moskva Sunk
The Russian Defence Ministry has explained the current situation with the cruiser Moskva.
The ship was damaged as a result of fire and detonation of ammunition, but did not sink.
The fire on the Moskva cruiser has been contained.

As of the morning of April 14, there was no open burning. Ammunition explosions have been stopped.
The cruiser Moskva remains buoyant. The main missile armament is not damaged.
The crew has been evacuated to the Black Sea Fleet ships in the area.
Measures are being taken to tow the cruiser to the port.
Causes of the fire are being established.
The Kremlin announced that Putin had been informed of the situation with the Moskva cruiser.


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Russian MoD Briefing For Morning Of 15 April 2022
The Russian Armed Forces continue a special military operation in Ukraine.
A group of Russian troops and units of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk Republic have completely liberated the Illich Iron and Steel Plant in the city of Mariupol from Ukrainian nationalists as a result of the offensive.
Tonight, high-precision long-range sea-based Kalibr missiles struck a military facility on the outskirts of Kyiv. The strike at the Zhulyansk machine-building plant Vizar destroyed the production and repair workshops of long- and medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems as well as anti-ship missiles.
The number and scale of missile strikes on Kiev’s facilities will be stepped up in response to any terrorist attacks or sabotage on Russian territory by the Kiev nationalist regime.
Russian air defence forces near the village of Gorodnya in the Chernigov region, while returning to the airbase with an S-400 anti-aircraft missile system, shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter that had attacked civilians in the village of Klimovo in the Bryansk region on 14 April. An Su-27 fighter jet of the Ukrainian air force was shot down in the vicinity of the village of Lozovaya in Kharkiv Region.
Also, eight Ukrainian drones were shot down near the settlements of Izyum, Levkovka, Novaya Astrakhan, Novaya Kuban, Shchastlivoye, Chornobaivka and Chernovy Sokol.
During the night, seven enemy targets were hit by high-precision airborne missiles. Among them:
  • A Tochka-U tactical missile launcher and a temporary deployment point of a Ukrainian nationalist formation, including up to 20 armoured vehicles and up to 50 nationalists, were destroyed near Yasenovoye;
  • In the areas of Dergachi, NovoyeLizavetivka and Povstantske, accumulations of Ukrainian military equipment and weapons were destroyed;
  • In the settlements of Mykolaiv and Parutino, they destroyed stores of rocket and artillery weapons and fuel.
Rocket troops in Izyumskoye, Kharkiv Oblast, eliminated a mercenary unit of a Polish private military campaign as a result of the strike. Up to 30 Polish mercenaries were killed.
It also hit 221 military facilities in Ukraine, including: 12 command posts, 176 strongholds and areas of concentration of the enemy’s manpower; 12 artillery firing positions were suppressed.
During the night, operational and tactical aviation destroyed 13 Ukrainian military facilities. Among them: two rocket and artillery weapons depots and 10 areas of concentration of Ukrainian personnel and military equipment.
Army aviation in the areas of Husarovka and Volobuyevka destroyed accumulations of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment, including: three strongholds, 9 armoured vehicles and vehicles of various purposes.
A total of 132 aircraft, 105 helicopters, 245 anti-aircraft missile systems, 456 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,213 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 249 multiple rocket launchers, 966 pieces of field artillery and mortars, and 2,110 pieces of special military vehicle equipment have been destroyed since the start of the special military operation.

(Ukrainian media squeeze the maximum out of the symbolism of the flooding of Moscow)
I find the sinking of the flagship of the Black Sea fleet kind of troubling, to be honest.
Yes, it was an old ship from the 70s, but it is also reported to have cost a cool 750 million and had symbolic value as the flagship.
As reported, the Russian defense ministry can only choose between two stories to explain the event, both of which are bad for the Russian cause: either it was successfully hit by Ukrainian Neptune missiles, or the ammunition depot caught fire, and this just happening accidentally on a flagship seems very unlikely. Sabotage or gross incompetence then. All of these scenarios are bad.
Obviously, Russia was aware of this, and downplayed this yesterday, stating that the fire was put out and the cruiser towed to the harbor. But today, even Southernfront reported it as having been sunk. So what happened?
Whether it was a sabotage effort or a successful hit by the Ukrainian military, it seems to have succeeded in its goal: make the Russian military look either incompetent or more vulnerable than before.
Since it was the biggest ship in the region and supposedly refurbished when it was renamed as the Moscow, you would think they could protect it from missiles or internal sabotage, since Russia purportedly controls the battlefield and maintains a strong intelligence network. But the fact remains, it was sunk. There don't seem to be any signs that Russia is using any of its advanced or exotic tech to protect its equipment.
I hope this will not set a trend.
I find the sinking of the flagship of the Black Sea fleet kind of troubling, to be honest.
Yes, it was an old ship from the 70s, but it is also reported to have cost a cool 750 million and had symbolic value as the flagship.
As reported, the Russian defense ministry can only choose between two stories to explain the event, both of which are bad for the Russian cause: either it was successfully hit by Ukrainian Neptune missiles, or the ammunition depot caught fire, and this just happening accidentally on a flagship seems very unlikely. Sabotage or gross incompetence then. All of these scenarios are bad.
Obviously, Russia was aware of this, and downplayed this yesterday, stating that the fire was put out and the cruiser towed to the harbor. But today, even Southernfront reported it as having been sunk. So what happened?
Whether it was a sabotage effort or a successful hit by the Ukrainian military, it seems to have succeeded in its goal: make the Russian military look either incompetent or more vulnerable than before.
Since it was the biggest ship in the region and supposedly refurbished when it was renamed as the Moscow, you would think they could protect it from missiles or internal sabotage, since Russia purportedly controls the battlefield and maintains a strong intelligence network. But the fact remains, it was sunk. There don't seem to be any signs that Russia is using any of its advanced or exotic tech to protect its equipment.
I hope this will not set a trend.

Well, apparently, nobody was injured according to the Duran and the Russians had more than enough time to evacuate the people of the ship, which suggests that a hit by some kind of missile is rather unlikely. Yes, it is bad PR, but it doesn't change the real course of actions on the ground in any way in Ukraine IMO. Apparently, it wasn't used in the Ukraine conflict either. So, no factual loss to the campaign. The most it can and does produce is bad PR in the western aligned countries, primarily. It could very well be that it was some kind of sabotage used on and/or within the ship to produce exactly that: A PR campaign that "Russians lost their flagship ship". Also, according to the Duran, the ship was about to be decommissioned anyway and replaced by a new ship that is currently build in Crimea.
I find the sinking of the flagship of the Black Sea fleet kind of troubling, to be honest.
Yes, it was an old ship from the 70s, but it is also reported to have cost a cool 750 million and had symbolic value as the flagship.
As reported, the Russian defense ministry can only choose between two stories to explain the event, both of which are bad for the Russian cause: either it was successfully hit by Ukrainian Neptune missiles, or the ammunition depot caught fire, and this just happening accidentally on a flagship seems very unlikely. Sabotage or gross incompetence then. All of these scenarios are bad.
Obviously, Russia was aware of this, and downplayed this yesterday, stating that the fire was put out and the cruiser towed to the harbor. But today, even Southernfront reported it as having been sunk. So what happened?
Whether it was a sabotage effort or a successful hit by the Ukrainian military, it seems to have succeeded in its goal: make the Russian military look either incompetent or more vulnerable than before.
Since it was the biggest ship in the region and supposedly refurbished when it was renamed as the Moscow, you would think they could protect it from missiles or internal sabotage, since Russia purportedly controls the battlefield and maintains a strong intelligence network. But the fact remains, it was sunk. There don't seem to be any signs that Russia is using any of its advanced or exotic tech to protect its equipment.
I hope this will not set a trend.
This is all very strange. For days now I have had a strange feeling or sensation that there is some kind of game here to "pretend" something in the face of the West. It is as if behind the scenes they are arranging some kind of performance or coup very fast within the very heart of the west, in which several countries are involved, as well as the use of "technologies" not used to date, that have been on "standby". It is as if they really want the West to think that Russia's military power is overrated, obsolete and disorganized after all, and so they are overconfident that they can go all out against Russia without too many repercussions in the Western power center. Maybe it's just a wrong or biased feeling on my part. We will have to wait and see.
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