Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This was just posted on RT, one wonders, how long he will survive in captivity

Given the blackout of RT, not sure if the article will post.

The headline reads Zelensky announces arrest of opposition leader. And Ukraine is presented throughout the "Free World" as a democratic country, pure hypocrisy

Edited for clarity.

Sorry for those unable to access the article here a snips:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his delight on Tuesday after Kiev's successor to the Soviet-era KGB arrested the country's most prominent opposition leader.

The President shared a photo of his handcuffed rival Viktor Medvedchuk on social media, with the caption: “A special operation was carried out by the SBU. Well done! Details to follow."

Medvedchuk heads the second largest party in the national parliament, the “Opposition Platform - For Life.” He was previously placed under house arrest, last year, as part of Zelensky's clampdown on dissent, which was granted tacit approval by the regime's Western supporters.

Formed in 1991, to replace the KGB, the SBU is Ukraine's main intelligence and security agency

Medvedchuk, who opposed the 2014 Kiev Maidan, and believes the country's Western turn to be detrimental to Ukraine's interests, has led his party since 2018. He previously served as Chief of Staff to former President Leonid Kuchma, in the early 2000s.

Some Western commentators have labelled him as Vladimir Putin's "closest ally in Ukraine." However, the Russian President has described Medvechuk as a "Ukrainian nationalist."

In 2019, Opposition Platform - For Life won 13% of the vote in a parliamentary election, making it the country's largest opposition faction. Last year, polls showed that it had passed out Zelensky's Servant of the People as the most popular party in the state.

That seemed to prompt a crackdown by Zelensky, who closed media outlets associated with Medvedchuk. Soon after, the politician was arrested on politically motivated "treason" charges.
Medvedchuk has rejected accusations of being “pro-Russian,” insisting his party represents millions of ordinary Ukrainians. In February 2021, he accused Zelensky of seeking to establish a dictatorship in Ukraine and suppress the legally elected opposition.

Authorities in Kiev also charged Zelensky’s predecessor Petro Poroshenko with treason, back in December 2021 – on the same charge as Medvedchuk: illegally buying coal from the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk and thus “financing terrorism.” Poroshenko made a big deal out of publicly returning to Ukraine in January, and a Kiev court refused to jail him.

Unlike Medvedchuk, Poroshenko has substantial support in the West.

The US and its allies have sought to justify their support for Ukraine by saying Zelensky is a democrat fighting for freedom, and have presented Russia’s actions towards Kiev as motivated by a fear of democracy.
Gonzalo and Ritter are the two best western analysts of the situation out there IMO.

I did not introduce them or quote their CV or accomplishments, as both are now quite established.

Thanks to Ritter's background as an intelligence officer he has a good understanding of what is happening on the battlefield. Gonzalo is even reporting from Karkov and knows the country and the situation very well. He even puts his life on the line, as the Ukrainian authorities definitely see him as an enemy of the state.
I did not introduce them or quote their CV or accomplishments, as both are now quite established.

Thanks to Ritter's background as an intelligence officer he has a good understanding of what is happening on the battlefield. Gonzalo is even reporting from Karkov and knows the country and the situation very well. He even puts his life on the line, as the Ukrainian authorities definitely see him as an enemy of the state.
That the truth moves them is the key that enhances their good work, at least Gonzalo has said that that is what interests him more than being pro-Russian.
And here's what he saw: on many pictures, for example, in the training center in the city of Zolochev, which was sponsored by Ottawa, the soldiers are shown in protective camouflage, and on their chevrons they have Nazi symbols - copies of the emblems of SS divisions "Reich" and "Galicia". All the experts interviewed by Kutu confirmed that the neo-Nazis in the photos were most likely "Azovs". Moreover, Kutiu continues, the Azov regiment itself was integrated into the structure of the Ukrainian National Guard as "detachment 3057." Here Coutu reminds us that Canada alone has spent nearly a billion dollars on training the Ukrainian military since 2014. How much of that money went to tighten up the Nazis in drill and combat training is anyone's guess.

A really good video a bit over 15 min long, age restricted on YT, but worth watching and sharing:

Brian Berletic a.k.a. Tony Cartalucci
UK Newspaper Hides Ukraine Truth in Plain Sight

The Sun has featured a video - part of the West’s wider war propaganda effort - where something horrendous has been hidden in plain sight [that's Nazi /SS badges in recent Reuters' video from Ukraine - my comment] - just as it has been across the Western media for the past 8 years regarding Ukraine - and something that Russia has cited as one of several justifications for its current military operations in Ukraine.

Alternatively, can be watched here:


The link above is to a channelled message on the Russia Ukraine conflict via Francis Evans … a deep trance channeller. I refer to this message from February 28 this year to keep things in perspective. I recommend listening directly to Francis as it is very powerful in a quiet way, but have also included the text of the channeled session below.


Everyone wants to make someone else the problem.

But the problem is economic, political and has very little to do with the pawns - the people who have not had any freedom to make their decisions.

So, you have had one group trying to pressure another group, while another group is pressuring that group and so on. And at a certain point, some country such as this Russia has to make a statement - a boundary - it has to say no, this is not happening.

What more can you say? There is a conflict and the rest of the western world is trying to hang on to the old system. Even the Russians - trying to hold on to the old system, and everyone else, trying to hold on to the old system, and yet within their boundaries there is rebellion.

The new system wants to become more prevalent, take on the actions, and transform. So it is likely that every nation will become a battleground within its boundaries. Because it is divided. The world is divided.

There is no balance any longer. And the reason there is no balance is because the old system, as it reaches its final ‘death croaks’ as it were, will bring in as much of the forces it has to hang on.

But it cannot.

So, everywhere there will be conflicts, until the old is released and the new systems begin.

The new systems are built on equality. The distribution of all wealth. Wealth is not just the money. Wealth is access to the ‘Garden of Eden’. That is, the garden that gave gifts to everyone in equal measure.

This war is just the beginning. One should not put too much in it, as if it is one side attacking another. Because the attacking has been going on for many years. There has been a war going on for years.

There were always going to be three world wars.

And the third world war is for the minds of man. So, what do you see?

You see advertising for the minds of men. You see fake news and even news that is fake, all to steal the minds of men.

One side is presenting one thought, one way of speaking and the other to the other, all for the minds of men. So that you will join one side or the other.

But it is the planet that suffers. It is the people that suffer.

And who is in charge? Who are the warmongers?

Those that are in power, those that have stolen power. And it doesn't matter if they say they have had it stolen or they stole it from another leader, they have not done so, they have stolen it from the people. Where are the leaders that stand by the people for their benefits?

Very few, because they are bought by those in other areas of power. Those that own the resources, those that own the capital and the money and you understand? All of that.

Time has come to an end.

And so, the great battles must occur, until the people say enough. Until the people topple those that are making it happen. And it cannot be one group in one place.

It is across the planet that people need to topple those that have stolen power, that have stolen the life force.

And from that a new world order. A new order for a new age in history.

I want to say this. For those that raise their consciousness, for those that awaken to the dream, they will see what is coming and know what to do. To elevate themselves, to remove themselves from the critical point.

They are not destined for suffering.

--- END
Also taken from the conference, this answer is given to the constant questions of whether the special operation can be carried out faster: "We can, but it depends on the intensity of the fighting, the intensity of the fighting unfortunately often has to do with With the casualties, we are going to carry out the special operation calmly, to minimize losses"

Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that the special operation in Ukraine is being carried out at a calm pace to minimize casualties.

RT in Spanish
From Sputniknews (emphases theirs):

Photo of Ukrainian Opposition Leader Medvedchuk in Handcuffs Shared on Zelensky’s Telegram Channel

Apr. 12, 2022

Chairman of the political council of the Opposition Platform - For Life party Viktor Medvedchuk after a meeting of the Kiev Court of Appeal. - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.04.2022

© Sputnik / Stringer / Go to the photo bank

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A photo of detained Viktor Medvedchuk, the chairman of the political council of Ukrainian party Opposition Platform — For Life, has been shared on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Telegram channel on Tuesday.

"A special operation was carried out thanks to the SBU [the Security Service of Ukraine]. Well done! Details will be revealed later," Zelensky wrote on his Telegram channel and shared the photo of Medvedchuk in handcuffs.

A photo of Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, posted on Telegram on April 12, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.04.2022

A photo of Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, posted on Telegram on April 12, 2022.
© Photo : Telegram / V_Zelenskiy_Official

Shortly after, the head of the SBU, Ivan Bakanov, confirmed Medvedchuk's detention, adding that it was done on behalf of Zelensky.
According to Bakanov, who is quoted as saying in the service's social media posts, the counterintelligence officers and investigators were "carrying out an order" of Zelensky, and thus "proved their professionalism and carried out this lightning-fast and unsafe multi-level operation to detain the still people's deputy Medvedchuk."

The SBU also published another photo of the detained politician in handcuffs.

A photo of Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, posted on Telegram on April 12, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 12.04.2022

A photo of Ukrainian MP Viktor Medvedchuk, posted on Telegram on April 12, 2022.
© Photo : Telegram

Later in the day, Medvedchuk was offered as a trade for Ukrainians captured during Russia's special military operation by Zelensky.

"I offer to the Russian Federation to exchange this guy of yours for our guys and girls who are now in Russian captivity," the Ukrainian president said in a video address on Telegram.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday that he can not confirm if reports about the detention of Medvedchuk are true.

"I have seen Medevechuk’s [photo]. I can not say anything, can not confirm if this is true, therefore making a comment would be wrong," Peskov told reporters, adding that a lot of fake news is being generated.

In mid-March, a Ukrainian court allowed Medvedchuk's arrest, the State Bureau of Investigations said back then.

A fellow member of the politician's party, Illia Kyva, who was previously stripped of his parliamentary mandate for criticizing Zelensky, claimed last month that the Ukrainian Security Service's counterintelligence department planned Medvedchuk's assassination.

Also in March, in a controversial move, Zelensky banned all opposition parties for the duration of martial law, including Medvedchuk's party.

On October 8, 2021, Ukrainian law enforcement officers charged Medvedchuk with a treason and assistance to terrorism.
According to the head of the SBU, in 2014, Medvedchuk organized the supply of coal from the territory of the Donbass breakaway republics in collusion with the top leadership of Ukraine. The court decided to impose a measure of restraint on Medvedchuk in the form of house arrest.

Medvedchuk is a defendant in another case in his country - the politician and his fellow party member Taras Kozak are suspected of treason and embezzlement of national resources in Crimea. The Kiev court initially placed Medvedchuk under round-the-clock house arrest and ordered him to wear an electronic bracelet, but was later put under a personal obligation measure. He was also required to appear before the court on the first notice and not leave the territory of Ukraine.

The leader of the party adamantly rejected any accusations placed against him, instead linking them to political persecution.

Above report mirrored on RT:

Ukrainian opposition leader arrested

Zelensky shares photo of Viktor Medvedchuk in handcuffs

12 Apr, 2022 18:20

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed his delight on Tuesday after Kiev's successor to the Soviet-era KGB arrested the country's most prominent opposition leader.

The President shared a photo of his handcuffed rival Viktor Medvedchuk on social media, with the caption: “A special operation was carried out by the SBU. Well done! Details to follow."

The SBU is Ukraine's main intelligence and security agency, founded in 1991 to replace the KGB.

“I consider it especially cynical of him to use military camouflage,” Zelensky later said, mocking Medvedchuk as trying to pose as a “warrior” and “patriot” and proposing to exchange the detained politician for Ukrainian prisoners of war held by Russia.

Medvedchuk heads the second largest party in the national parliament, the “Opposition Platform - For Life.” He was previously placed under house arrest, last year, as part of Zelensky's clampdown on dissent, which was granted tacit approval by the regime's Western supporters.

Medvedchuk, who opposed the 2014 Kiev Maidan, and believes the country's Western turn to be detrimental to Ukraine's interests, has led his party since 2018. He previously served as Chief of Staff to former President Leonid Kuchma, in the early 2000s.

Some Western commentators have labelled him as Vladimir Putin's "closest ally in Ukraine." However, the Russian President has described Medvechuk as a "Ukrainian nationalist."

In 2019, Opposition Platform - For Life won 13% of the vote in a parliamentary election, making it the country's largest opposition faction. Last year, polls showed that it had passed out Zelensky's Servant of the People as the most popular party in the state.

That seemed to prompt a crackdown by Zelensky, who closed media outlets associated with Medvedchuk. Soon after, the politician was arrested on politically motivated "treason" charges.

Medvedchuk has rejected accusations of being “pro-Russian,” insisting his party represents millions of ordinary Ukrainians. In February 2021, he accused Zelensky of seeking to establish a dictatorship in Ukraine and suppress the legally elected opposition.

Authorities in Kiev also charged Zelensky’s predecessor Petro Poroshenko with treason, back in December 2021 – on the same charge as Medvedchuk: illegally buying coal from the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk and thus “financing terrorism.” Poroshenko made a big deal out of publicly returning to Ukraine in January, and a Kiev court refused to jail him.

Unlike Medvedchuk, Poroshenko has substantial support in the West.

The US and its allies have sought to justify their support for Ukraine by saying Zelensky is a democrat fighting for freedom, and have presented Russia’s actions towards Kiev as motivated by a fear of democracy.

Moscow sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, following a seven-year standoff over Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements and end the conflict with the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Lugansk. Russia ended up recognizing the two as independent states, at which point they asked for military aid.

Russia demands that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two Donbass republics by force.

Putin explains Russian military's plan in Ukraine

Russian president told reporters that it is determined by the intensity of hostilities

12 Apr, 2022 18:34

The timing of the military offensive in Ukraine is determined by the intensity of hostilities and Russia will act according to its plan, President Vladimir Putin explained on Tuesday, during a joint press conference with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko.

“I often get these questions, ‘can’t we hurry it up?’ We can. But it depends on the intensity of hostilities and, any way you put it, the intensity of hostilities is directly related to casualties,” said the Russian president.

He added that
“our task is to achieve the set goals while minimizing these losses. We will act rhythmically, calmly, and according to the plan that was initially proposed by the General Staff.”

Putin reiterated that Russia’s actions in several regions of Ukraine were intended only to tie down enemy forces and carry out missile strikes with the purpose of destroying the Ukrainian military’s infrastructure, so as to “create conditions for more active operations on the territory of Donbass.”

While thanking the Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine for their “heroic service to their homeland,” and for protecting Russia’s interests, Putin stated that “a confrontation with the forces that were being brought up by the West in Ukraine, a confrontation with radical nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, was inevitable” and that it was only a matter of time.

“They were preparing and waiting for their hour. And, as I’ve said, we aren’t going to let them do that. That’s the logic of our actions,” the Russian president explained, adding that seeing Ukrainian soldiers wearing SS Galicia patches –a division of the Nazi forces that were responsible for numerous slaughters of Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian and Polish civilians during WWII)– in Donbass only further proves that “the timing of Russia’s operation was correct, or else there would’ve been even more of them.”

Putin also recalled what he had stated in his initial message on the morning of February 24 when Russian forces crossed the borders of Ukraine: “Our goal is to provide aid to the people of Donbass, who feel an unbreakable bond with Russia and have been the subjects of genocide for eight years.”

“That’s the way it is. The operation is going according to plan.”
the Russian president proclaimed.

Moscow attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
Not sure where to post this, I didn't want to open a thread to talk about the obvious but it's not out of line to see where other patterns of larger personalities will come from who are now definitely letting their cointelpro cards show and that's seeing people who had definitely been hiding very, very, very well.

Sean Penn Thought About 'Taking Up Arms Against Russia': 'What the F*ck Is Going on?'

"We first started discussing a potential documentary about his country that wasn't focused particularly on the war," Penn said.

"And since then there's been a lot of exchanges between us. Then I went and met him face to face the day before the invasion. And I was with him during the invasion, on day one."

What a coincidence...

French - Canada trained elements of a Ukrainian regiment linked to the extreme right

Canada has spent nearly $1 billion to train Ukrainian forces since 2014. Military personnel from the Azov Regiment, known for its links to the far right, have benefited from this training, according to documents analyzed by the CBC.

Founded by a notorious neo-Nazi, the Azov regiment became known for its feats of arms in 2014 against the pro-Russian separatists, particularly in Mariupol, where it is fighting again today. Moreover, with the repositioning of Russian forces in southern and eastern Ukraine, the battalion may have a central role to play in future fighting.

I can assure you with absolute certainty that this is an Azov patch," he said. This regiment presents itself as an elite formation and tries to instill this model of self-transcendence in its fighters. That said, one can also imagine that the individual wearing the patch is a former member of the regiment.

In another image (New Window) taken during the same training, this time by a Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) photographer, we see a Ukrainian soldier wearing a patch in the colors of the 14th division of the Waffen-SS, created in 1943 by Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime to fight the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) with Ukrainian volunteers. A ceremony to honor this division was condemned in 2021 (New Window) by President Volodymyr Zelensky

Sputniknews (emphasis mine):

'Written Off': Over 1,000 Ukrainian Marines Surrender in Mariupol, Chechen Leader Kadyrov Says

Apr.12, 2022

In Mariupol, which once had a population of 450,000, fighting continues as the Donetsk People's Republic and Russian forces sweep the city of remnants of Ukrainian troops and nationalist militias, including the neo-Nazi Azov battalion, which are still hiding in parts of the city.

The head of the Russian region of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said on Tuesday that more than 1,000 Ukrainian Marines had surrendered in the city of Mariupol.

"More than 1,000 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered today in Mariupol. There are hundreds of wounded among them. This is the right choice," he wrote in a Telegram post.

According to Kadyrov, Ukrainian groups are breaking up one after another, as they do not know what to do with the wounded, nor do they understand where to go and what to do next in their fighting, and that “after all, resistance is useless, and there are practically no combat forces left."

The Chechen leader added that only individual small groups of servicemen are currently in combat, which "for some reason are afraid to come out with a white flag to the Russian troops."

Kadyrov urged the Ukrainian troops "not to be afraid." He also called on them to "think about your loved ones, the wounded, your own and others' lives, about how a stray bullet can bring tragedy to your homes."

He added that at the moment there are approximately 200 wounded hiding deep in the Azovstal plant area who cannot receive medical care.

Kadyrov emphasized that it would be better for the Ukrainian troops to stop fighting and return home.

"I appeal to those who are still holed up in the basements and tunnels of the plant: you know that we treat prisoners humanely. Come out! Think about your own and other families, as more than a thousand Marines did today," he said.

Earlier in the day, reports about Marines surrendering to the Russian and the DPR forces emerged on social media.

Russian war correspondent Alexander Sladkov, in a series of posts on Telegram, shared footage from the alleged surrender of Ukrainian Marines to the troops of the DPR. According to him, among those who surrendered were about 300 wounded, 90 of whom could not move independently. The journalist estimated the number of Marines who surrendered on their feet at more than 800 people.

Moreover, also on Tuesday, the Russian Investigative Committee published a video of the interrogation of the surrendered deputy commander of the Ukrainian 36th Marine Brigade Rostislav Lomtev.

In the video, the commander said that in December 2021, as part of the brigade, he was conducting operations in the area of the so-called Joint Forces Operation in Donbass. He shared that the brigade later moved to the Azov plant, where they were eventually surrounded.

The officer explained that under "circumstances," the command decided "to surrender our weapons in order to avoid unnecessary victims, and we all surrendered."

'They Have Written Us Off'

Prior to that, judging by the anonymous post on the brigade’s Facebook* page, the brigade continued fighting in the city and in the port without the support of the Ukrainian military leadership and gradually suffered significant losses and ran out of all the ammunition.

"It's death for some of us, and captivity for the rest," the post, written mostly in Russian, read, saying the brigade had been "pushed back" and "surrounded" by Russian troops.

According to the Monday-published post, "the mountain of wounded makes up almost half of the brigade."

"No one wants to communicate with us anymore because they've written us off,"
the Marines wrote, adding that their request to break out of the city was rejected by the command, which also "promised a helicopter that never arrived."

Earlier, Valeriy Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, claimed that the line of communication with the troops in the city was "stable and maintained," and that the country's military was focused on saving as many servicemen as it could.

According to the Russian military, the recent battle has centered on the city's Azovstal iron-and-steel complex and the port. As the head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, stated on Monday, the port of Mariupol came under the control of the DPR forces.

According to the representative of the Donetsk People's Militia, the residential area of the city was virtually liberated from Ukrainian militants, "there were disengaged fire pockets such as snipers or the ground units."

On February 24, Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine in response to pleas for protection from Ukrainian soldiers by the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

The special operation, which targets Ukrainian military infrastructure, aims to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. The ministry stated that the Armed Forces strike only the Ukrainian troops, and by the end of March, they have completed the main tasks of the first stage of the operation, as they have significantly reduced the combat potential of the Ukrainian military.

Moscow has stated that it has no intention of occupying Ukraine. The main goal of the ongoing operation was said to be the liberation of Donbass.

*An organization outlawed in Russia

Good to see that the Russians know there are underlying problems in Alberta:

Russian Envoy Sends Letter to Alberta Premier, Regrets Move to Cut Inter-Regional Ties

Apr. 12, 2022

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov told Sputnik on Tuesday that he has sent a letter to Alberta Premier Jason Kenney to express regret over his decision to sever ties with three Russian regions.

"I sent a letter to the Premier where I expressed regret over such a hasty step, and drew his attention to the fact that any crisis, one way or another, resolves in the end and when peace comes, the whole truth about the genesis of the crisis and who is to blame for it comes out," Stepanov said.

He warned that this "emotional" and politically-motivated decision will harm contacts between people, and the provincial government should understand that it will be very difficult to restore these ties.

The Canadian province has severed ties with three Russian regions - the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, the Tyumen region and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area - over the Ukraine crisis.

When asked about the current state of inter-regional ties between the two countries, Stepanov stated: "Moscow notes their freezing on the Canadian side in the current conditions."

"The province of Alberta has taken the most radical step," he added. "I received a cc of the letter from Alberta premier Jason Kenney in which he states that Alberta is unilaterally terminating its ties with three Russian regions."

"They present it as a gesture of protest against the Russian special military operation. At the same time, we must understand that in fact such a gesture by the authorities is due to the fact that a powerful Ukrainian diaspora lives in the province, which, in fact, is pushing the authorities to make decisions that have nothing to do with the crisis in Ukraine," Stepanov said.

The Tuesday development is just the latest in a series of incidents that have taken place after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine on February 24. Earlier reports detailed Canada's possible move to expel Russian diplomats.
The propaganda is ramping up prior to the operational turn to Donbas.

First we have the BBC claiming the following:
"About 25 girls and women aged 14 to 24 were systematically raped during the occupation in the basement of one house in Bucha. Nine of them are pregnant," she said. "Russian soldiers told them they would rape them to the point where they wouldn't want sexual contact with any man, to prevent them from having Ukrainian children."

And then we have Biden using the word genocide to describe Russia's actions in Ukraine, as a way of explaining US economic turmoil.

"Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should on hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away.”
@ Benjamin, maybe no surprise, could be he is part of the Schwab "New world Leaders". apparently the Canadian government is riddled with such thinkers, throughout the Canadian Provinces, you scratch my back, I will scratch yours. They don't have the intellectual capability to understand the full implications , just short gain for long term success., a seat on the thrones of power in Ottawa.

Lord how deluded these people are, sickening.
'Is Russia expecting chemical attack from Ukraine?'

Russian Foreign Ministry: Threat of Chemical Terrorism by Ukrainian Nationalists Very Real

4 hours ago
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Moscow considers the threat of chemical terrorism by Ukrainian nationalists and military to be very real, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov told Sputnik.

"We consider very real the threat of chemical terrorism by fascist nationalists, operating under the patronage of the current Kiev regime, and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under their control," Syromolotov said.

"The high probability of such a scenario implementation is conditioned by multiple chemical provocations organized by armed extremist groups controlled by the United States and its NATO allies during the Syrian conflict," he said.

Syromolotov said an example of this was the staged provocation in the Ukrainian town of Bucha and the plans for chemical provocations in Donbas hatched by the team of Volodymyr Zelensky, about which Russia has repeatedly informed the UN Security Council and the OPCW.

“We will not be surprised if similar accusations are made against us in relation to the recent events at the Zarya plant (the town of Rubezhnoye), where militants undertook to blow up tanks with nitric acid so that the resulting cloud of toxic substances was carried by the wind to the settlement of Kudryashovka, liberated from them," he said.

"We do not rule out that such terrorist attacks will be repeated, since, according to some estimates, about 40,000 tonnes of highly toxic substances remain at this enterprise, including nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, as well as ammonia," Syromolotov said.

Moreover, the deputy foreign minister added that Moscow also does not rule out a scenario in which nuclear material could be brought to Ukraine from third countries.

Russian Embassy Urges US to Destroy Its Own Chemical Weapons​

In the meantime, the Russian Embassy in the US responded to State Department spokesman Ned Price's claims on Tuesday that Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine, calling on Washington not to spread disinformation and to intensify the process of destroying its chemical weapons.

"We call on Washington to stop spreading disinformation," the embassy wrote in its Telegram channel. "Instead, colleagues should have intensified the process of chemical demilitarization of their country. The United States remains the only state party to the Chemical Weapons Convention that has not fulfilled the international commitments it made. The American arsenal of weapons of this type poses a real threat to humanity."

The embassy stressed that Price's allegations are not supported by any evidence at all.

"Ned Price once again distinguished himself by his idle talk, not substantiated by a single piece of evidence," the response reads.

Furthermore, the diplomatic mission noted that the Russian army does not have chemical warfare agents, and all stockpiles of chemical weapons have been destroyed years ago.

"The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are successfully carrying out all their tasks on the Ukrainian territory. At the same time, they do not and cannot have any chemical warfare agents at their disposal because our country eliminated all chemical weapons stockpiles back in 2017," the embassy said.

They added that the data about the preparation of provocations by Ukrainian radicals using chemicals confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defense caused great concerns. "We also have questions about the origin of these substances," the embassy said.
Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine on February 24 to "protect of people who have been subjected to abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years."

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense's latest statements, the forces strike only at the military infrastructure and Ukrainian troops and, as of March 25, they have completed the main tasks of the first stage - significantly reducing the combat potential of Ukraine.

The main goal in the Russian military department was called the liberation of Donbass, as the country has no plans of occupying Ukraine.

Russian forces find Ukrainian drones equipped with liquids’ containers and sprayers

By Ruaa al-Jazaeri - 13 April, 2022
Moscow, SANA- The Russian forces announced that, during a search of the headquarters of a Ukrainian military unit, they found unmanned aircraft equipped with containers for liquids and spraying machines

“Three of these drones were found, with a payload of up to 40 kg, and plastic tanks for liquids with a capacity of 30 liters were installed on them, in addition to control devices that contained coordinates for the locations of the Russian forces and the populated areas planned to be sprayed,” a military source told RT website on Wednesday.

The source added that these drones are apparently used to spray toxic substances to harm either the Russian armed forces or the civilian population and agricultural lands.

The Russian Ministry of Defense had published documents obtained in Ukraine stating that the Ukrainian “Motor Sich” Corporation asked the Turkish company that manufactured Bayraktar drones about the existence of systems and mechanisms for spraying liquids from them.
Don’t be surprised when Russia this summer launches a barrage of hypersonic missiles aimed at the fleets and air forces of “Neutral” Sweden and Finland

JUST IN - Sweden to apply for NATO membership by June this year.

This has been decided by Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, according to the local newspaper SvD.

Sweden's decision comes after Finland announced its intention to join the military alliance.


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1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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On April 12, the largest group of the AFU soldiers surrendered surrendered in Mariupol. Another attempt to break out from the trap in Mariupol, was confirmed.
According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, 1,026 Ukrainian servicemen of the 36th Marine Brigade voluntarily laid down arms and surrendered in the city of Mariupol, near the Illich plant
151 wounded Ukrainian servicemen of the 36th Marine Brigade were provided with primary medical aid on the spot, after which they were all taken to the Mariupol city hospital for treatment.
1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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A video with a wounded Ukrainian marine was recently published. In the video, the young man talks about an attempted escape from the «Illich» plant in Mariupol. He notes that 1,500 people tried to escape, two of whom wanted to surrender, but then they were caught and disappeared.
In the end, about 1,000 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered, while 500 AFU soldiers were reportedly killed as they broke through the blockade of Russian troops toward the village of Zachatovka.

Fierce battles continue in the LPR and DPR, some clashes break out on the border of the Kherson and Dnipropetrovsk regions as well, but there are no significant changes on the front lines.
The regrouping and redeployment of the Russian Armed Forces in the Slobozhansky and Donetsk-Lugansk directions continue.
Intense shelling targets the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk agglomeration. Heavy artillery fire usually precedes the attempts of the LPR infantry to break through the AFU defence in the city.
Intense artillery shelling continues on the outskirts of Kharkiv. Russian forces target the areas of the AFU concentration. On April 12, local sources reported about two dozen explosions in the Saltovka region. Russian Federation is methodically striking at the identified facilities in Kharkiv.
The AFU is attempting to counterattack northwest of Kharkiv in the direction of Zolochev – Kozachya Lopan. Zolochev is under the AFU control, and the village of Dergachi is a conditional neutral zone. The AFU is trying to counterattack in the area near Izyum in the direction of Brazhkivka and Sukhaya Kamenka as well.
At the same time, the threat level in Russia’s western regions, bordering Ukraine was increased.
On April 12, employees of Russian security agencies discovered a hidden archive with the personal files of Ukrainian security officers in Kherson’s children’s regional hospital.
1,000 Ukrainian Soldiers Surrendered In Mariupol. AFU Counterattacks In Kharkiv
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Meanwhile, Russian cruise missiles continue to destroy AFU facilities throughout Ukraine.
During the night, high-precision sea- and air-based missiles destroyed 2 large missile and artillery weapons depots of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Sadovoe and Chudnov. 4 Ukrainian helicopters – 2 Mi-24 and 2 Mi-8 – were also destroyed at Mirgorod military airfield.
Operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 46 military assets of Ukraine.

The situation in the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine remains tense. There is a lot of hotspots of fierce fighting along the front lines, where heavy artillery shelling does not stop. In Mariupol, the AFU have almost lost the Illich plant, and the seaport area. The Russian strategic offence in Mariupol is intensifying. The large Russian offensive on the Donbass front lines is expected in the coming weeks.
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