Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Colonelcassad also quotes Putin's statement about fighting to the last Ukrainian.

"From Putin's statements today on the topic of the EWS in Ukraine.

(1) The operation is progressing as planned. All the goals set at the very beginning will be achieved.
2. The timing of the operation is determined by the intensity of combat operations and the desire to minimize their own losses.
3. Negotiations with Ukraine are at a standstill, as Ukraine has violated the agreements concluded in Istanbul.
4. The decision to launch the operation was correct and timely, and the conflict itself was inevitable - Russia was left with no choice.
5. The sanctions blitzkrieg against Russia failed, but Russia is not planning to shut down, and it will not be shut down.
6. The USSR, while in sanctions isolation, achieved great success in the space program. Russia will also be able to follow this path.
7. The U.S. plans to fight in Ukraine to the last Ukrainian. Ukraine is a means to an end for the West.
8. The provocation in Bucha is as fake as the staged chemical attacks in Syria.
9. Russia got hooked on Western technology in previous decades and is now facing the consequences. 10.
10.Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are a triune nation, part of which the West is now trying to use to its advantage.

We await the start of Phase 2 of the operation in Ukraine previously announced by Shoigu."
According to ASB military, that would be the context and place where the statements of even the last Ukrainian would come from:

Putin: "A great deal is being said about the United States’ intention to fight against Russia ‘to the last Ukrainian’ - they say it there and they say it here. This is so in reality," Putin told a news conference following talks with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko at the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region.
The Russian leader said that "the world today is more complex than it was during the Cold War."
"In this complex world one country will fail to retain its total domination," Putin said. "Today we are witnesses to the collapse of the unipolar world system that took shape following the demise of the Soviet Union."‌‌
The President of #Russia, Vladimir Putin, denounced this Tuesday that the allegations that the Russian military committed atrocities in the Ukrainian city of #Bucha are as "false" as the accusations of the use of chemical weapons by the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad.

"Then it turned out to be fake news. The same hoax as in Bucha," Putin said, recalling what happened in Syria, during a press conference after the meeting with his Belarusian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko. He also said that Lukashenko gave him documents about the events in Bucha, which reveal "how and who [...] traveled to the town and set the stage for this provocation."

Putin: Bucha in Ukraine is as "false" as chemical weapons in Syria

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, denounced this Tuesday that the accusations that the Russian military committed atrocities in the Ukrainian city of Bucha are as "false" as the accusations of the use of chemical weapons by the president of Syria, Bashar al Assad. .

RT in Spanish
On both RT and Sputniknews, there are entries for the Putin/Lukashenko press conference but they are not updated yet. Just hafta wait a bit.


No Doubt 'Noble Goals' of Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine Will Be Implemented – Putin

Apr. 12, 2022

A special operation to demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine was ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 24 February, following a request for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, which saw weeks of intensifying shelling by Ukrainian forces.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the objectives of the special military operation in Ukraine will be implemented.

"It will be so. There is no doubt", Putin said during a meeting with workers from the Vostochny cosmodrome in Russia's Far East on Tuesday, commenting on the wish of one of them that the goals and objectives of the operation be fulfilled.

According to him, this operation "has absolutely clear and noble goals".

"The main goal is to help the people of Donbass
[region in eastern Ukraine], whose independence we recognised. We were forced to do so because the Kiev authorities, pressed by the West, refused to comply with the Minsk agreements aimed at a peaceful solution of the Donbass-related problems", Putin underscored.

He added that an armed standoff with the anti-Russian forces nurtured in Ukraine was inevitable, and that it was just a matter of time.

Putin said that those forces had started to turn Ukraine into "an anti-Russian foothold", fostering "the seeds of nationalism and neo-Nazism that have existed for a long time there".

"Russia clashing with those forces was inevitable, and they were only choosing the time for an attack", he added.

Putin also praised Russian officers for rendering assistance to the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR), in sync with the special operation.

"We know that today our officers are participating in a special military operation in Ukraine's Donbass [region], providing assistance to the people's republics of Donbass. They act courageously, competently, and effectively, using the most advanced weapons fitted with unique specifications", the Russian president noted.

Russia's Special Op in Ukraine

Russia launched its special operation to demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine on 24 February after the DPR and the LPR appealed to Moscow for help amid increased attacks by the Ukrainian Army. The Russian Defence Ministry underscored that the operation is only targeting Ukrainian military infrastructure with high-precision weapons and that civilians are not in danger.

In late March, First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Sergei Rudskoy said the main tasks of the special operation's first stage had been implemented.

"The combat potential of the armed forces of Ukraine has been significantly reduced, which allows, I emphasise once again, to focus the main efforts on achieving the main goal - the liberation of Donbass", Rudskoy underlined.

Putin Says Lukashenko Handed Him Documents That Expose Bucha Fake

Apr. 12, 2022

Moscow has repeatedly denounced the Bucha provocation as something that was staged by Kiev specifically for the Western media to slander Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko handed him documents exposing the Bucha fake.

The documents in question, Putin explained, shed light on "who and how arrived in Bucha, and using what kind of transport" in order to "set up the conditions" to stage the provocation.

According to Putin, the Bucha provocation is similar to the claims made regarding the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria.

"I talked to colleagues from Western countries often. And when they say 'Bucha' to me, I ask, have you ever been to Raqqa? Did you see how this Syrian city was completely destroyed, down to the very ground, by American aircraft? And there, indeed, the corpses were laying and decomposing in the ruins for months. No one cared about it, nobody even noticed", Putin said.

The Bucha provocation has been condemned by Russia as an "outrageous" fake created solely with the purpose of slandering Moscow. According to Russia, the timeline of the Ukrainian allegations about the mass killing of civilians by Russian troops does not add up to the time when the troops actually left the city in the Kiev region. Moscow asserted that the Ukrainian forces shelled Bucha after the Russian withdrawal with rocket and tank fire.

The Russian president also said that Kiev had backed away from the agreements made in Istanbul, leading the talks into a deadlock.
He condemned Kiev's inconsistency during the negotiations, saying that it is complicating the peace process.

Until final agreements acceptable to all parties are reached, Putin continued, the special military operation will go on until all the objectives are attained.

Speaking about the special military operation in Ukraine, Putin expressed gratitude to the Russian soldiers taking part in it and said that nothing should be concealed in the coverage of the operation, but the work has to be covered "objectively".

The Russian president additionally underlined that Moscow aims to achieve all of the objectives of the military operation while also maintining a minimum of losses. In order to do that, Russia will act "calmly" and according to its initial plan.

RT: (One commenter posted this reply: "ISIS jihadis giving tips to Ukrainian nazi regime" There, I fixed it for you.)

White Helmets group shares tips with Ukrainians – media

Syrian ‘first respondents’ film video guides on how to rescue people and document war crimes, the Times newspaper reports

Apr. 12, 2022

White Helmets, a controversial group hailed as heroes in the West but also criticized for being close to radical Islamist forces in Syria, are filming video guides, which are meant for Ukrainians, the British newspaper Times reported on Monday.

The first of a planned series of videos, which the Times said will be translated into Ukrainian, showed two men explaining how to search for people under debris, identify unexploded ordnance and use first aid on injured people.

There is an overarching goal of teaching people in Kiev that “properly documenting rescue operations can help to provide credible evidence of atrocities,” according to Times. The group advised filming the action with GoPro cameras for later use.

White Helmets was created in 2014 and claims to be a civilian rescue force helping civilians injured by the Syrian government. It received funding from Western governments and was praised by Western media as brave heroes of the protracted war in Syria.

Critics, including Russia, call them a propaganda outfit that work hand-in-glove with the rebel groups that control the territories, in which the White Helmets operate. On several occasions, members of the group were filmed participating in apparent executions by jihadists.

In some cases, Western media outlets confirmed the allegations to be true. For example, France 24 authenticated footage showing the White Helmets taking part in an execution in Haritan, a suburb of Aleppo, which was carried out in 2015 by the terrorist group Al Nusra Front. The group distanced itself from the incident, saying their goal was “to go pick up the body” and that its people arrived before the killing took place.

According to the Times, the first video guide for Ukrainians was filmed in Ariha, a city in the Idlib province. It’s the last major stronghold of anti-government forces in Syria, in which radical Islamists have a dominating position.

The Syrian province borders Turkey, a NATO member which threatened to use its armed forces in defense of the rebels, claiming that it was necessary to prevent a new surge of refugees fleeing to Turkish territory. Russia, which aided Damascus in its fight against jihadists, helped it establish an arrangement with Ankara that limits cross-border hostilities.

The Ukrainian government accused Russia of an attempted genocide of the Ukrainian people after claiming it found evidence of war crimes committed by Russian troops near Kiev. Some towns close to the Ukrainian capital were held by Russian forces, but switched hands after Moscow pulled back its troops in the wake of diplomatic progress made during Turkey-hosted peace talks in early April.

Moscow rejected Ukrainian allegations and claimed the evidence was misinterpreted or fabricated, likely to derail the peace process. Kiev said it expected to find more evidence of Russian war crimes. Moscow said that apparently more staged scenes falsely purporting to show Russian wrongdoing in Ukraine were being prepared by the Ukrainian side.

Many Western nations took Kiev’s allegations against Russia on face value without any neutral investigation on the ground.

Moscow attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements signed in 2014, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
From Maria Zaharova

"🎙 Statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the statements made by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy J.Borrell following his visit to Ukraine

High Representative of the EU on the foreign affairs and security policy J.Borrell, who made a statement in social networks after his visit to Ukraine, that "this war will be won on the battlefield", clearly confirms that the European Union of the 2022 model has finally abandoned the peacekeeping ideals of its founding fathers, who sought to make a new war in Europe "unthinkable and impossible". Now the "peace-loving" EU is promising to increase military aid to Kiev to 1.5 billion euros.

Before the eyes of the world, the EU is being transformed into a militarized and aggressive instrument of foreign expansion. In accordance with centuries-old "European values," it is conducting another "onslaught to the East. This is how the West realizes its desire for unlimited global domination over those whom it considers genetically inferior to it.

The West pretends not to notice, and therefore encourages, targeted missile attacks and provocations by Ukrainian nationalists against civilians, whose deaths they try to blame on Russian troops. The European officials completely ignored the fact that the attack on the railway station in Kramatorsk on 8 April was carried out by Tochka-U, which was not used by Russian troops, from territory controlled by the Ukrainian armed forces and that the missile itself had a serial number close to that of other missiles used by the Ukrainian armed forces.

At the same time, J. Borrell and the President of the European Commission, W. von der Leyen, supported Kyiv's cynical provocation with the massacre of civilians in Bucha. We consider this blasphemous in relation primarily to the memory of the victims of the constant shelling of towns and villages in Donbas by Ukraine. No one from the EU has bothered to visit these territories even once since 2014.

There is no limit to the hypocrisy of the European Union - assistance to Kyiv to help Ukrainian neo-Nazis continue to kill people with impunity is provided through the European Peace Foundation. The true values of the "enlightened West" are evidenced by the widespread use by EU politicians of the Nazi slogan "Glory to Ukraine" - a copy of the greeting used in Nazi Germany. The EU media space is being "cleansed" of alternative views, and unprecedented pressure is being put on Russians and Russian-speakers in EU countries to abandon their historic homeland.

The theses about the need for a political solution in support of negotiations have disappeared from the EU lexicon. It is clear why: a political solution would interfere with their main goal - to continue the proxy war to the last Ukrainian.

Such EU "diplomacy" runs counter to the interests of the inhabitants of European countries who seek peace and stability and the prevention of manifestations of Nazism and discrimination on our common continent."

"We have been saying that the West was training Ukrainian neo-Nazis for the past eight years. The exclusive and civilized did not want to listen to us, but we continued to prove it with facts in our hands. Proving it, however, is not difficult - you only have to go to Ukraine and see for yourself the regular marches of SS veterans, the torch marches and the portraits of Nazi World War II collaborators on the buildings in Ivano-Frankovsk, Lviv and Ternopil.

This week, Canadian journalist Simon Coutu published a very simple investigation on his Radio-Canada page. He simply studied the pictures posted by the Ukrainian National Guard on their social media accounts and compared them to the training programs that the Canadian Ministry of Defence had conducted for the Ukrainian armed forces. And what did he see there?

And here's what he saw: on many pictures, for example, in the training center in the city of Zolochev, which was sponsored by Ottawa, the soldiers are shown in protective camouflage, and on their chevrons they have Nazi symbols - copies of the emblems of SS divisions "Reich" and "Galicia". All the experts interviewed by Kutu confirmed that the neo-Nazis in the photos were most likely "Azovs". Moreover, Kutiu continues, the Azov regiment itself was integrated into the structure of the Ukrainian National Guard as "detachment 3057." Here Coutu reminds us that Canada alone has spent nearly a billion dollars on training the Ukrainian military since 2014. How much of that money went to tighten up the Nazis in drill and combat training is anyone's guess.
Again. A Canadian journalist simply looked closely at the photos and saw what we've been talking about for years. Just. Looked. At. The pictures. That's what we call for on a daily basis.

Now do you understand why Elem Klimov's film about Nazism is called "Come and See"? Sometimes, quite often, though, that's quite enough. But even that, as it turns out, takes courage."
George Webb - Investigative Journalist


The Russians have identified the ingress and egress points and collapsed them trapping whoever is left inside so they probably have only one exit that will be covered by the Russian forces.

Telegram link :

In case you are curious how things are in Russia after institution of sanctions, I thought it would be a good idea to share testimonies of foreigners. It's possible that you are familiar with these Youtube channels. These are Australians who chose to immigrate, or initiate the immigration process to Russia, specifically to the Novosibirsk/Altai region. The following videos are just examples, and if you are curious about life in Russia and how things work out for them, then just watch other videos.

This is another channel by another Australian. She speaks in Russian (pretty well!), but there are subtitles in English.


Putin Says Ukraine Talks At "Dead End", Warns Soaring Inflation Will Put Pressure On Western Politicians

Talks with Ukraine have reached "a dead end," Russian President Vladimir Putin said in fresh Tuesday remarks. "We will not stop military operations in Ukraine until they succeed." He explained that Ukraine has "deviated" from agreements and any possible prior progress reached during the Istanbul meetings, according to state-run RIA.

The strong remarks aimed at both Kiev and the West were given during a joint presser with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. He further hailed that the military operations is still going "according to plan," Bloomberg reports, however while admitting to the domestic population that "Russian logistics and payment systems remain a weakness and the long-term impact of western measures could be more painful." But he also said the country has withstood the economic "blitzkrieg" from the West.

Putin described that what's happening in Ukraine is a "tragedy" but that ultimately Russia had "no choice" but to launch the special military operation.

As Piotr Zalewkski ofThe Economist comments, this is hardly surprising, but it makes Turkey look bad. Few put much faith that the talks would succeed, but still it's not a "good look for Turkey, which had been trumpeting progress where there was next to no progress to speak of."

Putin said that the West was seeking to turn Ukraine into an "anti-Russian foothold" which made...

"Russia clashing with those forces was inevitable, and they were only choosing the time for an attack."
"The main goal is to help the people of Donbass [region in eastern Ukraine], whose independence we recognized. We were forced to do so because the Kiev authorities, pressed by the West, refused to comply with the Minsk agreements aimed at a peaceful solution of the Donbass-related problems," Putin explained.

The Russian leader confirmed that military operations are now focusing on liberating the Donbas region in Ukraine's east - something the Pentagon also said it has observed as reinforcements arrived in recent days.

Zelensky has also of late expressed frustration with both talks with Russia on the one hand and NATO inaction on the other...

And more alarming statements from the speech, suggesting a future direct confrontation with NATO could be on the horizon:

On Bucha, and current widespread allegations of Russian troops conducting war crimes coming from the West, Putin told Lukashenko:

"I talked to colleagues from Western countries often. And when they say 'Bucha' to me, I ask, have you ever been to Raqqa? Did you see how this Syrian city was completely destroyed, down to the very ground, by American aircraft? And there, indeed, the corpses were laying and decomposing in the ruins for months. No one cared about it, nobody even noticed", Putin said according to state media.
"We know that today our officers are participating in a special military operation in Ukraine's Donbass [region], providing assistance to the people's republics of Donbass. They act courageously, competently, and effectively, using the most advanced weapons fitted with unique specifications," the Russian leader added.
Now do you understand why Elem Klimov's film about Nazism is called "Come and See"? Sometimes, quite often, though, that's quite enough. But even that, as it turns out, takes courage."

I looked up this film briefly, and it looks like it will be well worth watching.

The film's plot focuses on the Nazi German occupation of Belarus, and the events as witnessed by a young Belarusian partisan teenager named Flyora, who—against his mother's wishes—joins the Belarusian resistance movement, and thereafter depicts the Nazi atrocities and human suffering inflicted upon the Eastern European villages' populace. The film mixes hyper-realism with an underlying surrealism, and philosophical existentialism with poetical, psychological, political and apocalyptic themes.

Come and See received generally positive critical reception upon release, and received the FIPRESCI prize at the 14th Moscow International Film Festival. It has since come to be considered one of the greatest films of all time.[10]


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War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
Captured Ukrainian military equipment near Kharkiv
On April 12, the Russian Armed Forces and allied forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics continued their advance in the east of Ukraine. The most intense fighting is ongoing in Mariupol, while less intense clashes are taking place in Donetsk and Lugansk regions as well as in the south of Kharkiv region.
The cleanup operation is developing in the industrial area of Mariupol, first of all – ‘Azovstal Plant’. Azovstal remains they key stronghold of Kyiv’s forces in the city and its expected liberation will likely mark the end of large-scale clashes there. Nonetheless, even when all permanent fortifications of the Ukrainian ‘Azov Battalion’ and allied formations are eliminated, the security operation and the neutralization of dispersed Ukrainian troops in the city will require additional time.
As of April 12, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, says that about 98% of Mariupol is under the control of the Russian military. The organized resistance of Ukrainian troops remains only at the “Azovstal”. According to Kadyrov the complex “had been converted into a real fortress.”
It should be noted that on April 11 the remnants of Ukrainian troops surrounded on the territory of the “Illicha” plant in the industrial area of Mariupol made an unsuccessful attempt to break out of the city.
The Russian Defense Ministry says that a group of up to 100 Ukrainian soldiers on armoured vehicles tried to fight their way out of the plant and leave the city in a northern direction.
“Air and artillery strikes foiled this breakthrough attempt. 3 Ukrainian tanks, 5 infantry fighting vehicles, 7 vehicles and up to 50 personnel were destroyed. Another 42 Ukrainian servicemen voluntarily laid down their arms and surrendered,” a statement of the Russian Defense Ministry reads.
An interesting fact is that Kyiv’s troops put Russian identification marks on a convoy of more than 30 combat vehicles and tried to escape towards Mangush, in the northern direction. Media reports claim that at least a part of the Ukrainian troops were able to avoid the strikes. Nonetheless, they were not able to break the perimeter around Mariupol.
Captured Ukrainian military equipment near Kharkiv:
War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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Less intense but also important clashes continue on other frontlines in the region of Donbass. The main areas of positional fighting is Maryinka, Avdiivka in the countryside of Donetsk and the Severodonetsk-Lysichansk agglomeration in Lugansk Region. Recently, LPR troops supported by the Russian Armed Forces expanded their positions near Severodonetsk and Kremennaya-Rubezhone line (northeast of Severodonetsk). Nonetheless, no breakthroughs by any side were reported there.
Meanwhile, units of the Russian Armed Forces neutralized an attempt of Kyiv’s forces to organize a counter-attack in the area of Izum in the south of Kharkiv Region and continued to expand their foothold there. The advance of Russian-led forces from this area is gradually developing in the direction of Slovyansk and Kramatorsk.
The situation around Kharkiv city itself remains stable. Russian forces do not try to storm the city, but deliver regular precise strikes on military targets in the area.
The rest of Ukraine remains in the state of permanent chaos and security collapse. Regular reports about incidents involving organized crime, looting and shooting appear from almost all areas controlled by Kyiv’s forces. Units of the so-called ‘territorial defense’ formed by the Kyiv government are among the main sources of civilian casualties and friendly fire incidents in the Kyiv-controlled part of Ukraine.
Most recently, members of one of the territorial defense units stopped a column of civilian vehicles near the village of Zdvyzhivka in the Kyiv countryside. At least one of the vehicles was targeted by fire. 5 civilians, including a child, were killed.
War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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Also on April 12, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that it had continued to carry out strikes on military targets in Ukraine. According to it, during the past night, strikes with air- and sea-based missiles destroyed an ammunition depot and a secure hangar with Ukrainian aircraft at Starokonstantinov military airfield, Khmelnitskiy region, as well as an ammunition depot near Gavrilovka in Kiev region.
Additionally, operational-tactical aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 32 military targets across Ukraine. These targets included 1 Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system near Novomikhailovka, 1 radar for illumination and guidance of S-300 anti-aircraft missile system near Zolotarevka, as well as 1 command post and 18 areas of Ukrainian military equipment concentration.
At the same time, Russian air defense means shot down 2 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air near Berdyansk and Melitopol.
The Russian side says that since the start of the military operation its forces have destroyed 130 aircfaft and 99 helicopters, 244 anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, Buk-M1, Osa AKM, 443 unmanned aerial vehicles, 2,139 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 241 multiple launch rocket systems, 917 field artillery and mortars, as well as 2,046 units of special military vehicles.
Meanwhile, the international situation over the developing conflict is also escalating.
Reports appeared that the first batch of T-72M tanks, located at the base of storage of armored vehicles of the Polish ground forces in Lublin, was sent to Ukraine. Poland reportedly plans to transfer a total of 100 T-72M tanks to Kyiv’s forces.
War In Ukraine Day 47: Last Days Of Kyiv’s Troops In Mariupol And Other Battlefield Developments
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A column of NATO military equipment moving towards was spotted in Romania. The column was moving in the direction of the border with Ukraine.

The US itself claims that weapons are delivered to Ukraine by 8-10 airlines a day and an “almost constant” by land. The current deliveries of weapons and equipment to Ukraine are focused on ATGMs, MANPADs, small weapons and ammunition. Nonetheless, recent developments demonstrates that the deliveries of heavy military equipment are also coming.
The propaganda campaign against Russia, LPR and DPR forces are also on the rise. France has sent a group of military personnel and the French Gendarmerie to Ukraine, who are together with representatives of the “International Commission on Missing Persons” (created on the initiative of the United States), will collect information about crimes allegedly committed by the Russian Armed Forces. There are no doubts what kind of “conclusions” could be made by such an independent and objective group.
These moves are accompanied by the regular and intense work of Kyiv and its friend from Western special services in staging various provocations, including those aimed against civilian population. Kyiv’s forces mined plants in Nikolaev and Rubezhnoye in order to blow them up causing leak of chemical substances and blame the ecological catastrophe on Russia.
In these conditions, the fate and format of potential diplomatic agreement between Moscow and Kyiv on the settlement of the conflict will be determined not during the negotiations but on the battlefield. Furthermore, the ongoing conflict will shape the face of the new diplomatic and security reality on the continent.
This was just posted on RT, one wonders, how long he will survive in captivity

Given the blackout of RT, not sure if the article will post.

The headline reads Zelensky announces arrest of opposition leader. And Ukraine is presented throughout the "Free World" as a democratic country, pure hypocrisy

Edited for clarity.
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