Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Something picked up in Canada dealing with Ukraine, preaching to the choir in Alberta and Ottawa amongst the weeds of green policies and virtue signaling:

Ukraine’s state-owned oil and gas company, Naftogaz, is making a sales pitch to Canadian energy companies: Send your technology, expertise and investments to help the country fully develop its natural gas reserves, in turn bolstering global energy security.

Just days ago, the European Union agreed to a phased embargo on Russian crude in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine. As a result, 90 per cent of Moscow oil will be banned in Europe by 2023, says Ukraine’s new ambassador to Canada, Yulia Kovaliv – “a significant challenge” for the bloc, but an opportunity for Canada and other allies.

Ukraine was the principal gas-producing region of the Soviet Union until the late 1970s. Technical studies over the past year have identified even more natural gas deposits, which Naftogaz says could lead to the drilling of thousands of horizontal wells.

This method of extraction would help boost natural gas production rapidly. The result, Naftogaz says, could be a huge fossil fuel play on a scale similar to Western Canada’s Montney or Duvernay regions.

“The potential is massive,” Oleg Tolmachev, director of Naftogaz’s exploration and production division, told The Globe and Mail on Wednesday.

“We’re actually going to start drilling this year; war or no war, we’re going to start. But in order for us to get into the full swing of things, it’s probably three years.

He said he believes Naftogaz will be able to tap a resource large enough to meet Ukraine’s own energy needs and start exporting to the EU. The bloc is working to wean itself off Russian oil and gas supplies in an attempt to squeeze Moscow’s bottom line and undercut the revenues it is using to finance the war.

“What we need right now are partnerships – operational, technological and investment partnerships – with Canadian and U.S. companies that can allow us to shortcut the learning curve,” Mr. Tolmachev said.

Alberta Energy Minister Sonya Savage met with Ambassador Kovaliv and Naftogaz executives on Wednesday morning at the Global Energy Show in Calgary, where the group outlined its sales pitch over breakfast.

Afterwards, Ms. Savage told The Globe that Canada’s energy sector has “a moral imperative to help” the beleaguered country develop its natural gas reserves.

She doesn’t yet know what it might take to get Alberta companies on board, but committed to kickstart possible provincial incentives or encouragement, and to approach Ottawa for support.

“We need to do whatever we can to help [Ukraine]. It will help them rebuild after the war and it will help energy security globally,” she said.

Naftogaz usually meets about 70 per cent of Ukraine’s natural gas needs.

But its production has been dramatically impacted by government-implemented restrictions on diesel consumption, the destruction or damage of gas transmission infrastructure and logistical problems that cropped up when the company had to start sourcing equipment from Europe rather than Russia.

Still, several hundred employees continue to live and work at production facilities behind the front lines, Mr. Tolmachev said. They’re provided food by nearby villagers and, most days, are shelled by artillery.

“People go into shelter, they come out and go back to work in the wells because they understand that if they don’t do it, then the nation will suffer in terms of not being able to keep homes running gas stoves, running critical infrastructure,” Mr. Tolmachev said.

And while missile strikes recently destroyed Naftogaz’s main refinery, broader company operations have continued. Just three weeks ago, for example, the company commissioned a landfill biogas-cogeneration facility, and it’s expanding its solar and wind power assets.

Transitioning to those cleaner forms of energy is key, Ms. Kovaliv told the Global Energy Show, adding that it would be “a missed chance” if companies did not reinvest profits from high fossil fuel prices into sustainable energy sources.

But even as the world pursues more green energy, Mr. Tolmachev noted that gas prices in Europe will remain high for the foreseeable future – which he hopes will attract North American companies to the country.

There are political risks, there are war risks. But at the same time, the reward is just enormous,” he said.

“The war’s going to be over and it’s not going to be years. So we are going to start going down the line of proving up this concept, this idea, by doing the drilling ourselves regardless.”

Ms. Kovaliv said global unrest around oil and gas supplies means European markets “are now open for the new entrants in all centres of the energy supply.”

“It’s the right time to do this. Replacing Russian energy in Europe is crucial to decrease Russia’s revenues and the ability to wage the war,” she said.

And Canadian companies we think should take an opportunity to enter and expand in the EU market.”

Olha Oliinyk was one of 170 Ukrainians who stepped off a flight, chartered by the province, in Moncton, N.B., as part of a group fleeing the Russian invasion. The flight was greeted by provincial officials, including Premier Blaine Higgs, who said he hopes the province can provide the new arrivals the comfort and safety they need.

The Globe and Mail sure played this one strong for Alberta citizens with quotes "People go into shelter, they come out and go back to work in the wells because they understand that if they don’t do it, then the nation will suffer in terms of not being able to keep homes running gas stoves, running critical infrastructure,” Mr. Tolmachev said.

This reminded me of an article Venessa Beeley posted, referencing pre 2021 gas maneuvering before the Feb 2022 move:

Exactly ten years ago, representatives of the current, so-called Ukrainian opposition lobbied the cabinet-approved plan for a large-scale competition for hydrocarbons production within the Yuzovsky area. The reserves of shale gas in the area of 7,886 thousand sq km were estimated at 3.6 trillion cubic metres. Such figures turned the heads of many rich men, but it was a pity to invest the stolen money into the new project.

The western majors Shell and Chevron were interested in the prospects of gas production, and they eagerly responded to Kiev’s invitation. Under the terms of the contract the companies had the right to extract the Donbass subsoil for 50 years with the right to extend the contract. The “Regionalists” actually sold a huge part of their small motherland to foreign investors, although they were well aware of what they were condemning the Donbass region to – hydraulic fracturing technology causes irreparable ecosystem damage.

On April 24, 2013, the Donetsk regional administrative court refused to accept a lawsuit filed by environmentalists and environmental organizations seeking to invalidate a resolution of the Donetsk regional council of January 16, 2013, which allows Shell to produce shale gas at the Yuzovsky gas field. Shell pledged to spend about 410m dollars on exploration work, receiving tax breaks from Ukraine.

Joe Biden’s corrupt clan is behind Ukraine’s “shale gas revolution”
In addition to Shell and Chevron, Burisma Holdings was involved in the project. It was planned to produce shale gas in parts of Donetsk and Kharkov regions using fracking technology – hydraulic fracturing. It looks like this: a deep vertical well is drilled, with many horizontal passages – it is similar to a tree trunk and root system. Water and chemicals are pumped into the borehole under high pressure, and then an underground explosion is carried out. The water prevents the pieces of the blasted rock from settling and the gas is forced out through the surface of the water to the outside. The environmental impact is enormous!

Fracking technology gas extraction was slowed down only by greed of the Ukrainian officials, or maybe by the fact that Western special services and Soros structures were already working at full speed in Kiev preparing a “colour revolution”. Because the world price of oil has dropped, Ukraine is in a stalemate: the proceeds from the sale of extracted gas do not cover the costs of its production. Nevertheless, the Verkhovna Rada raised the gas extraction toll from 20% to 70%, scaring off Chevron and Royal Dutch Shell.

Soon there was a coup d’état in Kiev. Bloody battles broke out near Slavyansk, the centre of the West’s planned “shale revolution”, bringing the fuel giants in Ukraine to a complete standstill. Burisma, which had been kept in the shadows by powerful partners, suddenly flourished and received licences to develop fields from the Carpathian to the Azov Sea.

By the way, in 2014 Robert Hunter Biden, Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and, three years later Joseph Cofer Black – ex-CIA Anti-Terrorism Center head, career intelligence officer and vice-chairman of the American PMC Blackwater Worldwide, known as Academi, joined the Burisma holding’s board of directors.

Slavyansk, which was desperately resisting the Ukronazis, was doomed: American mercenaries were tasked to ensure the operation of Burisma in the region at all costs. Daddy Joe Biden also did his bit for the family business, thanks to whose efforts the Yatsenyuk government increased the gas tariff almost threefold. Of course, the backroom games were presented as reforms at the behest of the IMF, which had its own benefit from the fraudulent scheme. The Kiev authorities handed the country over to overseas pirates, in return for loyalty to their offshore accounts and the ability to pull off “schemes” under the watchful eye of US handlers...
On SoTT.net there was a similar RT article. Here is the comments section of that article below:

Comment: RT interviewed both Pinner and Aslin before sentencing. Pinner warned foreigners not to "get into a war you don't really understand."

Aslin blamed Western media for convincing him of the Ukrainian narrative and turning him into a pawn, adding that he was initially pro-Donbass.

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has described the sentences as a "sham judgment with absolutely no legitimacy". Maria Zakharova responded:


She said, the ex ombudsman:


Lydumyla "is a Russian-born Ukrainian politician." Bio here.
Aslin is deranged psychopath who was there to kill. Posibly CIA's toy, also was in Syria, fighting against government troops. He was arrested in the UK, but released. Traveling from war to war by the help of Soros's NGOs in many countries. And posibly not the only one to do that. He was in Serbia on his way to Ukraine, ofcourse under protection from NGO.

"US policies led to ‘new G8’ – Moscow"​

"Washington has pushed the countries not participating in “sanctions wars” to form a new economic bloc, Russia’s Duma speaker said"

"The United States “with its own hands” pushed the countries, which are not participating in “sanctions wars,” to form a “new Big Eight” group with Russia, the Russian State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said on Saturday."

The group of eight countries not participating in the sanctions wars – China, India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, Turkey – in terms of GDP at PPP is 24.4% ahead of the old group,” Volodin wrote."

"In his opinion, the economies of the G7 members – the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada – continue “to crack under the weight of sanctions imposed against Russia.”

The article below:

The Pentagon Bio-weapons - Dilyana.bg

The US Army regularly produces deadly viruses, bacteria and toxins in direct violation of the UN Convention on the prohibition of Biological Weapons. Hundreds of…
27-miute video summarizing Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's work to 2018. US-run biological research labs in Georgia, Ukraine, elsewhere, funded with Pentagon money and operating under diplomatic cover


"Biden Throws Zelensky Under The Bus: Ukraine Leader 'Brushed Off' Invasion Warnings"​

"Thus Washington can't exactly pretend it was all along taking the moral high ground while Biden is now throwing Zelensky under the bus. Essentially, the administration pushed Kiev to "stand up to Russia" - while publicly making empty promises that insiders knew would never be fulfilled. And still, the US and UK and particular are pushing a 'no compromise' approach that will only ensure a protracted conflict, and tragically more deaths. Or as Professor John Mearsheimer put it in a now famous 2015 address at the University of Chicago: "The West is leading Ukraine down the primrose path and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get wrecked."

The narrative of Ukrainian victory with mild losses is breaking apart rapidly under the weight of the reality of crushing Russian tactical and material superiority.

They themselves admit to losing a hundred-plus soldiers killed in action daily.'Outgunned by up to 40 to one!' Intelligence reports find huge Ukraine losses from Russia
— Armchair Warlord (@ArmchairW) June 10, 2022
"The timing of Biden Friday's comments describing Zelensky as essentially 'brushing off' warnings are also notable given they come as there's increasing widespread acknowledgement for the first time that Ukraine is losing in the Donbas."

Full article below:

Now they openly write about it, even though it was previously a "secret of the polichinel"

The location of the decision-making center for the Ukrainian Air Force and air defense has been established
The command of the Ukrainian Air Force is carried out from the American Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

The provision of operational information for the air defense and Air Force of Ukraine is carried out by the US military from the Ramstein Air Base. Initially, such information has already appeared, however, now it is confirmed by the American magazine "Coffee or Die", in a published article which reveals the role of the US military in providing Kiev with operational information about the situation in the vast region.

According to the data provided, a special advisory group of the US Air Force operates at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, providing combat operations of the Ukrainian Air Force and air defense against Russia. Probably, for this reason, it is possible to observe a fairly high level of coordination of the Ukrainian military in terms of countering missile strikes and the use of combat aviation.

"The Gray Wolf Group is studying the limited technological tools available to Ukrainians, whose air force consists mainly of Soviet-era equipment. With the assistance of Ukrainian colleagues, the team transmits recommendations along the chain of command of the Ministry of Defense for "inexpensive, game-changing" solutions to Ukraine's air combat problems. These solutions include proposals for the supply of equipment, as well as the transfer of tactics and equipment to pilots and auxiliary personnel of the Ukrainian Air Force, which can then be immediately used in combat. "Knowing their pilots, knowing their planes [...], we decide what we can do to create an effect on the battlefield," said the pilot, who asked not to publish his name because of the sensitive nature of his work," the material says.

For obvious reasons, no details on this matter are given, but earlier it really became known that the actual command of the Ukrainian Air Force is carried out by NATO countries, in particular, we are talking about the United States.

On the other hand, experts pay attention to the fact that such management has not led to any real success.
Установлено местоположение центра принятия решений для украинских ВВС и ПВО

Here is one of the results of such management "from Ramstein"
The Su-25 attack aircraft of the AFU mistakenly hit their artillery positions
The Ukrainian Su-25 mistakenly struck their positions in the Mykolaiv region.

The Ukrainian Air Force mistakenly destroyed the positions of its own long-range artillery. As it became known, a pair of Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft, flying over the Mykolaiv region, found unspecified positions of the Ukrainian military, in connection with which a blow was struck, as a result of which at least 3 D-30 artillery pieces were destroyed and about 30 Ukrainian servicemen were eliminated.

According to a number of data, the key reason for the mistake was the independent change of positions by artillery calculations, while it is noted that another coincidence could be that the Su-25 attack aircraft were operated by cadets who had no combat experience.

It is noteworthy that, according to a number of data, this is the sixth case of erroneous strikes by the Ukrainian military on their own since the beginning of this month, so, in particular, it became known earlier that a Ukrainian Su-27 attack aircraft was shot down from MANPADS, after which data appeared on an artillery strike on a column of Ukrainian troops etc.

There are no official comments from the AFU command on this matter yet.
Штурмовики Су-25 ВСУ по ошибке ударили по своим артиллерийским позициям

Теперь открыто об этом пишут, хоть и ранее это был "секрет полишинеля"
Один из результатов такого управления "из Рамштайна"

The chief of the Russian space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, has said that he believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life that might be more intelligent and technologically advanced than humanity. Aliens may also be studying the civilizations of Earth while staying unnoticed, he told Rossiya 24 on Saturday.

Thousands of factors could have contributed to the emergence of life anywhere in the universe, Rogozin said, adding that humanity’s ability to study space remains limited. “We know the ‘Big Bang’ theory but what if this ‘Big Bang’ took place only within a certain part of the universe that is visible to us?” the Roscosmos chief asked, adding that “there might be other worlds … as well as innumerable factors that could contribute to the emergence of life, including an intelligent one.”

We might be a subject to some external observation… Our technologies and our understanding of science might be insufficient to become aware of it.

There might be life forms out there that have advanced to a technological level that allowed them to study the human civilization and our planet itself just like humans do with other species here on Earth, Rogozin posited.

“We can study bacteria, but we can also be studied just like bacteria,” he added
There might be life forms out there that have advanced to a technological level that allowed them to study the human civilization and our planet itself just like humans do with other species here on Earth, Rogozin posited.

“We can study bacteria, but we can also be studied just like bacteria,” he added

What do the Russians know that we don't? ;-)

👽 🐉🔬🔍
An article about a trend noticed by US journalist Max Perry.

US Journo: Media's U-Turn in Ukraine Crisis Coverage Reflects West's Intention to Abandon Kiev

June 11, 2022
Ekaterina Blinova

Western corporate media has been on the side of the US decision to arm Ukraine while relentlessly vilifying Russia; yet suddenly, the latest series of articles mark a noticeable change in tone [for instance, in Adobe's post] and suggest that relations between Kiev and Washington are not as warm as they've been thought to be since late February, US journalist Max Parry says.

"I think the writing is on the wall that Kiev has unavoidably lost the war and the US needs a reason to disentangle itself from the quagmire in Ukraine," says American independent journalist Max Parry. "As we've seen in the past, Washington will abandon its own supposed allies for selfish reasons as soon as it is opportune to do so and I think that is really what's taking place here."

Thus, The New York Times on 6 June bemoaned the fact that Ukrainian soldiers have little if any skills to operate high-tech western weapons. [In Voyageur's post, this statement is supported by the words of one of the foreign merc's who had received the death penalty: "According to Pinner, the emphasis of the military training was mainly on "cleaning" and "maintaining military" equipment with not much of actual military training."] The newspaper's 8 June op-ed revealed that the US intelligence community lacks a clear picture of Ukraine's war strategy and casualties while the Biden administration continues to provide Kiev with heavy weaponry.

In the UK, The Guardian warned on 2 June that arms sent to Ukraine by the US and its NATO allies have every chance of ending up in the hands of criminals, citing head of Interpol Jürgen Stock. Another Guardian article insisted on 9 June that ending the Ukraine stand-off as soon as possible was "in the best interests of Ukraine and the West". On 10 June, the media outlet pointed out that Ukrainian casualties are running at a rate of somewhere between a staggering 600 and 1,000 a day.

For its part, CNN revealed, citing multiple sources, that US officials have in recent weeks been meeting regularly with their British and EU counterparts to discuss a potential framework for ceasefire and peace settlement without Kiev's direct participation.

Were US Spooks & Military Really Unaware of What Was Going on?

Parry wonders whether the US intelligence community, American congressmen and Pentagon officials were really incapable of foreseeing the unfolding scenario. On 19 April, CNN reported, citing Department of Defense and State Department officials that the US has no idea of what is happening to American weapons sent to Ukraine. American officials admitted at that time that they "have some information gaps" when it comes to Ukraine's strategy, casualties and usage of arms, but insisted, nevertheless, that the deliveries of lethal weapons to Kiev should be continued.

"The scenario of weapons reaching the black market or falling into the hands of extremist groups in a notoriously corrupt country such as Ukraine which has neo-Nazi militias incorporated into its armed forces was highly likely, but the West keeps repeating its same mistakes over and over," says Parry. "Representatives in Congress have even begun to call for monitoring and oversight of the arsenal being sent to Ukraine after experts warned about their possible end-use in illegal trade. Shouldn't they have thought of this before voting to authorise the security assistance?"

According to the journalist, members of the intelligence community seem to be questioning the competence of the Biden White House and his foreign policy team. However, it is incredibly difficult to believe that the intelligence community has been somehow unaware of the status of Ukraine's casualties, he notes. Parry suggests that it's more likely that there are internal power games within the US foreign policy establishment.

Economic Problems Accelerating West's Desire to Exit the Conflict

"The 'war fatigue' being talked about in the West over Ukraine was already certain to happen, but I think the severe effects on the economies of Europe and America along with the media's narrative collapse over the war have sped up the process," says the journalist. "The average westerner had little skin in the game in the conflict to begin with, but now that public confidence in media coverage of the war has fallen apart and gas prices are at record highs, the public has even less reason to buy into the propaganda."

After the New York Times ridiculously claimed that the surrender of Ukraine militants and Azov neo-Nazis was "evacuation," it's getting more difficult for people to believe what they are being told, he notes.

Inflation and rocketing prices are increasingly stinging Americans in the wake of western sanctions slapped on Russia after the beginning of Moscow's special operation in Ukraine in late February.

"The average American is feeling the effects of the anti-Russian sanctions at the gas pump and at the grocery store, and they have to begin to wonder if it's all worth it," remarks Parry. "As Ukraine's defeat becomes inescapable in the coming weeks and months, the economic situation is probably going to continue to get worse domestically. As the economic situation worsens in the US, this could have big implications in the 2022 mid-terms with a possible flip in control of the House."
Also, as a follow up to the article in Adobe's post, we get the Ukrainian side. It's turned into a he said/she said tiff of blaming each other for who made the other do what. But it's getting pretty clear that it's falling apart.

No, You: Ukraine's Top Officials Slam Biden Over Claims Leadership Did Not Heed US' Russia Warnings

Jun 11, 2022

Biden ruffled the feathers of top Ukrainian officials after his comments to Democrat fundraisers in Los Angeles, California, on Friday, in which the American president said Ukrainian leadership allegedly decided not to listen to the US' warnings prior to the start of Russia's special military operation.

Sergei Nikiforov, who serves as the spokesperson for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has blasted US President Joe Biden over recent remarks the American commander-in-chief made that suggested Ukrainian officials "didn't want to hear" about US intel suggesting the start of Russia special military operation.

According to a Ukrainian media reports on Saturday, Zelensky held more trust in his own intelligence.

"Therefore, the phrase 'did not want to hear' probably needs clarification," Nikiforov said, referring to Biden's comments. "In addition, if you remember, the president of Ukraine called on partners to introduce a package of preventive sanctions in order to encourage Russia to withdraw its troops and deescalate the situation."

Zelensky's spokesman added that in this case "we can already say that our partners 'did not want to hear us.'"

Nikiforov recalled that during the time before February 24, Zelensky had "three or four" telephone conversations with Biden, during which the presidents exchanged thoughts and assessments of the situation in detail.

On Friday, Biden expressed the thought that his Ukrainian counterpart, like many others, may have ignored warnings from the US of the imminent launch of Russia's special military operation.

"Nothing like this has happened since World War II," he said. "I know a lot of people thought I was maybe exaggerating. But I knew we had data to sustain [Putin] was going to go in, off the border. There was no doubt, and Zelensky didn't want to hear it."

At the time, Ukrainian officials claimed that predictions of intrusion were destabilizing Ukraine and bolstering Russia's interests.
However, Ukraine sought backing in the form of lethal aid from the beginning, and the West gradually succumbed to the demands of Kiev [The USA alone has spent billions of dollars in aide packages of weapons, ammunition, training, etc., to Ukraine, and pretty willingly, one could say enthusiastically even, too. That doesn't sound like poor America grudgingly having its arm twisted.], starting to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine, after Russian troops destroyed virtually all of Ukraine's own equipment.

Western arms shipments are often targeted by precision-guided Russian missile strikes, and top officials in Moscow have repeatedly stated that such shipments are legitimate military targets.

Since the end of fall 2021, the rising of tensions at the Ukrainian border has been widely discussed across the world. In December 2021, Russia proposed a treaty with NATO that stipulated the red lines for its own security, such as the clause on the non-expansion of NATO and the return of the alliance to the 1997 borders.

The West ultimately ignored the proposals, threatened Russia with sanctions, and supplied Ukraine with "partisan" weapons, which, according to the Kremlin, did not leave Russia a choice but to launch the special military operation to demilitarize and "de-nazify" Ukraine and ensure the safety of the people in Donbass.
Here’s what it looks like when Russian liberates a city!

My favorite video is the first one posted. 12.06.2022 under Melitopol with a child running in the park, singing dancing food and what a beautiful country. All the videos are good in their own right. Some are of people cleaning and rebuilding from the damage. The last Kherson video the guy is doing a lot of talking, but none of these videos have English. No matter, I get the picture😊

Melitopol today 12.06.2022

Kherson - 08.06.2022
Kherson - 10.06.2022
Kherson - 11.06.2022
Kherson - 12.06.2022 Херсон Празднование Дня России 12.06.22

Symferopol in Crimea Мелитопольская черешня.Крым.Дефицит товара.
The last Kherson video the guy is doing a lot of talking, but none of these videos have English.
My subtitles are translated into English. Just in case, I wrote it down for you.
Just nostalgia, I visited Kherson in 2007-08. It's nice to see that the city has been preserved amid the nightmare going on in Ukraine.

Hello, today in kherson there is a big holiday "day of russia". I just moved a little from stage their very loudly, so of course Vladimir Vasilievich spoke, congratulated everyone on russia day, congratulated everyone on the great holiday of the trinity. Very much people are celebrating and happy there, is a concert then there will be a big programs for children. Today there will be a holidays all day long, first here then near the concert hall "Юбилейный". That's why the whole city celebrates. Our safety is guarded by the Russian Guard and we have nothing to fear.
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