Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

'The US and NATO strategy for expanding the Ukrainian conflict.'

US to send heavy guided missiles to Ukraine

14 Jun, 2022
Pentagon policy chief Colin Kahl revealed the payload for HIMARS launchers

The US is sending Ukraine heavy guided missiles with a range of 70km for use with the HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl revealed on Tuesday. The White House previously said that HIMARS launchers would be provided with “battlefield munitions,” widely understood to be unguided rockets with a shorter range.

The high-mobility artillery rocket system will come with GMLRS guided rockets, Kahl said on Tuesday, speaking at a conference hosted by the Center for New American Security (CNAS), a Democrat-linked think tank for which he used to work.

“Sometimes when you see images of MLRS firing off, it’s like salvos of multiple rockets going off at the same time. That’s really not how this system is meant to operate,” Kahl said.

“The GMLRS is a precision guided munition, and a big one – a 500 pound munition,” he added. “Think of GMLRS more like the effect of an airstrike rather than launching off whole salvos. So, in other words, you can do a lot with a little, or you don’t need a lot to have a significant effect.”

When the White House first announced it was sending HIMARS launchers to Ukraine on June 1, it said they would be armed with “battlefield munitions,” which was widely taken to mean barrage rockets with a range of between 32km and 60km, considering that HIMARS is also capable of launching ballistic projectiles with a range of up to 300km.

“The range does not depend on the system itself, but on the missiles that are used,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a TV interview earlier this month, adding that if the US sends long-range rockets Russia will “draw the appropriate conclusions and use our weapons, which we have enough of, in order to strike at those objects that we have not yet struck.”

Even though the US initially promised four launchers and said they had been “pre-positioned” in Europe, they have yet to reach Ukraine, according to the Pentagon. The first group of Ukrainian artillerists are currently finishing their training on the launchers, Kahl said.

The HIMARS launcher is equipped with one pod that can carry six GMLRS rockets, according to their maker, Lockheed Martin. The M270 launcher, which the UK has promised to Ukraine, carries two pods for double the payload. Kahl did not say how many rockets the US was sending.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, since the start of the conflict Ukraine has lost over 500 multiple rocket launch systems and more than 1,900 pieces of artillery. Kiev has beseeched its allies in the West to provide more weapons and ammunition.

“We’re going to provide the Ukrainians what they need to prosecute the targets inside Ukrainian territory that they’re looking to go after,” Kahl said at the end of his remarks about the HIMARS.

On Monday, the authorities in the Donetsk People’s Republic reported the heaviest Ukrainian shelling since 2015, with “indiscriminate” strikes on the city of Donetsk resulting in five fatalities and almost 40 civilian injuries. Among the incoming shells were 155mm munitions used by howitzers provided to Ukraine by the US and other NATO allies, authorities in the Donbass republic said, requesting additional military assistance from Russia.

Moscow has condemned the shelling of Donbass civilians as “absolutely barbaric.” A spokesman for the UN secretary-general called the shelling of a maternity hospital in Donetsk “an obvious breach of international humanitarian law.”

NATO pledges more heavy weapons for Ukraine

14 Jun, 2022
The bloc is unwilling to fight Russia directly and treats Kiev as a proxy, Dutch PM admits

Ukraine must get more NATO heavy weapons, the military bloc’s head said on Tuesday, ahead of a meeting of the US-led ‘contact group’ to discuss the logistics of that undertaking. NATO is trying to adapt to the “constantly changing” demands from Kiev, according to the US envoy to the alliance.

“Ukraine should have more heavy weapons and NATO allies and partners have provided heavy weapons ... and they are also stepping up,” Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday in The Hague, where he met with leaders of seven member countries ahead of the NATO summit scheduled for the end of June.

“In terms of weaponry, we stand united here that it is crucial for Russia to lose the war,” said Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who hosted the meeting. “And as we cannot have a direct confrontation between NATO troops and Russia, what we need to do is make sure that Ukraine can fight that war, that it has access to all the necessary weaponry.”

Romanian President Klaus Johannis, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, Belgian PM Alexander De Croo, Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki, Portuguese PM Antonio Costa, and Latvian PM Krisjanis Karins also attended the meeting in the Netherlands. Stoltenberg previously visited Sweden and Finland, which have applied to join NATO but will most likely not be formally invited to the June 29-30 summit in Madrid, due to Turkish objections.

Meanwhile, US Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne Smith was reported as saying that NATO countries are trying to adapt to Kiev’s demands for additional weapons, which are constantly changing.

According to the Pentagon, initial efforts to supply Ukraine focused on portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, but are now shifting to tanks and heavy artillery due to the nature of the current fighting in Donbass.

Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has said that Kiev urgently needs 1,000 howitzers, 300 multiple-launch rocket systems, 500 tanks, 2,000 armored vehicles, and 1,000 drones.

While the US has pledged only four HIMARS rocket launchers, the Pentagon’s policy chief, Colin Kahl, on Tuesday revealed that they would be supplied with heavy guided missiles, with a range of 70 kilometers.

Meanwhile, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has arrived in Brussels, where he will chair the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group to discuss how to best supply Kiev. According to an unnamed US official quoted by the Pentagon’s news release, “Ukrainians know themselves best what they’re dealing with, and we actively seek their information on the battlefield conditions.”

“Generally, we take their assessment as reliable and valid,”
the official added.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered Minsk Protocol was designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.
(Translated by Google)

Sweden sent its submarine to the Baltic Sea

Submarine of the Swedish Navy launched into the Baltic Sea.

NATO countries and allies of the North Atlantic Alliance continue to openly provocation against Russia. As it became known, Sweden, which had just applied for joining the western military bloc, launched its submarine into the Baltic Sea, which is expected to practice tasks related to hitting surface targets with torpedoes.

At the moment, there is information that we are talking about sending Gotland-class submarines to the Baltic Sea. What specific submarine is in question is not specified, however, today the Swedish Navy has three submarines of this type in service.

It is known that the dispatch of a Swedish Navy submarine to the Baltic Sea was authorized against the backdrop of NATO exercises in the region. At the same time, experts believe that Stockholm is clearly trying to demonstrate the presence of its ships and submarines in the immediate vicinity of the Russian borders.

At the same time, experts note that the Russian military is actively monitoring the movement of any foreign warships near the Russian borders, and it is likely that the Swedish submarine did not go unnoticed, although the latter does not carry missile weapons.
(Translated by Google)

The location of the decision-making center for the Ukrainian Air Force and Air Defense has been established

The command of the Ukrainian Air Force is carried out from the American air base Ramstein in Germany.

The provision of operational information for the air defense and air force of Ukraine is carried out by the US military from the territory of the Ramstein airbase. Initially, such information has already appeared, however, it has now been confirmed by the American magazine Coffee or Die, in a published article which reveals the role of the US military in providing Kyiv with operational information about the situation in a vast region.

According to the data presented, a special advisory group of the US Air Force operates at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, which ensures the conduct of combat operations of the Ukrainian Air Force and Air Defense against Russia. Probably, it is for this reason that one can observe a rather high level of coordination of the Ukrainian military in terms of countering missile strikes and using combat aircraft.

The Gray Wolf Group is exploring the limited technological tools available to Ukrainians, whose air force is made up largely of Soviet-era hardware. With the assistance of Ukrainian colleagues, the team relays recommendations through the Ministry of Defense chain of command for "low-cost, game-changing" solutions to Ukraine's air combat problems. These decisions include proposals for the supply of equipment, as well as the transfer of tactics and equipment to pilots and support personnel of the Ukrainian Air Force, which can then be immediately used in combat. “Knowing their pilots, knowing their aircraft […] we decide what we can do to create an impact on the battlefield,” said the pilot, who asked not to be named due to the sensitive nature of his work . .

For obvious reasons, no details are given on this matter, but earlier it really became known that the actual command of the Ukrainian Air Force is carried out by NATO countries, in particular, we are talking about the United States.

On the other hand, experts draw attention to the fact that such management has not led to any real success.
'The US is dragging Europe into war with Russia.'
'The US and NATO strategy for expanding the Ukrainian conflict.'

US to send heavy guided missiles to Ukraine

14 Jun, 2022

NATO pledges more heavy weapons for Ukraine

14 Jun, 2022

(Translated by Google)

Sweden sent its submarine to the Baltic Sea


(Translated by Google)

The location of the decision-making center for the Ukrainian Air Force and Air Defense has been established


'The US is dragging Europe into war with Russia.'
I think so. They are doing everything to start a big war. A big, big one. I hope I am wrong, but I am reading a lot of serious articles about this.
From Maria Zaharova.
The West sets the law for others, not for itself.

On Soviet arms exports from the EU to Ukraine

When the Warsaw Treaty Organization (WTO) and then the Soviet Union ceased to exist, huge stocks of military equipment remained at the disposal of the national armies of the "new Europeans. After the former Warsaw Pact countries joined NATO (which happened despite guarantees given by the Western powers not to expand eastward after the reunification of Germany), Soviet equipment and weapons created under Soviet licenses were made available to the alliance. It is these that the Europeans are now sending to Ukraine.

Let's leave the moral (or rather amoral) aspect of arms deliveries to the Kiev Nazis out of the equation and look at the documents. Since 2008 the arms export by the EU member-states is regulated by the so called "Common Position" of the EU Council 2008/944/OICA of 08.12.2008, which defines the general rules of control of export of military technologies and equipment.

In this document in article 2 clear criteria are formulated. For example, "member states must deny export licenses if there is a clear risk that exported military technology or equipment could be used for internal repression. Or "member states must deny export licenses for military technology or equipment that could provoke or prolong armed conflicts or exacerbate existing tensions or conflicts in the country of final destination.

While the second criterion is clear (current deliveries of Soviet weapons systems, including armored vehicles, cannot be made because they prolong the course of conflict), the first is an interesting quandary.

EU countries should not, in principle, supply arms, including Soviet arms, to a state that is using, has used, or intends to use them against its own citizens in an internal conflict. It is clear why this was done: to prevent civil wars from being fomented in the arms-importing countries. At the same time, the European Union does not recognize the change of Ukraine's territorial borders, that is, contrary to the current political and administrative realities, it considers the territories of the DNR and LNR to be Ukrainian. This means that either by supplying weapons, Brussels recognizes the DNR and LNR (in which case the conflict ceases to be an internal Ukrainian conflict), or the EU member states violate the fundamental principles of integration.

Apparently, in their haste to supply arms, European strategists did not think about the fact that they actually put themselves in a zugzwang - they have no choice but to stop supplying arms, recalling everything they sent, or to recognize the DNR and LNR.
The evacuation of the Azot plant presents a real challenge, although it is not on the same scale of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. If humanitarian corridors are proposed in the direction of Russian forces then they will not support Ukrainian propaganda purposes and may be rejected. If they are in the direction of Lysychansk then they present an opportunity for Ukrainian forces to shell them and blame Russia (if they even agree to release their human shields at all).

Unlike Azovstal, options are much more limited due to the river and the fact that the last bridge was destroyed recently. Hopefully Ukraine's options for using artillery are also reduced so we don't see a repeat of the 'failed humanitarian corridors' fiasco with Western media accusing the Russians of repeatedly breaking agreements and shelling civilians. Hopefully lessons have been learned about the likely plans of the Ukraine/Western intelligence alliance.

I doubt there was any real trust to begin with but the cynicism and disregard for humanity from the Ukraine side seemingly has no limits. The more that everyone involved can see that, the better. It's just a tragedy that it had to get to this point.
Just watched this lengthy but astute and interesting interview with Noam Chomsky. The only thing that I found he may not be as informed about is Global Warming but almost everything else seemed spot on. His wide range of knowledge and connections is impressive to me. It is a good how we got here and where we are going message. He gives no easy suggestions to end the continuing insanity but describes it very well I think.

He stresses the need for negotiations and the Minsk Agreement 2 at the end.

Another interesting video I stumbled upon is an interview by Lex Friedman who has Russian/Ukrainian roots with Oliver Stone on Ukraine. There are other topics in the interview such as Climate Change and nuclear energy. Global Warming/Climate Change is a subject that has been accepted by the world at large even by many who see the US's negative influence around the world on any country opposing them.
Both the interviewer and Oliver Stone are a refreshing change from all the MSM lies.

There are talking points listed to shorten the view since it is almost a 2-hour video interview.

0:00 - Introduction

2:54 - Nuclear power

15:52 - Russia and US relations

21:07 - JFK and the Cold War

26:24 - Interviewing Putin

50:02 - Invasion of Ukraine

59:20 - Why Putin invaded Ukraine

1:13:44 - Propaganda

1:21:02 - Interviewing Putin in 2022

1:28:17 - Nuclear war

1:34:28 - Advice on interviewing

1:38:09 - Interviewing Hitler

1:41:30 - Putin interview language barrier

1:42:41 - Love

1:44:36 - Advice to young people

1:47:42 - Mortality

1:48:44 - Regrets

1:50:41 - Meaning of life
'Does the Ukrainian GTS have account in Gazprombank?'

Ukraine suggests solution to EU gas crisis

15 Jun, 2022
Kiev says it’s ready to pump more Russian gas via key transit point

Ukrainian gas transmission system operator GTS said on Wednesday it was ready to increase the volume of gas transit through the Sudzha entry point to supply the EU. This comes as the continent faces cuts to Russian gas-supply via the Nord Stream pipeline.

“In order to help prepare European countries for the next heating season, GTS of Ukraine is ready to consider the possibility of an additional temporary increase in transit volumes that can fully compensate for the lack of transportation through Nord Stream 1, subject to a relevant request from Gazprom,” the operator said in a statement on its Telegram channel.

Russian energy major Gazprom announced on Wednesday that overall flows via the Nord Stream pipeline will decrease by 60% starting from June 16. The company explained it was forced to halt the operation of another Siemens gas pumping unit on the pipeline, cutting daily supplies to just 67 million cubic meters from the 167 million cubic meters it regularly delivers.

The German company confirmed on Wednesday that gas pumping units had not been returned to it from repair in Canada due to sanctions against Russia.

The Nord Stream pipeline, which runs under the Baltic Sea and delivers Russian gas to Germany, supplies the EU market with around 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year.
Just watched this lengthy but astute and interesting interview with Noam Chomsky. The only thing that I found he may not be as informed about is Global Warming but almost everything else seemed spot on.

I have to disagree. Last time I looked, Chomsky had totally missed the boat on what is really going on in terms of Ukraine/Russia/West and was parroting the western BS Propaganda, word by word. And from the short snippets I saw in the video above, nothing much seems to have changed in that regard. He compares Putin's actions in Ukraine with the Iraq war and Hitlers invasion of Poland while blaming Russia/Putin for "creating" the economic crises etc.
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Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We

I predicted this, and now its happened.Oh yeah, it hasn't been 'recognized' yet, but it will be.There are reports that Zelinsky is drafting women.
You don't do that unless you're out of fighting-age men who can actually fight. Note that the soyman who runs away or spends his time buttfucking and/or preening can't actually fight, and you must have people who can. When you even contemplate drafting women you've made a statement that you're out of competent fighting men. This is similar to what the NVA did after Tet and what Iran did, but both grabbed literal boys, shoved rifles in their hands and sent them out to die. Which they did, in size. The war was over in that case both times, but not yet admitted. In the former case we literally walked away from a win thanks to Cronkite and the stupidity of the American people buying his bullshit. Thus it is here, except this time its just money, much of which has been siphoned off by defense contractors and the families of politicians -- like fuckface Biden.

Russia has employed a nasty and very effective strategy which our so-called "punditry" has entirely failed to understand. Putin's folks lob artillery shells at the other guys; anything within 10-20 miles of their weapons gets pulverized. With satellite and UAV targeting and fire direction these are wildly effective -- and cheap. He can do this all day long for almost no money. He blasts away until your force is cut in half, creating a no-go zone where if you stick your head up to try to return fire it gets blown up and then slowly does a pincer on one of the pieces, making the perimeter ever-smaller until they either surrender or are all dead. Then he goes after the next one, and so on.

Ukraine has proved incapable of hitting Putin's field pieces as they do not have air superiority and man-portable stuff does not have the range to hit them. Thus Putin can do this with impunity -- and is.

Yeah, Russian soldiers are dying. But Ukraine is losing both men and material at a much higher rate, and slowly, one-by-one, all the places in the eastern part of the nation are having their Ukrainian troops removed. In pieces.

At the same time the so-called Russian Sanctions have blown up spectacularly in the western world's face. Russia now has a stronger currency than it did before the war we instigated began. Oil and Natural Gas, never mind things like fertilizer, are nice and expensive which suits Putin just fine. He has negotiated long term interchange with China for both and is building out the capacity to wildly increase same. Europe is fucked down the road as a result and in the meantime they got nothing for all these "sanctions."

For that matter so are we. We've sequestered our inflationary deficit spending overseas via the China/US (and other nations, including India) trade deficit for the last two decades. That's over and will never come back because none of the nations that we were doing it with have any reason to allow it ever again and they don't need to. Not a single member of the Fed or other "economic punditry" has said one word about this although I sure as Hell have. At the same time Russia is shipping oil to these nations who then cross-ship it back, some refined first, and there's absolutely no way to do anything about that since we're incapable of sanctioning either without instantly detonating our supply chains, offshored labor or both. As a result we can no longer spend in deficit without it reflecting back into inflation which means the "free ride" gave has been terminated and while this was always eventually going to end we did this to ourselves and thus the inflation you're seeing and will continue to see was and is caused directly by our policies and our government.

Thus the only way to stop the inflation is to stop deficit spending -- all of it -- right now.

Biden and his vunt nutjob Nuland along with many others royally fucked up. There's nothing to be done to salvage this; you can't directly engage in armed combat with Russia without everyone glowing in the dark and everyone with 2 or more IQ points knows it.

We had better reverse course on all of our insanity with regard to energy now -- including oil, natural gas and especially coal, which has a stable long-term price structure or we're going to get fucked. The economy here will fold back into a deep, nasty inflationary recession materially worse than the Carter Stagflation, which I remind you we caused with our stupidity related to the Arab Oil Embargo.

Further, we can no longer spend, at the federal level, anything we do not first tax from someone. I do not give a wet crap what the excuse is from the left or right it all stops now or we will continue to get a wild inflationary spike, demand destruction will inevitably follow and so will severe civil unrest when the blackouts start along with the inability to fund food or even worse -- civil war.

If you're flying a Ukraine flag, assholes, you are the identified enemy right here at home, thank you very much for wearing an enemy uniform openly in public and you deserve to be forced to pay every damned dime of the economic cost to this nation for that act of STUPIDITY. You ALL deserve the worst of what is to come AND IT IS COMING, like it or not. I and many others will do our level best to make sure YOU and your entire family eat that cost -- every damn cent of it. You are the most-stupid follower of the "next shiny object" and frankly, you are too fucking stupid to consume oxygen that could and should instead be used by something like a hog that actually produces a useful end product -- tasty bacon.
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Xi, Putin hold phone call, vow mutual support amid global turbulence

"Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday afternoon held a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, with analysts saying this is a signal to the world that the close China-Russia strategic partnership and high-level mutual trust between the two sides remain unchanged when the world is experiencing turbulence and uncertainty."

Article below:


Japanese PM to attend NATO summit for the first time​

“I intend to make an appeal that changing the status quo unilaterally by force is unacceptable anywhere in the world and that security in Europe is inseparable from security in Indo-Pacific,” Kishida said during a news conference. “Russia’s invasion violates the peace and order of the world and can never be tolerated.”

Article below:


US reacts to reported capture of American fighters in Ukraine​

"According to media reports, Drueke is a 39-year-old from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He signed up with the US Army after 9/11 and held the rank of staff sergeant while serving in Iraq. His mother told The Telegraph that he suffered from PTSD."

"Huynh is a 27-year-old from Hartselle, Alabama, who had previously served for four years in the US Marines but had no combat experience before going to Ukraine. He got engaged in March before traveling to Europe."

"John Kirby, the former Pentagon spokesman who now serves as US National Security Council coordinator for Strategic Communications, pledged to use Washington's leverage to secure their release, if the reported capture is confirmed."

“If it’s true, we’ll do everything we can to get them safely back home,” he said, during a press conference in the White House."

Article below:


Not the best translation (machine).

The embassy of Russia in France, the grandson of general de Gaulle spoke about the conflict in ukraine. He delivered a sharp critic of western policies on the folder, ascribing particular to Paris, a "submission to NATO". On June 14, the embassy of Russia in France has organized an official reception on the occasion of the Day of Russia. The event was attended by many guests who included foreign diplomats, cultural figures or representatives of associations of compatriots. The number of stakeholders, the grandson of general charles de Gaulle expressed his commitment to the franco-Russian, lamenting the many factors that, according to him, it could damage the handle.

En savoir plus sur RT France : «Rôle funeste de l’OTAN» : le petit fils de Gaulle sur l'existence d'un agenda américain en Ukraine
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