Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

At the expense of someone who is fighting on the side of the Ukrainian regime. Killed American mercenaries on a gopro camera taken from them.

South front posted it today then took it out and brought it back with the following message;

UPDATE: The video turned out to be fake and was published online about two years ago. The SouthFront Team asks your pardon for this mistake. We would like to thank our readers who support our work, including in fact-checking.​

Russia appears to be VERY angry with Germany for supplying arms to Ukraine. Crossed the red line they say. So why does Germany get their angst? Haven’t many other countries done the same thing? All under the threat of the Russian don’t you dare statements. So why Germany? Even after reading the article, it doesn’t seem very clear. From the article, here's the best statement that supports the specific words to Germany.

"He added that Berlin should have known better, “considering the moral and historic responsibility that Germany has before our people for the Nazi crimes.”"

“They have crossed the Rubicon,”
Nechaev stated, using an idiom for passing the point of no return."

“The very fact that the Ukrainian regime is being supplied with German-made lethal weapons, which are used not only against Russian military service members, but also the civilian population of Donbass, crosses the red line,” Ambassador Sergey Nechaev said in an interview with Izvestia newspaper."

Article below:

Germany has ‘crossed red line’ – Russia​

I would say because Nechaev is ambassador to Germany. He speaks of what is his job - Germany. There is no hints that he speaks for the whole russian administration.
With Russian air cover, an attack on one of the American bases in Syria would be possible - the USA would be forced to choose between shooting down Russian planes and flirting with nuclear war, or humbly accepting the loss of an illegal base that it has worked hard to hide from its own citizens. Given the utter lack of enthusiasm among the American public for yet another war in the Middle East, it seems that the USA would simply have to swallow the loss.
I think the US would choose to shoot down Russian planes in Syria. The US has already sunken the Russian ship in Ukraine, and it would be a fairly straightforward propaganda job to say the US was minding its own business and defending its own base in Syria when it shot down attacking Russian planes.
Russia appears to be VERY angry with Germany for supplying arms to Ukraine. Crossed the red line they say. So why does Germany get their angst? Haven’t many other countries done the same thing? All under the threat of the Russian don’t you dare statements. So why Germany? Even after reading the article, it doesn’t seem very clear. From the article, here's the best statement that supports the specific words to Germany.
Russia can't very well call out the US or Britain. That would be very inflammatory, risking the nuclear option and a total disaster for all sides. The Russians are too clever and that is not their style to call out the US directly... yet. Germany = NATO, which is itself a kind of US proxy anyway. As that Serge guy said, if the US denies its own presence in Ukraine (aside from sending big dollars and weapons) the Russians have plausible deniability: "Gee, we didn't know we were blowing up NATO assets that included US advisors..."

That said, the Russians are one country (Poland) away from rolling into Germany by land. No such chance of that for Britain or the US. And then there is the Russian gas pipeline to Germany issue. So by applying the heat to Germany, they hope Germany whines and pleads about it and gets the US to back down. I think the point is to weaken the resolve of the NATO/EU members to risk plunging the region into utter chaos and destruction. Germany is the soon-to-be-former economic powerhouse of the EU. Furthermore, with all those Polish mercenaries in Ukraine, Russia has an excuse for flexing its muscles in Poland and waltzing into the one buffer state between a direct German/Russian confrontation.

To use a crass, quick down-and-dirty cut of phrase: Russia has Germany by the balls and if the Germans do not behave better, the Russians will squeeze them hard.

That is what Russia is saying in so many words.

Germany is just one head of the Medusa, but a very important one.
Jacques Lévy 0:40
Publication de l'utilisateur
Franck Viou.

Franck Viou

Dans chaque gouvernement de l'UE, il y a des nazis semblables à ceux du gouvernement ukrainien

Les mots explosifs de Vladimir Poutine dédiés à chaque personne pensante.
Moi, Président de la Fédération de Russie Vladimir Poutine, j'ai décidé de m'adresser à vous tous directement et de laisser de côté les diplomates, vos dirigeants et les journalistes.
En Russie, il existe un terme tel que "émetteur radio" où on ne peut pas mentir, mentir et tricher. Je parlerai donc ouvertement pour que tout le monde puisse vérifier la véracité de mes paroles.
La Russie est un pays énorme et le plus riche. Sa valeur principale est plus de 150 nations vivant sur son territoire, où la liberté et la justice sont la priorité.
Nous n'avons pas besoin de nouveaux territoires.
Nous avons assez d'énergie et toutes les autres ressources.
Depuis l'époque du grand Tartarien et du grand Empire Mughol, les nations de l'Eurasie du Nord ne se sont pas développées grâce aux expéditions de vol et colonisation de l'Amérique, Afrique, Inde, narcisation de la Chine, mais grâce à leur diligence et la facilité.
Ceux qui connaissent la langue russe comprennent que le « russe » est un adjectif pour toutes les nations de notre pays. Slaves russes, Tatars russes, Juifs russes, Evenks russes, etc.
Ils sont l'âme des Russes, même si leur culture, leur langue et leur mode de vie peuvent différer. Nous saluons cette diversité d'unité !
Toutes les nations de Russie sont une fois de plus obligées de sacrifier leur vie pour défendre le monde du nazisme et du fascisme.
Nous avons échangé 50 prisonniers de guerre contre 50 soldats ukrainiens.
Les soldats ukrainiens ont été soignés dans nos hôpitaux, nourris trois repas par jour et sont rentrés chez eux sains et saufs.
Nous avons ramené nos soldats de la captivité avec leurs doigts et leurs parties génitales coupés.
Même les nazis ne l'ont pas fait pendant la dernière guerre. Nous présenterons cette preuve au futur tribunal.
Honte à tous ceux qui soutiennent maintenant ces salauds !
Vos dirigeants aux États-Unis, en Europe, au Japon, en Australie et dans d'autres pays se sont du côté de ces sous-hommes qui se cachent derrière des civils, des femmes enceintes et des enfants au combat et mutilent intentionnellement les prisonniers de guerre.
Je ne peux pas imaginer une personne saine d'esprit qui soutiendrait ces atrocités.
Et vos Bidens, Scholz, Macron et d'autres démocrates odieux criminels non seulement protègent mais aussi les arment activement et les approvisionnent en argent qui ne suffit pas pour maintenir les prix bas dans vos pays.
Les prix augmentent et le monde s'effondre, mais pas parce que les Russes éliminent la vermine nazie en Europe, mais parce que vous observez silencieusement et soutenez réellement la nouvelle vague du nazisme.
Nous n'irons pas à Berlin cette fois. Nous nous tenons sur nos frontières historiques et toutes les vermines nazies que vos dirigeants ouvrent grandement pour vous préparer une nouvelle vie "cristal", tout comme les nazis l'ont fait, vont se joindre à nous.
À chaque personne qui veut vivre et travailler en paix, élever des enfants et se lier d'amitié avec les nations du monde.
Aidez la Russie à gérer la nouvelle tumeur cancéreuse - le nazisme ukrainien.
Pas avec l'Ukraine, où vivent des gens pacifiques et travailleurs, mais avec le nazisme, qui est élevé par les faucons américains et de l'OTAN pour vos impôts.
Si vos dirigeants soutiennent le nazisme, évincez-les, prenez le pouvoir dans vos mains !
Les nazis ukrainiens se protègent des balles dans le dos des paisibles citoyens, vos dirigeants, sous prétexte de la terrible Russie, ont décidé de transférer le fardeau des prix élevés et des pénuries imminentes à la population.
Comme en Ukraine, les nazis vivent bien sur le dos des citoyens ordinaires, tandis que les gens ordinaires doivent souffrir - en Ukraine et en Occident ce sont les mêmes crimes.
Nous n'avons rompu aucune de nos promesses alors que vos dirigeants ont volé 300 milliards de dollars et d'euros au peuple russe.
Ils pillent les biens des citoyens de notre pays dans le monde entier, mutilent délibérément nos soldats, interdisent la langue russe et attaquent l'église orthodoxe.
J'observe que dans les pays où les gouvernements durcissent les sanctions contre la Russie, la prise de conscience de ce qui se passe augmente et la vague de protestations s'étend.
Vous devriez penser à remplacer les politiciens qui se cachent dans votre dos des balles et des prix.
Et ne remets pas ça.
Si nous nous unissons, dans une semaine, il n'y aura pas de nazis en Ukraine, une vie normale sera rétablie en Europe, aux USA et dans d'autres pays et nous serons ensemble devant un nouveau tribunal de nazis ukrainiens et de tous les dirigeants qui soutiennent le nazisme.
Nos efforts sont valables.
Nous allons vaincre le nazisme
J'aimerais partager cette victoire avec tout le monde le plus vite possible.
Vladimir Poutine, président de la RF


Jacques Lévy 0:40
User publication
Franck Viou.
Franck Viou
Jul 31st at 4:01
🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 In every EU government there are Nazis similar to the Ukrainian government 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Vladimir Putin's explosive words dedicated to every thinking person.
I, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, have decided to address all of you directly and leave out diplomats, your leaders and journalists.
In Russia, there is such a term as "radio transmitter" where you cannot lie, lie and cheat. So I will speak openly so that everyone can check the truth of my words.
Russia is a huge country and the richest. Its main value is more than 150 nations living on its territory, where freedom and justice are the priority.
We do not need new territories.
We have enough energy and all other resources.
Since the time of the great Tartarian and the great Mughol Empire, the nations of Northern Eurasia have not developed through the expeditions of robbery and colonization of America, Africa, India, narcization of China, but through their diligence and ease.
Those who know Russian language understand that "Russian" is an adjective for all nations of our country. Russian Slavs, Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, Russian Evenks, etc.
They are the soul of Russians, even if their culture, language and way of life may differ. We welcome this diversity of unity!
All nations of Russia are once again forced to sacrifice their lives to defend the world from Nazism and Fascism.
We exchanged 50 prisoners of war for 50 Ukrainian soldiers.
The Ukrainian soldiers were treated in our hospitals, fed three meals a day and returned home safely.
We brought our soldiers back from captivity with their fingers and genitals cut off.
Even the Nazis did not do this during the last war. We will present this evidence in the future court.
Shame on all those who now support these bastards!
Your leaders in the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia and other countries are on the side of these subhumans who hide behind civilians, pregnant women and children in battle and intentionally maim prisoners of war.
I can't imagine any sane person who would support these atrocities.
And your Bidens, Scholz, Macron and other criminal obnoxious democrats not only protect but actively arm them and supply them with money that is not enough to keep the prices down in your countries.
Prices are rising and the world is falling apart, but not because the Russians are eliminating the Nazi vermin in Europe, but because you are silently watching and actually supporting the new wave of Nazism.
We will not go to Berlin this time. We stand on our historical borders and all the Nazi vermin that your leaders are opening wide to prepare a new "crystal" life for you, just like the Nazis did, will join us.
To every person who wants to live and work in peace, raise children and befriend the nations of the world.
Help Russia to manage the new cancerous tumor - Ukrainian Nazism.
Not with Ukraine, where peaceful and hard-working people live, but with Nazism, which is raised by American and NATO hawks for your tax dollars.
If your leaders support Nazism, oust them, take the power in your hands!
Ukrainian Nazis are protecting themselves from bullets in the back of peaceful citizens, your leaders, under the pretext of the terrible Russia, decided to transfer the burden of high prices and impending shortages to the population.
As in Ukraine, the Nazis live well on the backs of ordinary citizens, while ordinary people have to suffer - in Ukraine and the West it is the same crimes.
We have not broken any of our promises while your leaders have stolen 300 billion dollars and euros from the Russian people.
They plunder the property of our country's citizens all over the world, deliberately maim our soldiers, ban the Russian language and attack the Orthodox Church.
I observe that in countries where governments are tightening sanctions against Russia, awareness of what is happening is growing and the wave of protests is spreading.
You should think about replacing the politicians who are hiding behind your back from bullets and prizes.
And don't put it off.
If we unite, in a week there will be no Nazis in Ukraine, normal life will be restored in Europe, USA and other countries and we will stand together before a new court of Ukrainian Nazis and all leaders who support Nazism.
Our efforts are worthwhile.
We will defeat Nazism.
I would like to share this victory with everyone as soon as possible.
Vladimir Putin, President of the RF🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰
⚡️Patrushev : les Ukrainiens tirent sur la centrale nucléaire de Zaporozhye sur ordre des États-Unis pour provoquer une catastrophe nucléaire
Le secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité de la Fédération de Russie, Nikolai Patrushev, a déclaré que les pays de l'OTAN fournissent à l'Ukraine des armes lourdes pour tirer sur la centrale nucléaire de Zaporozhye, et que les coordonnées des nœuds critiques de la station proviennent de Washington.
"Une menace sérieuse pour la radioprotection est le bombardement par des nationalistes ukrainiens d'installations critiques de la centrale nucléaire de Zaporozhye avec des armes lourdes fournies par les pays de l'OTAN, dont la désignation de cibles est effectuée par les États-Unis", a déclaré Patrushev lors d'une réunion sur la garantie la sécurité nationale.
Dimanche soir, après une nouvelle frappe d'artillerie, le dernier qui fonctionnait à la centrale, le sixième réacteur, a été éteint.
Note : Nikolaï Patrushev est le responsable Russe le plus proche de Vladimir Poutine. En cas de problème empêchant le Président d'assumer ses fonctions c'est lui qui prendra la direction du pays. Certains le voient comme successeur de Vladimir Poutine, ce qui serait une très mauvaise nouvelle pour les pays occidentaux.

⚡️Patrushev: Ukrainians fire on Zaporozhye nuclear power plant on US orders to cause nuclear disaster
Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev said that NATO countries provide Ukraine with heavy weapons to fire on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, and that the coordinates of the critical nodes of the station come from Washington.
"A serious threat to radiation protection is the bombing by Ukrainian nationalists of critical facilities of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant with heavy weapons provided by NATO countries, the designation of targets of which is carried out by the United States," Patrushev said at a meeting on ensuring national security.
On Sunday evening, after another artillery strike, the last functioning reactor at the plant, the sixth reactor, was shut down.
Note: Nikolai Patrushev is the closest Russian official to Vladimir Putin. In case of problems preventing the President from assuming his duties, he will take over the leadership of the country. Some see him as Vladimir Putin's successor, which would be very bad news for Western countries.

Le problème n'est pas Poutine.
Le problème, ce sont les Russes.
Citation du British Guardian à gauche :
"La note de Poutine a augmenté de 6 points de pourcentage pour atteindre 70 % le 27 février..."
Eh bien, c'est-à-dire que plus personne ne cache vraiment que l'objectif principal pour eux n'est même pas le leadership de la Russie, mais le pays lui-même et, surtout, notre peuple. Vous et moi.
Parce que nous sommes comme un os dans la gorge sur la voie de l'ordre diabolique mondial, pour lequel nos frères de chair, mais pas d'esprit, des Forces armées ukrainiennes se battent de manière si désintéressée. Pour l'essentiel, nous n'acceptons pas les attributs d'un ordre mondial anti-humain : nous ne voulons pas que nos enfants changent de sexe, nous ne voulons pas la légalisation de la pédophilie, nous ne voulons pas la transformation d'une personne en un chimère cybernétique numérique. Peuple très réactionnaire, en général, nous nous tenons sur la voie du progrès. Et maintenant ils ont fait monter les enchères au ciel, pour eux c'est la dernière et décisive bataille contre la Russie, le peuple russe et les autres peuples qui ont lié leur destin avec nous.
Il est temps pour nous tous de comprendre cela, de nous rassembler et de riposter.
Ivan P.

The problem is not Putin.
The problem is the Russians.
Quote from the British Guardian left:
"Putin's rating rose six percentage points to 70 percent on February 27..."
Well, that is, no one is really hiding anymore that the main goal for them is not even Russia's leadership, but the country itself and, most importantly, our people. You and I.
And why?
Because we are like a bone in the throat in the path of the diabolical world order, for which our brothers in flesh, but not in spirit, of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are fighting so selflessly. Basically, we do not accept the attributes of an anti-human world order: we do not want our children to change sex, we do not want the legalization of pedophilia, we do not want the transformation of a person into a digital cybernetic chimera. Very reactionary people, in general, we stand on the path of progress. And now they have raised the stakes to the sky, for them this is the last and decisive battle against Russia, the Russian people and other peoples who have tied their fate with us.
It is time for all of us to understand this, to gather and fight back.
Ivan P.

Violents affrontements entre l'Azerbaïdjan et l'Arménie. Les USA ouvrent un second front contre la Russie ?
Le Conseil de sécurité d'Arménie a décidé de demander l'aide de la Fédération de Russie afin de mettre en œuvre les dispositions du Traité d'amitié, de coopération et d'assistance mutuelle en rapport avec l'aggravation à la frontière arméno-azerbaïdjanaise

Violent clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The USA opens a second front against Russia ?
The Security Council of Armenia decided to request the assistance of the Russian Federation in implementing the provisions of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in connection with the aggravation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border

"Rien de ce que l'Occident a essayé de faire n'a réussi, au contraire, ça les a frappés"
L'analyste militaire américain Scott Ritter sur les manifestations à venir en Europe au sujet de la crise énergétique. Il prédit un changement de régimes politiques en Europe cet hiver en raison du mécontentement grandissant des habitants.
Les événements en République tchèque et en Allemagne ont montré que les gens sont vraiment prêts à descendre dans la rue avec des exigences strictes à l'égard des autorités. De plus, on ne parle pas de dizaines, mais de centaines de milliers de personnes. De plus en plus, il est dit que cet hiver froid, nos non-partenaires vont vivre de véritables émeutes avec les tentatives les plus brutales de réprimer les protestations populaires avec l'aide de la police et même de l'armée. Nous attendons et regardons.

"Nothing the West has tried to do has succeeded; on the contrary, it has hit them."
U.S. military analyst Scott Ritter on the upcoming protests in Europe over the energy crisis. He predicts a change of political regimes in Europe this winter due to growing discontent among the people.
The events in the Czech Republic and Germany have shown that people are really ready to take to the streets with strict demands on the authorities. Moreover, we are not talking about tens, but hundreds of thousands of people. More and more, it is said that this cold winter, our non-partners will experience real riots with the most brutal attempts to suppress popular protests with the help of the police and even the army. We are waiting and watching.

Вячеслав Володин:
La Maison Blanche a déclaré qu'elle condamnait les frappes aériennes russes sur des infrastructures critiques en Ukraine.
Et qu'a fait Washington pour arrêter les bombardements de civils dans le Donbass, où les gens vivent dans la peur, sans eau ni électricité depuis plus de huit ans ?
Que fait Washington maintenant pour arrêter les attaques contre la centrale nucléaire de Zaporizhzhya par les forces ukrainiennes qui menacent une catastrophe nucléaire ?
Il continue simplement à militariser le régime nazi de Kyiv, le poussant à de nouveaux crimes.
Il faut comprendre que tous les objectifs de l'opération militaire spéciale seront atteints dans tous les cas. Le régime de Kyiv sera dénazifié et l'aide militaire occidentale sera détruite.
Et si Washington, poursuivant la guerre jusqu'au dernier Ukrainien, pense que cela ne le touchera pas, alors il se trompe lourdement.

Вячеслав Володин:
The White House said it condemns Russian air strikes on critical infrastructure in Ukraine.
And what has Washington done to stop the bombing of civilians in Donbass, where people have lived in fear without water or electricity for more than eight years?
What is Washington doing now to stop the attacks on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant by Ukrainian forces that threaten a nuclear catastrophe?
It simply continues to militarize the Nazi regime in Kyiv, pushing it to new crimes.
It should be understood that all objectives of the special military operation will be achieved in any case. The regime in Kyiv will be denazified and Western military aid will be destroyed.
And if Washington, pursuing the war to the last Ukrainian, thinks that it will not be affected, then it is very wrong.
Jacques Lévy 0:40
Publication de l'utilisateur
Franck Viou.

Franck Viou

Dans chaque gouvernement de l'UE, il y a des nazis semblables à ceux du gouvernement ukrainien

Les mots explosifs de Vladimir Poutine dédiés à chaque personne pensante.
Moi, Président de la Fédération de Russie Vladimir Poutine, j'ai décidé de m'adresser à vous tous directement et de laisser de côté les diplomates, vos dirigeants et les journalistes.
En Russie, il existe un terme tel que "émetteur radio" où on ne peut pas mentir, mentir et tricher. Je parlerai donc ouvertement pour que tout le monde puisse vérifier la véracité de mes paroles.
La Russie est un pays énorme et le plus riche. Sa valeur principale est plus de 150 nations vivant sur son territoire, où la liberté et la justice sont la priorité.
Nous n'avons pas besoin de nouveaux territoires.
Nous avons assez d'énergie et toutes les autres ressources.
Depuis l'époque du grand Tartarien et du grand Empire Mughol, les nations de l'Eurasie du Nord ne se sont pas développées grâce aux expéditions de vol et colonisation de l'Amérique, Afrique, Inde, narcisation de la Chine, mais grâce à leur diligence et la facilité.
Ceux qui connaissent la langue russe comprennent que le « russe » est un adjectif pour toutes les nations de notre pays. Slaves russes, Tatars russes, Juifs russes, Evenks russes, etc.
Ils sont l'âme des Russes, même si leur culture, leur langue et leur mode de vie peuvent différer. Nous saluons cette diversité d'unité !
Toutes les nations de Russie sont une fois de plus obligées de sacrifier leur vie pour défendre le monde du nazisme et du fascisme.
Nous avons échangé 50 prisonniers de guerre contre 50 soldats ukrainiens.
Les soldats ukrainiens ont été soignés dans nos hôpitaux, nourris trois repas par jour et sont rentrés chez eux sains et saufs.
Nous avons ramené nos soldats de la captivité avec leurs doigts et leurs parties génitales coupés.
Même les nazis ne l'ont pas fait pendant la dernière guerre. Nous présenterons cette preuve au futur tribunal.
Honte à tous ceux qui soutiennent maintenant ces salauds !
Vos dirigeants aux États-Unis, en Europe, au Japon, en Australie et dans d'autres pays se sont du côté de ces sous-hommes qui se cachent derrière des civils, des femmes enceintes et des enfants au combat et mutilent intentionnellement les prisonniers de guerre.
Je ne peux pas imaginer une personne saine d'esprit qui soutiendrait ces atrocités.
Et vos Bidens, Scholz, Macron et d'autres démocrates odieux criminels non seulement protègent mais aussi les arment activement et les approvisionnent en argent qui ne suffit pas pour maintenir les prix bas dans vos pays.
Les prix augmentent et le monde s'effondre, mais pas parce que les Russes éliminent la vermine nazie en Europe, mais parce que vous observez silencieusement et soutenez réellement la nouvelle vague du nazisme.
Nous n'irons pas à Berlin cette fois. Nous nous tenons sur nos frontières historiques et toutes les vermines nazies que vos dirigeants ouvrent grandement pour vous préparer une nouvelle vie "cristal", tout comme les nazis l'ont fait, vont se joindre à nous.
À chaque personne qui veut vivre et travailler en paix, élever des enfants et se lier d'amitié avec les nations du monde.
Aidez la Russie à gérer la nouvelle tumeur cancéreuse - le nazisme ukrainien.
Pas avec l'Ukraine, où vivent des gens pacifiques et travailleurs, mais avec le nazisme, qui est élevé par les faucons américains et de l'OTAN pour vos impôts.
Si vos dirigeants soutiennent le nazisme, évincez-les, prenez le pouvoir dans vos mains !
Les nazis ukrainiens se protègent des balles dans le dos des paisibles citoyens, vos dirigeants, sous prétexte de la terrible Russie, ont décidé de transférer le fardeau des prix élevés et des pénuries imminentes à la population.
Comme en Ukraine, les nazis vivent bien sur le dos des citoyens ordinaires, tandis que les gens ordinaires doivent souffrir - en Ukraine et en Occident ce sont les mêmes crimes.
Nous n'avons rompu aucune de nos promesses alors que vos dirigeants ont volé 300 milliards de dollars et d'euros au peuple russe.
Ils pillent les biens des citoyens de notre pays dans le monde entier, mutilent délibérément nos soldats, interdisent la langue russe et attaquent l'église orthodoxe.
J'observe que dans les pays où les gouvernements durcissent les sanctions contre la Russie, la prise de conscience de ce qui se passe augmente et la vague de protestations s'étend.
Vous devriez penser à remplacer les politiciens qui se cachent dans votre dos des balles et des prix.
Et ne remets pas ça.
Si nous nous unissons, dans une semaine, il n'y aura pas de nazis en Ukraine, une vie normale sera rétablie en Europe, aux USA et dans d'autres pays et nous serons ensemble devant un nouveau tribunal de nazis ukrainiens et de tous les dirigeants qui soutiennent le nazisme.
Nos efforts sont valables.
Nous allons vaincre le nazisme
J'aimerais partager cette victoire avec tout le monde le plus vite possible.
Vladimir Poutine, président de la RF

View attachment 63869

Jacques Lévy 0:40
User publication
Franck Viou.
Franck Viou
Jul 31st at 4:01
🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 In every EU government there are Nazis similar to the Ukrainian government 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Vladimir Putin's explosive words dedicated to every thinking person.
I, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, have decided to address all of you directly and leave out diplomats, your leaders and journalists.
In Russia, there is such a term as "radio transmitter" where you cannot lie, lie and cheat. So I will speak openly so that everyone can check the truth of my words.
Russia is a huge country and the richest. Its main value is more than 150 nations living on its territory, where freedom and justice are the priority.
We do not need new territories.
We have enough energy and all other resources.
Since the time of the great Tartarian and the great Mughol Empire, the nations of Northern Eurasia have not developed through the expeditions of robbery and colonization of America, Africa, India, narcization of China, but through their diligence and ease.
Those who know Russian language understand that "Russian" is an adjective for all nations of our country. Russian Slavs, Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, Russian Evenks, etc.
They are the soul of Russians, even if their culture, language and way of life may differ. We welcome this diversity of unity!
All nations of Russia are once again forced to sacrifice their lives to defend the world from Nazism and Fascism.
We exchanged 50 prisoners of war for 50 Ukrainian soldiers.
The Ukrainian soldiers were treated in our hospitals, fed three meals a day and returned home safely.
We brought our soldiers back from captivity with their fingers and genitals cut off.
Even the Nazis did not do this during the last war. We will present this evidence in the future court.
Shame on all those who now support these bastards!
Your leaders in the United States, Europe, Japan, Australia and other countries are on the side of these subhumans who hide behind civilians, pregnant women and children in battle and intentionally maim prisoners of war.
I can't imagine any sane person who would support these atrocities.
And your Bidens, Scholz, Macron and other criminal obnoxious democrats not only protect but actively arm them and supply them with money that is not enough to keep the prices down in your countries.
Prices are rising and the world is falling apart, but not because the Russians are eliminating the Nazi vermin in Europe, but because you are silently watching and actually supporting the new wave of Nazism.
We will not go to Berlin this time. We stand on our historical borders and all the Nazi vermin that your leaders are opening wide to prepare a new "crystal" life for you, just like the Nazis did, will join us.
To every person who wants to live and work in peace, raise children and befriend the nations of the world.
Help Russia to manage the new cancerous tumor - Ukrainian Nazism.
Not with Ukraine, where peaceful and hard-working people live, but with Nazism, which is raised by American and NATO hawks for your tax dollars.
If your leaders support Nazism, oust them, take the power in your hands!
Ukrainian Nazis are protecting themselves from bullets in the back of peaceful citizens, your leaders, under the pretext of the terrible Russia, decided to transfer the burden of high prices and impending shortages to the population.
As in Ukraine, the Nazis live well on the backs of ordinary citizens, while ordinary people have to suffer - in Ukraine and the West it is the same crimes.
We have not broken any of our promises while your leaders have stolen 300 billion dollars and euros from the Russian people.
They plunder the property of our country's citizens all over the world, deliberately maim our soldiers, ban the Russian language and attack the Orthodox Church.
I observe that in countries where governments are tightening sanctions against Russia, awareness of what is happening is growing and the wave of protests is spreading.
You should think about replacing the politicians who are hiding behind your back from bullets and prizes.
And don't put it off.
If we unite, in a week there will be no Nazis in Ukraine, normal life will be restored in Europe, USA and other countries and we will stand together before a new court of Ukrainian Nazis and all leaders who support Nazism.
Our efforts are worthwhile.
We will defeat Nazism.
I would like to share this victory with everyone as soon as possible.
Vladimir Putin, President of the RF🙏🏻🥰🥰🥰
I don't think I've seen this before. Was this speech reported in the west?
Current Russia "withdrawal" is a ruse. They carefully played theater to make UkroNazis believe that Russian Intelligence doesn't know what the Pentagon is planning. Balakleya and Izyum regions had to be abandoned in order to pull Ukrainians out of their turtle-shell.

Remember the videos about the professional Akhmat regiment of the Chechens?
Here is what Apti Alaudinov, the commander of Ramzan Kadyrov's Chechen detachment 'Akhmat,' - stated:
The problem was that Ukrainians had time since 2014 to get super dug-in in trenches / make fortifications that was very difficult = time consuming for the Russian SMO to take out. Also in their entrenched regions they were supported by heavy artillery and well placed many mines, etc.. Now these entrenched forces were baited out by Russia into the open.

What do you think will now happen with poor Ukrainian regulars in the open?? They are forced to push forward by their Nazi officers at gunpoint, but now they are unprotected, they aren't in safe trenches anymore..

But, of course, what does he know, right? He is just a commander of Akhmat regiment which is more of a brigade size formation which fights in Ukraine. Some say they have 1,200 people in SMO (which IS a regiment size force), others say--more than that. So, experienced and courageous commander of this formation calls it as it is. But no, we get all kinds of arm-chair "strategists" who know it better. Well...
Quote from: Andrei Martyanov's Blog

Even not well respected "experts" in Russia see this:
Translation: “Our military knew that an offensive was being prepared, so now the troops are regrouping to destroy the grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), which has come to the Balakleya and Izyum regions. It must be borne in mind that there are no fortified areas there, so the task of destroying the most combat-ready Ukrainian units will be solved quite successfully. This will take a few more days,” said Doctor of Military Sciences Konstantin Sivkov. The expert emphasized that over the past three days, as it became known from the report of the Ministry of Defense, more than 2 thousand Ukrainian and foreign fighters, as well as over a hundred units of armored vehicles and artillery, were destroyed. “The Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering large daily losses. Now the main task is to defeat the advancing grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, deprive it of its potential, knock out equipment that is not located in cities and fortified areas, but in open spaces. The Armed Forces of Ukraine should not have the strength and means to conduct effective defense,” the interlocutor explained.

The fact that highly educated military experts see behind the headlines / through mass media BS / through the telegram panic of uneducated civilians / through all the basic human instinctive emotions of the masses of ignorant, unaware, not knowing laypeople - says it all.

This is Observation in The Work on mass scale. Gurdjieff talked about this: the madness that overtakes ignorant humanity at periodic intervals.

This panic and wiseacring and demanding this and that, feeling special, making high opinions of "I told you so", etc.. says it all:
The result of the ignorance of the Sheeple now encountering Laura's Primary Reality, which they are unprepared for, because they always liked to ignore Primary Reality.
Now its here.
Many of us here see behind the headlines. We acquired awareness and knowledge, which protects us from the mass panic of the Sheeple.

You are what you see.
Moldova - Gagauzia
September 11-12 (TG).
Moldova transfers military equipment to Gagauzia

The Gagauz Republic, who are aligned toward Russia, are dissatisfied with the pro-Western policy of
(Telegram: Contact @inessaschannel Moldovan authorities.

The Republic was an unrecognised state during the dissolution of the USSR but peacefully joined Moldova in 1994.
This happens on the background of energy issues in Moldova:
🇲🇩 Maia Sandu, President of Moldova says they're paying 10 times the normal price for gas. This is hitting household budgets quite significantly.

"Where will the price stop? What are you doing about it?" - to whom are these questions, Maia? 🤔
Behind President Maia Sandu addressing, there is both a Moldovan and an EU flag. Many people in Moldova also have Romanian passports. Since June 2022, Moldova is a candidate for EU membership.
About Gagauzia, there is from the Wiki:
Gagauzia or Gagauz-Yeri,[a] officially the Autonomous Territorial Unit of GagauziaGagauzia - Wikipedia (ATUG),[3] is an autonomous territorial unit of Moldova. Its autonomy is ethnically motivated by the predominance in the region of the Gagauz people, who are primarily Orthodox Turkic-speaking people.

At the end of World War I, all of the territory of Gagauzia became part of the Kingdom of Romania, before being carved up into the Soviet Union in June 1940. From 1941 to 1944 it was again part of Romania, after which it was incorporated into the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. As the Soviet Union began to disintegrate, Gagauzia declared independence in 1990, but was integrated into Moldova in 1994.

Gagauz Yeri literally means "place of the Gagauz".
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The losses of Ukrainian forces and foreign mercenaries exceeded 800 people per day.

The main thing is from the briefing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The Russian army hit 12 AFU control points and 47 enemy artillery units.

6 Ukrainian drones, Mi-8 helicopter were shot down by air defense and aviation, and 7 MLRS shells were intercepted.
Letter ascribed to V. Putin can't be authentic
Jul 31st at 4:01
🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 In every EU government there are Nazis similar to the Ukrainian government 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Vladimir Putin's explosive words dedicated to every thinking person.
I, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, have decided to address all of you directly and leave out diplomats, your leaders and journalists.
In Russia, there is such a term as "radio transmitter" where you cannot lie, lie and cheat. So I will speak openly so that everyone can check the truth of my words.
I don't think I've seen this before. Was this speech reported in the west?
I translated some phrases back into Russian and did a search. The earliest I could find was a post on OK, from May 12. I could not find any official sources, which does not mean there were not others:
On May 14, 2022, there was a YouTube where a person read the letter and just showed the image of V. Putin. In the comments, there was:
This is not Putin speaking and not even on his behalf! But! Everything is said correctly, I agree with such thoughts. People wake up! Take your power into your own hands!
Tata 777
If Putin wanted to say something to the people, he himself would have said wonderfully. He speaks well and knows how to speak. And I'm sure he wouldn't ask anyone to do it for him.
In short, this text may have ideas that many people would agree with, but as presented it is not a speech by Vladimir Putin.

Of course, one can find later reposts too like this from VK.com 15 May at 11:57 pm
In June, on proza.ru: Мир в агонии. кто и как спасёт!? - история и политика, 12.06.2022 07:23 which has an intro, final comments, but no clear identity of the source. One could be left with the idea, he was the author, but then we have earlier examples.
In August there is this from VK.com, posted on August 24, which begins:
Explosive words of Vladimir Putin dedicated to every thinking person May 24, 2022
Взрывные слова Владимира Путина, посвященные каждому думающему человеку
24 мая 2022 г.
Notice, too, how the dates vary.
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There is not enough alternative gas and oil to meet EU requirements. The technocrats of the EU must decide. Either they fear the wrath of their own people or that of the Americans. Who are more of a threat to their lives?

In this way, Putin is freeing Europe from US control. Glory to him.

Yes, yes and yes.

The United States fears that Europe, under the influence of the energy crisis, will change its position towards Russia and Ukraine, CNN reports, citing sources.

"The risk (of a split in Europe) is real... citizens in Europe could rebel against the Western strategy of isolating Russia economically," the channel said in a statement, citing U.S. officials.
Vox notes that the EU is so useless that it lost a war it wasn't even involved in.

Oh and Russia would be quite justified in declaring war on Germany.

The EU Lost

The complete uselessness – actually, worse than uselessness – of the European Union can be seen in the way that it managed to lose a war in which it wasn’t even involved.
The EU has suffered severe political and economic damage from its handling of the situation in Ukraine, and can already be declared the loser in the conflict, the speaker of Hungary’s National Assembly claimed on Sunday.
Laszlo Kover, who is a member of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party, accused Brussels of failing to prevent the conflict through political means, with the result that it’s “unable to restore peace diplomatically.”
“Under external pressure, the EU is acting against its most basic economic interests and should already be considered a loser, regardless of which of the parties directly involved in fighting will declare itself the winner,” he said. Powers outside Europe are trying to condemn the bloc’s members to “military vulnerability, political subjugation, economic and energy incapacity, financial indebtedness and social disintegration,” with Brussels helping them to achieve this goal, the parliament speaker claimed.
The EU is grappling with soaring natural gas prices, the prospect of energy shortages in winter and spiking inflation in the wake of sanctions it imposed on Russia over its military operation in Ukraine.
The EU will surrender to Russia this winter, the USA permitting. And if the USA does not permit, several more member-states will follow Britain out the exit.
UPDATE: There is now a reasonable chance that Russia will declare war on Germany. And justifiably so. Fortunately, the Germans are already in such an energy-deprived state that a few targeted missile strikes against key power plants of the sort that were launched against Ukraine yesterday would probably suffice to bring Berlin to its knees.
Germany has crossed a red line with Russia by sending arms to Ukraine, Moscow’s ambassador in Berlin said on Monday. The decision undermined decades of reconciliation since the end of World War II and the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, the diplomat added.
“The very fact that the Ukrainian regime is being supplied with German-made lethal weapons, which are used not only against Russian military service members, but also the civilian population of Donbass, crosses the red line,” Ambassador Sergey Nechaev said in an interview with Izvestia newspaper.
He added that Berlin should have known better, “considering the moral and historic responsibility that Germany has before our people for the Nazi crimes.”
Posted on September 12, 2022 by VD
Totally unnecessary. People need to stop panicking. Ukraine's losses are unsustainable.

RUSSIA – The Kremlin on Tuesday said that there was no discussion of a nationwide mobilisation to bolster the country's military campaign in Ukraine, days after a surprise Ukrainian offensive forced Russia from almost all of Kharkiv region.
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