Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

It could be, that if it is true that critical infrastructure has now been severely damaged or destroyed that insures electricity for large parts of (primarily eastern?) Ukraine, and there isn’t a possibility to get those regions back on the power grid rather swiftly, that the Russians will now have a justified reason to take off their gloves and establish full control over those critical infrastructure regions rather quickly, in order to rebuild a working/secure electricity grid, as fast as possible. The fact that this happens today on 9/11, surely further smells like a move primarily directed by the empire of lies, who likes to do such things on days like this, in their demonic hubris.

Edit: On the other hand, the above might be exactly what those PTB‘s expect and bait the russians to do. If it is some kind of bait in that regard, Putin might surprise them by not taking that bait and instead pulling something else out of his sleeve, that they do not expect. Something asymmetrical maybe.
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I really appreciate your offer of help 🤝 At this moment, I have the basic necessities. Thank you so much. Slowly stocking up on firewood, just in case there is no gas and/or electricity in the winter. So I can at least cook food over a campfire.

As far as I understand, you are also from Ukraine?

My laptop has now stopped turning on again, and I remembered my password and logged in now through the browser on my smartphone. This is very inconvenient, and I would like to write a lot about recent events, but so far I am very much mentally crushed by them. I really hurt for the people who were thrown to the mercy of the Ukrainian Gestapo.

The reports from the Russian Defense Ministry are very, very pathetic and hypocritical, that "oh, we actually started the operation to protect Donbass, and we went into Kharkov by mistake, so we're leaving because we remembered that we came to Donbass and not to Kharkov."

But they were already issuing Russian passports there, they even changed the license plates to Russian ones in Izyum and Balakleya, and other towns they left behind. They repainted logos from the Ukrainian flag to the Russian one. Told locals that "Russia is here forever" and always repeating that "Russians don't abandon their own" - but they abandoned again.
Those who were able to evacuate themselves because they had cars and money were a drop in the bucket. Thirteen thousand in three days were able to evacuate, but how many people are left behind because they don't have a car and money? After all, people have to leave their homes, all their belongings, absolutely everything, and run to the tents at the border, and it is not known how many months to live there.

And now the Defense Ministry and Kadyrov say that all the war correspondents and people who were shocked and outraged by this disgrace, they say that all these people are "not patriotic enough if they allowed themselves to be outraged by this grave mistake of the high command."

Just think for a moment (this is for everyone): the fact that Ukraine was preparing an offensive near Kharkov was known at least two weeks before it began. The whole Internet was reporting on it, even Ukrainian channels. It was no secret at all. Didn't the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation see the accumulation of a strike group of enemy troops, the pulling of heavy equipment to the front line, and the transfer of reserves from all other directions? We saw it! But they did nothing! They did nothing. Why? How could it have been allowed? I can't understand it at all. Moreover, in Balakleya the police special forces fought - they are NOT military formations. After the surrender of the city, photos of documents of killed Russian guys appeared - on them are yesterday's children, 19-20 years old. It was they who bore the brunt of the Ukrainian offensive. Many were captured, and now the Nazis mock and torture them as well. They are being castrated again. I know from friends when their acquaintances told of soldiers who had been in Ukrainian captivity and who had been castrated: they returned home, met their loved ones and hanged themselves the next day.

And now there are pictures of Nazis dancing on the corpses of Russian soldiers at the site of the breakthrough, which the Russian Defense Ministry called "a planned retreat to regroup and strengthen the offensive in Donbass" and "everything is going according to plan, that's how it was planned". And it is entirely coincidental that it was there and then that the Ukrainians went on the attack and to date have reached the very borders with Russia, and have already struck another blow at Belgorod at night.
And the official Russian agencies pretend that nothing bad happened, and assign the blame to the war correspondents and all the "critics of the operation. It's just a spit in the face. And before that they just kept silent for three days, and this is not the first time they have been silent at critical moments and when facts of secret agreements with the Ukrainian authorities, the shameful exchange of Nazi criminals for the son of a high-ranking Chechen official from Crimea (who is in fact a bandit) and other episodes were uncovered. They simply keep silent and say nothing to their population, which is in shock and demands answers. And at this time, the Ukrainian propaganda occupies the information vacuum. The Russians are not good at information warfare, unfortunately. After 6.5 months of military operation.

So, I'm just crushed right now. It really hurts me for all those people.
And most importantly, this is a significant damage to Russia's reputation and even more importantly, the loss of trust from those remnants of the population who have so far maintained their loyalty despite the totalitarian repression of the Ukrainian regime. Russia cannot protect the people who cooperate with them. Every day Ukrainian saboteurs blow someone up in the rear, liquidate them, carry out terrorist attacks, kidnap people, and threaten them.
Even in Energodar there are a lot of Ukrainian spies and partisans who transmit to Ukrainian authorities ALL data about every move of the Russians there, about every movement of equipment, about when, where and where the artillery moved out and where it is deployed to fire and Ukrainian military have time to change their positions and hide in hiding places. There are Ukrainian partisans there, who even record their voice, take pictures in the city, walk the streets with explosives (!), here recently rny blew up a civilian headquarters for voting preparation, people who cooperate with Russia were hurt. And these bastards haven't been caught yet. There are no Russian special services there at all? I don't understand how that can be. They can't just trivialize the security and protection of politicians and civic activists who are building a new life there. In Melitopol, in Kherson, and many other cities. Almost every day Ukrainian saboteurs kill someone. Against this backdrop, how many locals would want to cooperate with Russia?

It's a bitter truth, but it's a fact. Almost all military correspondents and bloggers write only through rose-colored glasses and only what they are allowed to write. There is also censorship and "political correctness" in Russia. The authorities protect themselves. And they may not say anything to the population, much less give explanations at all critical moments. After all, they are "not patriotic enough".
Thank your this take. I'm sorry that this is happening to your countrymen and I empathise with everyone affected.

Let me try to provide a possible explanation for the apparent disregard of Russian authorities for the lives of the people in the affected territories.

It is possible that the Russian command realized that the Ukies were actually trying to create a kind of diversion to allow them to take out Donetsk itself.
They're well entrenched there, having had 8 years to dig in and reinforce their positions.
The Russians have barely moved the front in that area so far.
Russia pulled back troops to a more defensible position and moved the remainder to fortify the Donetsk front, realizing that they do not have enough manpower to hold both fronts at the moment.
The next move is to exhaust the Ukie onslaught at Izyum using their artillery and better defensive positions across the river, while not allowing the Ukies to develop in the direction of Donetsk. When that is done, they can take back what they lost and probably launch a counteroffensive to move the front further away from Donetsk with the help of the additional manpower that they will bring in in the meantime.

As for all the different slights made by the Russians against Ukrainian Russians, they are very possibly lies and fabrications designed to provoke exactly the reaction that you have right now. Otherwise, they could have just been the best course of action when everything was considered.

At the same time, I think Russia is functioning too much in the mode of traditional Soviet secrecy and expectation that the population just needs to trust the leaders and shut up.
They need to step up their war propaganda game and keep people in the loop as much as possible, although, too much of that could jeopardise their strategy by tipping their hand.
I remember that there was one *patriot of Ukraine* on this forum :) but I do not think there are many of them here now and they are watching us :) although in any case we should not be careless, of course.
What method of sending parcels are you talking about? Maybe I don't understand it because of the reverse translation of Russian - English - Russian :)
We can chat in private messages or somewhere else, I just think that now it is a flood, which is not relevant to the topic of discussion, just so that the administrators do not apply sanctions to us :)

There are many of such *patriots*, as you say, everywhere around in chats, other forums, etc. )
Just a remark, on my opinion, we have to be careful with ours attitude towards other forum members.
I have an example, i was about to write a "hate message" to another member, because the message was the lie. At the same time I didn't have any conversation with this person. Hopefully i didn't do that, then i observe a reply of the "older" member so to say. I was pleasantly surprised, the way this person replied to this forum member. And actually it was the right way to do that. And then, i understand that this forum member is a good person of origin, just disinformed.

Dont get me wrong, it is not about hierarchy, it is about knowledge that was obtained by older members.
At that same point of time i understood that i was wrong and that actually it is much harder for me to determine "who is who".
So it is better to rely on Elders :halo:

About the post office and parcels, one of an easy ways to send a parcel whithout sharing one's info is to take a new phone number, install an app of post service, choose a name like " Ivan Darth Vader Alexandrovich" { Дарт-Вейдер Иван Александрович):cool2: and then i can guide you through, if you will need help. Maybe there some others that are in need here, but stays silence.
Nevertheless, I guess is better to share it here at first, even if it is out of topic to some extent. Then PM for details.
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I don’t think any kind of real WW3 szenario is even remotely on the table or wanted on either side (and most especially not on the Russian side).
I would like to note this point. The whole course of Ukrainian events shows that the Russian command takes extreme care of its military. This happens under humanistic slogans such as: protect infrastructure, protect civilians, etc., however, I see a slightly different motive here. This motive lies, in my opinion, in the fact that our authorities are trying to be prepared for the fact that all this will not stop in Ukraine and they will have to fight on and it is unknown how much further, but it is quite possible to assume that future opponents will outnumber the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (maybe NATO in full). In such a situation, like it or not, you have to think about saving human resources, as the most difficult to recover in a limited time. I don't suspect our authorities of any bloodthirstiness at all, but I don't think they should be suspected of being too humanistic either. They act realistically.

Этот момент мне хотелось бы отметить. Весь ход украинских событий показывает, что российское командование экстремально бережет своих военных. Происходит это под гуманистическими лозунгами типа: беречь инфраструктуру, беречь мирных жителей и т.д., однако мне видится тут и несколько другой мотив. Мотив этот заключается, на мой взгляд в том, что наши власти стараются быть готовыми к тому, что на украине все это не остановится и придется воевать дальше и неизвестно насколько дальше, но вполне можно предполагать что будущие противники численно будут превосходить ВС РФ (может НАТО в полном составе). В такой ситуации хочешь-не хочешь а приходится думать о сбережении человеческого ресурса, как наиболее трудно восстановимого в ограниченное время. Я совсем не подозреваю наши власти в какой то кровожадности, но и в излишней гуманистичности, думается, их не стоит подозревать так же. Они действуют реалистично.
I don't want to join the ranks of IntelSlava commenters baying for the blood of 'Ukronazis' but it looks more and more like the gloves need to come off. Now. For the greater good.
If you read about russian history in wars, from Kutuzov days to Sirya (except Afghanistan), we can conclude that is coming in the very near future. Thats how they fought every war. First reluctant and slow, then fast and brutal. The gloves goes off and it will be fast and brutal.
Here's what they write about the situation with energy in Ukraine
Strikes were carried out on Kharkiv CHPP-5 and Zmievskaya CHPP in the Kharkiv region, Pavlograd CHPP-3 in the Dnipropetrovsk region, Kremenchug CHPP in the Poltava region. The launches were carried out from the waters of the Black and Caspian Seas. ️

The jump and the sudden energy shortage led to a lack of generating capacity. The transfer of additional capacity through the power rings of 750 kV and 330 kV transmission lines did not lead to troubleshooting in the network.
Due to the drop in frequency, protection began to work at substations, disconnecting first large consumers, and then entire regions. The collapse of the power system has spread to the networks of Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Odessa regions.
Two Ukrainian nuclear power plants at once — Khmelnitsky and Yuzhnoukrainskaya - began shutting down power units due to the lack of the possibility of transferring the generated electricity to the grid. We hope the strikes will continue.
12.09.2022 СРОЧНЫЕ НОВОСТИ: Россия начинает тотальную войну на Украине с уничтожения ТЭЦ! Карта боевых действий - Юрий Подоляка (17 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве
Just few words i want to share here.
It is not that black and white I guess.
There different people on both sides, and to controll all what is going on it is a really a hard task.
Especially when it comes to "psychopaths & human beings" so to say; the first act inhumanely, and it doesn't bother them.
And it is really a hard task to controll all of this in a strategic way in military operation.
How come I can't see Lavrov's telegram channel? Is there a link to join?
I couldn't find any information about Lavrov having a public Telegram channel. There is a lot of mimics on Telegram. The most relevant channel is Russian MFA one МИД России 🇷🇺
This is correct, it isn't really public, and it is probably not official in the usual sense, so my error!

Retracing steps I have discovered
"SERGEY LAVROV" is a project by a channel called «РОССИЯ СЕЙЧАС» found on Telegram which is a closed group, at least when I enter the address in the browser:
Screenshot 2022-09-12 003312.jpg
If you open the TG application, and sign up, the request has to be processed, by admin or the bot. When that has happened, one can access the content.

If one signs up for "RUSSIA NOW" (or perhaps even one of their projects, if one can do it in that order), there is a message which translates to:
Thank you for subscribing to the channel "RUSSIA NOW", we ask you to subscribe to our projects 👇

👉 RUSSIA 2.0 (РОССИЯ 2.0) - eye-opening content. We are talking about what is happening in the world

👉 SERGEY LAVROV (Сергей Лавров) - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Analytics, facts, statements
Спасибо, что подписались на канал «РОССИЯ СЕЙЧАС», попросим вас поддержать подпиской наши проекты👇

👉РОССИЯ 2.0 (РОССИЯ 2.0) - контент, открывающий глаза. Говорим о том, что происходит в мире

👉СЕРГЕЙ ЛАВРОВ (Сергей Лавров) - министр иностранных дел РФ. Аналитика, факты, высказывания
Just like RUSSIA NOW, their "Sergei Lavrov" channel is a closed channel, in the sense that one signs up and then is admitted. I don't know if signing up for one will give access to the other, or whether the admittance system is only temporary.

РОССИЯ СЕЙЧАС/"RUSSIA NOW" was opened on February 23, 2022
If you subscribe to the channel, you can check:
February 23, 2022 was one day before the conflict began, or rather a few hours, since the channel was opened at 20:09, which may be CET, so that would be 22:09 in Moscow, because in February there was no Summer Time. The timing is remarkable, but then I went on to see what they posted in the beginning:

The second post of the channel was.
Biden announced the introduction of sanctions against the operator of Nord Stream 2
The third: Perhaps the fourth post, as it ends with a 4, so 3 is gone.
"To close the airspace over Ukraine," the Foreign Minister of Ukraine addressed NATO with such a request

As the People's Deputy Alexey Goncharenko writes, "this is a ban on flying into the airspace of Ukraine by ANY aircraft. In case of violation, all aircraft will be shot down. The Americans provided a similar regime in Syria."
And then follows without giving links:
RUSSIA NOW, [2/23/2022 20:34]
Kiev does not stop trying to destabilize the situation on the contact line in Donbass, the People's Militia of the LPR reported

RUSSIA NOW, [2/23/2022 21:37]
Ukraine and the West are conducting an organized operation as part of a large-scale information attack against the DPR and the PRC, the Pushilin administration said. The website of the head of the DPR was subjected to a DDoS attack on Wednesday, and YouTube and Instagram deleted his accounts

RUSSIA NOW, [2/23/2022 21:50]
The heads of the DPR and LPR asked Putin to help repel the aggression of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to avoid civilian casualties and humanitarian accidents in the Donbass, Peskov said.
The next post, number 9, is about Vladimir Putin Telegram posted at 05:33, which would be 7:33 Moscow time, if the time it gives me is CET. Here they say if translated:
Around 4 a.m., Putin announced that he was launching a military operation in Ukraine. He clarified that there is no occupation in his plans - but only "demilitarization" and "denazification".

❗ at about 5 am, explosions were heard near Boryspil airport, the glow was visible from a distance of 10 km.

A number of explosions in Kharkiv are reported. See photo

❗️ The airspace over Ukraine is closed for flights, all flights have been canceled in Zhuliany.

❗️ Missile strikes on military command centers, warehouses and airfields

Zelensky has called an urgent meeting of the NSDC!
Timing and content considered, the channel must have had a mission from the beginning and might be tied to official sources, but there is no proof.

This is the logo of the RUSSIA NOW, channel, if that can help anyone, though it is blurred when enlarged:
Screenshot 2022-09-12 005546.jpg
What I see above is someone with a gun, which would tie in with the timing of the beginning of the channel.
RUSSIA NOW has close to 800k. There are other channels with a similar name, so even in that respect one has to watch out.

Verified and unverified accounts
When interested individuals. like VIPs, and organization open channels, I learned they sometimes get their channel certified, and it gets a "check", which of course has to be genuine. The channel that I found below, Kremlin News, did not have a check mark, but you can see the checkmark next to those that do.

Screenshot 2022-09-12 000740.jpg
Even without the checkmark, the Kremlin News may be legitimate. Perhaps someone thought that since it is in English, and since meaning can be lost in translation, why bother?
If you open the TG application, and sign up, the request has to be processed, by admin or the bot. When that has happened, one can access the content.
Some Russian Government related news agencies are not accessible in the EU, including for instance Sputnik. @sputniknewsint even on TG, which gives me:
Screenshot 2022-09-12 015237.jpg
It is possible a closed group would be able to reduce the risk for this obstacle to occur, just as on FB, Covid could be discussed in private groups, at least where I was.
Leftist media looks like they’re getting more and more desperate by the day. Look at this:

But if you do just a LITTLE bit of digging, or even just actually read the article, you’ll find this:

The Council of Deputies of the Moscow Municipal District Lomonosovsky appealed to Russian President Vladimir Putin to resign.

Московские мундепы предложили Путину уйти в отставку

These are local officials—not Kremlin officials—making this appeal. I do not see any “Kremlin mutiny” taking place.

Meanwhile, since we’re on the subject of propaganda wars, it looks like Russia has decided to take their trolling skills up just a notch:

This motive lies, in my opinion, in the fact that our authorities are trying to be prepared for the fact that all this will not stop in Ukraine and they will have to fight on and it is unknown how much further, but it is quite possible to assume that future opponents will outnumber the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (maybe NATO in full). In such a situation, like it or not, you have to think about saving human resources, as the most difficult to recover in a limited time.

Here's what they're writing about it now. It's getting "more and more interesting"
Volchansk was occupied by NATO troops. Just like that and no other way. They write from there that there are practically no Ukrainian Nazis in the city. A lot of blacks and English speakers. Exactly the same situation in the Cossack Lopan to the west (ZAPISKI VETERANA).

According to some commanders from the Kharkov direction, an incredible number of Polish mercenaries are involved - only the Polish army practically operates there. The picture is emerging, in the attack on Balakleya and Raisins, the Ukrainian army played the role of a media image, thousands of Americans and Poles led the real attack.
According to unconfirmed reports, 25 thousand Poles are going to Mykolaiv to attack Kherson. (KP)

According to the situation with the bombing of thermal power plants throughout Ukraine, nothing has changed since the night. Obviously, this strike should slow down the transfer of AFU forces by rail.

NATO instructors are leading the battle near the Estuary. This is reported by the sources of the wargonzo project in the Krasnolimansky district of the DPR.

Judging by radio intercepts and data obtained from communication with prisoners, at least several officer groups consisting of NATO instructors are stationed directly near Slavyansk (the Ivanovka and Nikolaevka districts).
We are talking about Poles and Englishmen. The former supervise and fully direct the work of the M-777 ACS combat crew, while the British are responsible for the use of high-precision MLRS. Now 2 fully equipped BTGRS are advancing on the Red Estuary, including 2 companies of tanks. As well as up to 1000 Theroboron members.

Kiev has significantly increased the activity of UAVs in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. This is reported by sources of the wargonzo project in the law enforcement agencies of the DPR. The number of flights of Ukrainian military-class UAVs (we are not talking about DJI drones) over the Petrovsky district of Donetsk has increased several times over the past week. However, at low altitudes, active aerial reconnaissance is also in full swing.
12.09.2022 Новости с Украины: Красный Лиман, Угледар, Херсон. НАТО вступило в войну: "Изюм штурмовали только поляки и американцы" (19 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве
⚡☣️Le Pentagone déplace des biolabs militaires d'Ukraine vers l'Asie centrale
Dans le contexte des événements dans la région de Kharkov et de la contre-attaque ukrainienne, les informations intéressantes selon lesquelles les États-Unis déplacent activement leurs biolaboratoires de l'Ukraine vers les pays de la CEI (principalement en Asie centrale) et vers leurs partenaires de l'OTAN, principalement en Europe de l'Est, sont complètement oubliées. .
En particulier, il est prévu de travailler avec des agents pathogènes, dont l'utilisation peut être déguisée en épidémies naturelles. Tels que le choléra, la tularémie, la peste, la fièvre congolaise de Crimée et les hantavirus.
Et il ne faut pas oublier qu'en Ukraine, grâce à l'opération militaire russe, une trentaine de biolabs militaires ont été découverts, dont le département américain de la Défense était le client. Ils ont travaillé avec des agents pathogènes de la peste, de l'anthrax, de la diphtérie, de la dysenterie et de la brucellose, entre autres.
Pourquoi les États-Unis doivent-ils faire cela ?
Premièrement, les pays d'Asie centrale bordent la Russie, tout comme l'Ukraine. Une épidémie peut se mettre en place aussi près que possible de l'ennemi.
Deuxièmement, ils sont proches de la Chine et de l'Iran, deux autres ennemis géopolitiques des États-Unis.
Et troisièmement, dans certains pays, il existe déjà une base de laboratoires financés par les Américains.
▪️En particulier, le Tadjikistan, l'Ouzbékistan, le Kirghizistan et le Kazakhstan disposent déjà d'un bureau de représentation des Centers for Disease Control (CDC) des États-Unis, une agence du Pentagone qui s'appuie sur un réseau de biolaboratoires dans divers pays.
▪️Des recherches sur les souches d'anthrax sont prévues au Kirghizstan sous le couvert formel d'une clinique privée financée par les américains. 250 000 dollars ont été alloués pour ces tâches.
Les États-Unis ont interdit de telles recherches sur leur territoire en raison du grand danger bactériologique.
▪️Le Kazakhstan a approuvé un projet de construction d'un laboratoire à haut risque (BSL-4) dans la zone traversée par certaines des voies de transit (la région de Zhambyl au Kazakhstan se trouve au sud du pays et borde le Kirghizistan). Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur les programmes biologiques militaires au Kazakhstan avec la participation de l'OTAN ici.
▪️La coopération avec les États-Unis dans la recherche biologique est confirmée par l'Arménie.
▪️Les États-Unis lanceront des recherches sur la peste, le choléra, le paludisme, l'hépatite, les coronavirus et l'encéphalite en Mongolie. La Direction médicale américaine de l'Institut de recherche des forces armées en sciences médicales, USAMD-AFRIMS, sera le principal client des bioprogrammes. Les États-Unis mettront en place un laboratoire biologique pour la recherche d'agents pathogènes particulièrement dangereux au Centre national d'étude des infections zoonotiques, situé à Oulan-Bator.
Et c'est exactement ce sur quoi la presse écrite est rédigée. Et combien nous ne savons pas encore...

⚡☣️The Pentagon is moving military biolabs from Ukraine to Central Asia
In the context of the events in the Kharkov region and the Ukrainian counterattack, the interesting information that the United States is actively moving its biolabs from Ukraine to the CIS countries (mainly in Central Asia) and to its NATO partners, mainly in Eastern Europe, is completely forgotten. .
In particular, it is planned to work with pathogens, whose use can be disguised as natural epidemics. Such as cholera, tularemia, plague, Crimean Congolese fever and hantavirus.
And we should not forget that in Ukraine, thanks to the Russian military operation, about thirty military biolabs were discovered, whose client was the US Department of Defense. They worked with pathogens of plague, anthrax, diphtheria, dysentery and brucellosis, among others.
Why should the United States do this?
First, the Central Asian countries border Russia, as does Ukraine. An epidemic can be set up as close to the enemy as possible.
Second, they are close to China and Iran, two other geopolitical enemies of the United States.
And third, in some countries there is already a base of American-funded laboratories.
▪️In particular, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan already have a representative office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a Pentagon agency that relies on a network of biolaboratories in various countries.
▪️Research on anthrax strains is planned in Kyrgyzstan under the formal cover of a private clinic funded by the Americans. 250,000 dollars have been allocated for these tasks.
The United States has banned such research on its territory because of the great bacteriological danger.
▪️Kazakhstan has approved a project to build a high-risk laboratory (BSL-4) in the area crossed by some of the transit routes (the Zhambyl region of Kazakhstan is in the south of the country and borders Kyrgyzstan). You can read more about military biological programs in Kazakhstan with NATO involvement here.
▪️Cooperation with the United States in biological research is confirmed by Armenia.
▪️The U.S. will launch research on plague, cholera, malaria, hepatitis, coronavirus, and encephalitis in Mongolia. The U.S. Medical Directorate of the Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Sciences, USAMD-AFRIMS, will be the primary client for the bioprograms. The U.S. will set up a biological laboratory for researching particularly dangerous pathogens at the National Center for the Study of Zoonotic Infections, located in Ulaanbaatar.
And this is exactly what the press is actively writing about. And how much we don't know yet...

Le "convoi de lumière", composé de 40.000 réfugiés syriens qui se trouvaient en Turquie, a commencé sa marche vers l'Allemagne. Ils tombent bien, au bon moment... Une bonne partie passera en France, ya bon les allocations 😆
Et vous verrez que beaucoup de choses s'arrangeront très vite.

The "light convoy" of 40,000 Syrian refugees who were in Turkey has begun its march to Germany. They fall well, at the right time... A good part will pass in France, ya good the allowances 😆
And you will see that a lot of things will be fixed very quickly.
That's what you'd expect. Here about Kupyansk, earlier it was reported about Balakleya and Shevchenkovo that the SBU actively launched punitive activities there, calling it "filtration". People are killed on the spot and detained, taken to unknown places

12.09.2022 11:39
The head of the Kharkiv region said that Ukrainian mercenaries are shooting people in Kupyansk
Dmitry Kulemyakin
Representatives of the Ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries, who are in Veliky Burluk and Kupyansk, shoot civilians in order to then shift responsibility for the crimes to Russia. The corresponding statement was made by the head of the Kharkiv region Vitaly Ganchev.

"Mercenaries drive around and shoot people and shoot it all on camera," Ganchev said during a speech on the Rossiya 24 TV channel. He explained that the AFU militants and mercenaries are clearing cities in order to then accuse Russia of killing civilians.

The official noted that this information was disseminated by those who were able to leave these settlements. According to him, about 5 thousand residents of the Kharkiv region left their homes and ended up in Russia.

Ganchev also noted that the Russian servicemen were confronted by an enemy group that was 8 times larger. In this regard, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation had to regroup in order to save personnel.

Earlier, representatives of the administration of the Kharkiv region reported on the evacuation of civilians in some localities. Representatives of the Russian military department noted that there is a regrouping of troops from the Kharkiv region to the Donetsk direction.
Глава Харьковской области сообщил, что украинские наемники расстреливают людей в Купянске - Российская газета

Вот чего и следовало ожидать. Здесь про Купянск, ранее сообщали про Балаклею и Шевченково, что там СБУ активно развернуло карательную деятельность, называя это "фильтрацией". Людей убивают на месте и задерживают, увозя в неизвестные места
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