Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I really appreciate your offer of help 🤝 At this moment, I have the basic necessities. Thank you so much. Slowly stocking up on firewood, just in case there is no gas and/or electricity in the winter. So I can at least cook food over a campfire.

As far as I understand, you are also from Ukraine?

Aloha, yeah, I'm from Hawaii, just next to Odessa. )
About sending stuff, I understand that you may be afraid, I put myself on the same danger by sharing my personal data. That's why i write it here, but not send you a private message.
But there are option, so fell free to ask.
One of the options if you dont want to share your personal data is like this:
You just have to have an extra sim card or buy it, and you will able to write that you are ( Андрей Оби-Ван Кенобийович) Andrew Obi-One Kenobiyovich. :halo: :cool2:
Our country is corrupted, why can't we use it in a "good way", to protect and to help each other.
Not really related, just a thought though. In Europe, so far I saw hardly a reference to September 11th either in the news or collective discussions/events. Felt pretty strange/odd compared to the usual narrative at this time of the year.
Seems the situation in Ukraine, covid and related events/consequence has replaced/purged it in the current narrative.

Maybe should move this to the what's in your mind thread
* Options.

Addition to the previous post. Maybe I didint make my self clear.
There are ways to send goods by post in Ukraine, without sharing your personal data.

I remember that there was one *patriot of Ukraine* on this forum :) but I do not think there are many of them here now and they are watching us :) although in any case we should not be careless, of course.
What method of sending parcels are you talking about? Maybe I don't understand it because of the reverse translation of Russian - English - Russian :)
We can chat in private messages or somewhere else, I just think that now it is a flood, which is not relevant to the topic of discussion, just so that the administrators do not apply sanctions to us :)
Comments on Europe from September 7-11, selected from the TG channel of Sergei Lavrov
They give, I think, an impression of the situation as seen from Russia.
We haven't lost anything. And we won't lose anything - Putin on the consequences of the special operation in the Donbas

The main gain is in strengthening our sovereignty. Yes, polarization is taking place. I think it will only benefit. Because everything unnecessary, harmful, everything that prevents us from moving forward will be rejected. We will gain momentum, the pace of development, because modern development can only be based on sovereignty.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
On the EU energy policy and "freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!".
The European "tail" will freeze first

Vladimir Putin at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) 2022 recalled the phrase from the fable "The Wolf and the Fox" when describing the problems that the EU has made for itself regarding Russian gas: "Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!". If someone has forgotten the fable, then the fox was saying these words while the wolf was freezing at the ice hole with his tail lowered into cold water.

At the same time, at EEF2022, Putin actually hinted that Russia would not resume the operation of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline until the sanctions imposed against it by the United Kingdom and Canada were lifted. The launch of Nord Stream 2 is on the agenda. Putin's signal has been heard: the bankruptcy of the SP2 operator has been postponed to 2023. But this will not change the situation: the EU will not receive Russian gas until the end of the year.

Judging by the president's confidence, Russia will no longer fight for the European market. Europe will freeze a little this winter, bankrupt its enterprises and watching the impoverishment of the population. This is the price of the calls coming from the EU countries to limit the prices of Russian gas. Russia has seized the initiative in the energy confrontation, and this is a new European reality.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
The main mistake of French President Emmanuel Macron is that he is trying to set conditions for Russian leader Vladimir Putin, being in the wrong weight category

Macron's government failed to correctly assess the balance of power between Paris and Moscow. As a result, the imposition of sanctions did not bring the desired effect, but it dealt a blow to the French economy, writes Boulevard Voltaire magazine.

The publication compared the head of state with a chess player who should predict the opponent's reaction. President Macaron and the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen forgot that Russians play chess well.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
Are some Europeans willing to heat with food?
The former vice-mayor of Kekava, and now just a deputy of the Kekava Regional Duma, Juris Yerums, made an innovative proposal. If fuel is so expensive, then why not heat it with something cheaper? For example, grain. In his Twitter account, he said that he had already tried to burn wheat — and it burned normally.

The Kekava region (along with Babite and Marupe) is a place where the heating tariff is much higher than anywhere else in Latvia. Over the current six months, it has increased 8 times. It is not surprising that the people are looking hard for an alternative. So Yerums suggested his own option: to drown in fact with bread. After all, it turns out that it is one and a half times cheaper than pellets.

"If now the price of grain is ~350 euros/ton, then it is advantageous to heat grain instead of pellets (~500+ euros/ton)," Yerums wrote on his Twitter. - I tried (green Grandeg) - sorghum barley comes in its pure form, wheat - it is necessary to mix ~ 50/50. Yes, adjust the feed, yes, more ash."

The offer clearly interested his readers, and they began to clarify. "What about oats?" one asked. Yerums replied that there was no oats at hand, he tried with what he had. But I assumed that the oats would also burn well.

The journalist expressed her opinion to Elite Weidemane: "It seems immoral to me to heat the oven with grain... but maybe I'm exaggerating." To which Yerums replied that with such a difference between prices, it would happen sooner or later anyway.

There was, however, a sane head who wrote: "This is a very dangerous trend. When food products begin to replace non-food consumer goods for economic reasons, humanity faces a catastrophe." But this commentator was left alone with his opinion.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
To the above, you could add the biofuel craze, at least in cases where they use perfectly good food products to make ethanol or biodiesel. This trend often ties in with green policies.

From Germany, a politician from Die Linke
Bundestag deputy Gregor Gysi: We refused to negotiate with Russia, which I don't understand at all. Because militarily, Russia cannot be defeated. Unless we start a Third World War. But we can't afford it. Of course, Ukraine has the right to self-defense, but it will still have to… [Don't you want Ukraine to win?] She can't win! [How do you know that?] Yes, because then we will have to wage a nuclear war, or how do you imagine it? The Russian army is very underestimated.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
Comment to a meeting at the US Air Base Ramstein in southern Germany.
In other words: almost 50 enemies of our country gathered to discuss plans to use their military puppet in the person of Ukraine.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)

Patience is necessary
These days, the patience of world-class diplomats is needed to follow the news.
"It is permissible to lose your head only for a beginner who for the first time faced with an insurmountable impasse and dropped his hands. And, thank God, I've seen a lot in my decades of diplomatic service. Patience, which is necessary for any person, is especially appreciated in our profession. It's hard to piss me off. But it's not worth checking."

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
Those who don't want to talk with Lavrov, will talk with Shoigu
- 🇷🇺 Lavrov on the demands of the West voiced through Kiev:

"They (Ukrainians) have already said everything about the negotiations. They say that negotiations can take place only after the victory of Ukraine. And then, when "Russia leaves the Ukrainian lands," they will be ready to talk, imposing their conditions on us. In this they are actively supported, even indulged by London, Washington, Brussels. If this is their choice, then we know how we can achieve the goals set by Russian President Vladimir Putin as part of a special military operation" (c) Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
The above could be seen as a comment on a post a few days earlier, where there was a video, but I can't embed, so you need to click.
Lessons of diplomacy for neighboring countries and Western colleagues. From Alexander Grigoryevich and Sergey Viktorovich. Everything is being decided, everything is being discussed. Just need to meet and meet in time.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
And if we are able to laugh?
- What is the difference between the modern Western economy and the Titanic?
- At least the electricity was not turned off on the Titanic.

Sergey Lavrov 🇷🇺 (Telegram – a new era of messaging /+FrvnohgVSYhiNmMy)
... So, I'm just crushed right now. It really hurts me for all those people.
And most importantly, this is a significant damage to Russia's reputation and even more importantly, the loss of trust from those remnants of the population who have so far maintained their loyalty despite the totalitarian repression of the Ukrainian regime. ...
How to trust whatever politico-militaro-financial power in this world ?

Sending you my prayers !
I couldn't find any information about Lavrov having a public Telegram channel. There is a lot of mimics on Telegram. The most relevant channel is Russian MFA one МИД России 🇷🇺

Yes, that’s my understanding too. There doesn’t seem to be an official channel from Lavrov personally (or any of the high ranking government people of Putin). The above link is as close as you can get (the official ministry of foreign affairs of Russia). The above is the Russian Version though. Here is the official English Version:

I‘m pretty certain that Lavrov uses Telegram though but his handle there is probably a secret.
In one of the Russian telegram channels, which almost never makes mistakes (almost like C's), the following information appeared:
NATO troops are operating in the Kharkiv direction - the second echelon / mainly the BTG of Poland, all in the form of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In other words, Polish NATO servicemen disguised as servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are massively participating in the Kharkiv counteroffensive of the last days.
BTG is a Battalion tactical group (600-800 people).

This information is hard to believe (at first glance), but if it is true, then we have:
The direct intervention of NATO forces in Ukraine, which can only be interpreted as the unleashing of the third world war (World War II ended on September 2, 1945, an amazing coincidence).
The events of recent days fit into the same chain:
- September 6, Putin holds a closed meeting with Shoigu (Russian Defense Minister) and Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov - Путин проводит закрытое совещание с представителями Минобороны
- the goals and objectives of the Russian special operation in Ukraine are changing drastically, the troops are practically withdrawn from the Kharkiv region (it seems to some that this is a flight, but it is not), they withdraw to defensive positions across the Oskol River, part of the troops are transferred to the Donetsk direction.
- On September 11, Russia delivers a critical blow to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, several regions are completely deprived of electricity (at the moment). The situation continues to evolve.
I want to insert my 5 kopecks. Firstly, I agree with many who believe that nothing is changing strategically for Ukraine. Whether a clever trap has been built here or what has been happening in recent days is the result of mistakes and sloppiness, it is fundamentally not important from the point of view of the overall result (very important from some other points of view).
Secondly , I almost agree with
So, I'm just crushed right now. It really hurts me for all those people.
I will not say that I am crushed, but it is very hard for me to think about all the people remaining in the abandoned territory. If all this was planned, then what difficult decisions strategists have to make. In the end, I will inform you that someone (so far no one has taken responsibility for this) hit several power plants and half of Ukraine was left without electricity. If I find links to decent resources, I'll post them.

Хочу вставить свои 5 копеек. Во первых я согласен со многими, кто считает что стратегически ничего для Украины не меняется. Построена ли тут хитрая ловушка или происходящее в последние дни результат ошибок и разгильдяйства, принципиально не важно с точки зрения общего результата (очень важно с некоторых других точек зрения). Во вторых я почти соглашусь с ... Не скажу что я раздавлен, но мне очень тяжело думать обо всех людях остающихся на оставляемой территории. Если это все было запланировано, то какие же тяжелые решения приходится принимать стратегам. В конце сообщу, что кто то (пока никто не взял за это ответственность) ударил по нескольким электростанциям и половина Украины осталась без электричества. Найду ссылки на приличные ресурсы-выложу.
In one of the Russian telegram channels, which almost never makes mistakes (almost like C's), the following information appeared:
NATO troops are operating in the Kharkiv direction - the second echelon / mainly the BTG of Poland, all in the form of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In other words, Polish NATO servicemen disguised as servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are massively participating in the Kharkiv counteroffensive of the last days.
BTG is a Battalion tactical group (600-800 people).

This information is hard to believe (at first glance), but if it is true, then we have:
The direct intervention of NATO forces in Ukraine, which can only be interpreted as the unleashing of the third world war (World War II ended on September 2, 1945, an amazing coincidence).
The events of recent days fit into the same chain:
- September 6, Putin holds a closed meeting with Shoigu (Russian Defense Minister) and Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov - Путин проводит закрытое совещание с представителями Минобороны
- the goals and objectives of the Russian special operation in Ukraine are changing drastically, the troops are practically withdrawn from the Kharkiv region (it seems to some that this is a flight, but it is not), they withdraw to defensive positions across the Oskol River, part of the troops are transferred to the Donetsk direction.
- On September 11, Russia delivers a critical blow to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, several regions are completely deprived of electricity (at the moment). The situation continues to evolve.
Post the link to the channel here.
Yes, that’s my understanding too. There doesn’t seem to be an official channel from Lavrov personally (or any of the high ranking government people of Putin). The above link is as close as you can get (the official ministry of foreign affairs of Russia). The above is the Russian Version though. Here is the official English Version:

I‘m pretty certain that Lavrov uses Telegram though but his handle there is probably a secret.
The only other russian official with i've found on telegram was Dmitry Polyanski but he doesn't post that often.
Telegram channel: A view from Russia
In one of the Russian telegram channels, which almost never makes mistakes (almost like C's), the following information appeared:
NATO troops are operating in the Kharkiv direction - the second echelon / mainly the BTG of Poland, all in the form of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In other words, Polish NATO servicemen disguised as servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are massively participating in the Kharkiv counteroffensive of the last days.
BTG is a Battalion tactical group (600-800 people).

This information is hard to believe (at first glance), but if it is true, then we have:
The direct intervention of NATO forces in Ukraine, which can only be interpreted as the unleashing of the third world war (World War II ended on September 2, 1945, an amazing coincidence).
The events of recent days fit into the same chain:
- September 6, Putin holds a closed meeting with Shoigu (Russian Defense Minister) and Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov - Путин проводит закрытое совещание с представителями Минобороны

I don’t think any kind of real WW3 szenario is even remotely on the table or wanted on either side (and most especially not on the Russian side).

- the goals and objectives of the Russian special operation in Ukraine are changing drastically, the troops are practically withdrawn from the Kharkiv region (it seems to some that this is a flight, but it is not), they withdraw to defensive positions across the Oskol River, part of the troops are transferred to the Donetsk direction.

I don’t think the goals or objectives of the Russian operation are changing or have changed now.

- On September 11, Russia delivers a critical blow to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, several regions are completely deprived of electricity (at the moment). The situation continues to evolve.

I would be very careful to follow along in blaming Russia for what apparently happened there. If anything, that action sounds like a typical Ukraine move. We need more data and not jump the gun.

I want to insert my 5 kopecks. Firstly, I agree with many who believe that nothing is changing strategically for Ukraine.
It's true that on the Russian Telegram the tensions are high and many "armchair experts" and "war correspondents" are talking about "betrayal" and that "all is lost". More level headed people and experts urge everyone to calm down, learn for the mistakes and continue doing the necessary work.

I agree with the above two quotes/points.
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