I don't know if anyone has ever taken the plunge and tried and debated Putin with a brainwashed Western mind? At the root of it all, the arguments the brainwashed masses fall on appear to be based on
- Putin is a madman devoid of reason
- Because he is a madman one can't attempt to try and understand his motives. He is not to dissimilar to the barbarians of old who aimed to attack Rome for no other reason than they were barbarians and this was their nature. Animals ruled by sheer emotion where reason can't penetrate their mind.
- All the actions taken by Russia are an expression of his will alone. Remove him and everything changes.
It appears that Putin has been made into this thing that the Western mind can't understand. All the Western mind knows is that "this thing" is out to destroy them and the reasons aren't understandable and worse yet, it can't be changed, it can't be anything else other than what it is.
The propaganda against Putin and to an extension, Russia is actually a well trodden one by the West. Think of the characteristics given to "barbarians" in Roman days, native "savages" in the days of the conquest of the Americas or the subhuman connotations of black skinned people in the days of slavery and colonisation etc. The "other" was stripped of all reason and the ability to be understood by the Western civilized mind. The "other" was a danger, couldn't be anything other than a danger until the burdened Western mind or soul took some action to correct the situation. To an extent, the other was a prisoner of their own condition and so it fell on those with higher gifts and abilities to be humane and put them out of their misery / miserable existence!
It's very interesting to see how things never change and the West is back to its old tricks except the target this time appears to be Russia. Muslims are so yesterday... Today, it is Russians. Who will it be tomorrow? (hello China
Funny thing is though, similar to COVID, their is a growing proportion of the Western population that see's right through the lies. They have no voice through mainstream media or official channels. The media and politicians through the creation of overt and self censorship create an illusion of uniformity and consensus amongst the masses. This couldn't be further from the truth, whilst still a minority, I bet those who don't buy the lies are sizeable enough as to not be negligible in the wider scheme of things. I bet Putin knows this and his speech last week was in part aimed at this western audience.