Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Located in Moscow
Interesting that you get to a Pentagon, but then a star is a star is a star:
Russian Army - Wikimedia


An explanation:
The red five-pointed star on the flag of the USSR is a symbol of the ultimate triumph of the ideas of communism on the five (inhabited, excluding Antarctica) continents of the globe.

The five-pointed star first appeared as a military symbol in Tsarist Russia. It was then called the “Mars star,” reminiscent of Mars, the Ancient Roman god of war. On January 1, 1827, the law was signed that put a five-pointed star on the epaulets of officers and generals. In 1854, the star began to be used on shoulder straps. Later, the five-pointed star with a two-headed eagle inside it was used to mark military trains and carriages.

In Soviet Russia, the five-pointed star symbolized the protection of peacetime labor by the Red Army (again, like in Ancient Rome, where Mars was also the protector of the agricultural workers).

In 1918, the drawing of the badge for the soldiers of the Red Army in the form of a red star with a golden image of a plough and a hammer in the center was approved. The star symbolized protection, while the plough and the hammer were read as a union of workers and peasants. By the 1920s, the red star began to be used as an official symbol of the state, and finally in 1924, it became the part of the Soviet flag and the official emblem of the Soviet Union.

U.S. Army - Wikimedia:

The story of the traditional U.S. Army emblem dates back to the times of the American Revolution (1775-1783). It appeared in the form of a “seal” to be used on official documents. Although it is hardly possible to find out when the seal was actually used for the first time, most historians believe that it happened somewhere in 1778, so it is considered the year when the US Army logo was born.

The 1947 symbol
The emblem is a remarkable example of resistance to change. It stayed the same for as much as 169 years, surviving the Indian Wars, the Mexico Incursions, and the two World Wars. In 1947, the words “Department of the Army” appeared instead of “War Office”, while the date was changed to 1775.

The U.S. Army logo featuring a star was designed by advertising agency Leo Burnett Worldwide and unveiled in 2001. Interestingly enough, it is now more popular as the Army emblem than the official seal.
Chinese Army - Wikipedia:
There is this description:
PRC roundel (symbol/emblem) — red star with yellow fimbriation and the "八 8"–"一 1" PLA emblem inside the star. (This refers to the date 1 August: the People's Liberation Army was founded on 1 August 1927 during the Nanchang uprising.) Used also as military vehicles roundel.
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Exciting turn of events on the Donetsk frontline

Glory to Russia!

[past] Context:
Russians were forever cursed there by being almost completely unable & utterly impotent to stop the Ukrainians & UkroNazis constantly Artillery Shelling and Rocket Bombing & killing Donetsk civilians. They were using their [probably Western Import] artillery guns -- disguised / hidden west of the Donetsk frontline -- and UkroNazi rocket attacks deliberately and exclusively aimed almost exclusively at civilian areas. As a revenge for the massacre of their soldiers on the frontlines by Russians.

Probably there was a massive amount of complaints from civilians and considerable pressure by East-Ukrainians / faithful & devoted Ukro-Russians.

As of today Russians started to hunt Ukrainian artillery systems. Successfully. For the first time. UkroNazi Artillery are dropping like flies!!

But how?? If during the past 10 years they were completely impotent in preventing the shelling of Donetsk and murder of Donetsk civilians by UkroNazi Artillery, how can they prevent UkroNazis shelling now??

These sound and thermal imaging reconnaissance complexes will be invulnerable for enemies’ electronic warfare equipment and will be able to easily detect their artillery positions.
If you think about this amazing, ingenious invention. If the UkroNazis are / have been expertly camouflaging & moving & hiding their artillery systems --immediately-- after firing on Donetsk civilians ==> therefore Russian counter-artillery [duel] teams were unable to find UkroNazi guns, then how do you go about it?? How do you find UkroNazi artillery??

Is a large artillery gun equipped with James Bond Pistol Silencer? Do the UkroNazis attach and screw on a pistol silencer onto their large artillery gunnery?

Do the UkroNazis have these silencers on artillery systems?
This is how an artillery silencer [sic] looks like

Do you see these things in Ukraine on War Footage??

These photos were taken at an artillery range in Germany. The vehicle using the giant suppressor are M109G 155mm self-propelled howitzers. Apparently the locals don’t like the sound of freedom.
UkroNazis don't use these silencers, because they don't exist! Especially not adapted to real warfare in the real gory, super-fast, super-deadly war in Ukraine.

So if you were a Russian Military Scientists and if you were very good at noticing the Devil in The Details... what would you do??


This marvelous invention doesn't look much like a super sensitive Bat-Ear, but it definitely works like it!!
These sound and thermal imaging reconnaissance complexes will be invulnerable for enemies’ electronic warfare equipment and will be able to easily detect their artillery positions.
Remember that large artillery guns makes a lot of noise and a decisive BOOM??! Thus literal shaking of the ground and shaking of your lungs and shaking of windows??
What do you think --the effect-- of firing such a large gun resembles to? Earthquake / Seismic Disturbance! As its strong sound makes the earth shake under your feet. Makes the air shake / resonate in your lungs.

The Russian Armed Forces have begun receiving a new artillery reconnaissance complex dubbed ‘Penicillin’. It’s designed to detect enemy artillery positions and provide its troops with their precise coordinates.

“Despite all the rest of modern satellite and radio electronic reconnaissance stations, ‘Penicillin’ is able to find troops and artillery units through seismic sensors and infrared cameras. These devices are invulnerable to all modern and prospective electronic warfare equipment that ‘blind’ standard reconnaissance stations on the field,” says former ‘Izvestia’ military analyst Dmitry Safonov.
Give to the UkroNazi Lie ==> what it deserves, The Truth!
In this case: Penicillin.

There was an amazing Stallone action comic decades ago, where the super-cool Cop Hero arrives on motorcycle, sneaks into the building containing the criminals and from behind the wall, Stallone's Comic Book Hero Character exclaims to the murderers listening to him:
- You Are The Virus! I am the cure!

Amazing invention, if you ask me.

As a result: latest Military Summary reports breakthrough increase in Russian Artillery Hunting Accuracy. Only one artillery attack went through into Donetsk today -- as compared to previous weeks, where Donetsk were riddled as a Swiss Cheese with Artillery Icons, signifying civilian deaths in strictly civilian blockhouse & park areas.

Yesterday there was only one such UkroNazi Artillery Attack Icon on the military map. And whats more, as if on a Strike of a Magic Wand, Russian Artillery Hunting Teams suddenly began destroying one UkroNazi artillery system near Donetsk after another. As if they received a Super Fly Snapper

and as if they actively began using this amazing UkroNazi Artillery Detection System. The front-lines are seeing the result! Only one successful attack on Donetsk -- compared to dozens of such attacks almost every previous day in the last 10 years!

We expect this trend to continue. I expect that we are seeing the amazing efficacy of Russian Invention.

The West was only able to announce their 'Impossible Burger'-style astronomically expensive and environmentally super-destructive / Super-Polluting Hot Fusion Reaction Breakthrough, which needs so astronomically expensive equipment to really begin to work that the manufacture of those parts will kill the planet causing definite depopulation = The Ultimate WEF Impossible Burger.

While the East = Russia just keeps manufacturing amazing "Bat-Ears & Eyes"-like enemy artillery detection systems, which can not only Hear Seismic Disturbances, but also See Infrared like Bats!!
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Merkel doubles down on Ukraine peace revelations

“The 2014 Minsk Agreements represented an attempt to give Ukraine time,” Merkel told Italian magazine Sette on Tuesday. “Ukraine has used this time to become stronger, as we see today. The country of 2014-15 was not the same as it is today. And I doubt that NATO could have done much to help Ukraine as it does right now.”

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's interview with tass news agency in 2022, December 27, 2022

"Question: In your opinion, can the conflict in Ukraine drag on, say, for five years? What should we prepare for? Is a direct military confrontation with the countries supporting Kiev possible?"

Many more questions in the full interview below:


Austria expects blackouts in parts of the EU in the "near future"

"Vienna (dts News Agency) - According to the Federal Government in Austria, there will soon be large-scale power outages in the European Union. "The likelihood that a blackout will occur in parts of the European Union in the near future is very high. The question is not whether he comes, but when he comes," said Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner (ÖVP) of the "world" (Tuesday edition)."

"Austria's armed forces therefore want to set up a total of 100 self-sufficient barracks by 2025, which can supply themselves independently for two weeks. In addition, there should be so-called security islands, which can be "contact points for civilian helpers and law enforcement forces in an emergency".

The main thing from the statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in an interview with the program "Big Game" on Channel One:

◾️The United States in contacts with Russia stated that they do not want and will not directly fight with the Russian Federation;

◾️The United States told representatives of the Russian Federation that they do not plan the presence of their specialists in Ukraine in connection with the transfer of Patriot;

◾️The Russian Federation would like to resolve the situation around Ukraine as soon as possible, the protection of civilians and the preservation of the lives of soldiers is a priority;

◾️ Hundreds of US military personnel are in Ukraine;

◾️The Russian Federation today has no desire to communicate with the West;

◾️Sanctions have seriously complicated the ability of the Russian Federation to carry out counter inspections under START-3;

◾️The United States really wants the resumption of inspections under START-3, but is not ready to behave honestly;

◾️A few years ago, Merkel proposed direct negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv;

◾️The US has recently made informal proposals for meetings, which the Russian Federation did not refuse, but the proposals came to naught;

◾️The Pentagon seeks to lift the ban in the US military budget on funding the Azov Regiment (banned in the Russian Federation);

◾️The United States does not allow Ukraine to conduct peace negotiations, hoping to deplete the Russian Federation;

◾️Russia, in the course of a special military operation, does not seek "bright offensive operations" like Ukraine, which does not take into account losses;

◾️ Former Secretary of State and National Security Adviser to the US President Henry Kissinger bluntly admitted that the collective West, led by the United States, is waging war against Russia around Ukraine.

War in Ukraine (12/28/22): a massive attack on the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Svatovo, an attack on Soledar and Artemovsk

Today, for the first time in a long time, Russia launched a massive missile attack on military facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to simplify the offensive in the Donbass. Military warehouses, the accumulation of equipment and manpower.

At the same time, our troops (the Russian army) continued their successful offensive in the area of Svatovo, Soledar and Aretmovsk.

The goal is the collapse of the defense line of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the line of these settlements.

The balance of forces in Bakhmut: the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from artillery are 30 times higher than the losses of the RF Armed Forces
Bakhmut (Artemovsk) - it is in this city that fierce battles are now taking place, the Russian army and Wagner PMCs staged a bloody meat grinder for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The representative of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Sergei Cherevaty, said that in the battles for Bakhmut (Artemovsk): The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation suffer heavy losses. However, the facts say otherwise: the Bakhmut garrison is seriously depleted and is, if not on the verge of losing combat capability, then on the verge of a serious crisis.

By December 2022, in terms of the number of combat-ready and deployed Giatsint-B, Giatsint-S and other self-propelled guns, D-20, D-30 howitzers, as well as rocket artillery, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are about 100 times inferior to the allied forces.

The activity of the Russian artillery near Bakhmut is such that for one of our killed there are 30 enemy soldiers killed or seriously wounded. At the same time, due to the maximum load on the medical service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city, only one of the three wounded can be evacuated. By January, the situation is predicted to worsen: every second wounded soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will die from artillery fire.

It is important to note that the Ukrainian army is throwing new forces in bad weather at positions already targeted by Russian artillery, which dramatically increases the number of victims.

At the same time, Wagner PMC and the RF Armed Forces are fighting directly in urban areas. The front line currently passes through the southern and eastern quarters of the city, in the area of Turgenev, Yuzhnaya, Bakhmut Cossacks, Independence and Vatutin streets. Heavy urban battles were recorded in the area of Kotsyubinsky, Lomonosov and Lumumba streets.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, trying to delay the collapse of the first line of defense, send there mobilized without combat experience from Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Zaporozhye and Sumy regions.

After several unsuccessful attempts to recapture the lost Ozeryanovka, the head of the Kharkov garrison, Brigadier General Sergei Melnik, arrived to clarify the losses. Near Soledar, where the 10th and 128th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffer heavy losses, the commander of the Khortytsya group of troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel General Alexander Syrsky, was sent.

Their arrival in the Bakhmut direction is associated with the catastrophic situation of the units and formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"ShahiDizada" in Ukraine: with the onset of darkness, the noise of "mopeds" is heard over the cities

After the morning "calibration" of the locations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass and in the Kharkov region, the "shahiDizada" of the South began. Explosions in Kherson and Dnepropetrovsk regions.

Judging by the places of strikes (the airfield in Chernobaevka, the area of the Sinelnikovo railway station), they are again hitting the places of accumulation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

And the noise of "mopeds" is moving further to the North-West...


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