Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This week, Germany handed over a new military aid package to Ukraine.

Military assistance includes:
• 20 MLRS caliber 70 mm on the chassis of a pickup truck and missiles for them;
• 2 armored recovery vehicles Bergepanzer 2 (total 15);
• 1 M1070 Oshkosh heavy truck tractor (13 in total);
• 7 tracked remote controlled vehicles;
• 63 pickups (total 143);
• 21 electric generators (total 216);
• 17 8x8 trucks with interchangeable loading systems (35 in total);
• 32 mobile heating systems (148 in total);
• 8 reconnaissance UAVs (26 in total);
• 1 military ambulance (36 in total);
• 7 border patrol cars (85 in total);
• 36400 wool blankets;
• 12 heavy truck tractors;
• 27 sensors and generators of electronic interference to combat UAVs (55 in total);
• 30 UAV detection systems.

Up to 40 Marder infantry fighting vehicles will be delivered in the first quarter of 2023. In addition, the Bundestag has already started talking with might and main that further deliveries of Leopard-2 tanks will follow.

1. Until the last Ukrainian.
2. Until the last Pole.
3. Until the last German.

Russia Blames Ukraine For Shelling Frontlines, Hours Into Christmas Ceasefire

Russia says Ukraine is shelling Russian military positions during a 36-hour ceasefire, which Kyiv and its allies have dismissed as a sham.
The Russian defence ministry said its positions had come under attack in the Luhansk, Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions but that its troops were observing the ceasefire.
"Four mortar shells were fired at Russian positions by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the direction of Lyman," it said.

"Ukraine's leadership had already essentially said it doesn't plan to respect the ceasefire, calling it a "cynical ploy". Western countries had on Thursday dismissed it when it was first unveiled by Putin, starting with Germany and the US."

Ukraine pressures Israel to ‘take the right side’

"Mikhail Podoliak, the top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, has urged Israel to overtly side with Kiev after the new foreign minister said he would “talk less” about the conflict and held a phone call with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov."

“You can talk less, but the main thing is to take the right side,” Podoliak told Israeli outlet i24 on Thursday, insisting that Russia “started the war on its own initiative and without provocation.”

“We need to talk a lot about this kind of war, because it is a genocidal war,”
Podoliak also said, seemingly contradicting his own argument."

“Israel is unique in terms of our partners. It remains silent,” he told local media, asking for a direct condemnation of alleged Russian actions."
An interesting observation.

Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, said that it is necessary to establish a monarchy in Ukraine. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

"And I'll tell you, if you think rationally, the only way to kill everything Moscow is to declare a monarchy here. And say that we are collecting the lands of the Rurikoviches," he said.

More details: Арестович высказался о необходимости монархии на Украине

Even earlier (3 weeks ago), a forecast that a monarch would be declared in Ukraine was made by Dmitry Rode. This, in short, is a teacher at the School of Common Sense and a teacher at the Faculty of Higher Management - the only systematic training in Russia on the basics of conceptual power and social management. As I understand it, he leads issues on YouTube:

What is the point: the Ukrainian episcopate, after they are expelled from Ukrainian churches, will have no choice but to declare a monarch around whom the church and, possibly, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will unite. This will be done in the Svyatogorsk Lavra, Lugansk. The church has such powers - to appoint and remove monarchs. So it was in Tsarist Russia, when Nicholas was forced to abdicate in favor of Michael, and then Michael was deprived of the throne (If I don’t confuse anything).

It seems that Lyusya Arestovich is closely following the issues of "Street of Pravda" and therefore makes such statements. But of course he makes such statements in favor of the current criminal Ukrainian government. :lol:

I don't know how realistic this scenario is, but there is such a forecast. Perhaps this will be the third force that the Cassiopea spoke about.

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Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Danilov (seller of painted dogs) predicts the start of an offensive war for Ukraine in 2023. According to him, the Ukrainian army will be helped in this by weapons received from Western allies: BMP Bradley, Marder, Bastion armored personnel carriers, AMX-10 RC armored vehicles, Patriot missile defense systems, and much more - less public and completely non-public, as well as missile and drone program of Ukraine. 🤥
Ukrainian troops flee from the outskirts of Soledar, the purge continues. The Armed Forces of Ukraine post a lot of videos in their military chats where you can see that the majority already have apathy.


Sheikh Imran Hosein
talks about the nuclear war that will take place due to the Ukrainian war. He talks about why Russia is doing right in this war.

But I found Sheikh Imran Hosein with difficulty with his talking,
I found that at times, especially towards the end, he really had difficulty pronouncing his words correctly, I found him tired. His head works perfectly but maybe there is something neurological wrong with him? I have no idea how old he is and I'm sure he hasn't been vaccinated.

But other than that, everything he says makes sense.

Today, for some reason, there is especially a lot of news about new arms supplies to Ukraine with the expansion of the assortment.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is to get people used to Ukraine having so much NATO equipment that they're basically indistinguishable from NATO forces. NATO already uses special forces to help Ukraine, provides intel, provides weapons and other supplies, so why not send regular army at one point? How would normal people be able to tell the difference between NATO-equipped Ukrainians, and NATO forces dressed up as Ukrainians?

Especially when Ukraine itself seems not to be able to punish Russians whenever they retreat, they keep wasting 400000$ anti-air missiles against Iranian 20000$ drones, and rampant corruption means that their NATO-provided weapons later end up in other countries instead of going to the frontlines (like in the hands of the chief police officer of Poland who got a German grenade launcher from Ukraine as a gift). Basically, it looks as if the only reason why Ukraine hasn't folded already is because NATO's help. How long until NATO lose their patience and take this situation into their own hands? (my guess is: when Russia gets too close to ending this conflict)

And it's not that Russia would be able to do much against it anyway. If they accuse NATO of directly engaging in the conflict, NATO can just say "silly Russians, it's the Ukrainians with NATO weapons!" and dismiss it all. Nobody believes anything they say anyway, even if it later turns out to be true. As long as NATO plays the game of pretend, Russia cannot do much (unless they attack a NATO country, but that's exactly what Ukraine is hoping for, so i doubt they would).
But I found Sheikh Imran Hosein with difficulty with his talking,
I found that at times, especially towards the end, he really had difficulty pronouncing his words correctly, I found him tired. His head works perfectly but maybe there is something neurological wrong with him? I have no idea how old he is and I'm sure he hasn't been vaccinated.
Loreta, I think he speaks like that because he is missing his teeth - for the most part, particularly the upper level.
He sure isn't struggling in the neurological department too much from what I can see. He is more coherent and animated than many of the zombies I see walking the streets these days! ;-)
I wouldn't be surprised if this is to get people used to Ukraine having so much NATO equipment that they're basically indistinguishable from NATO forces. NATO already uses special forces to help Ukraine, provides intel, provides weapons and other supplies, so why not send regular army at one point? How would normal people be able to tell the difference between NATO-equipped Ukrainians, and NATO forces dressed up as Ukrainians?

Especially when Ukraine itself seems not to be able to punish Russians whenever they retreat, they keep wasting 400000$ anti-air missiles against Iranian 20000$ drones, and rampant corruption means that their NATO-provided weapons later end up in other countries instead of going to the frontlines (like in the hands of the chief police officer of Poland who got a German grenade launcher from Ukraine as a gift). Basically, it looks as if the only reason why Ukraine hasn't folded already is because NATO's help. How long until NATO lose their patience and take this situation into their own hands? (my guess is: when Russia gets too close to ending this conflict)

And it's not that Russia would be able to do much against it anyway. If they accuse NATO of directly engaging in the conflict, NATO can just say "silly Russians, it's the Ukrainians with NATO weapons!" and dismiss it all. Nobody believes anything they say anyway, even if it later turns out to be true. As long as NATO plays the game of pretend, Russia cannot do much (unless they attack a NATO country, but that's exactly what Ukraine is hoping for, so i doubt they would).
Reading to you I had a thought.

And if Putin knows, that something "rocky" can happen in a certain window of time and is waiting for this.

Just a thought I've had.

Ukraine pressures Israel to ‘take the right side’

"Mikhail Podoliak, the top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, has urged Israel to overtly side with Kiev after the new foreign minister said he would “talk less” about the conflict and held a phone call with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov."

“You can talk less, but the main thing is to take the right side,” Podoliak told Israeli outlet i24 on Thursday, insisting that Russia “started the war on its own initiative and without provocation.”

“We need to talk a lot about this kind of war, because it is a genocidal war,”
Podoliak also said, seemingly contradicting his own argument."

“Israel is unique in terms of our partners. It remains silent,” he told local media, asking for a direct condemnation of alleged Russian actions."

From the Kremlin. Two recent telephone conversations with Netanyahu reveals, at least, a cordial relationship which appears to show the 'right side' for both parties.

Telephone conversation with leader of Israel’s Likud party Benjamin Netanyahu

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the Likud party, which won the parliamentary election in Israel.

December 22, 2022

Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the bilateral agenda and the international situation. They expressed confidence that Russian-Israeli relations will continue to develop consistently through contacts at different levels.

The Russian leader extended Hanukkah greetings to Benjamin Netanyahu and all Israeli people.

Congratulations to Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

Vladimir Putin sent a message of congratulations to Benjamin Netanyahu on being sworn in as Prime Minister of the State of Israel.

December 29, 2022

The message reads, in part:

“Russia very much appreciates your personal long-term contribution to the strengthening of friendly relations between our countries. I hope that the new government under your leadership will continue the policy of developing constructive Russian-Israeli cooperation in all areas for the benefit of our peoples and in the interests of ensuring peace and security in the Middle East.”
KIEV, January 5. /TASS/. Kiev is against any negotiation processes with Russia, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said on Thursday commenting on Russia’s proposal to declare a temporary ceasefire.

"No talks with them [Moscow]," he told the Ukraina-24 TV channel."

On top of their other reasons/bleating about not wanting a ceasefire, I was initially thinking:

I wonder if Zelensky/NATO are concerned if the dwindling Ukranian forces get even a moment to stop, think, talk with each other, reflect... that those with any kind of humanity left within them could potentially abandon the 'mission' in huge numbers.

If their commanders keep them in survival/fight mode with no time to think / reflect / possibly even communicate with loved ones during a ceasefire, or read letters from home / have a moment to make that connection with their loved ones on a conscious level, they might be able to keep them focused and committed to try to maintain the illusion that Ukraine is 'winning' while these people continue to become fodder for the elite agenda and hubristic visions.

I also was thinking about this session:

Q: (L) 2014 is Year Zero of our new reality.
(Niall) In a future chronology, is it going to be 0?
(L) Yeah.
(Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?
A: Yes
Q: (L) Why do they want to use the portal?
A: Downloading is taking place there.
Q: (L) Downloading of what?
(Joe) Information.
(L) Do I really want to know? [laughter]
(Pierre) The naughty side of the information field is being downloaded there.
(L) So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Wow.
(Niall) But there are psychopaths all over the world.
(Joe) Maybe it's easier that way.
(Pierre) But psychopath doesn't mean possessed. To be downloaded into means to be possessed.
(Niall) Oh, right. So there's a particular type that's concentrated in Ukraine that is more susceptible to possession by 4D STS.
(Andromeda) Wow.

A lot of the reports we have seen, seem to indicate the Ukrainian soldiers who have been taken prisoner / surrendered have been more than willing to share their experiences that seem to reflect the abject misery and suffering they and others have endured, how they have been brainwashed, coerced, pressured, lied to by leaders and military superiors, given no option, threatened / intimidated whether it has been through 'examples' being made of other soldiers, or cutting off their income which also affects their families etc... there are many ways to ensure a soldier complies with whatever instructions they are given.

If this 'downloading' is happening, it appears that it is not happening to everyone? OSIT. So not everyone is susceptible, otherwise surely the Russians would be able to see aspects of this in the behaviour and psyche of the majority of prisoners they have come into contact with on some level?

I wondered if also perhaps the downloading or possession requires any of the following:
a certain amount of time, like an 'incubation' period,
specific circumstances / technology or even 'substances' being used by the host, to assist the download,
a particular proximity to the 'portal' for the download to occur,
a particular 'frequency' to be established in the 'host' / a particular state of mind, ie: inciting all consuming anger and hatred.
could organic portals be the easiest to download into, or does it require a souled being

Perhaps the downloading is also part of the reason to ensure this conflict is supported to drag out as long as possible.

I had a dream the other night where I was observing conflict in Ukraine, as if I was standing near some of the soldiers. I saw a Ukranian soldier who was injured badly in the chest fall to the ground and as he was lying there, I saw what looked like a hologram of a different 'entity' existing within the human body, trying to lift itself out of the body, as if to separate from its 'host'. I saw it lift its head and try to rise at the chest but was unable to. It had greenish skin, a bit like camouflage colours, it was quite ugly, definitely looked reptilian, it looked like it was in extreme pain, the host was already dead... it was like watching a hologram 'fritzing' as it tried to separate or lift out of the body, then I saw it fall back into the body and all that remained was a dead human.

It may just be a 'dream', or it may be that this is what is happening on some level. It was strange watching it, and a bit disturbing, but I was curious more than anything. The individual I was watching definitely felt like he was separate from the entity that was dominating his body/mind/energybody on some level. I wondered what happened to the entity that seemed unable to separate from the host and appeared to 'die'.

I was also thinking that if some soldiers or higher up Ukrainian military officers have been downloaded into, they would likely be the most aggressive, intimidating and inhumane, and it would make sense that as many of them would be dispersed through specific units to ensure compliance within the units. The Azov units certainly come to mind when I think of this downloading.
:cool2: FWIW.
I had a dream the other night where I was observing conflict in Ukraine, as if I was standing near some of the soldiers. I saw a Ukranian soldier who was injured badly in the chest fall to the ground and as he was lying there, I saw what looked like a hologram of a different 'entity' existing within the human body, trying to lift itself out of the body, as if to separate from its 'host'. I saw it lift its head and try to rise at the chest but was unable to. It had greenish skin, a bit like camouflage colours, it was quite ugly, definitely looked reptilian, it looked like it was in extreme pain, the host was already dead... it was like watching a hologram 'fritzing' as it tried to separate or lift out of the body, then I saw it fall back into the body and all that remained was a dead human.
Pretty creepy. Fortunately, I have not seen such dreams, but there is a video where in 20 seconds about 60 shots from 2 machine guns and a grenade were placed at a distance of about 10 meters and after that a person walks in full height there. This reality looks not less fantastic than any fantasy. Watch from 2.00 to 2.20

Довольно жутко. Я к счастью таких снов не видел, но вот есть видео, где за 20 секунд по месту положили около 60 автоматных выстрелов и гранату на дистанции около 10 метров и после этого там человек ходит в полный рост. Эта реальность выглядит фантастичнее всякой фантастики. Смотреть с 2.00 до 2.20
The Ambassador of Ukraine in London announced the loss of life "right and left"

“The West now has a unique chance. There are not many nations in the world that would allow themselves to sacrifice so many lives, territories and decades of development for the sake of defeating a sworn enemy, ”he said.

“We have been at war for almost a year now. We are losing people right and left. We do not advertise how many of the dead are military and how many civilians, but you can imagine that the numbers are huge and incomprehensible. And cities, some of which are completely destroyed,” Prystaiko said.

Read more on RBC:

Opinion of Ukrainian partisans:

Right on the shelves everything. Until the last Ukrainian for the interests of the West, at the cost of the destruction of Ukraine. Surely Ukraine needs this war? Whoever wins, Ukraine will lose.

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