Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Putin announces Christmas truce

"The cessation of hostilities in Ukraine is to last from noon on Friday until midnight on Saturday, the Kremlin has revealed"

"President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian troops to impose a cessation in hostilities in Ukraine. Hours earlier, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill had called on the forces of both sides of the conflict to cease hostilities in the run-up to and during the holiday."

"According to the Kremlin, the truce is intended to last from noon on Friday January 6 until midnight on Saturday January 7."

“Judging by the fact that a lot of citizens who practice the Orthodox religion live in the embattled area, we call upon the Ukrainian side to proclaim a cessation of hostilities and give them the opportunity to attend services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day,” Moscow said."

"Earlier on Thursday, Putin discussed the prospect of peace negotiations with Ukraine with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, over the phone. The Russian president reiterated that Moscow was “open to serious dialogue” with Kiev if the latter recognized the “new territorial realities.”


Putin announces Christmas truce

"The cessation of hostilities in Ukraine is to last from noon on Friday until midnight on Saturday, the Kremlin has revealed"

"President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian troops to impose a cessation in hostilities in Ukraine. Hours earlier, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill had called on the forces of both sides of the conflict to cease hostilities in the run-up to and during the holiday."

"According to the Kremlin, the truce is intended to last from noon on Friday January 6 until midnight on Saturday January 7."

“Judging by the fact that a lot of citizens who practice the Orthodox religion live in the embattled area, we call upon the Ukrainian side to proclaim a cessation of hostilities and give them the opportunity to attend services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day,” Moscow said."

"Earlier on Thursday, Putin discussed the prospect of peace negotiations with Ukraine with his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, over the phone. The Russian president reiterated that Moscow was “open to serious dialogue” with Kiev if the latter recognized the “new territorial realities.”

Already rejected by Ukraine.

It would make sense that if they have some form of anti-gravity technology, it would get into their military aircraft first. Hence the new engines he is talking about.
I was thinking maybe the anti-grav engine is giving a kick that is best endured by unmanned craft like the S-70 Okhotnik. However it appears to be too weak?
Yes, but engines incorporated within the drone itself. Looking from the design (flying wing) the SU-70 will not be able to withstand high supersonic speed.
Precisely! Airframe limitations versus speed. Original S-70 Okhotnik design was for 1000 km/h top speed. So this new, camouflaged flat-engine version will go even slower, probably.

Obviously the anti-grav engine must be very pilot-friendly to be used in something like the new:
But exotic tech Russia isn't fancy to export. So I was thinking maybe the new tech isn't for the manned & unmanned jets flying in the atmosphere, but for the brand new hypersonic missiles, maybe those got an 'anti-grav boost' facelift? Reason would be so they can shoot down incoming asteroids as well? Russians say their S-550 can shoot things from space. They are known to be fond of upgrading their older systems S400 / S300 to near such capabilities as well.

So Asteroids vs Russian Anti-Missile System?

Vladimir Putin claimed the Avangard HGV can maintain atmospheric speeds of up to Mach 20 (6.28 km/s) (S-550 was built against such from USA)


Meteors enter the earth's atmosphere at speeds ranging from 11 km/s to 72 km/s.
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'I think if Russia has anti-asteroid missiles, they realistically only intend to protect high-value targets in Russia and even those only with 'medium to high success probability'... The rest of the country they intend to rebuild..
(in case of an unavoidable asteroid carpet-bombardment)

So if they are using anti-grav boost, it might be to help their hypersonic missiles to "jump out" of the atmosphere and hit the incoming asteroids in the "optimally targetable furthest away distance" [maybe because that is] being the safest distance for a second try..
Precisely! Airframe limitations versus speed. Original S-70 Okhotnik design was for 1000 km/h top speed. So this new, camouflaged flat-engine version will go even slower, probably.

Obviously the anti-grav engine must be very pilot-friendly to be used in something like the new:

Perhaps for now, the antigrav technology is only useful for lifting the vehicle to heights (Near space and beyond) first thought impossible by regular propulsion systems, while the regular propulsion systems provide the boost.

Q: (Ze Germanz) What kind of weapons "based on new physical principles" does Russia possess?

A: Serious bunker busting hypersonic missiles. Also some really cool antigravity techniques combined with regular propulsion systems.

Ukraine’s Security Council rejects any talks with Russia

No talks with Moscow, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said
KIEV, January 5. /TASS/. Kiev is against any negotiation processes with Russia, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said on Thursday commenting on Russia’s proposal to declare a temporary ceasefire.

"No talks with them [Moscow]," he told the Ukraina-24 TV channel."


Ukraine’s Security Council rejects any talks with Russia

No talks with Moscow, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said
KIEV, January 5. /TASS/. Kiev is against any negotiation processes with Russia, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said on Thursday commenting on Russia’s proposal to declare a temporary ceasefire.

"No talks with them [Moscow]," he told the Ukraina-24 TV channel."

With this attitude, they are going to lose a lot more territory. Inluding Kiev.
No talks with Moscow, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said
KIEV, January 5. /TASS/. Kiev is against any negotiation processes with Russia, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov said on Thursday commenting on Russia’s proposal to declare a temporary ceasefire.

"No talks with them [Moscow]," he told the Ukraina-24 TV channel."
Well, no change then, because did the UAF stop shelling or shooting at DPR, LNR during festivals in the years of 2014-2022?

With US and NATO puppets in Kiev, even if there was talk, could one rely on it? Perhaps in some sectors there will be more quiet. We will find out from the military summaries published the day after the Orthodox Christmas.
⚡️The Russian Army broke through the defenses of Soledar⚡

In the course of heavy offensive operations, the Russian units managed to take control of the settlement. Bakhmutskoye and move towards the center of Soledar. Due to flank breakthroughs, the enemy is forced to retreat north of the center.

It is reported that the positive dynamics of recent days in Soledar continues - the troops are advancing in the central districts of the city, and the enemy is retreating to the northwestern districts of the city.
Earlier, our troops liberated the Dekonskaya railway station, advanced to the salt mines, and also advanced from the village of Yakovlevka to the northern outskirts of Soledar. As they said back in the fall, the capture of Yakovlevka is the key to a successful assault on Soledar. As Yakovlevka was taken, so things in the city got off the ground.

For some reason, the guys are losing their qualifications. Where are the cries on duty about Russia's guilt?
The UN Secretary General dismissed the mission to investigate the shelling of the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres dismissed the mission to investigate the shelling of the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka on July 29, 2022.

This is reported by a number of media outlets, referring to the statement of the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stephane Dujarric.

According to him, the reason for the decision was the lack of conditions "necessary to send a mission to the scene."

"The UN Secretary General decided to disband the fact—finding mission of the incident in Yelenovka on July 29, 2022 against the background of the lack of conditions necessary to send a mission to the scene of the incident," Stefan Dujarric explained.

At the end of July, the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at an isolation cell with prisoners of the Ukrainian military using the American HIMARS multiple rocket launcher system. According to the DPR, 53 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed and 77 wounded as a result of the strike.

"The leadership of Ukraine gave the order to launch a missile strike, as captured militants of the Azov regiment began to give testimony exposing their crimes, including against civilians," commented Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin.

In addition, according to him, the purpose of the shelling was an attempt to intimidate Ukrainian servicemen so that they would not surrender.
Генсек ООН распустил миссию по расследованию обстрела СИЗО в Еленовке

Today, for some reason, there is especially a lot of news about new arms supplies to Ukraine with the expansion of the assortment.
The first batch of 6 French AMX-10RC tanks arrived at the border of Ukraine and Poland
The transfer of French AMX-10RC tanks to Ukraine has begun.

The first flight of the Ukrainian military transport aircraft AN-124, with 6 AMX-10RC tanks on board, took place in the Polish city of Rzeszow. Tanks are supposed to be placed initially on the border, after which they will begin to be transported to Ukraine. Taking into account unofficial information that 3 flights are planned in total, Ukraine can receive 18 wheeled tanks from France in total.

It is known that the plane took off from France and has already landed on the territory of Poland. It is not yet possible to confirm the unloading of tanks due to the lack of satellite images, however, a little earlier there were photos of the loading of French light tanks on board the Ukrainian AN-124.

The key feature of the French AMX-10RC light tanks is their significantly greater maneuverability compared to conventional tanks, which allows these combat vehicles to be used with armored personnel carriers and other lightly armored military equipment, although AMX-10RC tanks are poorly adapted for conducting offensive battles due to the vulnerability of their armor.

The supply of Western weapons to Ukraine is direct evidence that NATO completely ignores Russia's warnings, while the United States and Germany also ignored Moscow's warnings about the inadmissibility of supplying Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine.
Первая партия из 6 французских танков AMX-10RC прибыла на границу Украины и Польши

Politico: The United States will transfer Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine for the first time
The United States of America intends to supply Ukraine with Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft guided missiles designed to combat cruise missiles in the coming weeks. According to preliminary data, such missiles have already been tested on the territory of Ukraine and have shown a successful fight against cruise missiles.

At the moment, it is known that we are talking about the supply of several ground-based launchers, and also, there are unconfirmed reports that the Ukrainian Buk air defense systems have been upgraded to use American missiles. Aiming missiles at the target will be carried out from ground-based radars, as well as from NATO aircraft, and therefore it will be extremely difficult to detect and hit such air defense systems.

At the moment, it remains unknown exactly how many missiles the United States intends to transfer to Ukraine, however, given that the Pentagon has a very large number of such weapons, we can talk about hundreds of missiles.

The maximum target range of RIM-7 Sea Sparrow missiles is 30 kilometers, which exceeds the capabilities of the Ukrainian Buk air defense systems.
Politico: США впервые передадут Украине зенитные ракеты Sea Sparrow

Canada will transfer 300 Senator armored cars to Ukraine
The delivery of armored vehicles is planned to be organized by the end of this year, while the first 100 armored vehicles will be delivered within the next three months, and the rest will be extended until the end of the year. In total, starting from May 2022, Canada has committed to supply 400 Senator armored vehicles, 100 of which Ukraine has already received last year.

Canada's deliveries of such a large amount of armored military equipment indicate that this country openly advocates an escalation of the situation in the region, while there is some concern that the AFU may receive other weapons from Canada in the near future, including armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces and ammunition.

Taking into account open source data, out of 100 Senator armored vehicles already delivered to Ukraine, the AFU has not yet lost a single unit of this military equipment, at least such cases have not been documented.
Канада передаст Украине 300 бронеавтомобилей Senator

The UK has announced the supply of tanks to Ukraine in the near future
London has announced the possible supply of its tanks to Ukraine, which could be one of the most serious escalations since the transfer of missile weapons to Ukraine. To date, the UK has almost two hundred tanks in storage, which theoretically makes it possible to transfer several dozen heavy combat vehicles to Ukraine.

"The UK can provide tanks to Ukraine," said British Foreign Minister James Claverly, without voicing any details

At the moment, the delivery of tanks to Ukraine from the UK has only been announced, however, given such statements, the UK may transfer heavy armored vehicles to Ukraine by the summer.

Among other things, experts pay attention to the fact that NATO countries usually act together, which does not exclude the supply of tanks also by other countries, such as France, Germany, etc.
Великобритания объявила о поставках Украине танков в ближайшем времени

Чего то ребята теряют квалификацию. Где же дежурные вопли о вине России?
Сегодня почему то особенно много новостей о новых поставках оружия на Украину с расширением ассортимента.
In continuation of the previous post
Germany sends a Patriot air defense system battery and 200 missiles to Ukraine
The delivery of the Patriot air defense system to Ukraine will begin in the near future, as the Ukrainian military has already completed a training course to work on these systems, which, among other things, was previously reported by Avia.pro journalists. It is assumed that the Patriot air defense systems will be transferred to Ukraine by March, while Germany does not refuse further supplies of IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine.

The supply of Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine was officially announced by the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers of Germany Steffen Hebestrait. It is known that the delivery will include one battery – taking into account the fact that Germany has full-fledged Patriot SAM batteries in service, we are talking about the supply of 8 launchers.

Taking into account the fact that another battery of the Patriot air defense system for Ukraine will be supplied by the United States, in the spring the AFU will be armed with 16 long-range air defense launchers. Their intended deployment area will be located in the central part of Ukraine in order to affect the southeastern, eastern, northeastern and northern parts of the airspace.
Германия отправляет на Украине батарею ЗРК «Patriot» и 200 ракет

USA transfers 50 M2A2 Bradley combat vehicles to Ukraine
Infantry fighting vehicles will be provided to Ukraine by the end of January, their preparation for shipment has already begun.

The President of the United States of America Joe Biden has decided to approve the supply of 50 M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine. The latter, unlike conventional armored vehicles supplied earlier by the United States, have much more protection and have much more serious weapons, although they have less maneuverability.

At the moment, it is known that the United States will transfer 50 M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles to the APU.

Nevertheless, the United States is armed with a huge stock of M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles – about 7000 units, which could potentially lead to unlimited supplies of these weapons to Ukraine, which causes the most serious concern.

"The M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, despite their clumsy appearance, are inferior in battle, perhaps only to tanks, although they significantly outperform them in maneuverability. It should be understood that these IFVs are able to move on water, which, taking into account the battles at the Svatovo – Kremennaya line, in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, creates a very serious danger that, having accumulated a sufficient supply of this equipment, they may try to go on a large-scale offensive," the analyst of Avia.pro notes.
США передают Украине 50 боевых машин M2A2 Bradley

Germany handed over 20 APKWS missile launchers to Ukraine

The Bundeswehr website reported that Germany this week handed over to Ukraine 20 70-mm rocket launchers for APWKS missiles based on pickups. Due to the low cost of these missiles, their large stock and the ability to adjust strikes with the help of drones, such missile systems can pose a serious danger, especially since it takes only about 3 seconds for the operator to launch one missile, after which the launcher can leave its launch point.

Previously, the journalists of Avia.We have already published video footage of pickups transported to Ukraine, which were extremely similar to APKWS launchers. There were many more such pickups on railway platforms. So far, this raises a number of doubts about the fact that the video captures the delivery of German weapons, however, such weapons, even with their relatively short range, can pose a serious threat, since they are highly accurate and controllable.

Among other things, it is also known about the supply of other German weapons, judging by the volume, for a very impressive amount.
Германия передала Украине 20 ракетных установок APKWS

And these traditionally have the most cunning assholes
Israel will not announce the transfer of weapons to Ukraine
The Israeli authorities have decided not to openly discuss the issue of arms supplies to Ukraine. In the near future, it is planned to hold closed discussions on the supply of weapons to Kiev, as previously stated by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, it is not known what kind of weapons can be discussed.

At the moment, it is known that Israel does not plan to supply Ukraine with any modern heavy weapons. However, there is a serious danger that the Israeli side may transfer to Ukraine a large number of its anti-tank missile systems with a long range of destruction, as well as kamikaze drones, on which Ukraine has been betting very heavily lately. It is noteworthy that earlier the Israeli Foreign Minister said that the Israeli side would continue to provide assistance to Ukraine. This implies that some weapons have already been transferred to the Ukrainian military, however, they were not advertised.

Experts note that it is more than likely that Israel will supply Ukraine with its weapons through third countries, thereby avoiding strained relations with Russia.
Израиль не будет анонсировать передачу Украине вооружения

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