Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

It has been mentioned how Nazi symbols keep popping up in mainstream media reporting about Ukraine. Today I found another example of this in a Danish newspaper article about a group operating behind 'enemy' lines. It is basically whitewashing Nazism. The group is called Bratstvo and has close to a 100 members.
Bratstvo means "brotherhood" and was formed in the early days as a political organization by the controversial militant and strongly right-wing activist, by some called neo-Nazi, Dmytro Korchynsky. He calls himself a patriot and a nationalist. The group was then called St. Mary's Battalion, he has referred to as a "Christian Taliban".
As the journalist writes, then the founder is by some called a neonazi and then she continues writing a story to endear this group to the readers. There are pictures of the people in the group and this one stuck out:
No Nazies in Ukraine.gif

The bottom chevron is the Nazi SS Totenkopf symbol, proudly displayed. I am not familiar with the other chevrons, but one is enough to see that Nazism is very much alive in this group as it is in much of official Ukraine by the looks of things. Yet, the West willfully ignores it and downplays the existence of it. The mention of Nazism in Ukraine is considered in the West to be Russian propaganda, despite it being displayed in plain sight.
I am not familiar with the other chevrons, but one is enough to see that Nazism is very much alive in this group as it is in much of official Ukraine by the looks of things.

For the hundredth time I am convinced that these guys have a mess in their head. And apparently deliberately created by those puppeteers who directs this scum.
By the chevrons. From above, this is one of the variants of the Orthodox battle banner.
Blow on the left, the chevron obviously depicts a crusader knight warrior, who by definition could not be Orthodox.
To the right, the chevron depicts an ancient Christian monogram called the "Korsun Cross".
Next, the newfangled meme "shchishch", denoting the end, for some reason with letter "ъ".
The last chevron you specified.
It is very difficult to understand exactly what meaning they put into all this, but from a traditional point of view it is utter nonsense

Уже в сотый раз убеждаюсь в том, что у этих ребят в голове каша. Причем видимо намеренно созданная теми кукловодами, которые руководят этим отребьем.
По шевронам. Сверху это один из вариантов православного боевого знамени. Ниже слева на шевроне очевидно изображен воин рыцарь-крестоносец, который по определению не мог быть православным. Правее на шевроне изображена древняя христианская монограмма , называемая "Корсунский Крест". Далее новомодный мем "щищ", обозначающий конец, почему то с "ъ". Последний шеврон вы указали.
Очень трудно понять какой именно смысл они вкладывают во всё это, но с традиционной точки зрения это полнейшая бессмыслица
I don't know how much truth there is in this bulletin - but it just strikes me as particularly awful at the implied celebration of loss of life.
63 Russian soldiers were killed in Makeyevka after the AFU strike

MOSCOW, January 2 — RIA Novosti. The Armed Forces of Ukraine struck at the temporary deployment point of the Russian military in the Makeyevka area in the DPR, 63 people were killed, the Ministry of Defense reported.
It is clarified that the shelling was carried out from the HIMARS multiple launch rocket system. The Ukrainian military fired six missiles, two of them were shot down.
"As a result of the defeat of four missiles with a high—explosive head of the temporary deployment point, 63 Russian servicemen were killed," the Defense Ministry said.

The Ministry of Defense promised to provide all necessary assistance and support to the relatives and friends of the victims.
Makeyevka is a satellite city of Donetsk, adjacent to the capital of the DPR from the northeast.
В Макеевке погибли 63 российских военных после удара ВСУ

The probable cause of the Ukrainian military strike on Makeyevka has been named

The high cellular activity of servicemen in Makeyevka of the Donetsk People's Republic could be the reason for the strike on the vocational school building by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). This is reported by TASS with reference to the law enforcement authorities of the DPR.

"Previously, the reason for hitting HIMARS was the active use of mobile phones by the arriving servicemen," the agency interlocutor said.

It is explained that the Ukrainian military were able to establish activity with the help of the ECHELON intelligence complex. Thus, the activity of mobile communication among the military located in the building of the educational institution was revealed.

Data on the number of injured and dead have not yet been provided by TASS.

Ukrainian security forces inflicted a massive blow on Makeyevka on New Year's Eve.
Названа вероятная причина удара украинских военных по Макеевке - Газета.Ru | Новости

The number of dead was named, the number of wounded is not yet called. According to statistics, it is usually 3 to 1. The guys apparently congratulated their relatives on the new year and no one explained to them how dangerous it was in those conditions

Количество погибших назвали, количество раненых пока не называют. По статистике оно как правило 3 к 1. Ребята видимо родных поздравляли с новым годом и никто им не объяснил насколько это опасно в тех условиях
New "Super Power" takes on Israel. :lol:
Ukraine exacts revenge on Israel at UN – Axios
The media outlet claims Kiev refused to oppose a pro-Palestinian resolution after Israel declined to provide weapons to the country

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has made his country’s support for Israel at the UN contingent on the nation providing Kiev with air defense systems, the news website Axios has claimed. After not receiving any firm commitments from newly reinstated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ukrainian representatives allegedly opted not to oppose a recent anti-Israel resolution.

In its report on Saturday, Axios cited unnamed Ukrainian and Israeli officials as saying the two leaders held a phone conversation on Friday. Netanyahu supposedly asked Zelensky to vote against, or at least abstain from voting on a UN General Assembly resolution that called on the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.

That conversation was reportedly preceded by Kiev’s refusal to oppose the document during a UN committee vote several weeks ago, according to Axios.

The article claimed that during the phone call, Zelensky made it clear that Ukraine could change its position if Netanyahu pledged military assistance to Kiev amid its conflict with Russia.

While Netanyahu allegedly said he was ready to discuss “Zelensky’s requests in the future,” the Israeli prime minister stopped short of making any firm commitment, Axios reported.

According to the outlet, the Ukrainian head of state was not satisfied with that response, and instructed his UN envoy not to attend the vote at all. A Ukrainian official claimed the decision was made “in order to give a chance to the relationship with Netanyahu,” the US news outlet claimed.

Netanyahu’s office confirmed to Axios that the phone call took place, but refused to provide details regarding its contents.

The UN resolution was adopted on Friday with the support of 87 countries. A total of 26 nations voted against, and 53 abstained.

In early November, then Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz explained that the country could not supply its Iron Dome air defense system to Ukraine as it did not “have a large enough production base” to satisfy an export market as well as its own needs.

Kiev has repeatedly requested military aid from Israel, with special emphasis on air defense. Ukrainian officials say the weapons would be a great help in the country’s efforts to counter what it believes to be Iranian drones deployed by Moscow.

Both Russia and Iran, for their part, deny such UAVs are being used by Moscow’s troops.
Video with the caption "and it happens..." A man show personal documents pierced by a shell fragment and actually the fragment itself, which is stuck in a small icon of the Mother of God with Jesus

Some sources claim that an ammunition depot was organized in the same building. If so, then this is the height of carelessness.
About the New Year's tragedy in Donetsk Makeyevka. Analysis of the Fisherman.
At 00.01 on January 1, 2023, the vocational school building in Donetsk Makeyevka was hit by HIMARS MLRS (two shells intercepted by air defense, four reached the target). Since mid-December, a 14444 regiment has been stationed at the vocational school. Yes, they were all mobilized. In the same place, due to someone's criminal naivety, they decided to place a warehouse with ammunition, which detonated as a result of the strike.

There were about 600 people in the building. The confirmed dead are about 70 people. The analysis of the rubble continues. Estimated irretrievable losses reach 110 people.
More than 100 people were wounded (according to operational reports - 136). Documents and means of communication were lost, management was disrupted.

The mobilized claim that the responsibility lies with the commander of the regiment, Colonel Roman Yenikeyev. We partially disagree with them: the colonel's fault is only that he blindly followed the instructions of his superiors and could not achieve the resettlement of the unit entrusted to him in accordance with the realities of the front.

The blame for the tragedy lies with the command of the 1st AK NM of the DPR — unfortunately, after the death of General Roman Kutuzov, common sense and intelligence information were neglected in the command of the association for the sake of some military science and expediency.
Versions of what happened have already appeared on the Internet — this is both the use of mobile phones and the enemy's agents on the ground. Everyone is to blame, except the management, who decided to choose the place of the most compact accommodation. (The Fisherman)
02.01.2022 Карта боевых действий и последние новости с Украины: ВСУ готовят большое наступление на Кременную (16 видео)

Видео с подписью "и такое бывает..." Человек показывает пробитые осколком снаряда личные документы и собственно сам осколок, который застрял в маленькой иконке Божьей Матери с Иисусом
Некоторые источники утверждают, что в этом же здании был организован склад боеприпасов. Если это так, то это уже верх безалаберности.
"satanists and neo-pagans were put in positions of power by the United States. The 'sects' in Ukraine then multiplied drastically, pointing to not just satanism and neo-paganism but certain Christian and Jewish groups as well...Using network manipulations and psychotechnologies, the new authorities turned Ukraine from a state into a totalitarian hypersect"

The Washington Examiner, naturally, finds this rhetoric absurd, but the Ukies themselves do put on 'satanic airs':

Evening arrival at the ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Druzhkovka. The shots of the detonation of the BC got into the plot of the French TV.

Ukrainian publics report that as a result of Russian strikes, there is no longer an ice arena in Druzhkovka (part of the DPR under the control of Kyiv). This is not entirely true.
Druzhkovka no longer has a platform for unloading military trains.

⚡️According to our data, at the time of the impact, captured in this video (Неофициальный Безсонов "Z"), an echelon with two Himars MLRS launchers, four Czech Vampires and ammunition for them was unloading.

Also on this echelon, Ukrainian mobilized troops arrived, who were transferred to resupply the battered units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Artyomovsk. The rubble is still being cleared, but according to morning data, enemy losses have already exceeded 100 people.

And the ice arena in Druzhkovka was damaged as a result of the detonation of rockets to the MLRS of the Ukrainian army

Quite a number of interesting developments (I haven't checked primary sources myself here):

A number of the following points were mentioned in the following two videos, which will start at the appropriate time stamps:

- Apparently a number of pretty significant things happened in regard to Medvedev, that got little attention.

- Putin appointed Medvedev to a new position, that apparently didn't exist in that manner before in Russia. The guys from The Duran claim that Putin just appointed Medvedev to a position that is something like the chief of the military/industrial complex in Russia and that Medvedev was already very much the head director under Putin for the Ukraine situation before that point, which he apparently handled very well so far.

- Medvedev visited Xi in China, apparently handing over written down and secret communications from Putin to XI.

- That visit of Medvedev with Xi might have also served as an introduction of Medvedev to Xi as the predecessor of Putin.

- Just a day or so later Putin had a very long and secret communication with Xi via the Internet (video conservation).

- One of The Duran guys mentioned Medvedev and his role. And more specifically about the way Medvedev was/is being viewed by many: A liberal/weak and or fifth column person, while he makes it clear that he never really believed that this is the case and that he was always pretty sure that Medvedev is in reality a hardliner. IMO it could very well be that Putin prepared Medvedev as his successor for a long time and that all if not many of the rumors about Medvedev served as a welcome distraction (or smokescreen) for Putin and Medvedev to further their plans.

- One of the Duran guys makes an interesting point about the time when Medvedev was president and how he thinks that Medvedev was really the one in charge (and not Putin) at that point in time and that Medvedev reacted quickly and decisively to the Georgian situation, by using overwhelming russian force.

- One of The Duran guys makes an interesting point, namely; in 2024 the next elections in russia will take place and that what we see now (and the timing of the possible "end" of the Ukraine Operation) will probably play a key role.

Here are some of my own speculations:

- By now, I personally am inclined to go as far as saying that Medvedev was probably Putin's chosen apprentice from the get-go and that Putin forged him over the years to become his predecessor.

- In that line I would speculate that Medvediv first term as Russian president (2008-2012) was probably more or less a deliberate "babtism by fire" that Putin prepared on purpose to "steel" Medvedev and/or test if he is really up for the task. In that line I would speculate that Putin really gave Medvedev all the power and did not interfere when Medvedev was president. A dry run maybe? That first "batism" might have provided Putin and/or Medvedev with important lessons and things to work on, for the real/full "babtism" and/or handover of power.

- Further I would speculate that the real "babtism by fire" for Medvedev might be still ahead; aka; he will likely become president again (maybe even in 2024) and will then be in charge of the Ukraine situation and probably an even wider and more complicated conflict against the west

- Maybe Putin will give Medvedev the power again already in 2024 (before he legally has to step down)

- Putin seems to put people in place and do things that suggest that they are preparing for a long war/conflict with the west that might get bigger and will extend at least to the end of this decade (meaning that not only Ukraine might become an issue)

- You might have noticed that Putin started to talk about something in recent speeches and/or briefings that is quite a significant change of rhetoric: he explained that "the collective west", and more specifically the USA, have created and are working hard on a "first strike" policy/idea, meaning that they gave themselves the right to attack Russia (and others for that manner) by a preemptive first strike. So in other words: Not as a retaliation or counter-attack against enemy fire (normal and/or nuclear) but as a "preemptive" strike. Putin made it quite clear that he knows that they are doing that and that russia hasn't any such policies/laws (yet) that would allow them to something similar. In other words: So far, legally and in reality, russia would/can only use nuclear and other means in defense/retaliation against an offensive attack. Then Putin suggested pretty much: If the Americans can give themselves those rights why shouldn't we do the same? IN´n other words: Putin made it pretty clear that russia is now seriously thinking about creating a similar legal framework that would allow them to do the same: Strike America and/or the collective west first, via a preemptive strike.
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Following the above speculations about Medvedev and Putin:

It is certainly interesting to think about Medvedev's "hard core", clear, truthful, very sarcastic and "aggressive" statements in recent months, in regard to the "collective west". What Medvedev has spilled out in recent months might be what Putin wouldn't say out loud (at this point) but might actually reflect closely what Putin himself would like to say as well.
There is a radio show attached to the John Helmer article, which has some focus on Angela Merkel:

Angela Merkel (lead image), the chancellor who destroyed the Christian Democratic party in German politics always hated Russia and President Vladimir Putin most of all.

She concealed this for as long as she calculated she needed to preserve the votes of East Germany, German businesses and unions for her re-election. But lie after lie she leaked through her staff to the German and English press.

She even tried to promote a German candidate to rule the Ukraine in her war against Russia – until Washington installed their own in Kiev, and told Merkel to fall in line. She did.
The Russian army destroyed 7 American MLRS HIMARS in Ukraine in three days
Since the beginning of the year, the Russian army has already destroyed 7 HIMARS systems.

According to the updated data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, since the beginning of this year, 7 HIMARS missile systems have already been destroyed in Ukraine. This is a kind of record for the Russian military, since 23 multiple launch rocket systems of this type were destroyed over the past year.

From the official data announced by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, one HIMARS system was destroyed by return fire on January 1 after striking a vocational school building in Makeyevka. This was the first HIMARS system destroyed this year. On January 3, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the destruction of two HIMARS systems in the Kramatorsk area, as well as four HIMARS MLRS in the territory of Druzhkovka locality (initially it was reported that only two systems of this type were destroyed). This is a kind of record for the number of destruction of HIMARS systems in just three days, while, based on official data from the Russian defense Ministry, it follows that in total, 30 HIMARS systems have been hit and destroyed by the Russian army since the summer of 2022.

It is not known how many more HIMARS systems are in service with Ukraine, however, based on official data announced by the United States, a total of 20 HIMARS systems were officially delivered to Ukraine, which may indicate that unofficial deliveries also took place.
Армия России за трое суток уничтожила на Украине 7 американских РСЗО HIMARS

Rudenko: 8 out of 10 Ukrainian strikes are caused by the use of unprotected mobile communications
The APU monitors the activity of the mobile communications of the Russian military and strikes.

Russian military correspondent Andrei Rudenko reported that 80% of Ukrainian strikes are related to the use of unprotected mobile communications by the military. It is noted that the Ukrainian military constantly monitors the activity of mobile devices and can set coordinates for subsequent strikes.

Earlier it became known that due to the use of mobile devices, it is really possible to calculate the location of military personnel, however, it became known for the first time about the statistics of strikes depending on the use of mobile communications.

"Fellow servicemen who are in the zone of their own, please do not use Russian mobile communications, even in the rear cities! The enemy has stations available that track mobile communications. And they instantly calculate your location. If the enemy has long-range MLRS HIMARS, the distance is not a problem for them. 8 out of 10 strikes are caused by the use of mobile communications and unprotected devices with Internet access. Be extremely careful and do not use mobile communication in locations and on the front line," said Russian military commander Rudenko.

It is not known how reliable the information voiced is, however, the Western military does have complexes in service that provide an opportunity to monitor mobile activity. According to the information that appeared earlier, it was due to the use of mobile communication facilities that it became known earlier about the location of Russian servicemen in Makeyevka, however, they could not receive any confirmation of this data.
Руденко: 8 из 10 украинских ударов вызваны использованием незащищённой мобильной связи

Member of the SVO coordination group: the number of victims in Makeyevka may increase as the rubble is sorted out
A member of the coordination group on SVO announced an increase in the victims of the Makeyevka tragedy.

Russian military correspondent Semyon Pegov, who is a member of the coordination council for the SVO, said that the analysis of the rubble at the site of the attack on the vocational school in Makeyevka continues, and the number of victims, according to his information, may increase. The exact number of such for obvious reasons is not called.

According to Semyon Pegov, on January 3, 2023, the analysis of the rubble at the site of the destroyed vocational school in Makeyevka continued. According to him, searches for people are continuing on the spot, and despite the officially announced data on the number of victims, other facts are also being revealed.

"The exact death toll, despite the official statement of the Ministry of Defense, is still unknown. As far as we can trust our sources working directly at the site of this tragedy, the analysis of the rubble continues to this day, and, unfortunately, the number of victims of this tragedy after the HIMARS strike, according to the location of both mobilized and active servicemen, may be large when all the rubble is completely dismantled," said Semyon Pegov.

According to official data announced by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as a result of the tragedy, the number of dead has already reached 89 Russian servicemen.
Член координационной группы по СВО: количество жертв в Макеевке может возрасти по мере разбора завалов

Rogozin sent the shell fragment from the Caesar howitzer that wounded him to the French Ambassador Levy
Anastasia Selivanova
The ex-head of Roscosmos, the head of the group of military advisers and the STC "Royal Wolves" Dmitry Rogozin, who was wounded in Donetsk in December, sent a fragment of a shell from a Caesar howitzer, which had previously been extracted from his spine, to the French ambassador to Russia Pierre Levy. This is reported by RIA Novosti.
Rogozin accompanied the fragment with a letter in which he expressed regret over the position of Paris and NATO regarding the Ukrainian conflict, as well as due to the fact that France has become a "puppet state" in the hands of Washington.

In the letter, he tells in detail about his injury received on the outskirts of Donetsk. According to Rogozin, the shell, the fragment from which he was wounded, was fired from a 155-mm Caesar self-propelled gun, pierced his shoulder and stuck in the fifth cervical vertebra "a millimeter away from killing me or making me an immobile invalid." Shells killed two young friends of Rogozin, who accompanied him and Pierre Levy on a trip to Baikonur: "Now they are killed by weapons supplied to Ukraine by your country."

Rogozin asked the ambassador to hand over the fragment extracted from the spine to French President Emmanuel Macron with the words "no one will escape responsibility for the war crimes" of NATO countries in the Donbas.

Rogozin was wounded on the night of December 22 as a result of the shelling of the Donetsk hotel by the AFU. The doctors decided that it was dangerous to leave a shell fragment that hit the cervical spine because of the threat of paralysis, and therefore Rogozin was transported to a Moscow hospital, where he successfully underwent surgery.

The Czech Republic has started the delivery of upgraded Dana M2 self-propelled guns to Ukraine
The Czech Republic has started supplying Ukraine with upgraded DANA M2 self-propelled guns.

A few days ago, a convoy with DANA M2 self-propelled artillery units was spotted on the territory of the Czech Republic. The latter are allegedly intended for Ukraine under a previously concluded contract for the supply of such weapons.

On the presented video footage, shot on the territory of the Czech Republic, you can see the DANA M2 self-propelled artillery unit already fully equipped for delivery. As part of the first delivery, it is planned to transfer 3 similar self-propelled guns to Ukraine, while by the end of this year the Czech Republic plans to fully complete its obligations under the previously concluded contract for the supply of 26 self-propelled guns of this type.

The key feature of the upgraded DANA M2 self-propelled guns is an improved cabin, an updated fire control system, etc. According to foreign sources, in 2022 Ukraine did not lose a single DANA self-propelled gun, while according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on December 31, one self-propelled gun of this type was destroyed on the territory of the Luhansk region, which, with the supply of this weapon, indicates a very high maneuverability of such self-propelled guns.
Чехия начала поставку на Украину модернизированных САУ Dana M2
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