Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Russian Military Faces Rare Outrage At Home After Devastating Barracks Attack


"The anger has risen to the level of lawmakers in Russia's parliament, who are demanding an internal investigation in order punish officers responsible for the decision-making which led to what may have been the single deadliest attack suffered by Russia since the invasion began."

"The Hill on Wednesday cites one of these leading parliament figures as follows:

Sergey Mironov, a member of the Russian parliament’s State Duma, said the attack "should be the last of its kind."
In a Telegram post, he called for an investigation and "personal criminal liability" for any Russian officers or personnel responsible.

"Interestingly, the narrative coalescing from top Kremlin officials is that it was the soldiers' fault for breaking bans on cell phone usage..."

The confirmed death toll of Ukraine's New Year's Day strike on Russian barracks in Makiivka has now reached 89, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. The attack was only possible, the ministry said, because soldiers violated a ban on cell phone use.https://t.co/yT4JIvW5xO

More in the article below:


US making Europeans suffer – de Gaulle’s grandson

"Washington is profiteering from the “economic war” against Moscow, Pierre de Gaulle has said"

"After leading the French resistance against Nazi occupation during World War II, Charles de Gaulle founded the modern French political system and served as president from 1959 to 1969. His grandson, a strategy and corporate finance consultant, said he believes that the Ukraine conflict was incited by the West."

“I revolt and protest this intellectual dishonesty in the Ukraine crisis because the triggers of the war are the Americans and NATO,” Pierre de Gaulle told the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association last week."

“The United States, unfortunately, continues the military escalation, making not only the Ukrainian population suffer, but the European population as well.”


Use of phones is cause of tragedy in Makeyevka — Russian Defense Ministry​

"SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATIONS STAFF, January 4. /TASS/. The use of personal phones by personnel within the enemy armament reach was the main cause of the tragedy in Makeyevka, where 89 Russian servicemen died, First Deputy Head of the Main Military-Political Department of the Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Sergey Sevryukov told reporters."


Use of phones is cause of tragedy in Makeyevka — Russian Defense Ministry​

"SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATIONS STAFF, January 4. /TASS/. The use of personal phones by personnel within the enemy armament reach was the main cause of the tragedy in Makeyevka, where 89 Russian servicemen died, First Deputy Head of the Main Military-Political Department of the Russian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Sergey Sevryukov told reporters."

I had two more talks with my Russian work college (woman) before that latest "big" hit against Russians and after it. What became clear again: it seems like she is still not understanding why Putin "isn't doing more" and wouldn't just "go all in". She also explained that "all Russians think like that".

I certainly don't think that this is true, but it does really seem like a rather large percentage of Russians (especially those at home) don't really seem to understand or care about the noble principles Putin tries to abide by, such as: sparing the lives of innocent civilians? If so, that is a rather sad state of affairs IMO. It almost seems like my colleague doesn't really seem to care about such noble principles and/or is not aware how complicated, complex and difficult the situation really is. If it were up to her, Russia would have already bombed the hell out of Ukraine, with little to no consideration of the civilian tragedy/deaths this would create. A number of times she also told me that it would have been probably better if the real big guns had been used in the first days to destroy pretty much all and everything in Ukraine within a couple of days (scorched earth basically) because this would have created less suffering in her opinion than a prolonged war of this kind.

So it seems like one of the primary pressures Putin is facing is the pressure of such views/demands at home against his noble ways of conducting a war? And it is likely that those sentiments will increase the longer the war continues. On the other hand, the previously mentioned "Politics By Other Means" might play into what is going on as well:

Politics By Other Means

Putin and Clausewitz​

Big Serge
27 min ago

Carl von Clausewitz
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I had two more talks with my Russian work college (woman) before that latest "big" hit against Russians and after it. What became clear again: it seems like she is still not understanding why Putin "isn't doing more" and wouldn't just "go all in". She also explained that "all Russians think like that".

I certainly don't think that this is true, but it does really seem like a rather large percentage of Russians (especially those at home) don't really seem to understand or care about the noble principles Putin tries to abide by, such as: sparing the lives of innocent civilians? If so, that is a rather sad state of affairs IMO. It almost seems like my colleague doesn't really seem to care about such noble principles and/or is not aware how complicated, complex and difficult the situation really is. If it were up to her, Russia would have already bombed the hell out of Ukraine, with little to no consideration of the civilian tragedy/deaths this would create. A number of times she also told me that it would have been probably better if the real big guns had been used in the first days to destroy pretty much all and everything in Ukraine within a couple of days (scorched earth basically) because this would have created less suffering in her opinion than a prolonged war of this kind.

So it seems like one of the primary pressures Putin is facing is the pressure of such views/demands at home against his noble ways of conducting a war? And it is likely that those sentiments will increase the longer the war continues. On the other hand, the previously mentioned "Politics By Other Means" might play into what is going on as well:

Well, she's Russian and Russians have been getting genocided by Ukraine since 2014, soldiers if captured are killed / tortured and now they are getting killed in barracks too. I mean, it looks to me like she's feeling anger at her fellow countrymen being genocided and is looking for her leader to take a tougher stance to protect her people especially given they supposedly have the means to. All looks like a very common reaction to me 🤷

How else should she be feeling? Of course this is not to say her leader should react based on emotions as there are more subtle goals / aims to the SMO.
I feel like I did a good deed today without even trying. Was called in to my dentist's office a week before scheduled visit because the doc was out sick, they had no business today, and my procedure required only the dental assistant. Just me, the assistant, and receptionist. The dental assistant is a very sweet Russian woman married to an American and in the USA only three years.

In the exam room, Ukraine/Putin/Russia came up not far into a light chat about inflation (a common topic here) and she got unexpectedly emotional. All I did was reveal that I was skeptical of the MSM Ukraine narrative and her eyes grew big. She said her heart was hurting because of the anti-Russia news/sentiment and terrible misunderstanding of Americans. She could not talk about it even with her husband. I was the first she met that had a different view, she's felt alone and embattled, knows the news is fake, and can't even trust Russian news because of home-side propaganda in time of war. She was clueless about how to find balanced information and asked me. So, I suggested she try SOTT. She was so thankful and couldn't wait to look, hoping to find psychic relief.

She said she peripherally knows some local Russians who've been here 20-30 years and they all thought the USA was great when they came, but has deteriorated now beyond any expectation, particularly with respect to the seemingly public disappearance of Americanism.

On my way out, I chatted with the receptionist who is a former medical assistant for 25+ years. She opened up about how horribly she feels the hospital system has changed in the USA and turned physicians into shallow pill-dispensers who leave the public in total ignorance about the causes of their issues and how to maintain their health. She left the profession to run a dental office because she couldn't take it anymore.

So, I thought it was heartening to see people actually opening up, maybe waking up, in my own neighborhood.
Well, we're warned, the economic sanctions are here for ever...
From here (27 dec 2022)

Sanctions on Russia must remain in place after de-occupation of Ukrainian territories - Latvian foreign minister

RIGA - After the occupied territories of Ukraine are liberated, sanctions on Russia must remain in place until Russia recognizes Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territory in its internationally recognized borders and pays for Ukraine's reconstruction, Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics (New Unity) said in his annual report on Latvia's foreign policy and EU affairs.
The minister noted that Latvia together with its partners must continue to work on a better coordination and implementation of the sanctions and prevent them from being dodged. Latvia is prepared to increase the sanctions pressure, expanding or deepening their scope, Rinkevics said.
The foreign minister indicated that stepping up sanctions on Russia has become one of the most important instruments that help restrict Russia's ability to finance and wage the war against Ukraine, as they increase the political and economic costs of the war.
In the report, Rinkevics says that the Latvian foreign service supports imposing sweeping sanctions against Russia. EU sanctions are imposed in coordination with other like-minded countries, including the US, Canada and the UK. Several other countries, including Norway, Iceland, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia, are gradually joining the already existing sanctions.

The foreign minister indicated that the sanctions targeting the energy sector include a ban on Russian coal and oil imports, as well as a price cap on the oil that is shipped from Russia to third countries. There is also a ban on investments in the Russian energy sector and exports of gas processing goods and technologies to Russia.
The Western sanctions have also hit several Russian banks, halting transactions with these banks. The Russian central bank's reserves have been frozen and a number of Russian commercial banks have been denied access to EU capital markets. A ban has been introduced on EU public funding and investments in Russia.
In the transport sector, Russian aircraft have been banned from using EU airspace, Russian trucks have been banned from entering the EU and Russian ships are not being allowed into EU ports. Exports of aviation, maritime and space industry goods and technologies to Russia are prohibited.

The sanctions also include more extensive trade restrictions with Russia, including a ban on exporting dual-use goods and technologies. There is also a list of goods and products EU member states are prohibited from importing from Russia. They include commodities like iron and steel, timber, cement and gold, among others.
Rinkevics stressed that Russia's ruling elite, who is responsible for Russia's aggression in Ukraine, has been sanctioned by restricting these people's possibilities to travel and freezing their assets in the EU. At present, there are 1,836 names on the list of sanctioned persons, including Russia's top state officials, lawmakers, members of the National Security Council and other individuals close to the Putin administration like oligarchs and Kremlin propagandists. Sanctions have also been slapped on 171 legal entities and Kremlin propaganda has been restricted by banning nine Russian propaganda outlets in the EU.
According to the foreign minister's report, Latvia will support an EU-level solution that would allow using the frozen Russian assets for the reconstruction of Ukraine. According to Rinkevics, it is essential to harmonize the regulation by criminalizing serious sanctions violations and ensuring that providers of services and consultations who help Russia dodge the sanctions are also called to account.

and from here :

07:18 05.01.2023

Russia is preparing to aggravate the situation in February, and Medvedchuk's ally, ex-People's Deputy Taras Kozak, holds meetings with Europeans and persuades the signing of peace agreements a la "Minsk-3" - Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Danilov:

“February will be decisive for them. Because the dates are (important) for them, anniversaries and the like. They are preparing for an escalation.

Now a man by the name of Kozak has become more active. He holds meetings with figures from Europe in order to force us to sign certain peaceful, as they believe, agreements a la "Minsk-3".

Of course, we won't go for it. There are many markers that give us reason to say that in February they may have another attempt in order to resolve this issue.

In the second half of February, the Munich Security Conference will take place, February 23-24 events in New York. The Red Cross has now begun to worry very much about why we are killing Russians. There are many markers that indicate that there may be a certain aggravation in February."
From the article below:

Russia’s S-70 Okhotnik Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV), which can also operate as a ‘wingman’ to the Su-57 fighter, is Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled and can reach outer space when fitted with suitable engines.

What suitable engines? I can't think of any. This is a very big claim.

Or perhaps he means anti-gravity technology? Which, according to the C's, the Russians possess? (If only recently?)
Russia's winter offensive is probably just weeks away. Real 'Shock and Awe' is about to commence. If the Polish try anything, Russia is ready for them.

Now, it is not going to end there. Other Russian officials have been saying that in 2023, we should see the recapture of Kherson region ... and there will most surely be other Russian advances in other places. But the main battle was, and remains, Donbas. Once that battle is won, once Ukrainian resistance is broken, the Ukrainian army will be fatally weakened... which means that Ukraine will not only have lost its most heavily industrialized region, and its most heavily fortified zone. It will also mean the Russians will have unimpeded access all the way to the east bank of the Dnieper River. At that point, they will be in a position to cut Ukraine in half. This seems logical to me and it seems clearly to me that this is the Russian plan. They are not making a secret of it, but they are keeping people on-their-toes and guessing about the troops that are in Belarus. But I suspect the primary purpose of those forces is to pin Ukrainian soldiers down ...around Kiev from a possible Russian offensive there, and to counter the very big buildup of Polish troops. So that is what Gerasimov has been saying."

New Azovstal situation developing
Timestamp: 04.01.2023

Military Summary Reports that the 'Salt Mines of Soledar' - has a trenches length of 7km / 4miles (in the shape of a half rectangle on the pic below) with Ukrainian rifles pointing toward the Russian side in the East - is allegedly a "much more developed" 'Caves & Tunnels System' than was last year's famous media spotlight 'Azovstal Underground'.
Salt Mines of Soledar Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 04.01.2023.mp4_snapshot_15.34.582.jpg

Dima [the creator of these military summary report videos] therefore thinks the Russians will have similar difficulty taking the area.

Therefore, it looks like, the Russians appear to have started a Surround Operation = Cauldron for this area as well.

Furthermore, the:

Ice is forecast to develop and usually remain over much of Eastern Ukraine until February creating a frozen-over battleground, which will then be very easily traversable with tanks and armored vehicles, allowing OVERRUN & destroy operations.

This war will be short, only until the ice & frozen mud lasts, till March. Russians are estimated / rumored to want to take as much of Donetsk as possible during this time and significantly push their frontlines Westward. Ukrainian + NATO army allegedly want the same, only in the opposite direction.. NATO troops are flooding in and Russians are roasting the Polish volunteers en masse..

Lizards are feasting, because their 'Ukraine Meat Grinder Machine' is spinning at full speed.
Marinka for example is a 'Human Grill Site', the stench of scorched bodies is rumored to be unendurable..

Losses are horrible on the Ukrainian side and on the Wagner side, which boosts itself with cannon fodder 'Russian Prisoner Complement' troops.

Russian Minister of Defence Shoigu also started his new Private Military Contractor Army, probably boosted with prisoners - called Patriot PMC - already activated on the Southern Frontlines. They and their Professional Russian Artillery Support are massacring the Ukrainians as a whole.. between the Southern Frontline of Vuhledar and the water reservoir - toward the west.

Allegedly inmates in Russia are increasingly involuntarily being ushered out of Russian prisons all over the country - with the promise of lucrative 'Sentence Forgiveness Deals'[sic] .

Ukrainian Secret Service is convinced in a 2023 March conflagration on the frontlines, which will determine the outcome of the war.
{And the possible collapse of Ukrainian frontlines..}
Ukrainians are therefore hoping that the 'USA Bidet Mafia Lend-Lease' they were promised - will finally kick off in March..
Putin instructed to introduce a ceasefire regime for Christmas

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to introduce a ceasefire regime along the entire contact line from noon on January 6 to midnight on January 7, the Kremlin's press service reported.

"Taking into account the appeal of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, I instruct the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to introduce a ceasefire regime along the entire line of contact of the parties in Ukraine from 12.00 on January 6, 2023 to 24.00 on January 7, 2023," the message reads.
Путин поручил ввести на Рождество режим прекращения огня

Our "iron Dimon" is burning again
Medvedev called the appeal of the US Embassy to the Russians the limit of moral degradation

The appeal of the US Embassy in Moscow to the Russians is the limit of moral degradation and a manifestation of extreme cynicism, said Deputy Chairman of the Security Council (SB) of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in his Telegram channel.

In a previously published message, the American diplomatic mission noted that Russia and the United States competed and collaborated to overcome the greatest challenges facing the world, what is happening now is "not worthy" of Russians.

"Even for these first-rate freaks, this is the height of cynicism and the limit of moral degradation. The United States spends tens of billions on the war in Ukraine, supplying its weapons on a gigantic scale, exterminating thousands of people with someone else's hands. This is outrageous cynicism in the best traditions of the Nazis," Medvedev wrote.

According to him, the main New Year's "gift" from Russia to NATO was the entry into combat service of the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov", modified for the use of hypersonic missiles "Zircon".

"Let him stand somewhere 100 miles from the shore, closer to the Potomac River. So rejoice! It will bring to life anyone who poses a direct threat to Russia and our allies," he added.

The ceremony of the Admiral Gorshkov frigate's entry into combat service took place yesterday, January 4, and Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in it via video link. Putin heard reports from Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the ship's commander Igor Krokhmal.

The Russian President noted that going into combat service "is a common thing," "but this time the ship is equipped with the latest hypersonic missile system "Zircon", which has no analogues – this is a hypersonic sea–based system - as well as other weapons of the latest generations." The head of state announced the frigate's entry into combat service at the end of December at an expanded meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Defense.

The Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov is the lead ship of Project 22350. In December, the frigate of the Northern Fleet carried out an inter—fleet crossing and arrived at the main base of the Northern Fleet - the city of Severomorsk after scheduled maintenance at the Kronstadt Marine Plant.
Медведев назвал обращение посольства США к россиянам пределом моральной деградации

What suitable engines? I can't think of any. This is a very big claim.

Or perhaps he means anti-gravity technology? Which, according to the C's, the Russians possess? (If only recently?)
Indeed, this is a very big claim and I also can't remember anything suitable from what is known. It remains to think about what C's told us, but I remember they talked about technology, and from technology to the finished product can be quite a long way.

Действительно это очень большая претензия и я тоже не могу вспомнить ничего подходящего из того о чем известно. Остается думать о том о чём нам говорили C's, но помнится они говорили про технологии, а от технологии до готового изделия бывает довольно большой путь.
Indeed, this is a very big claim and I also can't remember anything suitable from what is known. It remains to think about what C's told us, but I remember they talked about technology, and from technology to the finished product can be quite a long way.

It would make sense that if they have some form of anti-gravity technology, it would get into their military aircraft first. Hence the new engines he is talking about.
From the article below:

What suitable engines? I can't think of any. This is a very big claim.

Or perhaps he means anti-gravity technology? Which, according to the C's, the Russians possess? (If only recently?)
Strong enough engines. It was done already by the US and rockets launched from planes.
Strong enough engines. It was done already by the US and rockets launched from planes.

Yes, but engines incorporated within the drone itself. Looking from the design (flying wing) the SU-70 will not be able to withstand high supersonic speed.

So I think we are talking about something else here.
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