Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This Slavyangrad post, IMO, although speculative, has some reasonable conclusions.

The proposition is this: The Ukrainian solders/citizens of today are the Russian soldiers/citizen of tomorrow, when the west decides that’s it time and leaves the theater. Russian will take much, if not most, of the Ukraine and Poland and others will divide up what’s left. The new Russians citizens (from the old Ukraine) will be relieved to be new citizen of Russia and the solders will more than likely want to fight with a vengeance against the west. So… the western leaders are rounding up as many young (future Russian soldiers) as possible and sending them into the meat grinder. What appears to be happening is they round them up, send them to the front, push them forward, then the officers an NGO abandon them to be slaughtered.

I also found an article from Germany stating the Ukrainian refugees have “multidrug resistant pathogens” And ex-Colonel McGregor recently said the there is a Tuberculosis epidemic going untreated in the Ukraine. Which leads me to suspicion: has all of Ukraine been infected with (?) and are the 1/3 of the population that has been sent out as refugees, ticking timebombs for epidemics?

Quote from the tweet, and much more in the tweet posted below:

"The West is following a strategy of scorched earth in Ukraine. It is absolutely clear to everyone, that it is only a question of time, when Ukraine will fall as a whole. All are aware that this will most likely happen this year. So, the task is, to inflict as much comprehensive and sustainable damage to Russia as possible during the process. With a huge success of course. See my article about that here.

Ukraine, or the biggest parts of it, will be part of Russia again. Some parts might go to Poland, Hungary and Romania by agreement with Russia. And some part will maybe be released into pseudo independence after being denazifyed and demilitarised. But in fact, Russia is killing currently “en mass” its future citizens and the base for further development. Of course, the Ukrainian soldiers of today will be Russian soldiers of tomorrow, as well. And as more infrastructure is damaged as more Russia will need to invest to rebuild. At least in parts, that will go to Russia.

Therefore, it needs to be ensured, by NATO, that the whole male able-bodied potential will be used, to fight Russia. In the best case everyone dies. Remember, these are future Russian citizens and soldiers. That’s why the West will never ever negotiate an end. Russia by the way won’t do it as well, since all of Ukraine will be captured, denazifyed and demilitarised. Except maybe the parts, that will go to other states under a mutual agreement."

Here is the Slavyangrad tweet:

and here is the article on multidrug resistant pathogens:

Screening for multidrug-resistant pathogens (MRE) in refugees from Ukraine​

Can anyone provide background info to the Wagner Group? Who are they? Are they the Russian equivalent of a private sector military organisation?

Is it not embarrassing for the actual Russian military to have glory falling to another entity in key decisive battles e.g. in Soledar?

ADDED: From the little I have seen Wagner Group are hardened soldiers who'd much rather die than be captured. They are like the modern equivalent of berserkers.
Can anyone provide background info to the Wagner Group? Who are they? Are they the Russian equivalent of a private sector military organisation?

Is it not embarrassing for the actual Russian military to have glory falling to another entity in key decisive battles e.g. in Soledar?

ADDED: From the little I have seen Wagner Group are hardened soldiers who'd much rather die than be captured. They are like the modern equivalent of berserkers.

Interview with Prigozhin after the capture of Soledar, rewarding the commander who commanded the company.

Evgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin is a Russian businessman, oligarch, considered one of the friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Head and owner of the Russian group of companies "Concord". Hero of the Russian Federation. Hero of the DNR and Hero of the LNR.

Controls the Wagner Group, a Russian government-backed mercenary structure that is involved in military conflicts in Africa, Syria, Ukraine, and other regions of the world, as well as companies accused of interfering in the US elections in 2016 and 2018 (Internet Research Agency and others) .

1. Soldiers of PMC "Wagner" have been fighting for many years. This is probably the most experienced army in the world.
2. All tasks are performed independently, there are planes, there are hero pilots, there are MLRS of all types, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, assault units that have no equal.
3. Control system. Everyone is listened to, all opinions are important. This is not the Russian army, where only 10% wants and can fight. PMC "Wagner" is the Russian force that wants and can fight.
4. The most severe discipline. One grenade for the enemy, one for yourself.

PMC "Wagner" liberates French colonies in Africa, fights in Syria and now in Ukraine.

I hope that there will be no problems with the translation.

Regarding military glory, I did not really understand who was ashamed and for what.

If we are talking about the fact that the PMC took Soledar, and the regular troops wrinkle their boobs, then no, it's not a shame. Everyone is minding their own business. Everyone will receive awards.

In addition, the airborne troops of the Russian Federation helped from the north and south in terms of support, artillery and so on. Those. regular troops also participated, although Soledar is a purely Wagner company.

And yes, I myself look at the situation when a private military company, to which elite fighters and former prisoners come, wins in Europe!
Is it the height of winter in Ukraine yet? How are Ukrainian soldiers managing not to freeze sleeping in the ditches they've built?
One could joke here about the fact that they do not have time to freeze ...

The bottom line is that 90% of the time a soldier equips life, builds shelters, places for heating, cooking, etc. And 10% of the time fighting. This is the reality of this war.
Tank "Breakthrough": modernized T-90Ms arrive in the special operation zone

✔️ This tank is equipped with the Afganit active protection system. It detects projectiles flying into the tank and destroys them with a directed explosion.

✔️ The armor of the vehicle is reinforced with Relic dynamic protection. This increases the survivability of the tank in urban combat conditions, when the risk of shelling is increased.

✔️ Ammunition is located in the back of the turret behind the armor plate. In the event of its undermining, the crew will not suffer.

✔️ Upgraded cannon fires higher powered projectiles and can launch rockets.

✔️ The anti-aircraft machine gun of the T-90M is controlled from the turret, while in previous tank models the commander had to climb out of the hatch. A panoramic device with a thermal imager and automatic detection of the type of targets also simplifies the work of the crew.

✔️ In addition, the vehicle is equipped with "Army Internet" - a system that allows the tank to operate in a tactical link with other units.


Video link Мрія

The schismatics, having captured the Orthodox church, made a nativity scene and, according to the tradition of the Galicians (Westerners), they kill - a Jew (Jew) !!!

in a country under the leadership of a Jew, they are promoting the genocide of the Jews!

Have you seen this in at least one European church?

4. The most severe discipline. One grenade for the enemy, one for yourself.
They claim that leaving the position without an order is tantamount to desertion and is punishable by death. I do not know how strictly this is observed in reality, but indirectly the results speak for themselves

Они заявляют, что отход с позиции без приказа равносильно дезертирству и карается смертью. Я не знаю насколько строго это соблюдается в реальности, но косвенно результаты говорят сами за себя
The way that man sighed at the end of the clip was interesting. As if he knows what he is doing is going to inflict terrible suffering on others and on some level he does not feel good about it. Perhaps he knows it will also affect his own side also. He seems very weary. I wish I could understand what he is saying.
Can anyone provide background info to the Wagner Group? Who are they? Are they the Russian equivalent of a private sector military organisation?

Is it not embarrassing for the actual Russian military to have glory falling to another entity in key decisive battles e.g. in Soledar?

ADDED: From the little I have seen Wagner Group are hardened soldiers who'd much rather die than be captured. They are like the modern equivalent of berserkers.
In simple words, private military (or security) firm, like Blackwater, but which works with the agreement with russian government which makes them not PMC, but more like classic para-military group (and more like SAS then Blackwater). Comprised of ex military specialist, and probably foreign ex military specialist with russian citizenships (think Foreign Legion).

First documented organized for the missions in Africa on demand of some African countries to the Russia.
I wish I could understand what he is saying.
Yes, in general, there is nothing abstruse here. Uncle speaks Ukrainian. At the beginning, uncle thanks a certain shaman from the 63rd brigade for providing ammunition (according to some sources - prussic acid). At the end, he takes his finger at the camera and says: this is all going to fly on your sick heads, faggots. Uncle's call sign, by the way, is Magyar. The copters they collect, they call Molfars

Last warning?
Our warnings are becoming more and more like the "last Chinese warning", which at one time had no account. Therefore, the reaction is like this- no.

Да в общем то ничего заумного тут нет. Говорит дядя на украинском. В начале дядя благодарит некоего shaman из 63 бригады за предоставление БГ. В конце он тыкает пальчиком в камеру и говорит: вот это все полетит на ваши больные головы, пидары. Позывной у дяди, кстати, мадяр. Коптеры, которые они собирают, они называют
Что то наши предупреждения все больше и больше превращаются в "последнее китайское предупреждение", которым в свое время не было счету. Поэтому и реакция такая- никакая.
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The authorities of Burkina Faso called on Russia to open an embassy in the country's capital.​

08:16 15.01.2023 Telegram review
The authorities of Burkina Faso called on Russia to open an embassy in the country's capital.

I believe that after such news, Macron, in hysterics, will begin deliveries of French Leclerc tanks to NATO troops in Ukraine, because until recently Burkina Faso was a French colony, but Wagner PMC kicked them out and now a new era has come in this country.
It cannot be avoided: at least their cities are not bombed into moonscapes with depleted uranium explosive ammunition, so their wives won't give birth to babies with horrific birth-defects, like many young Iraqi women did..

This was from April of 22, and one wonders - did check elsewhere, with mention of old Russian/Ukrainian stocks, however it might be a good bet that Ukraine is being armed by the west, especially by the US (don't count out the Brits), with depleted uranium. Here they discuses collecting and shipping from South Korea - destination uncertain:

However, let's turn our attention to the message that came just two days later. It says that South Korea has transferred more than 1 million depleted uranium munitions to the US Air Force, which were stored for quite a long time at one of the local military airfields. This news literally caused jubilation of the local population, which for many years made unsuccessful attempts to convince local authorities to abandon the responsible storage of dangerous American "gifts".
The question arises why the Pentagon suddenly needed to extract stocks of 30 × 173 mm depleted uranium shells that had been stored in South Korea for God knows how long. Why were they mentioned at all? The assumption that they are going to be disposed of looks extremely illogical. Indeed, in this case, it would be much easier for the Americans to finance this process on the spot. Transportation to the United States (especially with the current high cost of fuel) will cost a tidy sum. The conclusion suggests itself - they are going to be used again.

By some strange coincidence, this coincided with statements about the provision of another package of military assistance to Ukraine, which will include some "non-standard" ammunition. At the same time, the United States, as well as the entire Western world, when delivering weapons to the "non-supplied" one, focuses on anti-tank systems, and, as mentioned above, depleted uranium ammunition is "imprisoned" precisely for these purposes.
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