Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

They don't always give up...
Shots of the assault from the first person.

Thinking about this video.

In Russian telegram channels with reference to Ukrainian sources. They write that PMC "Wagner", in the form of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, entered the firing positions of the 17th tank brigade, armed with pistols with a silencer, reached the battalion headquarters and committed sabotage.

So. A video filled with a completely different meaning, in which the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are in the trench, not understanding what is happening, shout “ours!” to the attacker. 🤔
I think that Poland would not be alowed to send Leopard tanks in Ukraine, because image or movie of destroyed Leopard would be very bad for busines. Bradly is already proven to be "not that good", so that will be sent, because no interest in buying them.
The Russian military is already rubbing their hands, in particular: ATGM crews(Anti-tank guided missile), artilery, Ka-52 crews can make good money, because bonuses are paid for every unit destroyed.

In addition, a separate award has already been assigned for the first destroyed French AMX 10. Private sponsors.
I think the same will be true for leopards.

One of the most unsuccessful examples of the use of Leopard 2 tanks in real combat operations. The attack on the hospital in Al-Bab. 2016 year. The Turks used parts of a tank division armed with German Leopard 2s and modernized M-60 Sabras, supported by light armored vehicles, but ran into ISIS mobile units with Soviet ATGMs and American TOWs.

Not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet but the name of the town Soledar struck me as an interesting place to have such a pivotal battle.

Perhaps this manufactured 'Solidarity' of the west is cracking now. Germany is already trying to back out of all this BS despite saying all the 'right words'.

Funniest thing is even Israel is having none of it. Everyone can see through this sham..

Nazi Ambassador to the UK is asking for thousands of tanks, LOL. Do we even have that many left combined?

The whole thing has become such a clown show now it would be laughable were it not for thousands of lives being shoved into the meat grinder.

When all is said and done, I hope there is hell to pay for the West.
Speaking of Bakhmut/Soledar, I saw this interesting article recently and I don't believe anyone has mentioned it here. Under Soledar are 125 miles of tunnels which is a salt mine.



Bakhmut’s feature is in its unique historical and geographical defense capabilities, which include, first, the division of the city into several parts by water barriers. Secondly, the neighborhood of Bakhmut is a complex of settlements that create a unified defense system. Thirdly, this is a unique landscape, ravines and heights, which are natural tunnels. And the icing on the cake is the system of Soledar and Bakhmut mines, actually a network of underground cities. In which there is not only a cluster of people at a depth of 80-100 meters, but also tanks and infantry fighting vehicles move. And stockpiles of weapons have been stored since the First World War “(c) Prigozhin
I think there is more going on underground than salt-mining. It is a secure warehouse for Ukraine’s military equipment. The blog ScoopTrade provides a great overview:

Prior to the start of the special military operation in Ukraine, Artyomsol was the largest enterprise for the extraction and sale of table salt in Central and Eastern Europe. It consists of five salt mines, which are located within the city limits of Soledar and Praskovievka: mines No. 1, No. 3, No. 4, No. 7 and the Volodarsky mine. They are interconnected by rail and road, as well as a developed system of underground communications, which, after the outbreak of hostilities, were improved by the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Artemsoli salt mine system is already being used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine as an underground fortress. Ammunition depots, quarters for personnel, and in some places even hangars for equipment are equipped at great depths. And “get” them from the surface is almost impossible. Underground communications are also used by Ukrainian military personnel to move between positions, and the approaches and some entrances to the mines are mined and ready to be blown up. In terms of difficulty for the assault, the Artemsol mines can easily compete with the famous Azovstal in Mariupol.
This helps explain why Ukraine is pouring shrinking manpower into the meat grinder battle on the surface. It is a critical facility. However, is it possible that Ukraine has stored evidence of its bioweapons program in the mines? This is more than a key transportation/logistics hub.

Curiously, an anonymous White House official this week began pushing the line that Prighozin, who is a Chef, is just interested in getting control of the salt mine financial benefits (and maybe for its culinary quality):

The United States is of the view that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ally Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is the founder of Russia’s most powerful mercenary group, is interested in taking control of salt and gypsum from mines near the Ukrainian-held city of Bakhmut, a White House official said on Thursday.
There are indications that monetary motives are driving Russia’s and Prigozhin’s “obsession” with Bakhmut, the official added. Prigozhin is the owner of private Russian military company Wagner Group.
I think there is more to this than just trying to hang on to a profitable natural resource. Ukraine is not fighting a desperate battle and sacrificing thousands of its troops just to protect a lucrative spice. What do you think?
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced the liberation of Soledar by Russian troops on the evening of January 12.

The department stressed:

◾️The capture of Soledar became possible thanks to continuous strikes on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of the Russian aviation, Russian missilemen and artillery;

◾️ Over the past three days, more than 700 Ukrainian servicemen and over 300 units of weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been destroyed in the Soledar area;

◾️When Soledar was liberated, the Airborne Forces successfully attacked the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, occupying the dominant heights, and blocked the city from the north and south sides;

◾️Russian forces and means of electronic warfare during the capture of Soledar suppressed the enemy’s control system and disrupted the use of Ukrainian drones;

◾️Control over Soledar allows you to cut off the supply of Ukrainian troops in the city of Artemovsk and take into the cauldron the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remaining there.

◾️The RF Armed Forces, with artillery fire from the Pskov Airborne Forces unit, defeated the forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Krasnolimansky direction;

◾️The RF Armed Forces destroyed a 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer and three 2S3 Akatsia howitzers in the Zaporozhye region;

◾️The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Krasnolimansk direction amounted to more than 40 military personnel and 7 vehicles;

◾️Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed three planes and a helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force during the liberation of Soledar;

◾️ Marine units of the Baltic Fleet destroyed more than 20 military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Yuzhno-Donets direction;

◾️The Russian Armed Forces hit 117 artillery units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in firing positions in a day;

◾️Losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansk direction amounted to up to 20 military personnel and 6 vehicles;

◾️The Russian military hit four warehouses with ammunition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

◾️Russian air defense systems destroyed three UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a day.

Scott Ritter going a bit nuclear and biblical on the present situation.

Interviewed by Diane Sare and a woman named Helga rebuttals him with some positive suggestions of negotiations in the Vatican with the Pope administrating.

A couple of Scott's points:

He quotes a Jonny Cash song: I see death and hell comes with him. People the pale horse is galloping towards us right now!

There is no chance the US can win a war with Russia, nuclear or otherwise.

There will be no negotiations because no one in the west can be trusted... “ever”.

If NATO doesn’t agree to lose gracefully, then kiss your loved ones, and say goodbye.

I’m sorry for the doom and gloom but please, prove me wrong!

Sare then chimes in with: We must take this back all the way to the Kennedy assassination (which appears to be the last time we were able to negotiate in good faith)

Ritter end with: If the Pope can negotiate us out of this, he can baptize me in Trevi fountain.

(22 minutes long)



Inside Ukraine's 120+ Mile Salt Mine Tunnels Just Captured By Russia's Wagner Group​

The head of the private Russian military firm Wagner Group has announced pro-Moscow forces have taken control of the town of Soledar in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk. Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin admitted in a series of Tuesday and Wednesday comments that fighting in the area is still ongoing, but said "Units of the Wagner private military company have taken the entire territory of Soledar under their control," and that the Ukrainians are surrounded.

"The city center has been surrounded, and urban warfare is underway. The number of captives will be announced tomorrow," Prigozhin added. "No units other than Wagner PMC fighters were involved in the storming of Soledar." The Amsterdam-based Moscow Times and the AFP underscore that "If confirmed, the capture of Soledar would mark Russia’s biggest success in its war on Ukraine following months of retreats elsewhere." Prigozhin's emphasis that it was 'only Wagner' an no regular forces that stormed Soledar has reportedly unleashed anger and controversy inside the Russian chain of command.

Yevgeny Prigozhin (center) released this photograph of Wagner troops in what appearsto one of Soledar’s salt mines, via Telegram.
Just wondering. A good actor can play his part well, and a very good actor, which Sean Penn undoubtedly is, can play his part very well, and I think he succeeded in doing so during this show. What I don't know is whether he is sincerely weeping over the fate of the Ukrainian people and the 150,000 Ukrainian soldiers Zelensky killed, or just over his own fate, just because it fell to him to play a role that was assigned to him by other people in Hollywood/CIA/Deep State/PTB completely without his consent? Perhaps his soul is crying that he just has to lend credibility before the rest of the world to an accomplished drug addict, a mythomaniac who personally believes he is so important in the whole world that he can do almost anything, or perhaps he sincerely believes in a black and white world, just like the average person in the US and EU? Besides, it seems to me that Ronald Reagan played his role as US President in a more light-hearted, spontaneous and natural way than these two guys put together, and let me just remind you that these three men were or are actors, but at slightly different times. (I remember Reagan from the 1980s and only from Polish television, and I was born in 1974). Of course, this is only my subjective and other people may not agree with this assessment and I would not want to come off as a fool although it seems to me that it may be so.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Interesting news about weapons today
The AFU uses Iranian 122-mm HE-FRAG "Grad" rockets of 2022
The Ukrainian military uses the latest Iranian rockets for the Grad MLRS.

The Ukrainian army was armed with several thousand HE-FRAG "Grad" rockets of the Arash family of 2022. The confiscation of these munitions by the US military and their delivery to Ukraine was not reported, and therefore there were suggestions that Iran could secretly sell its ammunition to Ukraine either directly or through one of the countries friendly to Iran.

At the moment, it is known that Ukraine owns about 2 thousand rockets for 122-mm. multiple rocket launchers. Judging by the markings on the boxes with shells, the latter were produced in 2022, which excludes the version that previously such ammunition was purchased by Kiev.

Iranian HE-FRAG "Grad" ammunition has a maximum range of hitting targets up to 21 kilometers, which is relatively small, however, according to a number of data, Donetsk and other cities could be shelled with such ammunition.

Tehran has not yet commented on the facts of the detection of Iranian MLRS shells in Ukraine's armament, however, the appearance of such a large batch of such ammunition in the Armed Forces of Ukraine raises very serious questions regarding the Islamic Republic.
ВСУ используют иранские 122-мм реактивные снаряды HE-FRAG «Grad» 2022 года выпуска

If earlier it was not clear why she became prime minister, now it becomes clearer
The Italian Prime Minister personally instructed to transfer air defense systems with a range of up to 100 kilometers to Ukraine
Italy will provide Ukraine with SAMP-T long-range air defense systems.

Following the delivery of Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine, which are long-range air defense systems, it became known that Italy will also provide its long-range air defense systems to Ukraine. As it turned out, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni personally instructed Ukraine to provide these anti-aircraft missile systems with a target range of up to 100 kilometers.

At the moment, it is known that Italy will transfer to Ukraine one SAMP-T SAM battery from the warehouses of the Italian army. Italy cannot provide more air defense systems due to the fact that this country has only five batteries of these air defense systems in service.

It is known that the SAMP-T air defense system battery transferred to Ukraine includes four launchers. The effectiveness of these air defense systems has not yet been tested, however, in Italy and France, such air defense systems are considered highly effective because during development they were tested both on small-sized targets and on inconspicuous ones, including stealth aircraft.

It is not known when exactly the deliveries will take place, however, according to preliminary data, we are talking about May 2023.
Премьер-министр Италии лично поручил передать Украине комплексы ПВО с дальностью до 100 километров

And the Swiss like to be persuaded. Well, nothing, now the owners will announce to them some sanctions on banks and they will quickly transfer everything they need to where it should be
Switzerland blocked the supply of Aspide air defense systems to Ukraine
The Swiss authorities vetoed Spain's supply of Aspide air defense systems to Ukraine.

The Swiss authorities have decided to block the supply of Aspide anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine. Spain was supposed to supply these air defense systems, however, due to the fact that anti-aircraft missile systems were developed jointly with Switzerland, Madrid needed to obtain permission from Zurich, but this was refused.

At the moment, it is known that Switzerland considered the supply of Aspide air defense systems to Ukraine to be an impractical step, which underlines the fact that Zurich prefers to maintain a relatively neutral position on the conflict in Ukraine.

Earlier, Spain announced that it intends to transfer two MiM-21 Hawk and Aspide air defense systems to Ukraine, and if they did not object to the supply of American systems to the United States, Switzerland decided that it would not approve the supply of Aspide air defense systems of the NATO standard.

Ukraine has already managed to accuse Switzerland of creating obstacles, but Zurich has not yet given any answers to such accusations.
Швейцария заблокировала поставку Украине систем ПВО Aspide
Right now, air raid alert all over Ukraine.
They report about missiles over the Nikolaev, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk regions.
Explosions in Odessa, already repeated.
Explosions in the Vinnitsa region.
In Kyiv.

They report strikes on the energy structure. Odessa - arrivals at military warehouses.

The second wave to Kyiv.

Looks like it's going to be a massive hit today.
And the Swiss like to be persuaded. Well, nothing, now the owners will announce to them some sanctions on banks and they will quickly transfer everything they need to where it should be

Швейцария заблокировала поставку Украине систем ПВО Aspide

This man tried to explain it in a funny way so that people would listen.
If he was serious they would call him a "conspiracy fanatic".

George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!​

I highly recommend listening to this XPan linked interview
Right now, air raid alert all over Ukraine.
They report about missiles over the Nikolaev, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk regions.
Explosions in Odessa, already repeated.
Explosions in the Vinnitsa region.
In Kyiv.

They report strikes on the energy structure. Odessa - arrivals at military warehouses.

The second wave to Kyiv.

Looks like it's going to be a massive hit today.
💥Explosions in Kharkov.
💥Explosions in the Ternopil region.
💥Explosions are also thundering in the Kyiv region.
💥Explosions in Dnepropetrovsk too.
💥Explosions in the Lviv region. They also report new arrivals in Vinnitsa.
💥New explosions in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.

💥New explosions in the Kyiv region. Recall that the Iskanders were already flying there in the morning.
💥Explosions are reported in Lutsk, Volyn region. Also, repeated arrivals in the Ternopil region.

Attacks are delivered not only on the power system, but also on air defense.
It is reported that the Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk regions are without electricity. In Kharkiv there is no electricity, no water, no metro.
In Western Ukraine and in the Kyiv region after arrivals - emergency shutdowns.

In Dnepropetrovsk, an air defense missile has traditionally flown into a residential building.
Not a single stage of calibration since October has been without anti-aircraft missiles hitting residential buildings.



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Why USA's invincible M1A1 Abrams tanks will never make it to Ukraine?

Not because its "turbine engine" [!?] guzzles fuel like a leaking airplane motor making the Abrams need to be refueled every 6-8 hours.. making it completely undeployable in resources-stricken Ukraine..

Also Not because its way too heavy:
Abrams is so heavy it would collapse most Ukrainian bridges, especially if more than one Abrams tried to cross them.. The new M1A2 Abrams SEPV3 variant sold to Poland weighs 74 tons!!

In comparison, Russia's newest Armata tank - now widely employed on the Eastern Ukrainian frontlines - weighs only 55 tons! Because Russian military tech is made for real war, not for PR as the West makes tanks - and newest Russian tanks remain perfectly deployable in Ukraine.
- - -

Back to the undeployable Abrams:
No.. No.. No..
..those are just "minor" issues which would make deployment of Abrams into Ukraine a little bit impossible..

THE MAIN REASON IS: from videotime 16:27, title: Industrial Warfare Thinking, drumroll please
you won't believe this:

..the M1A1 Abrams tank - costing over $900,000 a piece - , is defeated by $20 worth of household items and scrap metal rendered into an explosively-formed projectile - by those sand people running around in sandals - Pentagons Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Organization has a library full of examples like these...

This is the real reason:
Why Ukraine pleads for tanks that The West holds back?
Why is the West holding back their Almighty Invincible tanks?
This is why! An almost 1 million dollar Legendary USA Main Battle Tank[sic] is effectively rendered inoperable ==> blown up by a 20 dollar, improvised explosive!

Training issue:
It takes 6 months to properly train a newbie tank operator, who has no battlefield experience at all. Then you cannot just put these newbies into a tank, you need an experienced veteran Tank Commander, who has seen battle many times and KNOWS, how the tank operates in battle and what needs to be done to survive and keep fighting effectively and not lose that tank!!
For example those long tank barrels can only endure 1500 shots, then they need to be REPLACED! :wow: Did you know that?

Ukraine can surely train tank crews in weeks showing them, how to drive a tank and how to shoot, but that is the very same as Hitler sending 15 year olds with RPG grenade launchers into battle in WW2.

M1A2 = the redesigned Abrams tank also sold to Poland.Its new features include ==> a completely upgraded ARMOR! Did the Poles also read the "The Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Organization made in USA" report - :rotfl: -, how easily the Abrams is defeated by sand people clothed in rags running around in sandals??

Earlier, Poland signed a deal with South Korea for 1000 Korean K2 tanks. Poland only plans to buy & ship over from South Korea directly the first couple pieces, then they want to build factories in Poland to build these Korean tanks there, in Poland, sharing necessary technology.
This ought to provide Polish people with jobs as well making it a temporary Psycho Government solution..

While Polish Prime minister advised Poles to collect firewood from forests, because the Polish People are freezing to death and the Poor, Starving Polish Weapons Manufacturer Elite Oligarchs desperately need new villas and luxury cars for their families!

Poland’s massive tank, artillery and jet deal with S. Korea comes in shadow of Ukraine war

The deal covers the purchase of 1,000 K2 tanks, 672 K9 self-propelled howitzers, and 48 FA-50PL light combat aircraft, with production benefits for Poland as well.​

BTW: Not only massive amount of Polish howitzers and other military hardware is now shooting is Ukraine - and the Russians are destroying them - but many-many Polish soldiers are directly participating in battle. With Romanian, German mercenaries as well.
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