Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Here's a story about Daria Trepova being recruited by Ukrainian services to carry out an assassination attempt on Vladlen Tatarsky in St. Petersburg.
From a good Polish-language channel.

"Daria Trepova, 26, who is accused of carrying out a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, said she acted on orders from curators from Ukraine, with whom she was in contact via Telegram.

According to RT's sources, the accused said in her testimony that she had to please military commander Vladlen Tatarsky on orders, and then give him a statue. At the same time, Trepova claims that she did not know about the explosive charge inside the statue. For successfully completing her tasks, she was promised a move to Kiev and a job in one of Ukraine's media outlets. RT opened Trepova's activity and meeting schedule in recent months.

Daria Trepova, a suspect in the terrorist attack and assassination of military commander Vladislav Tatarsky, said during her interrogation that she acted on the instructions of probation officers. According to the girl, she actively read Ukrainian Telegram channels and met a like-minded anti-war activist from Ukraine on social networks. Trepova referred to this man, unknown to them, as a "journalist."

According to Russian law enforcement sources, Trepova's testimony coincides with the results of other investigative activities.

Recall that Trepova is suspected of involvement in a terrorist act (part 3 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). On April 2, she came to a St. Petersburg cafe on the University waterfront, where a creative evening of military commissar Vladlen Tatarsky was held. The girl presented the speaker with a statuette. According to the preliminary version, the explosive charge was hidden inside the bust. Tatarski was killed on the spot, more than 30 participants of the evening were wounded.

Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee reported that Ukrainian special services were involved in the attack.

Earlier, the media reported that the girl's recruiter may be journalist Roman Popkov, who lives in Ukraine after 2014 and actively covers and supports underground activities in Russia of those actively fighting the current government. Popkov himself denies any involvement in Trepova's recruitment.

Over time, the recruiter began discussing with Trepova the possibility of moving from Russia to Ukraine. Trepova agreed, especially since the "journalist" offered her not only to arrange a move to Kiev, but also to secure an editorial job at one of the media resources. However, in order to prove her ideological loyalty, the girl had to pass a probationary period: perform several tasks and show how she can fight Russian propaganda.

RT's source confirms that Trepova's curators promised to deport her out of Russia and devised several routes to do so. During her detention, she had tickets to Uzbekistan with her.

Judging by the social network traces Trepova left behind, she was recruited last year. Since 2021, the girl has been running a channel on Telegram called Fragments of Holy Miracles (Осколки святых чудес), in which she talked about art history and painting. Since December 2022, the channel has also featured a patriotic theme: in addition to posts about the history of the creation of paintings, Trepova began publishing news from the front, drawings with the Russian military, and excerpts from the writings of Vladlen Tatarsky, among others.

Trepova's superintendent gave her the task of pleasing the military correspondent. To this end, the girl began to participate in events involving him. Thus, in February of that year, she appeared at a lecture by Tatarsky at a public relations center in Omsk. The girl, very similar to Trepova, sits in the lobby for reportage photos of the event.

According to preliminary data, she received 20,000 rubles (about 1,100 zlotys) from the superintendent for each task performed, which went to her in cryptocurrency. To report to her employer, Trepova sent photos of the venue.

In order to create a convincing legend for herself, the girl started showing up at the "Листва" bookstore, which sells books and various types of patriotic articles.

On March 3, she arrived in Moscow for the first time. According to the bookstore employees, the girl behaved actively, got acquainted with the sellers, told them about her Telegram channel: "She browsed Tatarsky's books for a long time, bought two of them, touched the blouses."

Nastya introduced herself to Trepova to the store's employees and offered to sell her postcards about the special operation in Donbass at the store.

Daria Trepova, 26, who is accused of carrying out a terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, said she acted on orders from curators from Ukraine, with whom she was in contact via Telegram.

According to RT's sources, the accused said in her testimony that she had to please military commander Vladlen Tatarsky on orders, and then give him a statue. At the same time, Trepova claims that she did not know about the explosive charge inside the statue. For successfully completing her tasks, she was promised a move to Kiev and a job in one of Ukraine's media outlets. RT opened Trepova's activity and meeting schedule in recent months.

Daria Trepova, a suspect in the terrorist attack and assassination of military commander Vladislav Tatarsky, said during her interrogation that she acted on the instructions of probation officers. According to the girl, she actively read Ukrainian Telegram channels and met a like-minded anti-war activist from Ukraine on social networks. Trepova referred to this man, unknown to them, as a "journalist."

According to Russian law enforcement sources, Trepova's testimony coincides with the results of other investigative activities.

Recall that Trepova is suspected of involvement in a terrorist act (part 3 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). On April 2, she came to a St. Petersburg cafe on the University waterfront, where a creative evening of military commissar Vladlen Tatarsky was held. The girl presented the speaker with a statuette. According to the preliminary version, the explosive charge was hidden inside the bust. Tatarski was killed on the spot, more than 30 participants of the evening were wounded.

Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee reported that Ukrainian special services were involved in the attack.

Earlier, the media reported that the girl's recruiter may be journalist Roman Popkov, who lives in Ukraine after 2014 and actively covers and supports underground activities in Russia of those actively fighting the current government. Popkov himself denies any involvement in Trepova's recruitment.

Over time, the recruiter began discussing with Trepova the possibility of moving from Russia to Ukraine. Trepova agreed, especially since the "journalist" offered her not only to arrange a move to Kiev, but also to secure an editorial job at one of the media resources. However, in order to prove her ideological loyalty, the girl had to pass a probationary period: perform several tasks and show how she can fight Russian propaganda.

RT's source confirms that Trepova's curators promised to deport her out of Russia and devised several routes to do so. During her detention, she had tickets to Uzbekistan with her.

Judging by the social network traces Trepova left behind, she was recruited last year. Since 2021, the girl has been running a channel on Telegram called Fragments of Holy Miracles (Осколки святых чудес), in which she talked about art history and painting. Since December 2022, the channel has also featured a patriotic theme: in addition to posts about the history of the creation of paintings, Trepova began publishing news from the front, drawings with the Russian military, and excerpts from the writings of Vladlen Tatarsky, among others.

Trepova's superintendent gave her the task of pleasing the military correspondent. To this end, the girl began to participate in events involving him. Thus, in February of that year, she appeared at a lecture by Tatarsky at a public relations center in Omsk. The girl, very similar to Trepova, sits in the lobby for reportage photos of the event.

According to preliminary data, she received 20,000 rubles (about 1,100 zlotys) from the superintendent for each task performed, which went to her in cryptocurrency. To report to her employer, Trepova sent photos of the venue.

In order to create a convincing legend for herself, the girl started showing up at the "Листва" bookstore, which sells books and various types of patriotic articles.

On March 3, she arrived in Moscow for the first time. According to the bookstore employees, the girl behaved actively, got acquainted with the sellers, told them about her Telegram channel: "She browsed Tatarsky's books for a long time, bought two of them, touched the blouses."

Nastya introduced herself to Trepova to the store's employees and offered to sell her postcards about the special operation in Donbass at the store."

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Sorry, I pasted something wrong but I lacked time to edit. :headbash:
Some time ago, we had a dispute here about the authenticity of a video with a woman and the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I remember that some of the arguments were related to the emotions of a woman. The video I want to present now interested me for two reasons. The first and main thing is the wildness of the situation itself and the second is the emotions of the participant. The situation is briefly described in the caption to the video. I suggest you evaluate the emotions of the character. In my opinion, the hysteria is quite creditable, with tears and snot.
A scandal has been going on in Ukraine for a couple of days, which is not covered at all in the Russian media space. But in vain. It all started with the fact that a deserter from Kraken told a Ukrainian volunteer Alexey Osker on the stream that before his desertion, the commander of his unit went to the soldiers' quarters (apparently, refuseniks), beat the lads who were there and burned them alive. After that, the Ukrainian neo-Nazis in the rear began to threaten Osker with reprisals against his mother for publishing the story with the Kraken, which he himself says, addressing a crowd of such characters. Of course, with tears and hysteria, because a mother is a mother, and everything is clear here.

And a little more Ukrainian savagery. The guys laughingly tell us that it's useless to chop off your fingers to avoid being mobilized. Without fingers, they still mobilize.
Tarasik chopped off his fingers so as not to mobilize, but the khokhlovermakht still sent him to slaughter...

Некоторое время назад у нас тут возник спор по поводу подлинности видео с женщиной и военными ВСУ. Помнится, что некоторые аргументы были связаны с эмоциями женщины. Видео, которое я сейчас хочу представить, заинтересовало меня по двум причинам. Первая и главная это дикость самой ситуации и вторая это эмоции участника. Ситуация кратко описана в подписи к видео. Эмоции персонажа я вам предлагаю оценить. На мой взгляд истерика вполне зачетная, со слезами и соплями.
И еще немного украинской дикости. Ребята со смехом рассказывают, что отрубать себе пальцы на руках, чтобы не попасть под мобилизацию, теперь бесполезно. Без пальцев всё равно мобилизуют.
Soloviev demands an immediate nuclear strike before the Ukrainian counteroffensive begins.

Mine: (some forces are very ‘interested’ in that🙆)...

There are english subtitles👇
Before the so-called counterattack of the Ukrainian armed forces, there will be a lot of disinformation and loud statements from all irons. Including Russian media, bloggers, telegram channels. I am sure that many have already been paid to whip up panic in Russian society.
We need to remain calm. The show will start soon.🍿
This UN meeting has been blocked by the Western Powers. 2.5 hours long. Dealing with the Ukrainian children that have been left in war zones and being kidnapped by Kiev as well as all through Europe.

The Russian Arria Formula Meeting – prohibited on UNTV​

April 6, 2023

Video below:

Also from TASS:

Ukrainian families being torn apart in Europe, mothers turn to Russia for help — envoy​

"The problem has reached such proportions that Ukrainian mothers, who have lost all hope of getting justice, flood social networks with messages and ask us for help," Nebenzya said"

UNITED NATIONS, April 5. /TASS/. Mothers of Ukrainian children removed from their homes in Europe are asking Russia for help, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said at the Arria-formula meeting of the UN Security Council initiated by Russia on Wednesday.

"The same thing is happening in Spain and Portugal. The number of victims is in the hundreds. Strangers are taking small children and bringing them to orphanages," the diplomat stressed. "The mothers who try to get their kids back are threatened with criminal prosecution. In the meantime, Ukrainian ambassadors and consuls merely throw up their hands. They are not going to quarrel with the governments of the countries delivering weapons to [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s regime."

"The same thing is happening in Spain and Portugal. The number of victims is in the hundreds. Strangers are taking small children and bringing them to orphanages," the diplomat stressed. "The mothers who try to get their kids back are threatened with criminal prosecution. In the meantime, Ukrainian ambassadors and consuls merely throw up their hands. They are not going to quarrel with the governments of the countries delivering weapons to [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s regime."
Ukrainian lands were sold by the Jewish fascist Zelensky. Children are taken to brothels in Western Europe, where pedophilia is now being legalized. Men are sent to die for the values of the US elite, to die in a war against a brotherly people. Destroy the ancient Slavic religion. This is the destruction of Ukraine. :-(
Ukrainian lands were sold by the Jewish fascist Zelensky. Children are taken to brothels in Western Europe, where pedophilia is now being legalized. Men are sent to die for the values of the US elite, to die in a war against a brotherly people. Destroy the ancient Slavic religion. This is the destruction of Ukraine. :-(
Exactly. Black ‘transpantology’/kidnapping was flourishing in Ukraine even before Poroshenko... Main customer was/is Israel🤬
Before the so-called counterattack of the Ukrainian armed forces, there will be a lot of disinformation and loud statements from all irons. Including Russian media, bloggers, telegram channels. I am sure that many have already been paid to whip up panic in Russian society.
We need to remain calm. The show will start soon.🍿
I think that "counterattack will be televised", and not much more than that. On the terrain there could be some move of Ukrainian forces, which Russians will use to show their power and annihilate them. Because its not of the same legitimacy to show your power by bombing what is perceived as civilian targets (e.g. Kiev), and destroying the enemy forces that attacks you.

And seems that Russians insist on legitimacy.
I think that "counterattack will be televised", and not much more than that. On the terrain there could be some move of Ukrainian forces, which Russians will use to show their power and annihilate them. Because its not of the same legitimacy to show your power by bombing what is perceived as civilian targets (e.g. Kiev), and destroying the enemy forces that attacks you.

And seems that Russians insist on legitimacy.
I would wholeheartedly hope for it. But smo is not going as ‘planned’🤦‍♂️ If the main of our propaganda speaker talks about tactical nuke option👆 as the only option-means that this thoughts are ‘fermenting’ in someone’s head🙆
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I would wholeheartedly hope for it. But smo is not going as ‘planned’🤦‍♂️ If the main of our propaganda speaker talks about nuke option👆 as the only option-means that this thought are ‘fermenting’ in someone’s head🙆
That Solovyev guy? I would say that the main propaganda speaker is Medvedev. Anyhow, "not going as planned" is usually trick of war. Happenings in the world says that it is going great.

Every hero losses his confidence from time to time, but that doesnt mean he will loose the war.
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