Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

While RT.com remains under NSA-MI6-Mossad, etc.. cyber attacks, Sputnik is still working in a limited, but useful fashion.

The Gold-mine source of information is at the moment

Its heartening to see much sanity and sober analyses there. As it suddenly became the "main information site" about Ukraine and about Russia and how the UkroNazi Clean-Up operation is going with nice cherry-picked updates. Since their group is posting the best information they pick from the massively increased amount of traffic - comments / emails - arriving to their site.

RT firefox plugin / RSS feed - shows you how many new articles are there on RT (ITS A LOT!!!) - and it shows them as it can still display little pictures of all RT articles and the article titles there as well - unrestricted! - , so its useful.
But opening the chosen articles results in a DDOS check / gate or other error, so you probably cannot read your 10-20 cherry-picked articles at once, opening them all in separate TABs, as weeks before this global madness began.
"That obligatory madness which grips humanity from time to time" as Gurdjieff said.
ASB News / MILITARY〽️@ASBMilitary·4hReplying to @ASBMilitaryUkrainian forces, since day one of footages that we posted and see everyday— they deliberately hide near schools, apartment buildings, malls, etc. There are videos of locals snapping on them to move it away from their kids and houses.
Why am I not surprised. It must be a very disciplined and professional army there.

On telegram I saw some messages with videos or pictures from Kiev, where the person posting was giving addresses where they say Azov/Pravy Sektor people. OK, this could be a trap but if not it sure is a clever may to inform Russia where the bad guys are.
With Angleton, Mayhew shared a Jesuitical Catholicism and a prejudice for Israel.

Angleton hated many races, Russians foremost, then the Arabs. In the fate of this book Mayhew was just a cipher. The original manuscript was lost in a Washington attic between 1988 until last December, when it was found intact, the typescript pages thinning and translucent with the heat and humidity of more than thirty Washington summers.

The race hatred which Americans have shown, and continue to show towards the Arabs, and also towards the Russians, isn’t dead and buried like Angleton and Mayhew. This is the reason for publishing the book now. This book is not an epitaph for the dead, though. It’s a salutary lesson of the war-making and killing which race hatred produces, no matter who the race-haters say they are or what in their own histories they suffered themselves.

Angelton was near the top of the ruling class in the US. He shaped how parts of the CIA functioned.

You can bet people like the following man were sent to Ukraine to "train" Ukrainian specialists on special warfare methods developed by the Empire of Lies. When I first read about what this guy was doing, it too me a bit by surprise. But seeing all the information that has been revealed over the years, this guy is simply one of many in this business.
NARRATOR: This is one of the great untold stories of the Iraq War, how just over a year after the invasion, the United States funded a sectarian police commando force that set up a network of torture centers to fight the insurgency. It was a decision that helped fuel a sectarian civil war between Shia and Sunni that ripped the country apart. At its height, it was claiming 3,000 victims a month.

This is also the story of James Steele, the veteran of America’s dirty war in El Salvador. He was in charge of the U.S. advisers who trained notorious Salvadoran paramilitary units to fight left-wing guerrillas. In the course of that civil war, 75,000 people died, and over a million people became refugees. Steele was chosen by the Bush administration to work with General David Petraeus to organize these paramilitary police commandos.

This is the only known Iraqi video footage of Steele, a shadowy figure, always in the background, observing, evaluating. The man on his left is his collaborator, Colonel James Coffman. He reported directly to General David Petraeus, who funded this police commando force from a multibillion-dollar fund.
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Sputnik is still working in a limited, but useful fashion.

The Gold-mine source of information is at the moment

RT firefox plugin / RSS feed - shows you how many new articles are there on RT (ITS A LOT!!!) - and it shows them as it can still display little pictures of all RT articles and the article titles there as well - unrestricted! - , so its useful.
But opening the chosen articles results in a DDOS check / gate or other error, so you probably cannot read your 10-20 cherry-picked articles at once, opening them all in separate TABs, as weeks before this global madness began.
"That obligatory madness which grips humanity from time to time" as Gurdjieff said.

The Saker website is blocked in Canada where I live, it loads as a blank page. Sputnik only loads as a feed not really able to access the full articles. And they have the audacity to call Russia and Putin a totalitarian dictatorship. RT website only displays as headlines. Although strangely, Youtube live feed works just fine, go figure.
The Saker website is blocked in Canada where I live, it loads as a blank page. Sputnik only loads as a feed not really able to access the full articles. And they have the audacity to call Russia and Putin a totalitarian dictatorship. RT website only displays as headlines. Although strangely, Youtube live feed works just fine, go figure.
The page came through for me, but I had to wait 15 seconds.
another source that shares info with the saker is south front.
I thought the same about western special forces may be operating undercover within Ukraine.

I generally try to stay out of topics that tend to drive polarization in discussion, but I would like to comment about this, because with all the amateur videos being pushed online, it is easy to draw wrong conclusions on the fly as to what is and is-not happening, and by who.

Honestly most of what is coming via social media right now is as specious as what is coming from regular media. Everyone is spinning information right now, at all levels, and on both sides of the conflict. So we all have to be careful what noodles we suck up from the table of fast moving alleged facts on the ground reported both officially and unofficially.

On to my comment of contribution:
It is well known that US Special Operations have been conducting force training of Ukrainian forces for some time now, probably since 2014. UK SAS is likely also there doing the same and have been for a long time. What is not clear is if they have been withdrawn in the lead up to current ground conflict. If they are Special Forces A teams (which I believe they are) they likely will stay in place as advisers to ground forces during conflict. And SF-A teams are experts at urban insurgency warfare, and will have trained Ukrainian troops in urban defense, as the playbooks all say that if there is conflict between Ukraine and Russia, it will be settled inside major cities.

Nothing by the way is unusual about this, nor US specific, even though it feels kind of distasteful. World powers that engage in force projection (basically every 1st world nation, these days including Russia) do so to provide skills for force multiplication of fighting resources of aligned nations. It sadly is part of normal policy in international relations, and will continue unless/until the world comes to it's senses and largely demilitarizes (don't hold your breath).

I will share one anecdote from the first day of conflict and let it rest at that: Russian Special forces attempted on day one to interdict and take over Kiyv Airport. This by the way would be a natural move for Russian forces, as if they were successsful it would give them a quick air bridge to bring forces in close to Kiyv without the need to take losses on the ground from prepared ambushes. Problem is, someone clearly trained Ukranians in how to overcome this very well known Russian military practice. The Ukrainians slaughtered Russian Special Forces and retook the airport (allegedly even executed the R-SF commander). That has SF-A training marks all over it.

I have my views and analysis as to why both sides are now willing to talk at the table in Belarus, but I will hold them to myself for now as they would not be constructive in discussion right now.
A bit off topic: unfortunately, there has been no access to Twitter in Russia for a couple of days now, except via a VPN in some cases. So people from Russia cannot see your tweets here and cannot access them via the links, so if tweets are shared without comments, people from Russia have no idea what the post is about.
I have twitter and Fb working and haven't had any problems with them all these last days. Perhaps your ISP in Siberia blocks Twitter on its own, but not everywhere.
Today and yesterday there were some problems with various Russian media, which were subjected to ddos attacks.
have twitter and Fb working and haven't had any problems with them all these last days. Perhaps your ISP in Siberia blocks Twitter on its own, but not everywhere.
TOR and Telegram also work.
Today and yesterday there were some problems with various Russian media, which were subjected to ddos attacks.

As for payment systems, visa and mastercard are now working INSIDE Russia without problems (even with Sberbank, which was subject to "sanctions"). Post office, pharmacies, ozon, aliexpress and others accept payments as usual.
The Russian payment system MIR also works freely, which generally does not depend on Western "sanctions" in any way.
Ain't this the kettle calling the pot black, (as War Crime Criminal) Poroshenko brings on the Drama on the set of his bunker.

We have just seen the launch of our air defense missiles against targets over the center of Kyiv. And we really expect that the missile hit the target. And the air force of the Russian Federation came hook. Russian planes, go fuck yourself. From here. From Kyiv. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

The deeeep state loves painting the illusion of concern while showing the suffering of others.

FIFA and UEFA suspend all Russian teams
UK to lead efforts to kick Russia out of Interpol
Putin talks to Macron on Ukraine
Hundreds arrested over Moscow anti-war protests
Taiwan rejects ‘inappropriate’ Ukraine comparison
Looters to be shot on the spot, Ukrainian mayors warn


I have my views and analysis as to why both sides are now willing to talk at the table in Belarus, but I will hold them to myself for now as they would not be constructive in discussion right now.
I'd be interested to hear theories of why the talks are taking place now. I've been scratching my head on why.
Also I'd not heard that the Russian special forces were slaughtered at Kiev airport. Must of missed that or dismissed it has propoganda.
Also I'd not heard that the Russian special forces were slaughtered at Kiev airport. Must of missed that or dismissed it has propoganda.

I initially chalked it up to on the fly propaganda as well. Fog of war will do that, a lot.

But since the airport is clearly not active and being used as an air hub for Russian troops currently, and Kiyv has reported for multiple days that they are in control of the airport (though it is currently I think damaged to the point of being non-operational), it leads me to take the claim seriously.

If Russia indeed captured and had held the airfield, I think the news streaming out of Ukraine, and Russia, would be different than it currently is. That early air hub capture and use would have been a decisive result for Russian troops.
Interesting how this conflict will be the perfect scapegoat for inflation, economic collapse, supply chain disruption, cyber warfare fallout, and the reset, in general. It’s Putins fault, the Russians did it. Run into the arms of the blameless globalists for safety and protection. The privately held state banks are blameless. We need a global government to limit stupid conflicts. The fact that it increasingly looks like it is going to drag on and on with delays, negotiations, and indecisive and cloudy objectives points to an all-too-familiar quagmire.

Have the Russians clearly stated their objectives? If they would, it could be over sooner. Nothing happens in politics by accident and war is an extension of politics. Truisms from my political science professor.

Mannerinos assessment that it’s all by design is not without merit. Especially if there already is a one world government.
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