Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I think we can soon be in a situation where it’s very difficult to access any information from ‘the other side’, i.e. from Russia’s point of view. The largest sites like Sputnik and RT are already blocked in various countries, and I wouldn’t be surprised if e.g. Telegram will be banned.
A rice grain of observation from a corner of Northern Europe
Do you know the story about how to test if the rice is cooked? You take one grain, and see if it is tender, there is no need to test every single grain. I thought about this concept, as I decided to dig into the local news and find out if there were any lessons around.
Ready to shut down Russian gas Denmark has never been as dependent on Russian gas as right now - but the Ørsted director is ready to stop imports immediately if the politicians ask him to.
Comment: The above fits with the green plans, the recent boost in the activities of the XR (Extinction Rebellion) campaign, while the headlines say we have only 8 years left, or if the temperature rises 1.5 degrees there will be irreparable damage, or nature has to be more wild otherwise there is damage to the environment.
On the same topic:
Ørsted's billion flow to Gazprom creates commotion: 'Take responsibility and tear the contract apart'
Ørsted CEO speaks out about putting billions at Putin's Gazprom: 'It is an absurd situation'
Until the end of 2030, Ørsted is obliged to buy large quantities of gas from Russian Gazprom with close connections to Vladimir Putin. If top manager Mads Nipper closes the tap with his own hands, he risks smashing the Danish energy giant without hitting the Russian war machine, the director says.
Comment: The Danes could end up in an economic situation not unlike what Ukraine has experienced for 30+ years. Those who qualify for being true pathocrats will be unable to hide, but will the people realize.
Cars full of young Ukrainians leave Denmark: 'I know I will go to heaven - and the Russians will go to hell'
Comment: Many of these will be farmhands, so how that is going to play out, or will they just employ refugees?
Ukraine's ambassador has a hard time keeping tight about Danish arms deliveries: Here I want to be ... uh ... quiet [...]
But believe me, the Danish government is delivering more than they said yesterday. And we really appreciate that. We have much more that they will deliver in the coming days. They work fast and they coordinate their help with other NATO and EU allies.

- But believe me, at this point I just want to make sure that Denmark is our true and good friend, and they help.

So Danish weapons in Ukraine?

- Here I want to be… uh… quiet. But again: Denmark is on our side, by all means, replied the ambassador, who also said that he has asked Denmark for military assistance.
Comment: Denmark has been a strong supporter of the Euromaidan and all that happened since. Below is a comment from the Liberal party, they now want to change the name of the street where the Russian embassy is located. This way of thinking is like Ukraine post Euromaidan.
V-politician on 'Ukrainegade' proposal: 'There is no reason to beat cold water in the blood. On the contrary.'
The Liberal politician Jens-Kristian Lütken has submitted a resolution to the Technical and Environmental Committee in the City of Copenhagen to change the name of the street where the Russian embassy is located to Ukrainegade [Ukraine street] instead of Kristianiagade. The Social Democrats in Copenhagen point out that this cannot be done in a jiffy.
Next is Maria Krarup, a Danish politician, former embassy staff at the DK embassy in Moscow, who has a degree in Russian, and has visited the country. She is a member of parliament, who is fluent in Russian and can see the situation with some nuances. She has worked at the Danish embassy in Moscow and has served as an officer in the army. She is not in favor of the war, however there is little openness for any discussion. A satirical column this morning, to ridicule her and prime her audience before she appears on TV tonight, shows her picture and spins a story:
Comment: While, I don't mind satire in general, the above is very telling of the level of the local discussion. In preparation for her talk, she wanted local information from Russia.

Free flow of information and freedom of expression?
Maria Krarup, wanted to access official Russian medias to find out what they say, and was frustrated to find access from her location has been closed and gave a few sites as examples. I tried the exercise and of course the Kremlin is not available. But several news agencies, as she claimed, are also not:

And tass.ru:

An error occurred.​

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Faithfully yours, nginx.
The news agency Izvestia https://iz.ru
403 - Forbidden . That’s an error.

Client does not have access rights to the content so server is rejecting to give proper response. That’s all we know.
The first channel: https://www.1tv.ru/ is also down, and probably many others.
Comment: The above trend is one step more than under Covid...
Volunteering to fight in Ukraine - but of course...
Denmark to allow citizens to fight in Ukraine
Copenhagen has said that Danes are free to “contribute directly” to the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Copenhagen has revealed it will allow Danish nationals to join the international military force Kiev plans to set up to aid its own military in the conflict with Russia.

“It’s a choice that anyone can make. This goes for all Ukrainians who live here, but also for others who think they can contribute directly to the conflict,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen told a press conference on Sunday.
“There is nothing at first sight that would legally prevent someone from going to Ukraine to participate in the conflict, on the Ukrainian side,” Frederiksen added. Earlier, the PM took part in a massive protest against Moscow’s operation in front of the Russian embassy in Copenhagen, telling the crowd that “it is all of you and all of Europe who are threatened by Russia.”

It comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced the creation of Ukraine’s International Legion of Territorial Defense, which would make it possible for foreigners to join its ranks and fight alongside the Ukrainian military against Russian and Donbass forces.
Comment: Last time, Danes were on the Eastern front seriously fighting Russia-or the Soviet Union at least, was with Hitlers armies. In the first week of January 2020, I made a series of posts about this topic and in this post, you can see some of the posters they used to advertise for volunteers. For posters from other countries, try this.

We fight for European Freedom and Culture
One poster in the collection, the only that mentioning "European values" resonates with the current verbal propaganda like, "European values", "freedom and democracy". The whole title of the poster is:
"We fight for European Freedom and Culture - Fight with Waffen-SS"
Another from France has this appeal:
"Europe" to be on the move against Bolshevism.
Is symbolism reappearing 80 years since the deployment of Free Corps Denmark to Djemansk?
On May 8, 1942, exactly three years before the general liberation of Europe, 1000 volunteers from Free Corps Denmark were ordered to the frontline at Demyansk near Novgorod to reinforce SS Division Totenkopf.
Now in 2022, will volunteers go to Ukraine to support those aligned with Azov:
More symbolism: 200 Danish soldiers and two F-16 are to be deployed in Estonia in early March. A very small gesture, but again symbolic, since the Danish flag, according to legend fell in Estonia, in present day Tallinn in 1219.

Also in WWII, units with Danish volunteers were active in Estonia, as this poster indicates:
"Narva 1219, A symbol. 1944. Also today, a front against the East"
After WWII, those who had participated got two years in prison without discussion, although they had been promised they could return without a problem to their jobs in the military if they had been given temporary leave. Later all discussion was closed, and they existed in small groups here and there. Their history has been forgotten, although about, 7800 went and 3980 died according to German sources, that include the 2000 ethnic Germans that were Danes by nationality. The Danish sources mention 6000 and 1750 died. (The ethic Germans were not counted?) Russian sources claim 11,000. Who shall we believe?

Hypothesis? Are a few Danish men so ballistic in the rhetoric against Russia because of women?
From engagement, I had to learn harshness the hard way, although I was and remained polite and elaborate in my answers. I sense the explanation for some is that they are married or in a relationship, where it is a matter of courtesy to respect and honor the feelings of their partner for the ideology she or her family is fond of. At least that is one possible explanation. And just now, I learned the admins of the group, I had the experience with, paused it due to "the tone". Another group I had joined a long time ago was made private this morning, as FB police had complained about the tone and the admins had no choice than to make it private or face the risk of permanent closure. What this means is that it is much more difficult to find alternative view points, because previously open groups get cordoned off. In the current climate, it may actually be safer. A few of these people even claim to be pacifists, but they speak like they are most ready to physically harm people who dare to disagree with them. It is a paradox. One guy pointed it out, and was not understood.

That was my rice grain of observation. Now I'm wondering if attempts to denazify Ukraine helps other countries to decide what they want to be.
Nothing to be proud of considering TSMC cancelled all Russian contracts. Russia is completely dependent in chip production now.

February 11, 2022:

It seems to me that things are more of a stalemate or a draw...
This is an interesting video, it's an analysis by 2 Indian military experts, debating why NATO isn't fighting Russians in Ukraine, it is from the Times of India website.

For months now, tens of thousands of US and NATO troops have been positioned along Ukraine’s western borders, with the most sophisticated war machinery in the world. Their leaders have issued thundering threats to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Yet, Russia unleashed air power, tanks and 190000 troops and has invaded Ukraine. Ukrainian civilians, reservists and troops are fighting a valiant but unequal battle, nearly 150 civilians including children have been killed within barely three days. So where is NATO and why isn’t it helping Ukrainians fight the Russians? In an exclusive conversation with Padma Rao Sundarji for Times Online, India’s generals Ata Hasnain and Shokin Chauhan provide the answers.

What I find interesting regarding this discussion and others, is they do not understand Russia or the Russian psychological mindset, also the deep connection and patriotism toward there homeland. And deep moral and ethical values, that sadly the West is lacking. And of course, the Russian people love Putin, and have faith, he will act for the best interests of the Nation MO. All we hear for the most part is armchair analysis.

The Saker website is blocked in Canada where I live, it loads as a blank page. Sputnik only loads as a feed not really able to access the full articles. And they have the audacity to call Russia and Putin a totalitarian dictatorship. RT website only displays as headlines. Although strangely, Youtube live feed works just fine, go figure.

I had trouble connecting to The Saker over here in Germany as well thinking it was down.

The Saker says his site had trouble being accessed due to intense traffic and that they were working on the technical problems. I was only beginning to be able to connect to this site today and it still takes some time to load.
February 11, 2022:

It seems to me that things are more of a stalemate or a draw...
Russia may restrict export of raw materials to some countries, but other countries like China would still be able to buy and resell them. So it's only a question of production price for companies like Intel or TSMC, while for Russia it means no processors for military and other critical sectors. In 2008 Russian company Angstrem-T received 815 mil € as a loan to build a chip factory using outdated 130-nm equipment from AMD. As it often happens with national funds in Russia they were spent without any significant result. In 2018 the company went bankrupt. Khazin recently mentioned this story with a remark that he knows for sure that it was basically a sabotage. Chip foundries are probably the most technically advanced factories today, it takes many, many years to achieve something useful in this sphere. China faced similar problems and created SMIC in 2000 which is able to produce 14-nm wafers since 2019. Basically the sole producer of UV-scanners, ASML, is under complete Western control and ship its equipment only to "friendly" companies like TSMC and Samsung.
At this time we are seeing videos emerging of Ukrainian military committing atrocities against Russian military, I don't know if this has been posted previously, but serves as a reminder of how the Russians treat enemy combatants in a humane way.

82 Ukrainian servicemen reach Crimea's Sevastopol after voluntarily laying down arms on Zmeiniy Island. After going through short-term legal procedures, the soldiers of the Ukrainian army will be sent home to their families.

Russia may restrict export of raw materials to some countries, but other countries like China would still be able to buy and resell them. So it's only a question of production price for companies like Intel or TSMC, while for Russia it means no processors for military and other critical sectors. In 2008 Russian company Angstrem-T received 815 mil € as a loan to build a chip factory using outdated 130-nm equipment from AMD. As it often happens with national funds in Russia they were spent without any significant result. In 2018 the company went bankrupt. Khazin recently mentioned this story with a remark that he knows for sure that it was basically a sabotage. Chip foundries are probably the most technically advanced factories today, it takes many, many years to achieve something useful in this sphere. China faced similar problems and created SMIC in 2000 which is able to produce 14-nm wafers since 2019. Basically the sole producer of UV-scanners, ASML, is under complete Western control and ship its equipment only to "friendly" companies like TSMC and Samsung.
Well, wouldn't that very fact make Taiwan a prime target for the Chinese?
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