Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

They don't know the truth and are parroting the system and there's nothing we can do about it. But that doesn't stop me laughing with them and learning from them. It's an exercise in accepting this reality and knowing a little more about how things work and a shell that you have to develop to survive this nonsense, this insult to the truth. Humor and laughter are there to help us, I use them as a weapon of protection.
It's the same attitude and speech for the most part here. As during the co-vide, the speech about Russians and Putin is a copy of an official speech where doubt never appears. Reflection of a lot of ignorance and despairing for me. Thank you loreta, you are right of course, bringing laughter back to it is a good complement to this induced despair

C'est les mêmes attitudes et discours pour la plupart ici. Comme pendant la co-vide, le discours sur russes et Putin est la copie d'un discours officiel où le doute n'apparaît jamais. Reflet de beaucoup d'ignorance et désespérant pour moi. Merci loreta, tu as raison bien-sûr, y ramener le rire est un bon complément à ce désespoir induit
On the Patriot Media Group, true or not, given the sources ("wait and see" case)


A VChK-OGPU source said that amid information about Prigozhin's problems, there were a number of interests to take away his media assets, including the Patriot media group.

However, Prigozhin, anticipating this, gave the command not only to shut down the entire Patriot media group, but also to destroy the remaining resources. Completely, with no possibility of recovery.


Employees at Patriot Media Group who spoke to The Bell claim that it was "Prigozhin personally" who informed the holding company executives of the shutdown during a meeting in St. Petersburg this evening. One source reported from the words of a media editor-in-chief from Patriot's structure that the meeting did indeed take place with Prigozhin's personal participation and lasted from morning to evening with few interruptions. The editors were instructed to "put everything [under the knife]," to destroy "all traces of presence" on the Internet - not only the media websites, but also social networks, Telegram channels, pages on Yandex-Zen and chat rooms. When asked about how the meeting was held, the interlocutor replied: "Everything as usual, everyone was h**** told me that I don't need you for fuck's sake. Also this morning, employees of the holding company were promised June salaries, no other compensation is expected. Most of them have not been processed under labour law. Servers and equipment seized during searches at the offices of Prigozhin's structures over the weekend remain in the possession of security forces, and with them access to some of the network's websites and telegram channels. "Nobody gets you," was how The Bell's interlocutor, who headed one of the holding company's publications, described Prigozhin's position, which he voiced at the meeting. The interlocutor relayed this from the words of employees of one of the units of the holding, associated with the work of Wagner Center PMC. According to the sources, it was not possible to agree on the transfer of Prigozhin's holding into the management of the new owner. "Now only if we squeeze out the rest," admits one of the interlocutors.

A big FWIW at the moment, though likely. That would possibly also mean that his movies, that he'd offered for free screening in Russian cinemas, would be gone.
"Beautiful, isn't it? But are we even allowed to listen to that at the moment?"
I'm in a hurry to reassure your neighbor. No one can't forbid him to listen to it because what I heard on your link, no Russian will call Russian music. In my understanding, this is a purely Jewish prank, and who will arise against Hava Nagila. They will immediately be recorded as anti-Semites with all the ensuing consequences.
The first melody is not recognized by me, but the second is a very popular song "Moscow evenings". For comparison, I will give a link to one of the early performances of this song.
This is Russian music

Я спешу успокоить вашего соседа. Ему никто не может запретить это слушать ибо то, что я услышал по вашей ссылке ни один русский не назовёт русской музыкой. В моем понимании это чисто еврейский наигрыш, а кто же возникнет против Хавы Нагилы. Сразу же запишут в антисемиты со всеми вытекающими последствиями. Первая мелодия мной не узнана, а вот вторая-это очень популярная песня "Подмосковные вечера". Для сравнения я дам ссылку на одно из ранних исполнений этой песни. Вот это русская музыка.
The first melody is not recognized by me

The first melody is recognized. These are Leonid Utesov "Bublichki". Everything, as i say before, is in place here. Lazarus Iosifovich Weisbein, Utesov's real name, an Odessa jew, song in many genres. This song in the original is almost no different from your version.

Первая мелодия узнана. Это "Бублички" Леонида Утесова. Тут как раз все на месте. Ла́зарь (Ле́йзер) Ио́сифович Вайсбе́йн, настоящее имя Утесова, одесский еврей, пел во многих жанрах. Эта песня и в оригинале почти не отличается от вашего варианта.
Medvedev's new article
The Age of Confrontation

Once again, a white noise has been raised in the West and it continues to spew accusations against Russia with all its might. Everyone is trying - from the severely Russophobic senators in the US Senate to the unstable old men in the White House. It would seem that all has long been said and done. Why are Western politicians again spouting nonsense about the need for a "strong signal" for Kiev's protectorate to participate in the North Atlantic Alliance? Why do they continue to spell peace for Ukraine only on the terms of the Nazi Kiev regime? Why so much rage after almost a year and a half of SMO?

Of course, our enemies - both external and internal - were hardly pleased with the result of the recent armed insurgency. Power in Russia has convincingly proved its strength and resilience, and the country's people have demonstrated their willingness to rally around Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin to defend the homeland. On the other hand, our adversaries are unlikely to have been so upset by our finally taking Artemivsk, aka Bakhmut. The defeat of the AFU on that front was a foregone conclusion. Another thing is that the start of the counter-offensive was unexpected for the Western political morons. They believed in the genius of their instructors, the omnipotence of unlimited money and the power of the lauded NATO equipment.

Nevertheless, here and there western officials and not very, but this is no less disgusting faces are saying: Russia has already lost, we have won. Why all of a sudden they began to sing such bravura songs? Facts are stubborn things; there is no place for illusions. First let us examine their arguments.

The tectonic rift that has formed in the understanding of the future in different parts of the world will only worsen. The confrontation will be very long
1. 'Russia is in isolation'. Not at all. Political contacts with Asia, Africa and Latin America are very active. Their markets are open and their companies are very active in our country, despite the sanctions. The end of the era of the almighty dollar looms. The transition to national and digital currencies is on the agenda.

Yes, ties with Europe have significantly diminished (but not disappeared, to put it bluntly). But ties with the global South and no less global East have grown considerably. Goods from Europe that we needed have been replaced by others. The Europeans lost our market for a very long time, their investments were burnt out, although the industries themselves remained. Thanks to them, free or much cheaper facilities have been taken over by Russian companies. Their firms are biting their senile elbows, cleaning balances from losses, but due to notorious political correctness and, what to hide, cowardice to overseas suzerain, they keep silent, swallowing tears of lost revenues.

2. "The Russian economy is falling apart." Not at all. Production growth is much higher than in Europe. Even Reuters has admitted: in April 2023, activity in the manufacturing sector in Russia showed an increase for the 12th month in a row. At the same time, inflation is much lower than in many Western countries. It is close to a historic low of 2.9 per cent. It would not rise above 5 per cent by the end of the year. The European Commission predicts that inflation in the eurozone will be close to 6 per cent in 2023. At the lowest historical level, we have an unemployment rate of 3.3 per cent.

There is development in all sectors of the economy. According to Rosstat, industrial production increased by 1.2 percent in March this year compared to last March. In April, they already grew by 5.2 percent. There have also been impressive gains in construction. Construction rose by 5.2 per cent in 2022 alone. The growth in agricultural production last year was more than 10 percent. And by all commodity items in this sector, we actually cover our own needs and are actively working on export. By the way, everyone is aware of the dependence on food and agricultural products from our country, hence the endless chants on the topic of the grain deal. Although it's clear to everyone that it is unnecessary in its current form and should be terminated by all means. We can help our partners anyway, it is not our task to feed the fat-mouthed European burghers. They have their own old and bald "liverwurst" for that and a lot of highly educated gynecologists who are brilliant at running the European economy.

3. "Russia wanted to contain NATO and the alliance expanded at the expense of Sweden and Finland". This is a pure lie. We have never tried to contain NATO. It is beyond our power and capabilities, and these two Scandinavian countries were already associated with the alliance. We have always asked only one thing - to consider our concerns and not to invite the former parts of our country into NATO. Especially those with which we have territorial disputes. Our goal is therefore simple - to remove the threat of Ukraine's membership in NATO. And we will achieve it. One way or another. Today, even the stoned leaders of the Kiev regime have admitted - in the state of conflict, Bandera Ukraine (or as it is called nowadays its rotting remains) will not be accepted into the alliance. Hence, however, a very simple and sad conclusion: if the conflicting countries are not accepted into NATO, it means that the conflict will be permanent, because it is a question of Russia's existence.

So the reasons for their indignation are obvious. Russia has not been broken, the anti-Russian front has failed. And it is not a question of politics, not of strategy and not even of tactics. It is simply that the end is very near. The hour has struck. Our eternal ideological opponents are one step away from losing what they value most of all. First and foremost, their global dominance, on which their prosperity has been based for centuries. That is why Western politicians are trying to create fear. But in fact the Orwellian characters of the barnyard - the brash English pigs and other subordinate cattle - are themselves in utter animal terror. They want, as they have always done before, to demonstrate their power to the world. But this time they only signify their own powerlessness. They create a lot of information noise, but there is practically no content in it. It is obvious: their time is up. Not even today belongs to them. Tomorrow, even less so.

I will name three things that the Anglo-Saxon world must finally realise.

First. Opposition to the collective West has become global.
The years 2022-2023 will go down in history as a time of the most powerful civilizational rift, the peak of humanity's existential crisis in the twenty-first century. A direct consequence was the launch of a special military operation in Ukraine. Russia was forced to undertake it in order to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity and the security of millions of citizens. Our country, as we know, exercised its right to self-defence on the basis of Article 51 of the UN Charter.

What is happening now in Ukraine and in Donbass is not just a "regional conflict" but something quite different. It is a total confrontation between the conventional collective West and the rest of the world. It is caused by diametrically opposed views on the further development of humanity. On one side are the Western countries, unwilling to accept that the world has changed radically and to lose their dominance. The hybrid war they are now waging with us is their last chance to maintain a status quo that is profitable for them, not to lose their weakened power and influence. On the other side is not just Russia, but the global East and South. Their populations make up almost two-thirds of the globe. They are countries that are still gaining strength, gradually overcoming the economic and political consequences of their colonial past. They advocate the equal development of all States. Without senior and junior partners. Without the cynical division into historically developed and underdeveloped countries. Into "genuine" democracies" and "authoritarian regimes", from the point of view of the West, of course.

Their aspiration to independence is very much disliked by the former colonialists. They cling to the past with all their might. The new conflict has already caused an order of magnitude more tension than during the previous cold war and extremely negative consequences. It has actually brought the world to the brink of a third world war. Moreover, with the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, the full package of double standards was once again put in place, at the instigation of the United States. Nothing new, everything is as usual: independence and territorial integrity, according to the collective West, can be defended only by those to whom the highest permission is granted. The rest must be subdued, crushed, and preferably smeared with bloody debris on their own territory. Russia did not want to recognize this logic. It did not submit to the will of others. And it fought back - harshly and unambiguously.

Now, a new degenerate generation of western politicians is clearly not aware of what they are doing and what they are calling for. And they seem to have forgotten what the response from our side will be if the provocations go too far. Fortunately, so far, like last year's snow, some of them still have common sense in their heads. God forbid it does not melt completely, because then it is really over.

The second. The confrontation will be very long and it is too late to tame the recalcitrant (i.e. us).
The tectonic rift that has formed in the understanding of the future in different parts of the world will only deepen. You do not have to be a visionary to realise that the phase of confrontation will be very long. The confrontation will last for decades. One way of resolving it is a third world war. But this is obviously a bad one, for the winners are not at all guaranteed continued prosperity, as has been the case after previous world wars. Most likely, there will simply be no winners. A world with a nuclear winter, with cities of millions of inhabitants in ruins, with no electricity supply due to the prohibitive electromagnetic pulse and a great number of deaths caused by shock waves, light irradiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination, cannot be seen as a winner. Where terrible epidemics and starvation reign.

There must be no more anti-Russia in principle, otherwise things will end very badly sooner or later. The Kiev Nazi regime must be annihilated.
And here I will notice one thing that politicians of all stripes do not like to admit: such an Apocalypse is not only possible, but also quite probable. Why? There are at least two reasons.

First. The world is in a confrontation far worse than that of the Cuban Missile Crisis, for our adversaries have decided to actually defeat the biggest nuclear power, Russia. They are, no doubt, complete morons, but that's just it. And the second reason is quite prosaic - nuclear weapons have already been used by whom and where, so there is no taboo!

The second way to resolve this total contradiction is to find the hardest compromises over a long period of time. The formation of a new respectful world order, which would be based on a balance of interests of all countries. And it is certainly not the infamous "rules-based order" that can induce nothing but a gag reflex in no country independent of the United States. Yes, there will be a lot of communication, patience, restraint, withdrawal from and return to negotiations, but in the end to create the international contours of an equitable and secure world of the twenty-first century. It will probably take years, perhaps decades. But it is certainly better than all dying together on the day of the Apocalypse.

And so - the third. What are we prepared to do to get out of the phase of total confrontation.
Indeed, we are ready to look for reasonable compromises, as the President of Russia has repeatedly said. They are possible, but with the understanding of several fundamental points. Firstly, our interests must be taken into account as much as possible: there must be no more anti-Russia in principle, otherwise things will end very badly sooner or later. The Kiev Nazi regime must be annihilated. Legally banned in civilised Europe as fascist. Thrown like a rotten piece of lard to the dustbin of world history. We do not know what will replace it and what will be left of the former Independence. But the West has to accept this if it does not want an apocalyptic end to our imperfect civilization.

Secondly, all the hard-won results of the total confrontation must be enshrined in a new document of the type of the Helsinki Act that ended the famous 1975 meeting. Only Helsinki itself, alas, is no good for obvious reasons. For us, Finland is now a hostile country, created by Lenin in his ill-advised way and which has now joined NATO. It would be better to suspend diplomatic relations with Finland and its likes (like Poland, the Baltic states and, of course, Britain) temporarily or at least to lower their level for the time being.

Third, a careful reassembly of the UN and other international organisations is likely to be necessary. This is only possible with full respect for the rights of the permanent members of the Security Council, otherwise it will be totally ineffective. And then the UN will fade into oblivion as an institution that has failed to live up to the expectations of free peoples. Let alone the fate of the current international freaks like the ICC, the Council of Europe or the OSCE. They are already on the stinking heap of world development.

Whether it will be possible to reach a compromise, I do not know. I am not sure. For now, the finally degenerate Western political class is trying to up the ante in a bloody clown horror show. In a state of persistent dementia pushes our little world towards WW3. It is pushing the stoned regime in Kiev to go to war with every last Ukrainian.

I like that version a lot, too, even though it's more recent:
Moscow Nights (Подмосковные вечера) (it's in Russian)
This is of course the highest class, but how can it be otherwise, because world-class stars, professional opera singers perform. From the point of view of vocals, it's even difficult to compare, as I said-the highest class, but in the recording that I posted, the song is performed by an actor, not a professional singer and, strictly in my opinion, it's somehow a little more soulful.
It's a pity Hvorostovsky died early, his voice was really amazing. You can compare the professionalism and quality of vocals, for example, with this . This is Georg Ots, a Soviet opera star, by the way, an Estonian by nationality.
But Anna Netrebko, although she remains an amazing singer, but in the current situation of the total abolition of Russia in the West, in order to preserve the opportunity to perform at the world's leading opera venues, she betrayed her homeland. So I personally have the appropriate attitude towards her.

But, however, as we say-let's go back to our sheep. In this case, the events in and around Ukraine.
Russia has learned that the West has run out of Stinger for the APU — Newsweek

The West has practically no portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) Stinger for Ukrainian troops, which is already known in Russia. About this on Saturday, July 1, writes the Newsweek portal.

"The Stinger, in fact, is over, and Russia now knows it," the publication quotes the opinion of military analyst Allan Orr.

According to the expert, the Ukrainian military cannot control the airspace, overcome Russian minefields and resist artillery without MANPADS.

The publication stressed that in order to increase the turnover of Stinger production in the United States, engineers over 70 years old are being hired and the components of the weapon are being redesigned, since the electronics used in the rocket are outdated.

The use of MANPADS allowed the Ukrainian troops to hold the heights, but now there is a retreat of the APU on all fronts, Newsweek summarizes.

Earlier, on June 21, Latvian Prime Minister Krisjanis Karins said that the country had handed over to Kiev all its Stinger missiles and would soon hand over all helicopters. And on June 28, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said that the republic had bought two NASAMS anti-aircraft missile systems for Ukraine.

The Nazi-terrorist junta continues to operate in its repertoire.
FSB foiled an attempt on the head of Crimea (+VIDEO)

The FSB stopped an attempt on the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov, organized by the Ukrainian special services

A Russian citizen who was recruited by the SBU and trained in mine-blasting in Ukraine has been detained. The man planned to blow up Aksenov's car, but was caught when he took the bomb from the cache.

Criminal cases have been opened under articles on attempted terrorist attack and illegal acquisition of explosives, the FSB press service reports.

The head of Crimea Aksyonov thanked the FSB for preventing the assassination attempt. He stressed that it is possible to completely eliminate the terrorist threat from Kiev only by fulfilling the goals of the special operation.

A rather frank statement by a former functionary. Interestingly, does he realize that his personal efforts among others have led Ukraine to its current deplorable state?
"Nothing good will happen," Kuchma's ex—adviser advised Ukrainians to leave the country

Residents of Ukraine should leave the country in the summer, ex-adviser to Kuchma Oleg Soskin said in his blog on YouTube.

"Nothing good will happen. Now summer is ahead — adapt. Summer will run fast, autumn will be terrible," he said.

Soskin added that the AFU will not succeed with a counteroffensive, because "they have nothing to attack with" — there are no planes, no missiles, no cluster charges, or even attack drones.

According to the politician, Zelensky needs to sign a ceasefire agreement with Russia, conclude a truce and start preparing Ukraine for new presidential elections.

On June 4, the long-promised counteroffensive by the Kiev regime began in the South Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Artemivsk directions. The Ukrainian command threw into battle brigades trained by NATO and armed with Western equipment. However, they are suffering heavy losses and have not achieved success in any direction during this time.

Well, what can I say?! Again, the comparison with the hyena that has already been cited here comes to mind.
Poland decided to make money on the repair of Leopard 2 tanks damaged in Ukraine, overstating prices by 850%
The German and Polish sides still cannot come to an agreement on the repair of Leopard tanks that were transferred to Ukraine. According to expectations, the repair plant in Poland was supposed to start working a month ago, but negotiations between the two countries are continuing.

One of the reasons for the difficulties is the disagreement in the assessment of the cost of work. The Polish company PGZ offers a price of more than 100,000 euros for the so-called "primary diagnostics" of tanks. For comparison, in Germany, the cost of such work is usually about 12,000 euros. In fact, Poland decided to make money on the repair of military equipment, several times overestimating the amount of even routine maintenance, not to mention the fact that the repair of damaged tanks can cost the equivalent of one new combat vehicle.

In addition to this, PGZ does not intend to assume warranty obligations, which is also a cause for disputes, which indicates that Warsaw is only interested in making a profit.
Польша решила навариться на ремонте подбитых на Украине танков Leopard 2, завысив цены на 850%

Это конечно же высший класс, но как может быть по другому ведь исполняют звезды мирового класса, профессиональные оперные певцы. С точки зрения вокала даже трудно сравнивать, как я уже сказал-высший класс, но в той записи, которую я выложил, песню исполняет актер, не профессиональный певец и, сугубо на мой взгляд, это как то чуточку душевнее.
Жаль Хворостовский рано умер, голос у него был действительно потрясающий. Сравнивать профессионализм и качество вокала можно, например, вот с этим. Это Георг Отс, советская оперная звезда, кстати эстонец по национальности.
А вот Анна Нетребко, хоть и остается потрясающей певицей, но в нынешней ситуации тотальной отмены России на западе, ради сохранения возможности выступать на ведущих мировых оперных площадках, предала родину. Так что к ней у меня лично отношение соответствующее.
Но, однако, как у нас говорят-вернемся к нашим баранам. В данном случае к событиям на Украине и вокруг нее.
Нацистско-террористическая хунта продолжает действовать в своем репертуаре.
Довольно откровенное заявление бывшего функционера. Интересно, он отдает себе отчет в том, что и его личные старания привели Украину к ее нынешнему прискорбному состоянию?
Ну что тут скажешь?! Опять приходит на память уже приводившееся здесь сравнение с гиеной.
Prigozhin announced the return to the front of PMC "Wagner" - Пригожин анонсировал возвращение на фронт ЧВК "Вагнер"

“Today, more than ever, we need your support. Thank you for that. I want you to understand that our "March of Justice" was aimed at fighting traitors and mobilizing our society. And I think we have achieved a lot of it. In the near future, I am sure that you will see our next victories at the front. Thank you guys,” Prigozhin said in his new address after a very long silence.

The audio recording of the appeal was published in the telegram channel of the Wagner group - WAGNER GROUP ®
Le physicien suisse Dr Hans-Benjamin Braun a minutieusement analysé l'explosion de Nord Stream 1.
Et bien figurez-vous que toutes les données indiquent que l'explosion a été réalisée à l'aide d'une mini-nuke thermonucléaire (fusion) avec le plus grand impact d'onde de choc possible sur Kaliningrad en Russie.
Au cours des jours qui ont suivi le moment de la détonation, d'importants courants sous-marins se sont formés dans la mer Baltique (~ 50 km et plus), se concentrant dans le canyon sous-marin dirigé directement vers Kaliningrad. Remarquablement, selon les données satellitaires, la température de l'eau au fond de la mer a augmenté jusqu'à 5 degrés Celsius !
En Pologne, des retombées radioactives ont été détectées un jour après l'explosion ; en Suisse, elles sont apparues trois jours après l'événement.
Seuls les Etats-Unis sont capables de cela ! Vous comprendrez le silence radio sur ce sujet ! Les Etats-Unis ont attaqué l'Europe !
2020 NEWS ("Nord Stream 1-Blast: It Was a Mini Nuke!" - 2020 NEWS)
"Nord Stream 1-Blast: It Was a Mini Nuke!" - 2020 NEWS
Un rapport de l’avocate Viviane Fischer, photo Essai nucléaire de Wigwam aux États-Unis, 1955. Le physicien suisse Hans-Benjamin Braun a méticuleusement analysé l’explosion de Nord Stream 1. Sa conclusion, présentée au Comité d’enquête Corona le 30 juin 2023: l’explosion a été réalisée à l’aide d’une mini-bombe nucléaire thermonucléaire (fusion) avec la plus grande onde de choc possible [...]

Swiss physicist Dr Hans-Benjamin Braun has carefully analyzed the explosion of Nord Stream 1.
Well, all the data indicates that the explosion was carried out using a thermonuclear (fusion) mini-nuke with the greatest possible shock wave impact on Kaliningrad in Russia.
During the days following the moment of the detonation, significant undercurrents formed in the Baltic Sea (~50 km and more), concentrating in the underwater canyon directed directly towards Kaliningrad. Remarkably, according to satellite data, the water temperature at the bottom of the sea has increased by up to 5 degrees Celsius!
In Poland, radioactive fallout was detected a day after the explosion; in Switzerland, they appeared three days after the event.
Only the United States can do this! You will understand the radio silence on this subject! The United States attacked Europe!
NEWS 2020 ("Nord Stream 1-Blast: It Was a Mini Nuke!" - 2020 NEWS)
“Nord Stream 1-Blast: It was a mini nuclear bomb! » - NEWS 2020
A report by lawyer Viviane Fischer, photo Wigwam nuclear test in the United States, 1955. Swiss physicist Hans-Benjamin Braun meticulously analyzed the explosion of Nord Stream 1. His conclusion, presented to the Corona Inquiry Committee on June 30, 2023: the explosion was carried out using a thermonuclear (fusion) nuclear mini-bomb with the largest possible shock wave [...]
Vladimir Poutine a fait un certain nombre de déclarations importantes lors du sommet de l'OCS
▪️Le président a salué l'entrée de l'Iran dans l'organisation.
▪️La Russie est favorable à l'achèvement rapide du processus d'adhésion de la Biélorussie à l'OCS
L'Organisation de coopération de Shanghai joue un rôle de plus en plus important dans les affaires internationales et est fermement engagée dans la construction d'un ordre juste et multipolaire.
▪️La Russie s'oppose et s'opposera avec confiance aux sanctions et restrictions, le peuple russe est plus consolidé que jamais, cela a été démontré par la tentative de rébellion.
▪️Poutine a remercié les dirigeants de l'OCS pour leur soutien pendant la rébellion de Prigozhin.

Vladimir Putin made a number of important statements during the SCO summit
▪️ The president welcomed Iran's entry into the organization.
▪️Russia is in favor of the rapid completion of the process of Belarus's accession to the SCO
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs and is firmly committed to building a just and multipolar order.
▪️Russia opposes and will confidently oppose sanctions and restrictions, the Russian people are more consolidated than ever, this was demonstrated by the attempted rebellion.
▪️Putin thanked SCO leaders for their support during the Prigozhin rebellion.
Je ne reviendrai pas et ne combattrai plus jamais les Russes, se plaignent des mercenaires américains dans une interview au Daily Beast, affirmant que la guerre en Ukraine est plus dangereuse qu'en Irak ou en Afghanistan.
Des "soldats de fortune" étrangers ont partagé les détails de la participation aux hostilités avec l'armée russe :
▪️"C'est ma troisième guerre à laquelle j'ai participé, et celle-ci est de loin la pire. Vous allez être écrasé par l'artillerie, les chars. La semaine dernière, une bombe a été larguée d'un avion à côté de nous, à 300 mètres de nous. c'est de la merde."
▪️"Il n'y a nulle part où se cacher. Quand nous sommes partis en mission, je pensais que nous allions tous mourir. Aucun hélicoptère ne viendra vous chercher, personne ne vous sauvera lorsque vous serez encerclé. Quand je suis rentré chez moi, j'ai eu le temps de réfléchir J'en suis venu à la conclusion que je n'allais pas revenir et me battre.
Eh oui, les fiottes..

I will never come back and fight the Russians again, American mercenaries complain in an interview with the Daily Beast, saying that the war in Ukraine is more dangerous than in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Foreign "soldiers of fortune" shared details of participating in hostilities with the Russian military:
▪️"This is my third war I've been in, and this is by far the worst. You're going to be crushed by artillery, tanks. Last week a bomb was dropped from a plane next to us, 300 meters from us. it's shit."
▪️"There's nowhere to hide. When we went on a mission, I thought we were all going to die. No helicopter will pick you up, no one will save you when you're surrounded. When I got home , I had time to think I came to the conclusion that I was not going to come back and fight.
Yes, the faggots...
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