Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Idem pour moi Ziutek, plus le temps passe et plus il me semble me détacher de ces tous ces gens...
Heureusement que les membres de notre Forum sont toujours là...
Sommes nous en 4D STO où nous en rapprochons nous sans le savoir ?... 🥰

Same for me Ziutek, the more time passes and the more I seem to detach myself from these all these people...
Fortunately, the members of our Forum are still there...
Are we in 4D STO where we are getting closer without knowing it?... 🥰

June 29, 2023, By C. Todd Lopez DOD News Video
The Pentagon said earlier this week the matter remains one that is purely internal to Russia, and it's something Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder reiterated again during a briefing today.

But the general also added that a primary concern for the U.S. in this matter has been the continued stability of Russia's nuclear arsenal. He said that, at least for the time being, stability appears to remain intact.

"Certainly, our focus is on ensuring that we don't see anything that would portend strategic instability," Ryder said. "In other words, nothing to indicate that [there is] any concern regarding Russian nuclear forces. We have not seen anything [at] this stage that concerns us and certainly nothing that has required us to change our own force posture."

Ryder said the U.S. would continue to monitor what's happening, but the focus of the U.S. and the Defense Department will be to provide continued support to Ukraine as it fights to defend its sovereignty from the Russian invasion.

Ryder also highlighted today that the United States and DOD will soon recognize the 50th anniversary of the all-volunteer force, which was established on July 1, 1973.

Rather than relying on a draft — which was done in World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam — the all-volunteer force relies on voluntary enlistment to fill the ranks of the military.

"For the past 50 years, our nation's all-volunteer force has recruited and retained talented people from all walks of life, from across the country and beyond," Ryder said. "Since the elimination of the draft in July 1973, those who have joined the ranks of America's armed forces have done so out of conviction and not compulsion and to be a part of something bigger than themselves."

Ryder said that Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the all-volunteer force next week with a public statement and a visit to Fort Meade, Maryland, where he will swear about 100 new recruits into the armed forces.



Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 19-01-12 Armed with Science on Twitter.png

Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 18-59-36 Ghost on Twitter.png

Revealing Truth Behind The Strike In Kramatorsk
Evgeny Prigozhin has dissolved the "Patriot" media group

30.06.2023, 19:41

RIA FAN, Ekonomika Segodnya and Nevskie Novosti announced their closure

Yevgeny Prigozhin, founder of Wagner PMC, announced the closure and liquidation of Patriot media group under his control, Izvestia reported, citing sources. All employees of the holding are under dismissal and have been notified accordingly. RIA FAN, Nevskie Novosti and Ekonomika Segodnya, which are part of Patriot media group, have officially announced their closure.

According to Izvestia, the decision to shut down Patriot Media Group was made today, June 30, during a meeting with the holding's staff. The information about the closure of the holding is also confirmed by TASS, citing several employees of the Patriot publications.

RIA FAN, the Ekonomika Segodnya news agency and the St Petersburg-based Nevskie Novosti have so far announced the closure of the holding's media outlets. RIA FAN's editor-in-chief Kristina Masenkova told TASS about the closure. Reports about the closure of Ekonomika Segodnya and Nevskie Novosti appeared in the official Telegram channels of these publications.

Earlier, Roskomnadzor blocked websites of publications belonging to Patriot Media Group. The blocked portals include RIA FAN, Nevskie Novosti, Ekonomika Segodnya, Politika Segodnya, Narodnye Novosti, and dozens of other publications. The addresses of all the portals are listed in the RCN register of banned sites. It is noted there that access to the resources has been restricted, but the reasons for the blocking are not specified.

The day before, on 29 June, the social network YARUS, associated with the founder of the PMC, announced its closure. The social network's Telegram channel said that the decision to "suspend the work" of the service was made "after a thorough analysis of the current situation".

RiaFan is still working for me, but only one article has today's date.
History of Belarus and the hand of the West
Having recently listened to the President of Belarus, Lukashenko telling about the peaceful settlement of the Prigozhin led Wagner protest, and knowing that his efforts helped to postpone or even prevent western trained and armed Belarus opposition unrest, the following book by John Loftus from 1982, The Belarus Secret, updated 2010 as America's Nazi Secret, found while reading Biowarfare, Nazi scientists and the creation of Lyme Disease in the US, might be interesting to understand the history of how the US/CIA worked with Belarus since the time of WWII.


On page 13/175 in a PDF of a 1982 version, there is in the preface:
“You can come by any morning,” he said, struggling for the words in English. “I’m sorry it couldn’t have been a more joyful occasion.”

As soon as our car pulled away, my companions burst out laughing. Somewhat irritated, I demanded to know what was so funny about my narrow escape, and they told me that the watchman I had just talked to was one of the fugitives we were seeking.

And then I remembered the Justice Department file where I had first seen his photograph. He had been a county chief in Byelorussia, and police forces under his command had murdered thousands of his own countrymen, Poles, and Jews. How could such a man be living peacefully as an American citizen in a New Jersey town? I wondered with frustration, incredulity, and outrage, These were feelings I was to experience countless times as I went about tracing the origins of the long-suppressed “Belarus Secret.”
On page 135/175
By 1954, it was an open secret among American intelligence agencies that elements of a Nazi puppet Byelorussian regime existed in America. In the middle of that year, Wisner funded an international convention of collaborators in South River that was called the Fourteenth Plenum of the Byelorussian Central Council. A brochure published for the occasion made clear the origins of the organization, for it listed the thirteen previous meetings going back through the exile government in Berlin to the SS sponsored Minsk congress of 1944. Additional evidence of the collaborationist nature of the wartime Ostrowsky regime was provided by the publication in 1956 of Nicholas Vakar’s book Belorussia: The Making of a Nation. * It caused something of a sensation in the émigré community because it described, quite accurately, the role of the Byelorussian collaborators during the Nazi occupation and mentioned some by name.

The Byelorussians denounced Vakar’s book, ...
The book referred to is: Belorussia: The Making of a Nation. By Nicholas P. Vakar. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1956. Pp. xii, 297. The name of the author in Russian is Вакар, Николай Платонович, but I only found the book in the original English.

Knowing how the forces centred in the US and earlier in Germany have been working in Belarus might help to understand the difficulties of the situation from the perspectives of Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin. If the West instigates unrest in Belarus, we know more about how it could come about.
For some reason, the IAEA staff is not working well. Zelensky is yelling at the top of his voice about Russia's almost guaranteed undermining of the ZNPP. The Ukrainian authorities have already begun to stuff the population with some pills and organized a partial evacuation of Nikopol, but these have found nothing. Zrada.
The IAEA did not see any signs of Russia preparing a terrorist attack at the Zaporozhye NPP

The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said that the IAEA experts did not see signs of the Russian Federation preparing a terrorist attack at the Zaporozhye NPP. At the same time, he did not rule out that "anything can happen."

This is reported by France24.

According to Grossi, the situation at the nuclear power plant after the explosion of the Kakhovskaya dam is "serious", but is gradually stabilizing.

"The initial measures taken by the management of the station were taken to preserve the necessary amount of water, but in the long term this will not be enough," Grossi said.

He also expressed concern about military actions near the nuclear power plant.

"The station is incredibly fragile and could be damaged in the event of a firefight," Grossi warned.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian authorities persistently declare the plans of the Russian Federation to stage a terrorist attack on the NPP.

Today, the GUR said that the Russians are already gradually leaving the station, and the remaining personnel are instructed "in case of any emergency situations to blame Ukraine." Also, according to the GUR, the number of military patrols is gradually decreasing on the territory of the Zaporozhye NPP itself and in the satellite city of the Energodar station.

However, Russia has circulated a letter to the UN Security Council stating that it does not plan to blow up the Zaporozhye NPP.

In principle, this happens every day, but this episode is still unique. 2 tanks managed to destroy a column of 15 armored cars. That's a lot.
Two Russian tanks completely destroyed a column of British Mastiff and Husky
In the area of the Vremyevsky salient on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic, Russian tankers destroyed a column of armored vehicles belonging to the armed forces of Ukraine. This was reported by the information resource "Military Chronicle".

According to the source, the fighting unfolded near the settlement of Novodonetsky. The APU armored column consisted of 15 vehicles, among which were British Army Mastiff and Husky vehicles.

The commander of the tank company Ruslan Kurbanov shared the details of the operation, reported that two Russian tanks destroyed the column at a distance of 800 meters. One of the tanks used full ammunition - 28 shells.

After heavy shelling, the Ukrainian military abandoned armored vehicles and left the battlefield. Some wounded servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were taken prisoner.

This incident occurred shortly after the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation published information that the crew of the T-80BVM tank successfully hit an American Bradley infantry fighting vehicle at a distance of 9.5 kilometers.

The events confirm the high combat readiness and effectiveness of Russian armored vehicles in combat conditions. Moreover, real combat operations demonstrate the reliability of equipment and the preparedness of military personnel who are able to maximize the potential of military equipment to achieve their goals.
Два российских танка полностью уничтожили колонну британских Mastiff и Husky
"Two tanks at me from 800 m unwound this column. One tank managed to work out a full conveyor — 28 shells," Ruslan Kurbanov, the commander of the tank company, told our reporter Alexander Piskunov. We are talking about British armored cars Mastiff and Husky. The marines of the Pacific Fleet of Russia touched them on the Vremyevsky ledge, near the settlement of Novodonetskoye. Ukrainian militants on 15 lightly armored vehicles rolled out onto the hill and did not expect to meet face-to-face with tankers from the Far East.
Captured armored vehicles Mastiff and Husky APU captured by soldiers of the 40th Marine Brigade in the area of Novodonetskoye settlement

The positions of the AFU under the Antonovsky Bridge were hit with an Iskander, the
moment of the morning strike of the Iskander missile defense System of the Russian Armed Forces at the point of the enemy's presence under the Antonovsky Bridge on the left bank of the Dnieper was caught on video.

After the Russian military and military correspondents openly announced the landing of Russian troops on the left bank of the Dnieper River near the Antonovsky Bridge, Russian troops struck a powerful strike with a tactical Iskander missile on one of the spans, as a result of which the AFU suffered significant losses both in weapons and technical means, and in manpower. At the disposal of journalists Avia.about the unique video footage of the strike on the Ukrainian military turned out to be.

In the video, you can see a powerful tactical missile strike directly at the Ukrainian military. The video footage does not allow us to determine the number of Ukrainian military killed, however, according to a number of sources, the AFU still maintains its presence in the Antonovsky Bridge area.

There are no official statements regarding the strike yet, however, the situation indicates that the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are controlled by the Russian military.
По позициям ВСУ под Антоновским мостом ударили «Искандером»
Antonovsky Bridge is an accurate strike from the Iskander Missile Defense System. A very accurate blow (in the bull's-eye). Just in the place where the enemy has equipped warehouses and a pier for receiving cargo. After such a blow (and preferably another one), you can hope for success.
1 (8)
And then the Solntcepek

Here's what they write about it directly from the spot. Prigozhin tried to use this behavior of the command of the Ministry of Defense as a motive for his recent demarche.
Two majors. On the Antonovsky Bridge. Direct speech from the field: "The APU crossed to the island at the Antonovsky Bridge a long time ago, entrenched there, outlined the sectors of fire and shot the reference points. The main function is observation and correction of fire from the other shore, plus provision.
Thank you for finally hitting with Iskander, we waited 2 weeks, fighting with our feet. Now Ukrainians are sitting in dachas and continue to adjust the fire from the other shore. No one cut off their crossing paths, suppressed their firing positions across the river. Artillery MD RF works every other time, according to the positions of the Ukrainians across the river does not work at all. The main fire is from there.

There is one Ukrainian road that leads to the cottages. Everything around is mined and swamped. Our command has been driving people and equipment along it for a week. "Operation planning" comes from Rostov, the new rising star MD - Makarevich, on outdated maps with an unclouded mind. There are losses. Combat units are gradually coming into an evil, but weakly combat state.

The wounded cannot be evacuated: APU copters are in the sky, tanks, mortars, and artillery are working on everything that moves. The wounded do not survive. The command continues to drive the crowds without communication, interaction, artillery support and evacuation. They stay there. Those who are trying to say something -threats of dismissal in disgrace.
Somebody! Talk to Makarevich or give him a pussy. Give the shells to the 8th art. regiment - they know how and know where to shoot. Send a new "commander" to lead the attack personally, let him evaluate his talents himself. Provide strikes on the positions of Ukrainians across the river. Yes, do you finally fucking do something reasonably adequate!!!".
30.06.2023 "Два танка у меня с 800 метров РАЗМОТАЛИ ЭТУ КОЛОННУ ВСУ". Карта боев: Удар "Искандером" в Антоновский мост (16 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

Чего то плохо работают сотрудники МАГАТЭ. Зеленский орет во всю глотку о почти гарантированном подрыве Россией ЗАЭС. Украинские власти уже стали пичкать население какими то таблетками и организовали частичную эвакуацию Никополя, а эти так ничего и нашли. Зрада.
В принципе такое происходит каждый день, но данный эпизод все-таки уникален. 2 танка умудрились уничтожить колонну из 15 броневиков. Это много.
Вот что пишут об этом непосредственно с места. Такое поведение командования МО пытался использовать Пригожин, как мотив для своего недавнего выступления.
Here is something that perhaps got lost on the day due to fast-moving events in Russia last Saturday: a statement made by Prigozhin after Putin's morning TV address, but before he capitulated and 're-narrativized' his coup into a 'March for justice that never sought to overthrow the government':

Hours after Vladimir Putin called the armed rebellion by mercenary chief a betrayal and a “stab in the back", the Wagner Group [NB: Prigozhin, specifically] said the President has made a wrong choice during his speech. “Regarding the betrayal of the motherland, the president was deeply mistaken. We are patriots of our homeland. [Vladimir] Putin made the wrong choice. All the worse for him… soon Russia will have a new president," the Wagner Group said.

Vladimir Putin made ‘deep’ mistake, Russia will soon have new President: Wagner Group

Updated: 24 Jun 2023, 03:57 PM IST
Kicking out US/NATO troops from the Polish territory and stopping fueling the war in Ukraine would be much, much cheaper and way more efficient.
The half-witted Polish Prime Minister for some reason thinks quite differently. Already imported Abrams, ordered hundreds of Haimars and dozens of Patriots, and now give them TNW
Poland has asked the United States to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory
Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki called on NATO to deploy American nuclear weapons in the republic

BRUSSELS, June 30 — RIA Novosti. Poland has asked NATO to deploy American nuclear weapons on the territory of the country, Prime Minister of the Republic Mateusz Morawiecki said at the end of the European Council summit.
"Due to the fact that Russia intends to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, we are all the more appealing to the whole of NATO to take part in the Nuclear Sharing program," he said.
The Nuclear Sharing program allows the United States to transfer its nuclear weapons to the air forces of NATO countries if necessary.

According to the politician, nuclear weapons should be deployed in Poland as soon as possible.

"This, first of all, should be the decision of our American partners, NATO partners. We announce that we want quick action," Moravetsky added.
Later, the coordinator of strategic communications at the US National Security Council, John Kirby, said that he had nothing to say about Poland's desire to host WMD.
At the beginning of the year, Moscow and Minsk agreed to transfer tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus. As President Vladimir Putin stated, the construction of a storage facility for this type of weapons on the territory of the country will be completed on July 1.
The Head of State noted that Russia does not violate any international obligations and does what the United States has been doing for decades by deploying its TNW in Europe.
In April, the Armed Forces of Belarus were supplied with the Iskander-M tactical complex, capable of using nuclear-powered missiles. In addition, some of the attack aircraft were converted to nuclear weapons.
Польша попросила США разместить на ее территории ядерное оружие

Полоумный Польский премьер почему то думает совсем по другому. Уже завезенные Абрамсы, заказанные сотни Хаймарсов и десятки Патриотов, а теперь вот подавай им ТЯО
Just in case it has anything to do with the SVO operation: Yesterday, by decree, Vladimir Putin dismissed First Deputy Director of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Sergei Korolev, from the Interdepartmental Commission on Protection of State Secrets. More posted in the other thread.
Here's RFE/RL watching the situation with eager and expectant eyes! ;) They comment on the whereabouts and activities of Surovikin, Shoigu, Gerasimov, Prigozhin, Zolotov, Yudin, and Mizintsev.

The guessing game in Moscow these days: Where are they?

Days after a mutiny by the mercenary warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin, who sent thousands of his fighters racing toward the Russian capital, a growing number of prominent commanders and public figures have disappeared from public view.

Rattled by the biggest challenge he has faced in his 23 years as the country's preeminent political figure, President Vladimir Putin has suggested he would root out those inside and outside the military people who have allied themselves, quietly or overtly, with Prigozhin.

He may also be seeking to sideline those who let it happen or whose conduct of Russia's war in Ukraine has made them liabilities in his eyes.

"The armed insurgency by the Wagner private military company has become a pretext for a massive purge in the ranks of the Russian armed forces," said Rybar, а Telegram channel linked to a former Defense Ministry official.

The scope and scale of the purported purge is unclear, as is the depth and breadth of support for Prigozhin in the Defense Ministry, security agencies, and elsewhere. Some of those who have faded from view may simply be lying low -- under orders or at their own initiative -- in the hope the crisis will blow over.

Tatyana Stanovaya, a longtime Russian political analyst, cautioned that it is unclear whether there will be widespread dismissals and a major reshuffling of Putin's closest advisers or other influential figures.

"What distinguishes the current situation is Putin's progressive loss of initiative in dealing with domestic issues," she said in a post to Twitter. "His heightened emotional state makes him more susceptible to manipulation. We appear to be observing a new phase in Putin's regime, where his entourage is becoming more actively involved in shaping its trajectory."

Here's who's gone missing, and who has entered the limelight.

Sergei Surovikin

Dubbed "General Armageddon" by Russia's tabloids, General Sergei Surovikin is arguably -- after Prigozhin -- the person being most closely watched in the aftermath of the mutiny.

Currently commander of Russia's aerospace forces, Surovikin was appointed Russia's overall commander for the invasion of Ukraine by Putin last October.

At the time, the invasion was faltering; Ukrainian forces had stunned Russian troops with an offensive in the Kharkiv region, in the northeast. Surovikin ordered Russian forces to barrage Ukraine's electricity grid and civilian infrastructure with missiles. Under pressure from advancing Ukrainian troops, he also withdrew Russia's forces from the right bank of Dnieper River in the Kherson region, in the south.

Surovikin's appointment was championed by Prigozhin and other hard-line nationalists who pressed the Kremlin to wage an even more brutal campaign against Ukraine. He was viewed as a ruthless -- and effective -- commander overseeing Russia's intervention in the Syrian conflict in the late 2010s. Syria was where he and Prigozhin likely cemented their working relationship.

"Surovikin [is] a brute but also one of the more capable Russian commanders," Lawrence Freedman, an emeritus professor of war studies at King's College London, said in a post to Twitter.

But Surovikin only lasted three months as overall commander for the war in Ukraine: He was demoted and replaced in January by General Valery Gerasimov, the longtime chief of the General Staff and a Putin loyalist.

In the initial hours of the mutiny, Surovikin appeared in a video imploring Wagner fighters to stand down. But Surovikin's behavior in the video raised questions about whether it might have been coerced.

Since the video, Surovikin has not been seen or heard from publicly.

The Financial Times, The Moscow Times, and the Associated Press reported that Surovikin was believed to have been detained by authorities investigating the mutiny -- though it was unclear whether, if true, he was being treated as a suspect or as a witness.

Aleksei Venediktov, the well-connected editor in chief of the now-closed radio station Ekho Moskvy, said in a post to Telegram on June 28 that Surovikin had not been in contact with his family for three days.

On June 29, the head of the Moscow Public Monitoring Commission, a state-sanctioned agency that monitors jails and prisons, released a cryptic statement on Telegram that raised as many questions as it answered.

"My response is: He is not in Lefortovo or any other pretrial detention facility," Aleksei Melnikov said, referring to an infamous high-security Moscow prison where treason and espionage suspects are usually held.

Yevgeny Prigozhin

The last time Prigozhin was heard from was in an 11-minute audio message posted to his Telegram channel on the evening of June 26
, nearly 48 hours after the purported resolution of the mutiny.

"We started our march because of injustice," he said. "Our goal was not to overthrow the existing regime and the legally elected government, which was said many times. We turned around so as not to shed Russian soldiers' blood."

But the audio message did not indicate where and when the recording was made or reveal Prigozhin's physical whereabouts.

Under the deal announced first by Belarusian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka, Prigozhin was to travel to Belarus, and his Wagner fighters would be allowed to go there as well or sign contracts to serve under the command of the Defense Ministry.

On June 27, Lukashenka claimed Prigozhin had arrived in Minsk, but there was no independent confirmation. Flight trackers showed a private jet registered to his company arriving in the Belarusian capital that day and returning to St. Petersburg on June 28, but it was unclear if he was on the jet for either leg.

Putin's harsh condemnation of the mutineers -- he called the effort a "betrayal" and a "stab in the back" -- suggested Prigozhin and his allies could face retribution: arrest or worse.

Russia's main domestic intelligence agency announced June 27 it was dropping its criminal investigation of the mutineers. However, the Kommersant newspaper, and several state-controlled news agencies, later reported that the investigation remained open.

Sergei Shoigu

One of Putin's closest and longest-serving confidants, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, 68, has been the recipient of lacerating criticism and vaguely racist insults from Prigozhin -- and other hard-line nationalists and military bloggers -- for his overall command of Russia's military during the Ukraine invasion.

Since at least last summer, when the Russian invasion visibly faltered, Prigozhin has repeatedly ripped into him by name, accusing him of depriving Wagner forces of the ammunition needed to fight in the now-obliterated Ukrainian city of Bakhmut.

Shoigu's distrust of Prigozhin has been less visible. But in May, the Defense Ministry issued an order that would formally bring Wagner fighters under regular command, depriving the group of its quasi-autonomous force.

That was believed to be the last straw for Prigozhin, who resisted losing control of his military force.

In the wake of the mutiny, the Defense Ministry released a video of Shoigu inspecting Russian troops and awarding medals in an undisclosed location. The video appeared to have been recorded prior to the rebellion.

But Prigozhin's mutiny included his forces taking control of Russia's southern military command in the city of Rostov-on-Don, putting his troops in direct confrontation with Defense Ministry officers. Another video that circulated on Telegram early on June 24 showed Prigozhin meeting with a deputy defense minister, Colonel General Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, and the deputy chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Vladimir Alekseyev.

"We want to get the chief of the General Staff and Shoigu," Prigozhin said. "Until they are here, we are here, we are blocking the city of Rostov and moving toward Moscow."

"You believe everything you're doing right now is right. Is that right?" Yevkurov is seen asking Prigozhin in the video. "Absolutely right. We're saving Russia," Prigozhin responds.

That video was seen as a potential embarrassment for the two top military commanders, who have played key roles in the invasion.

Shoigu was shown on June 26 attending a Security Council meeting with Putin. A day later, Shoigu appeared at Kremlin ceremony, where Putin thanked soldiers and guards and those "who stood in the way of the mutineers."

He did not speak, and has given no media interviews since the mutiny.


Prigozhin's other punching bag has been Gerasimov, who as chief of the General Staff is Russia's top military officer.

Like Shoigu, Gerasimov, 67, is seen as loyal to Putin, a trait the Russian leader is known to value.

Known as a stolid, competent strategist, Gerasimov took a backseat role in the Ukraine operation for nearly all of 2022. But his position at the start of the full-scale invasion that February, and the major failures that Russian forces have experienced, stoked his critics' calls for his sacking.

Gerasimov ended up with the post of supreme Ukraine commander in January, when Putin demoted Surovikin. One Western expert characterized the shuffle as "infighting, power struggles, jealousy."

Gerasimov, who never had a very public media presence, has not been seen or heard from since before the mutiny. Unlike Shoigu, he did not appear at the June 27 Kremlin ceremony.

Viktor Zolotov

In contrast to the commanders and officials who have dropped out of sight in recent days, Viktor Zolotov, Putin's longtime bodyguard, dating back to his time in St. Petersburg, has seen his public presence -- relatively minimal in the past -- grow considerably.

Zolotov's loyalty to Putin earned him the appointment to be the first chief of the newly created National Guard in 2016. Seen as a sort of Praetorian Guard, the National Guard has grown into a 300,000-strong force whose responsibilities of ensuring internal stability within Russia dovetails with other units within the Interior Ministry, the Federal Security Service, and other agencies.

Mainly a behind-the-scenes player, Zolotov's most visible public presence in recent years came in 2018, when he responded publicly to an investigation by opposition gadfly Aleksei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation, which charged that nearly $30 million in procurement contracts had been stolen from the National Guard.

"I simply challenge you to a duel, in the ring, on the judo mat, anywhere, and I promise to make mincemeat of you," he said, addressing Navalny.

Zolotov, too, appeared at the Kremlin ceremony where Putin thanked units -- including some from the National Guard -- for their actions during the mutiny.

Unlike Shoigu, however, Zolotov spoke publicly to reporters after the event, where he announced his force would be receiving heavy weaponry, including tanks, to bolster their arsenal.

"We concentrated all our fists and forces precisely on the approaches to Moscow," Zolotov bragged to reporters. "Because if our forces had been scattered [Wagner] would have passed through them like a knife through butter."

"The rebels would not have taken Moscow," he said.

Other Names To Watch

Several other lower-key, non-marquee names are also worth watching for, as an indication where any potential purge might be moving:

Colonel General Andrei Yudin, Surovikin's deputy commander in the aerospace forces, was reported by Russian military bloggers to have been detained earlier this week. However, he later answered his phone when called by a reporter from the Kremlin-friendly news site Ura.ru: "I'm at home, on holiday."

Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev joined Wagner as a deputy commander in early May, days after being sacked as deputy defense minister.

Known as the "Butcher of Mariupol" for his role in the scorched-earth siege of the Ukrainian Azov Sea port city last year, Mizintsev had overseen logistics and supplies at the Defense Ministry, meaning he played an instrumental role in getting ammunition and supplies to Wagner, as well as regular troops.

The two officers who appeared in the early mutiny video alongside Prigozhin -- Yevkurov and Alekseyev -- have also been out of sight since last weekend.
Here's RFE/RL watching the situation with eager and expectant eyes! ;) They comment on the whereabouts and activities of Surovikin, Shoigu, Gerasimov, Prigozhin, Zolotov, Yudin, and Mizintsev.
Now, who is going to watch US gov.'s spin propaganda in turn? :lol:

Just make sure you triple check everything. For example, what I saw quoted from The Financial Times and Moscow Times on Surovikin linked back, directly or indirectly, to "Dossier Center" and its made up stuff. Unfortunately I don't have access to FT and I don't think I can track it back again, but the links were there, and obvious.

MT refers to NYT who in turn refers to "US officials familiar with intelligence". Intelligence officials who feed Khodorkovsky with "data" perhaps?

Here is something that perhaps got lost on the day due to fast-moving events in Russia last Saturday: a statement made by Prigozhin after Putin's morning TV address, but before he capitulated and 're-narrativized' his coup into a 'March for justice that never sought to overthrow the government':

Vladimir Putin made ‘deep’ mistake, Russia will soon have new President: Wagner Group

Updated: 24 Jun 2023, 03:57 PM IST

This news is somewhat misleading apparently, it is quite likely that this was the initial intention and then there was a change of narrative, but the statements presented there are a combination of the words said by Prigozhin on his telegram channel after Putin's speech :

About the betrayal of the motherland. The president was deeply mistaken. We are patriots of our country. We fought and are fighting. All fighters of PMC Wagner. And no one is going to turn himself in at the request of the President of the FSB or anyone else. Because we do not want the country to live on in corruption, deceit and bureaucracy. When we fought in Africa, we were told that we needed Africa, and after that they abandoned it, because they stole all the money that was supposed to go to help. When we were told that we were at war with Ukraine, we went and fought. But it turned out that ammunition, weapons, all the money that was put on them, were also stolen. And bureaucrats are sitting, saving them for themselves just for the case that has come today, when someone goes to Moscow, now they do not save anything. They hit with planes and helicopters on the columns where the market is going on. At the same time, they hit Nick, because they don’t hit. And they hit anywhere. Therefore, we are patriots, And those who oppose us today are those who have gathered around the scum.

And what was said by this channel that seems to be another channel with a guy "with" a certain affiliation with Wagner:


"Pypa" is an insult towards Putin by the "opposition", so I know based on a cartoon in which the character bears a certain resemblance to the president of Russia... I don't know how much the guy behind it knows this channel, but it seems to be someone without much importance, its content is loaded with messages with inflammatory language, insults to Putin and other politicians, the subject advocates not being kind to the Ukrainian prisoners and being about 10 times more violent than them, since Positivism only increases the resistance of the enemy (according to him), after the withdrawal of Prigozhin (whom he referred to as the most promising politician) he changed the name of the channel from AP Wagner to Alex Parker Returns and proceeded to insult Prigozhin.. This is his description of himself (The "black clown" is Prigozhin...) :

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This news is somewhat misleading apparently, it is quite likely that this was the initial intention and then there was a change of narrative, but the statements presented there are a combination of the words said by Prigozhin on his telegram channel after Putin's speech :

And what was said by this channel that seems to be another channel with a guy "with" a certain affiliation with Wagner:

View attachment 77098

"Pypa" is an insult towards Putin by the "opposition", so I know based on a cartoon in which the character bears a certain resemblance to the president of Russia... I don't know how much the guy behind it knows this channel, but it seems to be someone without much importance, its content is loaded with messages with inflammatory language, insults to Putin and other politicians, the subject advocates not being kind to the Ukrainian prisoners and being about 10 times more violent than them, since Positivism only increases the resistance of the enemy (according to him), after the withdrawal of Prigozhin (whom he referred to as the most promising politician) he changed the name of the channel from AP Wagner to Alex Parker Returns and proceeded to insult Prigozhin.. This is his description of himself (The "black clown" is Prigozhin...) :

Anyway, I leave more messages from him in which he says that his sources are the Patriot media and that the coup was indeed planned and that it was called off.
I have not seen similar statements in some detail like the ones presented here and to a large extent it seems to me the characteristic hysteria of him speaking ... but I leave it anyway in case someone wants to play with that data or if one turns out to be true in a future:
This news is somewhat misleading apparently, it is quite likely that this was the initial intention and then there was a change of narrative, but the statements presented there are a combination of the words said by Prigozhin on his telegram channel after Putin's speech :

And what was said by this channel that seems to be another channel with a guy "with" a certain affiliation with Wagner:

View attachment 77098

"Pypa" is an insult towards Putin by the "opposition", so I know based on a cartoon in which the character bears a certain resemblance to the president of Russia... I don't know how much the guy behind it knows this channel, but it seems to be someone without much importance, its content is loaded with messages with inflammatory language, insults to Putin and other politicians, the subject advocates not being kind to the Ukrainian prisoners and being about 10 times more violent than them, since Positivism only increases the resistance of the enemy (according to him), after the withdrawal of Prigozhin (whom he referred to as the most promising politician) he changed the name of the channel from AP Wagner to Alex Parker Returns and proceeded to insult Prigozhin.. This is his description of himself (The "black clown" is Prigozhin...) :

Thanks for clarifying that.
Evgeny Prigozhin has dissolved the "Patriot" media group

30.06.2023, 19:41

RiaFan is still working for me, but only one article has today's date.
So he DID have a media empire. No wonder the whole world knows what Prigozhin thinks!
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