Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

En ce jour, il y a 82 ans, un accord a été signé à Moscou sur les actions conjointes de l'URSS et de la Grande-Bretagne dans la guerre contre l'Allemagne.
◽️ Immédiatement après l'annonce de l'attaque allemande contre l'URSS, le Premier ministre britannique Winston Churchill a annoncé que la Grande-Bretagne aiderait l'Union soviétique dans la guerre contre l'Allemagne. Deux jours plus tard, le président américain Franklin Roosevelt a fait une déclaration de soutien à notre pays.
◽️ L'accord soviéto-britannique sur les actions communes dans la guerre contre l'Allemagne, signé le 12 juillet 1941, marqua le début de la création de la coalition antihitlérienne.
📑 Extrait de l'accord entre les Gouvernements de l'URSS et de la Grande-Bretagne du 12 juillet 1941 : « Les deux gouvernements s'engagent mutuellement à se prêter assistance et soutien de toute nature dans une véritable guerre contre l'Allemagne nazie. Ils s'engagent en outre à ne négocier ni conclure d'armistice ou de traité de paix, pendant la durée de cette guerre, que d'un commun accord.
On this day, 82 years ago, an agreement was signed in Moscow on the joint actions of the USSR and Great Britain in the war against Germany.
◽️ Immediately after the announcement of the German attack on the USSR, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill announced that Britain would help the Soviet Union in the war against Germany. Two days later, US President Franklin Roosevelt issued a statement of support for our country.
◽️ The Soviet-British agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany, signed on July 12, 1941, marked the beginning of the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition.
📑 Extract from the agreement between the Governments of the USSR and Great Britain of July 12, 1941: "The two governments mutually undertake to lend each other assistance and support of any kind in a real war against Nazi Germany . They further undertake not to negotiate or conclude an armistice or a peace treaty, during the duration of this war, except by mutual agreement.
By Ryan Finnerty 11 July 2023
Ukrainian aviators will soon begin training on the Lockheed Martin F-16 fighte, under an agreement announced at the NATO summit in Lithuania on 11 July.

Organised by the so-called “fighter coalition” of 11 countries backing Ukraine in its war against the Russian invasion, the pact will see pilots from Denmark and the Netherlands lead instruction for Ukrainian counterparts beginning as soon as August.

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The coalition includes NATO members Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the UK and aspiring member Sweden, according to the Danish defence ministry.

Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov confirmed the new agreement on 11 July, praising the development.

“F-16s will protect Ukraine’s skies and NATO’s eastern flank,” Reznikov tweeted. “The Ukrainian air force is prepared to master them as quickly as possible.”

The defence minister specifically praised the “outstanding leadership” of Denmark and the Netherlands in organising the fighter coalition. Reznikov says that pilots, technicians and support staff will all participate in the programme.

“The purpose of the training effort is for the Ukrainian air force to have the basic skills and prerequisites to fly, service and maintain F-16 aircraft,” the Danish defence ministry says.

Initial training for Ukrainian personnel will be conducted in Denmark, while a longer-term site is established in Romania.

The Ukrainian air force currently operates Soviet-era combat aircraft, namely the RAC MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-24, Su-25 and Su-27. Kyiv has been seeking the transfer of Western fighters to boost its capabilities and replenish losses from the nearly 18-month old war.

American intelligence assessments leaked earlier this year estimate that Ukraine had lost 60 fixed-wing aircraft as of February – a figure equal to 53% of the country’s pre-war fighter fleet.

Exactly where the replacement aircraft will come from remains unclear. Poland and Slovakia have transferred MiG-29s to Ukraine, but a supplier of F-16s has yet to emerge.

The USA has for months resisted calls to provide fighter aircraft to Ukraine, citing concerns about provoking Russia and the ability of the Ukrainian air force to maintain advanced jets like the F-16.

As the product of an American manufacturer, the US government retains approval of any F-16 sales to overseas customers and the transfer of existing aircraft to a third party.

While the Biden administration has not committed to directly providing F-16s to Ukraine, Washington has signalled an openness to allowing European governments to transfer their jets to Kyiv.

At the G7 summit in May, the Biden administration revealed a change of thinking, with officials saying Washington was now open to allowing such transfers.

“The support has evolved over time, as the war has evolved,” US National Security Council communications coordinator John Kirby said.

Notably, the USA was not listed as a member of the fighter coalition, despite a direct entreaty from Kyiv to join the group. During a formal visit to Washington in April, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal was clear the government in Kyiv is seeking that support.

“We are inviting the United States to become [the coalition’s] most important participant… America can once again demonstrate its leadership by providing Ukraine with [Boeing] F-15 or F-16 aircraft,” Shmyhal said.

Who in the hell is 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐎𝐌𝐒𝐀? Ok found it! 🧐
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Володимир Зеленський Coke connection meet again!
Jul 12, 2023 Video
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has irked his arms suppliers at the NATO Summit. Zelensky's so-called anti-NATO tweet has not gone down well with the U.S. Washington's delegation at Vilnius is "furious" over an "absurd" tweet by the Ukrainian President. Zelensky criticized NATO for its reluctance to give a clear roadmap for accession. He said uncertainty over Ukraine's NATO membership shows "weakness." Watch this report for more.


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The following important article by John Helmer in Moscow is well worth the read.

It covers what is looking increasingly likely next - with the US/EU all out of gas and with Ukraine bleeding dry, and with the empty promises at Vilnius (either defeat the Russian's or it's no NATO membership come what may), the West is giving Ukraine no more than 6 months/to December before it collapses. A secret plan has in effect been revealed in part by Czech President Pavel in which an abandonment of the east, a retreat from Kiev to Lviv, and the formation of a rump state takes place in the face of a Russian onslaught in the winter.

Napoleon's retreat from Moscow is going to have next to nothing on what's coming next.


Tuesday, July 11th, 2023

By John Helmer, Moscow

For all its public talk, NATO has agreed on a secret six-month plan for Ukraine. It’s a case of do or die by December.

Either the Ukrainian forces, firing everything the NATO allies can give them — from US cluster munitions to Franco-English Storm Shadow missiles and German Leopard tanks — will gain territory and advantage over the Russians; or else the Kiev regime will be destroyed and must fall back on Lvov while NATO beats its own retreat westward from the Polish and Romanian borders — its military capabilities defeated but its Article Five intact.

This is hardly a secret. “Whatever is achieved by the end of this year will be the baseline for negotiation”, the Czech President Petr Pavel, former Czech and NATO army general, announced on the first day of the summit meetings in Vilnius. There is no more than a six-month window of opportunity, Pavel added, which will “more or less close by the end of this year”. After that, “we will see another decline of willingness to massively support Ukraine with more weapons.”

The difference between the Czech’s “more or less” was explained to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky by Henry Kissinger on the telephone. But the telephone was rigged, and Kissinger was talking instead to the Stavka in Moscow, in the guise of the pranksters Vovan and Lexus.

Why can't Ukraine join NATO / Prank with Henry Kissinger. Part 2
After justifying himself at length for initially opposing NATO membership of the Ukraine, and then mispronouncing the word “anomalous”, Kissinger acknowledged there is a problem for the Biden Administration to combat European government opposition to NATO membership for the Ukraine. The Ukrainians must fight against that, too, he implied. So long as the US is backing Zelensky, it is necessary for the Ukrainian offensive to demonstrate small territorial advantages; abandon more ambitious ones (like Crimea); and only then agree to ceasefire talks. Although Kissinger told Zelensky he had been speaking with US “military people”, he gave no hint that they had warned him the Ukrainians are facing defeat on the battlefield, and the loss of both territory and European support.

The Russian General Staff calculation is different.

At the current rate of battlefield casualties – announced by the Defense Ministry counting conservatively — by December 31 the Ukrainian army will lose between 75,000 and 100,000 dead, and up to 300,000 wounded and out of combat. In parallel, the destruction of NATO weapons will accelerate faster than the NATO states can resupply and deliver them, or replacement parts to keep the surviving stock going at the front. By the time Russia’s General Winter takes control of the battlefield, there will be too few Ukrainian fighting men left, and insufficient weapons and ammunition, to resist the start of the Russian offensive. A demilitarized zone of mines and cluster bomblets will have taken shape over several hundred kilometres west of the surrendering Odessa, Nikolaev, and Kharkov; they will abandon Kiev when Kiev abandons them.

The Russian target then will be to drive what remains of the Ukrainian regime, its flags, tattoos, money, and stay-behind terrorism plans, into an enclave around Lvov. The NATO window, as General Pavel called it, will have been opened, but then will be closed to keep NATO itself from catching cold.

One of the unreported outcomes of the Wagner mutiny, and of the June 29 meeting in Moscow between President Vladimir Putin and Yevgeny Prigozhin, is Putin’s commitment to fight for nothing short of the Ukraine’s rout to Lvov, and the NATO retreat westward in the footsteps of the Grande Armée and the Wehrmacht. This too is incomprehensible at NATO headquarters.

The text of the 22-page, 90-paragraph agreement by the NATO allies declares at the penultimate, 89th paragraph that “NATO remains the strongest Alliance in history. As in the past, we will stand the test of time in safeguarding the freedom and security of our Allies and contributing to peace and security.” To make this point less than wishful thinking, the earlier paragraphs keep the Ukraine out of the NATO alliance but with a verbal promise which makes the indefinite future tense appear to be the present tense.

“Ukraine’s future is in NATO. We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, and today we recognise that Ukraine’s path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan.”

To get from the present to the future, the communiqué promises interoperability with NATO weapons management, and joint command-and-control for warfighting against Russia (China too). “Allies will continue to support and review Ukraine’s progress on interoperability as well as additional democratic and security sector reforms that are required. NATO Foreign Ministers will regularly assess progress through the adapted Annual National Programme. The Alliance will support Ukraine in making these reforms on its path towards future membership.”

“We have decided to establish the NATO-Ukraine Council, a new joint body where Allies and Ukraine sit as equal members to advance political dialogue, engagement, cooperation, and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. It will provide for joint consultations, decision-making, and activities [sic], and will also serve as a crisis consultation mechanism between NATO and Ukraine.”

The impact is pushing the NATO allies to withdraw back over the Vistula and Oder Rivers towards Berlin and Paris with this admission: “We will be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance when Allies agree and conditions are met.” They don’t agree now. The conditions will not be met, cannot be met, if and when – after the coming winter — the capitulation of the Ukrainian armed forces will have been conceded, and the retreat to Lvov begun, leaving the demilitarized zone (DMZ) and Novorossiya to the east.

French General Staff officers have been conceding this retreat by camouflaging it as “not a French war, perhaps an American one”. According to another retired French general, Jean-Bernard Pinatel, “I absolutely do not believe in the success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive…the biggest disadvantage Ukraine faces is [not] so much the amount of military equipment, which by the way is not always of high quality, because the West supplies Kiev with outdated equipment. Ukraine’s greatest vulnerability is its people, or rather a lack of them. Its best fighters have long been dead.”

Retired German generals have been saying in public the same things on behalf of active service general staff officers in Berlin who remain under the gag of German government. Read them – retired Major General Harald Kujat here; Vice Admiral Kai-Achim Schonbach; and retired Brigadier General Erich Vad. In order to make war on Russia, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz are not only gagging their military leaders but also avoiding accountability and voting by the Assemblée National and the Bundestag.

On the front, the current daily casualty rate for Ukrainian forces, men and weapons, since July 1 looks like this:


If the daily loss of men averages 500 per day, and the rate of Ukrainian offensive operations continues, then by December 31, the Ukrainian losses will have totalled another 75,000 men. If the rate of attacks is escalated, and the number of killed in action (KIA) averages 715, as it did in the first week of this month, the total losses will reach 107,000. At that point the strategic reserves of men will have been exhausted.

The losses of tanks, other armoured vehicles, artillery and rocket launchers are also increasing at a faster rate than NATO can repair or replace. The new summit communiqué promises “to further step up political and practical support to Ukraine as it continues to defend its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders, and will continue our support for as long as it takes.” For as long as it takes is short because the time is running out for the Kiev regime; and its replacement in Lvov will have neither the space, the range, nor the manpower to recover the territory it has lost.


The Russian assessment, openly published this week, is that “by the end of the year, Kiev will not have a strategic armoured reserve — the volume of foreign supplies to Ukraine is on the decline. It’s no secret that the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [AFU] is based on the supply of shells and equipment from abroad. We have already analysed the schedule of what has been received, the costs and the losses of these operations, and we can see the culmination of these efforts [on the battlefield]. Enemy losses are heavy, and there is nothing to replace them with because deliveries cannot be made instantly.”

“About four to five months elapse between the period of active announcements of deliveries and the actual fact of the transfer of weapons to Kiev. Right now we are destroying tank columns whose armoured vehicles were promised for transfer at the very beginning of 2023. The nuance is that no additional deliveries were announced in the second quarter. Perhaps something will be announced at the NATO summit in Vilnius, but the arrival of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles will not happen before the beginning of 2024. In the event of failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, the Russian army will have an additional head-start.”

“If at least the 471 tanks promised by the West have already arrived in Ukraine, then only 286 are additionally expected, some of which will arrive no earlier than 2024. The situation is similar with infantry fighting vehicles and howitzers — more than two-thirds of the total planned deliveries have already been implemented, so there are practically no reserves left. Despite the fact that both what has already been delivered and what is expected to be delivered are inferior in quantity to the old Soviet equipment in service with Ukraine (we have not even taken into account the vehicles which can be cannibalized for parts or upgraded). The prospects are obvious — on the horizon of the next six months, the AFU will have no sources with which to replenish the thinned-out units. The balance of forces at the front may significantly shift in our favour.”

An American veteran with NATO service in Afghanistan adds: “Given NATO’s inability to make up for the Ukrainian materiel losses at the front, the bottom-of-the-barrel conscript base, and increasing Russian military proficiency across the board, we could very well see the move to establish a DMZ before the Fall is out.”

“From the volume of reports I read regarding Russian strikes on Ukrainian logistics hubs, storage and marshalling areas, I am amazed by how they are managing to maintain the current tempo of operations. This being said, the Ukrainians and their handlers seem to be doing a good job of keeping much information regarding shortages or disruptions quiet for public consumption. Yes, we get the word about the need for more of this or that weapons system, or ammunition, but reading reports from both sides, the shells, missiles, rockets, etc., continue to fly from the Ukrainian side at the Russian defence line with regularity – also with walking-dead lack of quality that seems to be limitless.”

“A clue to the effectiveness of Russian interdiction is the inability of the Ukrainians to concentrate powerful forces at any point to achieve a breakthrough. The concentration at Artemovsk [Bakhmut] provides some clues. There are more than sixty thousand Ukrainians and foreign legionnaires concentrated on that front. The composition is heavily mechanised and well-supported by artillery. They are constantly in action, constantly on the attack. And yet despite their being very menacing and able to bleed outnumbered Russian defenders, they’ve not achieved much while expending huge resources.”

“Looking at other sectors of the line, such as Zaporozhye and South Donbass, it appears that the attacks, while violent, don’t have the same level of strength or stamina. The Russians are confident enough to give ground, shell their abandoned trenches, force the Ukrainians to retreat or face slaughter, and repeat the process time and time again. The Ukrainians just don’t have the resources to suppress the Russians, press the attack, and make real gains. There are several reasons to explain this. Ammunition, fuel, spares, even food, may all be in shorter supply than anyone is reporting. Logistic routes and transportation may be compromised to the point where only segments of the front can be adequately supplied at any one time – a large part of this situation may be due to the lingering effects of the electric war. Russian strikes on the NATO command-and-control centres may be undermining the Ukrainian/NATO capacity to coordinate supply trains. This is a very under-reported aspect of the war.”

From New York the century-old Henry Kissinger has confirmed to the fake Zelensky that the Biden Administration wants the Ukrainian forces to demonstrate enough gains against the Russians to retain European country support, and not to risk ceasefire talks until the battlefield gains are in place; otherwise the Europeans will stop their support, and refuse to allow Ukraine’s admission into NATO.

“Europe”, said Kissinger, “has organised itself to defeat Russia and it would be anamalous [sic] if Finland and Sweden go into NATO but Ukraine, which has sacrificed so much, is not admitted into NATO… Ukraine will be a major country after the war, and after it is rebuilt, it should be in NATO…. We had a Bilderberg meeting…and it was very strange that the European countries that are fighting [Russia]technically they are supporting you –at that meeting were not in favour of [Ukraine] going into NATO. I was… It will be difficult to engineer membership in NATO.”

Between ceasefire negotiations and final peace negotiations, Kissinger said , “you [Zelensky] understand that after a ceasefire it will be very difficult to start the war again with total allied support… I believe the trend in America now is towards a ceasefire… I believe you will be able to conduct your current offensive with full support. I believe our people believe that you will not have total success, that you will regain some territory but not everything. That’s what I was told by military people.
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This is unrelated to this thread, so excuse the quick aside, but its priceless.

During the wonderful spoofing of Kissinger by the guys at Vovan & Lexus (they just keep on falling for it! Don't you love the blind ego of all them pathocrats), they pulled of a classic:


The Kennedy mystery / Prank with Henry Kissinger. Part 4

'ZELENSKY': May I ask you... I'm really interested in one issue... ah... who - was - the real killer of President Kennedy?

(long pause) ... who was the real killer...

'ZELENSKY': ... of President Kennedy?

'KISSINGER': I think.. I think it came via Cuba, so... there might have been a Russian involvement... there could have been also a mafia involvement...

Somebody give Lee Harvey Oswald a pardon... not a mention or a thought towards from the great 'in the know' elder statesman of the deep state... such an absurd idea is of course only the domain of all those useless eaters!

But even with agent-Zelensky - and it being 60 years on - he still can't help but continue to promote the CIA's Day One, Cover Up - Option 1 narrative used to terrify everyone from Earl Warren to autopsy Doctor Hulmes into towing the line i.e. we know the Cubans and Russians did it but we need to blame a single patsy because if you don't 40 million Americans are going to die in the ensuing weeks and months. Plus he gets in another soft dig at the evil Russian's for Zelensky's sake... keep bleeding your country dear boy, keep on bleeding...

And then he throws in the mafia (that's the perfect mix - Cubans, Russians, Mafia - all in it together... some mob...)

But no ex-marine from New Orleans even anywhere near the thought process.

Out of the mouth of a Devil...

For those who want to watch the whole spoof, here it is:


Full prank with Henry Kissinger

Some good other moments - such as the look of bemusement on Kissinger's face when 'Zelensky' asks who was behind Nord Stream-2

KISSINGER: "I frankly thought it was you..."

When 'Zelensky' tries to deny this he goes on...

KISSINGER: "But I didnt blame you for that. I would not say it as a criticism."
Wow, he sounds like he has a severe case of nasal congestion.
We are returning home with a good result for our country, and very importantly, for our warriors. A good reinforcement with weapons.

It is very important: for the first time since independence, we have formed a security foundation for Ukraine on its way to NATO. These are concrete security guarantees that are confirmed by the top 7 democracies in the world. Never before have we had such a security foundation, and this is the level of the G7. On this foundation, we will build a new, legally binding architecture of bilateral security treaties with the most powerful countries.

Very importantly, during these two days of the Summit, we have put to rest any doubts and ambiguities about whether Ukraine will be in NATO. It will! For the first time, not only do all Allies agree on this, but a significant majority in the Alliance is vigorously pushing for it. Never before have the words "you are equal among equals" for Ukraine from other NATO members sounded truly meaningful. Now everyone understands that this is a fact. Equal among equals. And we will definitely reaffirm this fact with our victory. And with our accession to NATO.

Previously, Russia's rulers wanted to have their own fence in front of NATO's door. We have left this Russian ambition on the margins of European history – behind the fence of our unity in Europe and, more broadly, in the free world.I am grateful to all those who have worked for unity in Vilnius now!

VILNIUS, July 12. /TASS/. NATO believes its priority is to supply Kiev with advanced weapons systems and a huge amount of ammunition and spare parts for them, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday.

"I think we realized many months ago that this is a war of attrition, meaning a battle of logistics. It’s important that we deliver different advanced weapons systems, but as important as delivering new systems is that we are able to maintain and sustain all the systems that are already there. An enormous amount of ammunition, spare parts maintenance and repair capacity," he said at a news conference following a NATO summit.

Stoltenberg also said Ukraine’s future position at the negotiating table will hinge on the outcome of its counteroffensive.
"I think it’s wrong to speculate exactly how this will be done in the future after the war ends. The most important thing now is to ensure that the war ends in a just and lasting way. That’s the reason why the most urgent, the most important task is a continued flow of military support," he said.

The NATO official earlier said the bloc had decided to spare Ukraine the requirement of executing a Membership Action Plan and pledged to invite the country to the alliance when all the conditions were met.

One would think that Ron Paul would see the obvious situation of this conflict.

Russia Counterattacks In Donbass, Grindering Kiev Forces In Zaporozhie

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A Link within the above👆

Meanwhile: The Weird Contacts of the War hoor Nuland

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Scott Ritter digs deep into the Zelensky PsyOp.

Agent Zelensky - Part 1

Here is the same video at Rumble. I wasn't able to watch it at YT.

36 min
We have already written about the activities aimed at the abduction of children in Ukraine. This includes the police unit "White Angels" and the activities of various individuals. Here another fact is voiced, which testifies to the organized and international nature of this activity.
Older than Edda: The first time I saw it with my own eyes was about a year ago. The SpN group entered Svyatogorsk (the territory of the DPR occupied by Khokhl, the border with the Kharkiv region) and found a lot of commercial documents on the territory of the Svyatogorsk orphanage, namely papers on payment for the delivery of orphans from the orphanage to Europe. Moreover, the Svyatogorsk orphanage itself acted as a kind of hub, to which children were brought from other orphanages (there were 5 in total). A file was drawn up for each child, a medical questionnaire with a full examination was attached, and each of the children was absolutely healthy physically, but had mental disabilities.

Interestingly, the transportation of children was handled by a British security company and the end point, that is, the address of the "recipient" was not in the documents. The business of the Svyatogorsk "hub" was to collect children, select physically healthy, but with mental disabilities and give them to a British security organization. By the way, one of the payers for the children was the Coca-Cola company, at least the fiscal documents from it were found in Svyatogorsk. And recently, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Vereshchuk said that the Ministry of Reintegration is initiating a project according to which local authorities and the military command can forcibly evacuate children and their parents, and the consent of the latter to move the child is not required.
Do not consider me inclined to conspiracy, but it's no secret that Ukraine is now a land for all categories of hunters for live goods. According to the most conservative estimates, the transplantation network in Ukraine earns up to $ 2 billion a month, today Ukraine has become the number one base for black transplantation. It is clear that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers were killed, an untilled field for organ miners, but what about the children who were taken to unknown places?"
13.07.2023 Последние новости с Украины: Враг атакует по Бахмутом и Соледаром. Карта боевых действий: Орехов, Пятихатки (12 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

Про деятельность направленную на похищение детей на Украине здесь уже писали. Это и полицейское подразделение "Белые ангелы" и деятельность разных частных лиц. Здесь озвучивается очередная фактология, свидетельствующая об организованном и международном характере этой деятельности.

US cluster bombs already in Ukraine – military

"Kiev has already received cluster munitions promised by the US, a Ukrainian general has told CNN."

“We just got them, we haven’t used them yet, but they can radically change [the battlefield],” Brig. Gen. Aleksandr Tarnavsky told the US news network on Thursday. He added that he expects Ukrainian troops to push Russian forces back from their defensive positions thanks to the delivery."

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