Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Now it is fashionable to call the technique the term stealth. I would call our Armata a stealth tank. It is used somewhere according to statements, then in Syria, then in Ukraine, but no one has seen it for sure - here it is a real super stealth.
The source reported on the use of Armata tanks by the Yug group in combat operations

MOSCOW, July 19. /tass/. The Yug group of troops used the latest Russian T-14 Armata tanks in combat, a source in the military-industrial complex told TASS.

"The Southerners actively used Armata in combat operations. Several units participated in the battle to see how the tank would manifest itself. Then they were withdrawn from the front line," the agency interlocutor said.

According to another source, the tank entered service with units of the Southern Military District. "All the necessary tests of the T-14 tank are still ongoing," he added.

Previously, the use of "Armata" during a special military operation was not officially reported.

About the tank
The T-14 tank on the Armata platform, developed by Uralvagonzavod Concern, was first demonstrated at the Victory Day parade on May 9, 2015. In 2019, it passed preliminary tests. It used unique design solutions, which have no analogues in the world. Its main innovation is an uninhabited tower. The Armata crew is located in an isolated armored capsule in the tank body, from where they remotely control the weapons. The T-14 is equipped with an active protection system that can shoot down projectiles and missiles flying into the car. The modular system allows you to replace the armament and equipment of the tank depending on the tasks.

For the first time, the export version of the T-14 was demonstrated at the Rosoboronexport stand at the Army-2022 forum. The export version of the tank in the form of a small model was first presented abroad at the IDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi in February 2021. Also at the exhibition, Rosoboronexport CEO Alexander Mikheev said that "about six countries" are showing interest in the T-14 on the Armata platform.
Источник сообщил о применении группировкой "Юг" танков "Армата" в боевых действиях

I sincerely wish success to this figure. As we say- flag in hand! The Americans have already almost brought Europe to its knees economically, let's crush it completely. "Make America great again", give more money to pentagon - they will spend more on their bottomless pockets.
Trump intends to demand that Europe reimburse American aid to Ukraine

Former US President Donald Trump, if he wins the election, promised to demand from Europe reimbursement of American expenses for assistance to Ukraine.

"I will ask Europe to reimburse us for the costs of restoring the stocks of weapons sent to Ukraine. They should be doing it now, but (US President) Joe Biden is too weak, he is not respected," Trump said in a video message.

According to him, the United States has spent about $ 200 billion on assistance to Ukraine, while Europe has spent only a small part of this amount.

Trump also believes that the current administration has caused a dangerous situation in the army, when the US Armed Forces do not have enough volunteers, and Biden himself talks about a shortage of weapons.

"A corrupt, incompetent leader is dragging the country into World War III," Trump said.

At the same time, the politician promised that under his leadership the Pentagon would have "record funding."

Earlier, Trump spoke about how he is going to end the conflict in Ukraine if he is elected to the post of head of state. According to him, he intends to tell Vladimir Zelensky "enough is enough", demanding that he "conclude an agreement".

In addition, Trump promised, if he won the presidential election, to stop the Ukrainian conflict even before he took office as head of state.

Сейчас модно называть технику термином стелс. Я бы нашу Армату назвал бы стелс-танком. Его где то применяют по заявлениям, то в Сирии, то в Украине, однако никто этого доподлинно не видел- вот он настоящий супер стелс.
От души желаю успеха этому деятелю. Как у нас говорят- флаг в руки! Американцы и так почти поставили европу на колени экономически, давай задави ее окончательно. Сделай америку опять великой", дай больше денег петагону- они больше рассуют по своим бездонным карманам.
Now it is fashionable to call the technique the term stealth. I would call our Armata a stealth tank. It is used somewhere according to statements, then in Syria, then in Ukraine, but no one has seen it for sure - here it is a real super stealth.

Источник сообщил о применении группировкой "Юг" танков "Армата" в боевых действиях

I sincerely wish success to this figure. As we say- flag in hand! The Americans have already almost brought Europe to its knees economically, let's crush it completely. "Make America great again", give more money to pentagon - they will spend more on their bottomless pockets.


Сейчас модно называть технику термином стелс. Я бы нашу Армату назвал бы стелс-танком. Его где то применяют по заявлениям, то в Сирии, то в Украине, однако никто этого доподлинно не видел- вот он настоящий супер стелс.
От души желаю успеха этому деятелю. Как у нас говорят- флаг в руки! Американцы и так почти поставили европу на колени экономически, давай задави ее окончательно. Сделай америку опять великой", дай больше денег петагону- они больше рассуют по своим бездонным карманам.
" In addition Trump promised...." There is a very tall , wide , and deep limit to Amerika's power and blaming Ukraine for it is an added malfeasance . Ukraine is a loser led by a loser and Amerika has been found out and needs to distance itself. Amerika needs slaves not friends. When things don"t go as planned it dislodges itself from its so called partners, allies , coleages or participators who are then disposed of as used tissues. The horror of its situation is that its decisions cause consequences that its blindness cannot foresee.
Ukrainian Storm Shadow missiles, F-16s and Israeli Tactics

All prevailing Israeli tactics above Syria was that Israeli pilots in their F-16s hid Behind Passenger Planes [passenger carrier radar shadow is BiG] over Lebanon then fired their missiles onto Syria from there..

So the Evil Russkies and Syrians air-defenses couldn't get the [Israeli] F-16s lest they risked to shoot down the passenger planes over Lebanon as well.

Major difference in Ukraine, their Su-24 / 25 jets cannot hide behind passenger planes as no passenger airlines fly over Ukraine.

Therefore Ukrainian Su-24 / 25 pilots still are using the Israeli tactics - to fire Storm Shadow rockets from maximum possible distance, only they cannot hide behind passenger planes, therefore they are being shot down usually by the Russians..

I went to wikipedia, found that Storm Shadow has a max. range of 550 km. Went to Yandex and with the distance measurement tool I simply drew possible Storm Shadow launching positions from fighter jets in Ukrainian airspace. The best territories were South-East of Kiev.

No wonder then that Military Summary frequently reported, that exactly above these territories UkroNazi Su 24/25 jets were shot down by the Russians. They were launching their missiles right there, from maximum Storm Shadow range!

Since super-finicky F-16 fighter jets will be shipped fastest to Ukraine, there will be no problem with their arrival.

The PROBLEMS with F-16 jets begin from the time of arrival to Ukraine and they are as follows:

1. While the old Su 24/25 Soviets jets can take off from bad quality landing platforms and can touch down even on asphalt roads, the F-16 needs specialized runway on a flawlessly built airport
2. F-16 needs engineering & support staff specially trained to service the finicky and difficult to maintain F-16 jets

3. F-16 needs expert pilots with decades of experience

4. Slow AWACS spy planes are needed to send accurate targeting information to the F-16s. Without AWACS F-16s are BLIND, thus not combat worthy..

1. Therefore airports & infrastructure [hangars] will need to be built to receive F-16s. There is no other solution

2. Expert foreign repairmen crews will have to be brought into Ukraine from Western militaries. There is no other solution

3. No way Ukrainian pilots could be trained in time, therefore Western Mercenary Pilots will fly the fastest arriving F-16s!! There is no other solution

4. AWACS will need to be flown by Western Military pilots together with radar-targeting crews as well. There is no other solution

1. Russians will see and bomb those specially built airports first that can receive F-16s, therefore establishing a 'No-F16-Fly-Zone' over Ukraine. No airport? No F-16 can land!!

2. Russia will bomb repair crew quarters on surface or underground as well, killing Western Military repair crews essential to maintain F-16s in combat-ready condition

3. Russians will shoot F-16s out of the skies, because F-16s need AWACS - their Radar Eyes in the Sky - without AWACS there is no F-16 targeting!! As a consequence, any AWACS even attempting Ukrainian airspace will be shot down. Probably even above neighboring countries as well.

Therefore the F-16 project is doomed to fail a big time. Western generals know this.

Sources: [1], [2], [3].
Cluster Munitions in Ukraine

Cluster munitions work effectively like buckets of live grenades thrown spread / scattered in a larger area, effectively causing a "Grenade Carpet Bombardment".
1. Armored vehicles & their crews inside are safe, go through unharmed
2. Trucks and very lightly armored cars can get damage
3. Soldiers on foot can loose limbs and get shrapnel injuries causing mass casualties
4. Artillery pieces, any heavy armor cannot get damaged
5. Unexploded live cluster munitions = equivalent of "live grenades" usually litter the target area - creating minefields - causing mass casualty among civilians, mainly kids playing around
6. Therefore usage of cluster munitions is widely criticized, condemned and denounced by allied field captains and commanders, because it can hurt allied troops marching through such an area - including trucks, humvees - while chasing the enemy.

Ukrainian army started using cluster munitions couple days ago allegedly causing great Russian casualties among soldiers on foot on the field.

As an answer the Russian Military responded with similarly specialized usage of cluster munitions - 10:20 - by carpet-bombing a Ukrainian military camp at a location, where they did NOT expect to be attacked, therefore a lot of soldiers were OUT OF COVER on foot.. This bombardment similarly created massive casualties among Ukrainian troops, according to rumors.

The Russian attack you can see on the above blue video link, and clearly you can judge that maybe a full-metal Terminator T-101 could have survived outside of trenches and cover..

Lizzies are smacking their lips at such a feast..:shock::thdown:

Sources: [1], [2], [3], [4].
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Scott Ritter and Andrei Martyanov join Garland Nixon for an interesting summary of recent events:

Main points:

* Zelensky was sidelined and discarded at the NATO summit. Nixon thinks he was intentionally put in his place, and publicly so.

* Ritter thinks NATO double-crossed Ukraine regarding military support and NATO membership. Ritter was somewhat sympathetic and apologetic towards the Ukrainians, saying NATO is the main problem and Ukraine has been an 'obedient puppet'. Such a perspective doesn't seem to take into account the Nazi culture among the UAF, domestic repression by the Ukrainian government or 'meat grinder' disposal of untrained and unwilling 'soldier'-civilians.

* Martyanov thinks Vilnius was a "closing ceremony" of western support for Ukraine, and notes that mainstream media talking heads in the US are starting to shift the narrative towards preparing the masses to accept a Ukrainian defeat. Notes ambiguous language around F-16 arrangement.

* Second bombing of the Crimean bridge and massive Russian missile strikes on Odessa and Nikolaev.

* Biden unwitting revealed the US sent cluster munitions because they had no other types of ammo. Ritter explains technical details about cluster munitions and their unsuitability for the type of terrain in the Ukraine conflict. Essentially they are the last of the US' old stockpiles.

* US used 60K artillery rounds in Iraq, Russia is sometimes using that much in one day, showing that the Russian military-industrial production is years in advance of western capability. Ritter thinks the war is essentially over, NATO has lost, it just hasn't quite sunk in to certain parties yet.

* Russian Lancet drone mass production is taking place with a new, upgraded generation of Lancets that have swarm capabilities that can overwhelm portable western air defences such as Stingers. Ukrainian troops have essentially no air support even with NATO equipment, and it's going to get much worse.

* Martyanov describes NATO as "a dead man walking".

* Martyanov says that the naval capability upgrade by Russia and China at the moment would read better than any Tom Clancy novel. Russia have refurbished some of the old Soviet super-shipyards and are now producing a new generation of navy that carry Zircon hypersonic missiles and fully automated antimissile defences that have been SMO-tested.

* These new generation ships are integrated with satellite capabilities that make it possible to strike enemy battle groups from outside any area of visual observability.

* Ritter thinks the 3,000 man US troop assignment in Europe is an attempt to prepare a structure for a larger NATO force based in Poland as Russian troops may eventually be located along the Polish border.

* Martyanov describes a Russian strategy of "exhaustion": ongoing smaller battles that eventually prepare the ground for the "big arrow" offensives that mark sudden and significant changes in territory.

* Russia considers the US, Russia and China as the only consequential military powers in the world at the moment, from a strategic perspective.

* Nixon thinks the paradigm for modern warfare has shifted over the last 1.5 years to greatly favour electronic warfare, which can be seen with new drone and counter-drone technologies.

* Ritter thinks the US is also significantly behind Russia in terms of electronic warfare capabilities. Russia has trained a lot of their mobilised forces on these capabilities, even double-trained them on a new threat model developed from information gathered from the SMO.

* Western-supplied HIMARS, JDAMs have been neutralised by Russian EW capabilities.

* Martyanov emphasises that communications has become pivotal for modern command and control systems in military theory. "Data fusion" from multiple sources to create real-time maps of tactical and strategic probabilities. Rumours of "holographic maps" in use by the Russian military. In general, warfare drives massive technological progress.

* Ritter thinks Kharkov is likely the target of the imminent major Russian offensive, to use as a bargaining chip to force a cease fire on Russia's terms, which may include allowing Odessa to remain part of Ukraine. Personally, I think that is unlikely. Given the historical connection of Russia to Odessa, it's more likely that Odessa will be reunified with Russia at this point.

* Blinken trip to China was part of de-escalation strategy because US wargaming is showing that the US loses in every possible way. Kuomintang in Taiwan getting nervous about US possible double cross against chipmaking/industrial capacity a la Nord Stream 2 bombing, so are moving to a more neutral position.

* China is nowhere near the US or Russia is terms of submarine capability, but their surface naval capabilities are impressive and rapidly increasing. US capabilities to scale up production are limited.

* Significant meetings between high-level members of Russian and Chinese military industrial complex at political summits with Putin and Xi.

* China is also becoming closely integrated with Russia in terms of technology transfer, military cooperation, and even in terms of command and control. China may soon obtain hypersonic technology capabilities from Russia.
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Wow, great summary.... thanks for taking the time, Ryan
I absolutely agree. Everything seems to be on the case, there is nothing to argue with. However, I suggest looking at some things that are inexplicable from a trivial point of view. Here are two news stories published almost in a row. What is this, high politics?
Another stab in the back of Moscow: Turkey plans to supply 180 Bayraktar TB2 UAVs, 100 Bayraktar Mini and 500 armored vehicles to Ukraine
In light of recent events, according to Turkish sources, Ukraine will become the owner of an extensive arsenal of weapons provided by Turkey. This large-scale military contract provides for the supply of about 180 Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicles, 100 smaller Bayraktar Mini models and 500 protected vehicles. In addition, 122-mm rockets will be included in deliveries very soon.

There is a possibility that in the future the list of these supplies will expand: the issue of providing mortar and artillery ammunition is under consideration.

Arms supplies to Ukraine are linked to the current shortage of weapons in Kiev. In the West, there is an unprecedented reduction in ammunition stocks, which underscores the increasing need for a variety of sources of weapons and equipment. Presumably, this factor was the key to organizing the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

If Ankara takes such a step, it could result in very serious problems in relations with Moscow, which Turkey has been warned about many times.
Очередной удар в спину Москвы: Турция планирует поставить Украине 180 БПЛА Bayraktar TB2, 100 Bayraktar Mini и 500 бронеавтомобилей

While Europe is burning from hundreds of fires, Turkey has received Be-200 amphibious aircraft from Russia to fight the fire
While the West and NATO are increasing sanctions against Russia, Turkey declares its intention to maintain relations with Moscow. This act underlines the independence of Turkish foreign policy, which is guided by its own interests, despite belonging to the alliance.

More and more experts recognize the correctness of the Turkish approach. Turkey not only does not support anti-Russian sanctions, but also turned to Russia for help in fighting forest fires, ignoring offers of support from the United States and NATO countries.

Cooperation between Turkey and Russia includes various aspects. While Europe is burning and cannot put out thousands of square kilometers of fires, Russia has sent its Be-200 amphibious aircraft to fight fires in Turkey. This caused particular anger in Europe, since the promised Canadian and American planes have not yet arrived to extinguish the fires, and the situation has already become catastrophic.

According to observers, President Erdogan was able to "defeat" the West against the background of the latter's vulnerability in Ukraine.
Пока Европа горит от сотен пожаров, Турция получила от России самолеты-амфибии Бе-200 для борьбы с огнём

Well, now let's go down completely "to the ground".
At night, two Iskander missiles turned two APU trains with Leopard 2 tanks and M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles into a pile of scrap metal
The Russian armed Forces conducted a missile strike on Kharkiv, the targets of which were railway tracks and a warehouse used to transfer military equipment to Ukrainian troops. The statement voiced by the publication "Pentapostagma" is based on data obtained from Ukrainian sources, Turkish secret services and information from surveillance systems.

Two Iskander-type ballistic missiles were launched into the specified zone in the southern part of the city. The missiles hit two railway trains with military equipment, ammunition and personnel who were at the unloading stage.

As a result of the strike, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered significant losses of up to 100-120 people. In addition, several Leopard 2 combat vehicles, Bradley armored personnel carriers, M113 and other military equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars were destroyed.

It is noteworthy that the unloaded military equipment was partially supposed to go to the Sumy region, and part – to the Kupyansk direction, where today the Russian army is successfully displacing the APU.
Ночью две ракеты "Искандер" превратили два железнодорожных состава ВСУ с танками Leopard 2 и БМП M2 Bradley в груду металлома

The APU launched a new assault on Rabotino, using Leopard 2 tanks and M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles
The Rabocino-Verbovoye frontier has become the scene of a new offensive operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the Russian Spring resource, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) launched a large-scale offensive, involving NATO equipment and a significant number of troops in it. The purpose of the operation is to break through the defense line provided by the 291st and 70th regiments of the Russian Armed Forces.

Thanks to the operational work of reconnaissance drones, the enemy was identified in a timely manner. Now an active fire fight is underway against enemy forces.

The situation on the ground is developing dynamically and is accompanied by severe clashes. Both sides are making every effort to achieve their strategic goals in the current military conflict.
ВСУ начали новый штурм Работино, задействовав танки Leopard 2 и БМП M2 Bradley

The next publicized car, expected by Ukrainians in the role of a wunderwaffe, did not justify the hopes placed on it.
The "Tank killer" did not pass the test in Ukraine

The US advertised the M2 Bradley combat vehicle as a "tank killer", predicting that it would "provide the necessary level of firepower and armor" and "bring superiority to the battlefield." However, according to Military Watch, numerous Western sources claim that at least a third of the American Bradley vehicles delivered to Ukraine in April were abandoned, damaged or destroyed, which is visually confirmed.

According to Military Watch, this is stated in a number of publications, including on the pages of The New York Times, where it was emphasized that the 47th Mechanized Brigade of Ukraine, trained in the West, lost 30% of its Bradleys in just two weeks. The first photos of the vehicles, whose fleet suffered heavy combat losses along with Leopard 2A6 tanks supplied by the Germans, appeared in early June.

As the publication continues, although Washington has pledged to replenish the Ukrainian Bradley fleet instead of destroyed vehicles and even supplement them with M1A2 Abrams tanks, US officials and lawmakers have repeatedly made it clear that the future of arms supplies to Kiev will depend heavily on front-line successes. The long-awaited offensive on Russian positions, which started in early June, has so far led to only modest results and huge losses of the Armed Forces, as well as seriously damaged the reputation of key weapons systems, including Bradley and Leopard 2.

It is noteworthy that the new Western-made armored vehicles were not used in combat operations immediately before the offensive and were stored to equip elite units like the 47th Mechanized Brigade in the hope of breaking through the Russian positions.

Having suffered heavy losses, Ukraine repeatedly withdrew its Leopard 2 from the front line, while its other modern Western tanks, in particular the British Challenger 2, as is known, did not participate in the fighting in principle. The old Leopard 1, much more numerous, continue to suffer combat losses.

Both Western and Russian reports emphasize that Russian attack helicopters cause particularly heavy damage to Ukrainian armored vehicles.

Russian sources highly appreciated the characteristics of the new anti-tank missile "Whirlwind-1", mounted on combat helicopters-Ka—52 - it can often be seen in videos with the destruction of Bradley.

Fresh footage published by Russian government sources on July 16 shows how the Ka-52 launches a "Whirlwind-1" at a Ukrainian car, which is engulfed in flames within a few seconds after being hit. The missiles use cumulative anti—tank ammunition designed specifically to combat heavy armored vehicles, including dynamic protection installed on at least a number of German-made vehicles.

Pentagon sources have previously touted Bradley as a "tank killer," predicting that they will "provide the necessary level of firepower and armor" and "bring an edge to the battlefield." The machine really has huge anti-tank capabilities, despite the small calibers of its guns, thanks to the use of anti-tank missiles and the integration of depleted uranium shells and increased penetration capability. However, the vehicles have been criticized since the late stages of design for insufficient armor and, as a result, weak protection for high-intensity combat operations.

Абсолютно согласен. Вроде бы все по делу, даже поспорить не с чем. Однако предлагаю посмотреть на некоторые вещи, необъяснимые с тривиальной точки зрения. Вот две новости почти подряд опубликованные. Что это, высокая политика?
Ну а теперь опустимся совсем "на землю".
Очередная распиаренная машина, ожидаемая украинцами в роли вундервафли, не оправдала возложенных на нее надежд.
It's becoming perfectly clear to me that Ukraine cannot win nor even long maintain a frozen conflict. But can or will Putin finish the job by completely putting Ukraine out of existence? Maybe he will not risk so much. It will be interesting to see if Zelensky survives the summer and is replaced by a leader who will ensure Ukraine becomes a neutral state?
It's becoming perfectly clear to me that Ukraine cannot win nor even long maintain a frozen conflict. But can or will Putin finish the job by completely putting Ukraine out of existence? Maybe he will not risk so much. It will be interesting to see if Zelensky survives the summer and is replaced by a leader who will ensure Ukraine becomes a neutral state?
Maybe it shouldn't be necessary to take all of Ukraine, but it should be enough that the Zelensky regime and the Ukrainian supplies gradually crumble... there is this now, let's see how it evolves:

Russia massing 100,000 troops for attack on Kharkiv
Senior military officials believe attack may be a diversionary tactic to draw Ukrainians away from the counter-offensive
Russia is building a force of 100,000 soldiers to attack the northern sector of the frontline as Ukrainian commanders start to admit that their counter-offensive has stalled.

Col Serhi Cherevaty, a Ukrainian army spokesman, said that Russia had also ordered Storm-Z ex-convict battalions to prepare for battle and was firing more than 500 shells per day at Ukrainian forces around Kupyansk.

“The enemy has concentrated a very powerful group,” he said. “More than 100,000 personnel, more than 900 tanks, more than 550 artillery systems and 370 rocket salvo systems.”
What other means were not used by the Americans?
An American naval drone was spotted in the Black Sea, which could correct attacks on Sevastopol and the Crimean Bridge
For the first time since the beginning of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, an American surface reconnaissance drone was spotted in the Black Sea. This was a significant event, since we are talking about the SeaTrac Systems SP48 model, which has unique capabilities and can be fully used not only for reconnaissance, but also for detecting Russian ships, as well as for planning attacks on the Crimea.

A drone of this type is capable of performing tasks at sea for months due to the use of solar panels as a power source. Its main functions include tracking ships, satellites, and intelligence gathering. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that official information about the transfer of such devices to Ukraine has not yet been received.

The observation of an American surface reconnaissance drone in the Black Sea may indicate an increased level of escalation in the region. At the same time, it may signal an increase in external support for Ukraine in the conflict with Russia.

The Russian side has not commented on such a situation yet.
В Чёрном море замечен американский морской беспилотник, который мог корректировать атаки на Севастополь и Крымский мост

The Poles do not let up in any way. I wonder what will stop them and when?
Poland will transfer 20 more MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine
As part of the arms supplies, Poland intends to transfer 20 more MiG-29 fighters to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland clarified this in his statement.

The implementation of this plan will take place in stages and depends on the supply of Korean fighters intended for the Polish Air Force. We emphasize that the specific scheme and schedule for the transfer of military equipment have not yet been disclosed.

Poland has already demonstrated its readiness to support Ukraine in terms of arms supplies, and the transfer of MiG-29 fighters will be another confirmation of this course. Nevertheless, this step only aggravates the escalation of relations between Moscow and Warsaw, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Nevertheless, except for pumping weapons, this position of Poland cannot be called in any way. Such combat vehicles will definitely be converted to the use of American aircraft missiles and ammunition, however, such aviation facilities are unlikely to be enough for Ukraine for a long time.
Польша передаст Украине ещё 20 истребителей МиГ-29

Which is to be expected. Russia has already promised to use similar means in response. We're waiting.
Cluster munitions are already being used in Ukraine — The Washington Post

Ukraine has started using cluster munitions transferred to the United States, Ukrainian sources tell The Washington Post.

Their use is stated "against Russian forces in the south-east of Ukraine in order to destroy well-fortified Russian positions that have slowed down Ukraine's summer offensive." That is, in the Zaporozhye direction.

The publication also suggests that cluster munitions will be used in the area of Artemovsk.

It's music to my ears, but there are some concerns. As you know, the Americans handed over cluster munitions to Ukraine due to the lack of conventional ones, according to their own statements. At the same time, it is known that America has not destroyed the stocks of chemical (and possibly biological) weapons. So the question arises, won't they supply such ammunition to Ukraine when the cluster munitions run out?
"In case of war, we will lose": Ammunition supplies to Ukraine disarmed the United States

After numerous arms shipments to Ukraine, the United States has so depleted its reserves that it will lose in any hypothetical conflict, former US Marine Intelligence officer Scott Ritter said. On the YouTube channel Redacted, he explained that real ammunition will last only for a week at such an intensity of warfare, as is happening in Ukraine.

SCOTT RITTER, former intelligence officer of the US Marine Corps: Ukraine releases 5-7 thousand artillery shells a day. Currently, we produce 85 thousand shells a year.


SCOTT RITTER: Thank you so much for this look. Because that's exactly what happens. That is, Ukraine produces as much in less than a month as we produce in a year. And what we do to support them is to deprive ourselves of our own reserves, which are used to support various contingency plans.

And what the Pentagon won't tell you, what the president won't tell you, is that if we go to war today, we won't be able to win a single clash. Do you want to know why? We don't have any ammunition. I wonder why? Because we gave them to Ukrainians.

Now we have ammunition, but the ammunition that we have… In general, yes, we need to keep a minimum of supplies in case of unforeseen circumstances. But these unforeseen circumstances, as it turns out, are based on erroneous assumptions, on unrealistic rates of artillery expenditure.

The Gulf War, which is one of the conflicts… You know, America is always blamed... and brilliant writers who talk about it: we always learn from the latest war. And the last big war we fought was the Gulf War in 1991. During the whole war, we fired 60 thousand artillery shells. 60 thousand. And I was worried: yes, we are firing shells, we are... okay. In this conflict, Russia releases 60 thousand shells in one day.

Do you understand what scope and scale we are talking about? We are not ready for this conflict. Therefore, even when we supplied Ukraine with ammunition, we said that we would keep enough for ourselves in case of unforeseen circumstances.

And now the generals are calculating and saying that we made a mistake, because the ammunition that we have now, which should have been enough for a conflict lasting 3-4 months, we will run out in seven days. And we don't have anything else. Zero.

And so it will be in any conflict we get involved in. In any case. Not only with Russia. China, North Korea, Iran — anyone. If we get into a serious fight, we will lose because we have no ammunition.

The air date is July 19, 2023.

In conclusion, a little bit from the Ukrainian realities. As we say: both laughter and sin, i.e. both sad and funny at the same time.
The Ukrainian, who was handed a summons to the military enlistment office, turned to a lawyer, but he was also handed a similar summons
In Chernihiv, there was a curious situation related to the call to the military enlistment office. The young man who received the summons decided to seek help from a lawyer, intending to get out of the service. However, the development of events turned out for both participants in an unexpected way: the lawyer who arrived was also handed a summons.

The details of the incident are as follows. After receiving the summons, the Ukrainian decided not to put up with the circumstances and sought legal assistance to circumvent the mobilization. However, instead of the expected result, the situation took a comical turn. When the lawyer arrived to meet with his client, he was met by a representative of the military enlistment office, who handed him a similar document.

This development of events came as a complete surprise to both the young guy and his lawyer. Given the current situation at the front, both mobilized will probably be sent to the line of contact in the near future.
Украинец, которому вручили повестку в военкомат, обратился к адвокату, но и ему вручили аналогичную повестку

Какие еще средства не применялись американцами?
Поляки никак не унимаются. Интересно, что и когда их остановит?
Что и следовало ожидать. Россия уже обещала применить аналогичные средства в ответ. Ждем.
Прямо музыка для моих ушей, однако возникают некие опасения. Как известно, американцы передали украине кассетные боеприпасы по причине отсутствия обычных, по их собственным заявлениям. Вместе с тем известно, что америка не уничтожила запасы химического (и возможно биологического) оружия. Так вот возникает вопрос, а не поставят ли украине такие боеприпасы, когда и кассетные иссякнут?
В заключении немного из украинских реалий. Как у нас говорят: и смех и грех, т.е. и грустно и смешно одновременно.
"In case of war, we will lose": Ammunition supplies to Ukraine disarmed the United States

After numerous arms shipments to Ukraine, the United States has so depleted its reserves that it will lose in any hypothetical conflict, former US Marine Intelligence officer Scott Ritter said. On the YouTube channel Redacted, he explained that real ammunition will last only for a week at such an intensity of warfare, as is happening in Ukraine.

SCOTT RITTER, former intelligence officer of the US Marine Corps: Ukraine releases 5-7 thousand artillery shells a day. Currently, we produce 85 thousand shells a year.


SCOTT RITTER: Thank you so much for this look. Because that's exactly what happens. That is, Ukraine produces as much in less than a month as we produce in a year. And what we do to support them is to deprive ourselves of our own reserves, which are used to support various contingency plans.

And what the Pentagon won't tell you, what the president won't tell you, is that if we go to war today, we won't be able to win a single clash. Do you want to know why? We don't have any ammunition. I wonder why? Because we gave them to Ukrainians.

Now we have ammunition, but the ammunition that we have… In general, yes, we need to keep a minimum of supplies in case of unforeseen circumstances. But these unforeseen circumstances, as it turns out, are based on erroneous assumptions, on unrealistic rates of artillery expenditure.

The Gulf War, which is one of the conflicts… You know, America is always blamed... and brilliant writers who talk about it: we always learn from the latest war. And the last big war we fought was the Gulf War in 1991. During the whole war, we fired 60 thousand artillery shells. 60 thousand. And I was worried: yes, we are firing shells, we are... okay. In this conflict, Russia releases 60 thousand shells in one day.

Do you understand what scope and scale we are talking about? We are not ready for this conflict. Therefore, even when we supplied Ukraine with ammunition, we said that we would keep enough for ourselves in case of unforeseen circumstances.

And now the generals are calculating and saying that we made a mistake, because the ammunition that we have now, which should have been enough for a conflict lasting 3-4 months, we will run out in seven days. And we don't have anything else. Zero.

And so it will be in any conflict we get involved in. In any case. Not only with Russia. China, North Korea, Iran — anyone. If we get into a serious fight, we will lose because we have no ammunition.

The air date is July 19, 2023.

If Ritter is right about this, that could be why Australian PM Albanese has agreed in law to be a domestic military source for the US.

Geez, if Russia and China really wanted to take over US and Australia, it would be a walk in the park and a matter of good timing if the above is true.
They can do whatever they want there in exile and under Luka's close watch. Every one of their names will be catalogued. But they won't be part of Wagner anymore. Prig is going to jail, sooner or later. A new "Wagner" will be easily formed from the Russian soldiers that have gained experience in Ukraine over the last 18 months.

Looks like the CIA director agrees with me. Not sure that's a good thing....

Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to buy time while he works out how to deal with Yevgeny Prighozin, says the director of the CIA.

"What we are seeing is a very complicated dance," the CIA chief said on Thursday.

Mr Putin is likely to be trying to buy time as he works out how best to deal with the leader of the Wagner group, Mr Burns added.
That mercenary group still has value for Russia's leadership in places like Africa, Libya and Syria and so it was likely that Mr Putin would try and separate the group from its leader.
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