Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

'Catastrophic success: The Ukrainian counteroffensive is useless.'

21 Jul, 2023

'Risking to start WWIII while fighting for territories?'

51 minutes ago (Updated: 29 minutes ago)

'Joint Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian military unit may be used to occupy Ukraine, Putin warns'​

'The Russian leader stresses that if Polish units enter Lvov or some other territories in Ukraine, they will be staying put there to remain on the ground "for good"

"I cannot but comment on what has just been said [by Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin] and on the press reports that have appeared about plans to create a so-called Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian unit.

We’re not talking here about some motley crew of mercenaries - there are enough of them there [in Ukraine] already
, and they are being destroyed - but rather about a regular, well-oiled, well-equipped military formation that is planned to be used for operations on the territory of Ukraine," Putin said.'

'but in fact - if you call things by their proper names - for the subsequent occupation of these territories. After all, the future outlook is obvious; if Polish units enter Lvov, for example, or some other territories in Ukraine, then they will be staying put there. And they will remain there for good," he added.'

"History lessons for Poland"... the history lesson, below in the Article:

Probably connected with the recent coup/mutiny.
I do not think so. In any case, he publicly expressed a sharply negative attitude towards the rebellion and in an insulting manner characteristic of him lately. That's his manner probably let him down. They say that 4 people wrote statements to law enforcement agencies about insulting the president. One of them, by the way, is an employee of the PMCS Wagner. I didn't particularly follow Strelkov's statements, so I can't say for sure whether he insulted or not, but that he could have done it, that's for sure.
Officially, he was charged with publicly calling for extremist activity.

Я так не думаю. Во всяком случае публично он высказывался по отношению к мятежу резко отрицательно и в свойственной ему в последнее время оскорбительной манере. Вот эта его манера наверно его и подвела. Говорят, что 4 человека написали на него заявления в правоохранительные органы по поводу оскорбления президента. Один из них, кстати, сотрудник ЧВК Вагнер. Я не особенно следил за заявлениями Стрелкова, поэтому не могу точно сказать, оскорблял-не оскорблял, но то что он мог это сделать, это определенно. Официально ему предъявили обвинение в публичном призыве к экстремистской деятельности.
Probably connected with the recent coup/mutiny.

He deserves it. What Girkin was doing with his buddies Gubarev, Kalashnikov et al within their "Club of Furious Patriots" was outrageous. The amount of dirt they've been spitting on VVP and MoD couldn't have been tolerated any longer. Kvachkov was arrested last Tuesday, hope more arrests follow. Regular Russian citizens have been charged for a tiny fraction of that.

Maybe a tiny revenge, even if only in symbolic sense, for the ongoing dirt media outlets are spreading about Prigozhin, like with the latest Basharov staged poor performance or sudden "me-to"-like accusations of murders allegedly committed decades ago. The economic SEB-FSB&co block which controls the media must really, really want his head.
By Kanishka Singh - July 19, 2023

22 JUL, 2023

'To please his master just to get more military aid, Zelensky must proceed to strike civilian infrastructure.'

22 Jul, 2023

The biggest scam.jpg

'More military aid means more money laundering.'
Such a "salute" would look more spectacular in the dark, but even in the light of day it makes an impression
One of the recent arrivals in the Zhytomyr region. The date is unknown. Munition warehouse. Object coordinates: 50.029034304885855, 28.1201243419847

4 bradley, in company with a tank (t-64 probably), got upset. It is impossible to identify the distant carcass on the video.
One of the cemeteries of the destroyed APU equipment in the Orekhovsky direction. These are most likely the consequences of one of the failed attacks at the end of June.

Такой "салютик" эффектнее смотрелся бы в темноте, однако и при свете дня он производит впечатление
4 брэдли в компании с танком (т-64 наверно) пригорюнились. Дальний остов на видео опознать невозможно.
Sounds like Girkin is in a pickle...
He did not get there, but diligently went to it. Some now call him mentally ill, he has behaved so inadequately lately.

Он туда не попал, а старательно шел к этому. Некоторые сейчас называют его душевнобольным, настолько неадекватно он себя вел все последнее время.
Les raisons de l’arrestation d’Igor Strelkov
Igor « Strelkov » de son nom Igor Girkin est avant tout un officier du Renseignement russe. Il a combattu en Bosnie, dans les 2 guerres de...
boriskarpov.tvs24.ru (Les raisons de l'arrestation d'Igor Strelkov)
Les raisons de l’arrestation d’Igor Strelkov Igor « Strelkov
» de son nom Igor Girkin est avant tout un officier du Renseignement russe. Il a combattu en Bosnie, dans les 2 guerres de Tchétchénie,

The reasons for the arrest of Igor Strelkov
Igor "Strelkov" by his name Igor Girkin is above all a Russian intelligence officer. He fought in Bosnia, in the 2 wars of...

boriskarpov.tvs24.ru (Les raisons de l'arrestation d'Igor Strelkov)
The reasons for the arrest of Igor Strelkov Igor “Strelkov
of his name Igor Girkin is above all a Russian intelligence officer. He fought in Bosnia, in the 2 Chechen wars,

Poland fumes over Putin’s ‘Stalin gift’ comment

"On Friday, Putin said Warsaw “probably hopes to form a coalition under the NATO umbrella in order to directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine and to bite off as much [territory] as possible.” However, he signaled that if Kiev were to “relinquish or sell something to pay their bosses” as payment for Western assistance, Russia “will not interfere.”

Much, much more on Strelkov, and Simplicius the Thin doesn't think he and Prigozhin had a causational relationship for either the march by Prigozhin or Strelkov relating to Prigozhin or vice-versa. There seem to be slurs going one way from Prigozhin to Strelkov. Strelkov is known to have run from Slavyansk (at least known to Simplicious) as opposed to Wagner's successes. For one thing, Prigozhin never named Putin as being a big problem whereas Strelkov did.

Of interest re Prigozhin:

"And interestingly, if you’ll recall, Prigozhin repeatedly stated that Wagner will be back to fight on August 5th. Given that we now do have confirmation of Wagner being in Belarus, with new satellite photos apparently showing the military camps filling up, this leads one to conclude that a potential Wagner northern front could still be in play." Photo in the Substack of what looks like a very big camp already.

Simplicius' reaction to Strelkov:

"Am I personally happy to see Strelkov arrested? To be honest, I’m agnostic on Strelkov. I neither particularly like nor dislike him. I respect what he did long ago and consider him to be a sort of misguided patriot who has slowly sunk into obscurity and depravity—the two quite possibly being linked, as it did seem that the malice of his attacks rose in inverse proportion to the ‘dimming of his star’, and gradual decline of his public relevance."

Strelkov's Vatic Fantasy Fulfilled as He's Taken Into Custody

One last item in the Substack. Boy, is space going to be crowded in coming years (depending on how soon everything goes into overdrive disaster), Russian version of Starlink coming down the pike.

🚨Russian Starlink analog is developing.

Three domestic low-orbit communications satellites launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome, which were developed by the Russian company Bureau 1440, broadcasted the first Internet connection.

Now the data transfer rate to the device is 12 Mbps, and the delay is 41 milliseconds. The next stage is serial and mass production of domestic devices, as well as an increase in the data transfer rate to more than 100 Mbps.

The goal of the project is to create a commercial satellite broadband Internet access service that will operate in low orbits, at high speed and with minimal delays. It will begin its work in 2027.

From 2025, it is planned to launch 10-12 rockets per year into orbit, about 15 satellites are placed in one rocket. In total, by 2035 more than 900 low-orbit domestic satellites will be created and launched into orbit. They will provide high-speed satellite Internet to residents of all of Russia. The plans are to provide broadband access services using Russian spacecraft in 75 countries around the world."
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