Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Ukraine war and demographics
This post began with a report from RT, about WW3 having begun. This led to looking up a page in Ukraine, and considerations regarding the changing demographics of Ukraine and what is needed for Ukraine to recover, even if the war stops soon.

First there is a report from RT about the discussions at the Kiev Security Forum (KSF), which claims to be "Ukraine's foremost platform on war and peace" and "founded by the Arseniy Yatsenyuk Foundation “Open Ukraine”."

WW3 has already begun – Ukraine’s security chief
It’s a mistake to suggest that the conflict between Kiev and Moscow is only a bilateral struggle, Aleksey Danilov says
The head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council has claimed a third world war is already underway, with the Moscow-Kiev conflict pulling in countries far beyond the region.

Speaking at the Kiev Security Forum on Tuesday, Aleksey Danilov argued that NATO needs Ukraine as a member, as global turbulence is set to continue. “We’re going to strengthen the alliance,” he insisted.

“If somebody thinks that World War III hasn’t started then it’s a huge mistake. It has already begun. It had been underway in a hybrid period for some time and has now entered an active phase,” he said.

Sitting on stage beside former CIA Director General David Petraeus, Danilov said that “if somebody thinks that it [the conflict in Ukraine] is about settling the scores between Kiev and Moscow then it’s a mistake. Things are much more complicated.”
Petraeus also highlighted the scale of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, saying: “I haven’t seen anything like it since World War II,” he said.

“The Russians are not particularly impressive in terms of knowledge or performance on the battlefield, but they have created a rather outstanding defense system, and it is quite difficult to punch it through,” he claimed.

On Tuesday, Russia’s Defense Ministry said that during the three months of its counteroffensive, Ukraine has lost some 66,000 troops and 7,600 pieces of heavy weaponry while failing to achieve any significant gains. Kiev has so far claimed the capture of several small villages, but they are some distance from the main Russian defense lines. Speaking about the Ukrainian counteroffensive earlier this week, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin insisted that it “is not stalled; it is a failure.”

Moscow has been saying for months that the fighting in Ukraine is a “proxy war” waged by the US and its NATO allies against Russia. It warned that the supply of arms and training to Kiev’s troops and intelligence-sharing means that Western nations are already de-facto parties to the conflict.

Russia, which views NATO as a hostile bloc and vigorously opposes its eastward expansion, has also highlighted Kiev’s aspirations of joining the US-led military alliance among the main reasons for launching its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.
I looked at the site of the Kiev Security Forum and found from August:
We needs to see the return of at least 3 million of our citizens - Arseniy Yatsenyuk on the Ukraine rebuilding strategy

We need to obtain the relevant population data, from which we can develop a relevant economic model and design a recovery strategy for at least the next decade, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the head of the Kyiv Security Forum, Prime Minister of Ukraine in 2014-2016 wrote in his article "Ten Talking Points From a Realist” for the "Ukrainska Pravda" website.

This war has led to a demographic disaster, he wrote: “This population outflow has affected the domestic consumer market, investments, and returns. In Ukraine, a valuable asset – a readily available and qualified workforce – is disappearing.”

Changes in age demographics mean a deepening of the Pension Fund’s budget deficit, a decrease in business activity and budget revenues, as well as increased strain on the healthcare system he wrote.

Accordion to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Ukraine needs to see the return of at least 3 million of our citizens, ensure an increase in the birthrate at least on par with the level of the late 2010s, and introduce new approaches in migration policy that will attract labor resources.

"We need to obtain the relevant population data, from which we can develop a relevant economic model and design a recovery strategy for at least the next decade. This means drawing attention not only to quantitative, but qualitative indicators for each person – ensuring a high quality of education, medicine and self-accomplishment,” - Arseniy Yatsenyuk wrote.
Is it realistic, that 3 million Ukrainians will return, provided no more is destroyed?

There was from Statista.com:
Estimated number of refugees from Ukraine recorded in Europe and Asia since February 2022 as of July 11, 2023, by selected country
CountryAs of dateNumber of refugees
United Kingdom6/26/23206,700
North Macedonia7/10/2310,725
Serbia and Kosovo6/30/234,530
Bosnia and Herzegovina7/9/23180
Showing entries 1 to 44 (44 entries in total)
Details: Asia; Europe; UNHCR; as of July 11, 2023
The numbers for other countries than Russia add up 4673995, with Russia 5949310.

On the same Statista page, there was this note:
Number of Ukrainian refugees 2023, by country
Published by Statista Research Department, Jul 18, 2023
Nearly 1.3 million refugees from Ukraine due to the Russian invasion were recorded in Russia as of December 31, 2022. Furthermore, approximately one million were present in Poland after having fled Ukraine as of June 26, 2023. In total, around six million Ukrainian refugees were registered across Europe and 6.3 million worldwide as of July 2023. Most of them fled the country by crossing the border with Poland.

Related to the article by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Bloomberg wrote just yesterday:
More Ukrainians Who Fled War May Never Return, Study Shows
  • As many as 3.3 million may stay abroad, according to CES
  • Impact on Ukraine could amount to 6.9% of future GDP per year
Ukrainian refugees at a welcome center in Berlin, Germany, in May.
Photographer: Maja Hitij/Getty Images

By Olesia Safronova
5 September 2023 at 11:35 CEST


As many as 3.3 million Ukrainians — or almost 8% of the country’s pre-war population — may not return home after fleeing Russia’s invasion, a study showed.
That estimate is up by as many as 600,000 since December, Ukraine’s Center for Economic Strategy said in a report issued Monday, citing a similar study then. The Kyiv-based think tank attributed the increase to the duration of the conflict, now in its 18th month, Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and growing adaptation to life abroad.

The longer the war lasts, the more Ukrainians who fled the conflict — as many as 6.7 million, according to CES — are likely to make temporary shelters their new home. Ukrainian women, who make up a majority of asylum seekers, will increasingly seek better prospects for their children, the study said.

“People who left the war zone may have nowhere to return,” the study said. “So their return will depend on how quickly their regions will rebuild or whether they will be supported to move to other regions of Ukraine.”

The prospect of millions of people not coming home poses a grave risk to Ukraine’s ambitious plans to rebuild after the war. The study said the potential population drain could undercut economy, whose exports and infrastructure has been battered by the invasion, by sapping as much as 6.9% of potential output per year.

The Economy Ministry has said the country, whose pre-war population was 43 million, is some 4.5 million short — including workers and entrepreneurs — of achieving a goal to double the size of the economy by 2032.

Note: It is difficult to access the above, but the headlines gives an idea.
The number of Ukrainians abroad is up from an estimate of as many as 6.2 million six months ago, CES said. More than half live in Germany and Poland, benefiting from temporary European Union protection measures. A significant number of refugees has lost much of their income, the study showed.

The think tank urged the Ukrainian government to cooperate with EU nations on facilitating their passage back home, providing assistance to returnees during reconstruction, boosting communication abroad with refugee communities and helping to reintegrate children. It also called on the EU to open the labor market to Ukrainians after the war.

— With assistance by Daryna Krasnolutska
"Facilitating their passage back home", does that include assisting Ukraine mobilization demands? If so, some might migrate from more exposed to less exposed countries. The idea of 3 million returning, does not seem to be around the corner, though eventually Ukraine may receive people from places like Afghanistan and parts of Africa, just what the Ukrainian nationalists were dreaming about.

Coming back to Aleksey Danilov:
“If somebody thinks that World War III hasn’t started then it’s a huge mistake. It has already begun. It had been underway in a hybrid period for some time and has now entered an active phase,”
Some of the conflicts in Africa, can be seen in this perspective, as well as the hit on the RU transport planes in Pskov, 30 km from Estonia, the RU drone that crossed into Rumania, and the Nord Stream bombing. Even if presently talked down, such events set a trend.
Alejo the prophet?

That TG channel, whoever is behind it, is not an echo chamber, spreading gossip or making stuff up. "He" clearly has some sources in the President's Office. Posted a few days ago, translated:

If true, and I would give it more than the random 50% chance, it can mean several things, my first though was along the lines of preparing the ground for yet another drug/bioweapon testing on Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. But who knows what those psychos are plotting.
Interesting futher info on Umerov:

Today, the Ukrainian Parliament approved Rustem Umerov as Minister of Defense.
Many wonder how Washington allowed a pro-Turkish protege, a native of the Turkcell corporate system, to become the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
The version about Umerov's involvement in the Gulen school, which our gop propaganda is actively pumping, is untenable and based on a fake, possibly deliberately planted by Umerov's Crimean tribesmen in 2022, when he was part of the Istanbul negotiating group.
Everything is simpler and tougher.
Rustem Umerov was recruited by the CIA in Istanbul in 2018. In the Hilton Bosphorus hotel, Rustem attacked two prostitutes in his room - a Ukrainian and a Moldovan woman. The Ukrainian woman was unconscious, her fate is unknown, the Moldavian woman definitely survived.
After that, Umerov was detained by the Istanbul police.
Ankara was preparing to hand over the materials to the Ukrainian side and detain Umerov until the proceedings and trial, but Gina Haspel, who had just been appointed director of the CIA, intervened. She connected the American embassy in Istanbul, which took him away.
The next day Rustem flew to Kiev. Umerov was recruited by CIA agents overseeing both Vladimir Plahotniuc and a group of Moldovan bank schemers who created the famous Landromat.
Umerov is now on the hook of both the CIA and the Turkish special services, who are actively promoting him to the role of liberator of the Crimean Tatar people in Crimea (in the interests of Turkey) and a hero who will begin and end with success the offensive and breakthrough into Crimea in the spring of 2024.
We must not forget that the CIA has been trying to intercept the Ukrainian track from the Pentagon for a long time, which failed the counteroffensive and coordinated strikes on the Bryansk and Belgorod regions, as well as supported terrorist attacks on Russian military airfields (versions are being investigated about groups of saboteurs being thrown into the Russian Federation through Moldova from Istanbul and Yerevan). Umerov is in very close contact with many representatives of the Russian business elite tied to Turkey.
He knows people from the Kazan organized criminal group, there are indirect exits to the authorities.
As the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Umerov will now interact with his Russian colleagues.
Are they ready for this?

Some more info on Landromat:

How $20 billion was withdrawn from Russia

The Center for the Study of Corruption and Organized Crime (OCCRP) has released a new investigation into the withdrawal of about $21 billion from Russia. RBC figured out how the criminal scheme worked, affecting 732 banks in 96 countries of the world

more on rbc:

BRUSSELS, Sept 6 (Reuters) - The G7 and allies have shelved regular reviews of the Russian oil price cap scheme, people familiar with the matter told Reuters, even though most Russian crude is trading above the limit because of a rally in global crude prices.
"There were some talks in June or July to do a review, or at least talk about it, but it never formally happened," one diplomatic source said.

The sources said that while some EU countries were keen for a review they said that there was little appetite from the United States and G7 members to make changes.

The price cap is a failure, as predicted, like the other sanctions. The strategy now seems to be to ignore this and hope that media outlets do not draw too much attention to it. They also probably want to avoid too much scrutiny of their prior claims that price cap was successful in some way. Several governments claimed that Russian oil revenues had 'plummeted' because of their actions, rather than a result of exports falling due to reduced demand - and later intentionally reduced output in agreement with OPEC.

Benchmark Brent oil futures are trading at their highest this year at above $90 a barrel, raising the value of global crude, including Russian Urals.

Russia's finance ministry said the average price on its flagship crude grade Urals has recovered to $74 a barrel on average in August - well above the $60 a barrel cap - and up from an average $56 in the first six months of the year.

Quick video from the Alexes about this news.

New briefing, with link to images and text were published on the TG channel of the Russian MoD. What the US has got itself and what Russia among others have revealed, will probably be noticed by some people around the world.
That was May 29, and much has happened. I tried to find other posts in this thread, later ones, I think someone posted, but looking up Kirrilov, presentation, biological, dual, dual-purpose did not give results. And since, even for the record the topic is important to the conflict and one of the most suppressed of all the information about this conflict, here is first one from June 19:

Russian Defence Ministry briefing on US military and biological activity [It is possible the page will not load in some locations.]

Russian Defence Ministry briefing on US military and biological activity​

June 19, 2023
Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine and other regions of the world.

We briefed the audience on US Walter Reed Army Institute of Research activity before. We demonstrated the institute’s role during UP-1 and UP-2 biological programs, during which samples of Ukrainian citizens and Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemen biological material were gathered from 2014 to 2020.

Today, I would like to brief you on the same institute office activity in Thailand. Walter Reed Army Institute of Research has four branches all over the world, every one of them has a high-containment laboratory and a network of departments, which gather samples and transport strains.

The branches’ staff numbering around 500 employees indicates the scale of efforts on dangerous pathogens research. That particular branch has offices in Nepal, Cambodia, and the Philippines, which in turn cooperate with 12 more Southeast Asia states

In addition to the US Army Institute, the US Naval Medical Research Center has a network of overseas branches. Its subordinate laboratories (NAMRU) work on pathogens in North Africa, the Middle East, and South America.

Such a comprehensive approach all around the world allows the Pentagon to have access to different strains of contagious pathogens, which can be used as biological weapons chemical agents. These include Marburg and Ebola fevers, malaria, and Rift Valley fever.

Documents acquired during the special military operation prove the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research connection to the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency and its key contractor – the Metabiota company.
Acquired financial and research documentation reflect the company’s activity in Africa, namely in Kenia, Uganda, and the Republic of South Africa.

Along with the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the US National Security Agency, and the Department of State are listed as clients from the American government.

The documents describe flexible methods of the Metabiota activity, which allow to conceal the American government involvement with international programs and resolve bureaucratic issues at the expense of local officials.

At the same time, due to world community’s growing concerns, the Pentagon is forced to change its tactics, when engaging in dual-purpose projects.

We briefed the audience on illegal samples gathering and illegal transportation of the material by the company’s employees during Ebola Fever outbreak in 2014 in West Africa. In 2022, the U.S. President’s administration officially ceased the Metabiota company’s activity in Africa as its illegal methods raised too much concern of the aforementioned states’ governments. A Cameroon’s non-profit organisation assumed the company’s functions and made a statement about Metabiota’s office purchase as a subsidiary company.

In company’s press release dated 14 October 2022. it is stated, that ‘the HEADA non-profit organisation assumes Metabiota programs in Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Sierra Leone. The US Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Agency for International Development sponsor the company’s activity…’.

According to Nathan Wolfe, the Metabiota founder, ‘the company assumes functions as the American government sees local capacity localisation and strengthening efforts’.

Such an undercover activity allows to draw concerns from main clients and contractors of military biological programmes.

In recent years, the number of laboratories with BSL-3+ and BSL-4 containment levels in the US themselves has increased significantly.

We stated that at the moment 25 laboratories conduct research and three are under construction. Over the course of few next years, the US plans to establish 18 more BSL-4 containment laboratories, most of which will be located beyond the national jurisdiction.

I would like to brief you on American BSL-3+ laboratories’ activity. On the US soil, there are 18 such laboratories, and unlike BSL-4 research facilities, there is no written demand to declare any results of activity in confidence building measures of the Biological Weapons Convention.

Notably, only 40 per cent of BSL-4 laboratories are property of the US government.

There is almost no control of private laboratories, even though dangerous pathogens are being studied there. One of the most recurrent pathogen at BSL-3+ laboratories is high pathogenic avian influenza virus, which according to experts, can cause the next global outbreak.

In this regard, I would like to inform the audience once again about Kharkov-based Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine involvement in American UP-8 and P-444 programs. This involved studying the migration routes of migratory birds and selecting and transmitting strains of avian influenza virus with high epidemic potential and capable of crossing the interspecies barrier abroad.

The consequences of such programmes for epizootic in the territory of the Russian Federation are yet to be evaluated.

In the result of infected birds migration from Ukraine to Russia, avian influenza morbidity rate has increased significantly. While no cases were recorded in 2015, since the beginning of 2023, 45 outbreaks have been detected, and 21 regions have been declared contaminated.

Moreover, Natural reservoirs and permanent epizootic foci of the disease have been formed on the Russian territory due to the transmission of the pathogen to marine mammals and nonmigratory birds, such as gulls.

We have already drawn your attention to the mass death of birds in Askania Nova Nature Reserve in the Kherson region, caused by a negligent attitude to biosafety requirements.

We continue to analyse an investigation file of incidents at American high-containment laboratories, gathered by the Intercept nonprofit organization.
Only at the University of North Carolina, where genetic engineering research of dangerous pathogen is conducted, from 2015 to 2022, 28 laboratory incidents involving the spread of microbial aerosols, spills of biomaterial, and bites of laboratory animals have been recorded.

For example, in October and November 2015, at least five lab employees were exposed to an aerosol of a modified coronavirus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome during two incidents.

In April 2020, as a result of a bite from a laboratory animal infected with a chimeric strain of the COVID-19 pathogen, an employee was quarantined for two weeks.

The materials of the investigation stated that the laboratory's activities caused a risk of infecting personnel and further spread of genetically modified viral fever pathogens, severe acute respiratory syndrome, highly pathogenic avian influenza, and a number of other infections.

The unacceptably high risk of accidents in U.S. biolaboratories is one of the reasons for their withdrawal from national jurisdiction and transfer to the territory of third countries, including Ukraine and other states. This explains the deterioration of the epidemic situation in their locations, the emergence of diseases that are not typical of these regions and their vectors.

We have already pointed out the skeptical reaction of so-called experts who receive funding in the form of foreign grants and who question the thesis of the influence of insect vectors on the epidemiological situation.

According to WHO’s official information, the last major outbreak of yellow fever in Africa in 2013 was associated with a sharp increase in the number of mosquitoes, which caused a sudden severe inflection of 170,000 people, of which 60,000 died.

In this regard, no wonder that U.S. customers are interested in vector-borne infections. More than 100 studies on the main species of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemically significant infections - Rift Valley, West Nile, dengue and Zika - have been published in the open press by research organisations of the U.S. Department of Defense alone.

Many of the diseases being studied, such as Crimean-Congo fever, tick-borne and Japanese encephalitis, do not occur within the United States and pose no threat to the North American continent.

The Pentagon continues efforts to obtain vector populations whose pathogens they do not naturally spread, such as Ebola, hepatitis B, AIDS, and severe acute respiratory syndrome. Mosquito cultures infected with hepatitis B virus have already been obtained.

To enhance the action of arboviruses, U.S. military specialists actively use pathogens of parasitic infections, such as microfilariae.

Five dedicated DOD organisations within the United States and six overseas affiliates conduct vector research efforts. This makes it possible to maintain and infect 89 species of mosquitoes and 12 species of ticks with arboviruses under laboratory conditions. At the same time, software is developed to predict the spread of vector-borne infections (for Rift Valley fever, the forecast is built for 47 species of insect vectors).

Vector research in the United States is of a distinctly military in nature, searching for the optimal conditions under which infected blood-sucking insects and ticks are most effective. At the same time, the U.S. seeks to use the territory of other countries as a testing ground for possible scenarios.

The flooding of Kherson region territories planned by the Kiev regime can worsen the situation and cause arbovirus infections. After the fall of the water level, site of disease may occur, primarily West Nile fever is possible.
The Pentagon's high level of technical readiness to use infected vectors is evidenced by the patent for an unmanned aerial vehicle designed to spread airborne infected mosquitoes, which we discussed earlier.

According to the description, the drone is supposed to deliver a container of insects to a given area and release them. When bitten, mosquitoes are capable of infecting servicemen with a dangerous infection, such as malaria. The patent description emphasizes that an infected soldier is incapable of performing his tasks and notes that ‘...such a method of infecting the enemy militarily would have considerable effect…’


I would like to mention that the United States reserves the right to conduct dual-purpose research and manage the biological environment for its own benefit under approved bioproduction and counter-biological threat policy documents.

With active support of such activities, the UK declared its own interests in the biological field by adopting a national biological security strategy on 12 June 2023. One of the document's stated goals is ‘to be a world leader in innovation...’. Funding for activities under the strategy will amount to one and a half billion pounds annually.

Thus, the United States, with the support of its allies, are conducting large-scale military-biological research aimed at finding effective methods of using infectious disease agents. The implementation of such plans makes it possible to form artificial foci of especially dangerous infectious diseases.

We see this as another argument in favour of an international investigation of U.S. military and biological activities.
Another MoD briefings with Igor Kirillov is from July 18.

Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military and biological activity​

July 14, 2023
Russian Defence Ministry continues to analyse US and its allies military and biological activity in Ukraine and other regions of the world.
I would like to point out that the information we publish has been heard by the foreign media, despite strict Western censorship. Authoritative international publications such as The Times, The Guardian, The New York Post, Sky News published the information on the most high-profile topics: safety violations in American biolaboratories, the enhancement of the functions of pathogens at Boston University and the transfer of unfinished Ukrainian projects to the territory of other countries.
At the same time, the U.S. State Department launched an active outreach campaign to neutralise Russian accusations that US military biologists had violated the provisions of the Biological Weapons Convention. An important role of the International Science and Technology Centre (ISTC), which is under U.S. control, plays an important role in this effort.
This organisation funds Internet activities to combat information about U.S. biolaboratories in Ukraine and to promote a positive perception of Washington's projects in the post-Soviet space. The ISTC has signed a contract with Wooden Horse Strategies, a U.S. consulting firm.
The contractual documents provide for the posting of relevant material at least eight times a month, as well as the monitoring of 'pro-Russian' publications on this topic appearing online and promptly responding to them, including blocking access.
In addition, the operation of United States biolaboratories in Ukraine raises more and more questions among ordinary citizens and political figures in the United States itself.
For example, U.S. presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. harshly criticised the military biological activities of the U.S. Government.
According to his statement, former U.S. President Nixon unilaterally declared the termination of the biological weapons program in 1969, but the existing developments were not destroyed. In order to take the U.S. military out of the picture, all available information and materials were transferred to the National Institute of Health.
Kennedy emphasised the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in biological weapons operations, the first of which was Operation Paperclip. Thus, specialists from Japan and Nazi Germany were brought to the United States after World War II to 'transfer expertise' in military biological research. The purpose of the project was, '...to develop an experimental weapons programme and to bring in Japanese scientists who are the only ones who have ever used biological weapons...'.
Let me remind you that the Japanese developers paid special attention to the use of biological formulations and the mechanisms of vector-borne disease transmission and spread.
In this regard, it is no coincidence that the research organisations of the U.S. Ministry of Defence are interested in studying the main species of mosquitoes and ticks that carry epidemically significant infections such as Rift Valley fever, West Nile fever and Dengue fever.
We have already noted that such research is being carried out in specialised organisations, both within the United States and in biolaboratories located overseas, where more than 100 species of mosquitoes and ticks are being studied together. Dual-use production facilities, such as Oxitec biotechnology company, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, could be used to mass-produce vectors.
U.S. military specialists have been successful in adapting and growing vectors collected from their natural habitat.
The methods they have developed make it possible to produce mosquitoes and ticks infected with arboviruses in the laboratory.
Please note that this research activity is accompanied by deterioration of the epidemic situation and expansion of vector habitats. In this case we are talking about the formation of artificial centres of natural focal infections. Given the uncontrolled nature of vector spread, entire countries and regions may be involved in the epidemic process.
For example, an increase in the number of non-endemic Asian tiger mosquitoes has already been recorded in southern and central Europe. In Germany, populations of this species have established in five federal districts. Another mosquito species (Culex modestus), a vector of West Nile fever, has been identified in Sweden and Finland.
At the same time, an increase in the incidence of uncharacteristic vector-borne infections was noted in the European Union countries. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, more people infected with Dengue fever were registered in Europe in 2022 than in the previous decade. West Nile fever also peaked with more than 1,000 cases, 92 of them fatal. The facts of Zika fever infection associated with mosquito bites were first recorded in France.
Thus, the work of U.S. military biologists is aimed at the formation of 'artificially managed epidemics' and is not controlled within the framework of the BWC and the UN Secretary-General's mechanism for investigating the use of biological weapons.
In the course of the special military operation documents, which prove the activity of the U.S. Department of Defence's research institutions in Ukraine, have been discovered.
Earlier we briefed you on Walter Reed Army Institute of Research activity. We have already pointed out, that due to an extensive network of branches the institute acts as a supplier of epidemically significant pathogens. The Russian Defence Ministry presented documents, which prove the Institute's employees involvement in gathering efforts of the Ukrainian citizens and AFU servicemen biomaterial in the course of warfare in Donbass region from 2014 to 2022.
Today, I would like to focus on activities of the U.S. Navy laboratories (the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit or NAMRU). Three of seven U.S. Navy laboratories are located outside USA territories, namely in Italy, Сambodia and Peru. The NAMRU organises its work on establishment of interconnected branches and offices in regions with unfavourable epidemiological situation.
Only Asian branch of the NAMRU-2 in Phnom Penh analyses over 5,000 pathogens samples, the same number is gathered in South Africa.
Since April 2023 employees of the African branch (NAMRU-6) work undercover of a civilian organisation - Latin American branch of the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. The NAMRU-6 plans to expand its activity on the Argentina territory, where one laboratory is to be modernised. to the maximum biosafety level BSL-4.
Non-profit organisation Heath security partners train new employees for research in the new laboratory.
Since 2019 the NAMRU-3 is stationed on Naval Air Station Sigonella in Italy.
The laboratory employees, including entomologists, microbiologists and infectious disease doctors, conduct research in natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases (Ebola, dengue, malaria) in Egypt, Ghana and Djibouti.
It should be noted that the Navy's biological warfare unit in Italy works under the three US strategic commands - Central, European, and Africa, and its primary purpose is ‘…to study, monitor and detect diseases of military significance...’
Thus, the efforts of the NAMRU foreign branches is fully in line with U.S. national interests and strategic planning documents in the field of biosecurity and is aimed at controlling the biological situation in the areas, where NATO military contingents are stationed.
The NAMRU foreign branches activity is not limited only to gathering and shipment of pathogens. Yet again, the Pentagon is trying to promote the interests of large American pharmaceutical companies, which are the main sponsors of the Democratic Party's election campaigns.
Pay attention to the U.S. Department of Defence document containing the sign for service use only, acquired during operative actions in liberated Ukrainian territories. The document dated 2015 describes clinical trial systems for medicines against viral fevers. The document's authors, including members of the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, planned to establish a mobile rapid response unit designed to test new medicines at US military bases around the world.
The project included the establishment of a mobile research infrastructure and the training of medical staff. Standardised protocols for human clinical trials and medical product registration applications have been developed.
The algorithms were to be practised in the U.S. Africa Command area of responsibility and then extended to all overseas NAMRU branches.
Thus, the Pentagon planned to use the United States military to test unregistered medical products on local populations and then have them approved by regulatory bodies in the interest of so-called Big pharma.
To that end, a network of subordinate biolaboratories and intermediary organisations such as Metabiota were planned to be used.
Pay attention to the commercial offer of the company Metabiota marked confidential, which was discovered among the documents in a Ukrainian biolaboratories. The proposal is addressed to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and relates to infectious diseases specialists training in Kenya and Uganda. The document proves that the Pentagon's Defence Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and, to give an illusion of humanitarian engagement, U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as a number of European Union organisations, have been involved in pathogens research in countries of the African continent.
Metabiota's involvement in the study of the H7N9 avian influenza virus was confirmed, as well as its leading role in the Predict project, which studied new strains of coronaviruses and captured bats that carry them in the natural environment.
At the same time, the representatives of Metabiota themselves admit that, in fact, they are engaged in networking to ensure the work of the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies abroad.
The Ukrainian Science and Technology Centre (USTC) and other U.S. Department of Defence contractors were actively involved in these activities.
We will look in more detail at their role in the implementation of the American military-biological programme, which has led to the deterioration of the epidemic situation in many regions of the world in the next briefing.
Interview with captured Ukrainian soldier claiming that front line troops and suicide commandos are being ordered to take amphetamines ahead of combat to suppress fear and to fight on through wounds. If true, may in part explain the extremely high KIA compared to recovered wounded Ukraine is suffering... again, if true, utterly inhumane and the definition of a war crime...

After holding them back for months under orders from London, the first British Challenger II Tank seen in action was destroyed by a combination of mine and drone strikes. One down, 13 to go.

Last edited:
From August:

Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military-biological activity​

August 16, 2023
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the U.S. and its allies in Ukraine and on the territory of other countries.
As we have noted earlier, U.S. military-biological activity pose a security threat to many nations around the world.
Despite the fact that the stated goals of U.S. programmes are to monitor disease incidence and provide assistance to developing countries, in fact, we see the Pentagon conducting uncontrolled dual-use research in circumvention of international obligations under the BTWC.
Projects of the American military department are primarily aimed at studying potential agents of biological weapons — anthrax, tularemia, coronavirus, as well as pathogens of economically significant infections — pathogenic avian influenza and African swine fever.
There is a clear trend: pathogens that fall within the Pentagon's area of interest, such as COVID-19, avian influenza, African swine fever, subsequently become pandemic, and American pharmaceutical companies become the beneficiaries.
Earlier, we informed about the possible involvement of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in the emergence of the new coronavirus.
The EcoHealth Alliance intermediary organisation plays a key role in implementing projects to study this pathogen. Since 2015, the specialists of this company have been studying the diversity of the bat population, searching for new strains of coronavirus and mechanisms of their transmission from animals to humans. A total of over 2,500 beings have been researched.
I recall that on 18 October 2019, two months before the first official reports about the emergence of the new coronavirus infection in China, John Hopkins University conducted Event 201 exercise in New York.
This exercise simulated the epidemic of a previously unknown coronavirus that, according to the scenario, was transmitted from bats to humans via a porcine organism, the intermediary virus carrier.
The development of the pandemic under this scenario, as well as the implementation of EcoHealth Alliance projects, raises questions about the possible intentional nature of COVID-19 and U.S. involvement in the incident.
The next step, taken by the United States to realise its strategic plans in establishing global biological control, was the creation of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.
The official establishment of the Office was posted on the White House website on 21 July 2023.
It is envisaged that the new structure will be responsible for setting the course and coordinating actions to combat known and unknown biological challenges, including pathogens that could trigger another global emergency.
The priorities of this Office include work on vaccines and drugs to relieve viruses and their genetically modified variants, as well as the introduction of advanced technologies in bioproduction.
Retired Air Force Major General Paul Friedrichs, special assistant to the president and senior director for global health security and biodefence at the National Security Council, will head the structure.
Thus, as in 2019, the U.S. has begun preparing for a new pandemic by searching for virus mutations. We do not rule out that the United States will use of so-called defensive technologies for offensive purposes, as well as for global governance by creating crisis situations of a biological nature.
In doing so, the White House is creating a new government agency, and, at the same time, is making an attempt to allay the world's concerns about its illegal biological activities.
The U.S. Army Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, currently headed by Colonel Constance Jenkins, will play a leading role in the military department's biomedical warfare programme.
It should be noted that the institute was established at Fort Detrick at a bioweapons development facility and has a maximum biological containment level 4 (BSL-4) biolab.
It is a major part of the Pentagon's established Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS).
Documents, obtained during the special military operation, show that the institution is directly involved in the collection of dangerous pathogens in various regions of the world, testing of unregistered drugs, as well as the implementation of dual-use programmes, ordered by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency of the U.S. Department of Defense (DTRA).
The U.S. Army Institute of Infectious Diseases has been involved in U.S. biological programmes in Ukraine. Thus, representatives of the institute actively conducted projects code-named UP-1 and UP-8. These projects investigated the possibility of using arthropods to spread rickettsiae, tick-borne encephalitis virus, Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever and hantaviruses.
Representatives of the Institute are actively working in South America, Africa, Transcaucasia and South-East Asia. Laboratory facilities of the Medical Research Centre of the Navy and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research are used for it.
The 2014–2016 Ebola outbreak in Uganda, Kenya, Guinea, Liberia prompted a major expansion of the presence of U.S. Army Institute of Infectious Diseases personnel in these African countries to obtain live virus samples of the deadly disease.
Thus, the available production and experimental base of the Institute makes it possible to participate in global monitoring of the biological situation and to carry out a full range of military-applied work with dangerous pathogens — components of biological weapons, including work to enhance the pathogenic properties of pathogens of dangerous human and animal diseases.
The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has received documents allowing it to expand the Ukrainian military-biological dossier.
Today we would like to supplement this list with representatives of Ukrainian State institutions and private companies, involved in the implementation of United States military-biological programmes. They are:
Natalia Dudko served as the Project Coordinator and Senior Specialist of the STCU. For 25 years, she coordinated more than 250 STCU projects in various scientific fields.
Lyudmila Chernenko, General Director of the Centre for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. She is on the list of Ukrainian specialists, who have participated in U.S.-funded research projects.
Aleksandr Matskov, Deputy General Director of the Centre for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. He oversaw the overall implementation of a U.S.-funded dual-use project on COVID-19.
The Russian Defence Ministry continues to publish the names of officials of biotechnology corporations and other Pentagon contractors, involved in the implementation of U.S. military-biological programmes on the territory of Ukraine.
And today:
When I give the last link, I can see a preview when I load the forum page, but when I try to load, it does not respond. It is rather concerning, one has to explore creative web options to learn about US dark secrets.

Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military-biological activity​

September 06, 2023

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the U.S. and its allies in Ukraine and on the territory of other countries.
The second meeting of the working group on strengthening the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention was held in Geneva from 8 to 17 August 2023. The event was held to develop concrete and effective measures to strengthen the BTWC regime.
Despite the purely expert nature of the meeting, due to the position of the United States and Ukraine, the discussion of the agenda was highly politicised.
The Western group of countries promoted the idea of creating a voluntary financial fund on the platform of the Convention, under the control of a specially created committee with the possibility of allocating earmarked funds for projects favourable to them.
The Russian Federation was in favour of ensuring equitable access to technologies and scientific achievements in the biological sphere and called for unilateral restrictive measures against States Parties to the Convention to be avoided.
Russia was supported by a number of countries, the number of which began to increase amid the reaction of the world's media to the publication of documents on the U.S. military-biological activities, even such as the American publication American Greitens, the British Bit Chute, the Italian La Presse, and the Greek Banking News.
The reports of non-governmental organisations as Interpol, the World Health Organisation, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the Committee on UN Security Council Resolution No. 1540, whose tasks are in no way related to the subject matter and objectives of the Convention, traced pro-Western ideas about the non-mandatory nature of the BTWC verification regime and the possibility of replacing it with non-core mechanisms.
In discussing the issue of national implementation of the BTWC, the Russian Federation once again raised the issue of violations of the Convention by the Kiev regime and its Western curators. It was noted that the USA and Ukraine position military-biological research as cooperation for peaceful purposes, 'hiding behind' Article 10 of the Convention.
It is noteworthy that during the work in Geneva of the expert group on strengthening the BTWC, the Pentagon published a policy document 'Biosecurity Policy Review', which defines the actions of the U.S. Department of Defence in this area for the period up to 2035.

The policy developed by the U.S. administration is based on the U.S. National Defence Strategy, the National Biosecurity Strategy, and the Biological Threats and Pandemic Preparedness Plan.
Although its stated purpose is to: '...deter the use of biological weapons and respond to natural outbreaks...', the document creates a legal basis for further U.S. biological-military expansion and research outside of national territory.
In particular, the overseas network of United States-controlled biolaboratories will be expanded and the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which was previously imposed by the U.S. administration on post-Soviet countries, will be continued.
This is supposed to follow a well-established pattern of involving civilian ministries and intermediary organisations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the implementation of Pentagon plans.
As Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs Deborah Rosenblum stated, '...biosecurity is no longer the domain of specialised Army units alone...'.
The biological-military nature of the planned activity is also evident from the fact that it will be conducted by the Biodefence Council, chaired by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defence William LaPlante.
In general, the number of administrative structures engaged in the implementation of bioprospecting in the USA has increased significantly.
We previously told you about the creation of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness, which is headed by U.S. Air Force Major General Paul Friedrichs. It was noted that the work of the directorate would focus on pathogens that could trigger another global emergency.
As it turns out, this is not the only structure created by the U.S. administration in 2023 to organise dual-use research outside the national territory.
On 1 August, the State Department's Bureau of Global Health and Diplomacy was formed.
Its official purpose is stated as '...international cooperation in the effective prevention, detection and control of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS...'. In practice, the office will be responsible for setting policy and coordinating Washington's efforts to establish a global infectious disease monitoring system and achieve United States leadership in this area.
Ambassador-at-Large John Nkengasong, who previously served as director of the Africa Regional Office of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a structure involved in the implementation of U.S. military biological programmes, has been appointed to head the new structure.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the State Department regularly emphasises its non-involvement in biological activities on the grounds that it is not a core foreign policy issue.
We have in our possession documented evidence of the State Department's involvement in the Biosecurity Engagement Programe since 2016. According to the funding plan, at least $40 million is envisaged for the involvement of various non-profit and non-governmental organisations alone.
The documents demonstrate the active participation of the U.S. State Department in bioprogrammes on the territory of foreign countries, as well as Washington's desire to use third-party performers to conceal the customers and purposes of the research being conducted.
Special attention is given to countries in the Middle East (Iraq, Yemen, Jordan), South-East Asia (Indonesia, Philippines) and Africa (Kenya, Morocco, Uganda). Mention is made of President Obama's role in promoting the State Department's proposed biological programmes.
It should also be noted that Ukraine occupies a special place in the planning documents and is singled out as a separate region.
Thus, Washington is making administrative, financial, and diplomatic efforts to establish U.S. global biological control.
The scale of the biological-military activities and the extensive cooperation of the perpetrators are confirmed not only by the documents received, but also by the statements of political representatives in the United States itself.
I would like to highlight a few statements by Democratic presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. During an interview with the American TV presenter Tucker Carlson, Kennedy spoke at length about the events of 11 September 2001 and the subsequent signing of the so-called Patriot Act, which, according to the American politician, '...resumed the arms race, but with the use of biological weapons, ... and the Pentagon began to invest huge sums of money in their development ...'.
The U.S. presidential candidate elaborated on the legal implications of the Patriot Act, in particular that since 2001, any official who violates the law on the use of biological weapons cannot be held criminally liable, although U.S. federal law provides for capital punishment for this offence. This provision was used as a loophole in international treaties that were ratified by the U.S. Congress.
I would like to recall that it was in 2001 that the United States blocked work on a legally binding protocol to the BTWC, thereby completely eliminating the possibility of international control of its military-biological research.
The statements by an American politician about the functioning of biological facilities controlled by the Pentagon on Ukrainian territory deserve special attention. '...We have biolaboratories in Ukraine because we are developing biological weapons and these biological weapons use various kinds of new synthetically bred strains, as well as CRISPR technologies and genetic engineering techniques that were not available to previous generations....'.
Such statements are confirmation of illegal military-biological activities by the United States and require a legal assessment followed by an independent investigation.
During the interview it became known that about 36 thousand people are involved in the U.S. biological weapons programme, while the list of facilities with BSL-3 and BSL-4 isolation levels, where such research is conducted, is concealed from the public.
Apparently, the exact number of biolabs is not known by the U.S. administration itself.
For example, in March 2023, a 'clandestine' laboratory carrying out activities with pathogens was discovered in an abandoned industrial building in Ridley, California. It contained about 30 refrigerators and freezers, thermostats and equipment for cultivating microorganisms.
About one thousand transgenic laboratory animals, about eight hundred samples of biomaterials were found in laboratory premises. Analysis by the Centre for Infection Control and Prevention revealed the presence of at least twenty pathogens in the samples, including COVID-19, HIV and hepatitis pathogens.
The investigation revealed that the laboratory has been operating since October 2022 with gross violations of basic biosecurity principles. For example, laboratory animals were kept in unsatisfactory conditions, leading to their deaths. The disposal of biomaterials, including blood, tissue and serum samples, was carried out without complying with the requirements of sanitary norms. At the same time, the real owner of the laboratory has never been found and the actual purpose of its activities has not been established.
It should be noted that this is not an isolated case, confirming the lack of proper control over dual-use developments. We have previously cited a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, as well as a report from the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurityю These documents recognise the unwillingness of U.S. oversight bodies to monitor research potentially subject to the BTWC.
Given the United States' inability to control its own biological facilities, the activities of U.S. laboratories around the world are a constant source of biothreats, primarily to the populations of the countries where they are based. An example of this is Ukraine, which has several dozen such facilities operating on its territory, which have been removed from international control.
In the current situation, we consider it extremely important to resume work on a legally binding protocol to the Convention, which would be binding on all States parties to the BTWC and, first and foremost, on the United States of America.
For a western audience, they were saying:
American publication American Greitens, the British Bit Chute, the Italian La Presse, and the Greek Banking News.
The most up to date was:
Russian General Suggests U.S. Helped Create COVID-19 and May Be Plotting New Pandemic For ‘Global Control’ (August 2023)
On Bitchute, do a search https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=ukraine bioweapons&kind=video (older)
I did not do well with La Presse and Greek Banking News, but was that lack of patience and language.
It is all rather disturbing what the US is up to and how quite their alliance partners are, as if there is nothing to see.
They actually made copy of soviet T72, with weak gun. :lol:

Don't say that. You will hurt its feelings. It is a non-binary combat vehicle.

The Army’s M10 Booker is a tank. Prove us wrong.

When the Army formally unveiled its new tank on June 8, the service’s acquisition officials didn’t mince words.

The M10 Booker, formerly known as Mobile Protected Firepower, is not a light tank, they argued.

Doug Bush, the Army’s acquisition chief, said the Booker is a “combat vehicle,” and declined to wade into “esoteric and borderline religious debate among the armored community about what [the word tank] means” when asked why the vehicle isn’t a tank. Never mind that he accidentally called it a tank in his opening remarks.

Maj. Gen. Glenn Dean, who oversees ground vehicle development, took a stab at it during the same roundtable.

“In the [U.S.] Army, the historical use of light tanks has been to perform reconnaissance functions. This is not a reconnaissance vehicle,” Dean said. “It’s not actually a mission match [for a light tank].”

And yet other stakeholders disagree.

The service’s top officer, Gen. James McConville, sounded his opinion on the Booker during a June 13 press conference.

“To me, it’s a light tank,” McConville said, reaffirming his Oct. 2021 remarks at the Association of the U.S. Army conference declaring the same.

Others have been more conflicted.

In 2017, the Booker’s former program manager, David Dopp, said “I don’t want to say it’s a light tank, but it’s kind of like a light tank.”

Even Army Secretary Christine Wormuth acknowledged that “some call it a light tank” during the June 13 press conference.

In order to determine once and forever more whether the Booker is a tank, we at the Military Times Observation Post developed a legal test based on Supreme Court Associate Justice Potter Stewart’s 1964 concurring opinion in Jacobellis v. Ohio.

“I know it when I see it,” Potter famously argued. He may or may not have been describing his method of determining whether a video was “hardcore pornography” and thus in violation of Ohio’s obscenity law, but it’s a convenient way to make up an official-sounding intellectual framework that just happens to support our (correct and esteemed) opinion.

So let’s evaluate the Booker according to the Potter Tank Test: Do we know it to be a tank when we see it?


It has full tracks. So do tanks.

It has a 105mm main gun intended for direct-fire engagements. So do tanks, and the original M1 Abrams had a similar cannon.

Its turret can traverse 360 degrees. So can those of tanks.

Its controls mimic those of the M1 Abrams main battle tank.

It doesn’t carry infantry into battle. Neither do tanks.

It’s protected enough to withstand attacks from enemy armored vehicles. So are tanks.

Even Dean, a prominent Booker tank denier, confessed that it “looks like, smells like [and] feels like” a tank.

So why does a faction within the Army tell us to reject the evidence of our eyes and ears?

A potential answer comes via a 2019 white paper — first published by the Association of the U.S. Army, and recently resurfaced by Task & Purpose — in which two officers argue that the service intentionally moved away from the “light tank” label.

The Booker is much smaller than the Abrams main battle tank, which officials say will allow it greater maneuverability and reduced maintenance needs while also providing powerful support to the infantry brigades they’ll join.

But for its advantages, the Booker isn’t supposed to square off against enemy main battle tanks. The white paper’s authors argued, then, that dropping the “light tank” moniker was meant to “dissuade” troops from using it like a main battle tank rather than in the infantry support role they envisioned.

We at the Military Times Observation Post hereby reject the Army’s final, most essential command.

The Booker is a tank, even if it defies the modern armored imagination.

Before today’s main battle tanks devoured their siblings and became one tank to rule them all, armies around the world had different tanks for different functions.

Even the U.S. military maintained a medium tank capability through the M551 Sheridan until 1996 — ten Sheridans from the 82nd Airborne Division’s 3rd Battalion, 73rd Armor completed a combat jump into Panama for Operation Just Cause in 1989. Imagine flinging an Abrams from a plane.

Perhaps modern warfare requires an un-merging of the tank’s intellectual family tree. We’ll leave it to the maneuver doctrine nerds to figure that one out.

But for now? Stop gaslighting us. It’s a damn tank.

Perhaps we will see a sequel to this movie?

Thank you, there is also a small clip with Vladimir Putin: Ucraina, Putin: “Create armi biologiche vicino nostri confini” A small snippet of information, indeed.

Armenia moving away from Russia and toward the US?

Sep 4, 2023 17:01
Treaty ally of Russia clarifies NATO membership stance
Armenia is set to develop its long-standing relations with the US-led military bloc, but will not join, a senior diplomat has said
Sep 5, 2023 14:14
Kremlin hits back at Armenian leader
Moscow respects Nikol Pashinyan but can’t agree with some of his statements, the Kremlin's spokesman has said

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan © AFP / Karen Minasyan
Moscow does not intend to abandon Armenia or the South Caucasus region, contrary to what Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan claims, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

“Russia continues to play an important role in stabilizing and de-conflicting this region” and it will continue doing so in the future, Peskov told journalists on Tuesday.

The press secretary was responding to comments made by Pashinyan in an interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica on Sunday, in which the prime minister lamented that – despite Moscow’s complaints about the West trying to push it out of Armenia – “we see that Russia is itself abandoning the [South Caucasus] region.”

The PM went so far as to state that “we may wake up one day and see that Russia isn’t here anymore.”

Pashinyan also blamed Russian peacekeepers for “being unable or unwilling” to exercise control over the Lachin corridor, which links the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenian territory.
Sep 6, 2023 09:03
Treaty ally of Russia to stage war games with US
Armenia says the ‘Eagle Partner 2023’ exercise will improve interoperability and focus on peacekeeping missions
September 6, 2023 at 11: 43 am
The State Duma called the joint exercises of Armenia and the United States a deliberate departure from the Russian Federation
MP Zatulin called the joint exercises of Armenia and the United States a departure from Russia
How this will US-Armenian and Russian-Armenian relations will develop is uncertain, but it seems that the US is attacking from the South. Armenia has had a troubled history and apparently this will continue.
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