Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

États-Unis tendus : le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un envisage de se rendre en Russie pour rencontrer Poutine
Le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un doit arriver dans quelques jours à Vladivostok pour discuter avec notre président de la fourniture de munitions à l'armée russe et d'autres formes de coopération militaire. C’est ce qu’a écrit le New York Times, citant des sources du renseignement américain.
Et même s’il n’y a pas encore eu de déclaration officielle, Washington crie déjà et exige que Kim Jong-un abandonne les négociations avec la Russie.
"Comme nous l'avons publiquement averti, les négociations sur les armes entre la Russie et la RPDC progressent vigoureusement. Nous avons des informations selon lesquelles Kim Jong-un s'attend à ce que ces discussions se poursuivent, y compris un engagement diplomatique au niveau des dirigeants en Russie. Nous appelons la RPDC à mettre un terme aux armes. négocier avec la Russie et respecter l'engagement public de Pyongyang de ne pas fournir ou vendre d'armes à la Russie", a déclaré Adrienne Watso, porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale des États-Unis
US tense: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un plans to travel to Russia to meet PutinNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-un is expected to arrive in Vladivostok in a few days to discuss with our president the supply of ammunition to the Russian army and other forms of military cooperation. This is what the New York Times wrote, citing American intelligence sources.And even though there has been no official statement yet, Washington is already screaming and demanding that Kim Jong-un abandon negotiations with Russia."As we have publicly warned, arms negotiations between Russia and the DPRK are progressing vigorously. We have information that Kim Jong-un expects these discussions to continue, including diplomatic engagement at level of leaders in Russia. We call on the DPRK to end arms. negotiate with Russia and respect Pyongyang's public commitment not to supply or sell weapons to Russia," said Adrienne Watso, spokesperson word of the United States National Security Council

Poland is already handing over men to Ukraine who have fled the country​

According to "Rzeczpospolita", Poland is already handing over to the Ukrainian authorities men who left their country using bribes. Recently, Kiev announced tougher measures against those who avoid military service.

Ukrainian authorities say that up to tens of thousands men of military age for a bribe of 3,000 to 15,000 USD may have received a false certificate of incapacity for military service. Now Kiev issues requests to deport such people to EU countries, including Poland.

Rzeczpospolita reports that some Ukrainians have already been extradited. The details, however, are not known. It is estimated, however, that there may be as many as 80,000 inhabitants of that country who are potentially subject to military mobilization. These are men who left Ukraine after the full-scale war broke out on February 24, 2022.
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None of this is a 'smoking gun' regarding EP's character, such a thing probably doesn't exist, however the guy is not really passing the "duck test" for me: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck... it probably is a duck.
Continuing the duck test: he flew like a duck and fell like a duck from the exact charge of fraction number 3.
Somehow it turned out on the verge, so I apologize in advance if it hurts someone.

We were just talking about losses. Here are the latest figures from Shoigu. Again, only Ukrainian, about Russian losses-silent.
Shoigu said that the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the beginning of the counteroffensive exceeded 66 thousand people

MOSCOW, September 5. /tass/. The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have lost more than 66 thousand people and 7.6 thousand weapons since the beginning of the so-called counteroffensive. At the same time, Kiev is trying to hide the failure of its "offensive" by attacking civilian objects, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said.

"Since the beginning of the so-called offensive, the enemy's losses have exceeded 66 thousand people and 7.6 thousand weapons," Shoigu said at a thematic conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Also, according to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the competent actions of Russian combat crews made it possible to shoot down 159 HIMARS rockets, over a thousand unmanned aerial vehicles, and 13 cruise missiles in a month. "Trying to hide the failure of the offensive, Ukrainian militants are attacking civilian targets and passing off these terrorist attacks as military victories," Shoigu stressed.
Шойгу заявил, что потери ВСУ с начала контрнаступления превысили 66 тыс. человек

We've been waiting for this and now it's happened.
The first British Challenger 2 tank was destroyed in the zone of SMO

SIMFEROPOL, 5 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Russian military destroyed a British Challenger 2 tank in the Zaporozhye region, the head of the local public movement "We are together with Russia" Vladimir Rogov said in the Telegram channel.
"The destruction of the first British Challenger 2 tank has been documented. The Nazi war machine was burned in the battles near Rabocino in the Orekhovsky direction of the Zaporozhye Front," he wrote.

According to Rogov, Challenger 2 is in service with the 82nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which, according to the Kiev authorities, was supposed to reach the Crimea, but is already being defeated on the first line of Russian defense.
This is the first of the British tanks of this model destroyed in the special operation zone. Earlier it was repeatedly reported about the elimination of German Leopard tanks, another iconic Western tank, the American Abrams, has not yet arrived at the front.
According to the Ministry of Defense, in June-July alone, the AFU lost more than 43 thousand people and over 4,9 thousand weapons. Among the destroyed Ukrainian equipment are 26 aircraft, nine helicopters, 1,831 armored vehicles, including 25 German Leopard tanks, seven French AMX wheeled tanks and 21 American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.
Первый британский танк Challenger 2 уничтожили в зоне СВО

Did someone not believe Putin when he said that we haven't started anything yet?
FAB-1500 aerial bombs received universal planning and correction modules
A former military pilot, known online under the pseudonym Fighterbomber, revealed information about new developments for the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation. According to his data, sets of universal planning and correction modules (UMPC) for high-explosive fragmentation bombs FAB-1500 are already ready.

According to the statement of the former military pilot, for the first time in the history of Russian aviation, a successful experience of using this new modification of weapons was conducted. It is noted that it has improved characteristics compared to existing analogues weighing 250 and 500 kg. The improved bomb flies over longer distances and with greater accuracy, which significantly expands the tactical possibilities of its use.

It is emphasized that the mass of explosives in such a bomb reaches 700 kg. This involves creating a huge radius of destruction in an explosion, which makes it one of the most powerful ammunition in the arsenal of Russian aviation.

"With the stated accuracy of 5 meters, only the funnel from the bomb explosion reaches fifteen meters in diameter, and the affected area is more than two square kilometers. Only explosives in this bomb are under 700kg, while the Su-34 drags and can already work with two such UMPCs, and in the future it will be able to work with three ammunition, one or different targets in one go," says Fighterbomber.
Авиабомбы ФАБ-1500 получили универсальные модули планирования и коррекции

Продолжая утиный тест: он летал как утка и падал как утка от точного заряда дроби номер 3.
Как то на грани получилось, поэтому заранее прошу прощения, если это кого то покоробит.
Только что говорили про потери. Вот свежие цифры от Шойгу. Опять только украинские, пророссийские потери-молчок.
Мы этого ждали и вот оно случилось.
Кто то не верил Путину, когда он говорил, что мы ещё ничего и не начинали?

Poland is already handing over men to Ukraine who have fled the country​

According to "Rzeczpospolita", Poland is already handing over to the Ukrainian authorities men who left their country using bribes. Recently, Kiev announced tougher measures against those who avoid military service.

Ukrainian authorities say that up to tens of thousands men of military age for a bribe of 3,000 to 15,000 USD may have received a false certificate of incapacity for military service. Now Kiev issues requests to deport such people to EU countries, including Poland.

Rzeczpospolita reports that some Ukrainians have already been extradited. The details, however, are not known. It is estimated, however, that there may be as many as 80,000 inhabitants of that country who are potentially subject to military mobilization. These are men who left Ukraine after the full-scale war broke out on February 24, 2022.
This was considered fake news by one of the leading Polish fact-checkers (there's no need to translate anything other than the headline):

Poland deports Ukrainians? A repeat of fake news from a year ago​

USAID influenced the formulations in the Russian constitution, and so much more
The other day, I learned or became more aware of Russia having lost some sovereignty in the 1990ies thanks to US legal advice. The post first has a comment from Vladimir Putin, followed by a list of deeds by the USAID from their own page, to which I have added comments, some long, some short as I included statements from others, relevant to the particular issue.

Shortly before the SMO:
December 12, 2021, 13:47, updated December 12, 2021, 14:13
Putin said that Russia in the 1990s lost a significant part of its sovereignty
According to the president, there were many levers of pressure from outside
MOSCOW, 12 December. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that in the 1990s there were many levers of pressure on the Russian Federation from outside, the country lost a significant part of its sovereignty.
'There were a lot of levers [of pressure], Russia was in a rather weak state, it was dependent on various kinds of financial instruments and mechanisms, on political, internal political ones,' the head of state said in an interview for the film 'Russia. Recent History' on the air of the channel ' Russia 1'.

'In this sense, we can state with regret that Russia at that time lost a significant part of its sovereignty,' Putin said.

'As for sovereignty, I encountered this when I was chairman of the government in 1999, when another IMF mission after the start of our active hostilities in the North Caucasus demanded a cessation of hostilities,' the president shared his memories. 'When asked what the IMF, the International Monetary Fund have to do with it, I was told that despite [that] they believe that this negatively affects the economy. The argument according to which we are strengthening our statehood, and hence the ability to work effectively in the economic sphere, was not heard at all,' the head of state noted. He clarified that then it was 'about a possible installment plan for interest payments - they said:' There will be no installment plan for you.

Below are excerpts from the "USAID in Russia" page: https://www(.)usaid.gov/fact-sheet/usaid-russia with a few comments:
By 2012, the majority of USAID’s engagement revolved around the promotion of an open and innovative society in Russia and a strengthened partnership between the U.S. and Russia. The work led to many breakthroughs and transformations described below.

  • USAID-supported projects helped introduce internationally recognized approaches in diagnostics and treatment of tuberculosis enabling the national TB program to decrease transmission and improve treatment success rates. Russia ranks 11th among 22 highest TB burden countries and the third among priority multi-drug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant (XDR) TB countries worldwide.
Comment: A band-aid on a gunshot wound, considering:
Narco Aggression: Russia accuses the U.S. military of involvement in drug trafficking out of Afghanistan
By Vladimir Radyuhin
Global Research, February 24, 2008
Frontline 24 February 2008
Region: Middle East & North Africa
Theme: Global Economy, Intelligence

Global Research Editor’s Note

The global proceeds of the Afghan drug trade is in excess of 150 billion dollars a year. There is mounting evidence that this illicit trade is protected by the US military.

Historically, starting in the early 1980s, the Afghan drug trade was used to finance CIA covert support of the Islamic brigades. The 2003 war on Afghanistan was launched following the Taliban government’s 2000-2001 drug eradication program which led to a collapse in opium production in excess of 90 percent.

The following report, which accuses the United States of using military transport planes to ship narcotics out of Afghanistan confirms what is already known and documented regarding the Golden Crescent Drug Trade and its insiduous relationship to US intelligence

February 23, 2008

Russia, facing a catastrophic rise in drug addiction, accuses the U.S. military of involvement in drug trafficking from Afghanistan.


Afghan workers cutting open poppy bulbs, the first stage in the harvesting process, in Jalalabad.
Afghanistan produced 8,200 tonnes of opium last year, enough to make 93 per cent of the world’s heroin supply.

Could it be that the American military in Afghanistan is involved in drug trafficking? Yes, it is quite possible, according to Russia’s Ambassador to Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov.

Commenting on reports that the United States military transport aviation is used for shipping narcotics out of Afghanistan, the Russian envoy said there was no smoke without fire.

“If such actions do take place they cannot be undertaken without contact with Afghans, and if one Afghan man knows this, at least a half of Afghanistan will know about this sooner or later,” Kabulov told Vesti, Russia’s 24-hour news channel. “That is why I think this is possible, but cannot prove it.”

Afghan narcotics are an extremely painful issue for Russia. They first hit the Russian market during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s when Russian soldiers developed a taste for Afghan heroin and smuggled it back to Russia.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union in December 1991 threw open the floodgates of drug trafficking from Afghanistan across Central Asia to Russia and further west to Europe. Afghanistan’s narcotics struck Russia like a tsunami, threatening to decimate its already shrinking population. According to the Federal Drug Control Service, 90 per cent of all heroin sold in Russia comes from Afghanistan. Russia today has about six million drug-users – a 20-fold increase since the collapse of the Soviet Union and a huge figure for a country of 142 million people.

The Federal Drug Control Service said earlier in January that as many as 30 to 40 million people in Russia may have tried drugs at least once. Annually, some 80,000 Russians die of drug-related causes. One in five crimes committed in Russia is related to drugs. The illegal drug turnover in Russia is estimated at between $10 and $15 billion, discounting transit trafficking.

Narcotics have become an integral part of the youth subculture in Russia. In Moscow alone narcotics are sold at about 100 discotheques and cafes frequented by young people, the city drug control service reported in December. About 45 per cent of Russian university students use drugs, according to Russian Minister for Education and Science Andrei Fursenko. He described the situation as “critical”. The Moscow city government plans to introduce mandatory drug tests for all students in the Russian capital this year. Schoolchildren may be next in line for screening: some surveys indicate that four out of five young Russians are familiar with drugs. The Russian Parliament is planning to discuss a law to allow compulsory treatment of drug and alcohol addicts.

President Vladimir Putin has described the drug abuse problem as a “national calamity”. The catastrophic rise in drug addiction in Russia has been spurred by the painful transition from socialism to capitalism that Russia has been going through since 1991. Millions lost their jobs and were reduced to abject poverty during Russia’s worst-ever economic meltdown in the 1990s. But external factors have played a crucial role in the spread of drugs. Last year Putin bluntly stated that Russia and Europe had been victims of “narco-aggression”.

When the Soviet Union broke up into 15 independent states, Moscow overnight lost control of nearly 5,000 kilometres of former Soviet borders in Central Asia and the Caucasus. At the same time, nearly 8,000 km of what used to be internal nominal boundaries between ex-Soviet republics became Russia’s new state borders.

In 1993, Russian border guards returned to Tajikistan in an effort to contain the flow of drugs from opium-producing Afghanistan. In 2002 alone they intercepted 6.7 tonnes of drugs, half of them heroin. However, in 2005 Tajik President Imomali Rakhmon, hoping to win financial aid from the U.S., asked the Russian border guards to leave, saying Tajikistan had recovered enough from a five-year civil war (from 1992-97) to shoulder the task. Within months of the Russian withdrawal, cross-border drug trafficking increased manifold.

Turkmenistan, another major opium route from Afghanistan, threw out Russian border guards in 1999. Since 2000, Turkmenistan has reported no drug seizures to international organisations. President Saparmurat Niyazov, who died last year, claimed his country had no drug problem. However, independent surveys indicate that up to half of Turkmenistan’s male population use drugs. In 2002, the country’s Prosecutor-General Kurbanbibi Atadzhanova was arrested for operating a drug-trafficking ring.

Seventeen years after the break-up of the Soviet Union, borders between the newly independent states are still porous and travel is visa-free. Air passengers arriving from Central Asia are routinely screened for drugs in Russian airports, but if drugs are shipped by land, there is only a remote chance that they get intercepted.

Afghanistan under the U.S.

When Russia backed the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan to crush the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the post-9/11 scenario, the last thing it expected to happen was that drug trafficking from Afghanistan would assume gargantuan proportions under the U.S. military. Since 2001, poppy fields, once banned by the Taliban, have mushroomed again. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Afghanistan produced 8,200 tonnes of opium last year, enough to make 93 per cent of the world’s heroin supply.

The U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organisation [NATO] forces in the country have not only failed to eliminate the terrorist threat from the Taliban, but also presided over a spectacular rise in opium production. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Afghanistan was on the brink of becoming a “narco state”.

Narco business has emerged as virtually the only economy of Afghanistan and is valued at some $10 billion a year. Opium trade is estimated by the U.N. to be equivalent to 53 per cent of the country’s official economy and is helping to finance the Taliban.

“Unfortunately, they [NATO] are doing nothing to reduce the narcotic threat from Afghanistan even a tiny bit,” Putin angrily remarked three years ago. He accused the coalition forces of “sitting back and watching caravans haul drugs across Afghanistan to the former Soviet Union and Europe.” As time went by, Russian suspicions regarding the U.S. role in the rise of a narco state in Afghanistan grew deeper, especially after reports from Iraq said that the cultivation of opium poppies was spreading rapidly there too.

“The Americans are working hard to keep narco business flourishing in both countries,” says Mikhail Khazin, president of the consultancy firm Niakon. “They consistently destroy the local infrastructure, pushing the local population to look for illegal means of subsistence. And the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] provides protection to drug trafficking.”

U.S. freelance writer Dave Gibson recalled in an article published in American Chronicle in December what a U.S. foreign intelligence official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told NewsMax.com in March 2002 of the CIA’s record of involvement with the international drug trade. The official said: “The CIA did almost the identical thing during the Vietnam War, which had catastrophic consequences – the increase in the heroin trade in the USA beginning in the 1970s is directly attributable to the CIA. The CIA has been complicit in the global drug trade for years, so I guess they just want to carry on their favourite business.”

A USAF cargo plane takes off from the U.S. airbase in Incirlik in Turkey in March 2003.
A Russian news channel reported that drugs from Afghanistan were hauled
by American transport aircraft to the U.S. airbases in Kyrgyzstan and Turkey.

Now Russia has joined the fray accusing the U.S. military of involvement in the heroin trafficking from Afghanistan to Europe. The Vesti channel’s report from Afghanistan said that drugs from Afghanistan were hauled by American transport aircraft to the U.S. airbases Ganci in Kyrgyzstan and Incirlik in Turkey.

The Ganci Air Force base at the Manas international airport in Kyrgyzstan was set up in late 2001 as a staging post for military operations inside Afghanistan. The Kyrgyz government threatened to close the base after neighbouring Uzbekistan shut down a similar U.S. airbase on its territory in 2005, but relented after Washington agreed to make a one-off payment of $150 million in the form of an assistance package and to pay $15 million a year for the use of the base.

One of the best-informed Russian journalists on Central Asia, Arkady Dubnov, recently quoted anonymous Afghan sources as saying that “85 per cent of all drugs produced in southern and southeastern provinces are shipped abroad by U.S. aviation.”

A well-informed source in Afghanistan’s security services told the Russian journalist that the American military acquired drugs through local Afghan officials who dealt with field commanders in charge of drug production.

Writing in the Vremya Novostei daily, Dubnov claimed that the pro-Western administration of President Hamid Karzai, including his two brothers, Kajum Karzai and Akhmed Vali Karzai, are head-to-heels involved in the narcotics trade.

The article quoted a leading U.S. expert on Afghanistan, Barnett Rubin, as telling an anti-narcotics conference in Kabul last October that “drug dealers had infiltrated Afghani state structures to the extent where they could easily paralyse the work of the government if decision to arrest one of them was ever made.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Richard Holbrooke said in January that “government officials, including some with close ties to the presidency, are protecting the drug trade and profiting from it.”

In an article carried by Washington Post, the diplomat described the $1-billion-a-year U.S. counter-narcotics effort in Afghanistan as “the single most ineffective programme in the history of American foreign policy.”

“It’s not just a waste of money. It actually strengthens the Taliban and Al Qaeda, as well as criminal elements within Afghanistan,” Holbrooke wrote in the The Washington Post in early January.

It is an open question whether the Russian charges of U.S. complicity in drug trafficking are based on hard evidence or have been prompted by Moscow’s frustration at Washington’s failure to address the opium problem in Afghanistan. But it is a fact that the U.S. and NATO have stonewalled numerous offers of cooperation from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), a defence pact of six former Soviet republics.

Nikolai Bordyuzha, CSTO Secretary-General, quoted a Pentagon general as telling him: “We are not fighting narcotics because this is not our task in Afghanistan.”

Instead of joining hands with the SCO and the CSTO in combating the narcotics threat, the CSTO chief said, the U.S. was working to set up rival security structures in the region. Washington is working to “drive a geopolitical wedge between Central Asian countries and Russia and to reorient the region towards the U.S.”, Bordyuzha said last year.

With the U.S. and NATO rebuffing their cooperation offers, Russia, China and the Central Asian states have to rely on their own forces in combating the narcotics threat from Afghanistan. The CSTO has been running a wide-ranging aid and military assistance programme for Afghanistan, which includes training Afghan anti-narcotic police.

Last year, the SCO joined in signing a cooperation protocol with the CSTO, which is aimed, above all, at curbing drug trafficking. At its summit in Bishkek, the Kyrgyzstan capital, last August, the SCO decided to set up jointly with the CSTO an “anti-narcotics belt” around Afghanistan.

The original source of this article is Frontline
Copyright © Vladimir Radyuhin, Frontline, 2008

  • USAID’s child welfare program has provided over 80,000 at-risk children and their parents with innovative services designed to reduce abandonment, resulting in a 33% increase in family reunification and an 85% increase in the number of foster families in target regions.
Update: Three Abused Russian Adopted Children Texas, USA…
12 July 2023 09:38 Press release on the Foreign Ministry’s report on the violation of children’s rights in the international adoption process in the United States

  • USAID’s health programs have dramatically helped raise awareness among Russian citizens of their health-related rights and responsibilities and strengthened an array of NGOs, including more than 200 which work on HIV/AIDS.
  • Russia is experiencing a concentrated HIV/AIDS epidemic fueled by injection drug use. Together with the Global Fund, UNAIDS, other international organizations and an array of Russian NGOs, local regional and national authorities, USAID is supporting dissemination and institutionalization of best practices for prevention, care and treatment.
Comment: Drugs out of Afghanistan, drug addiction, poor health resulting from addiction and dirty needles help spread HIV/AIDS.

  • USAID also has supported Russia’s reemerging efforts as a global donor and partnered with Russia to address health issues in third countries and globally. In the last two years, the U.S. and Russia have signed protocols of intent to work together on the global effort to eradicate polio and to control malaria.
Comment: And what about the biolabs and dual use bio-research in Ukraine and other countries, diseases that have spread as a result?

  • USAID has been a proud supporter of Russia’s oldest human rights organizations that have been pivotal in promoting support for democratic values throughout Russia.
Comment: Where would this have ended? In the overthrow of a democratically elected Government like in Ukraine, 2014?

  • As a world-wide movement for open government has developed, USAID has supported civic watchdog groups in Russia that have provided non-partisan oversight over electoral processes including through innovative uses of technology.
  • USAID supports civil society organizations whose number and influence has grown from 40 registered organizations in 1987 to approximately 300,000 today, not including state-funded public organizations. These organizations contribute to Russia’s economic, political and social life in numerous ways and provide opportunities for citizens to help create better communities and elevate their voices.
  • USAID has helped foster the development of skills and relationships that have generated a more resilient information environment, especially as technology has evolved. Since 1992, USAID has supported the development of professional relationships between Russian and American journalists, publishers, electronic media managers, designers, content developers, advertising specialists and new media practitioners. In recent years, USAID media programs have worked to encourage convergence between traditional and new, innovative digital media.
Comment, not all is bad, but some surely was directed at destabilizing Russian and enslave it to the whims of the US and Western elites.

  • USAID-funded Rule of Law implementers helped draft the Russian Constitution, Part I of the Russian Civil Code, and the Russian Tax Code.
  • USAID assistance led directly to the adoption of the 2001 Land Code which provided the right to buy, sell, and own urban and rural land in Russia.
  • Since 2001, the Government of Russia and the World Bank collaborated to implement two multi-billion-dollar judicial reform programs. These programs were built on models and best practices introduced to Russia by USAID programs in 1992-2008, which were related to improvements in court administration, justices of the peace, and jury trials. Russia increased its court administration budget thirty-three times between 2001 and 2010. The number of judges and their salaries were increased as well. Justices of the Peace and jury trials were reintroduced into the Russian justice system.
  • Over 5,000 Russian and U.S. judicial officials have taken part in exchanges and events resulting in strong partnerships between Russian judicial bodies and U.S. counterparts.

Historical Aspect and Prerequisites for Amending the Constitution of the RF

Authors: V A Jilkin

The following article examines aspects of the United States Agency for International Collaboration (USAID) programs influence in the rule of law field, started in the USSR during the early 90s. USAID-funded Rule of Law implementers helped draft the Russian Constitution, Part I of the Russian Civil Code, and the Russian Tax Code. The American Bar Association of the USA took an active part in changing Russian legislation since 1992, which was also funded by the USAID. The Constitution of 1993 included a provision on the priority of international law over national legislation. This provision was also included in Article 1 of the Criminal Code and in Article 1 of the Russian Code of Criminal Procedure. The article also deals with an enshrined supremacy of the Constitution found in the US Constitution and that of the European countries. For example, if there is a conflict between constitutional provisions and an international treaty, priority is given to the Constitution. Not all states recognize certain norms and implement them, just as legal practice is not always identical. Attempts to introduce alien values, ideologies, cultures and traditions, all the more with the help of international law, pose a threat to the democratic foundations of the Constitution as a legal act that has the highest legal force in the legal system of the state. The author suggests that the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation would see the provision removed, according to which international law forms an integral part of the legal system of the Russian Federation. Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation will strengthen Russia’s independence in the sphere of law, bringing back the best traditions of the functioning state authorities and judicial bodies, which should correspond to the current development of Russian society. Keywords: international law, constitutional law, the rule of law, double standards, human rights.

  • The U.S. Russia Investment Fund (TUSRIF), founded with a 1995 grant of $329 million from the US Government, promoted the development of a free market economy in Russia by providing investment capital to well-conceived, potentially high-growth entrepreneurial companies. TUSRIF generated in excess of $350 million in investment proceeds, and attracted $1.2 billion in outside equity, debt and co-investments.
  • Through microfinance, USAID supported the development of the small business sector, which in Russia still accounts for only about 12% of the economy as compared with 50-70% of the U.S. and European economies.
  • The Russian electricity sector has successfully undergone substantial restructuring and reform since 1992. Early USAID assistance focused on restructuring and particularly the design of the future competitive electricity market. These principles and design guide today’s electricity market as implemented by the Government, the electric utility system companies and their advisors. In 2012, USAID has been helping Russia develop a smart grid and improve energy efficiency.
Comment: Mixed, allowing the destruction of the middle class in their own country while pretending to strengthen it in another.

And why did the USAID list of "good works" stop in 2012? USAID was asked to leave.
From a Norwegian (Oslo) based "Open Society" style outfit, Bellona, there was:
Russian NGO law
Russia expels USAID in first major blow against foreign funding for domestic NGOs – Central Bank lending a hand
In what is perhaps the first major move against foreign funded NGOs since in Russia’s Duma passed amendments to its NGO law, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced it will close its offices in Russia following an order from the authorities in Moscow to cease operations.
Published on September 19, 2012 by Bellona
The Russian government gave the US until October 1 to close the mission, accusing it of meddling in politics, Russian news agencies reported.

The Russian Central Bank has meanwhile announced on its website that any financial assistance received by Russian NGOs will be investigated as potential money laundering or financing that might be mean to fund terrorists, the daily Kommersant reported.

Banks that receive funding transfers for Russian NGOs from abroad will henceforth be requited to report the transfers to the Russian Federal Financial Monitoring service.

USAID has worked in Russia for two decades, spending nearly $3 billion on aid, health and democracy promotion programs.
Vladimir Putin has done much to help Russia regain her sovereignty
This was considered fake news by one of the leading Polish fact-checkers (there's no need to translate anything other than the headline):
I don't want to be mean and judge someone by their appearance, but this is how Polish war experts look. One of them has 200k followers... Even an apparent lack of integrity doesn't turn people off. "Weak men create hard times"
Did one of them write this?

Poland deports Ukrainians? A repeat of fake news from a year ago​

I can't say anything about such fact-checking, but it is obvious that a year ago Ukraine did not have such human losses as now, which "Russia certainly has higher," as the authoritative British recently informed us. I am afraid that in another year, when posing such a question, the answer will also be negative. There will be no one to expel, everyone will already be there, and generally speaking, it is not necessary to expel. It is necessary to stop feeding all sorts of benefits, not to let them work and let them out of the country only in one direction. The ukras will do the rest themselves.

Вот это написал кто то их них?
Ничего не могу сказать про такой фактчекинг,однако очевидно, что год назад у Украины не было таких людских потерь как сейчас, которые "у России конечно же выше", как нам недавно сообщили авторитетные британцы. Я боюсь, что еще через год при постановке подобного вопроса ответ будет также отрицательным. Высылать будет уже некого, все уже будут там, да и высылать вообще то говоря не надо. Надо перестать кормить всякими пособиями, не давать работать и выпускать из страны только в одну сторону. Все остальное укры сделают сами.
These limitless people are not shy about anything. Whatever they do, in the West they are the light of democracy, human rights, "values" and other husks that Blinken likes to talk about.
The ex-head of the SBU told about the "homicide" department as part of the special service
Nalivaichenko told about the SBU unit dealing with murders

MOSCOW, 5 Sep - RIA Novosti. Former SBU chairman Valentin Nalivaichenko told the Economist magazine about a separate unit within the special service that deals with murders.
It is noted that the fifth counterintelligence directorate within the SBU was created in 2015 - after the reunification of Crimea with Russia and the declaration of independence of the DPR and LPR. According to Nalyvaichenko, the Ukrainian leadership then decided that simply "putting collaborators in jail" was not enough.

"We reluctantly came to the conclusion that we need to eliminate people," he added.
The publication notes that the named department was associated with the murders of the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko, the commanders of the battalions "Sparta" and "Somalia" Arsen Pavlov and Mikhail Tolstykh.
According to Ukrainian intelligence sources, the fifth directorate plays a central role in operations in Russia.
Экс-глава СБУ рассказал про "убойный" отдел в составе спецслужбы

Эти беспредельщики ничего не стесняются. Чего бы они не делали, на западе они- светоч демократии, прав человека, "ценностей" и прочей шелухи, о которой любит говорить Блинкен.
Did one of them write this?
Not that one, but a lot of fear-mongering on Twitter/X and general pro-Ukrainian coping. They are very popular and treated as experts among millennials and Gen-Zs (especially Wolski).
I can't say anything about such fact-checking
Sorry for my concise posts. That fact checker one is from the 18th of July, and the news from Rzeczpospolita colported by Business Insider (both of them are big and trusted MSM outlets) is from the 5th of September. Deportation was also refuted by the Polish government some time ago (as Russian disinformation), but this shows that those OSINT fact-checking agencies cannot be trusted. It looks like the mainstream consent is quickly changing in Poland. Is that the effect of the coming elections or they just cannot maintain the illusion? Also interesting is that the Rzeczpospolita is owned by Soros, and they have been publishing recently vaxx-sceptical articles.
It also confirms what my friend told me a month ago. He works with a Ukrainian who is from Central Ukraine and is very afraid to even visit Ukraine because of forced conscription. He told him, that there are almost no men left at his age (~40) in his region. Life expectancy on the front is about a month, with his close relative dying in the first week. Insane.
Western aligned countries are digging an increasingly deep ditch for themselves
They have made sanctions as if it was up to them to decide when to start and stop, but that is most likely not so. It will take time to mend bridges.
2 Sep, 2023 21:25
Ukraine’s Western backers are a ‘pro-Nazi coalition’ – Medvedev
The former Russian president has dismissed the idea of Moscow eventually reconciling with the West as illusionary

Washington and its allies in Europe and elsewhere continue to support Kiev despite it acting increasingly like the Nazis during World War II, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claimed in a Telegram post on Saturday. Moscow should abandon hope of reconciling with the West and see the group of nations for what it is, he believes.

The leaders of Ukraine are “increasingly talking about ‘holding all Russians accountable’,” Medvedev said, adding that Kiev sees all Russian citizens as ‘Russians’ regardless of their ethnic background. In a thinly veiled reference to the Nazis’ plans for the Soviet Union, the former president said that the world had already seen similar aspirations.

Medvedev noted that Ukraine is still being supported by almost every single Western leader, as well as by the heads of Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. All of them “are direct and obvious Nazi accomplices,” he stated, adding that “they should be treated as the leaders of a pro-Nazi coalition.”

The former president, who now serves as the deputy head of Russia’s National Security Council and the Military Industrial Committee, then insisted that Russia should not “lapse into sweet daydreaming” about achieving reconciliation with the West and joining what he called a “big polyamory family of non-binary genders.”

Medvedev had earlier condemned what he called open glorification of Nazism in Ukraine, pointing to an initiative calling for the establishment of the Stepan Bandera Order that would supposedly be awarded to Ukrainian servicemen. Bandera was a notorious Ukrainian nationalist leader during World War II whose organization was responsible for mass killings of Jews and Poles in Ukraine.

The petition requesting the creation of such an order in Ukraine appeared on the official website of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in May. It has since received nearly 2,300 signatures of the required 25,000.

Medvedev blasted the initiative by comparing it to Germany establishing an order of Adolf Hitler or Italy introducing an order of Bennito Mussolini. “What is there to be ashamed of?” Medvedev mockingly wrote on Telegram at the time. “Let’s just glorify all European Nazis at once. This appears to be the new European ideology,” he added.
And Tuesday:
5 Sep, 2023 18:31
West using Zelensky's Jewish heritage to distract from Nazism in Ukraine – Putin
Kiev is glorifying those responsible for a quarter of the Holocaust, the Russian president has said

Using Vladimir Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to cover for the culpability of Ukrainian nationalists in the Holocaust during WWII is disgusting, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, adding that the followers of Stepan Bandera were responsible for the killing of 1.5 million Jews.

“I think it’s important to repeat that Western handlers placed at the head of modern Ukraine an ethnic Jew, a man of Jewish background, with Jewish roots – in this way, in my opinion, covering up the anti-human basis of the current Ukrainian state,” Putin told journalist Pavel Zarubin.

“That makes the entire situation so highly disgusting, to have an ethnic Jew mask the glorification of Nazism and those who carried out the Holocaust in Ukraine at the time, exterminating 1.5 million people,” the Russian president added. Ordinary Israeli citizens have figured this out the best. Just look at what they say online.”

Putin had just finished meeting with the ‘Victory’ Committee – an advisory body charged with patriotic education and veterans’ affairs. The Russian president brought up the issue during a conversation with one of the committee members, pointing out that Moscow may not have done enough to present the facts about the atrocities of Nazi collaborators in Ukraine and the Baltic states.

“When you look at actual archival documents, the blood in your veins simply freezes, it is impossible to look at it without tears, and this needs to be pulled out and shown. Who are the current authorities glorifying? These anti-humans are putting bloody killers on a pedestal, and carry banners with their portraits as they march down the main streets of their cities,” Putin told the committee.

The German military and the SS “delegated” the massacres of Jews to local nationalists and anti-Semites, like Stepan Bandera’s OUN and UPA, the Russian president pointed out.

“I’m not sure that all the people in Ukraine know about this. So let’s do what we can here to show them, all right?” Putin told the committee.

Bandera was declared a war criminal by both the Soviet Union and Poland for his role in the Holocaust and the mass murder of Poles in present-day western Ukraine. The pro-US government in Kiev declared him a national hero in 2010, however, and nationalists have honored him ever since with torchlight processions in major Ukrainian cities to mark his birthday every January 1.

Putin has previously expressed his bafflement that Zelensky would embrace the glorification of Bandera, given his Jewish heritage. Zelensky’s grandfather, Semyon, had also fought in the Second World War, earning two Red Star medals for courage and heroism.

The current Ukrainian president was previously an actor and ran for head of state in 2019 on a promise of peace with Russia, only to completely change course and embrace the hardline nationalists within months of taking office.
I tried to find out what was written in Israeli media, and found, on article in Jerusalem Post that brings out how Jewish leaders, also in Ukraine, support Zelensky.
Russia's Putin attacks Jewish heritage of Ukraine's Zelensky
Russian President Putin attacked Ukrainian President Zelensky's Jewish roots on Friday, saying that some Jews considered him a disgrace to their faith.
Published: JUNE 16, 2023 17:58
Updated: JUNE 17, 2023 21:43
I am sure you can also find many Jews and Israelis that agree 100% with Vladimir Putin.
There was also:
Russian media releases declassified documents on the Holocaust – report
Russia has released new documents claiming that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were highly involved in the murder of Jews during the Holocaust.

Published: JUNE 16, 2023 00:44
Updated: JUNE 16, 2023 08:42

The show sure is getting interesting, especially this move by Russia in the context of the massive bombing of N. Korea all those years ago... the bully has every reason to fear revenge.


- Kim Jong-un to visit Russia, which is significant, but this pales in comparison to the main story, which the media is completely ignoring, which is that the Russians has made a departure from their cautious policy and have given N. Korea an advanced ballistic missile called Topol M with all the systems and information necessary to fire, and also consultation with Russians

- How powerful, and what is the reach? Can definitely reach Japan and S. Korea (also Taiwan) and according to McGovern, capable of defeating any anti ballistic missile system the US has in operation, and most importantly can reach the East Coast of the US, can reach Washington, and can reach all of the NATO capitols!

- Japan and S. Korea may doubt America's ability to protect them due to the 'kinda crazy' country under Kim having such a powerful missile

- Ray thinks that China and Russia are so joined now that Putin wouldn't do this without full consultation without Xi (giving example of 4th of Feb, 2022, when Xi & Putin met, and Xi gave a thumbs-up to Putin to start the SMO, which goes against China's generally Westphalian policy)

- March 31st/April 1st was the date of the the strategic doc to end the fighting, which basically legislated NATO neutrality for Ukraine; (Putin held up that treaty to African leaders about three weeks ago)... when the US & UK nixed this treaty, it was the last straw for Putin and Xi, and they realized that the US would pursue a 'Russia first, China second' global domination strategy, or a two-front conflict, so they have become very strategically linked

- So this move by Putin is not in common with his usually cautious strategy, but probably also backed by Xi; this was probably also why Shoigu went to N. Korea

- Russia's return on the deal is they get another strategic deterrent to US domination, and also playing a bit of a psychological game by giving it to a guy who's seen as unstable and uncontrollable by US power bloc

- Ray says that the CIA probably didn't have advance notice because it would be easy enough to sneak in the missile

- The question is, why hasn't the media picked up on it? Ray thinks that this is because the PTB don't actually know what to do!

- It's definitive that the US has no effective deterrent for this missile currently known; it would require building a fleet of ships and having them sail close to N. Korea

- Can the US use Japan as a battering ram against N. Korea like Ukraine is used against Russia? Ray says that they think they can, like arrogant adolescents

- Putin no longer worries that there is subtle logic to US power machinations; it is arrogance and insanity
I don't want to be mean and judge someone by their appearance, but this is how Polish war experts look. One of them has 200k followers... Even an apparent lack of integrity doesn't turn people off. "Weak men create hard times" :whistle:

View attachment 80941
Lol, they look like they're about to write the script of the next Star Wars, or hold a lecture on intersectionality or something, right after stopping by for some pumpkin lattes... xD

These limitless people are not shy about anything. Whatever they do, in the West they are the light of democracy, human rights, "values" and other husks that Blinken likes to talk about.

A bit more on that from RT

This group currently plays a central role in attacks against Russian infrastructure and citizens. The former head of the SBU, Valentin Nalivichenko, revealed to The Economist that this unit started its punitive missions at least since 2015 after the then Ukrainian authorities decided that imprisoning individuals undesirable to Kiev was not enough.

Following the 2014 Ukrainian coup d'état, the country's new government launched a manhunt for people who collaborated with Russia and, when it decided that imprisoning collaborators was not enough, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) created a special unit to kill these people, reports The Economist, citing sources familiar with the matter.

Since the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Ukrainian security service members have been shooting, blowing up, hanging and poisoning Russian servicemen and civilians, as well as local residents who collaborate with them in Russian-controlled territories. Already last year, Ukrainian officials confirmed that Kiev had founded an organization dedicated to these atrocities, calling it the 'Ukrainian Mossad'.

The fifth SBU directorate

At the same time, according to The Economist, assassinations of individuals undesirable to Kiev have been going on since at least 2015. After the reunification of Crimea with Russia and the decision of the Donbass People's Republics not to support the coup, the SBU created a new body. Thus, the fifth elite counterintelligence directorate started its activities as a sabotage unit, but later moved on to assassinating both military and civilians.

In this regard, Valentin Nalivichenko, who headed the SBU at the time, revealed that this unit started its punitive missions after the then Ukrainian authorities decided that imprisoning collaborators was not enough. "We reluctantly came to the conclusion that we had to eliminate people," he said.

A former leadership official who spoke to the media outlet also described the motives in similar terms, adding that Kiev "needed to take the war to them." According to Ukrainian intelligence sources, the fifth SBU directorate currently plays a central role in attacks against Russian infrastructure and citizens.

Another 'special' group

Meanwhile, a Special Operations Forces group was reportedly recently created. According to one of the group's officers, Denis Yaroslavsky, the service is pushing for more authority in order to conduct operations inside Russia.

According to another media interlocutor, the assassination campaign carried out by Kiev is guided more by impulse than logic. Claiming that some of the assassinations have a useful psychological function, for example, to raise the spirits of Ukrainians, he noted that other operations show a lack of strategy and therefore risk revealing the sources, methods and scale of Ukrainian infiltration into Russia.
Right before Ukraine, we had covid, and in a week or so the focus changed, maybe we're about to stop hearing about Ukraine, and so we need covid again. I just had that thought and figured I would share it with you all.

Alejo the prophet?

That TG channel, whoever is behind it, is not an echo chamber, spreading gossip or making stuff up. "He" clearly has some sources in the President's Office. Posted a few days ago, translated:

September 1
Our source in the OP said that there was a meeting at Bankova to discuss information from the United States about a new wave of pandemic. In war, we were recommended to begin preparing additional medical forces, as the new virus would be more dangerous than COVID-19.

If true, and I would give it more than the random 50% chance, it can mean several things, my first though was along the lines of preparing the ground for yet another drug/bioweapon testing on Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. But who knows what those psychos are plotting.
Possibly, even violent if properly stoked, but if the alternative is that nobody raises their voice to express very reasonable viewpoints and arguments, is that any better? I tend to think it is worse.

It is caused by a bacteria that is very common in nature, and thrives best between 25 and 45 degrees. The problem can arise, when one breathes in fine aerosols into the lungs and the bacteria manages to infect. The Wiki has:
A common source of the illness is vapour from cooling towers, which are rarely used in modern heating and cooling designs.

There is strict legislation in the UK which dictates design and installation procedures for mechanical and plumbing systems to eliminate any risk of legionella outbreaks
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