Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

This is a brilliant strategy on how to reduce the import of gas from Russia. Instead of importing gas from Russia for the industry in the EU, the EU could simply let the Russia make the stuff for the EU. The problem solved!

Germany has sharply increased purchases of one type of product from Russia

Germany increased imports of nitrogen fertilizers from Russia by 334 percent from July 2022 to June 2023, writes Berliner Zeitung, citing data from the country's Agricultural Industry Association.

The indicator in seasonal terms increased from 38.5 thousand tons to 167 thousand tons, and Russia's share in the total volume of German fertilizer imports increased from 5.6 percent to almost 18 percent. It is noted that in parallel, Russian supplies increased sharply (fivefold, up to 19 percent) and in general in the direction of the European Union (EU) in the 2022/23 season.

A significant increase in the import of fertilizers by Germany is explained in the material by the fact that its own production of chemicals has become too expensive for the country, and the supply of Russian food and fertilizers is now not affected by EU sanctions. Managing Director and Public Relations Manager of the Agricultural Association Martin May reminded reporters of Germany's serious attempt to become independent from Russian gas supplies. At the same time, he urged to take into account that gas and other energy resources account for 80-90 percent of the cost of fertilizer production. As a result, it turns out that Germany continues to pay for the same Russian gas, but only in the form of fertilizers, for the production of which it was spent.

This is a brilliant strategy on how to reduce the import of gas from Russia. Instead of importing gas from Russia for the industry in the EU, the EU could simply let the Russia make the stuff for the EU. The problem solved!
One can laugh, and even blame the Germans for the double game, but there are some people, even politicians, who full well understand the absolute craziness and still have to live with it. For some, finding creative ways to import is a way to resist and survive.

Russia will be able to reconnect with a decontaminated West​

September 1, 2023 Editor Editor 10

Many Europeans and some North Americans contact me regularly saying “But anyway, the Russians don't have much to do with Africans and Asians, they are still closer to Westerners” and express their incomprehension of alliances. current relations between Russia and Iran, Russia and Africa, Russia and Asian countries. Overall, BRICS.
These people are absolutely right and if you ask random citizens in the streets of any city in Russia if they feel closer to Europeans or Africans and Asians, it's 90% for them. Europeans.
We must remember that since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia turned towards the West. What did she get in return? Contempt, mockery and looting thanks to Yeltsin's gang! For twenty years, Vladimir Putin did everything to ensure that Russia was treated as an equal with Western countries. In response, contempt, mockery and financing of oppositionist movements led by convicted criminals (Khodorkovsky for example), multiple convictions for alleged “violations of human rights”, etc etc.
The Maidan in Ukraine dealt the final blow to Russian hopes and Vladimir Putin therefore very wisely decided to look for other allies. The reproach that can be made to him was to allow himself to be fooled for so long when many people around him told him that the West was a “false friend”.
Hence these alliances with several Arab and African countries having almost nothing in common with Russia... except an antagonism towards Western countries. And according to the principle “the friends of my enemies are my friends”, Russia therefore makes friends with Africa and the Arab countries.
These are alliances of circumstance, and only of circumstance, dictated by the strategic and economic interests of Russia. We can of course find an interest in friendship between peoples who all refuse Western domination, but it is in no way a “marriage”. Only an alliance of circumstance.

Europeans founded the European Union between people of the same roots and the same Culture. Well even with that the EU is not really a success. So imagine an alliance between Russians, Africans and Arabs? No positive common point, only one negative common point (opposition to the West). We cannot make a lasting alliance under these conditions.
The future is therefore clear: When the West stops wanting to impose its views and stops eyeing Russia's riches, then Russia will be able to return to the West with whom it has a common culture, common values. I can already see the accusations of racism coming but there is no question here of races, only of Culture and Values.
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For this it is necessary that the current West be swept away from top to bottom. May the peoples of the West come to their senses so that the pseudo-culture (wokism and other degenerations) in place today in the West is swept away and that Culture returns with a capital “C”; it is also necessary that the desire for domination of the governments of Europe and the United States over Russia ceases. All this is perfectly possible through revolutions, peaceful or not, in Europe and the United States.
While today Western governments are pushing for a world war which will not benefit (!) anyone, it is highly desirable that certain Russian structures provide aid to Western peoples who wish to free themselves. This will make it possible to avoid the worst and so that Russia and the “decontaminated” West can live again not side by side but together, which will of course not prevent good relations in the interest of Russia with the countries of Africa and Asia!
Boris Gennadevich Karpov
One can laugh, and even blame the Germans for the double game, but there are some people, even politicians, who full well understand the absolute craziness and still have to live with it. For some, finding creative ways to import is a way to resist and survive.
I think that the USA has the most creative politicians. They can ban everything and still somehow import everything. The Germans on the other hand are running out of options.
I think that the USA has the most creative politicians. They can ban everything and still somehow import everything. The Germans on the other hand are running out of options.
If what you write reflects reality, the question is who is in a better position as far as the future is concerned? The answer might be the area of Germany. Running out of options can create a situation, where a few more people begin to think, and as they think, new options are created, isn't that better than a situation where wishful thinking meets no resistance? You might then say, but there is Trump, Kennedy, Tucker Carlson and others to change the trend, why should the US be worse off than Germany? Well, we have to wait and see.
If what you write reflects reality, the question is who is in a better position as far as the future is concerned? The answer might be the area of Germany. Running out of options can create a situation, where a few more people begin to think, and as they think, new options are created, isn't that better than a situation where wishful thinking meets no resistance? You might then say, but there is Trump, Kennedy, Tucker Carlson and others to change the trend, why should the US be worse off than Germany? Well, we have to wait and see.
To me, the Germany looks like it is trying to become a new California, and we know what the C's said about the fate of California.
When propaganda becomes too much - for some
As reported earlier, Denmark donated F-16 planes to Ukraine. The event took place at an air force base, where Danish PM Mette Frederiksen brought the happy news to the attention of the public and was also given the honour of communicating the donation of Dutch F-16. The event was hugely successful as far as inflaming the ardent support of many Danes for the Ukrainian cause. However, for a few thinking minds it was a bit too much, and several photos have become the subject of mixed feelings of disgust, shame and ridicule. Whether real "feelings" or well performed theatre, it certainly has a great propaganda value, so I bolded a few points in the next list, though it would take many paragraphs to explain the relevance in details.
Propaganda during times of war: Ponsonby's ten commandments
The principles identified by Ponsonby can be easily stated as ten "commandments." I will state them here, and we will see for each of them to what extent they have been applied by NATO's propaganda services.
  1. We do not want war
  2. The other side is solely responsible for the war
  3. The enemy has the face of the devil (or in the order of "ugly")
  4. The real aims of the war must be masked under noble causes
  5. The enemy knowingly commits atrocities. If we commit blunders, they are unintentional
  6. We suffer very few losses. The enemy's losses are enormous
  7. Our cause is sacred
  8. Artists and intellectuals support our cause
  9. The enemy uses illegal weapons
  10. Those who question our propaganda are traitors
I'll skip the explanation and leave, for your objective scrutiny, a meme with a collage of authentic pictures called "Årets Par" which means "Couple of the year".
And someone having seen the trend have made a parody on an old Top Gun cinema poster, the original first:
And the remake:
The war propaganda backfired. In this case, the PM became a target for ridicule and criticism among some a few opinion makers who until now have kept their mouth shut and their pen in the ink house. As a result, more questions are being raised about the wisdom of rather limitless war support expenses. However, in spite of optimism and signs of change, for the most part:

There is no doubt many Danes, besides the PM, are emotionally invested in their support for Ukraine. These same people work like enforcers of the narrative. Even usually reasonable people can get really worked up if you can find anything positive about Russia and its president. It is as if their intellect has been circumvented. Maybe the effect is even a conscious strategy along the lines of COVID, where the ideas were:
Take the jab to protect the elderly. If you do not wear a mask, you don't take care of other people, especially your grandmother and grandfather.
Now apply this to Ukraine:
If you don't support the military aid and financial gifts to Ukraine, you support a dictator, you should go to Russia, you are a traitor, you don't want freedom, you oppose western values, you are a totalitarian and a few others even more disparaging.

Observations and concern on FB groups and profiles discussing what is going on in Ukraine
In one group there was:
Europe just dealt a DEVASTATING blow to FREE SPEECH | Redacted with Clayton Morris
This news worry the people as they are mostly discussing Ukraine and Russia on FB. To migrate to another smaller platform will cost efforts. One possibility is to close the group and make it private, but since the goal is to share views and discussion with a lot of people, making it private would defeat the goal.

There was also from a profile:
John Mearsheimer - The Russian Military Cannot be Pushed Back
Mearsheimer argues we are moving into a more dangerous time. After WWII, there was bipolar world with one conflict dyads, USA-USSR. From December 1991 to 2017, there was a unipolar world. After 2017 a multipolar world with two conflict dyads, USA-Russia and USA-China. Mearsheimer tells a story and his last words to the young people is that they should be fearful of the world we live and fearful of the future world we move into. In other words he scares them a bit, but given how complacent young people can be these days, what does it take to make them think? Much of what he says is not really wrong, but he does operate with a nuclear option, including the possibility that nuclear weapons would be used in Ukraine, but not against NATO. He draws the parallel with WWII and Japan, where the US dropped bombs. He explains that the more successful the US is with backing Ukraine, with regard to pushing the Russians out of Ukraine, the higher the chance of escalation, since the conflict is existential for Russia, he underscores this point repeatedly. Mearsheimer sees no diplomatic solution and believes it will be a protracted conflict. I don't think his conclusion is completely wrong, but I doubt he is right about nuclear war as a possibility, though his consideration of a nuclear option without NATO being involved is an interesting twist.

Comments about the Estonian PM crisis and the Pskov airport drone bombing.

Recently there was the attack on Pskov airport. It has been asserted even from the Russian side that they came from Ukraine, but others think that it is hard to believe, 20 drones managed to go undetected for such a long distance.

Below is a comment, machine translated from Danish to English, written on FB by Niels Engelsted, a retired academic. The gist of it is that the recent embarrassment of Estonian PM, Kaja Kallas, considering that her husband was doing business with Russian, when that is an EU no go, may be part of it.

The Nordic beauty Kaja Kallas had a lucky start in life. As the daughter of a high-ranking member of the Soviet administration and nomenklatura in Estonia, the young Komsomol was assured of a privileged upbringing with Western consumer goods and foreign travel.

When the wind then turned – not least thanks to the heroic efforts of Danish Foreign Minister Uffe Ellemann Jensen – Kaja was lucky enough that her father now became a wealthy businessman and Western-liberal politician, so she would still not have to do without.

With the suspicion of treason hanging over the family came the further good fortune that Kaja's great-grandfather, the police chief, had not only been a famous Russian killer in the civil war between the Reds and the Whites after the Russian Revolution, but also the founder of the first Estonian republic. With such a family background, all was forgiven.

But not only that. With such a family background, it goes without saying that not much further luck was needed before Kaja had become Estonia's first female Prime Minister and celebrated and admired on the carpeted floors from Washington to Brussels. Because of her youth and grace, of course, but above all because, in the spirit of her great-grandfather, Kaja had become the leading Russian-killer among European politicians and the most militant supporter of Zelenskiy's rule in Kiev.

Some say that luck finally ran out.
For the above reasons, Kaja had long been the front runner in the race to become NATO's Secretary General after Norway's Jens Stoltenberg. But when, in order to assert herself, she declared that there could be no peace with Russia until the country was brought to its knees with lethal sanctions, militarily defeated, the leadership in the Kremlin brought to justice, the Russian people re-educated and the Russian Federation divided into small Bantustan bits, there were some overcautious and cowardly NATO countries who were frightened.

Yes, yes, that's how it goes. But it was also Kaja's luck. Better to be rejected because you're a wild girl than to be rejected because you're too boring. None of her female rivals were elected.

But now it looks like Kaja's luck has actually run out.
While Kaja has waved the crab over the Europeans who even dared to think about doing business with the sanctioned Russia, it turns out that Kaja's own husband has been doing business with Russia all along.

Oops! that is hard. Even harder than Biden & Son's corruption deals in Ukraine and China. Kaja has also therefore been called before an Estonian parliamentary commission with the demand that she resign as prime minister. Kaja refuses to leave.
What does it concern her what her husband is doing? How would she know where the family's money comes from, she has been busy serving the country and saving Ukraine?

Unlike the US, where the president obviously owns the judiciary from the Department of Justice and the FBI to the state courts, Estonia is a rule of law and a democracy, and it is impossible to imagine that Kaja Kallas can ride out this storm.

But then…
Yesterday the airport in Pskov was hit by a swarm of drones and four Russian llyushin 76 military transport aircraft were destroyed.

It is not the first time that Ukraine has succeeded in hitting unguarded Russian military aircraft with drones deep inside Russian territory. But Pskov is VERY far in. There are as many as 1000 kilometers from Ukraine to Pskov, and for the slow drones it is quite a long way to fly without being detected.

As mentioned in previous attacks on military aircraft inside Russia, the drones may have been launched from Russian territory by anti-Putin saboteurs close to the airport. Or by Ukrainian commandos who have sneaked into Russia. Which reportedly shouldn't be that difficult, as the borders are leaky to say the least, and it's practically impossible to tell Russian-speaking Ukrainians and Russians apart.

But if the number of drones that has been mentioned, namely twenty, is only roughly correct, it is difficult to imagine how a small group of saboteurs can sneak through the countryside with twenty drones, as were the Olsen gang in Jutland.

A third NEARBY option presents itself. Nearby in the most literal sense of the word. It is only 30 kilometers from Estonia to Pskov. The drones may thus have just been launched from Estonian territory.

Just and just.
The possibility makes the hair stand on end for all responsible heads of state in Europe. Estonia is a NATO country, and if the drones are launched from Estonian territory, a NATO country has attacked Russia. If Russia responds again…

One thing is that you are in every way at war with Russia, but it is a PROXY war where you do not have to provide your own soldiers - except for a few instructors and advisers.

If a shooting war breaks out between a NATO country and Russia, everyone has to show up for a shooting war, and even if you were to avoid it all escalating into World War 3 with the exchange of nuclear weapons, it will be a really sour show.

Even our tough defense minister will soon have to, like his predecessor, call in sick due to stress.
Things are developing at the time of writing, but personally I don't think things will go that bad. It is quickly agreed that the Olsen gang are the culprits, or something like that, and then things fall back to the calm, monotonous and killing rhythm of war.

But we don't know, and this is where Kaja Kalla's luck comes in again.
With the suspicion that the Estonians may have helped to send drones from their territory into Russia, and with the threat of a Russian response that will turn Estonia into a new front in the war between NATO and Russia, it is of course inconceivable that the parliament in Tallinn will dare to depose Kaja Kallas, Europe's most militant head of state and great-grandson of the republic's old Russian killer.

Some conspiracy theorists will probably think that Kaja Kallas has repeated Bill Clinton's ploy of starting a war (the bombing of Serbia) to derail an impeachment case (the Monica Lewinsky affair). Yes Yes.

Personally, I just think that with all that luck, she's the favorite of the gods. Someone has to be.
We many never know, but it could explain the Russian response claiming it was just a nuisance. A double faced person like Kaja Kallas may turn out to be a Russian asset after all.
To me, the Germany looks like it is trying to become a new California, and we know what the C's said about the fate of California.
In Germany, there still is a semi-functional right and left.
From the Die Linke, The Left, there was from one member of the German Parliament an opinion piece in the German Berliner Zeitung about the war and the sanctions. I used DeepL, for translation and included the original in German, in case anyone wish to verify, or even read the original.

Sevim Dagdelen: "No war is our war!"
Diplomacy is being replaced by dubious morality in the Ukraine war, more and more weapons are being supplied, and in the end the sanctions are hurting us above all. A guest commentary.

Sevim Dagdelen
01.09.2023 | 05:43 Uhr
Peace must once again emanate from German soil. That was the maxim of former German Chancellor Willy Brandt. It meant that no German troops were sent abroad, under whatever justification.

Arms exports to war zones ceased, and despite the systemic antagonism with the Soviet Union, even after the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the motto was: rapprochement through trade. While the hawks in Washington were talking about economic war, Brandt set completely different accents in the interest of the German people. Diplomacy instead of escalation, that is how Brandt's policy could be characterized.

Today, however, on the 84th anniversary of Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland, there is nothing left of this insight. The signs are pointing to storm.

Policy intentions and results can diverge widely. The German government has also had to learn this with regard to the war in Ukraine. The German arms deliveries were supposed to help change the course of the war and bring Russia down. The sanctions were supposed to hit the Russian economy massively and lead to a correction of Moscow's policy. Neither has happened. Instead, the German government has promoted developments that seem downright counterproductive, even in terms of their goals, and that run the risk of involving Germany directly in the war after all.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock recently expressed her disappointment with the effectiveness of the Russia sanctions. Contrary to her hopes, Russia is not being ruined. The consequences of the sanctions are very much showing, but on our side. While Germany's economy slumped 0.3 percent last quarter and stagnation also looms for the eurozone, Russia is now forecast to grow 2.5 percent annually. Often, however, a merciless idealism in the German debate obscures the view of realities.

Is this the price of freedom that Christian Lindner talks about?
In order to ruin Russia, it is hoped that the punitive measures, which are contrary to international law, will have a long-lasting effect. But the reality is different. Even the Russian auto industry is recovering. Chinese companies are stepping in for the German manufacturers that are leaving Russia. All the indications are that, as with agriculture, Russia will see a massive gain in sovereignty and innovation in the medium term as a result of the sanctions from 2014. For Germany, however, the electricity price alone, which is now three times as high as in the USA, threatens to become an industrial killer. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are at stake, the lines at the food banks are getting longer and more and more people can no longer afford the increased prices for food and energy. Is this the price of freedom that Finance Minister Lindner keeps talking about?

The FDP finance minister has promised Kiev an additional five billion euros of German taxpayers' money annually as weapons aid until 2027. Defense spending in Germany is to rise to two percent of GDP, 70 to 80 billion euros annually. Money that is certainly lacking elsewhere. For example, the 2.4 billion euros just approved for basic child security will not ensure that child poverty is eliminated.

Paradoxically, the sanctions are strengthening Russia, while the German economy is being visibly ruined. And the worst is yet to come: In July 2023, for example, the Federal Statistical Office had registered almost a quarter more applications from companies for regular corporate insolvency proceedings than in the same month of the previous year. The Creditreform economic information database expects the situation to worsen massively in the coming months.

The war leads to the greatest redistribution from the bottom to the top
The German government is acting like a kamikaze pilot here, replacing politics with dubious morality and enjoying friendly nods from Washington. Combined with the sanctions policy as an inflation driver - food prices rose again by 13.7 percent in June 2023 - the profits for the Dax companies are particularly high in comparison with the Western industrialized nations. While employees suffered a real wage loss of four percent, these 40 listed companies alone raked in record profits of 171 billion euros last year. Thus, the war is becoming the largest redistribution of wealth in Germany from the bottom to the top since 1945.

There are even more discrepancies in German arms deliveries, which are nothing more than an element in NATO's proxy war in Ukraine. It started with a few thousand hard hats, today the discussion is about the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles, while almost every day German Leopard tanks are destroyed in Ukraine. German support for Ukraine now totals 22 billion euros.

According to the New York Times, Ukraine's military offensive, called for by the West, has resulted in 70,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers, with only a few kilometers of terrain gained. Even the delivery of new weapons systems such as F16 fighter jets or cruise missiles will not significantly change the course of the war.

The German government wants nothing to do with diplomacy
Among the population, skepticism about the increasingly massive military support is growing rapidly. In the U.S., support for Ukraine joining NATO is falling rapidly, and in Germany, 55 percent are in favor of the immediate start of talks aimed at ending the war.

The German government, however, wants nothing to do with diplomacy. It neither takes note of the resolution of the UN Human Rights Council, which castigates the Western sanctions as an act of violence in violation of international law, nor of the latest resolution of the Brics states at the summit in South Africa, which takes the economic war of the U.S. and its allies as the occasion for the harshest criticism.

The upgrading of U.S. troop bases for the proxy war in Ukraine - in addition to Ramstein, also Miesau in Rhineland-Palatinate, the largest ammunition depot outside the U.S., through which large parts of the supplies for Kiev run - is also waved through and generously co-financed. The federal government is contributing 151 million euros in taxpayers' money to the construction of the new American military hospital in Weilersbach, the largest outside the United States, while at the same time Health Minister Karl Lauterbach wants to close clinics throughout Germany. And when Washington not only increases its troops in Europe, which now number more than 100,000, but also suggests that the Bundeswehr station 4,500 soldiers on the Russian border in Lithuania as part of NATO, it stands at the ready, regardless of the risks this poses to the security of the population in Germany.

Nord Stream iinvestigation with handbrake on
Berlin is seeking its salvation solely in the role of a satellite of Washington, it seems.The clarification of the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream pipelines, for which both the U.S. and Ukraine are held responsible, is being carried out with the handbrake on, and when Washington calls for a tightening of the course toward China, the Greens and FDP in particular are ready to immediately second that call. The approach of a foreign policy in the interest of the German people seems to have been completely pushed into the background. Repairing Nord Stream and putting it back into operation would be the obvious thing to do.

Under penalty of their own downfall, they are thus condemned to accompany a U.S. policy that has virtually conjured up a coalition against the West through its policy of NATO expansion and wars of intervention over the past 20 years. With the Brics countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, whose grouping is now being expanded to include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and Argentina, an alternative is emerging for more and more countries in the global South - partly through the lending activities of the Brics Bank in Shanghai. The Brics-plus countries account for 37 percent of the world's gross national product.As for the world's leading currencies, a long-term replacement of the dollar is being prepared. The euro's loss of importance is already dramatic; its share in international payments via Swift fell to a historically low 24.4 percent in July.

To do justice to peace policy today would mean to perceive the massive changes in the world in the first place and to react to the new multipolarity accordingly. Those who think they can continue to muddle through with double standards and a denial of reality are in for even greater disappointment. Germany and Europe need a sovereign foreign policy that does not continue to subordinate itself to the United States and NATO. Supporting the peace initiative of the Brics would be a first step towards freeing ourselves from the socially and peace-politically fatal paternalism of the USA.It would mean: Dare more democratic sovereignty! No war is our war, not even this one.

Sevim Dagdelen is a member of the German Bundestag
Usually, I do not post the original along with the translation, but I will do for this article, and hide it under a spoiler:

Sevim Dagdelen: „Kein Krieg ist unser Krieg!“

Diplomatie wird im Ukraine-Krieg durch zweifelhafte Moral ersetzt, immer mehr Waffen werden geliefert und am Ende schaden die Sanktionen vor allem uns. Ein Gastbeitrag.

Sevim Dagdelen
01.09.2023 | 05:43 Uhr
Von deutschem Boden muss wieder Frieden ausgehen. Das war die Maxime des früheren Bundeskanzlers Willy Brandt. Das bedeutete, dass keine deutschen Truppen ins Ausland entsendet wurden, unter welcher Begründung auch immer.

Rüstungsexporte in Kriegsgebiete unterblieben und trotz des Systemgegensatzes mit der Sowjetunion, auch nach der Invasion in der Tschechoslowakei, galt: Annäherung durch Handel. Während die Falken in Washington dem Wirtschaftskrieg das Wort redeten, setzte Brandt im Interesse der Bevölkerung Deutschlands ganz andere Akzente. Diplomatie statt Eskalation, so könnte man die Politik Brandts kennzeichnen.

Heute aber, am 84. Jahrestag des Überfalls Nazideutschlands auf Polen, ist von dieser Erkenntnis nichts mehr übrig. Die Zeichen stehen auf Sturm.

Absichten und Ergebnisse von Politik können weit auseinanderfallen. Dies hat auch die Bundesregierung im Hinblick auf den Krieg in der Ukraine erfahren müssen. Die deutschen Waffenlieferungen sollten helfen, den Kriegsverlauf zu ändern und Russland niederzuringen. Die Sanktionen sollten die russische Wirtschaft massiv treffen und zu einer Korrektur der Politik Moskaus führen. Beides ist nicht geschehen. Stattdessen hat die Bundesregierung Entwicklungen gefördert, die auch hinsichtlich ihrer Ziele geradezu kontraproduktiv scheinen und die Gefahr in sich bergen, Deutschland am Ende doch noch direkt am Krieg zu beteiligen.

Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock äußerte sich jüngst enttäuscht von der Wirksamkeit der Russland-Sanktionen. Anders als von ihr erhofft, wird Russland nicht ruiniert. Die Folgen der Sanktionen zeigen sich sehr wohl, aber bei uns. Während Deutschlands Wirtschaft im vergangenen Quartal um 0,3 Prozent einbrach und auch für die Eurozone Stagnation droht, wird Russland mittlerweile ein Wachstum von jährlich 2,5 Prozent prognostiziert. Oft aber verstellt ein gnadenloser Idealismus in der deutschen Debatte den Blick für Realitäten.

Ist das der Preis der Freiheit, von dem Christian Lindner spricht?​

Um Russland zu ruinieren, wird auf die lange Wirkung der völkerrechtswidrigen Strafmaßnahmen gehofft. Doch die Wirklichkeit ist eine andere. Selbst die russische Autoindustrie erholt sich. Für die deutschen Hersteller, die Russland verlassen, springen chinesische Firmen ein. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass sich für Russland wie bei der Landwirtschaft infolge der Sanktionen ab 2014 mittelfristig ein massiver Zugewinn an Souveränität und Innovation einstellt. Für Deutschland aber droht allein der heute dreimal so hohe Strompreis wie in den USA zum Industriekiller zu werden. Hunderttausende Arbeitsplätze stehen auf dem Spiel, die Schlangen an den Tafeln werden länger und immer mehr Menschen können die gestiegenen Preise für Lebensmittel und Energie nicht mehr bezahlen. Ist dies der Preis der Freiheit, von dem Finanzminister Lindner immer wieder spricht?

Fünf Milliarden Euro deutsche Steuergelder hat der FDP-Finanzminister Kiew jährlich zusätzlich als Waffenhilfe bis 2027 zugesagt. Die Ausgaben für Verteidigung in Deutschland sollen auf zwei Prozent des BIP steigen, 70 bis 80 Milliarden Euro jährlich. Geld, das sicherlich anderswo fehlt. So werden die gerade beschlossenen 2,4 Milliarden Euro für Kindergrundsicherung nicht dafür sorgen, dass die Kinderarmut beseitigt wird.

Die Sanktionen stärken paradoxerweise Russland, während die deutsche Wirtschaft sehenden Auges ruiniert wird. Und das Schlimmste kommt erst noch: So hatte das Statistische Bundesamt im Juli 2023 fast ein Viertel mehr Anträge von Unternehmen auf Regelinsolvenzverfahren von Unternehmen als im Vorjahresmonat registriert. Die Wirtschaftsauskunftsdatei Creditreform rechnet mit einer massiven Verschärfung der Situation in den kommenden Monaten.

Der Krieg führt zur größten Umverteilung von unten nach oben​

Die Bundesregierung agiert hier wie ein Kamikazeflieger, ersetzt Politik durch eine zweifelhafte Moral und freut sich über freundliches Kopfnicken aus Washington. Verknüpft mit der Sanktionspolitik als Inflationstreiber, bei Nahrungsmitteln gab es im Juni 2023 erneut einen Preisanstieg von 13,7 Prozent, sprudeln die Gewinne für die Dax-Konzerne im Vergleich der westlichen Industriestaaten besonders stark. Während die Beschäftigten einen Reallohnverlust von vier Prozent zu erleiden hatten, strichen allein diese 40 börsennotierten Unternehmen im letzten Jahr Rekordgewinne von 171 Milliarden Euro ein. So wird der Krieg zur größten Umverteilaktion in Deutschland von unten nach oben seit 1945.

Noch mehr Diskrepanzen gibt es bei den deutschen Waffenlieferungen, die nichts anderes als ein Element im Stellvertreterkrieg der Nato in der Ukraine sind. Angefangen hatte es mit ein paar Tausend Schutzhelmen, heute geht die Diskussion um die Lieferung von Taurus-Marschflugkörpern, während fast jeden Tag deutsche Leopard-Panzer in der Ukraine zerstört werden. Auf 22 Milliarden Euro beläuft sich die deutsche Ukraine-Unterstützung mittlerweile insgesamt.

Die vom Westen eingeforderte militärische Offensive der Ukraine hat laut New York Times 70.000 tote ukrainische Soldaten gefordert, bei wenigen Kilometern an Geländegewinnen. Auch die Lieferung von neuen Waffen-Systemen wie F16-Kampfjets oder von Marschflugkörpern wird am Verlauf des Krieges nichts Wesentliches ändern.

Die Bundesregierung will von Diplomatie nichts wissen​

In der Bevölkerung nimmt die Skepsis gegenüber der immer massiveren militärischen Unterstützung rapide zu. In den USA fällt die Zustimmung zu einem Nato-Beitritt der Ukraine rapide und in Deutschland sprechen sich 55 Prozent für die sofortige Aufnahme von Gesprächen mit dem Ziel eines Kriegsendes aus.

Die Bundesregierung will von Diplomatie jedoch nichts wissen. Weder nimmt sie die Resolution des UN-Menschenrechtsrats zur Kenntnis, die die westlichen Sanktionen als völkerrechtswidrigen Gewaltakt geißelt, noch die jüngste Resolution der Brics-Staaten beim Gipfel in Südafrika, die den Wirtschaftskrieg der USA und ihrer Verbündeten zum Anlass schärfster Kritik nimmt.

Auch die Hochrüstung der Truppenstützpunkte der USA für den Stellvertreterkrieg in der Ukraine – neben Ramstein auch Miesau in Rheinland-Pfalz, größtes Munitionsdepot außerhalb der USA, über das in großen Teilen der Nachschub für Kiew läuft – wird durchgewunken und großzügig mitfinanziert. An der Errichtung des neuen amerikanischen Militärkrankenhauses in Weilersbach, dem größten außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten, beteiligt sich der Bund mit 151 Millionen Euro an Steuergeldern, während Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach gleichzeitig bundesweit Kliniken dichtmachen will. Und wenn Washington nicht nur seine mittlerweile über 100.000 Mann starken Truppen in Europa aufstockt, sondern eine Stationierung der Bundeswehr mit 4500 Soldaten im Rahmen der Nato an der russischen Grenze in Litauen nahelegt, steht man Gewehr bei Fuß, ungeachtet der Gefährdungen, die dies für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung in Deutschland mit sich bringt.

Nord-Stream-Aufklärung mit angezogener Handbremse​

Berlin sucht sein Heil allein in der Rolle eines Satelliten Washingtons, so scheint es. Die Aufklärung der Terroranschläge auf die Nord-Stream-Pipelines, für die die USA wie die Ukraine verantwortlich gemacht werden, erfolgt mit angezogener Handbremse, und wenn Washington nach einer Verschärfung des Kurses gegenüber China ruft, stehen insbesondere Grüne und FDP in der Ampel bereit, hier sogleich zu sekundieren. Der Ansatz einer Außenpolitik im Interesse der Bevölkerung in Deutschland scheint völlig in den Hintergrund gerückt zu sein. Dabei wäre eine Reparatur und Wiederinbetriebnahme von Nord Stream naheliegend.

Bei Strafe des eigenen Niedergangs ist man so verdammt, eine Politik der USA zu begleiten, die durch ihre Politik der Nato-Expansion und der Interventionskriege in den vergangenen 20 Jahren eine Koalition gegen den Westen geradezu heraufbeschworen hat. Mit den Brics-Staaten Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China und Südafrika, deren Zusammenschluss nun um Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Iran, Ägypten, Äthiopien und Argentinien erweitert wird, entsteht für immer mehr Länder im globalen Süden eine Alternative – auch durch die Kreditvergaben der Brics-Bank in Shanghai. Die Brics-Plus-Staaten haben einen Anteil von 37 Prozent am Weltbruttosozialprodukt. Was die Weltleitwährungen angeht, wird eine langfristige Ablösung des Dollar vorbereitet. Der Bedeutungsverlust des Euro ist bereits dramatisch, sein Anteil im internationalen Zahlungsverkehr über Swift ist im Juli auf einen historisch niedrigen Wert von 24,4 Prozent gesunken.

Der Friedenspolitik heute gerecht zu werden, hieße, die massiven Veränderungen in der Welt überhaupt wahrzunehmen und auf die neue Multipolarität entsprechend zu reagieren. Wer denkt, dass er sich mit Doppelmoral und Realitätsverweigerung weiter durchwursteln kann, dem drohen noch größere Enttäuschungen. Deutschland und Europa brauchen eine souveräne Außenpolitik, die sich nicht weiter den USA und der Nato unterordnet. Die Friedensinitiative der Brics zu unterstützen, wäre ein erster Schritt, sich von einer sozial und friedenspolitisch fatalen Bevormundung der USA zu befreien. Es hieße: Mehr demokratische Souveränität wagen! Kein Krieg ist unser Krieg, auch dieser nicht.

Sevim Dagdelen ist Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages
I have already written about Poland, that's what happens when you drag dirt from all over the world to yourself. Ukies are no exception, this also applies to them.
In Ukraine, several battalions had to be evacuated due to the outbreak of "legionnaires' disease"

In Kharkiv, two battalions of the military forces of Ukraine had to be hospitalized due to an outbreak of "legionnaires' disease" — legionellosis. This is reported by the publication " <url>".

A dangerous infectious disease was detected in the 14th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which took part in the fighting in the Kupyansk direction.

According to media reports, the command tried to hide the fact of the outbreak of the epidemic. On the night of September 3, two rifle battalions of the 14th separate mechanized brigade were taken to the infectious diseases departments of Kharkiv hospitals.

Previously, we can talk about about one thousand Ukrainian military personnel who have been admitted to medical institutions.

The remnants of the 32nd separate mechanized brigade are planned to be distributed to their combat positions, the publication added.
На Украине несколько батальонов пришлось эвакуировать из-за вспышки «болезни легионеров» - Газета.Ru | Новости

There is no doubt about the missiles, but another question arises - how will they be launched? There are no long-range radar on the Ukies planes.
The Ukrainian Air Force confirmed receipt of AMRAAM missiles with a range of up to 180 kilometers from the United States
The speaker of the Ukrainian Air Force, Yuriy Ignat, confirmed the planning of the supply of AMRAAM air-to-air missiles from the United States of America. These missiles with a maximum range of 160 to 180 km can change the balance of forces in the air, allowing Ukrainian aviation to defeat air targets without entering the zone of strategic air defense assets.

At the moment, it is known that the United States has indeed announced the release of a significant batch of cruise missiles of this type. Initially, the specific model of the missile was not named, however, if we are really talking about long-range missiles, this can lead to a very serious escalation.

Ignat did not name the delivery dates of such missiles, however, it is obvious that they will not be sent to Ukraine before the middle of next year, which, nevertheless, does not reduce the threat of the use of such missiles.
ВВС Украины подтвердили получение от США ракет AMRAAM с дальностью до 180 километров

Just bad news for Ukrainians.
Up to 40 thousand fighters of the Wagner PMCs decided to come under the command of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
During the last interview, former President and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev announced a record increase in the number of the Russian Armed Forces. Since January 2023, 280 thousand people have signed up for contract service.

Nevertheless, much more remarkable is the statement of Russian political scientist Sergei Markov, who stressed that of this number, about 40 thousand are represented by fighters of the private military company Wagner. Consequently, 240 thousand people came from the civil sector.

"Dmitry Medvedev said that 280 thousand people have signed up for contract service in the Russian army since January 2023. Of these, apparently 40 thousand PMCs Wagner. And it turns out 240 thousand of civilians. 300 thousand people were mobilized in the fall. That is, since the end of 2022, the Russian army in the SVO has increased by 550 thousand people," Markov said.

These data not only demonstrate the strengthening of Russia's military potential, but also hint at a serious reorientation in its defense policy. Previously, various information resources associated with the Wagner PMCs claimed that almost all the fighters refused to join the composition of the units of the Ministry of Defense, however, such information turned out to be only disinformation.
До 40 тысяч бойцов ЧВК "Вагнер" решили перейти под командование Минобороны РФ

Я уже писал относительно Польши, вот что бывает, когда тащишь к себе грязь со всего мира. Хохлы не исключение, их также это касается.
На счет ракет нет сомнений, но возникает другой вопрос- чем их будут запускать? На хохляцких самолетах нет дальнобойных радаров.
Просто плохая новость для хохлов.
FWIW, Russia puts Sarmat (intercontinental ballistic missile) on combat alert!
This definitely does not apply to Ukies. All sorts of "calibers" with "geraniums"-yes, but "Sarmatian" has nothing to do in Hohland. This song is for their American and British owners, and with home delivery. On the road, somewhere in Poland or Lithuania, for they will have enough "Iskanders".

It seems impossible to surprise us with madness and nastiness of Ukies , but these scoundrels and reptiles are still trying their best.
From our 61st brigade, they write about a new invention of the enemy: "The drones that the Ukrainians launch at us have begun to impregnate with chemicals that can lead to a fatal outcome. For example, as it was in my unit: a copter was launched to our positions, after landing it, we somehow did not pay attention to the strange points. The lad who picked him up after an hour and a half began to vomit, the temperature rose and severe dizziness. After a couple of days in the hospital, he recovered, told me that poisoning was diagnosed. As a result, after landing the drones, it is necessary to check for the absence of left spots, since it can be chemistry and take only in protection suit!".
04.09.2023 Последние новости с Украины: Все успехи ВСУ под Клещеевкой - отбили наши ВДВ. Карта боевых действий: Работино (13 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

К хохлам это точно не относится. Всякие "калибры" с "геранями"-да, а вот "сармату" в хохляндии делать нечего. Эта песенка для их американских и британских хозяев, причем с доставкой на дом. На выезде, где-нибудь в Польше или в Литве с них и Искандеров хватит.
Подлостями и гадостями хохлов кажется уже удивить невозможно, однако эти подлецы и гады по прежнему стараются изо всех сил.
In continuation of the previous post. This is also a kind of bio and psi weapon.
The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is going to send HIV and schizophrenia patients to the SMO zone

In Ukraine, they are going to mobilize those who are only fit for military service, it follows from the decree of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Now the Ukrainian military enlistment offices, simultaneously with the recognition of a potential "stormtrooper" as a limited fit, will decide for which military accounting specialty a "well-treated" citizen of Ukraine is still suitable.

Even patients with HIV, schizophrenia and tuberculosis are subject to mobilization. In addition, the health requirements for sending mobilized to assault units – "marines" and "paratroopers" - have been simplified. It is obvious that all these changes, coupled with the large–scale inspections of "white-flyers" announced by the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, are aimed at one thing - to put even disabled people into operation, since new "volunteers" are needed to continue the counteroffensive.
Минобороны Украины собирается отправить в зону СВО больных ВИЧ и шизофренией

В продолжение предыдущего поста. Это тоже своего рода био и пси оружие.
FWIW, Russia puts Sarmat (intercontinental ballistic missile) on combat alert!
Simultaneously a C5 landed in Malmö in Sweden, maybe on the way to some other destination, or as a test of compliance.
Mysterious visit of giant plane
Nora Fernstedt
Published 2023-09-02 18:26

One of the world's largest transport aircraft is on a temporary visit to Malmö.

But what the plane does in Sweden is unclear.
C-5 Galaxy visiting Malmö
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT
The plane, which is a C-5 Galaxy model, landed at Malmö Airport on Saturday morning.

It belongs to the US Air Force. What the plane is now doing in Sweden is unknown.

- I do not know. They have applied for and been granted permission to enter Swedish airspace and then land, says Fredrik Helmertz, on-duty communicator at the Armed Forces, to TT.
The giant plane is 75 meters long and weighs just over 170 tonnes.
The location:
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