Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I have very little sympathy for Prigozhin. The guy was an efficient fighter, if that. So what?
It's not, or should be not, about sympathies. It should be about a strive to have as objective view of a person or a situation as possible.
But I don't think he was a fighter, he wasn't a (military) commander either. He was providing funds, contracts, PR, some part of organisation and cooperation, and motivation. Making sure that the PMC has everything they need to do their job and do it well was his responsibility. Blaming him for the craft taken down is off the mark IMO. To a limited extent, it's like blaming a company founder or CEO for an employee's transgression committed somewhere far away. If anyone was to be blamed for it, it would be Utkin or another commander whos guy(s) did it. We still don't know who did it. We know that in some of those cases it was only after the columns got attacked by RF AF under Gerasimov as the Chief Commander. From Prigozhyn himself we know that at least in case of the not military craft shot down, it was some fighter who "lost it and started shooting to everything up in the sky." A moron, as Prig called him when answering the question in Rostov. If you really want to blame Prigozhyn, finding a better and more realistic cause shouldn't be difficult. He wasn't a saint.

I recently heard a radio-interview with a very experienced german commercial airline pilot, and he said, as far as he knows, in the whole history of commercial flights/planes, a wing never broke off! Then he explained the quite ridiculously high safety measures that planes are put through to make sure that a wing can’t break off. Apparently, the wings are built in such a resilient way that new planes must be able to have their wings bend all the way up, so that the two wings touch each other!! Without negative consequences to the wings/plane! Apparently, you can find pictures of that test on the internet.

And yet, the plane was filmed spiraling down vertically with one wing missing. The same wing that was found many kilometers away from the crash site, in a river if I'm not mistaken. Someone could/should ask that very experienced pilot how he can explain it. Maybe there is an explanation, I don't know, I'm no expert.
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And yet, the plane was filmed spiraling down vertically with one wing missing. The same wing that was found many kilometers away from the crash site, in a river if I'm not mistaken. Someone could/should ask that very experienced pilot how he can explain it. Maybe there is an explanation, I don't know, I'm no expert.

I guess if it is true that it almost impossible for a wing to break off under normal circumstances, that it is likely that something cracked the wing. Something that is outside the scope of normal conditions? Something like an explosion and/or missile, maybe?

By the way, what the pilot said on german radio wasn’t related to the Prigozhin plane. I heard it about a month or two ago, before the crash. It was sort of an interview about the life of pilots and what they do.
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Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungary's Viktor Orbán
Viktor Orbán explains why Hungary's position on Russia is different, they have had more experience, Russia is nearer. He gives examples from history that shows Hungary has not had an easy relationship with Russia, and argues that the position of the US and NATO on Ukraine is dangerous. For Russia he says, holding the country together is a higher priority than freedom.
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If Leo and Bradley were waiting with some apprehension, then I am sure that now the Abrams in the Russian troops are waiting with impatience, because no one has canceled the awards for them.
The first Abrams M1 tanks arrived in Ukraine
It is reported that the first batch of American Abrams M1 tanks has arrived in Ukraine.

Sources of Air.Missile defense reports that a few days ago a batch of 10 American-made tanks arrived in Ukraine. The transfer of the latter was carried out by road across the Polish border at night.

"The first American-made Abrams M1 tanks have been handed over to the APU. Two dozen more combat vehicles are expected to arrive within the next two weeks. It is planned to officially announce this after the completion of deliveries," the source notes.

According to the source, we are talking about the Abrams M1A2 variant, although it was previously assumed that an older M1A1 modification would be delivered.

Apparently, the tanks will not be used in the coming weeks, forming a kind of reserve, by analogy with the British Challenger 2 tanks.

In total, the United States has transferred three dozen Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine. Nevertheless, these combat vehicles occupy a kind of intermediate position between the versions of Leopard 2 and Challenger 2 tanks. This indicates that such combat vehicles will not give Kiev a real advantage.
На Украину прибыли первые танки Abrams M1

Soon the Ukies will run out, but there will be just a lot of shells.
Pakistan has increased supplies of ammunition and weapons to Ukraine by 8 times
In 2023, the value of the supply of Pakistani ammunition to Ukraine amounted to almost $ 415 million, compared with $ 52 million in 2022. This explosive growth occurred after several months of active supplies of weapons and ammunition, including rockets, rockets and artillery shells.

This information highlights only publicly disclosed transactions, which, as a rule, include small arms and ammunition, which leads to speculation about the possible volume of secret transactions or supplies of more sophisticated weapons.

This sharp increase may be due to a shortage of ammunition, especially artillery. On the other hand, such a significant increase in supplies may mean that Pakistan is actively expanding its export opportunities in the defense industry and is looking for new markets.

Earlier it was reported that the supply of Pakistani ammunition to Ukraine is not carried out directly, but through the UK.
Пакистан в 8 раз нарастил поставки боеприпасов и оружия на Украину

Not only infantry is spent at ukrov, pilots also do not lag behind.
Six Ukrainian military pilots were eliminated at once in the Artemivsk direction

Six Ukrainian pilots were destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces in the Artemivsk direction. This follows from the statement of the official representative of the 18th separate Brigade of the Army Aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yevgeny Rakita.

As the officer noted, six pilots were killed yesterday in the Artemovsky direction at once. Their death occurred as a result of a combat mission, Rakita stressed. It is not reported under what circumstances the servicemen in officer ranks died. They could have been shot down in the course of performing combat missions. The air defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is much stronger than the Ukrainian one, and this circumstance cannot be ignored, but the command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation periodically sends the crews of helicopters and airplanes to certain death.

Fierce battles are currently taking place in the Artemivsk direction. The APU has somewhat reduced its activity on the flanks, but they still continue to fight very actively in the areas of Andreevka and Kleshcheyevka. As previously stated by the acting head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin, Russian troops are holding their positions and trying to improve them in any possible case.

As for Ukrainian aviation, its prospects in the conditions of a counteroffensive are not very good, and even Western experts recognize this. For example, American military analyst Scott Ritter stated that in the event of the transfer of American-made F-16 fighter planes to the AFU, the pilots of Ukrainian aviation would simply die, since the planes would almost immediately be destroyed by powerful Russian air defense.
На Артемовском направлении ликвидированы сразу шесть украинских военных летчиков

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungary's Viktor Orbán
The other day, Simonyan from RT said that this journalist asked her to assist in organizing an interview with Putin. For him, this is probably something akin to the limit of dreams.

Если Лео и Брэдли ожидали с некоторой опаской, то я уверен, что теперь Абрамсы в войсках РФ ждут с нетерпением ведь премии за них никто не отменял.
Скоро хохлы закончатся, зато снарядов будет просто завались.
Расходуется у укров не только пехота, летчики тоже не отстают.
На днях Симонян из RT говорила, что этот журналист просил ее оказать содействие в организации интервью с Путиным. Для него это наверное что то сродни предела мечтаний.
It's not, or should be not, about sympathies. It should be about a strive to have as objective view of a person or a situation as possible.

He was providing funds, contracts, PR, some part of organisation and cooperation, and motivation. Making sure that the PMC has everything they need to do their job and do it well was his responsibility.
Do you think that such a description is an objective representation of the scope of Prigozhin's activities and behaviour? What about his videotaping of dead fighters for propaganda purposes? His large personal collection of disguises? His continual aggravation of Wagner's most important client, the Russian Ministry of Defence? His likely lies about the "missile strike on the Wagner camp"? And this doesn't even touch on the many rumoured shady activities he may have been involved in, some of which have been discussed here.

Blaming him for the craft taken down is off the mark IMO. To a limited extent, it's like blaming a company founder or CEO for an employee's transgression committed somewhere far away. If anyone was to be blamed for it, it would be Utkin or another commander whos guy(s) did it.
Well, obviously the guys who pulled the triggers bear ultimate responsibility for those deaths, but who put those guys in that situation to begin with? "Following orders" is no excuse, but orders cannot be followed without someone to give them, and those order-givers share in the responsibility, perhaps asymmetrically so, if they were more aware of the possible consequences.

We still don't know who did it.
Exactly! Months later! Was this even investigated? Or since the FSB dropped the charges of armed rebellion, was it all put into the "mistakes were made, let's move on" basket? Or rather, I should say, the "Mistakes were made, our vigilante intelligence peeps are going to summarily execute the bosses of Wagner in public once it's convenient" basket?

We know that in some of those cases it was only after the columns got attacked by RF AF under Gerasimov as the Chief Commander. From Prigozhyn himself we know that at least in case of the not military craft shot down, it was some fighter who "lost it and started shooting to everything up in the sky."
So there were military and non-military craft shot down? How could a non-military craft have attacked the Wagner columns under the directions of the RF AF? So RF AF fired first, but then the Wagner fighters did? What's the timeline here?

A moron, as Prig called him when answering the question in Rostov.
Nothing so classy as a boss who blames his underlings for his mistakes. But, like you say, Prig was no commander.
It's not, or should be not, about sympathies. It should be about a strive to have as objective view of a person or a situation as possible.
And yet, it seems you've been rather emotionally invested in whole Prigozhin's plane crash and before that in his mutiny story. Together with saying "ready to bet my last penny", which is very rarely a good idea when being emotional, it strongly suggests that your 'objective read-out' might be seriously impaired when it comes to this situation. FWIW.
The Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has demanded from the EU leadership and Ukrainian authorities a detailed and clear report on how the approximately 50-70 billion euros sent to Ukraine were spent.

31 AUG, 2023
I have already posted information with an estimate of the number of residents of Ukraine. Now the "Iron Dimon" option. According to his calculations, he also gets sad numbers.
Medvedev counted the remaining Ukrainians: the population in the territory controlled by Kiev is 19.7 million people

Medvedev counted the remaining Ukrainians: the population in the territory controlled by Kiev is 19.7 million people
Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev wrote in his telegram channel that the incessant outflow of people outside Ukraine will lead to the fact that the Kiev regime will have no one to serve itself, let alone to fight.

"A subtraction problem. (once again about the population of a dying country) I want to return once again to the topic of the size of the population of "Ukraine". Judging by the simple arithmetic, this "country" had a mythical past, a sad present and no future. Recall that in 2001, as the population census showed, about 48.5 million people lived in "Ukraine" (many, however, were constantly working abroad and had only registration at home). In 2014, Crimea and Donbass separated — the shagreen skin of the population began to shrink. The analytical almshouse with the beautiful name "Ukrainian Institute of the Future" believes that at the beginning of February 2022, the permanent population of Ukraine was 37.6 million people. This is confirmed by the figures given by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the electronic census of 2019 — then they counted 37.289 million," he said. https: //t.me/medvedev_telegram/380

In his opinion, the main problem for today is the incessant outflow of the population outside the "Nezalezhnaya" as an aggressive, impoverished and life—threatening "nenka". "This is recognized by the Ukrainian services themselves, and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. However, out of habit, some data are overstated, others are underestimated. But the trend is clear with all attempts at fraud. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, after 02/24/2022, 8.6 million people from the "Independent" live on the territory of European states. Including 2.869 million people in Russia. But as for our country, there is a propaganda discrepancy. At the beginning of February 2022, 1.9 million citizens of Ukraine were already on the territory of the Russian Federation (at school or work). According to our law enforcement agencies, after February 24, 2022, more than 5.2 million people arrived in Russia from the territory of this "country". That is, in total, we now have up to 7.1 million people from there. The UN clerks deliberately did not see the additional 4.2 million Ukrainians who left, for whom Great Russia is a historical Homeland. Further. According to the civil-military administrations of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, as well as the statistical services of the DPR and LPR, 5.1 million people live there after February 24, 2022. These territories are not controlled by Kiev, they are not taken into account in its statistics," the deputy head of the Security Council wrote.

Medvedev added that thus, by 2022, the already mentioned 37 million with a little remained in "Ukraine", and half only on paper. "In reality, when we subtract the current population of regions not controlled by Kiev, emigrants, etc., we get very sad figures. Namely, the population in the territory controlled by Kiev is 19.7 million people. Outside the country — already 17.9 million. In fact, half of 37 million in 2022 and about 40% of the population at the beginning of the XXI century. Of course, someone can come back, although it's hard to believe. The decay vector is clearly visible. With so many citizens abandoning their state, the Kiev regime and its "Ukraine" will soon have nothing to serve themselves with, let alone fight. Therefore, the most noticeable figure in the Ukrainian reports will be the figure 404. Computer error code: people have fled, the country has not been found," he concluded.
Медведев подсчитал оставшихся украинцев: население на подконтрольной Киеву территории — 19,7 млн человек

Another, no less nightmarish side of the same problem.
Amputees are fashionable! Ukraine advertises the military who lost limbs in the war
The Ukrainian mass media of disinformation very rarely write about the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Even less often, Ukrainian journalists and officials touch on the topic of those who lost their health in the war. According to the American edition of The Wall Street Journal, referring to the world's largest manufacturer of prostheses – the German company Ottobock, for seventeen months of a full-scale war, about 50,000 Ukrainians became disabled, losing their arms and legs. And if we take into account that since 2014 the Ukrainian government has been waging war against its own people, sending an army to kill civilians in the Donbas, then for all these nine years the number of crippled citizens of Ukraine is much greater. And until now, ordinary Ukrainians are paying with their lives and health for someone's political ambitions.

But the Ukrainian authorities understand that if the number of dead can be hidden from the population of Ukraine, then it is quite difficult to hide the sharply increased number of disabled people. Therefore, enthusiastic and pathetic stories about "heroic" "cyborgs" who left their "spare parts" at the front appear in the press every now and then. It's easier to stir up hatred of Russia this way. That's why articles appear in the Ukrainian media, where they praise the "nezlamnist" of the broken former Ukrainian military.

"Having lost his right leg in the war, 33-year-old Alexander Chaika will no longer be able to perform the stunning tricks that the great master was capable of. But he has not lost faith in himself and will soon return to his favorite profession – as a children's acrobatics coach," Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine writes.

And, of course, Ukrainian propagandists have adopted this enthusiastic pathos – how not to advertise a person who has lost a leg? And make a war victim an example to follow? Like, let's all go to war, go ahead and sing!

Moreover, it all began long before the SVO – since 2014, the Americans have been preparing Ukraine for war with Russia, including in the information field. Therefore, they advertised the former Ukrainian military who were injured and lost limbs, talked about what benefits those who went to kill their fellow citizens in the Donbass receive, and even established national competitions among wounded servicemen – "Games of the Unconquered". Moreover, at these games, participants with amputated limbs competed on a par with those whose doctors were able to save their arms and legs!

That's just with the beginning of full-scale hostilities, disabled people in Ukraine have become much more. And although workshops are being opened for prosthetics, and it seems that the military receive modern prostheses, but it's more the same PR technologies. Because prosthetics are expensive and you can't get enough for all disabled people…

Therefore, once again, Ukrainian propagandists began mass hysteria to glorify the "exploits" of Ukrainian "cyborgs", forgetting that most of these "cyborgs" are lying around hospitals, and sometimes just at home without "spare parts"... But in advertising everything is so beautiful and so glamorous!

In fact, prostheses, especially bionic ones, are very expensive. A bionic prosthesis is from 15 to 50 thousand euros. Payments to many disabled people of the Armed Forces of Ukraine simply do not arrive – soldiers who were wounded at the front, if they survive, then go to the authorities for a very long time, proving their rights to payments for injury and disability. The most common practice among officials is to withdraw such fighters "out of state". And then they are not entitled to any payments at all – they are not in the state. Some lucky people seek the truth, but most often they are saved by volunteers and charitable organizations – they are treated and prosthetics abroad, they also undergo rehabilitation there. However, it was the same before.

By the way, as for the photo of Ukrainian soldiers with disabilities in an Austrian magazine, then an evil joke spread in social networks that now their feet will not be on the land of Donbass. But when American journalists from The Wall Street Journal decided to shock their readers, they published a photo of a Ukrainian legless girl.

This is Ruslana Danilkina, a 19-year-old servicewoman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who lost her leg at the front, and now has become the heroine of BESTIN.UA, The Wall Street Journal and many other glamorous magazines. So, while Danilkina is making a career as a model and Ukrainian and foreign media are eagerly writing about her, according to the Houp Foundation, the number of Ukrainians who received serious injuries in the war reaches 200,000 people. Of these, about 20,000 were injured, which require amputation. And the WSJ article says that the actual number of amputees may be higher, since prosthetics take time, and some victims wait for amputation for weeks or even months after injury. In addition, the cost of prosthetics can reach up to 50,000 euros, while the Ukrainian authorities pay up to 20,000 euros to each wounded soldier. And even then – if they pay! And civilians often cannot afford treatment at all and are forced to turn to charitable organizations. And the news that in the National Rehabilitation Center "Nezlamni" of the First Medical Association of Lviv, a prosthetics workshop was opened, designed for 10 jobs at once, which will allow installing hundreds of prostheses per month – this is a drop in the ocean.

Here is an example of another news that is more in line with modern Ukrainian realities. In January 2023, it was decided to close the hospital of the Ternopil Prosthetic Plant. Attention – close during the war due to the state's refusal to finance! Moreover, the plant itself, which produces prostheses, pays for itself – of course, so many customers! But the hospital required funding, because amputees were rehabilitated in the hospital. There were not many of them, from 150 to 200 people. And it is clear that their rehabilitation should be paid for by the state, which made them disabled. But Kiev refused to finance this hospital.

And so the hospital was still closed. Since January 1 of this year, 154 residents of the region with amputation of upper and lower limbs have been registered in it. And for eleven months of this year, 57 more people applied for treatment in the inpatient department in Ternopil. 2 million 558 thousand 299 hryvnias were to be allocated from the state budget for the maintenance of the inpatient department for 2022. Received 2 million 182 thousand 710 hryvnia. The director of the prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise notes that only 12 people are involved in the work of the hospital. And so, it turns out that the Ukrainian authorities cannot allocate two and a half million hryvnias just for one inpatient department of one rehabilitation center! And this is despite the fact that much larger sums are shamelessly stolen from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. And if you audit those funds that are pouring into this country from Europe and the USA in a huge flow, including those funds that are aimed specifically at the treatment and rehabilitation of war victims, then these unfortunate 60 thousand dollars are just pennies!

But, of course, Zelensky no longer needs spent cannon fodder. He needs something new, young and still with arms and legs. That's why models like Ruslana Danilkina, a 19-year–old servicewoman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, talk everywhere about how cool it is to live without a leg! That is why the Vinnichanka Olga Benda, who fought in the 72nd mechanized Brigade in the Donbass back in 2016 and lost her leg there, is running marathons today and won the Miss Military Fantasy contest. By the way, it was a competition among female servicemen and 124 Ukrainian "Amazons" took part in it.

And it is quite possible that billboards with photos of Ukrainian military "cyborgs" with prostheses and some advertising slogan like "Prosthesis is cool!" or "Now I'm a real cyborg!" will soon appear in Ukraine and glamorous prostheses with Swarovski crystals will be sold.
Ампутанты – это модно! Украина рекламирует военных, потерявших конечности на войне

A funny American woman (or not a woman, I don't even know what to call it now) without a brain broadcasts to us some regular prohibitions.
The US promises to prevent the supply of weapons to Russia from anywhere

The United States promises to prevent the supply of weapons to Russia from anywhere. White House spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre said this would apply to any states "that would be willing to supply weapons for their use in Ukraine."

"We will continue to monitor and resist attempts to transfer weapons to Russia," she said.

The day before, the representative of the National Security Council, John Kirby, said that the United States would impose new sanctions against Russia and North Korea, since, according to their data, "negotiations on arms supplies have seriously advanced between Moscow and Pyongyang."
США обещают помешать поставкам оружия в Россию откуда-либо

Я уже как то постил информацию с оценкой количества жителей Украины. Теперь вариант "Железного Димона". У него по подсчетам тоже получаются грустные цифры.
Другая, не менее кошмарная сторона той же проблемы.
Смешная американская женщина (или не женщина, я уже и не знаю как там теперь правильно называть) без мозга транслирует нам какие то очередные запрещения.
[1] Do you think that such a description is an objective representation of the scope of Prigozhin's activities and behaviour? [2] What about his videotaping of dead fighters for propaganda purposes? [3] His large personal collection of disguises? [4] His continual aggravation of Wagner's most important client, the Russian Ministry of Defence? [5] His likely lies about the "missile strike on the Wagner camp"? [6] And this doesn't even touch on the many rumoured shady activities he may have been involved in, some of which have been discussed here.
1. More or less, yes, that's what I think.

2. I put it in the broad PR category. A special case. And belonging to a world that is not my world. I am aware of its inevitable existence and know it has its own rules. Judging it by our rules is a bit like judging historical events by our current standards and morals, it has limits.

3. It wasn't him who published those pics, like for example, to impress the public or whatever. AFAIK, they were leaked out after the search in his offices, clearly with the law enforcement agents' knowledge (possibly approval if not on order, there would be a good reason for doing it: it was Petersburg after all!). IMO, as part of the united anti-Prig black propaganda campaign launched right after the mutiny. We ourselves would be in trouble if in an already tense situation, legally or otherwise, should it God forbid ever happen again, someone leaked our Halloween outfits. Or our wig trying. There were also those forged passports. I never said that he was a saint. He was involved in various shady activities. As about all public figures in Russia are to one extent or another by the way. In part, a consequence and continuation of the 1990's huge scale looting and clique forming.

4. I am no insider and have to rely on public records, opinions, reports, etc. From what I've gathered throughout several years of following various sources, Russian and others, there is a mess in the MoD, including bureaucratic excess, shady ties, factions, personal and group interest often put above national interest, etc. For example, numerous private arm factories and related companies went bankrupt due to fraud and funds allocation/offshoring for personal use. It transpired around the beginning of the SMO, but could be partly seen even before. Everything was somehow manageable until the SMO was launched when mismanagements became much more critical. Military personnel talked about it, political and military analysts talked about it. So it is likely that Wagner was affected by that too. To what extent, I don't know. To what extent Prig's rants were justified by the actual state of the matter (not talking about the form of his complains), I don't know either. But it's a fact (as far as we can consider anything here as such) that the MoD had betrayed him already in Syria, when he lost over 200 of his fighter in one strike. As for the form and going public... I just don't know. On the one hand, it was clearly WRONG to seed (or water already existing) discord within the critical power structures DURING wartime and between those structures and the public. On the other hand, IF he was actually deliberately undersupplied because of whatever games were played, and no one wanted to listen to him and solve the problem despite many attempts, all the while his group suffered unnecessary losses, what else could he do? I truly don't know. I'm leaning toward the first assessment but I'm not on the battlefield and responsible for my soldiers and success of a military operation.

5. IF he lied, and it seems to be the case, he needed it as a pretext for his 'March of Justice'. Which, knowing what I know, or I think I know, was a big mistake and shouldn't have happened. Very wrong move that I still don't understand. My guess at the moment (and nothing more than that) is that he was already aware that his presence in this reality and the existence of Wagner is reaching the end and went va banque in hope it will eventually bring necessary changes (as he saw them) even if he won't be there anymore to benefit from it. Maybe was also tricked into it by a support promise, dunno, but many suggest it. The are many facts supporting this guess, but there may be others that I don't know, which disprove it.

6. See [3]. Out of all his rumoured shady activities, some are probably correct, some others may be made out of thin air. If you're interested, dig into it and make up your mind. I personally am trying to put rumours in a separate bottomless closet.

That' how I see it, FWIW. Perhaps our Russian members who know Russia first hand could comment?
Six Ukrainian military pilots were eliminated at once in the Artemivsk direction
Clarifications were received on yesterday's report about the death of 6 Ukrainian pilots at once.
Caught up with deadly horror: the Su-35 destroyed the helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by its appearance alone (PHOTO)

The Su-35 of the Russian Aerospace Forces caught up with the deadly horror of the Ukrainian pilots and destroyed two helicopters of the AFU air forces with one appearance in the air.

Today, the Ukrainian side reported details of an air accident in which six pilots of the AFU Air Force were killed.

The circumstances of the incident are as follows: on August 29, two Mi-8 helicopters of the AFU Armed Forces were "performing a combat mission" in the Kramatorsk district, at that time a Russian Su-35 appeared in the sky.

The Ukrainian pilots "tried to avoid defeat," but eventually made a fatal mistake during aerobatics: both cars crashed to the ground.

Footage from the crash site confirms that the Mi-8 was completely destroyed. The Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigations is studying the circumstances of what happened under Article 416 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — violation of flight rules or preparation for them.

Поступили разъяснения по вчерашнему сообщению о гибели сразу 6 украинских пилотов.
At this point, my personal opinion of Prigozhin (as someone who doesn’t understand russian) is pretty much what Joe summarized in this thread in a number of posts. I think he was an untrustworthy and shady character who had little problems engaging in quite outrageous lying, backstabbing and betraying. And by his blunt/bombastic nature he probably manipulated (mostly russian speakers) via spouting out his „realities“. I think that was somewhat of a step by step processes, and it got worse in Prigozhins mind (and those who listened to him too uncritically) shortly before the mutiny and ever since. My bet is that Prigozhin was unwittingly creating some kind of ponerization process. My favorite russian work colleague, who I can talk to about that stuff, also seemed rather divided when it comes to Prigozhin and what he did and what has happened to him now. She expressed sadness about it while at the same time realizing that what he did was pretty much a big no-go and essentially directed against Putin and/or russia, even if it was „not intended“ in that way. I dunno, personally speaking, when it comes to Prigozhin himself and what he said and did, I can hardly sympathize with it. In fact, I feel rather appalled by it.
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Prigozhin as a character reminds me quite a bit of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quite a bombastic character who I found to be quite dangerous. I think Zhirinovsky could have been quite disastrous for Russia if he would have gained any significant say in politics. My bet is that Putin probably viewed Zhirinovsky in such a way. And justifiably so IMO.
Prigozhin as a character reminds me quite a bit of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quite a bombastic character who I found to be quite dangerous. I think Zhirinovsky could have been quite disastrous for Russia if he would have gained any significant say in politics. My bet is that Putin probably viewed Zhirinovsky in such a way. And justifiably so IMO.
Zhirinovsky operated under Kremlin mandate and was a part of divide and conquer strategy to keep electorate at bay. Being a good actor he looked dangerous sometimes. We observed him for many years from inside the country and only really naive citizens (elderly mostly) believed he was a real politician.
Prigozhin as a character reminds me quite a bit of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quite a bombastic character who I found to be quite dangerous. I think Zhirinovsky could have been quite disastrous for Russia if he would have gained any significant say in politics. My bet is that Putin probably viewed Zhirinovsky in such a way. And justifiably so IMO.
Except that Zhirinovsky only talked and did nothing for Russia, even less abroad and on battlefields.
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