Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Perhaps Putin was thinking ahead, after some semblance of peace has been restored. While Prigozhin had much feats and good contributions for Russia on many war fronts, the underlying being, being greedy and selfish are not character traits who can carry the torch in the new world where there is loyalty, uniting, and selfless acts. Being a PMC, they have more freedom than the Russian army (see Guy Richie's The Covenant) where there is a beauracracy behind any military action. And with that freedom, the being behind the leader becomes paramount as a sharp mind would be able to get much power and public sway in such a position.

It may be hard for Prigozhin to dwell in such a world if his character does not change. Putin kept him around for so long because he saw value in him, and perhaps he wanted to see him change. But when you strike back at the Tsar and kill your own men, what does that say about his character? He had support from Russian folks, and if some still support him after striking back at Putin, what will happen to their FRVs? It may introduce holes in the armor of unity and loyalty so to speak among the population. Putin is not merciless either, and even accepted a peace deal at the request of Belarus, but he had to be exiled. Looking at what folks posted earlier, he violated that agreement.

I wonder if this is what Caesar had to deal with in some sense too.
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And this doesn't even touch on the many rumoured shady activities he may have been involved in, some of which have been discussed here.
Ryan, if you want to see a bit of his shady activity that is not rumour, and a bit more than just that, read this. You know some Russian, translators should help too. In reviews section on Russian Wikipedia the source is described as: "This is a fairly powerful agency that is engaged in its own development, has a good reputation and excellent sources of information."
Perhaps our Russian members who know Russia first hand could comment?

As if there is nothing to comment on, all reasonable and balanced comments are given. I will only say that, also not being an insider, I have almost the same view on this whole situation. There are still more questions than answers. As a touch to the overall big picture, I would like to draw attention to the fate of two generals. Surovikin and Mizintsev. Both were in high positions in the Ministry of Defense, both were involved in Wagner's activity in different ways, and both are now "not a rumor-not a spirit."

Prigozhin as a character reminds me quite a bit of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quite a bombastic character who I found to be quite dangerous. I think Zhirinovsky could have been quite disastrous for Russia if he would have gained any significant say in politics. My bet is that Putin probably viewed Zhirinovsky in such a way. And justifiably so IMO.
Here I have to disagree. I personally know 2-3 people who communicated with Zhirinovsky at different times and their general opinion about him practically coincided, although they are not related to each other in any way. They described Zhirinovsky as very smart, attentive and tactful (!!!) people and in one voice said that Zhirinovsky in public and Zhirinovsky in personal communication as two completely different people. I will note that I have never been a fan of Vladimir Volfovich and was shocked many times by his boorish behavior, but after learning the opinions of these people, I realized that everything is not at all simple here. Besides, knowing the history of the appearance of the LDPR and Zhirinovsky, and in Russia it's no secret that this is a work of the KGB, I think Putin had no problems with Zhirinovsky. They could "speak the same language."
About political power. Before his death, Zhirinovsky was the deputy chairman of the State Duma, i.e. the 4th or 5th person in the power structure of the country.
Summing up the comparison of Zhirinovsky with Prigozhin, I would say that the first is a serious uncle who could look like a buffoon when he needed it, and the second is a real buffoon who wanted to look like a serious uncle.

Как будто и нечего комментировать, все разумные и взвешенные комментарии даны. Скажу только, что тоже не являясь инсайдером, имею практически такой же взгляд на всю эту ситуацию. Вопросов пока больше чем ответов. Как штрих к общей большой картине, я хотел бы обратить внимание на судьбу двух больших генералов. Суровикин и Мизинцев. Оба были на больших должностях в МО, оба были по разному причастны к активности Вагнера и про обоих сейчас "ни слуху-ни духу".
Вот здесь вынужден не согласиться. Я лично знаю 2-3 человек, которые в разное время общались с Жириновским и общее мнение о нем у них практически совпало, хотя они друг с другом никак не связаны. Они описывали Жириновского, как очень умного, внимательного и тактичного(!!!) человека и в один голос говорили, что Жириновский на публике и Жириновский в личном общении как два совершенно разных человека. Я замечу, что я никогда не был поклонником Владимира Вольфовича и много раз был шокирован его хамским поведением, но узнав мнения этих людей понял, что тут все совсем не просто. К тому же, зная историю появления ЛДПР и Жириновского, а в России ни для кого не секрет, что это произведение КГБ, я думаю, что у Путина с Жириновским проблем не было. Они могли "говорить на одном языке". По поводу политической власти. Жириновский перед смертью был заместителем председателя Государственной Думы, т.е. 4 или 5 человеком во властной структуре страны. Подытоживая сравнение Жириновского с Пригожиным, я бы сказал, что первый это серьезный дядя, который мог выглядеть как шут гороховый, когда ему это было нужно, а второй это настоящий шут гороховый, который хотел выглядеть как серьезный дядя.
Yesterday, Zelensky signed an agreement with Charles Woodburn, the CEO of BAE Systems, on the launch of a branch of the company in Kyiv.

Excerpt from the President's website, in English:
As a result of the meeting, the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine and BAE Systems signed a Cooperation Agreement on the localization of BAE Systems arms production in the presence of the President of Ukraine and the CEO of BAE Systems.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and BAE Systems also signed a Framework Agreement on cooperation in the repair, spare parts and production of new L119 light guns.
Guess, the factory will be placed somewhere in the center of a big city or it will be smashed. If Ukraine still exists as it is now at the time the project gets operational.

On another topic, from Prozorov's UKR Leaks Tg channel:

There is no result - there is nothing to write about: why is the West taking journalists away from the battlefield?

The secret decision of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to restrict the access of Western journalists to the battlefield
, as reported by the Swiss edition Le Temps is naturally linked to the results of the failed so-called "counter-offensive".

At the same time, we can observe a change in rhetoric in the Office of the President of Ukraine, where, on the contrary, they intend to increase the pace of mobilization and send more and more Ukrainians to their deaths. They are driven by an absolutely senseless and completely merciless logic that by throwing more and more untrained recruits into the furnace of war, they supposedly will be able to demonstrate to the White House that they are capable of achieving their goals.

At the same time, it is not clear how the Kiev regime intends to wage a “long war” if there is no real return on the battlefield from the weapons and money transferred to it. Not to mention the monstrous losses. In addition, the NATO countries have already pretty much depleted their stocks of weapons, which they will not be able to replenish in the coming years, and maybe even decades.

Therefore, the decision to limit the presence of the media at the front is quite consistent with the West's dissatisfaction with the investments made. Why should they sing praise to the Russian military-industrial complex and the General Staff at their own expense?

Propaganda under the control of the White House both worked and continues to work on the very same topics: the Russian army is weak, Putin is weak, the economy is isolated, a little more pressure and victory is in your pocket. And even despite the fact that the real facts refute all this, the general line does not change.

But the situation at the front clearly showed that such a strategy for covering the conflict fell into a trap. And now the curators of the Kiev regime are thinking how to get out of the situation while saving face.

It follows from this that if the West sees an opportunity to use the media to create the desired picture, then they are used for their intended purpose. If not, then they are called back. After all, if the “counterattack” had been successful, then it would have been trumpeted to the heavens ... But no.
In addition, now is not the beginning of the SMO at all and there is fatigue from the war, and therefore the staging, popular at the beginning, like Bucha and the like, will no longer be so effective.

Thus, the possibility of strengthening and spreading defeatist sentiments in Ukrainian and Western society is stopped. Of course, the West cannot abruptly abandon the Kiev regime. At least for now. But it sends certain signals.

For example, many Europeans do not know about the May 2 tragedy in Odessa at all. But when the SMO began, the Western media actively spread the lies that were told in Kiev. And they continued to do so despite the exposure. And some journalists were even awarded the Pulitzer Prize. For example, for a kind of coverage of the situation with the maternity hospital in Mariupol.

Therefore, in order to guarantee the support of the regime in Ukraine among its population, the West has been practicing two tricks throughout the entire SMO - outright lies and understatement.

2 posts down:
The White House said it still does not encourage Ukrainian strikes on Russian territory.

From his Twitter:

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Zhirinovsky operated under Kremlin mandate and was a part of divide and conquer strategy to keep electorate at bay. Being a good actor he looked dangerous sometimes. We observed him for many years from inside the country and only really naive citizens (elderly mostly) believed he was a real politician.
That's the absolute truth. The LDPR was created by the party bosses of the CPSU and the leadership of the KGB, as a controlled opposition during the so-called "pluralism" (there was such an idiotic term on an equal footing with "perestroika", which probably everyone heard about) and Zhirinovsky coped with this task until his death.

Except that Zhirinovsky only talked and did nothing for Russia, even less abroad and on battlefields.
This is a controversial statement. At the dawn of the creation of the LDPR, Zhirinovsky had the military rank of captain. This title in itself indicates that the person served in the structure, and was not just a reserver. I do not know exactly who he was, but in any case, the service was connected with the Middle East. It could have been intelligence, diplomacy or something like that. The fact that he was considered as one of the candidates for the leadership of the newly created "party" indirectly suggests that he had shown himself sufficiently somewhere before.

I have already written about Ukrainian losses today. Now a couple more touches on the same topic. It's just some kind of pain story.
In a circle with a radius of 6 km between Malaya Tokmachka and Rabodino, according to the LOSTARMOUR website, at least 120 armored vehicles of the APU (cart) were destroyed. This is the minimum threshold that takes into account only reliably destroyed and terrain-bound armored vehicles. Taking into account the fact that a large number of destroyed armored vehicles remains behind the scenes or there is no binding to the terrain, the actual number of destroyed armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may exceed this number at times. Anyway, on a tiny piece of terrain in the Zaporozhye region, the main armored reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being ground for 3 months.
31.08.2023 Карта боевых действий на Украине: Под РАБОТИНО уничтожено МИНИМУМ 120 единиц тяжелой техники ВСУ (18 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

Russian hackers destroyed the data of the "supplier of last hope" — Ukrinterenergo will not be able to perform its functions in the energy market
Today, Russian hackers from Solntsepek made another attack on a Ukrainian state-owned enterprise. This time, Ukrinterenergo, which is a supplier, as well as the "last hope for facilities" that ensure national security and defense of the Nezalezhnaya, came under attack. According to Readovka, as a result of the attack, more than 150 working computers and network storage with backup copies of virtual machines were disabled, that is, now state institutions of Ukraine will not receive electricity.

In addition, hackers also managed to get hold of electronic document management. According to the "papers", at the beginning of this year, the management of Ukrinterenergo reported that "the company will not be able to perform the functions assigned to it in the energy market" in the event of a cyber attack on the billing software package. However, there was no reaction to the appeal. Our guys from Solntsepek were able to take advantage of this and destroyed all the data — the hacker attack cost the company UAH 5 billion.
01.09.2023 Последние сводки войны на Украине: У ВСУ ЧУДОВИЩНЫЕ потери под Работино - ЖЕСТКОЕ видео с фронта. Карта боевых действий (18 видео) смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве

Вот это абсолютная правда. ЛДПР создавалась партийными боссами КПСС и руководством КГБ, как контролируемая оппозиция во времена т.н. "плюрализма" (был такой идиотский термин на равне с "перестройкой", о которой наверно все слышали) и с этой задачей Жириновский справлялся до самой своей смерти.
Это спорное утверждение. На заре создания ЛДПР Жириновский имел воинское звание капитан. Это звание само по себе говорит о том, что человек служил в структуре, а не был просто запасником. Кем точно он был я не знаю, но в любом случае служба была связана с ближним востоком. Это могло быть разведка, дипломатия или что то в этом роде. То, что он рассматривался, как один из кандидатов в лидеры вновь создаваемой "партии", косвенно говорит о том, что он себя где то достаточно проявил до этого.
Я сегодня уже писал об Украинских потерях. Теперь еще пару штрихов на эту же тему. Это просто какая то история боли.
Prigozhin as a character reminds me quite a bit of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was quite a bombastic character who I found to be quite dangerous. I think Zhirinovsky could have been quite disastrous for Russia if he would have gained any significant say in politics. My bet is that Putin probably viewed Zhirinovsky in such a way. And justifiably so IMO.
Interesting that you bring up Zhirinovsky, as I watched a lecture with Q and A he gave to some students at the time he was a Presidential candidate in 2012: В.В.Жириновский в МГИМО
On March 2, 2012, a meeting was held at MGIMO with the head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma, candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation V.V. Zhirinovsky. He told the students with passion and charisma about current political issues, his competitors in the election race, the future of Russia, and his own plans if he came to power.
How he interacts with the students is interesting. In the beginning he learns many are standing outside, some watching in a different room watching over a screen. He breaks all the fire regulations and invites in as many in as can fit.

In another video with "modern editing" he is asked around minute 16 about his radical way of expressing himself, and the idea that if he was less so, he would gain more voters and become president. Once president, he could do what he wanted to do. Zhirinovsky explains that then he would be cheating the voters, he would be lying, and he does not like that, people would feel the emotion, and he would get even fewer votes. Better to speak the truth.
Zhirinovsky. Who will become President of Russia in 2024? Internet ban posted on May 7, 2019
Who will become president after Putin in 2024? Why do they want to disconnect Russia from the Internet? What about gasoline prices? About Zelensky. In our issue, Zhirinovsky told everything that is not shown on TV. Look!
The question about the next president is asked in minute 25, is a lot of guess work made five years in advance, it is not the best part.

Here is what Putin said about Zhirinovsky in April last year on the occasion of his passing:
Politics, 06 Apr 2022, 14:17 59 511
Putin called Zhirinovsky a bright orator and polemicist
The President of Russia expressed his condolences to the family and friends of Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the death of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences on the death of LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the age of 76, according to the Kremlin website.

With deep regret I learned about the death of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky was an experienced politician, an energetic person open to communication, a bright speaker and polemicist,” the telegram says.

According to the head of state, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party did a lot for the development of Russian parliamentarism, domestic legislation, and always sought to contribute to solving the most important national problems.

Putin emphasized that Zhirinovsky took a patriotic position in all discussions and defended the interests of Russia.

That is high praise, don't you think?
He was a complex figure, Russian mother, Jewish father going back to Ukraine, here are a some lines from his biography taken from the Wikipedia:
Early life and background

Vladimir Zhirinovsky as a child (second from right). Kazakh SSR.
Zhirinovsky was born in Alma-Ata, the capital of the Kazakh SSR, modern-day Almaty, Kazakhstan. His father, Volf Isaakovich Eidelshtein, was a Ukrainian Jew from Kostopil in western Ukraine, and his mother, Alexandra Pavlovna (née Makarova), was of Russian background from Mordovia region.[6][7][8][9] Zhirinovsky inherited his surname through Andrei Vasilievich Zhirinovsky, Alexandra's first husband. His paternal grandfather was a wealthy industrialist in Kostopil,[10] who owned the largest sawmill in (what is now) Ukraine and was head of the local Jewish community.[11] His grandfather's mill today has an income of $32 million a year, and over the years Zhirinovsky demanded that successive Ukrainian governments return it to him.[12]

In July 1964, Zhirinovsky moved from Almaty to Moscow, where he began his studies in the Department of Turkish Studies, Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University (MSU), from which he graduated in 1969. Additionally, he studied law and international relations at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism.[2] Zhirinovsky entered military service in Tbilisi during the early 1970s and worked at posts in state committees and unions. He was awarded a Dr.Sci. in philosophy by MSU in 1998.[13]

Although he participated in some reformist groups, Zhirinovsky was little known in Soviet political developments during the 1980s. While he contemplated a role in politics, a nomination attempt for a seat as a People's Deputy in 1989 was quickly abandoned.[14] In 1989, he served as a director of Shalom, a Jewish cultural organization; unknown in Jewish circles before, he is thought to have been invited to join by the Anti-Zionist Committee of the Soviet Public, but subsequently forcefully opposed its influence in the group.[15]

Jewish heritage
Four of Zhirinovsky's relatives were murdered during the Holocaust. Zhirinovsky's parents separated while he was still an infant. Abandoning the family, Zhirinovsky's father, Volf Eidelshtein, immigrated to Israel in 1949 (together with his new wife Bella and his brother), where he worked as an agronomist in Tel Aviv. Zhirinovsky's father was a member of the right-wing nationalist Herut party in Israel, and died in 1983 when he was run over by a bus near Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv.[10]

Zhirinovsky did not find out the details of his father's life in Israel until many years later, or even that he had died.[10][11] Zhirinovsky said that he was an Orthodox Christian.[16] In 1994, presented with a birth certificate indicating his original name as Eidelshtein, Zhirinovsky said the document was faked.[17]

Zhirinovsky denied his father's Jewish origins until Ivan Close Your Soul, published in July 2001, in which he described how his father, Volf Isaakovich Eidelshtein, changed his surname from Eidelshtein to Zhirinovsky. He rhetorically asked, "Why should I reject Russian blood, Russian culture, Russian land, and fall in love with the Jewish people only because of that single drop of blood that my father left in my mother's body?"[6]

According to Zhirinovsky, "My mother was Russian and my father was a lawyer". Zhirinovsky later disowned the statement after researching his father's life in Israel. Discussing the statement, Zhirinovsky says: "Journalists mocked me: for saying I was the son of a lawyer. And I am really the son of an agronomist."[10]

Discussing his father, Zhirinovsky said with tears in his eyes: "All my life I was looking for him. I believed that he was alive. I believed that someday he would find me... But there is a silver lining. I tried to imitate him... And I was able to achieve a certain position in life, even without the support of my father."[10]

Zhirinovsky's Israeli relatives included an uncle and cousin, meeting and befriending them for the first time only after discovering more about his family's story in Israel. Zhirinovsky's Israeli family did not know that he was a politician in Russia but responded warmly to his invitation to stay with him in Moscow.
Reportedly, 90% of the Russian LNG went to Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain, major NATO members.
To be precise, they say that EU imported 52% of Russian exported LNG, and out of that, 90% of LNG imported into the EU went to those four countries.

So Germany is banned from importing Russian gas, while other major NATO members are importing it like crazy. Somebody should make another famous clip with Hitler being furious with this situation.
This is a controversial statement. At the dawn of the creation of the LDPR, Zhirinovsky had the military rank of captain. This title in itself indicates that the person served in the structure, and was not just a reserver. I do not know exactly who he was, but in any case, the service was connected with the Middle East. It could have been intelligence, diplomacy or something like that. The fact that he was considered as one of the candidates for the leadership of the newly created "party" indirectly suggests that he had shown himself sufficiently somewhere before.
OK, thank you youlik. I stand corrected. :)
I have already posted information with an estimate of the number of residents of Ukraine. Now the "Iron Dimon" option. According to his calculations, he also gets sad numbers.

Medvedev counted the remaining Ukrainians: the population in the territory controlled by Kiev is 19.7 million people

Interesting. When I was about to post Panchenko's interview with Lukashenko, I saw her comment about 30 million of Ukraine population lost with some disbelief, so did a quick calculation similar to Medvediev's to verify it even if only roughly. The number is shocking. The country has lost over 60% of its 2001 population.
On Zhirinovsky
This is a controversial statement. At the dawn of the creation of the LDPR, Zhirinovsky had the military rank of captain. This title in itself indicates that the person served in the structure, and was not just a reserver. I do not know exactly who he was, but in any case, the service was connected with the Middle East. It could have been intelligence, diplomacy or something like that. The fact that he was considered as one of the candidates for the leadership of the newly created "party" indirectly suggests that he had shown himself sufficiently somewhere before.
In the Wiki, I quoted earlier, there was:
In July 1964, Zhirinovsky moved from Almaty to Moscow, where he began his studies in the Department of Turkish Studies, Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University (MSU), from which he graduated in 1969. Additionally, he studied law and international relations at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism.[2]
That is a very good background for the position he occupied and later served. He talked about his early days in the talk to the students, I posted. From what I understood, he worked harder than some with better contacts, and earned better qualifications.

The population of Ukraine
Interesting. When I was about to post Panchenko's interview with Lukashenko, I saw her comment about 30 million of Ukraine population lost with some disbelief, so did a quick calculation similar to Medvediev's to verify it even if only roughly. The number is shocking. The country has lost over 60% of its 2001 population.
Regarding the 19.7 million left in Ukraine according to Medvedev, and the other calculations it was the same as:
The first Prime Minister of Ukraine (1991-1992), Vitold Fokin, recalls meeting Zbegniew Brzezinski, former US national security advisor, who said Ukraine needs no more than 20 million people (at the time, 50+ million) to be controlled by the US.
From this post:
20 million is not a fixed number, it might very well go lower, and efforts are underway to give the undertakers even more work. At least, I see no reason to laugh off the UA-NATO mobilization drive. With enough pressure, a totalitarian style regime can easily raise 2.5 %. The deeper the wound, (we know that from Germany after WWI), the better for later chaos and instability in Europe, (though it may take a different form than with Germany). Spokespeople for the Ukrainian Government are already now complaining about Western critics not showing up in their trenches:
Ukrainian FM tells critics to ‘shut up’

Dmitry Kuleba has called on anyone dissatisfied with the pace of the Kiev’s counteroffensive to go fight Russia themselves
The Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba has lashed out at critics of his country in the West who are not impressed with Kiev’s much-hyped counteroffensive. Detractors of the operation should instead go to the front lines and fight, he also suggested.

“Criticizing the slow pace of the counteroffensive is equal to spitting into the face of the Ukrainian soldier who sacrifices his life every day,” Kiev’s top diplomat told journalists on Thursday on the sidelines of a EU foreign ministers’ meeting in the Spanish city of Toledo. “I would recommend all critics to shut up, come to Ukraine and try to liberate one square centimeter by themselves,” he said.

His words came after Kuleba urged EU member states to supply more lethal weapons to Kiev, including long-range missiles, armored vehicles and air defense systems. He also warned that Moscow was ramping up its own missile production.

“We should deprive Russia of the capacity to produce missiles and drones. We see that the production is increasing, and they use Western elements, and Western spare parts,” Kuleba said, as he called on Ukraine’s Western backers to crack down on suppliers supposedly circumventing sanctions Washington and its allies imposed against Moscow.

The minister also specifically demanded Western air defense systems to protect what he described as an “alternative sea route” delivering Ukrainian agricultural products to foreign markets, in the wake of Russia’s suspension of its participation in the grain deal also known as the Black Sea Initiative.
At least, I see no reason to laugh off the UA-NATO mobilization drive. With enough pressure, a totalitarian style regime can easily raise 2.5 %.
There is also this option:
31 Aug, 2023 22:34 Ukraine could seek extradition of draft dodgers from EU – senior MP
The thousands who bribed officials or forged documents to flee the country should be prosecuted, David Arakhamia has said
Crossing a card reader responding to a worried client, she said Hungary would be safe, even defend the people, Poland would do half-hearted. Countries like Spain would not bother. That is, provided it even happens. I would not rely on the reading for accuracy, but I am quite sure that the response will vary, a bit like Danish initiatives protecting Jews during WWII with some German officials looking through the fingers, and thanks to a heads-up managed to smuggle and ferry many across to Sweden, so only few actually were sent off to KZ-camps.

Flashback February 28, 2022: America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century, by Michael Hudson
I could not yet find the article among the ones on SOTT, but Michael Hudson has many, see SOTT search link
And now:
More German companies prefer to invest abroad – survey

Almost one-third of the country’s industrial firms are planning to relocate production overseas or cut domestic output, according to a commerce group
More German companies prefer to invest abroad – survey

© Getty Images / industryview
More than half of German companies believe that the transition toward renewable energy and away from Russian gas will harm their businesses, according to a survey by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK).
The DIHK’s energy transition barometer survey issued on Tuesday showed that on a scale of minus 100 (‘very negative’) to plus 100 (‘very positive’), the barometer value is -27, the worst result since the survey was launched in 2012.

“The confidence of German business in energy policy has currently sunk to a low point,” said DIHK deputy managing director Achim Dercks. “Worries about their own competitiveness have never been greater.”

The research also showed that the percentage of companies considering leaving the country is on the rise. Almost one-third of industrial companies are planning to relocate production abroad or to reduce it domestically, double the 16% figure from last year. Among those, 5.2% have already implemented measures to relocate or cut production, 10.5% have measures in progress, and 16% have plans in place.

“In view of the great importance of industry for Germany as a business location, these figures are alarming,” Dercks warned.

Many German companies are strongly concerned about an inadequate energy supply, even in the medium and long term, he noted.

The commerce chamber polled more than 3,500 companies from all sectors and regions in Germany.
The article referred to could be, if translated from German:
Energy costs are becoming a brake on production in Germany
Energy problems burden production in Germany
Flashback 2014: A revealing interview with George Friedman, founder of Stratfor


About George Friedman, the Wiki says:
George Friedman (Hungarian: Friedman György, born February 1, 1949) is a Hungarian-born U.S. geopolitical author on international affairs. He is the founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures.[1] Prior to founding Geopolitical Futures, he was chairman of the publishing company Stratfor.

Early life and education
Friedman was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1949[2] to Jewish parents who survived the Holocaust. His family fled Hungary when he was a child to escape the Communist regime as refugees, settling first in a camp for displaced persons in Austria and then emigrating to the United States. Friedman describes his family's story as "a very classic story of refugees making a new life in America." He grew up in New York City.[2] Friedman received a B.A. at the City College of New York, where he majored in political science, and a Ph.D. in government at Cornell University.[3]
The article from the Russian media Kommersant.ru
Questions from the journalist are in black bold, what is bolded red is from Friedman. When he talks about the Middle East, he scrupulously avoids any mentioning of Israel, the US-Israeli relationship, it is about Iran, Iraq and so forth. I used DeepL.com to translate.
19.12.2014, 00:03
'The interests of the Russian Federation and the United States in relation to Ukraine are incompatible with each other'

Stratfor head George Friedman on the root causes of the Ukrainian crisis

The famous American political scientist GEORGE FRIEDMAN has paid a visit to Moscow. The private intelligence and analytical agency Stratfor, which he heads, is often called the "shadow CIA" in the United States. In an interview with Kommersant, he described the US goals in Ukraine and explained why these goals are incompatible with Russia's interests.

- In your analytical works, you talk about the process of European fragmentation. What does it manifest itself in?

- During the Cold War, the borders within Europe were mothballed. It was understood that if you started to change them, it would lead to destabilization. As soon as the Cold War ended, the redrawing of Yugoslavia's borders began. Later, in fact, the borders in the Caucasus were changed. And more recently, 45% of Scots voted for independence. Catalans are striving for independence.

Against this background, I do not consider the Ukrainian situation (when one part of the country seeks closer ties with the EU, while the other gravitates towards Russia) as something completely unique. The Ukrainian situation fits into the centrifugal tendencies that we have been observing in Europe for some time now. After all, not so long ago no one thought that the British-Scottish issue, seemingly settled 300 years ago, would reappear with all its acuteness. In other words: the Ukrainian crisis is connected with Russia, but not only. It is also connected with the processes in Europe, with the crisis of Europe itself.

- European politicians say that it is Russia's actions in Ukraine that destabilize Europe.

- Europeans are very proud of what they call their "exceptionalism": supposedly they have gotten rid of wars and have been living in a world of stability and prosperity for more than half a century. But until the early 1990s, Europe was essentially occupied by the USSR and the US. Then came Yugoslavia, then the Caucasus. The European continent was never truly peaceful.

- But representatives of the U.S. administration, as well as the leadership of the EU member states, explain their tough policy toward Russia by the fact that by annexing Crimea, Russia "redrew its borders by force" for the first time since World War II.

- Americans know this is nonsense. The first example of redrawing borders by force was Yugoslavia. And Kosovo was just the culmination of that process. And the US is directly involved in these events.

- What is the goal of the U.S. policy in the Ukrainian direction?

- The Americans have had a very consistent foreign policy for the last 100 years.
Its main goal is to prevent any power from concentrating too much power in Europe. First, the U.S. sought to prevent Germany from dominating Europe, then to prevent the USSR from strengthening its influence.

The essence of this policy is as follows: to maintain the balance of power in Europe as long as possible, helping the weaker side, and if the balance is about to be significantly disturbed - to intervene at the very last moment. This is how the U.S. intervened in World War I after the abdication of Nicholas II in 1917, preventing Germany from strengthening. And in World War II, the U.S. opened the second front only very late (in June 1944), after it became clear that the Russians were gaining the upper hand over the Germans.

At the same time, the U.S. considered a potential alliance between Russia and Germany to be the most dangerous. It would be an alliance of German technology and capital with Russian natural and human resources.

- Who do you think the U.S. is holding back now?

- Now they are engaged in blocking a number of potential regional hegemons - Serbia, Iran, Iraq. At the same time, the U.S. authorities resort to diversionary strikes. Say, in battle, when your opponent is about to defeat you, you can hit him in the side to throw him off balance. The US is not looking to "defeat" Serbia, Iran or Iraq, but they need to create chaos there to prevent those from getting too strong.

- What tactics are they using against Russia?

- The fragmentation of Europe is accompanied by the weakening of NATO. In fact, European countries do not even have armies. The United States is the only militarily strong country within the North Atlantic Alliance.
Against the backdrop of Europe's weakening, Russia's comparative power has grown substantially.

Russia's strategic imperative is to have as deep a buffer zone as possible on its western borders. That is why Russia has always given special treatment to Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltics and other Eastern European countries. They are of great importance to Russia's national security.

Earlier this year, Ukraine had a slightly pro-Russian but badly shaken government. It suited Moscow: Russia does not want to completely control or occupy Ukraine - it is enough that Ukraine does not join NATO and the EU. The Russian authorities cannot allow a situation in which Western armed forces would be located a hundred kilometers from Kursk or Voronezh.

The US, on the other hand, was interested in forming a pro-Western government in Ukraine. They saw that Russia was on the rise and sought to prevent it from consolidating its position in the post-Soviet space. The success of pro-Western forces in Ukraine would help contain Russia.

Russia calls the events of the beginning of the year a U.S.-organized coup d'état. And it was indeed the most blatant coup d'état in history.

- Are you referring to the termination of the February 21 agreement or the entire Maidan?

- All together. The United States openly supported human rights groups in Ukraine, including with money. But the Russian security services missed these trends. They did not understand what was happening, and when they did, they were unable to take measures to stabilize the situation, and later misjudged the mood in eastern Ukraine.

- So the Ukrainian crisis is the result of the confrontation between Russia and the United States?

- Here you have two countries. One wants Ukraine to be neutral. And the other wants Ukraine to be part of the line of containment of Russian expansion. We cannot say that one of the parties is wrong: both are acting on the basis of their national interests. It's just that these interests are not comparable to each other.

For the Americans, as I have already said, it is important to prevent the emergence of a hegemon in Europe. And recently, they have become seriously concerned about Russia's potential and its intentions. Russia, on the other hand, has begun to move from the defense posture it has held since 1992 to rebuilding its sphere of influence. The point is the fundamental mismatch between the national interests of the two great powers.

- What in Russia's actions could have alerted the United States?

- Russia began to take certain steps that the U.S. found unacceptable. First of all, in Syria. There, the Russians demonstrated to the Americans that they are able to influence the processes in the Middle East. And the U.S. has enough problems in this region without the Russians.

The Russians intervened in the Middle East, among other things, because they hoped to gain a tool to influence U.S. policy in other areas. But they miscalculated. The U.S. considered it an attempt by Russia to harm them. It is in this context that the events in Ukraine should be viewed. The Russians apparently simply did not calculate how seriously the U.S. would take their actions or that they would easily find countermeasures. In the current situation, the U.S. looked at Russia and thought what it wants the least - instability in Ukraine.

- Do you see Ukraine as revenge for Syria?

- No, not revenge. But the Russians intervened in Syria while the U.S. was dealing with problems in Iraq, negotiating with Iran... Many in Washington had the impression that the Russians wanted to destabilize the already unstable U.S. position in the Middle East, a region of key importance to America.

There were two views in Washington: that the Russians were just fooling around, or that they had found a weakness in the U.S. and were trying to exploit it. I am not saying that Russia's intervention in the Syrian conflict caused the Ukrainian crisis, that would be a stretch. But that meddling has caused many in Washington to decide that the Russians are the problem. And in that case, what to do? Not confront them in the Middle East. Better to divert their attention to another problem in another region.

I'm simplifying things a bit, it's clear that it's more complicated than that, but the cause-and-effect relationship is like this. The bottom line is that it is in the strategic interests of the United States to prevent Russia from becoming a hegemon. And it is in Russia's strategic interests to keep the United States away from its borders.

- And what, from your point of view, is the point of the U.S. sanctions? The Russian authorities say that the U.S. wants to achieve regime change.

- The purpose of the sanctions is to hurt Russia with minimal damage to the U.S. and somewhat more to the EU so that it capitulates to U.S. demands.

Sanctions demonstrate US power. And the US willingly uses that power against countries that have nothing to adequately respond to it. It is also an opportunity to "build up" the Europeans. I don't think the main goal of the US is regime change in Russia. The main goal was to limit the maneuvering space of the Russian authorities, which is what we are witnessing. But other factors have also played a role here, such as the decline in the Russian economy and the fall in the price of oil.

- In Russia, many people say that oil has fallen in price because of the U.S. conspiracy with the Persian Gulf countries.

- Trouble is always easier to explain by someone's deliberate actions. But a number of countries, including China, India and Brazil, have cut their economic growth forecasts. Europe has zero growth. But there is an oil revolution underway, and the amount of oil available is growing.

The fall in oil prices was imminent. What else did you expect? But you built your economic strategy not only on high oil prices, but on energy exports in general. This made you vulnerable! You should have used the last 10-15 years of high revenues from the sale of energy resources to diversify your economy, but your authorities did not do that.

- Should we expect an improvement in U.S.-Russian relations after the next U.S. presidential election?

- Russia over-personalizes American politics. In the US, the president is just one of the institutions of power, he is not all-powerful. Obama is also bound hand and foot like his predecessors. If groups like the Islamic State are dramatically gaining ground in the Middle East, it doesn't matter whether the U.S. president is a Democrat or a Republican - he will have to strike at them.

And no American president can afford to sit idly by as Russia becomes more and more influential. Russia's actions in the Middle East and, for example, in the case of granting asylum to Edward Snowden, were perceived in the US as being against American interests. Any U.S. president would have had to react to that. I predicted three years ago in one of my books that as soon as Russia started gaining strength and demonstrating it, there would be a crisis in Ukraine. That was obvious.

- How realistic do you consider Russia's rapprochement with China?

- China itself has a lot of problems right now - economic growth is shrinking, inflation and unemployment are high. We should not expect any gifts from Beijing. And the construction of a pipeline to China, on which the Russian authorities will have to spend substantial sums, is unlikely to have any tangible effect on the Russian economy.

- How do you see the further development of events around Ukraine?

- Russia will not make concessions on Crimea, that is obvious. But I believe that it may face serious problems with the peninsula's supplies. At the same time, Moscow cannot retreat from a number of its demands regarding Ukraine. It cannot allow Western military forces to appear on Ukrainian territory. This is Moscow's nightmare, and it limits its room for maneuver.

The U.S. will need to make a strategic decision, not now, but in the future: either to intervene more actively in Ukraine, which is fraught with difficulties, or to build a new alliance - inside NATO or outside NATO - involving Poland, Romania, the Baltic states and, for example, Turkey. This is already happening, slowly, but it is happening. And it will be something Russia does not accept: a "sanitary cordon". It is not that the U.S. needs to control Ukraine itself; it is important to them that it is not controlled by Russia.

Much will depend on Kiev. The Kiev government is Ukraine's weak point. If it splits, which is surprisingly absent at the moment, Russia will try to turn it in its favor.

But the main question is whether Russia itself will be able to resist. It now faces many of the factors that led to the collapse of the USSR: the lack of an efficient transportation system; the skepticism of the capital in many regions from the Caucasus to the Far East; but most importantly, an economy that only functions under certain circumstances, namely high energy prices. You have only one product, and it is now in oversupply on the world market.

Interview by Elena Chernenko and Alexander Gabuev
Much has happened since 2014, so far Russia has weathered the attacks:
Some of the salient points in the interview:
- until the early 1990s, Europe was essentially occupied by the USSR and the US.
- The first example of redrawing borders by force was Yugoslavia. And Kosovo was just the culmination of that process. And the US is directly involved in these events.
- First, the U.S. sought to prevent Germany from dominating Europe, then to prevent the USSR from strengthening its influence.
- The essence of this policy is as follows: to maintain the balance of power in Europe as long as possible, helping the weaker side, and if the balance is about to be significantly disturbed - to intervene at the very last moment.
- the U.S. considered a potential alliance between Russia and Germany to be the most dangerous. It would be an alliance of German technology and capital with Russian natural and human resources.
- The US is not looking to "defeat" Serbia, Iran or Iraq, but they need to create chaos there to prevent those from getting too strong.
- The fragmentation of Europe is accompanied by the weakening of NATO. In fact, European countries do not even have armies.
- Russia's strategic imperative is to have as deep a buffer zone as possible on its western borders.
- Russia does not want to completely control or occupy Ukraine - it is enough that Ukraine does not join NATO and the EU.
- Russia calls the events of the beginning of the year a U.S.-organized coup d'état. And it was indeed the most blatant coup d'état in history.
- The United States openly supported human rights groups in Ukraine, including with money.
- For the Americans, as I have already said, it is important to prevent the emergence of a hegemon in Europe.
-- The purpose of the sanctions is to hurt Russia with minimal damage to the U.S. and somewhat more to the EU so that it capitulates to U.S. demands.
- Obama is also bound hand and foot like his predecessors.

Since very few in the EU, (try to name some) say anything that reveals they may be aware of such policies, they must be playing a completely different game than many people imagine.
The phoenix won't rise from the ashes this time, but it's an interesting video, of the man who, like Icarus, got too close to the sun, despite the warnings, all the closer the parallel with Icarus with the loss of a wing on his Embraer.

The late head of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, assured that everything was going “fine" in a video, days before the private plane in which he was traveling crashed. Some of his supporters and Western politicians hold the Kremlin responsible. “For those who are debating whether I'm alive or not, how things are going, [I'll tell you that] it's the weekend, the second half of August 2023, I'm in Africa," he said in a recording released Thursday by Telegram channels related to Wagner in which he is seen sitting in camouflage uniform in a military vehicle.

Prigozhin, 62, was secretly buried Tuesday in his hometown of St. Petersburg amid tight security measures. "Therefore, to the fans to talk about my elimination, my intimate life, how much I have won or other things, I will tell them that everything is going well," he added, raising his hand by way of greeting.
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