Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I'm afraid that's not true. Have a look at this article:
The link to Nekrasov's documentary you will see does not work anymore, but miraculously it can be watched on YT, most likely not for long. Coincidentally, or not, OCCRP appears toward the end, too. Highly recommended!
That is a great video about Bill Browder and Magnitsky case.
In general, there are many articles on SOTT.net
48 articles in title.
40 articles in title and summary
4 articles in title, summary and text
123 articles in summary
351 articles in text
75 articles in title
63 articles in title, summary and text
One that has both is:
The Truth Perspective: Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act, and anti-Russia Sanctions: Interview with Alex Krainer
In the latest NewsReal show, Ukraine Uber Alles: Forget Your Troubles, Support The War! the first topics were about Ukraine:
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=209 UA offensive going super well according to Western media
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=563 Elon Musk, Starlink, Ukraine
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=942 Keep pumping money into Ukraine
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=1030 Keep going in Ukraine to show China what happens
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=1203 Comment on reports from Russian MoD,
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=1463 On the issue of UA conscripts
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=1696 Blinken visits Kiev
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=1936 Follow-up on neo-Nazis in Florida supporting Biden and Ukraine war effort
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=2173 G-20 in India
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=2278 Obama, and US internal political talk
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=3054 Trump's statement about COVID etc
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=3440 Rugby World Cup 
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=3685 What is a woman?
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=3774 Speaking of Africa
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=3821 Southern border of Russia,
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=4026 6.8 Earthquake in Morocco,
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=4073 Flooding, weather changes,
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=4285 Climate scientist explains reveals how agenda directs research publication
https://youtu.be/Z8lTbgKbxpI?t=4662 Returning to Maui wild fires
Quite a strange situation. This new self-propelled gun is almost not shown in reports from the front. I saw them only once all the time and thought that because of their small number they were not used, but it turns out that the "Coalition" is fighting like all the rest of its artillery brothers and sisters.
The self-propelled gun "Coalition-SV" survived a direct hit by a HIMARS MLRS missile without being damaged
In the conflict zone, the newest self-propelled artillery installation (ACS) 2C35 "Coalition-SV" demonstrated a high level of security. According to the received data, the ACS successfully survived a direct hit by an American missile launched from the multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) HIMARS. Despite the powerful explosion of the rocket directly above the installation, the Coalition-SV did not receive serious damage and was able to quickly leave the danger zone.

It should be noted that this is one of the rare recorded cases of the use of self-propelled guns 2C35 "Coalition-SV" in combat conditions. The artillery installation, known for its power and accuracy, this time demonstrated a high level of security.

The incident with the "Coalition-SV" confirms that Russian developers pay great attention to both the firepower of new models of military equipment and their safety and security. In the context of modern conflicts, this approach seems particularly relevant and appropriate.
САУ "Коалиция-СВ" пережила прямое попадание ракеты РСЗО HIMARS, не получив повреждений

Another manifestation of the information war, as in the previous case. There they do not openly publish information about the work of the new ACS, most likely, so as not to give out areas of work, here the Ukrainians published a video with their modifications of German Leopards (equipped them with Soviet dynamic protection "Contact"-not very modern, but much better than without it) and allowed us to see in advance how they did it.
The APU published a video and accidentally gave out the vulnerabilities of the armor of the German Leopard 2 tank
An oversight in the social networks of Ukrainian servicemen could cause serious consequences for the Western armed forces. Recently, a video appeared on the network demonstrating the features of the dynamic protection of the German Leopard 2 tank. This video unwittingly gave out confidential information about the weak point of this armored vehicle.

Dynamic tank protection is designed to reduce damage from anti-tank missiles and shaped projectiles. As shown in the video, special containers with explosives are attached to the tank's armor for this purpose. In case of being hit by an oncoming explosion, they must divert the main energy of the impact, thereby minimizing damage to the armor.

Such information is strategically important and is usually kept strictly secret. The publication of the video could jeopardize the safety of Leopard 2 tanks, which are operated not only in the army of Ukraine, but also in a number of other NATO countries.

On the other hand, it is known that almost any hit on the armor of the Leopard 2 tank causes serious damage to the latter, and a second hit is critical.
ВСУ опубликовали видеоролик и случайно выдали уязвимости брони немецкого танка Leopard 2

A manifestation of what I had hoped for excessively from the very beginning of SMO. At the very beginning, I was asked here how long I think it will last, and then I replied that not for long, because there is nothing for Ukras to fight for. If I could have guessed that how much they were all driven crazy!
Pskov paratroopers from the 76th Airborne Division captured 11 enemy soldiers. The enemy squad hiding in the dugout waited until 4 of our paratroopers took control of the exit and surrendered entirely. They came, and there... — only four Russian paratroopers captured a dozen Ukrainian soldiers.
Великолепная четверка

Довольно странная ситуация. Эту новую САУ почти не показывают в репортажах с фронта. Я видел только один раз за все время и думал, что из-за малочисленности их не применяют, однако выясняется, что "Коалиция" воюет как и все остальные ее артиллерийские братья и сестры.
Другое проявление информационной войны, как и в предыдущем случае. Там про работу новой САУ открыто не публикуют информацию скорее всего, чтобы не выдать районов работы, тут хохлы опубликовали видео со своими доработками немецких Леопардов (оснастили их советской динамической защитой "Контакт"-не очень современно, но гораздо лучше, чем без нее) и позволили заранее разглядеть, как у них это получилось.
Проявление того, на что я чрезмерно надеялся с самого начала СВО. В самом начале здесь меня спросили, сколько по моему это будет продолжаться и я тогда ответил, что недолго, потому что украм воевать не за что. Если бы я тогда мог предположить насколько их всех свели с ума!
The way the law has been applied in some areas, is rather extreme:

EU greenlights seizure of personal phones and cars from Russians

Devices and vehicles from the country cannot be brought into the bloc, even for tourism, the European Commission has said
EU greenlights seizure of personal phones and cars from Russians

FILE PHOTO. © Global Look Press / dpa / Hannes P. Albert
Russian nationals are effectively banned from taking many personal items with them when traveling to the EU, the European Commission confirmed this week. Goods ranging from personal cars and smartphones to soap and even toilet paper are sanctioned and thus cannot be brought into the bloc even temporarily or during tourist travels, it explained.

The latest set of answers to the ‘frequently asked questions’ by the EU Commission issued on Friday specifically focused on Russian cars. “It is not relevant whether the use of the vehicles is private or commercial” as long as they fall into the sanctioned goods category, it said.

The ban covers “vehicles having a Russian license plate” and “registered in Russia,” the commission’s statement said, adding that the duration of a car’s possible stay in the EU is “not relevant.” The clarification came following a series of incidents in which German customs authorities were seen confiscating private Russian cars entering the country at least since July.

Moscow then accused Berlin of “stealing” vehicles and warned its citizens against bringing their cars into Germany. The German authorities justified their actions by citing sanctions imposed against Russia as early as in 2014 and expanded after Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.
The clarification on Friday by the EU Commission went even further and said that not just cars but a wide range of other personal goods are subject to sanctions as well if they originate from Russia. When asked whether Russian nationals can temporarily bring personal goods and vehicles into the EU, including when traveling as tourists, Brussels said “no, adding that anything listed in Annex XXI to the EU regulation on sanctions against Russia is banned.

The Annex lists more than 180 categories of goods that, apart from private vehicles, include smartphones and any other phones, cameras, women’s clothing, various types of bags, footwear, soap, perfumery, and even toilet paper.

NATO and EU nations first imposed sanctions on Moscow in 2014, when Crimea voted to leave Ukraine and become part of Russia in the wake of the Maidan coup in Kiev that year. Moscow has insisted that trade restrictions and the seizure of assets and other Russian property are illegal and tantamount to theft.
See ANNEX XXI Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 - List of goods and technology referred to in Article 3i
COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2022/879of 3 June 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine
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@Possibility of Being and @thorbiorn

Magnitsky case is just one, which became ‘hyped’ in the western interests. Imo, there is no need to focus on it too much. And still it is off-topic here.

Here is short summary based ONLY on official statistics! of the money withdrawal from Russia in the last years.

Money began to be withdrawn back in 2008 after the global economic crisis. But since the beginning of SMO capital outflow amounted to $ 253 billion, analysts of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting (CMACP) have calculated. In 2022, $ 239 billion was withdrawn, and in the first quarter, that is, before the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, this figure was "only" 13 billion. In the first half of 2023, net outflow amounted to another $27 billion.

After the fighting in Georgia and the global financial crisis, as well as sanctions for Crimea in 2014, about $150 billion a year was withdrawn from the country.

Citizens did not lag behind business: last year individuals transferred $ 64 billion abroad, fleeing sanctions and an unstable political situation. Thus, the country's GDP decreased by 13%.

These data correlate with the estimates of Academician Abel Aganbegyan. In an interview with NI, the scientist said that during this time Russia has lost 1 trillion 100 billion dollars. According to his calculations, a little less was withdrawn from the country last year — $ 219 billion.

— We even have state-owned enterprises investing money in offshore companies. Ask how much money Gazprom has offshore? How much money does Rostec have offshore? There is a firm Boston Consulting Group, which will answer these questions with an accuracy of up to a thousand rubles. She keeps track of all the firms in the world, how much money they have in which offshore. What has the government done to prevent this outflow? Nothing. Why did you buy so many Western bonds? Why did our companies buy so many Western shares? They are not investing money in their own country. That's the thing," said the economist.

Бегом за границу: за 1,5 года из России ушли рекордные 253 миллиарда долларов

‘Every year I analyze the outflow of monetary resources from Russia. I do this based on the data of the balance of payments, which is published by the Central Bank. I also calculate the negative balance of investment income (how much investment income foreign investors received and withdrew from Russia – auth.). And I also focus on several parameters. So, the outflow of capital in the last 10 years alone amounted to $ 1 trillion. Approximately $100 billion annually, – says Valentin Katasonov, professor of the Department of International Finance at MGIMO. - Over the past 30 years, according to my estimates, about $3 trillion has flowed out of Russia. I have seen similar figures from my other colleagues."

100 bln $ a year, it is roughly 20-25% of Russian budget (mine).

Here is Central bank statistics by year:

P.s. By the way - Prigozhin was a jew)
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If someone thought that Hohland, in its worst manifestation, namely under the current regime, would always be only a humiliated petitioner, he was very much mistaken.
Zelensky threatened Europe with problems with Ukrainian migrants in the event of a reduction in aid to Ukraine.

In an interview with The Economist magazine, the Ukrainian president said that the reduction of aid to the Kiev regime from the West could cause an "unpredictable reaction" of millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries.

He also noted that a prolonged war of attrition will mean that Ukraine will lose even more people both on the front line and due to emigration.

Also during the interview, he admitted that against the background of the lack of tangible progress of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the front, on the eve of elections in the West, and especially in the United States, it will be difficult to maintain high-level assistance.

Если кто то думал, что хохляндия, в самом худшем ее проявлении, а именно при нынешнем режиме, всегда будет только униженным просителем, тот очень сильно ошибался.
If someone thought that Hohland, in its worst manifestation, namely under the current regime, would always be only a humiliated petitioner, he was very much mistaken.
Continuation. If blackmail was the key in the last message, now we are moving on to extreme rudeness. All the "best" human qualities to choose from in the representatives of the ukroreikh. I am almost ready to bet that if you try to invent any abomination, you will find its exponent among these "statesmen".
Kuleba reproached Berbok for a waste of time: Germany will supply Ukraine with Taurus in any case

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, reproaching the German authorities for wasting time, said that Germany would supply Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles in any case.

At a press conference in Kiev, German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock said that she could not promise to send these missiles to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, since first it was necessary to "clarify all issues."

"You will still supply us with Taurus missiles, it's only a matter of time. I don't understand why it should be wasted," Kuleba said in response.

He added that "the option of providing these missiles remains open," and the decision-making process inside Germany is "moving forward."

"Diplomacy from Kuleba is truly beautiful: a waddling pose, lazy English, slightly yawning, and a convincing phrase "you will still supply us with Taurus missiles, it's only a matter of time."

There is not enough beer and snacks," the TG-channel "Whisperer" was indignant.

Having missed the rudeness of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Berbok announced at a press conference that Germany would allocate another 20 million euros to Ukraine in addition to the 380 million that had been allocated earlier as part of humanitarian aid.

In addition, she confirmed that the German government has instructed the defense concern Rheinmetall to supply Ukraine with 40 more Marder infantry fighting vehicles. The order is paid for by the federal government, the first deliveries will begin this year. As a result of this order, the total number of Marder BMP delivered to Ukraine will increase to 80.

Ukraine and Germany also signed a memorandum on the construction of a wind power plant around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Кулеба упрекнул Бербок в пустой трате времени: ФРГ в любом случае поставит Украине Taurus

Today I read one interesting observation. I have not preserved the source, so I'll just say that this is not my observation, which I regret. In it, if desired, you can see a certain trend.
In fact, surname of former MOD of Ukraine Reznikov in Russian originates from the verb to cut, which may be harmless (you can also cut cucumbers into salad), but the Russian noun massacre (резня), which has the same root, unambiguously means mass murder.
The current, newly appointed Minister of Defense has the surname Umerov, the root of which in Russian unambiguously denotes the state after the moment of death.

Продолжение. Если в прошлом сообщении ключом был шантаж, то теперь мы переходим к запредельному хамству. Все самые "лучшие" человеческие качества на выбор в представителях укрорейха. Я почти что готов спорить, что постаравшись выдумать любую гнусность, вы найдете ее выразителя среди этих "государственных" деятелей.
Сегодня я прочитал одно интересное наблюдение. Источник у меня не сохранился, так что просто скажу, что это не мое наблюдение, о чем я жалею. В нем, при желании можно разглядеть некую тенденцию.
Дело в том, что фамилия прошлого министра обороны украины Резников, по русски происходит от глагола резать, что может быть и безобидным (резать можно и огурчики в салат), однако русское существительное резня, имеющее тот же корень, однозначно обозначает массовое убийство. Нынешний, вновь назначенный министр обороны имеет фамилию Умеров, корень которой по русски однозначно обозначает состояние после момента смерти.
@Possibility of Being and @thorbiorn

Magnitsky case is just one, which became ‘hyped’ in the western interests. Imo, there is no need to focus on it too much. And still it is off-topic here.

So far, I remain unconvinced that the Magnitsky case is off-topic. It is correct that bringing in this case is different from reporting the latest kill list from the UAF, the Russian MoD or review the daily tally from Military Summary channel or the five times more viewed Reporting from Ukraine, or discuss the mental ruminations of various analysts. However, I come from a place where arguing for taking a nuanced, not even pro Russian or pro Putin, but taking into consideration that there is more than what comes from the EU/UK/US/CA/UA headquarters is highly suspect and typically leads to abuse and accusations on social media, discussions that such a person is dangerous, that such people had better go to Russia and make themselves useful, because they are like traitors. I read a comment from a guy, who said he had reported one of the people to the police. I don't think that is a lie, judging from what else he wrote, and the well known company he claimed to work for. The negative emotions are many layers deep. The way the Magnitsky Case was taken on board by many people in the West makes up one of these layers. While it can be said that the case has been hyped, it has not been rectified at all in the minds of people, rather it has been cemented as part of accepted history, and look at the effects!!! They are significant, which is easy to convince oneself about by looking at the Wiki for the Magnitsky Act, and follow up by taking the pain to visit the referenced links and add a few searches to make sure.

Here is one phrase from the Wiki:
Australian expatriate jurist Geoffrey Robertson, who had been representing some of the Magnitsky campaigners, described the Act as "one of the most important new developments in human rights."
Russians remain a prime target, as is noticeable in this most recent development that follows as an application and aggressive extension of Magnitsky Act type legislatiion:

Yesterday, I reported:
The way the law has been applied in some areas, is rather extreme:

And now a few more headlines:
Moscow should suspend diplomatic relations with EU – Medvedev
The bloc’s restrictions on Russians bringing in personal items is “a spit in the face,” the ex-president has said
11 Sep, 2023 12:50
Maybe this development was already anticipated by the Atlantic Council almost three years ago.
They wrote on their blog, "New Atlanticist - Exclusive expert insight, real-world impact."

To avoid misunderstanding and confusion about NATO, it needs to be said what the Atlantic Council is:
an American think tank in the field of international affairs, favoring Atlanticism, founded in 1961. It manages sixteen regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is a member of the Atlantic Treaty Association.[2]
And the Atlantic Treaty Association:
is an umbrella organization which draws together political leaders, academics, military officials, and diplomats to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The ATA is an independent organization that is separate from NATO.[1][2][3]
Here is another headline from Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project: (OCCRP) that also gives the background for the legislation:
EU Adopts ‘Magnitsky Act’ Enabling Sanctions on Human Rights Abusers
Published: 08 December 2020 WRITTEN BY ELI MOSKOWITZ
The European Council established on Monday a global human rights sanctions regime which will allow the bloc to impose travel bans and freeze funds from individuals and entities that are involved or associated with serious human rights violations.

The framework allows the EU to go after countries, businesses or individuals that are involved with acts that include genocide, crimes against humanity, and other human rights abuses such as torture, slavery, extrajudicial killings, and arbitrary arrests or detentions, the European Council said in a press release.

Expected to go into effect as early as the first quarter of 2021, the measures closely resemble the Magnitsky Act, – adopted by the U.S. in 2012, as well as in Canada, the UK and the Baltic states – which sanctioned those responsible for the murder of Sergey Magnitsky, a Russian whistleblower and tax expert who, after uncovering high-level state corruption, was tortured in Russian captivity, and denied access to medical attention prior to his death.

This legislation has since been used as a tool to go after various individuals and entities involved in worldwide cases of human rights abuses or corruption, such as in November of 2018, when the U.S. Treasury sanctioned 17 Saudi officials for their role in the assasination of Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi journalist who had been working in the United States.

Magnitsky’s friend, Bill Browder, an activist investor who was the main figure lobbying the U.S. Congress to pass the Magnitsky Act, applauded the EU’s decision on Twitter, saying that after a ten year push, “we have now added 27 countries to the Global Magnitsky Justice movement,” which he described as both “monumental” and “historic.”

Guy Verhofstadt, a Belgian Member of the European Parliament also called the news a “big step,” on Twitter, but added that the Council is not yet able to sanction entities for acts of corruption – as the Magnitsky Act allows for in other countries – and that it must still make its decisions through unanimous EU member support, which he described as “unworkable.”

Browder agreed with this assessment, saying that this could potentially be “a big problem,” and that there must be measures taken to make sure that “countries like Hungary, Cyprus and Malta don’t hijack the law with their ability to veto any future EU Magnitsky lists.”

The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, established to promote her legacy after she was murdered in a car bomb for exposing Maltese corruption, weighed in on the recent news in a statement, saying that the legislation is “limited in scope, primarily regarding the exclusion of corruption as a sanctionable offense.”

“Where there are human rights violations, more often than not, corruption lurks in the shadows,” they wrote, arguing that adding corruption as a sanctionable offense “will bolster the effectiveness of the new EU regime.”

OCCRP, the author of the article, is supported by:
• The Bay and Paul Foundations
• Dutch Postcode Lottery
• Ford Foundation
• Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France
• National Endowment for Democracy
• Oak Foundation
• Open Society Foundations
• Puech Foundation
• Rockefeller Brothers Fund
• Sigrid Rausing Trust
• Skoll Foundation
• Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation
• United Kingdom Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
• U.S. Agency for International Development
• U.S. Department of State
• Vereniging Veronica

P.s. By the way - Prigozhin was a jew)
Why did you not add a bit of an argument?

was an opinion piece by Tom Gross, "a British-born journalist and international affairs commentator", in The Jewish News Syndicate:

No, Prigozhin was not Jewish

In a world in which antisemitism is still rife, such inaccurate headlines are unhelpful, to put it mildly.
A number of people have asked in recent days if Yevgeny Prigozhin, the murderous Russian mercenary leader who died in a plane crash last week, was Jewish, having seen sensationalist media headlines suggesting that he was.

The first round of headlines claiming Prigozhin was Jewish appeared some months ago. As I said at the time, there is no evidence whatsoever that the claim is true. The rumors that Prigozhin “had Jewish blood” were started by Ukrainian websites that were trying to discredit Prigozhin among his fellow Russians.

These false claims were then picked up in an irresponsible way by prominent Israeli media outlets, no doubt eager for page clicks in today’s overly competitive, increasingly down-market media environment. These include the online edition of Israel’s best-selling newspaper Yediot Ahronot.

Wikipedia now wrong and locked

Prigozhin’s Wikipedia page, which appears in 71 languages, is now locked and cannot be edited. It says that Prigozhin’s father is Jewish, referencing an article in the Times of Israel. That article is also incorrect. It has been changed to reflect this, but the Wikipedia entry has not.*

Other media continue to promote this falsehood. See below, for example, from the (London) Jewish Chronicle two days ago. The headline and article are still on their website at the time of writing.

There are other examples too. For example, in the prominent New York Jewish paper the Forward.

Why do the media even mention this unconfirmed rumor?

Prigozhin Jewish Chronicle
A Jewish Chronicle headline about Prigozhin. Credit: Screenshot.
I have checked and, as far as I can tell, there is no evidence that Prigozhin was in any way Jewish.

Indeed, his right-hand man Dmitry Utkin, who died alongside him, was an outright Nazi with swastika and SS tattoos.

Prigozhin’s mother was a nurse in a hospital in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, and his father was a mining engineer who died when Prigozhin was nine.

Prigozhin’s mother later married a Russian man of partly Jewish origin, but this, of course, does not make Prigozhin Jewish. He was not brought up Jewish and his paternal grandfather was a nationalist Russian war hero.

In a world where antisemitism is unfortunately still rife, these kinds of headlines are unhelpful, to put it mildly.
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Continuation. If blackmail was the key in the last message, now we are moving on to extreme rudeness. All the "best" human qualities to choose from in the representatives of the ukroreikh. I am almost ready to bet that if you try to invent any abomination, you will find its exponent among these "statesmen".
Blackmail? Earlier there was in response to a question about how the flow of migrants from Syria in 2015 was exploited to
nsert agents that will act against the various governments in the future"
Session 10 October 2015
Q: (L) Data has a question.

(Data) People in the West are waking up to the fact that we have basically mass migration of people from Syria and the Middle East. We have 4 million people displaced, and 180,000 went to Germany. A section of that stayed in other countries. I read in the news that some people in the West think this is suspicious. Why do they all want to go to Germany? Were they informed in some way by the government, or is this truly a grassroots movement where they just wanted to go to Germany?

A: Partly desperation and partly engineered. Let us say that the very real and desperate plight of refugees has been cynically utilized by nefarious agents.

Q: (Perceval) So the engineered part is to destabilize or put pressure on European governments?

A: Yes and more than that: to insert agents that will act against the various governments in the future.

Q: (L) I would like to know what is the percentage of real refugees to agents?

A: 94

Q: (L) 94 percent?

A: Yes

Q: (L) 94 percent are real refugees, but the rest are agents that are being sent in with them. And so who are the nefarious agents that have cynically utilized this refugee crisis to plant agents within European countries?

A: USA and allies of consortium.

Q: (Perceval) So America and its Saudi friends...

(L) And the bankers...

(Perceval) So all this talk of ISIS in the refugees is kinda true?

(L) To a certain extent.

(Perceval) But ISIS is controlled, so you know what that means.

(L) But ISIS was created by the USA?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So... Next question?

(Alana) They're sending the refugees to Germany, is that to destabilize the central powers of Europe?

(Perceval) Yeah, Germany is the economic powerhouse.

A: Germany is a direct target in case you haven't noticed.

Q: (L) So they want to destabilize Germany and put a total puppet government in charge?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, Madame Merkel is not quite subservient enough?

A: Yes

Q: (L) She still harbors...

(Galatea) Opinions. [laughter]

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Germany is the center of European power, decision-making, etc.

(L) So, if the USA were to control Germany completely, they'd own Europe.
17 % percent of people in Ukraine affected by downloading by STS
We don't know how many among the 17 % fled, but some probably did. Here is the context:
Session 26 February 2022
(Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?

A: 17%

Q: (L) That's close to your standard figure for psychopaths and their hangers-on.
We don't know how many have left Ukraine, but the potential is there.
To evaluate the ability of a small number to succeed in creating a disequilibrium in a society, consider the clip, from the meeting of one group of Ukrainian nationalists, that appeared in late February 2022:
Alex Rubinstein wrote in the intro to the Tweet:
Watch Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech from Kiev earlier this month. Straight from the horses' mouth, he dispels the many narratives pushed by the left, the mainstream media and the State Department.
Below is a transcription, one line for each text box as they appeared in the subtitles:
We were now been given so much weaponry, and because as some say: "west is helping us"
not because they want the best for us
but because we perform the tasks set by the West
because we are the only ones who are ready to do them
because we have fun, we have fun killing and we have fun fighting
and they like: "wow, les't see what's gonna happen"
and that is the reason for the new alliance: Turkey, Poland, Britain and Ukraine.
We are the flagman here, because we have started a war that has not been seen for 60 years
So, imagine how many weapons we have, how many veterans we have
And now imagine Russia falls apart, turns into 5 different Russsia's or whatever
"we have the most "Javelins" on the European continent, maybe only the UK has more,
this potential of these aremed forces will immediately become a problem for all those
who are trying to give us problems
it is our oy and our sorrow
you need to understand why
Yes it is hard, not because "we are Ukrainians, our ass has suffered for 300 years"
"why finally everything good not just given to us, we such a good people."
"we want to join Europe" (Said with kind of high, child/ feminine voice)
No, we are a huge powerful state, and if we come to power it will be both joy and prblems for the whole world
Therefore it is a huge ambitious task, we live in a very cool time
and that is why there is an extremely ambitious and cool goal
not just become "a part of a European family" that has already collapsed
this is about new political alliances on the global level, new political challenges

Translator title for the next clip: About "Maidan": The topic of European integration was just a screen

Maidan was the victory of the nationalist ideas
nationalists were the key factor there, and clearly at the frontlines
now there is a lot of speculation, saying "well, there were only few (neo) Nazis"
LGBT, and foreign embassies saying - there were not much (neo) Nazis on Maidan, maybe about 10 % of real ideological ones"
The thing is that such a thing can say only a moron that never was at war
and don't understand that those 10 %, maybe even less, 8 %
But how much they are much more effective in the proportion of influence
how much their effectiveness was, endless
if not for those 8 % (of neo-Nazis) the effectiveness (of Maidan) would have dropped by 90 %
so, it's the numbers is not the point
Like now some left-wingers, like "Boell foundation" and so on, trying to count numbers
Saying something like "There were that many nationalists, they had that much influence" ...
"influence"? If not for nationalist taht whole think would have turned into a gay parade
The above sentiment, "if we come to power it will be both joy and problems for the whole world", might be reflected in the following recent statement:
11 Sep, 2023 19:46
You’ll give us missiles anyway, Ukrainian FM tells Germany
“It’s just a matter of time” before Berlin caves and sends long-range cruise missiles, Dmitry Kuleba told Annalena Baerbock
As a last resort:
Zelensky ‘senses’ weakening Western support
EU nations may face anger from Ukrainian refugees if aid to Kiev dwindles, the president warns
Sep 11, 2023 12:34
And with helpers like these:
Germany ready to support Ukraine for next decade – general
Kiev has been unable to make significant gains despite Berlin and other NATO members already spending billions on defense aid
Sep 11, 2023 15:43
Germany has about a million Ukrainian refugees (1.1) , most of which are just normal people, but if you take those that are not, and count the Germans who are susceptible, along with the few percent from migrants that came a few years ago then there are enough "agents that will act against the various governments in the future" though the warning does not only concern Germany. As the speech by Yevhen Karas underlined, it does not take a high number of people to push a society into a very protracted and bloody conflict.


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Putin said a lot of interesting things during the WEF in Vladivostok, but so far in general has not been published anywhere. They are publishing one statement at a time.
Putin said that 543 tanks and 18 thousand armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that 543 tanks and 18 thousand armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
He said this during his participation in the WEF plenary session.

"The losses are big. For tanks — 543 tanks have already been lost, for armored vehicles of different classes — almost 18 thousand," he said.

Putin also said that Kiev lost 71 thousand people during the counteroffensive.
Путин заявил, что на Украине уничтожено 543 танка и 18 тысяч бронемашин ВСУ

The Lancet turned out to be one of the most effective drones in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. One significant drawback is that it is too expensive.
Khodakovsky: The first samples of the Lancet UAV analog have been delivered to the SVO zone for testing

According to Alexander Khodakovsky, deputy head of the Regardie of the Luhansk Republic, the first drones, which were created by analogy with the well-known Lancets, were delivered for testing and further refinement in the conditions of real combat operations. Khodakovsky wrote about this in his telegram channel.

According to a military expert, drones in production cost 17 times cheaper than Lancets.

"We will understand how competitive this product will be in its characteristics with a completely effective Lancet after some adaptation to the conditions of real counteraction. There is no limit to perfection," Khodakovsky wrote.

The battalion commander also added that with the effective operation of the new drone, its relevance in the combat zone will only grow. Over time, the UAV will turn from an exclusive weapon of destruction into a consumable. Given that its cost is not as high as that of the Lancet, the loss of such a weapon will not be painful for Russian fighters.
Ходаковский: Первые образцы аналога БПЛА «Ланцет» доставлены для испытаний в зону СВО

Путин сказал много интересного в ходе ВЭФ во Владивостоке, но пока в целом нигде не опубликовано. Публикуют пока по одному заявлению.
Ланцет оказался одним из наиболее эффективных дронов в ВС РФ. Один существенный недостаток- он слишком дорогой.
12 Sep, 2023
Moscow has repeatedly condemned Western arms deliveries to Kiev, saying they could provoke a major escalation and will only prolong the fighting. Last Friday, Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, warned that “anything” could happen since “nothing is ruled out amid such an intense proxy-standoff between NATO and Russia.”
'The US and Poland need major escalation in the entire region to justify the war with Russia and Belarus.'

12 Sep, 2023
Our goal is to create a situation in which a strong Polish Army will actually deter the aggressor, and we will do it,” Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said on Monday in a statement announcing the HIMARS order, citing the perceived threat of Russian expansionism.
Polish contractors also expect to be licensed to produce HIMARS ammunition. “We’re looking forward to jointly ensuring Poland and the entire region stay ahead of emerging security threats,” Lockheed Martin executive Paula Hartley said.
(Translated by Google)

Three combat cells of foreign intelligence services were discovered and neutralized in Belarus


By Ilya Tsukanov - 15 hours ago (Updated: 4 hours ago)
So far, I remain unconvinced that the Magnitsky case is off-topic. It is correct that bringing in this case is different from reporting the latest kill list from the UAF, the Russian MoD or review the daily tally from Military Summary channel or the five times more viewed Reporting from Ukraine, or discuss the mental ruminations of various analysts. However, I come from a place where arguing for taking a nuanced, not even pro Russian or pro Putin, but taking into consideration that there is more than what comes from the EU/UK/US/CA/UA headquarters is highly suspect and typically leads to abuse and accusations on social media, discussions that such a person is dangerous, that such people had better go to Russia and make themselves useful, because they are like traitors. I read a comment from a guy, who said he had reported one of the people to the police. I don't think that is a lie, judging from what else he wrote, and the well known company he claimed to work for. The negative emotions are many layers deep. The way the Magnitsky Case was taken on board by many people in the West makes up one of these layers. While it can be said that the case has been hyped, it has not been rectified at all in the minds of people, rather it has been cemented as part of accepted history, and look at the effects!!! They are significant, which is easy to convince oneself about by looking at the Wiki for the Magnitsky Act, and follow up by taking the pain to visit the referenced links and add a few searches to make sure.

Here is one phrase from the Wiki:

Russians remain a prime target, as is noticeable in this most recent development that follows as an application and aggressive extension of Magnitsky Act type legislatiion:

Yesterday, I reported:

And now a few more headlines:

Maybe this development was already anticipated by the Atlantic Council almost three years ago.
They wrote on their blog, "New Atlanticist - Exclusive expert insight, real-world impact."

To avoid misunderstanding and confusion about NATO, it needs to be said what the Atlantic Council is:

And the Atlantic Treaty Association:

Here is another headline from Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project: (OCCRP) that also gives the background for the legislation:

OCCRP, the author of the article, is supported by:

Why did you not add a bit of an argument?

was an opinion piece by Tom Gross, "a British-born journalist and international affairs commentator", in The Jewish News Syndicate:


Imo, i can understand why we perceive Magnitsky case with a different ‘volume’ so to say. In Russia it was not strongly stressed (as i remember it) by mass media (as the modern saying goes-did not sound from every iron).
In the west on the opposite side-it was used massively to justify the sanctions (before smo) and generally ‘drawing/revival of an enemy’ from the East.

About Prig nationality is was a short rhetoric jokish remark.
But as long as you asked.

Here are the excerpts from different sources:

The article is illustrated by an entry from the rabbinical metric book about the birth of Yevgeny (Zalman) Prigozhin, the grandfather of Yevgeny Prigozhin. This document is being published for the first time.

This story began on the 7th of Nisan 1911 (March 23, old style or April 5, new style) in the provincial town of Orel, when Ilya Khaimovich Prigozhin, a Shklovsky philistine of the Mogilev province, had a son from his legitimate wife, Sheina-Riva Itsko-Evnovna.

As it should be according to the tradition of Judaism, exactly eight days later the boy was circumcised. The brit-mila was made there in Orel by a moel – Zabychansky philistine Yankel Pantielev. During circumcision, the boy received the name Zalman – the Yiddish version of the name Solomon / Shlomo.

Upon receipt of Soviet documents in 1928, the young man Zalman Prigozhin signed up as Eugene. Komsomol member, then communist Yevgeny Prigozhin withdrew as much as possible from everything Jewish. He married a Russian woman, and so did his son. As a result, his grandson was born, named after his grandfather – Yevgeny Prigozhin.

This grandson no longer had any relation to the Jewish people, except for the surname and 25% of the genes. To our "Jewish happiness", the grandson was not called by his grandfather's real name – Zalman.

Author: Shimon Breeman (Israel).

Еврейские корни Евгения Пригожина: история семьи и документальное свидетельство

Evgeny Prigozhin, by nationality, of course, does not pull at a Russian peasant in any way. His mother, named Violetta, does not even pull Russian by name either. By the way, Yevgeny Prigozhin's stepfather's name was Samuel Fridmanovich. There is also a certain Efim Ilyich Prigozhin, a famous engineer and specialist in the extraction of uranium ores, a Soviet nuclear scientist. He is Yevgeny Prigozhin's great-uncle. It is known that Yefim Ilyich was a Jew.
Well, at the end you can look at the very name Prigozhin. This is a typical Jewish surname. Jews bear this surname not at all because their ancestors looked good and neat, but because of the name of the Jewish town of Prigozhye in the Vitebsk region of Belarus. When a Jew moved somewhere, he got this nickname from the area where he came from.

Unfortunately, there is no clear information about Prigozhin's father, except that in the American Wikipedia, with reference to Israel Time, it is indicated that he was of Jewish origin. Prigozhin's father died very early and was almost immediately replaced by his stepfather by name... Zharkoy Samuel Friedmanovich. I think there is no need to talk about the origin of this name. It was Samuel who started the business, which was inherited by Prigozhin and grew into his main asset, Concord.
By the way, Prigozhin's accomplice, with whom he had previously shared a criminal bench in the robbery case, had a purely Jewish surname Bushman, which in Yiddish means "Man-innkeeper" or "Innkeeper". Prigozhin and Zharky were brought to a new stage of restaurant and store development by their long-time good friend Boris, with a speaking surname, Spector, who opened a chain of stores "Contrast" and put them in charge. But the most interesting thing is that one of the first restaurants opened by Prigozhin himself was the kosher cuisine restaurant "Seven Forty". This is not a joke, you can Google it.
That is, Prigozhin, the owner of a purely Jewish surname, who grew up with a Jewish stepfather, went on business with Jewish accomplices, conducted business with Jewish partners, and opened restaurants with them "seven forty", with a 99.9% probability, and he himself cannot but be a Jew.

A funny manifestation of the PR war on both sides. Ukrainians launched a large flag of Ukraine on balloons of the colors of the "right sector" from Avdiivka (a suburb of Donetsk) towards Donetsk. Donetsk responded with dignity. They said that this construction flew straight into the pigsty, filmed how the pigs ran over this rag and burned it.

Забавное проявление PR-войны с обоих сторон. Хохлы запустили из Авдеевки (пригород Донецка) в сторону Донецка большой флаг Украины на воздушных шариках цветов "правого сектора". Донецкие ответили достойно. Сказали, что сия конструкция прилетела прямиком в свинарник, засняли как свинюшки побегали по этой тряпке и сожгли его.
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