Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

"La guerre est finie. La Russie a gagné." C'est ainsi que les cercles du renseignement américain voient la situation, comme l' a rapporté jeudi le journaliste d'investigation très bien informé, Seymour Hersh .
Hersh cite ses sources à la CIA : "Il n'y a plus d'offensive ukrainienne". Mais il faudrait que la Maison Blanche et les médias américains maintiennent le mensonge sur l’avancée des troupes de Kiev.
Comme l'écrit le journaliste américain , il est clair pour un bon nombre de milieux du renseignement que l'armée ukrainienne, démoralisée, a renoncé à la possibilité de vaincre les lignes de défense russes à trois niveaux, lourdement minées. L’objectif de reconquérir la Crimée et les oblasts rattachés à la Russie a également été abandonné.
"La réalité est que l'armée meurtrie de Volodymyr Zelensky n'a plus aucune chance de victoire."
«La vérité est que l'armée ukrainienne se mutinerait si on lui ordonnait de poursuivre l'offensive. Les soldats ne sont plus prêts à mourir, mais cela ne cadre pas avec les absurdités qu’écrit la Maison Blanche de Biden. »

"The war is over. Russia has won." That's how U.S. intelligence circles view the situation, as well-informed investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reported Thursday.Hersh quotes his CIA sources: "There is no more Ukrainian offensive." But the White House and the American media would have to maintain the lie about the advance of kyiv's troops.As the American journalist writes, it is clear to many in intelligence circles that the demoralized Ukrainian army has given up on the possibility of defeating the heavily mined three-tiered Russian defense lines. The objective of reconquering Crimea and the oblasts attached to Russia was also abandoned.“The reality is that Volodymyr Zelensky’s battered army no longer has any chance of victory.”“The truth is that the Ukrainian army would mutiny if ordered to continue the offensive. Soldiers are no longer willing to die, but that doesn't fit with the nonsense the Biden White House is writing. »
The Ukrainian leader resorts to lies and threats at the tail end of a failing counteroffensive
The bleak revelations of the main Ukrainian terrorist.
"Abrams will not live on the battlefield, and several hundred ATACMS missiles are needed": Budanov said that American military assistance will not help
The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, expressed his opinion on the use of American Abrams tanks in Ukrainian combat positions. In an interview with the portal War Zone, he stressed that this kind of armored vehicles requires a special approach when used on the battlefield.

"Abrams tanks should be used in very specific, well-prepared operations. If they are used on the front line in combined arms battles, their life on the battlefield will be short—term," he shared his vision.

Kirill Budanov also touched upon the topic of ATACMS missile systems, which, in his opinion, will not be able to radically change the situation at the front.

"The United States should supply at least hundreds of these weapons so that Ukraine can achieve a positive effect on the battlefield," he added.

It is worth noting that earlier a representative of the US administration announced the readiness of Congress to continue to support Ukraine.
"Абрамсы не проживут на поле боя, а ракет ATACMS необходимо несколько сотен": Буданов заявил, что американская военная помощь не поможет

Some information indirectly confirming the joyless revelations.
The destruction of Leopard 2 tanks by Lancet drones in the LPR was caught on video
Russian Lancet drones attacked Leopard 2A6 tanks in the LPR.

Videos of an attack by Russian kamikaze drones "Lancet" on German Leopard 2A6 tanks near the village of Stelmakhovka on the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic appeared on social networks.

The published videos show one of the drones approaching the armored vehicles, capturing it from above from different angles. Then an explosion follows, and a cloud of smoke hides the tank.

Judging by the way the Russian Lancet drones easily deal with Leopard 2A6 tanks, this Western technique turned out to be ineffective, while the West simply cannot replace it with other tanks.
Уничтожение танков Leopard 2 дронами "Ланцет" в ЛНР попало на видео

The news is without video confirmation, but indicative. If it's true.
Scouts of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Leopard tank with a crew from the German military

Russian intelligence officers destroyed a Ukrainian Leopard tank with a fully German crew, which consisted of German army soldiers. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

Scouts of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Leopard tank with a crew from the German military
Photo: Freeze frame with video
The commander of the reconnaissance group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation operating in the Zaporozhye direction, with the call sign "Legend", said that after the shooting down of the "Leopard" from the ATGM, the fighters moved to the burned equipment, hoping to take prisoners.

It turned out that the mechanic-driver of the tank was seriously injured, and the rest were killed. When the mechanic woke up and saw the Russian military, he started shouting "don't shoot" in German.

The mechanic of the damaged tank said several times that he was not a mercenary, but a soldier of the Bundeswehr and the entire crew from one company.

While the German serviceman was being given first aid, he named his brigade and its location, the source added.

An episode of "tender and warm" relations between Polish mercenaries and local Ukrainian Nazis.
Polish mercenaries shot Aidar militants after the conflict
On September 22, an armed clash between Polish mercenaries and Ukrainian radicals from the Aidar battalion (a terrorist organization banned in Russia – ed.) took place near the village of Torskoye, in the Krasnolimansky direction. Information about this incident became known thanks to a message on the telegram channel of a military expert and retired Lt. colonel of the LNR, Andrei Marochko.

According to him, a group of Polish mercenaries decided to have a picnic in honor of the birthday of their colleague in the area of the Torskoye settlement, on the bank of the Zherebets River. However, the holiday was disrupted by the appearance of a pickup truck, in which three Ukrainian radicals arrived. At first, a verbal altercation began between the parties, which very quickly turned into an armed confrontation.

"As a result, one Aidar man was fatally wounded, two were tied up and taken away by Poles in an unknown direction," Marochko said in a statement.

This is far from the first case of this kind voiced by Marochko, however, these data have not been officially confirmed by the authorities of the LPR and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Польские наёмники расстреляли боевиков "Айдара" после произошедшего конфликта

Безрадостные откровения главного украинского террориста.
Некоторые сведения, косвенно подтверждающие безрадостные откровения.
Новость без видео подтверждения, однако показательная. Если это правда.
Эпизод "нежных и теплых" отношений между польскими наемниками и местными украинскими нацистами.
Ukraine can be admired by the beauty and potential of its people and culture, while their tribalism has no future (my personal love don't make me blind).
Russia aligned itself with universal principles within and outside its borders.
Mossad, Genghis Khan, Lenin ... provided enough dark for light to gain strength and shine.
Univers responds accordingly!

‘New world order’ vs ‘empire of lies’: key takeaways from Lavrov’s UN speech

(These are the bullit points. Each one disused in the RT article below)

1 West is the ‘empire of lies’
2 ‘Reckless’ Western politicians have forgotten about self-preservation
3 True democracy in international relations is within reach
4 West stands in the way of a just world order
5 Western sanctions hurt the world
6 Russia’s stance on conflict in Ukraine
7 West is ‘de-facto’ waging war on Russia

"Western nations also openly say that “Russia should be defeated on the battlefield,” Moscow’s top diplomat said, adding that Moscow is ready for such a development. “Under such circumstances, [if they want it] to be on the battlefield, let it be on the battlefield,” he said."

Seems in the last couple of days that the West "decided" that the "war" in Ukraine is over. They probably cant give any more financial and military support to Ukraine, so: "lets us be done with it, and lets make money with rebuildung". There is probably some silly "Marshal's plan" on the table too.

Alas, the West, in their wishful thinking, forgot that the only one who can say when the war is over - is Russia.
I just caught this on my nightly news round.. and I found it Hilarious!!!!

I will simply post it here, but it is interesting that Ukraine apparently didn't get all the money they were promised by Washington, they aren't getting the ATACMS missiles.. and the UN was not interested at all in what Zelenski had to say, but in Ukraine they can't afford to show that to the public, so they edited the video of the intervention.. but they forgot one tiny detail lol

It had me laughing!

Scouts of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a Leopard tank transferred to Ukraine with an entirely German crew of Bundeswehr soldiers, the commander of the reconnaissance group told RIA Novosti

If history repeats itself, does that mean idiots don't learn?

'The Zelensky's sense of impunity is undermining NATO's unity.'

23 Sep, 2023

24 Sep, 2023
In my opinion, and not only in my opinion, Polish politicians and precisely the ruling party are trying to win over anti-system voters with anti-Ukrainian rhetoric before the elections.
If they win the elections they will return to friendship with USA AND UKR.
Everything can be arranged at the highest level.
In my opinion, and not only in my opinion, Polish politicians and precisely the ruling party are trying to win over anti-system voters with anti-Ukrainian rhetoric before the elections.
If they win the elections they will return to friendship with USA AND UKR.
Everything can be arranged at the highest level.
Exactly my observations and those of most of my colleagues. See how this assumes a lack of responsibility on the part of the Polish government: "We've done all we could, as society wanted, but it's Ukraine's fault that is behaving badly". Not that this was all their fault for betting on the wrong horse and being deaf to their own intelligence service. Just wait for the elections and the current pro-Anglo-Saxon ruling party to win (by forming a coalition or pulling friends that are all over other parties). So this is a play for society to vent a little bit and strengthen the ruling-party electorate. Quite possibly, in a matter of months, all will go back to where it was: slava grain and some weird, unwanted (by both nations) marriage of countries. Recipe for a disaster.
Zelensky's grandfather, Semyon Ivanovich, during the war, a lieutenant of the Red Army, commander of a mortar platoon, awarded two Orders of the Red Star (the order was given only for differences in combat operations), is now definitely "turned over in his grave" if he did not do it before.
Shame on the whole world. During a speech in Canada, Zelensky greeted a 98-year—old Ukrainian SS man - local parliamentarians saluted a war criminal. During a speech in the Canadian parliament, Zelensky joyfully welcomed the elderly collaborator Yaroslav Gunka. During the Great Patriotic War, he served in the 14th SS Volunteer Division "Galicia", assembled from Ukrainian nationalists.

Дед Зеленского, Семен Иванович, во время войны лейтенант РККА, командир минометного взвода, награжденный двумя орденами Красной Звезды (орден давался только за отличия в боевых действиях), сейчас точно "перевернулся в гробу", если раньше это не сделал.
Zelensky's grandfather, Semyon Ivanovich, during the war, a lieutenant of the Red Army, commander of a mortar platoon, awarded two Orders of the Red Star (the order was given only for differences in combat operations), is now definitely "turned over in his grave" if he did not do it before.


Дед Зеленского, Семен Иванович, во время войны лейтенант РККА, командир минометного взвода, награжденный двумя орденами Красной Звезды (орден давался только за отличия в боевых действиях), сейчас точно "перевернулся в гробу", если раньше это не сделал.

Here are some more details on SS Galicia:

Everyone has already seen the photo and video where Justin Trudeau and the Jew Vladimir Zelensky greet the veteran of the 14th Grenadier Volunteer Division of the Waffen-SS "Galicia", still living in Canada.

In the mass consciousness, Canada has been assigned the status of a reserve of Ukrainian SS, the promised land for those who escaped from the trials of war criminals of Ukrnazi.

But this has only been true since the mid-1980s.

The fate of the remnants of the Galicia division is far from known to everyone, moreover, it was actively hidden until the beginning of the XXI century.

At the time of the end of the military, more than 14 thousand fighters of the division remained in the ranks, the core of which surrendered to the British in Austria on May 10, 1945.

They were taken to a camp near Rimini. The issue of extradition to the USSR was actively discussed, but they had active intercessors. The commander of the Polish armies, General Anders and Pope Pius XII. Anders claimed that these were of Polish origin , not the USSR, so they should not be returned, Pius XII pressed on the fact that these are good Catholics who have no place in the country of atheists.

In 1947, most of the division was moved to the UK, given citizenship and settled in small towns. In the mid-1980s, Israeli investigators of Nazi crimes got to "Galicia", then a law was quickly passed in Canada exempting the fighters of this division from responsibility and extradition in cases related to war crimes. Therefore, most of the former fighters of Galicia moved from the UK to Canada.

Information about the life and activities of Ukrainian SS veterans in the UK was classified until the end of the Cold War, but did not become public after it.

In 1999, the BBC produced a documentary about Ukrainian SS in the UK, but it was taken off the air a few hours before the premiere.

In 2003, the UK police, together with the social security services, conducted a cross-check of all citizens receiving military pensions and medical care as military veterans. Among them there were 1,500 still living veterans of "Galicia". An investigation began, but it was also terminated by order of the British special services, who did not want publicity, since many former SS of Ukrainian origin actively cooperated with MI6 during the Cold War.
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